Newspaper Page Text
-1, 1 ? r - i - i S" 4 I U-'V- 1 - . ; r ? r "75 t 8 jUL JUL) .3 r' i i u I vac, ... 'caci1 "i ! v - ' ! Uwl CHICAOO, reb. 22. United y V, - MiM Worker of .-nerica do not wast the aation't railroad em- VloyM to Joia them in a strike, Presideat Lewla of the miners aid today in addressing a con- fc fereace of leaders of mine and 4 ratlway unions. fl tl tl tllf Tali -- 1 I X Feb. 2?. rtSice autkori- T Edward F. a alet in the b held with . j awaited here today. from He same to Chief M'arrey H. Adams, i fcaokkeeper and V kJs home was in ytzM Be admitted .rka Richmond fos r arretted be said -'o Mount Holly, -srk as aa ac t atrctioa Irm. i Is the man," Chief of , ti the tnteraatioaal tee feet, eight ireicbs well otct has a scar oa the i aider the chin aad "t sbelder. He has .aad apparently He , is weD aatly denied that he '1 , Halbert said, how a kmc grilling, he i as betaK familial picture business and rie colony in California aied ever having been "-i M miiie by the chief eM in a local cafe when .d a meal. ;t was arrested within i lJar he had arrived in v tM Chief Talbert he Jaarf, N. C. yesterdaj jtr aad then proceeded tr jeeapaax with a traveling A 4 1 l,Qnly Eleven Survivors of Crash and Terrific Fire Which Made a Funeral Pyre of Trapped Airmen r:m sir CIO IBS TED POM SZTiATCn LCSCE TO TALK OVER MATTZ3 WITH THE PRS34T SOON. Survivors Tell Stories of the JT 4T a--a f.!z::?Tr:.:3Y WIMI UIII lll'fr I r'i r 1 L. 4 iu a ) . t TO ST. tZZxO. t 4 ROME. Feb. 22. Pope Pius X 4 today appointed the Very Rev- JL 4 erenl Patrick Barry, vicar tea- eral of SU AuKUStlne. as bishop 4 of St Augustine diocese. He is $ tha first American bishop to be J appointee by the new pope. 'ITV i" 'HT' 'lmrlmW 'V"tml"l' 'I' 'I' TOTAL REACr A NATION WOULD 043,000, WITH N I AG STILL IN LEAD WASHINGTON. Feb. 22. Co mole tioa of the 1.900.000 horsepower wat erway project at Muscle Shoals, Ala.. under direction of Henry Ford, would give America 44 per cent of the wortd s developed wateroower. it was declared recently by Senator Harris, Democrat, of Alabama. The project, however, probably will not be oompleted for several years. It would rive America a total of 10.213,- 000 horsepower generated by water- power. New York, according to Senator Harris statistics, is the leading state in the union with 1.3O0.000 horsepow er, while California is second with WASHINGTON, Feb. 22 The Brandegee and other reservations proposed to the four power Pacific treaty by Republican "irreconeilabre" and Democratic Senators constituting a major ty of the Senate Foreign Re latlon committee, will be the subject Uhe sky who were suddenly of a conference between President I ,i. 1 r . i. t. Hardlnc and Stmutnr I rwl i-n H..onhll. I '"- can of Massaohusetts, the committer HAMPTON. ROADS, V..j Feb. 22. A charred skeleton of i twisted metal, splashed with bits' t t 1 I . J I oi irayea ouniuig, loaay maraea the spot where 34 American army bird men died in the crash of the semi-rigid dirigible Roma, once pride of the Italian air forces. While three concurrent investi gations were being rushed by army officials, fellow air-men hon- order their dead as crusaders of over- chairman, before any of them are fi nally acted upon. In making this announcement to day after the PaciPc pact was again diocussed by the committee, without any agreement being reached regard ing it. Senator Lodge said he expect ed to 3ca the President about the pro posed reservations, "without the next twenty-four hours."' Senator Johnnon. of California, one of the Republican "irreconcilables" committee-members, offered a new re servation to the Pacific pact at to- There are eleven survivors of the crash and the terrific fire that made a funeral pyre of the trap ped airmen. 1.1 11,000 horsepower. The Muscle day's session, which was intended to Shoals project would place Alabama ia third place, he said. The Muscle Shoals project, as out lined by Ford, would give the South define the term "rights" employed in the Pacific pact, and to reserve to the United States "full liberty of Judge ment regarding th validity or in aa additional horsepower volume i validity of those "rights"' in the event of Sands, according to j closely with tlio man Old scars. Talber f a strong resetnlar.-e to y in descriptions of Samlf jjtrom Los Angele-,. taya He Knows Who Killee Taylor. Mich.. Feb. 22. Declar T -t In Los Angeles the night .lam Desmond Taylor mur that he knows and wt uli identity t: Taylor's My t U. Fields, confessed "doper" 'jsl& forger, today made . 1 ia which he told Chief Ed , fax, his detailed movement! l et the rtne. aa arrested for th; letroi V Ealalo, N. Y.. Kc-bru.iry 6 sed here for irial on a for Z. He was convicted be f March. February 11. un- i to the count jai! for seu "-Teles officials parly todaj esting the sUerif to fuani?b Je informnt;os on the litis ictoaures and Mr. I'olfirt di I a second wire to the coast, .lared the story would cast t light on the blaring, if it mIW. hut refused to discuss iU- The prisoner, he admitted a charge of forgery. ' Checking Up Stories. ANGKLES. Feb. 22 Invent ipa t tie murder of William Ds Baylor, which today entered I third week, was pro eedicp channels. It became ap equal to the entire, supply of water power developed in Japan. Harris said. The Japanese total, he added, is the largest in Asia. , The Alabama project the senator declared, if generated to capacity. I rould surpass the waterpower now I ilAvnlonAd at Niacara Ka'.ls. where . both Canadian and American sides': enerate but 870.000 horsepower. He explained, however, that engineers j .vere adding 425,000 norsepower to h develoDment at Niagara Falls. A-hich prolialjly will be ir:or to the Ford project. At any rate the Muscle bboals de- velonment would be the second larg est in the world after Niagara Falls has been enlarged," be said. The Muscle Shoals project, the vnatnr added. compares lavoramy with the total development in some of the most progressive nations of Eu rope. France, Italy. Germany, Nor way aad Sweden ana Switzerland have total developments of a little more than 1,000,000 horsepower. I lie Muscle Shoals development win al most approximate the totals in these countries." TWO Fifties OF FILMXE, ENGLAND TO HOLD SESSION of any dispute, over them. 'I tie Johnson reservation was intended, it was explained, to prevent Those of the survivors aide to talk today blamed the catastrophe oa broken elevation controls and a lib erty motor that "went dead." The Roma was makfn its first tost flight after liberty motors had replaced the original Italian engines. Out of the maze of counter stories. It was apparent today that the crew and passengers of the Roma for the most part "never had a chance to es ccpe." Trapped beneath the falling envelope they were blasted Into black ened shriveled corpses In the f rat great explosion that followed the crash. The handful who escaped either dove from the cabins Just be- : f- ,1.. .. i. i , i i i i NEWPORT NEWS. Va Feb. 22. The official casualty list of the crash of the semi -dirigible ! Roma Issued today at the tern- ! porary morgue was as follows: 4 DEAD: Major John G. Thorne'.l. mar- rled, Sidney. Iowa. Major Walter W. Vaatsmeler, 4.; warned, r reepon. 111. Captain Dale Mabry, single. 207 Cardy street, Tampa, Fla. Captain George N. Watts. In- j dianaola. Miss. Captain Allen T. MacFarland. A single. Indianapolis, Ind. Captalu Fredereck J. Durr- 4 Bcbmidt. single, Derby, Conn, First Lieut John R. Hall, A married, Kingville. Mo. First Lieut. Wallace C. Burns, married Brandon, Miss. First Lieut. William E. Riley, 4 E3 i: married. New York. First Lieut. Clifford E. Smythe. 4.' e First Lieut Wallace C. Cum- X mings, married, home pringneid, Tenn.; emergency A address. Mrs. Cummlngs, Moa- 4 rovia. Calif. First Ueut Ambrose V. Clin- 4 ion. msrriea. 301 sast Chariton ! nlabsed that there street Scvannah. Ga. JL ! .h tmrv T3ft (tullej-a that criss eros&ed the field on I w hich the Roma tell. These go) leys j rifrtviifl , .,4 tir t iin ,-. . ... Mm 1 . 1 b . , i or those r - r " Tr i I IDA IWM11AK nf Tll flcidkjl , tvittat nf powers as valid but by others i .!-m . hrro,i iv..n.i h. r .lr. ! deemed invalid. ni:nn lav in a tinv mnririio at VW..J. The text of the JohnHon reservation ; l)ort News. Va.. across the bay from j follows: j the s ene of the catastrophe. Four! 4 iuv ue 01 ine woro. ricius in ereat armv and navv liaseR loin hinir -t. Mllfhll Ku.M .V v ine preamoie ana in Arii' ies 1. ana , on Hampton Koads. meanwhile paid A Master Seret Roeer the United States from being cement ed to any guarante? of any "rights", which may ba claimed by i some Civilian Oliio. Civilian Ohio. Civilian Suhulenburg, Dayton, Ohio. Civilian. Cressie R. Merriman. Appointive and Electhrc OZi NotmnatMi ia Pact Y Whose Terms Expira CaSorn End of Year, WS1 Ca riaosai rated at Piimaij rmifiii Committee Stages BaUle Over jBaliacataoae of ? State's Attorney to Rumored Riots. .4. A l JfcL i . - JACKSONVILLE, Feb 22 All cp polntive as well as elective officer who have been nominated in the De-! mocratic primaries in the last few mill be nominated again this year if their terms expire before Dec 31 Fit. Tha IVninrratlr ataf . address 4Cutive committee decided here today. The usual one percent of the first year's salary to defray primary expen ses wis reduced to one halt at one per rent alter uuairman ; Kaaey. ex- was a surplus ia from the last pri- First Lieut Harold K. Hlne. 4.1marv i. I Here was a beatod deliata in a rea- civilian Stryaer. Uayton. Ohio. olutlnn defining rwmnrtlo omnnni C vil an Hanson. Dayton. Ohio. 4. j The resalutlon provided that ejectors uouiiiia. Lwyion. nmst be wh'te. believe la Democratic i i oriru itile j and vote for bartv una Hartigan. Dayton. 4 j itees. ' Ceorce Rassett of Kl AiiEUKflna Ind . ' . ...... 1 . ,t.. ( 1 completed: nl lnm lrely 8nai ni tuaen to. honored tribute to the air victims. J commit the signatory powers to any! Three Investigations Under Way. guarantee of. or to any opinion re- The three investigations into the garding the validity C. Mc- Rtipulatiog ; principles party h id the belief in Democratic on theg round that the WASrfcNGTCri Fe!a, 22. TImmsIi tSte neeaa Cri ks struck aaotSMg chord el fctrer t the mass of tJsa Aaoerxa rrr the United States aautt ct i its experimenta to eo-so C Cs by fcgbter-tWakalt meat Julius Kabe, eVirr- the House Mtary ACaara con mi ttee. declared Jtoday. "The 34 mea wao lost their Uvea la the catastrof are eitytas as the cauae." saM lake. "TV t rvrl hce mast not he ia vaia aM t a V. ed SUtea eaaaot serast T t " to oatlBu davOcaie-t tt i I aad ataad hCy ay. Va asatt-.L j asu-hte wttk Ca eerH. "tt ia So he. fcer e -V r- um gaa wt4-" t' ba f- (, o aJreraU. n stance was not aeaSaa Uv. Had it been, this tent t would not have claimed aa a L-J at life.- , -v! ;Ti-, i, Kaha declared tast Is tfvi'se slbUity that the Usees wiU m sai a' coagreaaioaal lajrsstlgatioa of . the Roma disaster. " ' n . s Air service officers were Quick to H)int today 4liat the ZR-2 aad the Ro ma disasters were aot dissimilar, la PARIS. Feb. 22. ArranKementu ave been completed for a meeting between Premier Lloyd George and Premier Poincare at the end of this Week, it was stated at the foreign Bice' today. The c onference will not jiKe pia e in i an, uui . , - Three sunjei ts win u uikh i , of, any rights which may by any powers or people ' be claimed as valid but which at the ' same time may by other powers or . peoples be deemed invalid; and it is understood that in any dispute, exist ing or future, regarding the validity of right? the signatory powers reserve each to itself a full liberty of judge ment. ' It was denied by Senator Lodge that he had formally acc epted the Brando gee or any of the proposed reserva tions. It was understood previously that the Brandegee reservation was not only acceptable to Lodge, but that I it had been submitted to the Presi- dent, who. while regarding it unnec i escary. had not ottered any objection ! to .u- J The situation had apparently chang ! ed over nUht. however, as Lodge w:;s i said to have renewed his origin tl johjoctirn today that reset vation to j the Pacific pact aio unnecessary. Mnd ng himself ovuy adle to con trol a miuoritv of the committee, it (rash are being conducted by Major; General Patrick, chief of the army air; service, who came from Washington by airplane: by Lieutenant Colonel i Arthur G. Fisher, acting commandant, at the flying field, who ordered the Roma "up" on its last flight, and by , Major E. L. 'Kennedy, summary court officer, who is the army "coroner." Major Kfnnody announced today he would swear in a jury, and hold an inquest over the bodies either late today or tomorrow. He will deter mine responsibility for the accident for the local military authorities. The crash which occurred within the army supply base grounds here urminatfd what was to have been a test flight of the Roma under power of nw liberty motors. The airship after rising above ils hangar at Lang ley Field, crossed Hampton Roads in a long sweeping c ircle. While above the bay the ship de veloped "head" trouble, according to survivors. She no-e'l downward. settling slowly at. first, but in a few ! minutes 'living earthward at an angle A Nally. 1815 Stiles street. Phila- 4 delpula. : J Master Sergt. James Murray, ' 4 "09 OreenWich street. New York. j. Master Sergt. Homer Gorby, 4. Raymond City. Iowa. '4 Technical Sergt. Lee M. Har J. ris, Langley Field, Va. V Staff Sergt. Louis HiilarJ. 'I- Cold water. Kans. the case of the ZH-2 it was faulty no platform. Colonel Robt. ! uc tlon huge ship W. Davis led the supporters of the ! " " "T " provision and the resolution was ad-ijt0a 18 M PrtsUB?"r the same opte.1 as first submitted. l'" fioB which ceased one . . j- .x. i of the elevattu s to stop and throw the Spectators attending the , ship oM ot ,nutrol. 9 included Governor Hardee, William ; Tne twin ,.ifia!lter8 to t d. Jenn.ngs Brayn and trank L. Jen-;r llota of orei(ER des, tnA nina. speaker of the house of rep-e-; ,aB11fa, . . ,.., m. Stiff Sergt. La plata. Mo. Marion J. Beall. Sergt. Thomas A. Tarborough. ? , Ala. 4. n. 4r,i J was reported that Lodge had reached ! degrees with increasing speed, n ilecisinn tn first . nnsult the Prei-! The big engine;, were silenced and dent before permitting the question of reservations to proceed any fur- Hythe. discussion: 1 The Frenc h memorandum regard itig the Genoa conference and the eact date of the conference. 2 The attitudc3 of the allies toward RUssiH. ;The policy to be pur German indemnity. In view of Lodge's announcement. the bag floated. I. crazed electric civerhe id wires running along a c amp roadway, tore several away and 'crashed in the TnicNt of ji'ie. of army i junk. V ft.rri)ii' l,b,ut of flamoii f..l- i th.-re was considerable speculation jow.r,, Wlf! ear deafening rc-ar. among senators generally as to wiiatjralrn b.s,.rvPrB ,1,.,-lared the flames the President's attitude toward the j i,'apPd oo f-et. in the air. The, proposed reservations would be after; bole shin burst into flan-.e. For I Lodge hid seen him. Senator Kellogg. )an noljr minor rxplopions oc curred a ue1 towaras Republic an, of Minnesota, au admin-1 tank 3 of ga?olme or bydrcgen blew : i istration committee member who ivp. ciinndtfini. 1 jt era rtolnrerl th:if tii ! An ti rctnen YEGGMEN REMOVE SAEE ! re.-wrvations were not only -absoluj naVai and army baVs on tb Hampfii TO CONVtlNltlN I rLAl-t ; "V a"" mi,"'i"iiub. . Koads side of the la ru; !ie i to resc ue - , 1..,. If .. r...rt.,,f uaru norm I 1., . tn imprison M OBILK. Ala . Feb. '2. Yeggmen : v ho earlv today moved the safe of the Lores Canning company here some distanc e from the building to plare it under an arc lamp, opened tt with an acetylene torch and stole several hun died dollars. d irir.1 t the probe being conducted KitTs office is bow operating jatly of that under direction i pt Attorney Woolwine. As I ts being given the sheriff's f be continued bv Vtlwio. Peavey . kawever. It is understood, by has been called in now several times V who has turned over tran (and eac h time his questioning has 1 statements of all material ; brought forth something new. All t to an aader-shnriff. ! these circ umstanc es are lieing chec ked 'and it is the beliet ot investigators , that he may still nave vHiuinie mior- but tliat. If a "precedent ere permit ted to be established by the anee nf one, there was bound to be a i hour, as hj fiam fliod of other:, which would lead to : Droa h When th inte: minable delay. Kellogg announ ced his intention of continuing h's fight against the reservations both In committee and oc th" Senate floor, whenever the Pacific pact gets there. For two hours, the committee mem-jBiley. of l(er; were angled behind closed- doors, 'be bae with over the lltandecee. J.jhnoon and oth-l,"p crash. The ,,Hra er reservations propor-ed. The upshot ot the situation was that no vote was They were strict attorney is understood : V the theory that Taylor was T.a man and has dennitely XlM oa two persons whose 1 aru being checked closely, j .' hurtit Biscailuz is uncler- adhere to his original theory '.Vttiaaa killed tbe director, and Sioutf a definite line of sua toaicl questioning of Henry Ji aegro servant ot Taylor. ill mation which under continuous iam Ination will slip out. Under-Sheriff Biscaibii plann.d to day to summon for questioniLg sev e"ral of the witnesseicexamiiiecl iy thA district attorney inaje early days j Locir;e decided that the President ought to be consulted, as to the proh able effec t nf the reservations not only j upon tiie Pacific pact, but upon the 'results of the aims confeience gener ' ally. rest ues for an j:evened ap biye wa linallv "xtinsuir-hed, a b!a-keed. tiass of twi.ited metal reniaine'I. It was in tins 'nTerno that all but one c.f the viit:nii perished.. The exception was Lieut. Win. K. York. He leaped from c parachute ju-t before the crash The pnrachcite failed to lonen and Rilev r i-hed head onto I the cent re roH'iuay. H's head was Sergt. Virgil C. Hoffma West Plain street, Eaton Rapids, 4 Mich. 4 Serqt. William J. Ryan. ISO -J-Conover street. Brooklyn, X. Y. .J. Sergt. Kdward M. Shumacher. .J. Red n.-.nk. N. J. Jt. Sergt. James M. Ilo'-nes. 21.". 21st street. Ashlsnd. K;.. Corp. l'rb"y H. Hevron. K.14 4 South M street. Klruw-cod, Ind. Private Gus Kin-;stm. :'.611 . W. Kentucky street, Louisville. Ky. Private M 't ion Hill. Newton, III. Private Tlneen. Private M i!Kikc!y. T.C1 Sev en'ii street. San Francisco. Private John K. Thompson. Bontonville, N. (". D'ING: f'has V.". Uv.oia k. (.tjpe.rin tendnt arinl c-onatructioa. Day tn. Oli'o Ser?'. H.:riy A C h :i:3W. Joseph, Mo INJUHCD: Mijcr John P. Keard"n. I, ton. O!ro (a'ituii K . t..-r J dale. N. Y. 'lnren e .'br. Joseph M FV AUi-Tt ! sent.;tives. : Ti Investigate Trouble I JACKSONVILLE. Feb. 22 A. Crev.s of Starke, state attorney of eighth judicial circuit said here duy th;-t he intended to investigate the trouble? at MaK'leny Saturday which caused the sheriff of Baker county to telegraph the sheriff of Duval tor help, but which the sheriff of Baker county said later amounted to nothing. Ro?d Bond Issue Carries Big FORT l.Al'DKRDALK. Feb. 22 Broward county voted a SfictO.Ooc") road bond issue yesterday, complete re turns this morning showing only votes against in the entire county 14 : OPPOSITIOII TO THE i PROFOSED SU3SIDY OF SHIPS PLANNED St. -l-: r v, shim;ton. Feb. ubs.dv SSJ plaf-ned ''!ai i iii. '. '.Vev ft : Lieut. Omaha. S Tgt Hertn.-in fOi,. Pico. ' P,-,.. i . !' IM l 11 s- Welch. Sc h i Ti t.'i-'" feder. 'til! '11 ''n: !!.-. K cn: : c ; 12 C h gani- 1 Ship !iv ;ind cither f '-n a'e ' ag :.-it. d Bie'irnllll- il. -'- lt .1. d and his !)" n broKeti Literally RosteH Alive Soldiers, u.;ing a Li--i Lan?Ie) Serst H.lCte. r ivib Oil o A "i ui. KU3iit"!t. VI UNINJURED: Byron G. L-irt V Field. V,l :. G-)rg' I'e?-ke. CP. a CI' he Pr. Vi.ji. t -,.- ' !.! tit 1 r v e, det i n ''.i I t i in . n eee:t I"-? a. a - ntl 1.1 icials to riously question today the Ivlsa: ' ' iurther dealiae with ii' eign tyi.-s of these ships. The S-, 1: nia was of Italian construction aad be the ZK-2 of British. Both had been t- nunbased bv this rovernment The navy is particularly interested bee: ise it is now negotiating for a Cepl-lin of the most advanced type to be built in Germany under Amerieaa supervision. Work has not actually liegun on tbe new ship yet, because of a hitch in tiie financial arrange ment. One result of tbe Norfolk disaster, a'r expe rts asserted today, would be advanced to the use of helium gas. supposedly non inflammable. The Homa, so far as is now known, was tilled with ordinary hydrogen gas aad i iitla its said today if helium had been : u.-ed. the disaster undoubtedly would ' have uot reac hed the proportions It did j The first explosion which followed t the c rash of the big ship was pros am -: ably caused by the ship's coming la coatac t w;th the high tension electric wires. Tite use of helium gas. they believe, would have prevented the ex j plosion aad if ant preenting tbe fire, at It -1st would have lessened its mag nitude and terror. The Roma catas trophe threw an atmosphere of gloom ! ibout tmth war and navy departments I today. The thirty-odd victims of the rash were will known in Washington. having made frecjsjent t.ips to tb apital fri.ui tbe armv bane at Lan 'e Field. :ne er.t !1 .il . 'ViglC- hat li" if, 'ii" plan for iv ii sr-iaranteo f ban' Marine u 'iW h : yj,e. eil in S'lb- tiiTi Satui'iav COMMERCE AN'tD LABOR DEPARTMENTS GET S'JM b-t. Terr COOM'XiK DEFENDS TMF. FOUR-POWER TREATY HI Hi nf his inciuiry. tjus -;.ri; win upon these witnesses to explain parent contradictions pppenrioc the transcripts il ; Region drained by the Colorado river is called the Asia Minor of i tTt'-ric-i, . (which wa; ! lifted the v r dug out t'i dead. ;n;esc r scuers. ! bands Innnc fori y of the i i- Ked u-ai "i k.IKO '.'. !)' bodies of ime sic'nt.- ;it!ie vj I ?n. lie scene. volunteers the charred met. t!ic? tun- bad their thoiith t)i ll eet;ied to I i 1 re--.! fef. ri. r--;ii v 'Pgtoi' Hopk'r. ' The ri;'ri!".. .Md.. Feb tl' C':iH:n f'nni!l!ge . "I t'ie .,; prW 22 -Viee. atue to t!ie I Pacific WASHINGTON. Feb partments of f "onutier- 'rc. allowed 12j..'.:;ii.-i ; j year 1922-2S. und-r tV lan appropr.atinn liill r ; ilouse t c!ay by tie H-j tions comtinei- cif t j Or in mere e '!; i' 'u S VS.16 and ts-s I-ttu, ii.- A;-, Hi. c-t partmeat cb.ef have I 'a ma u j. Duple are ani"ng t!i" be wciild. and ilder 1 'Cnlpi T'nvai c inat-d pi Tiiitl.'.l to vote ir rsotis are Vorwtl v . It e., in not iier- ;e t..rt:iv in 3 'ieorga Wash '.r'li'iav address at John In:', ejstv ,o;.t vt oriL'til nf this tr,.v is i: Mmpli-t;.-." tic- vi e-president de;-:,.r-d near tbe .-rid of address n wine h he bad prai.-ol the work t the V.'a blng'c.n annamcjnt co:ifc-r- iice a::d pointed out that th" spirit cf Gei(-e Wa-hington continiies to zui.te ')) nr-'inn n rreatec- elorir T TRFATY IS SIGNED BRITISH WON'T LAY KEELS ''M'ci.V. Feb. 22- Lf u'enait rol v i 1. '". Amery. s; Odktr.j for 'he lv ve-r, ; -cent. ann'uti ! in the Houe f r M.ii.'.nns t day tbatt h- admiKlitv i ,1 not ley d-ll the Keels of the i,:i;. "d 1'i'ir ri'--v stipe; hcci urcad-r-jtich's t.r.i,;-.-s the powers MKu.turf to t:.- Washington r-vj tr ; t tiil . to r-:fv -J.