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T r - . j lcc t " : r te . . ... Q) s ! .. ' t -ananar " " 1 Vi iH lAj erT - n -"-V - ? , : cictu. nJXiA. liasDAY. febj za iwi J :' '' :.'A senrsrzacrs, ao czy ' j v:ib m izDmjm to kt::ii ; V ( ' i U UL ,l A Ml ' l r. ran JCJi 231 .to. the itnh 7 , v. r nerrte iXlCT? Ill LXI iBste.Frai E3 C:::B3K::33, K A Reflected ia a SHOT ! QJE1 Attitude ia -Epo T a atrsa tutlt! 1 OHTTiBS ta thrones 1 r1f "whipa" oat 1 1 i i ;L JJLJ UUUUL ! go:i: of fr JDDSEOIS HS REASONS CONVEYED TO l' l 11 I 3 I I I 1 I M l 4- PONZI SUCCESSCa SENATE IN FOSM OF A LETTER. to T of NoteJ Fddt bnd Abrt Ha RcqMrt Fid- " wnr the Ult ff tm MCia caatrot oX "WASHINGTON. Feb. 20 Frs.deat 3 gar am 4joor- Uardinc asked toda? bv former Ofajo. not to arrept the rsi!tat!on of Keaaesaw Moontam Iasdi&. as jurtge of ta federal court at ChtcaKo. If Laadis should be permitted to gft tae trata ji ahead of the awaiciattae JX of aerer! TlfgHiT rtwwaBil fy ta Bemait S U.X XMsaocms ' - - LJ CHOC! 2ED ! ! LTCSaF'TOGr,! Mamj CcBTertabou and Otktc 11 II I I 11 111 I ii I I -l-l Ottaidc of tke Actoal Conference. j WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. I j President Hardi&c today in form-; jed the United States Senate that; j it is "literally imposaibie" for him j to fumiah the Senate with the in-! i formation it .requested last week ', ! as to the negotiations, records and ' datea rrn --mine tKe aijnntinn nf I Llie Karrmstoa- CkkiB- Po:ce;Ae four-power Pacific treaty.; sar. baa txHn nasred by Anibony A. t reUr at tit time. WeltT d-clared i Levecki. office manager of Uie Atneri-1 wnck replaces the Anglo-Janan- m a letter to tb presidetit. t would ' can Ntwacoute tonpaay. as dp , cae aiuane. be aapoasible to isnpeaeJ; him for ae- brana or tae ctHcpafir. m oica is ai- ; eentiBK the aoeitHW as hih -onmis- ..ige4 " have Baf;ed in g3;-riCB- Tbe PregidtiEt tintc ; of kaaeten. aoooM Cuaereiw i ante atock BMt'jiaWWM ai ie ex- iTTTT, - 7 S.w R.nftO workmen ra-. WAR FINANCE CORP. ASSISTS TOSACCO MEN mu a lav isakiBc it nere&sary fcr k : iteaite tif -57 we aeoate t tederal wie to ctvcRne h.s actiTlues ' vectors. Ilarringtsjo 6 wue Tn&ia? a tsfctee with to hi judicial duties.. ! Palm Be-aci. Jjr andfic traaty ; Weltv's letter to President Tlar;l:t!e I I 1 lortfir XurtiBca ' was tsade poUlx- here t.j fc.rr.:r r T ' 'aw provided. b coftKrmsmaa's Mcretary. , Ja Wl . limitaUig i Although WeHy" efforts during the , ' j lt aessioa of Coaeress to tcure lhf YOTcr the noldier'B Vona; i impeachment of 1-aailt.s for a-i--plinc and House readers ! ViO.iKH) a year jt . hasetvall arw t kted of a bonus il!:traUr were faille, tt as rndKatii by jbatUy. or how soon one hi lettttf t the president that h- ;n 1 by both chambers. A " tended to push hs Esfct aca:ast I-an.iis ,t-. v irl idestiite his retireroeot trom Congress. coBTcytd th?n iafor iu the shape oi as a Ttplr to fel Hitchcock resc!;:ron. sdt rtrd )a-st N ' " ' IflTEST C3 DEOIDST SOLE, VEW TO&K CTTT. 1 rood Sy attpuwe the i the i toUoU Ccnt FcU Ao o Ford OZer Cefore k Wonki Pnt GoMnoaent "b Wront:" to Breok Tken- Coo- U'ASHINGTOX. Feb. i' Prrtit C4tamst coiisresc.toiiju arcetaace of sB. viae inHaaint1 Vf lia V v coiun coiac n a juaiaed. hesicatoa. the coiac ea. aad cammerdml Baeosivecal rewflaaan that 1KX mZA u.r.-r j i i be a aar of ezaoaal hat n il late Kovemnieat wooertv at V as rlt,. ae aa:d. Sbci's. Alabama, a n.a ie b the P''i'l i Aiasric-aii C asam:d cooid&&t aad it "nzae i stUiSudiary, the Air Nitrates corpora- i . tioa, to the house nui;tar; aSarrs com-' Haymozd T). BSachd!T. 23. a tdera? ir.vestaarioo at Chicago di-kmed, has 4.i ir.rorn.axiB ngotictCK thf "Th?re vr IIS.-? itiw f erec . to the dta: jm.ttce tovUy. i i J. O. ilaTiiri'ti. Vice crvskBt of ttw ! i Kit Nit-iles -inrK-axica ud tpi. ! ! ,-iiiiE2 th nATBt rnttMEs td t.b i Ts, dae ts the l-osiaiuee arceiaace of Ford s bidi1 canatS? ' roaii -violate oi&tractsa! nshls ea- , stred ito by the two -or;TatioB6 ,isi : sat eninient on June 8. IMS. erea at a aoaat year, it at jprtl -Sft: a cae uemwTauc mio , SMe ia oppoaiax a jr the beau, and a Wmt' r at the apper chamber is ; ae taeritable it a boau : aach a lax is passed by i "1 of the republican tnani ; I mm li finance co-nm-.tiat , the Amor k an vaiiutiatv j 'acmted ia the Fordn I tariff bUl ps-ed b th i 1 y reverting to foreipn va , tor leryins ac to.1 ks brought tLeiu in ser I ith house retuil cat tavor the Ameruar W ASHINGTON. Fb. 20 The Wa: j FiB-'inee rororaUin. loy cju:r to J the aid of bird prejsei tobacco Crn j rs ty approvsns the appl;catM-& c; tht iJUTley Toiuivco (jri'r assx .i ! tKK of Uexir.rt.;t. K-atuck. f ! as I iii.irce tot to exce--d tViP :::s!EnQiic:i SC.S3TS ITS GTilB v a dor.: 'eat nay be f rcd to :r " a. tl ks generally beltvei 4 to end tie ituind'n- str the tint rrT3. wnx MJ AN "OPEN ZLT CCRLD POLICY JArKSOSVUXE. Feh 2Vi ! Thelrn. a ;ars;er. was brxupfct the t'-p:tai he-e wiiv safleritc fr. ;a i:r-t:t tur:-: .ai. wl"-n ! h-:; dr.rr 1 :: f th- l-:::c fctta- lie'i . A-.f ha-ft: t::-' -.n sr. eive'l liic :c . . .. thv;. n;:i:.t . t UYSTERYIX1AII EHTERS TAYLOR i'z:m AFFAIR SAYS SHE KNOWS OF A BIT TER QUARREL WITH DIRECTOR. SI part, many ve; v;ii". t sa 1 the Prtiiiif nt's U "N.i'jri!. thce tr? e. .i- d " Tr.e tr.r.i t Pre.- d-st To n ?nmber T."T. aW:aj: fir r. t-ecs. ere relariuc i th p.ic- tretv. i ha t.- a" that :t is irv.;:..jiys:lre tr : rj-:;: th ate r?qu: V. '. tb'r.e" afea for ;r. :h- r..-.:tx.t . is i.terai! ;n;pr. .!: turt-h cauao thre er :..r.;. -:.tvrst" and d:s usi.-'Cs vet ..-. Li- . fr. Er&. 1 ;t;i I 1t u ; N;; or ht: ;:tvk; t e. i ;ts ii.-t".;." ttr. r.'tv,1' . : v, torpame? claim the rutht Vrithout any bussneas ex- i Miifir tJ1!f. Coetra. t to purvfca- the pci? tiwchoS. fiipaats ea open- ,ttrt pleas Buraher tr. at Xaade ei a tro3erar t-s.aess. mvesticg the ; shoals. hii the cumfti ik.1i i ae prerrrKeEt. K have ti live up to ris contract, or ater the coart to prue us r.sfct to vjOifcte :ts xctrat" KasiEH: a;.;eitjec u the ffc'.rt.i. t : the i :n;B.:ttt- to determise the r;u ti. r. na-I act te "utifa:r anc n.iie us t our ery way tircu;i tit ' court u get our r.Kit." H- :-. Uiit ri tary of State cu:aed Uie Assertion Cysaaaa..i . r.nj fcEi tae Ar Ni-ratt-t- arrxiralioE .r. r.tru-t w;ti tiir soff-rc savings of stockyards es'.pioyes to wuasa he gavv L:s persooal not S:vh.fJ says h; t j?ratict.? were ".eaZ ts-i i":.jt h cu;.. ha" rec-oapei h: U.-sie&. haa h:s opera t teas tot beet .:. "VV; ftt F'a'.nt Bea. t. - u WILL DISCUSS soldier co::us BILLT0:.10RR0Vi a . j atr wfU aad fur ea.r: deijery tla i should resbit ia 1 1. TV- a eoine at a fair ah ak.atacU.-l. s -White nana Staaaa to Ea matTT .a w.,? te -ay. at eaal in ttM.tit ai :-ot t3 cerleoked. ::.rMc b fjr cj ioofc ia daily bettered by co&cru Botac en la Etiroi-e. A itirTnftcaat reaectioa at ih has orcurred ia the loeeSsa eav h-Ee market- Ail the rop-in crreadea. with the of marks, hae roaBiaraatly strvafth." Mr. Hcw-Il then explained inSa erces aSecrung excaace nwTemeBta. "it i apparent that disturb!- po j.u-ne are decreaetas aad that exchange. moments are aew the result of economic Xac- it a-ut'd ! -i.t ol W. li I n re -s.:i: !.;s::t " - xi tors, oe aiu. i a w nje i r.Tpt--.,. nitnti. hoerer. that conditioaa are it waTli.C sliJJ usitaie and that intemstioa; W-tii - r, .- t . oc r'"--? trafit- -jls aw ri n-Brr m iuk ir-' " c - 'hai"w-a"'vui:t" "'i 01 haiaace. Neertaeiea. there are -l,-"'" " concrete eTiinces of improvemnt A ' . ' u. " , .. riT- r.i FaZ phar-s of -oaocitt coadv thro-axact tae wond. fTugiM4 it Ne:tc naie .t tie atorptioa ia e-rery l:n r,f oufr tijsiiis of raw ta-ter--u aai rzanLfai trt-d goods " -n- tt-c- til ATTEMPT TO FIND WAY TO PAY BONUS TO THE SERVICE MEN. . r-ote.--i-t r.. i th-:r r-v f r U;- tear.t r..: a" cot V u - STRAWBERRY FARMER IN LA. ASSASSINATED 7 :,Tf "rTOX. Feb. 2- -Ti.-at prepared to ir.s:s: t jm aoor throuphaut tn. '1 a hifh atate department V when asked to coram"r.-. I Cmub abroad that th- rr..( La awde repre-entatiotis f iag to th tna;ctenanc of i aoor" tn that regior I Bot stated whether a roa.- had been ser.t to the V r Tarnent. or ahether re; 3n had been xna-le throuj-t Jt eoatersaU-jii ai Tehran THEATY C0VERI1IG JAP COIiTROVERSY REPORTED TODAY .VDVIi. I Feh. r. Srtiney N-r.. p-cpfroi: stra wherry farm- . , t.t.c .t Ta:i 'est o: nere, was tt night, it was learn- j U.M SEtID 1Y TO CTY CZL'iTETODAY s'i tv.-' tvit.C t.T- oi tt:- !'. she i.- a .l lIi I Ts. or lie: : h ;r.. t- da' !'" r .r':-? Har, a telchhor. t held HUS0W:D0FV.tZLrl fou;:d u:zxm TO CE HOSTED Miss, Feb 2?' hti?EEe if the '"ha-refi trsy wi.- locn'l V;tksat;-p -oac Bfsir :s ex7-r-tc to re-' h BANK MESSENGER 15 rx-kcurT otr "t r. Tat.o ti.--;-x r.: XGTON. Feb 2 -r -( arobahly U! eni a rer' y xj the aei tt'-ttu-r: f o JS as to th' secret res 'ti lled ur to th" o-nsur.-r.-..5i -r "ar powered pi' ttt- treat: T: ah was re3-itrt-i .n t;: A reaoluuan - adot-4 hi.-'. "aataest anu .V-tics si--:ret r FktrhT a l.n; corde- ay eer the tiiatt-r aad tt v.. t at the TV'h-.t iloa-e f..!if. J atevt ajt that the Pre.-ui-'ir. V ssaatd foilow late utdeT T 'ai-kcock rel'.:tHn o:;d l. r aaa dUta. but it is heli-v.; ' "iaent contmuaii at:oa -mm that aotit are ' jV'j't-ii.n-i:na- ' tf- ".:t c tuat t u. .at . '. V ATTEMPTS ESCAPE FROM CHAIN-GANG: IS KILLED -a: v. .A V N Z ' . ' . v-.. a-: ttr-"d the v - - tch, . ae ti. p: u Tte .rC his tntnc a u: t..- i tt ' IT!'".: -U. j 1.