Newspaper Page Text
-A: CX c-" 1 . Toizj . J . J -T - - ? .r- CH Tin Today . tt .1 t ac3. 4. T' jc:::::o in J Cm Ford H,TON. Feb. 21 U Mouse nult- I Hen iy t lsm mud develop fd property at 4Ala., will be con r. . . i -X t-hairman Kahn I 'announced tO" ! 1 ee will thn inuned- t j the counter offer for rct the .Alabama Iower !Jcb is now working a I'Sreat Southern Hydro rier plant. This offer is ' Cscretary of War Weeks, laoaaced he will transmit ?M either today or tomnr ory Weeks .haa publicly t lis his opinion, the Ala Company's offer is "su- j rtird's la many respects. Kahn announced th u j tSas. before consideration j offer can be considered. ' r com representatives ot tue "aver Company, the Nation- of Farm Bureaus, and 'cDowell, President of the! 1 artilixer Association. CoL ar Engineering Commis- j r the District of Columbia.! . k ewuu-Aw Dtiirlt.' f tilO i -jerty, may also be caiieii i squamou in- . . , .aa. by the committee. jloctain Uog,rs. t one of the 11 ' i also remains before the ford; whi,h participated in the se;z- I Csposed of by the commit- . the Analelle. said yesterday I expected decision irom '"-, Uiacturer as to w nemer ceenpt modifications to his pio- atiact that several comnntt.'t ; f have demanded be made "JTO. chief of Ford's engineers. known this decision tumor- laursday, Chairman Kahn de V' VEammitt, vice-president ot tV.e -KHrates corporation, v.-hich i Clonal rights to parchaM, n, 1 aroiect and which has M 1 tt. mill resort to the courts "late the right, resumed test! litttore the committee tjday tatlve Fields, of Kentucky. J the witness at length on corporate relations the Air corporation and its parent American Cyanam d com 2J have with the Alabama 142 pan y and other South- n corporations. His examination J only that stockholders of the "aa Cyanaroid company nay 4t0ck of the Alabama Power rat."' Hammitt denied unpoiate Jhtp with the Georgia Rail 'A Power company, the Coln-n 4,eer company; the Centra! Fower companv. or the Ton cower company. 3aUtt admitted that .1.,:urs Tt I awns from 2a to L'4 per rent of ck of the American Cynnarnld y and that the VirsimaCaro Oeatical company owns apivx:- twenty -six per tent cf its u - t Witness -eumed uclense of Stektion that before the cov-rn- Ma dispose of Muscle Sh.als ' ive the Air Nitrates corpora a opportunity to buy nitrnte 1 2. B hekcUed that from Ham atiour. it w-ss apparent that tn Sot 4Vim r fhxpre o e ' 1 nT'" i : .: ... .. . - J J . s vJ - -V LJ rv iiTri v n i MOBILE. Ata, Feb. 21. Ten men alleged to have awtnjlod ! Barney Knapp. ot Minister. Ohio. of llft.m throuih a take wlre- tappiaf ach?me at Ortaado. Fla.. were placed under arrest here today at Koapp's request. They save their names as Harry Sttn- son. alias Cousins, Stockholm. 8weden; We Harris. Memphis; Harry IMxun. Muntgooiery. Ala.; Murray Lane, alias Coyne. Or- 4 J. lando; A. Baker. Cincinnati; C. 4-4- 4- $V. Williams. Chicago: Chas. Hil- 4. ianeuer. Bridgeport. Hi.; James Clonons. Canada; J. Koach and 4 4. J. Kelly. Mob-le. Police said a 4 i. toUl of $13.Stit) in cash was found on the mea. .....--.--. t..T. T..T. !fl:::":3 gc::ittee f.::::::::3TCiiYDY Fi jiniT l!.1d!3 WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. President ! uD.i.. n.m.i ii mmw- ! . --il w 1 Va UiC V VMI I IPC "Va -v u m , iito neroliations with Tore ro rovers ments for the funding of the $11.00'V OW.iKW foreign indebtertness to tne United Statea. The commission will consist of the following: Secretary f the Treasury Mellon. Secretary of State Hughes. Secretary ot Commerce IliKver. Senator Keed Smoot of rtah. and Representative Theo. K. Burton of Ohio. nn ST03Y OF DIG SEIZUHE OF LIQUOR IS 'FISHY 1 1 MIAMI. Feb. 21. iVH fetl federal ;vo- hibitiun officers were early ton ay without official information as to the J reported seizure Sunday, off je-vnsn j . L. nf Iha llritih Srhloner Anna-' beiie." with H.wo cases of liquor, nn.j I all the airplanes in me promoum" , m; . dark v.-s. tnat h? would n-ake no report to me authorities in Miami as the f . (1,.ral airplane, squadron was operating under divert orders from Washington. No Report in Capital. WASHINGTON". Feb. 21. Prohibi tion headquarters today were still without a report from Miami of th- seizure of the s.-mmnor Ann.. beUe. y "'f :rax ne tVi-l he h.d t ""ToX tizur'. nd as soon a I ll" ' ----- the report was received it would 1" made public. Om.iai appeared somewhat sm prised at the reported operation of a large fleet of prohibition airplanes along the Florida coast, as it was be licved p!n had not vet been per fee ted f r utilizing these forces against rum smngelers. liivnes piore.-s-d to have ni. fcnowledc- of Captain Kocer-i. rei.ort oi from Miami as ;n command of imh of the airplanes which captuied thv schooner. ercKe vour opt 'on to purchase th- plant, "nit you de-i cov.Mnn-.eot maintain f to have tie"" the pi in' in a' idle, stiindh' nl't mi and ke-p it out of comteti!ion with the .nie' o . t'vanamid Coi.U'- and it- s.ihsi 1 ta'rv the A. i N fat- corporation.' Hmrr-tt att-ok.-l the Kurd pmp-s al d,H latins that it must be- apparet.t to the foinmi't-e th).t T'ord i:. so-k ir to !et th- tlieaptst poer ot) tii Ameiitan e. ntn.ent at th - ep- n.-e of he governn-nf." "Kt.rd prooosp - t have the t.wj. com;.Mc th: projet t f-o:n num. v oi the tie-is-iirv. then asks th t the govei nment insure it and ever to requ re th- gov eminent t o put ia more electrical generatins eq-.i pml : t at l verTreni exnens.'' drtd Him- Hill i , - , , - ; ; . :- : ."-. .....iG sh a fives Lafwa Ah lX5t 1KB MI' TO HOT DIG Calls Conference of Heads of Raihoad Crotberboods Today -W3 PrMat Hit "Dcfenstve AaUance Proposal for Resist. sc Waf lUdsjclMNM on RasV road aad in tae lart la noUuav Umtructr His Ratvamd liat Csnfes b Essential to Peace. CHICAGO. Feh. "1 Announcement til .it he hsa taken a tteD in tn o ircc- linn cf vertins a ntlr.n vi ide strike - - 1 ( hy jihn u uwis. president of the t!1- lie Hmfiwi in tu aiimfifjir? -wim itiv i neso or mure a o. otnernooas to pie- -ent his "defensive aMiance- proposal i for resisting contemplated wage re j auctions Lewis decla-ed that he had issued a call to operators in west 'Pennsylvania, lilinois, Ohio and In diana for a joint conference to be jhc'.d in the iioiien.ien Hotel, cieve ; land. Ohio, on March 2. ! ' This conference with the operators, ; Ms o-sentiitl to industrial peace" said , I Mr. Lewis: 'unless the w.n.'erenc- is held and nn agreement wc-tied that ( Will I'lWHl Ull" llll-K-1 'l ."11 fill 11 C I fonce!T.ed. inclrdlng the pubi c, ther ; m-iM Kt u ctr-iV ' ; l.owis said that thr was "nothmp i destrueti ye" ir. the 'nsive alliance ! he was to outline to the rail- ; j -oposal uav union leaders. Thi- w as taket; j t Ihnt I Aniu u-rnH nit al- I th raliria(i nien to support his id.- i tri ttlp exf.-nt of backing th" minors I with a svmpalhetic strike The ! er t ifte miners maicaiea tnat ne was , tVii iiTi'iiiiin th:t i-iwil strike r:irr be siverte-l if the orPratnrs w ill I he rorffr-nce If ihe operators refuse j o mert with the nrncrs on or before . Ma'ch 3! t. the strike Apr.l 1. is in CV:t:iMo. h'- d-r'a e1. The joint conferenro wa prov'd-d . for in thtA formal demands of the min pi s for new w;iei rontract formiil - J ed at their convention in Indianapolis last week '. One cull n s-nt by l.e . is t th ope, at .rs who signed The present .mv'iiient in N-w York. March St. 'Jly, and the other tn officials of the co.'il operators' asnriaT:on. in iVnn-, syb onia. Ohio. Indiana and's. In t.i-ir pew demand, th- :n Hers ak' for a six hour day. a ti v dav week and continuance of the piosi nt stale I of w iges. CLEARWATER AND ORLANDO VOTING Oil IMPROVEMENTS CI K AR WATER. Feh of Clearwater t'.ia"- are j.roposed bond issii" of h'ih s-im a':! but M'O" n( -pa! improver, en's rv, tpt ftiiii -s for t'-r :i - itizns ot,nc on a i.'-t l.o.'O. (f is for rail tr'enient of :-. The ..-r paving. c.vst r,".io. . dttr works al.ui.-i.1 would -is. a n-w nd for extens v st'-:n. be Use Or'ando A!S3 Votm). t'KI.AMt. Feb. ;!.- -C.t.xens here art- voting today on the pro-,.oseJ pur chase of the water and light plants witil a twoth'ids majority necessary to i arry the elet tion The price of iSoT.'M" was agreed upon for the sale of the utilities, and voters are asked for $5"i".rtK addi t .-iial for r..h-.1..1it-.t inc th- ot .nts L11S STDIliE! tAVtiV FLCT-DA. TUEKJAY; FE3. o " ' nrp nnr' . . MHBBMBBBBB1BBBBBJIMHB " - - " . L 1. v JL -- C3.1TS PUT C!)T TO xzmtn to Ria - U?FR77.;0ir.lD:M S V NORFOLK, Va., Feb. 21. The army dirigible Roma, largest ship of her type in the world, exploded in mid-js. air aDove nampton noaasi this afternoon and fellj burning to the ground. j First reports were that; there had been considerable loss of life. The bier ship: carries a large crew, nor-; mall V f Yim firt tr d(l mpn , k V ' k -v - The ship ha .1 left Lang-, lex Field, her h lev r leld, her home Station,; . - a r l ,-ai n PIOCK 11. m on a . SllOrt practice Illgnt, Willi : panTa: AToViv cn,.v; ! v.-iLiil UdUl vtltll 1 v ltt- i 'iwmmanflirnr The big cigar-shaped ves- ... . 1 sel WHS Sailing along aboilt ruu e 4. u i " t 1 1,000 feet above the Koads, when suddenly there Was a . terrific eXplOSlOn. and the ... UK vi-'jt1'- iin.-c x uuiii- met to the gr0Und. Wrecking crews from the naval air station and four , piis.iit.-; lium tut; is:t sia- tivi were hastilv sum- moiled Five ambulances were ' rushed from the naval hos pital to the spot. Approx-niate'.v the Konia at t be lieved that, from iril .'!( ai-oard i- and ii is be lo 1'! rf these lost their lives, of them humed bev.ind r-rognit: il.'.-n im.iies. som and charred almost n. ha-1 Ueen rerov w i eckate at '& 'l't er-d from th w o i l... k A.-r.ird:ni! to in Official at th- a: as this afternoon, an ing. eight of fi ll and 2 men. ro 'r!!i.,t:o:i from an su;v!y hase heie o fie .al report lark- : at I,Ht-d Ms-wn uprising the entire complement of the 1 .angley Field balloon school, which was making a trial flight over Hampton Koais this afternoon on the iii-l which -sti-i' th a nay base c ed in an exp!"? w re, 'sed the the grcmn-1 ;t ;.' ie Roma. - dv- on h i-s-iit -np'eu-ly t s'rurk : oimt names -f i. h. Heed. :ti-. a OIlTO's a-n th wh: ,t c h.-n ed for at a the-.. n;. i : Har'v . V and ttiir! ia'e 1"!!. i ' ian rada. d. - p.. n. a! - I lost t - wi-.-i k . f . of h-r ti ; Th- !i.-.t that th- K .men. an-! f ers !;oc Th- K ill . ii-ii: !-.p-... largest , worid. its ; ic t-et !t he n 21. W22." OSES mi IKEim OIDS simass Msjssaas I I II W I HIU I Ull I 'AT 0 Feiw. Vote Farorably Jlmill II I I IltjV- Open wanting as Advocated by the Defeated Treaty Lead-! "Only by Reak4c tollTL ' .JAII1I 1 IiJ" Bikafci Zmm Ireiaisd Be '-m tSnlt'Xnl Freed, IU f-a Tae IVa. Wo To- aonal Azumoaky. DCPUN. Feb. 51 The PeValera i party in the Ard Fheis won the first ; victory in the Sinn Fein general as sembly today when that body voted In favor of onea balloting which has n advocated by the former pres i idHTlt. On the fare of it. the fieur on this deri.ion indicated a majoritv for the anti-treaty partv of several hundred, 11 18 Possible, however, that many un nlodeed deleKates voted for oien bal- pledged deiegate lotlng as a matter of principle, so that this move is not entirely conclusive.! though it .is a marked technical vie- ; lory. ; UeValera propose! a resolution that the Sinn Fein oould not support the treaty under tne articles of the repub- : luan constitution and foretasting thai ; "!rel:-nd soon will lie free." ' "It would be better lor Ireland to have two armies working for her than , one divided against herself." said 1H--; Valera in moving his resolution. "No power on the part of Kneland could divide myself and Arthur Griffith (founder of the Sinn Feim. Although we are now separated, we would come together on essential matters." PeValera added: "Only by resistance to Britain and not t.hroueh cooperation ran Ireland tea in her freedom " He ur;-d a polity of passive r sistance if the Sinn Femers f-lt that at ti resistaiire had failed IieValera and his political .i irhael Collins, evinced no personal animosity toward one another. In the meeting they met and shook hands, chatting toc-ther for a while. t l.m ea ( h. n hair er ennui it n total 4"o hois-jn !l'i! sepiitt er. I in I iliuat-d sj-c-d its ciuisini; ra- ni vj miles j.-i iu-. at f'i!i sp.-' ii .t oruiriiii; sp.---n w...t :?. i.ii!- s and at S.e.iti m :!-.- Although sicn-.l lor coiimie;.: i. is:n.i ! usi. it w as built by th Italian eovernment f-"-war parpos,-.-. an i aia.1 s-vcial trip over th- A'ps Th- a :h;p wa.s ! to th- Cn t- l Sia'-s govei nnient fo app-. . l iiiat-'l m-,i -ill 1 I -s et n.aTvd rh.i' :' w-.-jiJ f jt J!.'iV. -.o -iipi rat- - 1 lie a - -i.,, -v from P.-.1-. t- 'h- Vn t- J S ::: - 5T" nt i '. n ! ?' -n - r. i--a- i Cn'te i S ,?. 'o'.; -r ..n-; v. j i ' - t.. 1 an:!". F-el-' w .-. it v. a K-ei.' V n? fci a : Ut:e. 1 a lasi - I n (Ti was ?:ut ' 1 The e-.. . 'et-.! here 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 j. 1310 OB. At a meeting ot the Volusia county commissioners today, di vision of several cities into a greater number of precincts was I passed, under the new ruling. Day! ana will be divid.-d into two ting precincts. Volusia avenue 4. tc be the dividing line. De- 4 Land will have three and New 4 Smyrna three, while Dayton . Beach and Seabreeze will each f bs a Toting precinct, where dere 4 tofors one polling place has been 4" used for the two towns. Woman suffrage made necessary a great er a umber of precincts, too . great a time being taken to cunt the votes cast at each i. election. a f...iiTniT,.., Fcmo era riniY is i?aj)i WASHINGTON. Feh. 21 Governor j Moat Heilly's administration f : Porto Rican affairs was wamly up-! held in the highest administration cir-! lies to.lay. It was stated oficiallv at the White Houre that no charges had i nrougat against trovernor Kellly and that no charges of a serious char acter are expected. Reilly was described as an "honest and fearless executive' and it was said that the result of his attitude' in the administration of Porto Rican j aflairs was being manifested now by a complete change in the tone of the 1 crto llican people. TVEHTIETIi HEEL III r.OVIE MYSTEflY IS STILL WITHOUT FLOT 4 4- LOS ANGELES, Feb. 21 Film- j for shorter distances than for longer dom's greatest mystery serial the1 jver the same line or routes." William Iiesniond Taylor murder I "Whiie intrastate rates have not entered upon its twentieth reel today j l.een included within the scope of the with the climax still hidden. j investigat-en " it was stated, "the From person to person the spot j coniniissiun appreciates the desira lijiht of ofh' ial investigation has flit-i jility o.' er harmony between the tered without, revealing as yet t-vid-ence of a tangible nature that wi:l Ioint nut the murderer and bring about a solution of the mystery. I!t.-re.-t of in v-st gattirs cent re i today on a re,it. from a jt;wei. . r aininii.g Taylor's handsom- thr. inoiie! goid watch. His report may c! Cn-teiy d.-tei mine the exact m'nu'e at which Tavlor wa shot Tl : may give o!iai- a n-w angle on -!.i-I to vork. Hi:ry Pcavrv. nesro -e;- ,nt. n-' of th- last to Ta io: j.:v-. h ; been qtiestmn-d acain t-y In-tr.rt M ; 'ciiTj3;-' W'ool :n- :n an -r ?o i-n-r-S tnin-i. v. liether -h-r- w ;iry;s f : i d-cla h:ei said pvt. v - -1 rat .n ,i d h .- -i 1 o:V 1- b :t U iit i ft -- -' :-. t b. ' Z J TO TELACH PROHIBITION. Er. r v.. - p - til 1 a sum- coni sirrrzzs ltd rrm3 IV1L flTT7 TO . ! C."3C7Crj I i7.dcr3: WAtHINOTOM. FeK tL , n1t retee m tne Mertt-sre terrtsv:wC.rv 'CI ts day ay Mm imaiejiia Ce i.lierea'-." cofntniaaien.- ' " '.,. -." The iMquiiV Uui'ieWbb trim be twee it aoKemeMsa-aeCe' 'n crossings anal Illinois, Buffalo, central tsrrltorlaa.' Southern territory M Virginia : cities and Eastern points in trunk line and Now Enetand tarritertna. Shippers ana roads to Southern ter ritory requested the commisskm to make the investigation. Hearings will be held at various - cities in the South, aad dates aad i places to be announced later. j The commission explained that the i inquiry has been ordered because the rates in many instances differed at iterially from substantially similar j hauls on light classes of traffic, "be I cause the relationship to the first ' class ot the rates on the lower class varies greatly In many of the dif ferent scales and adjustments, aad because many- of the rates are higher -astd. i.d interstate rate struc- i'urej a it oi . ' -illppeTs now exists and believes that ine carritMs but also the n.l iUW commissions of the Simula eii: -tain like views as to this -.natf-r. "To this end. the commission la ,- a ii:n conclusions with respect to , liirer.stal- rates will consult with the to ;, missions and is confident ot ' tii-ir co-operation." i NAVY DEPARTL-ltlT IS PREPAr.i::S A STATUS SEF0HT FC!I ll?.r!."j WA.-.H INGTON. Feb. 21 The navy .i-partia. nt now preparing for Pie ieiit Hirdiag a cooiprebensivt? btatua 'f the l'mel States navy under lfl treaty ngotiatd by tne aruia-i.t-ct t on fere ii -e and nw j-uliii in the Senate, it. waS learned authorita tively a! the. White Hottse today. '.Vnen this, state-'ient .t received, it !v- statea that -,e .resident will o t f'?re O.nitiess ttn a retjet ftr i-1 ;.ro;-r:atii..s f r . a'tying out .anges !!:a.i- u- --.-.tjv redui tinns in .nnei e,,.j:i.;..rr,t provided TRAIN HITS A MOTOR BUS; ONE IS KILLED "A: -:. u fine man - j ;:.ds injured, u . Kock Itiaud ia n U-molithtd ' eet t!o -g a Ulie l I ll-,- . y;U- i.:rifl ttiiouga to.-. f ,. Poaats m Kart!i Cms of rli.ant i