Newspaper Page Text
.,--..' -I . C"""" .-.." C if jc- xr-J . ,cr-j r j r ' t s I ' .n .-? :-" -(-.:J ' cr i;.. -i- v ; .i J '-rj ' JVx wjss ;:..',-L ,- , -r : V' ' - i B 7 1 wmT 1 T m FT W --m w m wm tflf a" A Vb ft'M nan in eaa.ekMan Z8 . IZNS TIIE J - FOR , J?U3T. "4 . zj'err 3 .7too:ds - CcssrZtad Today ma i rrl Crfcjcal" by jUyBMnu. !2ELES. Feb. 24. of Mabel Normand Itysm influenza, aggra nervous breakdown j murder of William i6r, was described 'kXl fcritical" by her ".Ses aecluded tempo . )tadena shortly be t today. J of showing improve ,m stated, Miss Normand -;during the night, a leasing physicians to de , het condition war "Tpes.are In constant attenil 1 WS comediun'ne an'l only hei "IS are allowed to see her. AM Inquiries at the home of rmand brought this brief : i Uormand's condition is grave . Critically l " PSs. who was the lat uer SSW Taylor before he was ! ' Who collapsed at his fun-; jni. to Altadeua from her j 3ses home for rest and to re from her nervous breakdown, j I Stricken with influenza last: i S, reported that she had been i f paralyzed and that her tern- j snows a tendency to the sub-j ! i erive to determine whether a ft! ttPaponsiblw for the inur- j TTsylorVrted when Harry .V. ; faader arrest in I strait. vae ycircumtt uuial version -if tiie ! took on fresh im;etu- today. JKates Assistant District At-! f Thomas Greet turned over to $ Attorney Tb.wr.HS lee v ool 1 1 mass of data remirdmn the'; TSS of the drug ring at Holly -, mndios This data was given j several months ago by Taylor. fmisht hia aid in fighting the V Oreen confirmed the report (Taylor twice visited him. the o j being about three weens L; Taylor, he gathered, was land soul in the fight against the Ivtraftckers. His aim was to M trom their clutches a woman ,i . he is said to have loved. i' OUgh doubt has been thrown on i ; . . (iptu.iilrii leonflrmatlon has been obtained ! .A i chief factor throwing doubt on zd w mm u.s. wvk! i - . I Ht dUv.g 1,98 'Vm i R. '; determine the truth or falsity of the hWafiS arrtf .to?v re-! "f Harry N. Fields of the slay W. ., Feb 6. "13.ta,.,' ing of William Desmond Taylor, film he-.WCn,., '?faLn director, in his Los Angeles borne. 3ible for him to have left here 4 i,o,-w i,ft hire I Cry 2 and arrive in Buffalo the j by that route, 'i i the other hand, they have found 1 clerk who recalls (hanging a I bill tor a stranger who appeared "in and acted suspiciously. Au es are wondering if Fields se t his information through the )rlous underground channels of rag world and although he was re and the actual driver of the I car, as claimed, has the genera! ia of the murder story in fact t pot fancy. ' 1 Important Has the drug angle of fcves'.igation become that federal. J; city and county officials were "alt engaged in the inquiry. Two WasaBea in we 'i"!. itves of .the State Board of Jfnucy joined in the probe today. slag all their attention to investi of tin. activities of the drug 4rcn for Bank Book. WKTRIT. Feb ;t - enr. b for a J ; v 1 l l T n LJ U ...... JUL.-J yu illAL WILL rliLL Irk OTV 8 I - I"I"I"II"I"I"I"J"J - -J -J- J..J1.J..J..'. j WILLIAM TAYLOR'S ' J- NEGRO VALET 4-! 4 "44" a i A i a a Henry Peavey, negro valet to Wil lk.n Taylor, murdered movie director Who savs he left Tayior with Miss Mabel Normand early in the evening of the day in which Tayior was killed. He found the body when he returned L.'. to the house the following morning j j AMU KILLED WHEN ROMA COLLAPSED, SAID i FABRIC JN BAD SHAPE . DAYTON". Ohio, Keb. 24. Robert Hanson, airplane ir.m-hanie, who lost his life in th? Ror.ia .disaster, doubted the safety of the diripibK accord ittK to a l?W(,r receivet bv his aunt at Mj.!Ili;.burfr Ia t,le i;itu.r wrjf.t,.n Mon(av nisU and mailed Tuesdav wnile enrout"; to tlr? hanger to board the Rl)nia Hansoa said t!l0 fai)rir. was ... h , sh SUCCESSOR TO SENATOR KENYON SWORN IN TODAY WASHINGTON. Feb. 2 1. Charles A. Rawgon, successor of Senator Wm. S. Ken von. Republican, of Iowa, was sworn in as a member of the Senate today. An impromptu reception was accorded Rawson m the floor. Sen ator Kcyon. after hanling in his re.sig nat on. laii- farewell to his col leagues. Kenyon expects to leave tonight to assume his new duties as a tcaci.u juog ,(,ruar l. Fields, a prisoner in the county y.i I. is said to have declared, to detectives who arrested him on February '". that he had deposited money in a Chicago bank on February 2. The bank book, according to Fields, is in the hands of a Detroit attorney whose name he has forgotten. If, as the police allege, the bank book shows that Fields deposited money in Chicago." February 2, the day after the Los Angeles murder, it is Impossible that his story is true. Adams Released. CONCORD, N. C. Feb. 25. -The suspect arrested here as tallying with descriptions of Edward F. Sands, sent f . n, Angeles, has been released , tJf,av vr(),-t,eiti, n his way to Miint ttoUv N C. Messages from Captain of Detectives Wright of Richmond and Captam Tucker, a Southern railway condu. tor. have es- tablished the man s identity as Har- vey H. Adams, of Richmond, it was Stated bv Chief of folice Ttllbert k r- J LI : - ; i - H 0 T E F6UEEI G0 Present Navy Will Be Cut h Two 5 7it runs or coovreM tor , EcvrPCoTco fer f our of thoNttte Naval Yards Would ' Remain in Com mission. WASHINGTON. Feb. 24. Th? con- j gressiontl sse now hanging over army ' and navy appropriations is threaten ing tha existence of more than half , of the nnvy yarda of the country, itj was said today by nava lofticlals. j Should the axe fall on naval appro-1 priations ss heavily as some congres- j sional leaders are threatening the navy department, it Is said, will bei forced to virtually close ail but the few absolutely vital establishments. The ilaph in personnel at the yards will nd70 unwail in 7 r, rftr font nf .... - the complement of each yard affected, it is understood. This will maan even more thousand or workers suspended from employment than the recent or- der stopping construction. ! Shouli the already well defined plan of cutting the navy appropriations of! $400,000,000 in haU materialize, onlv four of the existing nine yards will b? retained in commission. The o'hers will be forced to gradually suspend activity. The yards likely to be retained are the so-called '"strategic" establish ments located at Brooklyn and Nor folk, on the Atlantic, and Mare Island and Pu?e' Sound on the Pacific. Both Pacific yards are necessary, it is sa;d. ' ..... at...'.,, ii' k"... , hUftiwnt of itself lo rare for the pow- urftil fleet now stationed in that re gion, ihe yards HKeiy ro suner are the Portsmouth, where a total of 2,322 i-ivilian workers are employed; Bos ton, with 2,853 workers: Philadelphia. 4.952 workers; Washington, 6,1 S5 workers, an. I Charleston, 1.217 work-e-s. The-iP complements are already reduced and at each of the yard which may be arretted deep cuts ranging up ward to 75 per cent will occur, accord ing to present estimates. The navy department takes the po sition --hat it cannot be responsible for any such action, as the flatter is now up to Congress, although thiy hope to avoid any actually drastic move, making any necessary cuts as gradual as possible. HAUL OUT POSTOFFICE c&rc. ITJT HAMMFUS AN(;I'1LA. Miss., Feb. 24 The postoffiie here was entered by rob bers last night, who hauled out the safe, broke it open with sledge ham mers and got away with about $l.U u. The officers have no clue. DODGERS EMBARKING TODAY FOR TRAINING CAMP JACKSONVILLE NKW YORK. Feb. 24 Ten mem bers of the Brooklyn Dodgers left here today aboard the steamship Arapahoe for their training camp at Jackson ville. The Giants are getting ready to move toward San Antonio Monday and the Yankees are packing for the .Monday train for New Orb an;;. MARRIAGE OF OSLER AT CHICAGO IN MAY ZURICH. Sv'tzcrland. Feb. 24. The McC'ormick-Osier wedding will take place in May at the McCormi.-k countiy heme near Chicago, according . to m esent puns. s er has accepted the con. h,,,,s under .'. inch Lie Mcf o-tntck fa:.nly gave their consent, that hi? take up bis residence in the Vnited Status and t.ecotlie -m Arieric.'in ciri7,'t! dAYTC:U. JLfeh2A. . FR&AY. FEB. PJYSGfiL TE8T8 Til ESPLELStuG IIEHE MARTIN LAYS THE GROUND ' WORK FOR PROBABLE FIGHT OVER PLANT. For.o company to DE CAPITALIZED AT ten .;illig:i dollars C .1 vi!' "-"--"'- mvtm m nomic conference beyond March 8, the ! Many Southern Cibes idste originally set, has relieved the! Extended. j - meriean government of the necessity i ' jof eitlir accepting or 'rejecting the! WASHINGTON Feb 24 j Italian, Invitation. j Criticism of the Alabama Power! re wers 3,8n9 - t . . . ! ministration quarters today, for neitb-' company tor insistence that the w preiJei,t Harding nor Secretar y of governmeni uve up 10 its contract by permitting it and not Henrv I f 1 . 1 .i m I i uiu to purcnase ins iviuscie cl i . . i , . . ' ' , waa . ef .r JU8t today by Thomas W". Martin, president of the company. Appeal ing before the H'juse M'l.tary Affairs committee. Martin . asserted mat uie option, giving tne companr rignt to purchase a pan of the pro-, ject was incorporated in the contract by dnmaod of the government. He told the committee that the company intends to see that the optional pur chase right is given it even if it has to resort to the courts to force the government "to live up lo its con tiact." Mnrtin's testimony this afternoon was designed to lay. the ground work for probable legal action which would have the eflert of holding up govern mental lra:ie of Muscle Shoals to Ford should Congress favor the Ford bid and turn down the rival offer of the Alabama Power company. In committee circles, it was under " stood today that Ford has agreed to specify the capitalization of the pro posed operating company he will form in the event his offer is accepted, at i about $10,000,000. ; Invitations to the committee to visit Chattanooga. Knoxville, Nashville and Memphis, if it inspec ts Muscle Shoals, i were ri eive-i today from mayors of ; those citii-s. j Martin testified to the formation of the company with Knglrsh capital, i which, however, was withdrawn after I the world war nd American capital I was sub.-.tituted. The company is jnow controll-d by American Interests. lie tcstiiied in r ,t on of statements of previous witnesses tfiat it va- a Canadian controlled corporation. He testified to the negotiations between his company an l the government. He assorted that. th government "de manded' as a prot.ei tion measure, that (when the plant was no longer of ure i o the government, the Alabama Pow j -r company would pur.hae it on a i 'air value basis. He said agreement ! was reached with government officials j that "the T'nite'l States would sell the property at. .wus' le quoins, oa our demand." The 4;if.onal purchase provision in the cont'rart. upon whiih the Alabama IVwer company hopes to avert lease j nf tho shoals to Ford, Mai tin d"i lar-1 is as fol'ows. "At. any time subse'iuent to three vears afW the termination of the "war. the '..'mted States shall have the option to sell to the ontrat tor and th" contractor shall, upon written de mand of the I'nited Slates, buy al! it right?, title and interest in and to the Warrior extension ami the War rior su'b-.tar..,n with all rights appur tijant thereto at the value fixed by arbitrat ion." SENATF. AUTHORIZES SOUTH JUNKET TRiP WASHiNti TON' 'eh. 2 i "A per- sonal ct '-on pOVer pi'ije't "V ture commit ee '" Senat teda made for otter to ac otnpanv t- jf th" Muscle Shoal the Senrite Acricu! ;:s liiithoried liy the Provision war. aNo ser..-.tors who 'lesire i coni'n tte-e mem . -'I 'ie- t. to a limita i; the total eximn.ic hers to th mt fi t'-on or . f he P.! Kiii-Un-'.. i ge -t in w,th lie." tile Willi' 24. J 922. scms nnpTPnr,rnrnTr ruairui.LULUi u i 'cw That ConfaTncc to Be lisld at oenca u roatpoced seves U. S. off Either Accepting or Rejecting tbe italiaa Invitation to ra.ticipat Whole .JEco- nomic Mate May Be Caged Oa, FoDowins Conference Ce- tween the French and English J rremie s. 1 l WASHINGTON. Feb. 24. Th. long- ! i awaited ennouncement from Rome of! pontnonemenr 01 tne wnoi eco-1 State Hughes desired to give the) Italian invitation a flat torn-down, and . vaf tutti vara nnmuA tt . twnta- I - v eimient s active participation in a conference so wholly European. Subsequent events, it was .said to day, would determine finally the ex- tent of America's paiticlpation in the; parley at some future date to be '. agreed upon by the French and British ; premiers in their meeting tomorrow. ! In' some Quarters, it was nredlcted ' today that the whole Genoa Drolect 1 j may be called off following the Lloyd- j ucorge-foincare conference, it ii a ; question whether the Genoa meeting could accomplish a great deal without American participation. It is known that Lloyd -George Is keenly disap pointed at the turn of events. It is likely that many more reasons will be found by the admin'stration for non -participation In coming weeks. The government's attention will be riveted shortly upon the refunding of foreign loans, negotiations for which are soon to begin with all countries indebted to the I'nited States. ; In addition, the difficulties which i the administration is experiencing in getting the conference treaties through the Senate Is to militate against the undertaking of any further Interna -Honal conference at this time. The "Ions lost" French not? wiittcn sere; al weeks ar;o and reo.ues"Jr.g a poHtpon"ment of the conference was delivered to the state department to- lav by the French cmha No explanation was vouchsafed for ,,!...-. , .. note, but it is presumed that, the missive ha been he-id up at. the French embassy here with the knowl edge of American officials, who did not d;Mire to express an opinion on the Genoa conference until Italy her self had take;, postponement action. It announced at the department that a "study" would be made of the French communication, and wiien that had liven completed, a repiy would he sent to hoth Paris anil Rom. GGALA WQliLD NOW BE THE CAPITAL OF FLA., ENTERS CONTROVERSY Of. At. A. Feb L'i - last night the Var on ounty Board of Trade, a ting upon i proposal of the Paiatka hum be;- of Commerce for a .ipi'ril ri:i.n association, urged removal of the state capital to a mote enrral be-i-tion. suggesting that (i. aia lie nan H as the new .apitni s.t.e most i.iiefsiiile and eas; ail interested." Th crp till re mo v-a! has -iioiiwed much inter-' the and it . most tion has in"' h chain e , the inai i e.-s.bil:ty of 1 i it If I if -p. ''all- long hi" ,in e. sour. (: of GRAND JiJRY COMPLETES CASE AGAINST MORSE WASH'.NGT'.'N. Fe!' eral grand itirv tola;, mvi' tna; n-. of j'i e- te.) Fjef. her 1 : and h r w :tnefw-. .. t barley W M r . X er and hu;ld-r. v. ith . on.-;- v and " , ..;inei f... : is v r ;- i . -e .,f Vo:k tiu.m . ,s charged !ement in ..pfra. n. w u uviJUliU EMiZ DID 4. iu-U4itfa llVli iniW 47 T CHAUFFEUR 4 4. M"I- I 'l- M I I I I 'I I I I I I li William Davis. Mabel Norman's chauffeur, whose testimony is having much b'-ar:nj in the solving of the movie mystery. Davis says he drove Miss Normand to Taylor's home early in tho evening, and after a short stay, drove to her home. He is being re q ie.dioned daily. GIRL KILLS Mil III couRTr.OGM v;;::le HEISFAGIhGTRIAL1 1 i ' V ,: -v'. amble or under the terms of this W.V ' , Texas., Feb. 2 1 While a J treaty, there 1b bo commitment to ana- rowded court room ba.ked on in hor-; ed force, or for an alliance, and ao ob ror. J. S. Crosslin, on trial here for j ligations to Join ia ay defease." criminal assault, was shot and killed After but a half an hour's aessioa this morning by the girl whom he is ."' '""' The snooting occurred short: after Miss Maio Matthews. 17. the com-1 miendments offered thereto, plaining witness, had taken the wit-i n wi.s first proposed that final ac n. ss sund to tell story of the j tion on the treaty six uld be takea to wrong. Treinhlin? and almost hyB-; ,;av but senator Johnson of Califor--erical. i-he drew an automatic. pist 1 j a a, i,ne of th-. Republican "Irrecoacil tri.m a pocket and snot n thr -; ,in:.w- BrKa that it be deferred aail t tees. He fel! fi-oni his ihaT dead I tnin-.iriow. It was Cross;l:n's second trial fori n . . . , a. ., ri trial Senator Pou.erene (I), of Ohio. huJi .vii't ami ...item ed . nine vears in prison but the convic tion was reversed by the criminal appeals court and a new trial gi anted. SECOND ANNUAL SOUTH BASKETBALL TOURNEY OPENS IN ATLANTA vn a'i v rionrn.e"''; ' W. Hn.g n the - .lit!! .! n, . f.t en if. en qu:"e. m'i ,c I IV it t'llt. Fl"5T V-OMAN JUDGE IN FLORIDA IS APPOINTED ;: ams ced iited I tine :t.J: H.i.-ie ihtig-r d o iritv judge used by her She will be Florida ni VISCOUNT HARCOURT DIED IN LONDON TODAY '.(iNiMlX. i'-'. Vlvijult , ,,iirt i:"ii '..-, ngeii i,i (! n, !;;. i in 1 -:'.. to Miss Mm - uurr.. daugitte- i Walter i ., -, -, v.rk du- J,. J Tv r- -7 TO CV L1C ' f i WASKIWTCn. Fab, J4.W1 fonr-power racCc. t-- r- 3 ayreed upon ty U ' Httr and Srr Cr as substitute for dm offered, bjl lnKCiN Preaident Harden iL ist worked oat, :ei r" - be tween preJerjtr c tor at tk Rr J anothet ,.taerfir,o 4!e. Xtatm I um ifwrmw lliyiBI iau tae cnitea states ths term of the PactSe pact, there ia no cotnoiitnieat to eaaatoy araMa force, or for aa alltaaaa. and ae ob ligations to join ia aay eeteaaa of the Pacinc nosseealoae of the Bowers signatory to tbe treaty. The draft of the leservaUoa as laifrf j public follow tag tta snhmt Ine to the t committee by Brandegee after his eoa j feience with the Presideat was aa fol lows: "The United State understands that under the state mt ia the re- ! the committee reached aa agreement i to r jte Anally tomorrow on the Pacinc 'pact, and on all reservations, or i h.-a made a foimal mot:oa at a vot on the tseaty and all matters per tain ng to i j-e taken tomorrow. Pom e;cne'i mction was unanimously isreej to. The "o-"-r. mise reservation was re ,"anicd diuimstration senators as i, ; rly settlement of the ct-nr -.: over the Pacific pact. It was pointed oa, by them that tttes re-ervatior merely t .press' 1 what th Pj-".,id.-nt and adiiimistrbtioa aad ' pokestn-n had i emended all along, th. t th treaty 1ld not c .mmit tba t'u 'ed Ftate to employ arpjed force, or to .'i.- ailiani-e. or to any obliga tion to Join In the d fen.e t pacific posee'-u not its oan. By the Uepublic-n iire on.:iaii-."' he reservation waa c-in.-id r-l as a '. .ision by the tr"aty' njj.pwters th .; the United Stat'-s .s not piop "iiv uafegi!;.rd.j azint su. h a f-otn-mitt.ietit by the trei.-y -tseif S uaoi Johns .n. ot California, of the Rep'ibl.. n vii ied ye-t. r lay" Hardinc e r'3 ly o;ijc ed tie i.r'X irre-oni :iaMe" dgniTlFt h t on. ttreniHTO- mi. I Hardies Rraa- sleee ccrr. V. h. n w it!;Jli i a : and tii agreed 'i at.d bun. he d l.Wil. . -e ip.n . ii." .! , n on ;.: filli.i !'r.n leg" i-:seif,.f rh -if Xi - 'iligiTi-.i f if'llat r.n i.-t.Hi'H.n .f of en ' t hi. Prehideri' HiiJ nf; ii er-tl pi.tior Uat 1" 'r,4iBl hlliiseif -f iened it. n 1 :n-.i,t v ted 'ip -r i--t I -i l-err . i 1 .- t-t V. .it HariiiliK Kotmiif fZH. TZI , reujn wmmtsm p a - . a . i b