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? " . V X - TV- 5c: 7 c? ir- C r- 1 V r : S . 1 1 ' Tcrzzty Pages SECTIQIIQIJE i a , ' n f i r a r - r i a -"v- aasx - mm j V: - ; ? : : 1 " I I I I U o V j ;-v.- v t - ' ; .Jli If- JlEBTfims etlY OHE OF' GDEU- OF 111 IS SAVE PACIFIC TREAT. DTCL BLOCIcmiMEu iiifinninnillP :ran day, jTIBTEDED TO 15 UK OF Tj m . iB SB0!MTE Cnl UlrtuijatioB b Put Un- IM U ..jUw1IU; v s. e - " g o MAYO Trim COCD IT C; ' rra mm tw ciih ' liiiftg on tS 1 Oranond about 9 t 3ic partMllv i cj craft and ; fra tSe occupants -m it. l.tU was killed was 32 years old. of . It J. Tke injured ' ? Crocker, of St. 'J Cm young ladies 'McGinneoa V lCinnew, auters. I Wr Way at Meetm m CSi- $ MOO "Put ta Rwkt Mon VFSSEl. AATr---J AT SSA in CCke" Sf-Kl AHoMkm BY CRSW U VSKSD 1 tedflUHatCwawimi TO WATCSTS KH HkM TW Taoa j Hlit'v1 if)i). , Thf-it v.w'.. "RTiS- t4v -n4nvi "hr I wit H ParKrt' National Bloc.-; wirwl t- tft wtr ft. RED SOD rail EMBED MINERS WOULD WORK ONLY ' DANXING HOVRS; MAY - WANT MANICURE. fk. j (v. VWWVVvMiJv w WtJ eweshSfci tt v? f, 4v' t SiMMt SkMkA FWet to v ww ?v Be fsRewo4 y 3b4y-Ay r - Ar6(KaNMt Mttey RcpublkaD "trecaeciUosw ESott to T: W3 Be oobM a Cro- ffrwl hri !ih the !n'nmc1 'mention of "piutiiie tho risht wen, oWcc." Rj.oolat ttfntin. it s iw.rfsl, :It b paid t-i th sortJicom-' Tho political asrarian orprmisstlon frH'td at a conference of the Farmers' Natii'al Council, attended bv delegate fr-m a dozen middle ..nteVu rtates. CanrtidateH coming p frr etocMon in the ('itnre U he closely scrutin-, lied as to their position on legislation and other matters relating to the (arntt-r. If tU candidates ae agricul turally t. IC they will be supported: If a t a -ro(rtel nJ determined or i cant1 effo-t will be marl-? to hrin-; Tiati ho saw Uie ac- j Th't organization' ind'.cy i'l be to t th rel f of the i endorse cindidates alreadv in te " J accetdeI la lift ! K'ld. It is not the present intnion Mr ! of the fsmne -s to put up candidates ot The fire had it ortfrin from coaK from the Nv'.er ard desrlte the efforts of the crew, sa-ned such rapid head way thpt it became retesssry to launch the ship's boats ami put to ea. The tire was d'soove'el at S o'ebxk last night, hut it was near mid night before Uie cap'ain. his wife and crew pnt to aea In the small boats At that time the vessel, laden WAjtMlXtrrON. Kelv K. -Iosi.!ent Harding plans to p;vsetit his sii'p si'b sidy p'an to a Jo'nt i-.(n cf con gress oti Wed'-tesdny. it was 1-ja-n'Vi torcsht from an auh.-i!;;t: ? s-m-ce. The Presiitent has been studying the proposal suh:i;;Ucd to him by ex per:s ot the shipping b ar J for scverai with ! 'fk-' ar! has held L'ngtiiy cir.fer- lumber. was about forty miles off Panama City. The crew landed at this port. She cleared last week with a cargo or sm.i.ooii supernnai reel vi nces tecently with incmhevs oi the hon.-c and spaa'.e committee and Cra:rvi::n l.a.k-?r on the suhjwt wriorfir plan wn'ca will ne p:e lumber, for Concepcion. Argentine. i srite' by Mr. Hurling is tii siupiiine One Saved Out of Nine. j uot boe-n diaclcaed. tat PKXSACOLA, Feb. IS The Pen-, that a r.iodirt aton o;' fh ola naval radio Ftation tonight re h.i hen ai.i-e,d n;rt!i N varinc-l This act folio -d rwVs-TSon of ."; '"rto"BstVvna! s-al vn.Tn "tree's r-wrt wefdat:e-u for R eih-bo:r day tm!-; gnm'1 ami a stormy Je)at n pro posals ranging fn-ro six-hoar d;y to eight hoirs. Kinlt to bank. T?:e conventSn l?o went on roroni ss favoring Cie issuance ot an invi tat'on to the an'hracite and bitum 'uo'is operators for a conference to draw op a new wage sa':e. effective April I. It was decided by the convention that there should be no strike In the event of inability to reach an agree ment with the operators without a referendum vote of de miner being lanen Dcanocrats Hold Vp Both F Pvavil ? Wriiatioo oaato c 1A PUi Smy TwhW. r woA iSaVot- 5te ry oV aftk fc:j e:::z t3 TOTGOCZIKG k telaaaiac them. eaaetoas and dledithe'r nwa. but lather in eert a l-e-J eaa taha from under uiendus inrtu-r-t " 'n !-hs'f of th- i 'libt tn n " The oru;;nirHt;ou says T kae a Yere grh In1 it U 'stiictly non-nartlsar.." 1 lis ail anl was suffer j is And cws. a farmer or a Ma la the tstest , cencort. ill.. elected president, j MctliaaeM, who a a j fn;CA(E0 selected as national h-nl Bk lata Ik alltl ' I Mr. Crocker, sustained Ma tajnrte an i there , Jat late last night as to t. Mtas hUnche are!y bniii--ed. was Victims of the accident i Craai t weigUt ct the , 3m all placed tn th- Cr B Ml wbicli happened to ra rvhed to the pnvatej Dr. C. f. Bobaanon. Mr - able to leave tho hos -j t Am tajurHr were di-ess-cd fm aodv- wa. tkct froai A to th un.irtak eg :t , ;-aaa a Maley His sfe. ! 1 Tampa, was n -t.ue i MT lo'd the :.rv i f l" aat to tiw Ia 1 Ne s. He i tjM kaowR Ml ialv ' lart aal t'tey had ..rM-i a ta plarab;r.g ba-aos ; Xita. i keea .rk.n in i': ' ' tar ancae t e. ' ' ' r . aad h l fin h-i tr -:. 1 wwre tatd ns tiorta n ir j car. We r k i t l'i r3aran and nt .iwr l" House ia !.tf a ! sateat t!.- I . jMrm nmt n iti' t t i , j afteraMn 'ut '' :; I lee tlH( e blue :. ' 3atta. aget-d l Ht - e sad tb - na ) at u f'tin i ' I a'l-lu k w .. i I rtaa hp t itn.'i ) at a-vw we ln- - t Wtfc wt ha.l ret - f aad tuigbt not M- "'i It ( tuiiolH f -f sanvstod th. ' a.-k ',a. Mis "J jo I Mi 1 Uctttanesit. a bo e,- .: T at the aotl. t. i id- "I1 Otta U. Il t'1 liicr-i ve ;jr be gon a tt.ort t ;u- ami Oval all rijvv tl.e n de. rxtad to T Wa driving and a e the B'-etton l.m n. thr I err bigft lights .m oir. t the appite dirt'on I 2e4 that at the lime e t-re 3 Bon than tn or tt'eta I aoot when suddenly th-re ry Jidt and the car turnf! jr oer. panning the four f iaaata It. I tried t.. lift a pressing right do n on lay 3t I routdn t uove it I.) a omeU.i aiue ui got t ; eat-on of an "ov?: iiclni n; pub lic sent niinl ' in b-ha't of their po litico! pIalfoiii. wdl be i ne of the most important a;m of the "bloc. " "Tie n -s. ' f"i recognites that all contMillmg tutor in aovcrn-ient pi.b'"c scntm cnt." saiu IVnj im n C. Marsh, ma nag ins daet-r -' th ' Kcriiiers' Xativ' CouRi "IMiin g the lat thr xear.- farn c s I'.ue lc-t $; vn rti-o through tUe deflation of pt !iy. high fre.ght r.tte nil closing o( niortgas'. e pixipo-c to rcmeuv th.. s t i.i tKn." The new nrsiii" .! -a .- t'--r.o:'ti'. :t ai t 'i. ;n. I i I- . .il'irc the s;atcn o: lai'.roai,. fi! S i. . ,!:-l ..i-: : :v a:- i v.-' :. - v !.:.. -nt t.i.w ot .y.-t .: I'.yfx s ,:i , t .-t .)!- :.-m.i ',.i'i-Su -'i tax nk . l v. I o'H- l,' ti'.e v. .,: ceivel a message from the British steamsh'p Acasta. saying that E. B. Brwks. the sole survivor of the ere of the fishing schooner C. II. Holt, had leen picked up in the guif and that Curtain Wm. Smith, known us ' Mobile Smithy," and seven of the -ow had been lost. The Colt was n her way to Pensacola from the saapir oanKS am. ine c.M" The sl.. f such a -..!i t., -n ot sage said that BrrnAs was the only ,HS (J,,V ,CUJv t nl, an1 v man who remained afloat. Jast M ; lhe tinie a ,ar!!, PlmK.r 8rk he managed to survive, message , ow-,u,!S,ip -;t .;s .j lhat (111 not State, mil vue imirini J sjv he must have taken to the dories i th-Mtgh" t million miners ot tola coaatr rejec.t the pr-iposalied the comm'Uee's recommendations I lhat its s.-ale report be 9ubst:tutd fnr TI IVesiUtn' 's riibsidy pl-n. to ' nil other wage iesolutlons offered roth, r With ho ti.-r b-.-;n ir sile i heretofore. th." entir-1 shipping board fle-t. rer. j The drive against the aiministra regaidert tonight in shipping circles j tUvn's wage program, sod. in the view is th. meiimin ,rv stenn towards eet- lof observers, it hnd a'l the earmarks ASHtX;TX. tK N -k .oowh. t oo of Kepbi on '-;rrxN-oN !!abie7i" snd lv.rKsrlts, miaiNrs of the wn- tc fore gn re'a;-;n fpunitu to night threatened to hoU up indenitv ly the for-rn-wer PtK- fic and naval lirritaf'oa treat es. , I'ntll tiie sencie is informed fully j regard. ug secret negotiations and pri vate toaversHtions which preceded : rhe makiag of the Pacific pa t, and show- how far Ainertaaa military and ' naval ai-tiv:ties iu the Pacilir are to -le curtailed by both it and the naval limitation treaty. It was predict i i that the majority of the committer i represented by the coaiition would prevent either tti thera being favor- The S. 0 represenUitives cf the half ; "!" reported. j jlj tK U we. stated. If President .Mardiag Project trn . jf merely informs the senate on Monday, lease from tne f t in resjHBse to tne H'.t.-btock resoiu- fei mined the n anmg upon Dim tor alt available U'rth teatiiony before it alkaeuaX tKt the people of tke Soock 2a mand kruwediate arraptaa n ky Conerees of Hoary Ford'a avCer to lease Muosle Sloak tke Alabama wiatet powea i widely dhreralfted expreaaed ions in favor and j tion of tke Ford proposal, House military affairs tonight was admittedly as a die. DeveJopmoata today ling the Severn men t out of th siiip ,.ng bnsii.css in accord.vnoo- with the i vr.notttiici pdiiy t f the admin. stra I tioc nd managed to keep above the water ur.til the steamer named mine along M was rescued near lry Tortugas. Names d the men lost of the -rew rc as follows Wm Smith, captain: Pi:in-is l.ibratta. brst mate; Wm. C".ark. cook: .'os F. Nuise. Andrew C.i.mldc. Wm. Mudge. Wm. McC.-.nnis. WORLD RECORDS ARE BISWEIl BY STARS IN BTOCKWSA.L GAMES subsidy will le fnnctU n:t:g. The ex .-ct ratnre of the "rntuae-.-atin", ns th- admimsti-aticn ptef -rs t "all the .ship sahs'.dv has not been d s cio --d. bet the Ihes-dcnt ha let it b.- " t'"ne Vnow :.i;:t it will not 'crntt-'; tute s d:a n or : pubi c tr.-aur-- , ami that re: -.brs of the crcrossin ;! coiivvitteos v'th whom he h-i cwn i.ted h ve ag-oed to t "m pr:nctpK" : Should the pl-n involve the apnri. pj-iati-vn of a I sum oi monev. t.p j ois.;u ,i is epi.-t-sl in -he hoise ; "c-i th" ni',:.:K ! i. thf m.dd'.e wet : -.n st.its wil l b.n outsp.vkec ; p. f! -;r .tiifi : Si-r.t &ny :'mih--T p iv iin .! n- m :i l !h ! ibi s ' i-eii : r Arise: 1. r.r. M -r. .1..-U Va- f a concerted move by supporters cf ' the Frank Farrington-Alex Howat j "insurgent'' factions, came near the i jlose ot :oe days of stormy sess'ons : n the convention. It followed close ' on the heels of three successful ! courses by Howat ultimately winding ; up m victory for the administration. ! ( ante after "Mother ' Jones, pictur- esqne leader of the w oikers. ap i pt-a'.ed to "her boys" to iU't fightinc i shong thensselveti and "get down to ! work like men." ALL QUIET IN BAKER COMITY, WIIEP-E RIOT CALL WAS IMPENDING t nforPiJit on rcspovting the PaciSc pat. that no wr.t;eu record was kept of the se.-ret negotiations and pri vate conve'-sations engaged in fy Sec retary Hcfhes, Beroa 'Vdntirai Kato. head of the JpTese delegation, an-i f rmer Pre-mier Arthur James Pal four, ch ef spokesman for the Br delegation, w hi-h le ! up to the draft ing and s:?u;ng o the treaty. It was under .cod lhat .f the pres ident only pointed oat. a Senator Ioice of Vassa husetts. the commit tee bairman. a?:-l meaiber of tiie Ame.'Han dv:i-Cit" on. has alreadv ri one. that so fur as b- knows all , a '.a. la hie w ntt-n re--ords have alreaay : tieca la ! 1t ' demand .'.! ?tvr. as el Se.rvtary Hut! --s pear before te i ' l.o.:;e si-! !. s.i Se. retaiv H".ghcs the - in senate, that a en the senate .Mm ttee. that 'an: cl-KSONVil.l.K. r! an et tii.rii f H;tke: oi.r.t Fel: Afl re;ue.-i to e; --nator . no lie -ess. ty tor to t ut si on his 14 ! r-n. 'a t return rhe lortimittee lust '.Ua hon. Kato . e th Ph. ac pa t il iaiV; an "irrt: "t-n T 'filM SEVEN WASHINGTON THEATERS CLCSEOi 2 IEGITIMATE ONES sh:v-;ti,-v. i-eh i- - ' o ' .- nat' V- s-r...ei A a r ,,-,!t ot th- inve t ...: - n -o:tdiic-! to f.v c.o :'f V ii ,y f-.-tKivviti? 'o-c.di'p- "! "'' :i' ' ' "o ' ' the,;. r t-,v i u'MH-b ,..-t th comin-s .,..,. i f the I.strict of roiutnbia to night orJ t r tl .:h;-, S'i-1 t- V to i i r. .1 7 s o- tl m oi n- ot CREATION GF LlISi! FEEE STATE WILL BE ENACTED MASCH 17 "o--i - - -r i wit .. it - T: S H'ioI' ii- :a. t -f tl - i :-: w a - k"; -stan -!- and i ,t ;-- ti:a. : tne f. t t 'e on !i 1. 1 . o-'d- UNITED STATES RAIL BOARD REDUCES WAGE ON Dff'JHCT RAILROAD V fo 1)1 -n: ilC ai 1 i t v s lion red sovi-n ..shtngton ii,. I'liiin-t to b'it .mat.' ., !e i! -- d I'-ruo i'at.ov. n ti' t !''!- t-rc!'"vd los-'d ,l;;s ard tho X'. two of 'h old-st ti" 1 most famous plav ,,nd t'-c . '-ne-i of n.nv pie?-. ssiev" K'' ,n- of 'h- 1 o.ig'-.Vti t-ie V-v ih.-ate - 1 n: s The Columbia, th !.; c rio-'t. V-.f M.-tri v ivlit -n. operU-M? by I rjn.i.s.i cir uit. which o-.v n d the v t-iv-V ti" i"irrp wi!T : ., ii- ';-. ra. e rv1 i P.o.:tirns. 1'nivers inta. was ?"i v-nd an 1 . Pittsburch. thirl ,l.-vn TWO BANDITS HOLD UP TRAIN IN COLORADO; SHOT THE MESSENGER ; aa 1 mand modiftcattOMS k -iijs contract before, aucsestaa. it Congress approve k, - v t ; ; w. R Mayo, rhtef at Fore's noers ho has been ta the I maaafacturer's iti .n. b - . . toaight for Detroit. C.t itol ni.cent held the pmraoas of is t t , v. int up to Ford drawees s. n v. the romailuee that the i onf&ct e ci aaged to iaeoraorate troiicer guarantees, jtartlcalarty artta -efe.-en'.-e to the nrodactioa of fsrtsV .tr at Musclu ShocU. ivo todar pre seated Representa tive James of Michigan, a airaiBSt of the cortmittee. with an esUasaUt of he specific amounts of fertiliser Ford proposes to manufactnre. Coainar aloe figures for the dig treat are cesses ct riinufacture were proealsed. It r ii! h.iTe t'le estimates iaoorpor-it-d in the cou'outtees reconia. aa-1 w th other members of the committee i 1 v ojt-e ins:s:ence that they be i itt.-c the Kord Cvctrai-t 1; Frr4 will gree to this modiScs-.- n t-f his contract it will have a big . rfVi. ri rn the ultimate dVtersniaa- :t. ff the committee on the pro "sl :t w dictated by members Wh J" tns? tfvelopment occapied h? a'tent-i-n of t!: committee. CoL 1. Cov'per. coverntnent engineer r. ! -s j ot ias-e Shoals, re--aicei h.s atta, k on the Ford proposal N i .re ta- it niniitiee. He roa-:nr-d the Ford bid a an "atempt -o r-,.b b.g money from the gorera--nt 1 t;'p coihmg in return." He . r - i t'ie att tudf of the people of S. -h t'-waHs tl:e Ford oHr and !.... . v. o-r.d ftr "a humble ca-ir-i. 'v" for ti'.nii to permit Ford or ,i .-i"f cN. to take aaj their great v . r.rojO't ' --" w said C..vp'r. "realti ;.H ta, ie it at this Muscle 3hodls ; - ' i Tiirnish V.'hy, Vn that ."'"te-i. the e v.tll le almost t tin1". .-is nw h wter n ipt over :' ' a r gvr cv . V gara i" ii- !t i' rc o,. - a !.. 4.W ? -i. a s-c- th: :ll -1 ' K I Kill' ,!, ovd i- s The o:, rrder a;" ho is s i ti.n k r. . LO'-'iS COLISEUM LF-ASED BY EASTERNERS !vr at A' i if'er - .. : Vo . pe! idcV aa.l .s mar on us in. h it !!.(: ;'ii"'i have ofsti tuted a d. adlv u i-ua. e t lootori-ts along the beach from Paytotia l'.ea h to (trmoiid It l:e part'.v su!-iiit i ic J as a member of the BiM,,,t too vai'.'.s soulh of the Kictton CUUer and so is Mr Cri ker and 1 lodae nottned of his actly after the accident OettAtKa whah wrecked th i Staa..-r ad resulted in the lit Mr. Matkey i said to lie a jee of arevkace whnti has re to ..r-.l ul(j,,. Inn mid autoists who have traverse the beai h say that at nig'it it iar. s- atcelv be seen t the most aivful drivers until they are almost i:; n it. Its destruitue possiiniuics "re phasued last maht bv the w re, k of . ih. Buit k mvlst. r which was Hln-tt d ii .!- .' i. on l '.- Ol e ' tor ..f Mad son John P.inti.ns vi r' irteresed in tne . onvert the Col:s'lai Tto sta-liutu. was n.aiic totug uore P. B.ite. manager I. outs Coliseum iotnpatiy however, that eastern ..;o negotiating to b-ase tVie t remiwiel tne building into ti nt jih1 for the sainno1 int arena for the winter. Malison Square lv e n ' a 1 f'Tt'ier nanater. rooosal to i huee sport it bv Th-so. of the St. Bates said, tal.sts were oliseum and a l. g swsm- anJ a ivs i cprodm ;as AVIATOR ALOXC D SAr?F.ARFD i MEXICAN COAST .ti'cr iver n.-.b'" to - l'n on - ! ro; : r a i ,l 11 ;oak- the shew " o:C:.i, o th 1 ' Cj.. HS : ; Kor.j a: v. i-s.-r.t thiT th- h- ! W til fittv yours .-. o I..-, .r. tll-o t pcPe.j fo pay 4 i- !-' Ci-V-01!V--"" s - o. 1 , ut . ... ., ... should ens ro ' ti. -.OU. - .J' - ' . the I-,' I. saou'd i- T-s T iM: i "1 'OrtrP'T !' " 1.1UD B :1 -o:c tmr greate.-t inventor -ct in to be the to ; . ;.-)ul. on!v ifi.r-s of i ': sais--,? a vi. I. . . .c- i n f 'it I'll' - : -18 ' -f :ii iarartees .it vm;i 1 iDl ii to. ' s' tir. ti i '.Tos Oi. .r-.