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M1 FULL r RATION AL r 73 SERVICE THE WEATHER Cloudy with moderate temperature tonight and Sunday. Moderate to fresh east winds. LOW TIDES ON THE OCEAN CZACH Today 7:41 Tomorrow 8:40 "ThUI Our Daytona Paper' Today's News Today BAYTOHA TTT fffirS i74S TOE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN ITS FIELD "13 NUMBER 49 DAYTONA. FLORIDA. SATURDAY. FEB. 18. 1922. 5 CENTS PER COPY, OR 20 CENTS FH VT, AYA IN I W7 THE n 3JL J U L. T.T3 innmYiNG out KZPOST. iu ' 1 ACavncy Offers to Call! 7 CU Chart if Sand. Gives Up. 1 JSCE1I.ES. Feb. I ft An ' 5in a few hours was one j -yetbilities that developed j ,;the investigation of the , ijD. Taylor murder mys- j H 09 fresh impetus follow- aaute of a mass of new Ytant evidence. j "ivets left police hrad-iuar-,' CjT trday on sc-ict mis-! owing a conference with' Vtorney Woolwine at an I T. The detectives ie-' state where thy were admitting only that they! , ""tfking on the Taylor case' s0.beh clues. . J we that th" . . -r- i . - 'tl'aa arrest hinges .m t'.e ift tie mUsion ot the mvv .':i; it t XTi an;ki.ks. Vih w .iii-t ..- X7.Uiai.i I) mi. nil Tavinr inn b i akeat to ha p l.ce t in the 1. 1: -i -tSB Ol "unsolved ;nv si. v-.-1." - SMSf uf l m-lopment t '' : , .-eted th pot l-stii on. '!;.. J.t ltt It'll. . tivard K. tfeaiU. ft n-i 1 - .:.r eel ot ta' slain Mm .. tr .t.--:i.i , ci taa lentrr i f 1 1 nn'-i -nun n . treaga a ny-rri. .11 - l 11 r r )' . A ... ma 1 . ... .. 1. t 1. , w jmurney n'ii 111 i. rrsettad fe. inryxeuio ito l.tnl a eaakt uco .f ---.5..t!t f-i , aiardy ' "I did i.ol t;ju: l-r -l .. . i-r i..;: I ; kaew at lil it." -,...t !': . i 11 i i.t !" paaue by W.M.ivi...- -I ..11 ;u:s tu i tte CBurivr wvst.M ! r m-i ' Aad a r- n - t: j. - t i n .i SMdtoUly l'Uii si,.-! ,i ir SMMtte trt.oi i-r.-..;. .'.;! . ea)beszlm nt u.i..-- if ; 1e hlne ( i'j .i m is .' eaat el It t lV!..r .. i- i aid ta dftf i.i.n.r. ; !. . iv I! I - dlrertor ..I M. 1 j- Lee .. . "Taa purport' i 1. ' ... .-- ''aMayaail ni.i' n ! Cattrkt At r;.. v U. .....:.i- ! ; "My reply tntmu- . tti.- ,- -'Will serve t !-! .i- .u.;ii- -' i save n mcm -f kh.v. . n r It it a tt.-H.i. I -sit I .1.- :' t :. tlae n(o ). I iiti.j r. . .,u s--. tlaaud " Captain ji i- i- i i i. .au. wa 'id hH.l tlT-H : ft- n testiM'Hr., Oi. s . . . .; I . i" ' . V the in mi. r : - ' . eery dc.- v.-ii i-.- ) . ' taada hrr liu v, .n r.. i ii" ; ' t kaat that it in.- :. i r - t . ,1 . . i---Irawi Uh. t: h.. I s. n -i-.-.i-.M a Blind aii! -hi .... . -.v i.i : ! . lk( eUv e t- - fotlro yr- r;-. ! i t-:.i.- aastout t . r,i,.-i i.n .1 tr.i 4i!..r wi.-.i-ha aeea ;:..-.- !..'. u .. t .-! rsanr 1 i ' la coiir'i't'un w :i'.i !.-. !.-;' pi !' aafw. th- U'.irii.-i :-, u (:., ! viiu.-i, " sraajKil iu'ir nu-iu. -n ' ;,i ' v KBt "y iti'-ire x; i . !- ii U i.'- Wacraabuuts on tin- i.; ;ht T..iu. vv.m .-4 aantrr Hi ail ;.-,l s ( ,., ,.f ,s n -,.,1.1; , ttSaW to t:i.,t (relit j, the Mi-. I J ired thl look T.t; !..r I.!.' .' C3S a JtatttT ut liirst!;,it ..n ; Taa sa-riS's ot u . mm iii.h-.I i: J fisaa 1 -ns th- hr,.s .u I . .-..'.. i t il 5 I an acti.'i!if ..ii a i luf j-lir-m-l -J in Cy.4iy Tii. : s nr.. ..tat.'i: - faaHt .,! turlHer in juu itu. ul I "Jfcd aia. ?fi,iu!i s (omul i;. Hi.' sta;.' CJWti oi l. Hi.j-irl. l.l a.U;c. ' Ht tu.ei mt.-t. x . lit -re.! in . It f-piie lilt I it t that tiis ;,'i , JUL letter t- ! ! S..:t l I i ! i.i We !-. ... W. tf t . l'...,i Jllvbc)UL OA D Tffi TAYLOR 3 (M DIPECTED ! 1MMTE TODAY -m--h--h J GETS ULSTER JOB? j I.dNliOX. Kt-h H ,r i'.i.i..-1'i :! f. rni-T pn niii-r nf'.oi i. in iv I-.- .il-.! , ai'.'i p! tliti iii.nistn! of lli'- l'i.-.i.i-r liiiuu.liry i ii.irni.-:s!ii:. ace i;-i;ii lo ti.i-I.n:..h-li Tin., s to.iay. liU'li-n w i-. ! ini. : ut Citi.i.ia. a:i 1 ! iill"il l 'i i ii.-' "f :il t'li-.n .1 :--.r ho. Mil U :U'.-!e : .":'::-,!:.:::": ::( j .. ... - - . - r - 'us acceptance of the pusilion of j ball commissioner. A concert"! a).-. iv. i-.. . i -.',..,!.".! a I'.';.);, .rniii .n,.llt apparently as launched to fnr.-e I . ci. 'I of l-iiic of K01 kfi'!';!. i'i.;;i,n to ret Ire either 1Y..111 tii-' l.aiei.ali wii-i. 1 he ' r -l le-ii- i .!. ', a (),. th(.. ii.Tuh. "'"ill':.' -ial--:,i.';u from Mr. Mar-j' lMr(;elv tii;'oui;h the in-r f liuei'.to Sn.'ui. A let In -.saiie Ironi , s.-natur Dial of outli fai' Mi s S:i de- j,.t -:-day report. '-1 Sands ; (o.esciUat ive Weity of (!'.. s r. . w.i ill 1 ! . i - 1... l.ii-l .-..-iiiMmln-r poit'K ! ret'.re-!. an was i".. - t. .1 '.e:!- a t 1 'i Kii'l- -ii -be :n-. - 1 ,r .11 im.eac!iit.ent p; . -;.- I : "i !v 1 'i-t 1 nt !.i? "d . in- him in. "iitn ; A- t.oii in v . ;(o:i! I i" 'l.'iit !i.v- tin. house was s!:iic 1 on ti.1.' b:is:-. oi' ,t)in I.,: I ;,(:! ' 1 : - 'i:'4 -'! -;i.i !'!, . h,, tiol'ltn en i-a.-tit. out-;.!-- or '1 VI. !,,.! i ;h::t -t vii;.; . -s tin i,i sNifi.'i a, a I .. .,, -,1.1.-' S s r c h C c .i 3 For S - n d 3 1 i t,( . '..i. ! -A!.' .k :ii L'i 1.1:1 a 1 S ,ii.i ' S :n I -. w '.o .1" -r ati-i !.o , 1 II. 1 - fie i eiii-.- to .-:t til".:. I i, , , p 1 t-eii- , 1 ivife - .11 .i ir .- 1 r .-:' u'Hi . lo-. -.; :, I. An.'. i s.i:d to .., m l. IP the iv .' 11 v .-hot'! It. lies til-n r . ri e; . i '. ,n: 1 -r Ko ;-.for i. t t ;-.'. to told the t'ue-l ,-.t of ' Sand.' to aiioiit i laotniis le d t 1 : 1 e ; ( 1 . I'l'.l. 1 i i'e .-et) '. ellef that this t t.e -n F.d w al l F. Sanu; - in; .a'., t .- 'el 'I; i : .- r-.tii-i !' t a '-'. ie-tl l e w ; -, ; ii of ti:. t h,.'ii: ,! - ti i. I It- : i ' ! l .1 I"' ii t. un- u ---pei ' t - e "I - -H" ,. ..- i, .id I,.!-. s.1:; . r ,;)- who a t-e A !l M,.r -r . . s , . .t . i .It. p . It ii.ll w ' 'bi.-.,i;o. i' L.ti'd. Mr- Smtho tit of the '.'..- w :,o. she -.i t - V ii I lat'e,- -.."t-i-. i :. t! lie tl :-oili b. . :i LiiU' on ti..- tiiti'i!i,ii' -ty. ii I..t r.e -t Hi! s W oi.-ll h,t." ,tn'i! Id by lb" Oolii " S.n. .- tti" I a'- lor '..i ll : r- ...lit. i in liilkin of Sitti Is' Fie t riii.t.' -e.. iiti t 'iiaru. s. been 'fie.'p.IO.' UP ' "I l e-.poi ' S.nd Sana-. l st i i. k. It I ear; US It. 'ii' I..H1 in ; fie lie t tii .. ti 'rut ... v. if! '.rror mat 1-f i ..'no know Ii In tile Holhwoo-i Hive ion. Mi Snt b r t.iti-- i. Mi Siiwier and bt-r i.t'-.,tii lo Law know n la'.b.r m t int. w r,. n ti- w. , K.iottu a William l'c.i '! .inner. ' " ' i;, n;i m m l - I..-- -n l n; ,,,, ,, "r mm IProminenf Jurist Gines District Court Robe w m at Head of Nafiona League Fifteen Months' Trial Finds It I m possible to Continue CHICAGO, Keb. IS. Judse Kfna iw MountaiH Lan.lis. proliablv t( liest known jurist in the l'nitt! Stats. i ii ueu ciai.-i iiisirict t oil! t to.iay. lie will relin.iitsh hiB judicial office on March 1. M-.8 resigpatlon was forwarilorl to j t'redident Iftii'ling in the ma. Is today.' Judge LiAidiH ift.res from a lifp ! position as a United States juribt. to' devote his enlire tim to organized i baseball, of which he is high niniinis i sioner. i The judc? was 55 .'ears old on November 2 last. Fifteen months ajo, Judge Land is accepted the place of baseball com missioner at an nnnui! salary of $.'0,000. Protests against his retire ment from the bench at that Vin led him to decide ti nt'e.npt to adminis ter both his baseball and his judicial duties and as a result his contract with the baseball tnaimatea was re vi?ed so that his judicial salary of $7,5V per year wa dt'ductcd. leaving baseball to pay him an annual ht'poad of $12.50-1. Fifteen months' trial of the arduous; proposition of holding down both his ', I plate on the bench a id the ba-'d'a!' ; i lob bas crmvinced thi judtre that it j lis too ai'rittou on uudertakin. j i "I tind tii.-re are not eniii:li s : in tin- day to continue the fuiii tions ' . f both oliK -s," was Judg" Lttnilis v. ay of putting it. .Iiidt;.' I.i-ndij ".vas appointed to t'ic !.'iih !.v l'ivs:d"nt Roosevelt on il.M-ch 2S. ISiCi. Li a little note than . iv, ..:(. he u-iml 1 hriVf. fiwot.loteil 17' "ars .f service in th.- .ri-liciary branch of ijiiv.-i nment H;s ia;or .n-i ni-'thoil- iind nuts)"ik"n!ii"vi made cm an outstanditm chaia't"! a national institution. Vigorous opposition to Judi:; d;s siirann un soon after ii.' unnoun. -d :his judicial -apa.-:t- ."laioi' i'i.ii ; took 1 ei-au.-- of -Indue I.a.i -I s l.-inr-n, y in tb.- ea- of a ..! I ol:l default n bank lelb-r of 1 'Uav. a Ml. Jiiil;.' I.iin.ii- re!.--i..'J t ie your', on );..- '.'. n ri-.iii MiiK" after b-a-n mg of his i. : f-abtrv a:i-l ton .i.-iu'.u-I i s a 1 1 k otli. i.t!-. :r elin ust .sin the handl;n of i.t.-;.' sums to on.. 'ii.nie put-dy pa d Senator i'.ai 1.14 oio'i-.; ti-itii.;"-! Ju Ice I.and.-i o-; wii.t it: i-etaro-'ti as an a'.ii'-f of i:,.-. judicial prert.-iati-.v KIAMI TO HOLD GITY BOND ELECTION MARCH 7 FOB MANY PROJECTS MIAMI. It- h '1 !.'. ''.: ,.L ii-.- ritv ,v on M.i'.-'.i 7 vote o i pi .'i.o--..! .f,!id i -o. of iT-et. I ':i.,;ilt ipal I'lipiov eiie'nt:'. till ler :ii o "liii.tine adopted bv tb- t'i'v ( f,,rOi-i:;iC,V.THEUS FURN1TLSBE GO. '.Hi; at th" f..!loiiu pr-'-jet : M'lfiicipal b'i id n t.-. an ad ii"on t . tiiv c.v hali. s'bt.ii-'ia . mot r . i p n, 'i:t for th- s'.ee' liep-iniii-nt an I an asph lit it".,,, i pi.nt i-i i!,.- saa, dep.. i tnen t . J"" . bn -1 in: un !,. ilepart ;net)i and i --"i p:i,en f - the sa-ne tici'ai t .:e IH $-'" , e-i -n -tr"v fori of an e.ju:p::ieilt t'l pa: k s. 3.-a.i'iH.': ret t.on of add ti-urii l.u.ld ii-.irs for hut-pit;-! pm ..ies ., ; ..-rcttioi! of e-tiiiftu t M.itto::.-! and emit" in.-n;. $15. "mi, i i tir le and .:.'"i- i, ilii hai bt-r o:' tii" fit. if Mbtiiii. $."..i.. !: c-ict tlt.n of a d..-;.. ai P ,:r.!. trucks ;tn.l Of ji. 1 ; 1 1 :r t for -.i.a- ;..."!,tl'. o:ofon ot hu idiiis:- ..n 1 pm t iiase of machine: y ;"r o: s-.' liisp is..l. $1 '! . c..r,::i.i tl-tii of sowers. $J",..i'!iy. ,'ii-i.t.. :-, o I'l .tlf aero.-'- th- Miar..: itu'r at S V S... .-ai.l -.t-.-t.e.- i -toi,. t ' t t.t.ii...i w ! v : i JUIXIE K. M. I.ANDIS JOHN D.'S CONSENT TO BE OBTAINED ft PROPOSED MArlRiftGEi;:' (HU'.vr'). K-i. John i Poc'..f..d! l :-:s Mu'hil.Ia Mc I ' '- l'f i-T rf: i or.. '- .-i . '. a a 'i i. ii .'.' ' "' soiint. ! fore ni,..i;eiii.-Ml. of t:,.. -I (;iM',-!ifer of I r s . i . I r .V, ' ' . M;'X t )(.!'. pi'.;ret..r oi a i;Ca.-"iiy .n .-' .v. ' t -. -I;.:!-!. ' '- .Ii;;. i:..le ' .' 't W'1S 1 ail 1 t 1 1 world's i n In-. -t li,:-"i t tw.'l'd all am it tit to his "ii-.-m It; uisht. r ..i! the is--. .:,': oil iitMiit; tr..t. 1 is wot ! u- . n Haiobl ' .M. t . :n... tie- ! r. is .vp..i I". I t.- .rr.- '-!'!'i; th-- iift.-rt.ttoti iroi'l N'e'A lul',1 il.S l-l'iest. ti.iuuh ter. Muriel ii-. !-i ;n !;- ...-:, -. fr. r.i N-'.v Vo .; - -u .;m . i, ;-. on liaUL'-i!." . . olirel n 111 1 r. r's happn.'s. :..;r is s, Mr-, . lb.- mother, 1.1 Oil ll.e le Uo ;1 '.i'.U,:;!.'! s i-!lii'!! I'll oi .i.'i' -!Nl.- 1,,. .j. al '.oil' pelted. Muvi.d. !' he'.' t i-s At. t f-ar- tii" ' Tit r t'vri wea.t'i v r-r. 1 '..- Alu: fatlvr. ' -:i-.1! 1 -t -" "' , ,.r :,ir. t ;ioli.-ii !.. . kr.oAll ill 1 d.-nt ;iit "ii. 'l'-:o' ! I..I ! ONSET DIAMONDS OF VALUE OF $159,000 ABE LOST OH STOLEN . ' AND OTHERS HAVE BAD ri? T6DAY !) GGA1.A ' . 1.:- lfinrD pitir juULt lLUuil Juv Ut His or Worfe ww President of the Aaioio League Expresses Gratification i WASHI.VOTOX. Feb. 1 ? -Th" riu-, nation of Judge. Landis from the led- j j eral bench at Chicao came aa a d s- tinct surprise to President Har i ui ' when the announcement of t'ne I. an : ! dis proposed retirement was mad-1 f, j him at the Wliite House by the In- ! t.'inational News Service. Lan.lis s , letter of resignation has not yet been 1 received ii t the Whit House, hu; the' pelief was expressed by olTiciaN that i the ("hi. rpo iuiist's desire to uive his "nti:e httenl.ion to nrganizat.oT ba-.'. ball woiiid be tilled by the prompt ac-; cepf?nce nf the le'Riiatiull by P'e id. nt Harditi.r. N. I.. President Pleased ! ! NK'V TOKK. Feb. 1 s . -Kxtreme ; ; Ktatirt ation was expressed today by j j John A Meydler. president of lh j i N.-'t.oaal leasue. that Ji:.le Landis! ! iad resigned from the federal bench , ,n or.l.T to nic his entire attention to nib position of baseball comniis ; sioner. i "I th nk ba.-:eball and everybody i OTine-'ted with the grure is to be Eiaiulated on Jult;e Landis' de- p." Mr. Hvd!r deilared. "It will iie.n a meat deal for the future! bf r.e fit of the Karat. He has already I much for t.'K; Ranie and now j t:t he i" urenared to eive it his un-1 divided attention, 1 look for even 1 iter things." PfELDS ELECTROCUTED; i VVIEOW BUYS A COFFIN 1 NASHYiLI.K. Tenn., Feb. Is.- As-i 'iiiiv Fields, convicted of the murder) ..f J. It. Fierce last summer, was eb't -I'-oriiled at. dawn today in the state i.r.son hei. Shorily after the tleat h deal inc : sho.'k had been given Fields, his wife. --i,all. .b-mure and pretty, enter-'d an undertaker's shop and spent her List i'.il'ar for a plain black t offin for h. r hiisiiiind's botly. She had earned tin i.ioney by ban! work in a hosiery mill! v.!.. !' she had been emploved situ t-:- :! ' arrest. ' I "I don't know ihat. Aslmiy wasn't .utility, " she said, "but I t ouhin'l bear to :m-o h: in bur.ed by chiir.ty." REDUCTION GF THE BRITISH INCOME TAX BELIEVED ASSURED . t Feb be '1 t'. I ri iv f 'i.'fe ALL "FOE HIRE" GABS IN STATE MUST BEA. GLASS "D" IIGEHSE -UUUul u'uL Lift APPEALS SENT TO Ofil CO. SHERIFF MAY BE ASKED FOti EX'iS "H- ' . r v--a.v.'.; In Hi.' hands of Coroner Nar of Los A;h:o1"s you see the iv..; that hilled Will lam iv Tay! Ui.'V C' dl: et. ' ! . .,;; et Hoi :;. -a , am: .Hid toi.S:!- THOUSAND CHRISTIAN WOMEN REPORTED AS MASSACHE9 BY TURKS ITALIAN PREMIER ! GOT AGAIN; WEEKS .5 V Jk H - . t cm AND DOE i ivuuolx. ahwc. rRUM infi D IS APPEARANCE OF BIG NAVAL MAN. !Of:ES!iOT:Dc::E I CAPTUrEO TODAY DY SRODOLB1 Body of Henderson Thought to ; Be at Botton of the St May's River. j JACKSONVILLE, Feb. 18. j MacClenny, seat of Baker county. ; Ha., is cn the verge o? feudal warfare. Appeals have been made to i Sheriff Merritt of Duval county for ! assistance. Calls are expected to bs sent j Governor Hardee in the next ! hour or so for military aid in I quelling lawlessness, j Jake Wilkinson, 1 9. has been Feiiously wounded and Bill Wil- liams, 22, formerly of Milton, 1 Fla.. has been captured by a band i of six men who ambuscaded the ; two on the road south of Mac i Clenny this morning. Whether I Williams is dead or alive is not known. The flmoting is thought to havt , been done by a; iitpathizers of T. R. Henderson wealthy naval stores operate-, u ho disappeared last week and ...l-i.Mt body is believe i at the bot :o!ii of St. .Mary's River. Tills a.- the liiforijiation which i3, .jb'ain.-d h":e t.xlay ver long i-t-tiit t dephine to resident s of Mac ".e.,r,r,y tie o 'i th irs office and re-poil-. to tii.- sheriff's ofli.-e. here. ' -e'inite in: ' : mat '. n t oi-.t t i niitg the ;,'.,:, l.'.e is tio.'ii'ti't t.j i-ettlie liecaURe t!i" i e. i e!l. e of Mat "b 1)!!.. citi Tis. Tbfi-e wh; kl'.-.w the details of Js- 'iht:Ji.4 ti' "ft I'd to talk. I'M rai. ... ... !-.- inad- by , , ye t. .-. ti l,v n'ght . - t i i . be the sir- fa: .i : i; '-. d.-puty oi.' -ear- tn Williams. : .;-on '.a-. 1, and h , !',- ! :-it Kb-nfl' Frank K1 ; . it :. . s;..i. 1 he 1 . -- :re ' . .in I'h.-i iff Howo - . '. '.- -t t,t t i M;tcCle:i i 'w r , d . said that no . s.-nt it'ioat an tud'-r i- r liarl.-e and advised r ' ."in! v -'.. -i iiT t he g-t . th !',' ct,v.Tnt,r at o:n e. ' H - 'I- - on ti! telephone, t -h:- niessa::- w a ; the firt -a h" bail ic'teivo! of th") i- ii tii,. l'.un.rr cc-uniy v' n--r - tid th -t he .1d oi'. ;: !ii:i 1 roi-.u-l ..-::i? in . 1. 1 I'.l.k' I ' t'-tiitl V ti'tle;.;, : -Volt j j,, for I -! nt o V, ,. i ! i. . i... - NO CHANGE IN MALISON SQUARE GA.iDFN At FAIRS r!.-i Jit