Newspaper Page Text
;:,"."'. - - . , - - - - , . - 1 1 " ' " . - - - . - , . . - ' 1 1 , " f - - .... - " ' 1 : - - a v- cr "-?- - ' .r--W - . ' "'1 " -r - .V' A .r - v . 3 r 4 v DAYtCMA. FLCIDA. SATURDAY. FED. 25. 1922, rr v-i . . WHWia, ; I" ) r r.' -j " "$ -nrr-- . - - - - " - w "- 1 J, J:LLr 0 .TY Arts; V. V TTXl IT3 1 .CM A "Zirm TrMH Up ,Tti Febw 25. ia puahing the con M4Swouck Ue Unit , ;zX mi accomplish X tH foreign rela ,I".ae. meeting behind rK ow8erd thres of the ' repotted to the Sen ;H !iii iim ii w-w r vo Tr:Tvt w.i i i.i ii ill i 4, Uany Perished in This Mass of Tangled Steel V,'.SHINOTOX. Feb. 25. By j. Btartinj a fiUBter ogjinst rat 4 iacatioo of the Yap treaty in the f Senate today. Senator France, iiTeconciiable," opea y throat- 4. ! cned to cpset Senator Lodge s J. plia to hold the Senate in con- b tiouous session in the bce ot lurcing a naa ot3 on the pact mi, 4 by tonight. J.j CiriTGY FQ AT AriGTc:Ec:::i& i IAST S.1B 1TES Y I war-powered Pacific !. - i.", " "." 'dng the Anglo-Japan- LT."! OFFICIAL X with the Brandagee- JlUV'MU" iu rpromue reservation 1; A , j '( i five-powered i -al . n the United c ea 'StlKit France, Italy and 'Smarine and poison 7 . j't2ie use of gas ) tptihg the usages bl the foreign relation? i ti- atte a nmnher ot ' wraagliacE !ttas. i t Various treaties' affect A'atiR- in the cominittee's tie to veport the four power rJtj was 10 to 3. The negative t .vat those ot Senators Ilorab a and Johnson, of California and Shields of Teunes """ "... fl "J - ' - Derricks wore requisitioned by army rescue parties to litt the forwari end of the glan airship. Roma, so the search for bodies would be unhampered. The huge steel framework was smashed1 and bent by the explo sion, knnrisonijng many victims in tU at part of the wreckage pictured here. WASHINGTON. Feb. 25 The sharp -ratkle of musketry fire echoed over the Virginia hills along the Potomac today in salute to the dead of the' Roma collapse who were la d to final J rest in Arlington National cemetery. I Official Washington paid tribute to ne dead birdmea through Major Gen t!3T ADOEFT SUES Tianairacrris rRUCTIGNS IN HARD PROBLEM. eomaromise reservation to the V treaty agreed upon by Presirf r&ags and Senator Brandeeoe JSmm. of Connecticut, was .a bv a vote of 10 to 3. The X last against H were those of !sra Kellogg. Republiran. of aota; Pomerene. Democrat, of aad Williatus. Democrat, of Mia . j Tote to report the naval limita i and the submarine poison ga? Una vas nnanimous. No reserva a were attached to them, the re -j TatlM to the Pacific treaty being fZiy one adopted. Bttpptemental agreement tak ; Oa Japanese homeland out of the -Lie was ordereJ leporied. 12 to 1 Toting asainst it. tnator Lodpe announced that a: the Chinese treaties were oi aT' MaatMi Mr Patrick; catet mi the air service, who led the procession mourners . that trailed slowly up the! tow hills', from the Potomac wharvcsS toArimtlo. ' i 1 WASHINGTON. Feb. 25. RepuMi i Th interred today werejcans of the Hou3C, WTS an1 meM6 tkoae of rnajoi " Walter H. .Aautsmeier . oomn)l,ttee were prepared today to tell 'u."" pidBnt Hardinr that they coidl not Speola'r military escorts were P?v h bu 8nd t0 vgnedto each cf the families of thejask for further T.stra. tlon... ..ead fivers and almost the entire offi- It is their hop that th president eT ersonnel ot Boiling Feld march- will retire from th6 posHion of "no) d lieside the caissons. The bodies j sales tax no bonus." and will sive his! ere borne to this city by the night ; approval to the passage of a bonus bill j from Newport News, arriving alias a charge against the treasury to he i dawn. A military guard stood an- paid through economies efiected in Hie Emm is KBS1E1Y OFFICERS t.'.!SHT GO TO GIII6.MI TO QUESTION MAN ei:2:::es cf e:a lice cj:::::::3 at to of. ago::hit TRAGEDY MAY IIAVE KXN AVERTED IF SUCH WAS NOT THE CASE. w.z: ci:i: I 1 1 ii i m n i 1 1 m Hf'rr r ) ATLANTIC CITY. N. J, Pan. ' 26. After announcing that a committee of four had been an- g pointed to meet representative 4 the misers in New York City oa March 15. for a dieenssloa of wages, the nembers of the pot icy committee of the anthracite J.! t uHKiuioa Buaaeniy aajournea w uieu- sessions nere utn alter- a 4 nooa. J, Ml IIII I I' I I1 1 I III Mi is mz:zz:3 CO. CJGJEJ'DT; FC.X:i DitCSTS HOUSE CXKCCTTEE ATTEMPT TO FIND AN ANSWER. nuA "si Drld WASHINGTON, Feb. 5 Membem f the House military affairs commit tee (ietei mined today to' find out ue UBitey whether the Alabama Paver company, which is combating Henry Fold's ' bid for alaacla Shoaia, Ala bama, is controlled by foreign or do meetic interests. Thomas W. Mart'.a, president of the company, will be asked to giro .lie conim.ttee this inro. matioa when Hearings on the Ford offer resume Monday. Mai tin has Uld the commit tee that sixty -three percent of the company s securities are owned ia the Ualted State, bat that ii percent of stock Is owned in Canada and Ear opean countries. The commute marked time today but determined that consideration of nieht vicil over each of the bodies. Malor Oscar Westover. chief of the lighter than air" service, was honorary guard to the body of Major Vnuts nicer: l.ieut. B. T. Bert, a survivor o the disaster. h led as honorary guard to t'apt. Mabry. commander of the Roma. Ueut. J A. Smith, a mem ber of the Roma crew, but who was not !ioard at the time of 'its fatal fall, a tod as honorary fcuard to Mas ter Serjeant Murray. Murray was major during the war and was en titled to commissioned escort. Sr oant .John Gabriel, also of the Roma Jves.-el on its last journey. a ted as U-srort o honor to the body of Staff tSerneant Harris. i '' The military burial wis simvle and, ; icuching. Th bodies wf-re lowered j ; to the r grave.? in the order of their i irank the es-ortstanding witn nowen army and navy and in other r.ovem inetit departments. Having tentative ly rejectel every suggested tax pian for the oonus. the majority of the ways ard mfsns comm'ttee cea M work to day to observe th effect of such ac-. Mon on their llousa colleagues. The abandonment of direct tniatio'i is a ni"nins of raisin? revenue contem- DETROIT. Mich.. Feb. 25 A mo vie actress of the Hollywood colony not only was implicated in the mur I der of William Ltesniond Taylor, film director, but actually gave a to wailing gunmen that Taylor was alone and could be killed safely, ac cording to th story told by Hairy M. i ieils to authorities in the oi'nt jail, today. He said the actios.-? j hiied him and three others, including ia ("lilnMrisn, a woman ar.d a gunman. LANGLEY FIF.LD. Vs.. Feb. 2S. The army board inquiring into the Roma disaster has established that the t forward engines were running when the airship crashed, it was Warned today. Had these eneiaej 'ten "cut out" as L'eut. B. T. Bert, the pilot, signalled, the accident might have been avoided, it was stated. The! the Koid offer for the purchase and at the time was " lighter than- j lease of the government water power iir and c ould ha-.e risen by Its buoy i project will be concluded next week, anc-y" desp'tt the broken rudder. J A poll of the committee today indf The tact that the Roma was "buoy-j cated that it will not Join the senate ant" during the flight was definitely i lfn-iCultura committee which Is also established. The board now is at , considering the efforts of the govern tempting to determine why the "cut mPn to aispos(, vt -Muscle Shoals, ia out the engines" order was not obey an in(,te.tion to thB Southern cd. All the ni-n ho were, handling: ::3C iaHtJcrf A tigntV r-'"i;t-: to the lUC tC igainat gn!rteii lt U I the aim of UAr-"-c . n tho anta-s t ' t coBwcrcd ty -i k. to the ijiriri v C k. nnwni suai c-rrw Cl to C S i to the eweirj rJ ; C to be dnw to (A Aarr ir- :'' . nr &n . t to RepabUcaa" with an mfm fa eiseUanki t- ! of Ins Angeles i;:li Taylor, paying thein $1.1,00 each. Th" actro;..-; w.,(s madly jealous of attentions paid to anotherm ovie star lv Taylor and priatlon or from ex'raordinary rcve- plot ted his deata. r lelds said, mips such as interest navment "n thet The c.rcs went t i TaylorV burga- foreien indebtedness to tlie I'niteil low. Fields declared. ila'es that the compensation must be paid fiom treasury receipts an i uni'.er x! sting taxes left over from ordinary expenditures saved by cutting appro- hal offm was in sounded by a 34 renorted. which he expectec- 'yaH be done early next week, uejhpads around the square. Military al: aeven treaties to ' ,.,,,-i..-Ti read the services to the cr W in th Kirfiate ' .iea.t four times and four times a peal TV nri.inul Urandecre'' reserva i .f rifle tire rang out over the fi. -fmm tn which Prvxlflent Harding ob : i(led ground. As each ' lieted. was defeated by a vote of I j terred. "taps' it 4, when It was re-offered by Sena iimgler. -tX Johnson. Those voting for it were j f . . , -;i3Krorah-John on M sos a"iT70 Kll LED III THE ' .- A motion by Senator Pomerene to'. pin n 111 ttrtte trom the Harding Brandege- j A RnAillA ' Hrl II IN I- ttawration adopted the words n ; AllUnUIA IIL.LU III rTUaace" was defeated by a vote o a X to i. Senators Pomerene, Kellogg. .t J, ant Williams voted for the motion v " A new substitute offered by Pom for the Hardinir-Hralldegee ! States. Thc-re were few Trs to !v who d Ipbrinc the h 'he present. THE LAST TWO DAYS n;i'iii!-rn of f"o:i --1 ued ;n favor of ; lonus legislation peyonu Sessuni tI ("o!g;'ess ; Ciiairnmn Fordney. of the ways and .leans committee, and Representative . Prr-ar. Republican, of Wiscc-ns'n. chie opnonent of any form of sales tax were ec"i ily inri-t'-nt tSift the Ions lelayed bonus b 11 bo passed ti- the House during the pr-ser:; sess'rn. While meiniierr, of the ways ali'I means .-onimittoe c!id not. take final action on the recommendation of he 'ax sub-ciji:ct!ttee turning down the aies tax .it va: : -tilted that the lioavy n-ijoriiv in the cotsvmitte-- anain.-t and he i,nd the ethers waited in a .machine ne.nhy. She iipj:ea:-iil i-hcrt'y aftTwaid and waved a Iiag of candy as a sl:i;ii that Taylor .vas ahmc. The Ct:h;a!i--i:i "r,; g;-.r,:-i"ll i hen c-nteiei and . b-t Taylc-r. v.h.l" Fi-ld.- r. -1 the woman remained in tile i:iac-!::ne, l." n..'ci. Officers May l.cis A'C'-dl!" detinue ;i'.d .'ii set a !. the rto Ii.,:: N" Fv ld '. W.llr ! I'.'-!::-,!:: tor. th' - -Mo-h ..;sn c : v t v: 1 -' Cd To D-.rtit . !-. .. :."". - I n H- v h i h . V t'-hi in I lef i,:t the.'.e engines wer kdled in the acci dent. "We have dehnitely determined hat the forward engines were run r.ifi," said Lieut, f'ol. Arthur tj. Fish er. iommand:ng officer at the field. ' ,'t is possible that, the sudden nose dive may hae tarown the forward crew ot.t of t!ie r position, nut for some reason they cither did ( eive the s-('nal to stop their en tities, or else . if unable to carry lit the order. The Roma. ,e learned through -urvjvor . was a tually 'lighter than air' at. the t nie cf the cra-h. In !ln rs words, its i.eoyancy was great I- than the for' e ..f gravity. If the f..i-ard ns'ns had not l.'-en running, he crash j-rot-ably coulil have been ; cried " Th.. iliie. t g.i -o'l thus far has -i- c, n that ti.e f !i d,i vas in perfect Jn- rr nan. t .i r preatcung wanhnala ncr i. appropriation and anm A cV. navy. , - : - - Some congraawnen nnfT tnat a navy ot M.M asaa in atiL aawra for the next year, nag are vjartag a appropriation accord lnc7- Secretary of th Iav Dachv to Uvea thaUMJM ntan aWi ia tin absolate ntinhnaaa, and tnt ewe at of course reflected by the nigh rank ing oncers of the service. Many ef them consider It too lew. - President Harding. It ia i Informed member ot th today that he woald be vtrtaaCr retno- tan t to see urn aavy go -! h T; th- !e f,: 1 V -t is he-r I :, ; -."c ! I eKe that the ill J-"!f' nwration was defeated by a vote - - 4 force, no alliance. . " t - : . i - - t ; -w juui in jeienw. field this week, it was ieHrnen cooay. Frank Add-on. a commercial flyer, wis killed and Wayne Maynard. a r,n of an officer, is in the hosp.tal ith J.oih lees broken as the iil a crash ! hen it fH result their plane Thursday fi'i'i feft KCAUi A. Feb. 25. Th" death of ISeigeant Robert Washburn, of Mi. I. ... nnmoronn b'mse.f C2S' t!,.h who fell S.O'Mi feet wnne , i r tag the onlv vote for it. .attempting a parachute drop from an ,..r,i;icoe m.m.i.i.!.,, at f -Mrlstrom i ield yo-ter- , . uviumiaLi v'.t-.w --- iani-.n"- , " ' - UiiA!. .,f VoSrncka Swap ' ,- is the second fatal ty at tile s ,'.knm. Of Virginia and Pittman. of Ne "'-Tada. were absent and not record. . voting. Senator McCormick, Re Publican, of Illinois, was also ahs"- ! hot his proxy held by Senator l.cvU wa cast with the deciding nnjont .totes. - The text ot the Harding-Brande Js teeervaton adopted is as follows: ' "The United States understand j laat under the statement in tne pre MM or under the terms of thh ; WASHINGTON. Feb. 23 -Presi i-r.l ;., tratar there Is no commitment to arm , Hardins today asked Congress to en- no obligat.on HVt legislation creating an Am-ricun . v..ttle monument's commission to iOt " ha ir.uve wjici made bv Sc'nator I JiihaHifi. to press for a vote on hi' KMfVstiou iutended to stipulate Vhat "lihta" were involved by the Pact 6c pact. - 2od iioiit, aua Johnson, announ- CENTRALIZE ERECTION MEMORIAL'S IN i-KAntt "axes made t:i" a ub-eo-n.nittee'H rei ain The next meet ins S scbectn -.'d for T'i meantime the cor hope that v end may dent Hardin c that v. :! th" mmidic: in which selves. AithouTh th-' pres: that the boon5; b'il n; m"t h" -l of , ra Kin -funds, it. :s 'he ho; leaders ,sn are ,:i aotjgcted forrr-s of the f t(".'t V fan h not to v 'o -i !n ' nil" feature-;, ticn ef c;nh t ways ttr,i .met presents the 1 ptam-e of t virtual::, the I c I - pi- or V. '-.;i The b-li :i-;,r of tne c ornr.i t'e-' ! iv. ;id in ;i-e n:tee .-aembers come f -oiti Ih'. si II be'u to .-lear up l rh'-y find them- '! rt insisted ; ; 't c a rry it n ,;t ,:....SSirv 0 of Republican d t:i various r."-t ;ax.,ti"n that "dci to agree 1 1! wiihoiit r ve-;ire-.;d.'a'.'s sanc--- de.ire-i by iV limh'ee b-'fu.e jl U3 t-j the iio.ise i-k ti e a:r. The , s' i re ' f i'nsses. ;:tid men wlo in i. ar.d ail testimony i -gar shape, envel-.-t condition. The k " 'i-ci the gear in ;-h-e t.f the pre!e .inn.' of a n imUer ; "'he by relative? of ; ti. f..e sh p v. as : 'p.. .r-i. it Has iji'li- ".-.- '. ur:t.l c- At CASHIER OF BAIIK OF FELLSr.'EfiE IS DEAD OF IIIJURIES ST. At'iU'STINE. Feb. 53. - Ben !. Atkinson, c ash er c.f the Hank of t mere. bo fell under a tra'n ct Se bastian Thursday at midnight, died at. a local hospital last right of in juries. Tile widow toe A Che bodj to Ke'i.mere fer t,ij(-;,il It rij.pes'.r- that Aii mg on a b'!s;:i-- r'j HARDff ";'-S F! ANS FOR NORTHERN TRIP HAZY V.h cut r. .'" -t it per s ha- :.'rs r. F- Litigation In the c-ourts which may tie up development of the Sboals pro ject for a of vears. locened un a compromise flgare. stronger today with the testimony of The naval committee Maetf ia divio Martin. of the Alabama Power com-jd- There are "big aavy" ssan aag pany. partlv before the committee-j ",,,Ue Myr" men, both on the eonv Rep.enuiivcs of the Southern cor-1 'ttee. as well a a nnmher who atang pcrption piaa in the time allotted I wo trenna. r ! them for opposition to the Ford bid.! ,'lar ronierence waa more jn tn :o lay the foundation for institutes ! . " V TT TI court a.t'on to compel the coven U 14 niral n live .... t. rantrar-lii.l nrtwic ' - ""'T' , .i, j ." .v --- ((terto,, uie conference at icu -...!.-. ... w.e rump, p:e- Qf re(.retary of KmrJ tTi,rt r Pitt t n rm - h -j .-a t Sk nr..n. I f " ' The prf.8Went advised t in .... in -n i a ... . . mo w putboriied by the arm bhould by all means be heat anant ! and ready for duty. It woald be bad ; policy, he lielleves. to radnca the navy j t. tlie extent of not keeping thean i ships fit. President Harding's suggsetiona ' were essentially of a compromise va riety. II- advised members of the .committee to authorize the Immediate ' conversion of the battle cruisers now building into airplane carrier. Ten million dollars have already beea spent on each of the ships, oae ot which is building at Four Rivera. Mass, and the ether at Newport NVv s. The president endorsed the Idea of cctting don the sise of the naval lasses t Annapolis, by to percent, and he informed metiibels c,f the com nuit. e he tl.. night it would be unise to turn tlie present graduating class back c-! -II i.fe wituoiit coinmlf - a i s tieen suggested in Con cresH. r T p es--in5t alto urg-d that there he i, -..;. if tion in the i-ga author iietj tt.'-nth of thf navy, bow at I'll. I'M.'. Keep the fcu.thorize.1 strength a-it is. h adxis ed. 1c order to retain the necessary oSic -r ieri" cnel, whk h w .old be necec-ry for ii"lt enlitct . me tit and tm'-iinr duty in time of eiergen v. The red e t ion from the author. ed strength could he effect. be Hdvi .el, without u..m a friction. ?.r.d had air." the f :'? ii ' n ,r,: t.. hcifd ni Ij.s. -i-r t.h. -. rd . . I P I r.s- h on v nc tt rt . .! ks.nvii;e a'.to jus! a-, Iii aM.-mpt -;:-f- 'ram 'ie e-, i.;.rC3:- diag"d un f. r aHi.iit '-n o-!ged fast, in .cjem - 'h it ) on i. : tig f-r a' sur- 1 !!. Alig'i WILMINGTON VAi MAKES OFFER TO LEASE 5MOALS d i -) tralize erection oi memonai- o commemorating services oi ri- ati dough ocy. frcm Director of the r.n-- iiiiw-es. and beoretarv oi war Weeks, urging the legishit'on wr f iug fnnsniUted I'V the President a emu:. Europe th Aiv.or i Letters GERMANY GETS NOTICE GENOA POSTPONEMENT Bf.RL.IN. feh. 2" ceivc 1 frcm Italy f Germany tn. : onferei. e h Ciih-I! nf the lie ,.lav tor:;, t the (;. as b-r-n , l-.-. h s re no-; : r: d v,.V: -t Ac ars- 'l h -h . A.-'i::M.."! ' N. Feh. 23--"i I,-? ofer 1'ie.j.e K'n.m. a shia- .,e. ,,- W 1j!.Ilgt'-lj. N. C. for leii- "-f the Muscle Sli-.als. AU., pro--a;.. e . . d by the Henate to 'r f" Secret ry of War Week", -.cietary's ri)rt whi-h made ':t"t on for its acceptance. wa '' re 1 tt t.-e senate c-immitt ANOTHER BROKERAGE FIRM OF NEW YORK FAILS off.- NKA YORK. Feij 23 I Q voluntary l,.i iin in bankruptcy ws filed in tt, t nitel StHt:g ai.tcl.t ty i -.! .tors iiciBsi ia iirukrra(,t arm r.u i f Itee ; !ld hu'illVJU ' he petit: ilo est.tiiat -d "."abilities ;f f2.'.w" Slid r of He. ("opd sei - of ' JCastliiTiC'l cr: sp. I