Newspaper Page Text
- . or-" m , , ' i J -..J ;-.. su.. "'J . vj v. ;--- - : "" V ' I Xl 'n:- ' VA x gyg .1 "' V.' :.,f OAYTTTiA. FLKUDA. THURSDAY, FES. 2i 1922. J ;:v i . - os 8u on n uu ssu35s! for Air IFuzJay; Some Bead to Bodies to I AD DTrjiffl ma fe National Cemetery o ar::3 to in m s.jrT. , W3 rrrr:) ctkzd a ra ci cr OY VIS! GUDTEJ .! T0U.S. a 73y o li rcrs?rroi ROCKEFELLER'S CONSENT WOULD EE 03TAI3ED TO MARRIAGE. fcrthe XKEw'S. Va.. Feb. 'jt began to bury her ,v From this wide t town, now holding 1 remnants of 34; j4-aen who "crash-1 .jm, the army started ,-' on iu last Jong! (Copyright. 1t22. by t. N. S.) WASHINGTON. Feb, 22 Breaking of the control cable on the semi-rigid . dirigible Roma woe responsible for the d waster only because the vessel was fly ing too low. Lieut. Col. Aiessa-i- dre Guidon i. air attache of trie Italian embassy here, informed the international News Service today. Tne ship was purchased from the Italian government, and Col. Guidon i was one of the nego tiating off tears. i Ila-i the cable snapped whil the P. McFarland. greyhound of the air dn sail- a peat aboard ' lBB Sre8teT aitituae, the vessel catajtotea, tea tne aa- thmttiwi. th toil of would have been nro und the p aut. Byer woafil have been intarl. Col Gui iluai Ue'.'lared. Th Roaia eonrtd citastrorh) in "fklrtini; the eartn." th Ita'iua air ex pert declared Col. Ouidont Is tho-fuphly fatriliar wltk the technicjne employed tn tbe coBitruftion of the Roma. A3 SEMTEO'S OFFER iS CIST 'MONEY AND CETSUS OF FORD PLACES HS ON A PINNACLE. SAYS. i of the dead. His jway led to Danville l goon to follow will tm twenty different :3ae will come to rest oat inn's burial ground ' " aoatbem town, deeply Je SMnin of the fright -r- reaoar pahlir hoaors ' Friday. Uxi by the t''Ow KiU Juta with ''atioas from aoarby taamlly avMiraerk. In , , His$ asurce on the tmm taa army will in 3sral serrice of the flit jvwaDa the army will ren It tribal to the an t aarvice of their country'. jro win stand a death stodied it iu the making in ita'.y "The dancer irrflvtng too k was tavnr more foicefnllr deBKinstrslei Sbaa (a the sad late of the Roma, ttte iw of whine precious human freight 's fait ajost keenly by niy governiBnt nd by my pep:e." Col. Cuidini sa G'eat -coniHeBdHtiini wap given the onimand and crew of the Roina by Col. Guidoni. v.-bo asnned he knew raan? of them nersonallv. "1 am firni tn 'ho ; my belief .that the accident was no; caused by the failure on the part of ! the cotL.nad to execute th;r difiictiU tvA S1IINGT0X. Feb. 23 Unary ord b Tw-ney and penius." plate atm alone aoionc bidder f?jr the go rnment ovned Mnnele Shoals water :wwe;- prole-t. a capable or auccess ilv tie"elping the property. Gray Silver. Reprew?ntat',v of the Farm Kureii FfderatioB testified bafore the Hou r ailitary Affairs commit tee today. Con--ludig hi testimony. Silver dedai ed that tbe farmers are unalter- havini i ibiy npponed to congreawional accept IN. . MISS UULi Detroit Prisoner Say- Two Men, One a CUmzszz c: Woman to the Some cj Si: so c? to. czii" c?. can rio F.1T LZD L".r tgd to m. eh Gc3t3r;r;n - .: ocllegtl:: c? 1 FOjXHJT OSCETTER i FUKSJMG ARRANGEMENTS : EXPECTED TO RE DONE I BY OCTOSER 1ST. .1 DETRC3T. Ka 2 a d-rty rJ r-f ! today bali aacLoCz tlrt ! MATHILDA AIXXtRUlCal not tapa" will sound the 1 task sn th? moAt expert fashion."' i;ii- jr., tdoni aaui. "They roull have done - arasy plane droned softly I attains more than thev dtd. conRjd 3ead and a chun-h bell Uili-'rinc th heiprht at wliich they were 3 to tae dead Bear at hand. 1 nyins There, was no tin an-! im T a)f McFailaad left the mor-' use iu shutting ofi the engines Thesv Srst Rotna funeral prww j was n?t enourh distanc- between the aaai by the time honored f abtp and the ground to r.ght her ia rrmsi. the little procession tlnie. "Had the char ee a transit wir not been strut-K. there would hav Iwen no fire end no explosion Hd tiiere beep jrreter distance to f ..!":. they could easily have ruibted th y-hr, The transit Un was the cause of tb hor ror. The tnr-re DieaKing 01 Je e-v-valor cal.le a trifle. 1 had sin h vk..i hun.. t ! ret la it ft in tne comnianu 01 ut rred at Baltimore tor the; Roma that i still lee.1 tnere must have across the continent. With i been some sensible and neceKsary -) bis brother, Captain Fiet-h reason for the Roma ftvmc w. 1" over unc-iearen i.erra-n n i-.i-.i, evcti hKve N-n n"ce.-ary for tt Umia to havo !ired to earth after the cotit-ol ciliie hrrk. Su'-h ;ti a -I't-lent conUl have 1-een han'd:5 ! n)""hf!n!''-. m mid -ai-" Italy lii- n'! cm?'tefi pbiii the Na?Mii. Ristet slnp u' Col ui:lor!i said. Th'-re wi!l Biieht difleen: e -r. th new ship t the t;oma it! tha tin-; " somewaat in:er. !s-;;- altz sweater nw-r an! br cnvi"l tjs town to 6L Johns church f Oa (lory of his death was ex ; y army chaplains while ruour : Jaa at tbe bier. later. McFarland began his; f ia boyhood scenes in Illinoit ; ,JW MHIa Stel. luv uiu j ' piacna anoara tae n t ; ar."e of the Alabama Power company 'a rtvat b'rt whi'-h the committee pur-po-s to bold bearmjnt on beginning nest wMk. He pt via ted out that in t comanra proposal aa nubmttted eon are ss hv Screrr of War Weeks, i That John I Rwkefe'.tei has no provision is made for the manti i given his consent to tn uia-r ? of fsctu-e of fertilizar at Muscle Shoals i ms lft-year-oW graBiblaugbter. Mibt. Hi armed with representative Hul I MthiMa McCormu k. u. Max Osei. of I"wa. that ta'luie to apWiflcalH riding Diaste:. is tae inform prr.vide for fartilixw prodtt.-t.on. "pre h '0r, to tP- 11'y N"s gent a n.fflcnlt problem for congress ! trough sn authent st.ur e. from to .onsider.- Silver said that farmers j Me ho s beheved ,oe to We of the counrrv a-e not prepared to fir, llr!c' " ancn a corporal ion to produce (ertil I "1 Tf 55 ?uX'Tl T, , t Bet that liarolri r. i rl . ortiitt R. o! , in answer to questions of Repre alu! hls aaughter. Mts. s!.t.-itfvo Keitins. of Ohio. Silver a- V!othill!a v in V!S:t Vr. Ko,?k,ieiier srtd that farmers believ- Fords o, Tfc cHmnU trmnd Be-h. !! should he accl'ted to the exclu. I .j Bt WK.D ,im, Br eflf,n v il! ion of a! other bids. ; rM, U4B(I, t;, CM;D ,nsvct of Ui "Fords capital and grnuis are n niHgtmt. t the natvh vtiuh is of entugb to satisfy the Jarmer that he: Bternatu,na-, tnteresi. alone can swing th Muscle Shoals j !rK Mi ( orn.iafc. uanghf-r of Mr develonnient." said Silver. j Rockefeller and nmlhet of Mathilda. Yen bank : lot on Fords gen ma. rjMrted ! h.ive Hr. tr refused doft vou?" asked Kearn-. "F:rd ha i -unsent t; tii- niati h, so;iwisd! lie !:. ttrt thai v. ithiti a few years ht ! tott! ef tnt ait'- of tae Swiss man. has af-.nssed a fo-tun of : bi!!l r i e ven n 4i in -ome 'tispatches and iti otiters Tbe gn s lather. no- I WASHINGTON. Feb. 25 r.,ndi j tions in Europe generally are on the ! mend, and the administration regards ' the present as a favorable time to j inaugurate funding negotiations with jthe Eumppan coutrtries that owe tue j t'nited Statns approximately Jil.'WO. 000.000. treasury officials announced 1 today. i Secretary of the Treasury Mellon. ' who is chalman of the Ameri-;an I Funding commimton. of live, composed j of Se-retary of State Hughes. Sec re i tary of Commerce Hoover. Senator Smoot of Vtah and Representative LOS ANGELES. Fob. 23 Corrobor- j st ng the KM-alW "confession" off Harry X. Fields, alias -Harry the! Chink." is Detroit that he was a meav I her of a drug peddling gang that nuiuiai ioiuay mvior, waul m r- i film Utret-tor. lor revenge, it was!"" learned today that months ago. Taykw i appealed to federal officers in wouian he la said to have loved, who naoasl layiOT gOCJt CTtTl t-V H was an a!dtct i firod whach I 1 ia ta i ne conredsion ci rieias was re-'of the fciaa ceived at the sheriffs office today, j "T - T"veui nj ir Wimp I i WO BOm -Samm.e le." a Chinese, as the a! ! autfjua in haa caar. Laxi fan leged slayer. A woman known as ! the bowafoiow VEaa) tUt jeanie .n .-xire ana a man knowa as ' tJ L., . , Inh-nnv r-l-fc ..i.-. ..t Bl ae aOJO. - MB OV Qt .... 1.1 - .... -i unrui.i a v i "Triirdr tvurtv " F.e'.ln nirf j WaB a ' While frankly incline J to doubt tbe ' in Toafr - amazing story of the death of Taylor, i gior. ft am ip CLsSflBrS f" points telegraphed here hv Sbnriff r" sesBO nil Coffin, tettt ng the plausibility of uiej Field v.d ha Fiolds narratP'e. Ati1,- n. imx. r . tin LZad Tc;lt. . The story told by Fields in Detroit coincide with a theory heid by some investigators of tbe sheriff's oflice ' . can 01 vraw. mu..u - . Wll8 kaowB that Taylor, although a. ; nopeu 10 nave w lunuiua ue.mj. , nuL(i, rf,cre then a caa- i ton advaaoeo y au. , ; ual iavestisatioa of the use of drags) Thar ti : iteputy Shertn rrank irwar. wno than to the) Tartar has been active tn pr-jbmg the aram -, guthnritios BOBB. "1 11 ring t:itry. took L-Banr-; ui m- j vera COBtl k 3 1TT- quiry into Fields- stiory. l e set ' kw'a daavaar' a got BBBJat" i Bar I - annui siaiui.niug iwo poin-s ; K.vle M.iMfl j , intereet date, the adminiatrattoo bope. i t have couiplete tbe fund .ng arrange nieuts itb tie beavieet debtors Orewt Britain. France and Italy, who between them owe apprcximntely ; IfJ.'fV.'H'V Oi Lite Tjeitc ,.9ivL.a.iuun . wkara th trio bar-.: 1 tla c t. a .a m . hlocka faaajB tba-rsraaB C -a tl-'liars He got that out of the pock j et;j or th American people. Tha ; disn't show the git philothantropi ; thjt von have claimed for h'.m. Don"t .u think tht If he had hail the it est of the American eopie at heart he could have conducted his bu:i-Tiess unri exa-ed !i less p-ont '" 1 CacFarUnd. of Washington 1 sacoad body to leave the mo: : to be that of Lieut. Haroiu aa. also an obaerver, tor ship ! 1 later in the day to his home ! -XUacm Park. Bridgeport. Goan , Jt more bero dead leave toiuot , aCter the public funeral cere J, to be interred amid the wr : aaats in Arlington cenicte-y 1 are Captain Hale L Mabry. con a- at tbe Roma, of Tampa. Fia t Walter W. Bautsmeier. of Lang llaM. Va.. Sergeant James Mar Vt New York City, and Re.rgent IQ.X. Harris, of ljuieley Field jsaa Will Journey up tbe Potomac taneial boat." It is believid the T will send planes along to feu tiu i 'Sg its way. The funeral serw-e Vaaatagton. probably Saturday 1 Cre tbe nation's othcia! repren JBB aa onnortunitv to join m tbe - 3a to the air dead i5wthe public service here Fr diy t Believud all biidies will leave the TJBe in detachments. Each coffin, sat with the fUc beneath h'cb btrdman died, will te cuarderi on 1 basaeward journey b at'cnd;i!. I Xba army air base, at public tuue.ral sponoretl b( " A Gea. V. W. Hiden. of Newport WB, was agreed to by army nfticiiU JO It was decided that no puMi" " Ouaiet, would be held at Lan-I" . X This decision was fivliowed h- of the Newport News cit at which resolution of con lo'- W aad sympathy tor the tainiiies ) C victims were adopted ' SB reaolutions will be sent to X bereavefi family, to the secreta-v I war and to the flyins ofluH-rs a' 3Sr Field comTuttriots of the "SB's dead The council alto deo( lastaniish flowers for eath ca-Ke Jk Ob public services -A public holiday will he declare ! 1 Mfewport Ne- durmc the cere P. All civic botlie and the Anr taaiOM Ua already sisnified ih I attend the rvioes us a 1m1 - H rom ! he n-h BODY OF LIEUT. HIKES SECOND TO LEAVE ON HOMEWARD JOURNEY bold :; ' ' general 'i!iU ;t i' l-le; tee- til gas i V i" The !.'! f it -.It L-iei U Hi will be Koma. The N CXciUnI'-" merit the repor- that ' h as a sem!-lirigit'! completion .o !! men' a a ; " ! The cr the-e n "r-' rerT .ha! -hv l--ad! a' a wUh the n-tu-. tuu-e liiite- antS when the bells' in all i " ihant to tb' KiiU tt'a par:i; to- hiirsrt': cr' itra h"d to lish thtf oniI: n; ) - e t it ui it i.. 11 E'..' tie -C T NFV.'S. the e.--oi! lOTP'a-"-: I' - i 1 K 1 i ;!! -' ort-Mili'e;: -v.; eo n ; t-vK north v -ud AH" A '.r; Va Fh ! C-U;i ! . w ! s n , of lirirlge ) re.atrVei e'.fjm IV, : -" :i" in- i; er fi e-.-ecte'i :hr ver. ha i- annount-eo tn- engagement tentative !- . s,tp;se'V'y dependent 'Hon eain t:ie cn.-eni. ui Mr Rocke it.!)er. The date v hen Mr McCoi auck h is pt.siUesit of the Interna tioul Hnr"e-;!eT- t on'itn!. . 4n(! his daughter :5' rr. v at tirwonu has ltMl ieeii (li--- is'e : BROOKLYN DIAMOND MERCHANT HELD UP :Yi . ' ' I'- 'rv'. h ' I'vm. , . . . - . , V- '.. -K ,'-riI,.--i iS --.iMlC'li ' - ' I K-r. t i i, n ii t - ' ' ' ' ' ,,-,.., . -.- t-in, y. M -&. w .. .-v.r V . V'- Z i v..-:-. i- t: li li Rim ft t- i,.- , ; :. , ' - cm I. :: " v ' h-- .-.. -' will be begun with Great Britain stmn aftr Secretary Hughe returns from his rterriiuua vacation tr p. France and Italy wlli follow. Tbe treasury. Mellon said, regardeil the situation as "much more favor aiiie" nov. than it as sevra! months aeo. fc.urt)ieB exrhangw ratee have Iwijtere-i niate.-iali-. it pointed out particularly the British pound sterling, and this is regarded as a most accurate barometer of gnrhi fcluroi"-an ectintimic conditions. spite the cri' of povrtv tiiat are go mg up m Krsni-e, and the assertion . hv promineiit French economist that Kraii'e never r an pay her dei'l. tmjis urv offli lals outwardly manifest ever-c-onhdence that tne negotiations wri!i France for payment 1h- concludJ le fore sno fliea. rsoaie difficulty is ex;ec Ug ar- , ranging terms with the sria!ier clip tries '..Re roland ana C7.cio-Sivak.a. Viaiive of :he 21. ears limit tnjrH"-o ;;. the- S'-nau-. but ; th" case of th iilraer .-unt.r t;-e;i' P.rtui n France arid Italy . ofh '.ais iKui' a---:.! iii.- diflkulty is xj -teu. CONFERENCE OPENS AT NEW ORLEANS OF SOUTH COTTON HEN 1 Whether Fields wns in time Los of a-; the i geles on or about the murder. 1 1' Whether a revolver is hidden ia , a lix-ality !scrifvd by Fteltis. j Check was also being made by other , deputies on members of the alleged ; d-ug rng includmg two men tad; tw women named bv Fields. Other lines of inquirv were dropi-ed ' temporarily until the Fields story can ; ie cleared up. It a-s reported today; that investigators for District Attor- - ney Woolwine were working on a new! undisclosed viae, but its nature will ' !e fee;.i. set ret unless developments . rfe forUn-c nung. i tbe Taysar taaat aato CARDINAL CATCHER DIED TODAY AFTER FATAL OFERATIOII F-! -r f th ' .us an h-. Jll'l 5 Cg PROMINENT MATRONS OF WASHINGTON IN BLACKMAIL ATTEMPT - w . -371!' O'et'i ber Cardinals died 'pe-"ijt.OE at St me-fer had beB n 'ypnoil fever -e-tlon of the gall e;,rs f act. find had r or!; fv-. nei-Jis tc Mie. uu,. it Motiie Ala . rie uati ;?liiy--j m-Ji '. uos. Ic,la-le;pn-a Na j'isukee it;f-.rr i- c t: SOURCE OF STORY OF MIAMI BOOZE RAID IS BEING INVESTIGATED Ctlag rfcag aad who bad oaea before baaa a adUcL -: "i drove tbem away ' bungelow after tbe waited for taam walla they the gua and downtown Chtnamna handed word." Sjov.1v 1b creasing LtedcBcis ia atory of Ftelda is retarted eceied by iSaerif Coda today. Bak ing Fields be kept away trass tioaera aato ale atory one be I ttgated further by Los auagelas itiea. Ha story, the wire checks with tbe belief of Los police that Taylor was killed eat ef revenge for his effort to shield s wo man movie atar from dona peddlers who wrecked ber Ufa oaee aad aoeght to do it again Iieputy Sheriff Carl Brooks, of De troit, f-irmeriy a policeman m Los Angeles, says be recognised Fields aa a former federal narcotic Insane lur and revenue agent who was worklag on tbe Facilit coast in 191a. Oforers admit Fields roveiatiotts have m-rea e-i their conmJence in his story a at-Try of a ctunnprracy to n urder the dire-tor because ste stood between, them and s motion picture actress be was to save from their ciittiieis This -"ni&n had become a drug ad ' fiict Ts.-l'ir In-iuced her to go to a iLB:tarium m tbe east lor treatment, Ftrse was cured and returned to tbe Kn!: wood studios. When the aarcotic c a?aji attempted to drag ber i ru Taylor stepjied in and tried to Ve her He was killed. :.-il' envuriV!!1i uPd-rs-aml-PC 11 -b '-ii.-. :"Hn iijft th t he is?.-!.; the RFCEPTION POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT OF DISASTER st hint-' V';- pre ti.Tiji res TJI-C 1'IMlt to H--. OP.p ViMl hUt-i t.'.s! Cott-ns e-c Tiporteil fom . hii nrii! v.o-kcr ail'd the i the local tiPilnake- AT uier;. ju,ii were in.t-i- lie ms doubt IH3BV instsn -At. thi- was acconip e." only by ttc-.-.tis s'cnt r; bl kenei! wvhe.,. eyv fi'.as 1,'t or n.fcSd-c papcr w re a wir. lv cscsi'cci tb fliino The uicii-.ihi at ion iu.j!t- 1 tne- , ; i--n:l- w "c late- t by ami iiithur .; ev u, ,. Ii' H . St. n- Vh'i t-Tesc cos! p IWI'I 1 .lUSe r- I! Hon-s M, u- mi- e.-'-t' .1 vf the Mil! U c- TO TURN DOV S H orFF.R to 2EPrnL.iN 'H'-Klftl T - ir.-i-v .ire t-n-sri'. fr iljllt? ej ie ir tw-'ief CONGRFSS ABSOLVED FROM BLAME FOR ROMA TRAGEDY N ASH1NGTON. Fe- Z'.'- Ni.- ,i r M or V T'atru-k h-' of th" -j- se-v-cc, t'iai ! "irt i : i- iiliscr.'! r.'P'e Vc-rc h.rtiio- ' " no- a- . -h-iit t;. th- '"sl'tl- R m; h-' .-iii!e ,,; s "lee e ". f.-illire tft p-.-TKI !', -e.-Se -A f-.ill.i ALL F D MOTHER-SHIP OF RUM-RUNNERS TAKEN -v e; v. - Aaams Stl tie to rr,SrrRr. N C. Feb 2S Regard-e-s r R.chmond import that a nine iE had been sent to police of tSIa tfti'Btlfymg a man htid here as a tiH:i iii the sear- h for Eiiwrd F. -ir-G- m-fiolng vaiet s retarv t' W: '. n. ItesmoT.tS Tavttir- a Hen-v H A'.:r:s the man sttj! ji bti;.g bell is ik"' here today. T',,ii.-e Cfe.ef T a Inert said t-a-. he -la-it Te-wivptj s nie-sEe fr"rii ""atitairt Alexander Wricht. chief i, 'p, hL-fiH, uerectiv.. ;B Rir t. nii'pd saying he tad kn aii man naiiieti ii'-pr-- H 4ianj tea v-er- ago. t-t." 'je iivtd to g'e b:a pri-w-net litx-T v i,n t! :'!- He mld BO w ;r'i at al r.;- been reivt-d from th- !i st-i - - t-ey at 15 Alelea. NEGRO ELCTRCCLTED AT RICHMOND PEN THIS A. M. V.J-F.yS:-, . fe'i i.t Hen-v . c-i. "Oi; Tilted of highway r-:.-' n-';d?r tn Albemarle -', r- - ea- as eiwX'-ittitjed tn u- a-' b- re tnii- m--. u:ng. '-!: ' - : ill : . rilij . t boa. -! - - s ' U v . 1... .-j...iJ. ;ow The ----- naj 1 Btaefw ol I.O-.IUI-X- I" 1. J...