Newspaper Page Text
. "Y-"' "..-T....;.!; .t' ' ' . . - . ' " .. ' .... .,- '" , - ' "- . -. . , . . :,, ' I , , ' ...... . . . .. ...... ... , ., . . - . i: . . . "aaanahnaaaaaaaa - . - .- v-v --V" -: ' i- '- "-' : '- . - - '..v'. - .: - - . . . Viw . "7"W -'" ""' 11 aa-enaaaanneaB-- a-aau-r x m ( I ... . - "l. i . , .... .-- L-a LJjr ulj L-Lu ri-!,. uOCZI lira ZltO FrHS) -5 tmd Lpdre Get J t Or TlkMts tlH-KDSS (idd rami id mm Premie: of Fn tttm Acreed an A3 Povte rTiiiMiuil at CoAfercBC oa SHwUy AKibJ Experts to Meet m London Soon to Work Out Aseada for Gmm Eco nomical Conference Subject to Be Owned at That Ti ESriWill Take AU fe3li TOFraojjto Settle Matter of Muscle Skoals Leace Fnh SS.T.moa .1 7 I ST. LOUIS, E. Smith, of St Louim. Tic vtm Wrnt of the Miuisatppi VaUer asaoctetfon. lcUrd toaicbt that h hi heartily ta ympatli j wita um aMM-meetiBC to be hold In Montgomery. AU.. axt w &dned!y. is support of Henry Ford't, offer to operate the Muscle Shoals project. Mr. Smith was in iMvrerence with Scrtary Black of the Mont gomery Chamber vt Commerce today. "If the people ot Alabama roalis"d the great benefit they would derive from Mr. Ford s proposal they would unanimous ly In lorse the project. ld Mr. Smith. Ford Hearing Will Close! f-jC. j on Tuesday; Otherg to i OSJIVQT ! lie uiven a Chance ! WASHINGTON. Feb. 25. Consid-' erat'on of the three offers made the ; government for lease and operation of the M ancle Shoals. Ala., water pow er project should be finished by the: bouse military affairs committee by i ; the end of next week. Representative i , Kahs of Californ'a. the committee ! BOULOGNE. France, Feb. 25.- "CtMnplete acco:d was reached upon :STON. Feb. 25. ) cf t$e armament con ; r.trSTiea wu tonight 1 iadennite delay. CLe favorable action to-; -pcpiaS majority of the ;jm relationa commit three of the pacts ij e Senate, the little Habbcan and Demo TrosvUblee opposed the break-op of the conference be- in1(?er2. t k- cebate all of the trca J Caaaiderable length." - Loigv of Massachusetts. '?aa leader and chairman Foreign Relations com that it was "unques- rarpose of the opponents 4-) I J--I t'"!-1!" ! 1 "l J IVflnite decision not to sead the ;hou; committee to Muscle Sliouls ;withthe Senate Agriculture commit tee wis also made tonicht. It is ooa- sible, according to Chairman Kahn.f . that some of the members may In- j spsct tne project. This, however, will C7ZCXO TO TALK cvHiiv:nOTi::i v.TniL::::H3D.n.i5 on Radio Operation Wireless Experts to Meet with Harding on Monday a a v - - BfllFFITll B cut (i ao bold on o Saffe irtr fo Coaaalata Dreak-! doern. Dm to aa Attack of tta! Fht, fae kidk LaadarlT UaaUei j Lu., .... be discouraged as eery effort will be j Witt SEZttSSStize Ait Loit9 ; loauc w vJLMruiIt Uf? tVOrK OI IDA I t-'r tu cuuihk uf-airiags as soon i i s pomilvle. , 1 TuMrtav ihmilil I Hid of Henrv PHfl-AnKI.PHI A VmH THa infhrofto Pnal ro-maavrntna-a.- .a..0liAn tn hCaVrlnn Oil tb i Forti. it was said ton lab L raited vin. Wnrkor. An,ri. f nr ! . Tn committee then will immediate- for UcUg Greater Dxsstmem WASHINGTON. Feb. 2S. An inter national treaty or agreement govern- ! to J2ake Trim to Loodoa Wii! WASHINCTCTI, T 25. Co toSoeVatooCWd. Fiye hi!ioa of (i Cj CI Hold a Don. Eraean E3a!oat the Laited S.Ot-- Be Forced Taeaday When Da.dorinjr the aeat ts rt Wa Au.he adopttoa of Cm I -rn lor tae tiwimirioa f gzj V7 Valea't SaaaoLta tempt Dnrioson. DUBLIN. Feb. 26. Michael Collins, f I was reached upon I . rvlT 9.. . . l"' lv take u the rival hid r th. ai.. i. . . n,!i.i.t f r ts. "av ell points diuSSed- said ah official c?",erence r,-?or'-. ?ar" 1&:'bam Power companv and folio thTtlt alTii -i "7.", . " w J aovemraen L will ao tTLn. iad Amencaa naval j m i . ii fi ipm 'ii an at wura gch a rkr nam rruiii ... .. . - " i v. . -- . -- , i communique issued tonight following j j. ,,i('UM wa coaljmftB eoiaerau the iier of ihaft4M4as u, land and Premier Poincaro of France. The communique aided that, allied expeit soon would meet in London. It is assumed that they will work out details for the agenda of -the Genoa Warnner. secretary ot the ...,, , .. -., - general policy committee of the Anth- wu. it mar take two or three ad racite Operators association, sent a ditlonal weeks for the committee to letter to John L. Lewis, president of , frame its report to the bouse after 'h United Mine Workers of America, hearings on the three offers haTe formally accept'ng the proposal for a been concluded, it was announced. conference. I tie present wage scale: Hubert Dent, former chairman of conference, the nrst of which wtU Winston convene Secretary nlnp.r. has IwMia anmnumorf to i announced tonight Washington to attend the conference at the request ot President Harding. According to plana announced to- ChajviiiU. !ft e Monday under the auaptccs of j Arhqr GrlfBth. president of the DaiL uttMM ot the aatrtasL he xv of Commerce Hoover. !no now " 'n London, thinks such pjjabed threach tatanri wireleas aperts and electrical . at t,on Sr,wv. Co,,,ns' ,irlar-v capital shipwTtlM ahaaaaaL l ef i WUll'IVUir. i " " a,.-av --vut. av .s Vtiail lliaa i a. m Premier Llovd Georre arrived he- expires April 1. and unless a satis-' the House Military Affairs committee, I Vah "" decisions that bv motor car iom Palais at 45 i factory adjustment is made, a walk-Snow attorney tor the Alabama Power 1 :0.u-'1'. "-"'0 01 4M ; Wedaeeday o'clock and immediately went Intoioul 01 miners, is saia 10 us threat- company, wui appear neiore tne com Warriner foretasted that hard roal ' a toal accepts nee of the Ford bM Pnlliaa nrevWiiiKlv hail mftiHAjl ia! . . wa"s awas ir l. iii. 1 amim 1.1. aaipe a year, the " v..; wv.-uv.fu u.. .iui w IW1II, ; tTOPTi thO " S've cenaia lac'' dwdna mawf" kat i- fv the British government reaardii, SSsa? aSala .T , proniulgatjsU j ,nilnnanaalat 1 - "t c : in tne mwntiinnu aarreamani. or iiz. i rk.'. . , . . i r ' uiciiiiipunmi an spaatat; rw. a whereby speclCc wave length were j n(t upon immadlate big breaca aa.'--T , aninortised to oa waea oy raato opera- ( twees Collins and Oriilta, bat tlo, 4. JaU. ..lll.tM copsuitatioo vim tne rTencn, premier i - 1 - ---' -a- . ... ,fti,rs. -rfi .1 t Warriner foretasted that hard coal ' a Toal accepts nee of the Ford bM. 1.. 1 1 1. . orices wero due to come down hut- He. will rnnatnt th rnmmlita ue" Rt nvuV Wor th. d,iMm.n i s'atej the "labor situation" was st ill ! definitely with the com pan v's deter j In the belief that Jhe radio systems jHslbility of such a lift appearing. . ... " w . ; . ... . t rf tha aa-n!. a. a on r ho. hrtuhAl cr T fnit-rcd ;nuicuit. Me &ata a wrong imprefleioxi nuoanon to unit trie court to protect I " V4,VJ v" -vj v.. . . 1 1 v . . i. a.. .. a n 1 . I t Hair arautaat rlovalnnftiAtil ska naart: f aaV - . - ' - . t . ... a t . j 1 (itcaaraia'iT'ne inTCirmarinn nw ntisii. tv i (ani aarra iniraa e a acoan r am. n. ii uuliiiii r iiunimiM 1 iiaa iimiiHi-iv iui uteou-rftuaiiMA aiaavsi inui.uu w . ' 'at the alleged fllibns i vaea Seaator France of ;,:;ejbficaa "irrecoucil 1 a tsove to secure anani l' tje a Anal vote, oa the - areaty , tonight which ( after France had talked a ta opposition to it. :a threw up hi hands and. tstioa. the Senate recessed IX aooa. when France an i km purpose of continuing ladeaaitety. ' l eeclared tonight he would I Senate ia .continuous e ai early morning until late at f V "all tho troutia auro ritiflit I ' Victa ordered reported favor-1 " V the Senate by a majority of ; te Foreign Relations commit- i were: tour power Pacific treaty, re-! T tae Anglo-Japanese alliance, j i l-j Harding-Brandeitee "no alii-; afservation attached to it. iTh Bve power naval limitation!'aeen the United S'at?.-. ; Xi Britain. France, italv anii j - ; l Ii treaty restricting th usaei ; ' C submarines and abolish ins; poi- Can warfare. vote for the Pacific pac t, was '- , Senators Borah. Republican.! ' iha; Johnson. Republican, of! Xal, and Shields. Democrat, of : .esses "irreconcilahles" votini 1 at it being ordered reported. I J Harding BrandfEee reservation ! "a also adopted by a vote of 10 to ? Vtte senators voting against it i )e Kellogg, Republican, of M:nn"-: X eommitted aE8ii..-.t all reserva-: Pomerene (D.) of (liio and; (D.) of Mississippi, who d"-1 i u...- v.. hi- . .1 iuvu in.w iav . q. ggm awaaaav immjiih naaa aa aw? w.. nnm nil anil u-1 11 mi . nin April 10. The original date was Msrcn j P'o8 Warriner stated no such de- V ant and equipment it is now oper s Th. n....,..! aH mand for an Increase had been "ra- aling at Muscle Shoals. chiefly by the tong delay in gettinc a j ceived by the operators new Italian cabinet, but the postpone mcnt is in a way a victory for 'France. Premier Poincare has protoited ever sin(.-e the original date was set that it was too soon sad should be delayed for at least a month. Piemipr Lloyd Georee opposed delav. He took the stand that the sooner the meeting ! held thq quicker the allies cj'il j j get to woik reconstructing central i and eastern Kurope. Just how far the discussions went j Thompson, the negro who shot and in the range of subjects .is not dia j killed Sr-tm Echols, a white man. at rioted, hut it was centrally assumed J Pace, in Santa Rosa county yesterday, that they would include the follow- j was captured near here today, and ins: I Sheriff Ellis tonight spirited the 1. The Genoa conference program j Mack to some unannounced destina- 2. Military terms of the proposed ( lion when he heard a mob was com-Aneio-Fiench treaty of alliance. ' ing frum Santa Rosa county by auto- ..03 AFTER A t!E6C0 III SANTA T.0SA CO. VliOSi;OTVll(TE.1AH PEXSACOLA, Fla.. Fh. 25. Albert I recis".on of the Alabama Power company to institute these legal pro ceedings is based on a provision In ' the contract, made during r time. ; alleged to have been Insisted upon by :: the government. Thomas W. Martin, i president of the company, has told jthe committee. nees. press and official character, the t'e aovernment la desirous of fashioning er adequate rules for the safeguarding doeau' rkf lha nmnar naA nf th ratlin Pon - fusion has resulted from the pro pinquity of wave lengths utilized by important afsenclea and especially by the uncontrolled radio activities of amateurs. Secretary Hoover is ton- w v.n. in .iiv.v i uvwia,v.. a hw ' laaH tllak TTf. I . -. . alera. followers plaa. if PaaiNe. j JVZk V " . . T lorce a ai vision oecween- tae . . : ' ;t t . state leaders.. It la aareed Ma. w " ..., ' ., ally that the defeat of the mlaiatry 1 ,K rr r ' t mean that GrlfBth would ro-1 'T " " r r- ...... . siooa ta act aw Maaar r i gn. nui auvocatea oi uet aiera s poi-. . . . r v Icy are hoping that by the use of : 4f,b . TZTT. i -T. . wearing down tactics they may make 1 . "mmm'mm awa v-.m. vaja-amraaT awtrwa).w. wsuia as lakaarauva Iff eatu aboaM ao lacreaea ta the government Impossible. Griffith's hold on the dail now is by j i fi nrooosf'ii nriLisn ioau l'j . moniip To w-roaH .pn?Mm n for rri !. .. .i , .i u: ; r . . - sisinc r is iiisii- i jii iii.s iiifuituu i .. death of the white man. : lw made a part of the committee's j Just w:ial point npto was record nnd Mavo will he r.aliei for G '' c. 1 In"ivcntion in t!f N'or Kast to cn I th" ;tr bffwecn Gicce and the Turkish nationalists. The alii' d attitude towards Rus- vinced that before the work of devel- ' tn opposing ai.eptame of the Ford oping to its utmost the almost limit -; bid. representatives of the power cor-1 less powers of aerial communication. 'Isolation are laying the foundation for jthe air lanes must be regulated and ; this court action. j systematized and safeguarded, oa sea Chairman Kahn declared tonight j and on land. The present wave : that W. B. Mayo, chief of Ford's en- j lengths system has proven utterly in ; gmeers. will also lie beard again by j adequate, it was declarel. ; the committee !efore the hearing on Monday's conference will deal with ' the Ford preaosal is clear. Mayo has .the wireless question purely on a basis J publicly announced Ford's intention i ,,f determining what improvements ness." and explains why he did not i to meet demands or several tiierabers;UB D9 made over the 1912 arrange-' accompany Arthur Griffith to London. ;of the committee that modifications j ,,, ftnn .en consult with interna-! I be made in the proposed contract. In-. arnarts toward the end of con-I " i venine a world conference to devise a treaty or agreement regulating arii4i art ia- piaceaieat as to arssslta- eawbr menu of the Paaaaaa caaai. a Intern of which are aaralr wtaa ta 1 a i permit passage of the laaavt tvra dreadaaachta. Had rnaipatlTlnh - ta armament continued. It t i the slender majority of three. If any thing should occur to down that lead it would seem that Griffith and his followers would have a tempestuous rime oi ii. t. "Michael Collins is suffering from a . 1 . . i 1 1 .. ... .. U a .... niliiMv-if uiraauunu, ill 1. 111.111 uu u, rt K . lT .v. ,n ti. 1. .,r ii.n..n - th p Rvan crt, aval experts that the - said tonight after making a thorough physhal examination. ' This refutes stories that Collins was suffering from a "diplomatic 111- JEWELRY VALUED AT $50,000 IS STOLEN FROM STATLER HOTEL hurried to whs not generally known tonight, but when the sheriff left the jail with him in hurry, he appro- j pi lated a strange automobile for the purpose of hiding bis. movements Sev- ' cral deputies wre with the sheriff ' when he left the jail. It as "meaningless j Te reservation was as follows: ijTa United States understands "t ender the statement in the pre i Or under the terms of this 1ST there is no commitment t force, no alliance, no obliga Join in defense." i Tr action on the naval limitat -1 Obmattn poison gas trentts . M aaanimous. no being . at against them. t,""K action was taken by the com ob ine so-cauea - was in largely because a number of -aamtttee members expressed a de i ST. HUMS. Feb. 25.--The theft of Jewelry valued at tro.ort from his room in the Hotel here. at report-d to the police tonight by Lew Kane. the Bronx. New York pity. Kne. empl'iyeii ly Michael Levy, wholesale jeweler of No. Maiden Lane. New York, told th- police tha he left 'he trinkets locked in his trunk while he went t a vaudeville show. When !i" returned, lie said, the trunk had beeti broke;, opn and the jewelry stolen. Kan0 dii not knw if the jewelry K1LIS HUSBAND WHEN HE ABUSES CHILDREN OMAHA. Feb. 25. With the smok ing revolver with which she Itad killed her husband. Mrs. Km;l Valden today told the polite how she had killed her husband when came home mtoxii ated and began to abuse her and her tbildren. "I couldn't stand if." she sobblngly told tile police. Hp hurt me. too. Hut when he began to beat the children, ; it was too much." Mrs. Valden tired but one shot, kill . ;ng her husband instantly. Her story was corroborated by her l2-ear old son. Benny. that purpose. The Kngstrum offer sent to the committee today proposes lease and operation of the Mus le Shoals protect fur fifty years Eng- strum informed Congress that he pro posed to devote the whole Muscle Shoals project to extrai t nitrogen fiom the air "by T'ie best known pro ess for making the best kind of ni trates neecb-d for feitil.iers an I to keep in readine.-s the best known process of making the kind of nitrates UPPdnrj fur explosives and also to op crate a resean h plant, fur the devel opment of heter prot esses for the tix pfion of mtiate." ' tlngstrum's bid a'so pro-, ides for i velopnient '.f na . :g itli n at t ie shoals as frtsf n !hr- dams are i 0111 jdeted." Cheaper ferti'.-'er than is now mar keted will be., produced and the lc.s. made up by sab of water power de veloped it h pn e present nor ma! tCrigsiru.'ii ;! C.n gress. ure(t. -a te discuss the agreement w ith re t to Chinese customs duties. It J understood that Senator Under , ;e,the Democratic leader, who ha-1 v Ijaad ia the making of this ag'ee " X. would be called hefoi'P the' lttee whe:i if reconvenes or 24ay to explain the purpose of it - o discuss its possible effett on .a other Chinese pacts. la "lrreconcilables" expressed r "SthaTOt at Loflge's charge of a fili "at being contemplated bv- them I accoaed the Republican leader of aapting to drive the treaties ,W?h the Senate without affording TaT ample opportunity to study Ji achate them. "Tae senator from Massai husetts "al Wa.u .lepaie on the treaties eoaatnue too lon lor fear that pub attention may be further directed I thtlr ilsrUiJ 1' I t- ' " 'ili". Cte- LAN1FR HIGH DEFEATS TECH HIGH ONE POINT O a . Fe ..e.i MACON clvol def :,H to .'A. in their tr-night. 25 - Lanier High Hi-h of Atlanta 'eail game here CORNELL WINS HONORS FILIBUSTER WILL AT TRIANGULAR MEET, BE CONDUCTED FOR HARVARD III SECOND RESERVE QUESTION l. as f.: 1.1 1 l-i en the Sen ( ! 1' at., fl" ! Lodge indii.-mnt!v denied that he had ar-v s i( h pypose and said 'hi' he would h.- "c'a'l to artanse for a riehate bv the entire Hr.ite for the debitat'on of the :-en.itor from Mary land." "1 hf senator need net go to :iny stu b pains for the senator from Murv iand." ta s;ionded Fiance. "11" will find that tbc-e w'U ! ample debate on th" treaties without his having tu . . , ... 1 1 !..! . . . ' a i: tr . ii i if BOSTON. Feb. f 'utlill' IT meet HarVard second ing up the iir. with 4s'-2 point 5. f "rnell won the here t'lirght. with . i ! a'ti)iout1i tiring Cornell was credited H.rrvird -ii2 and Dartmouth 2't. Leroy Brown set up a new world's re'oid wlit-n be shat tere I the indoor h;gh jump mark, i lea rtn? 'he bar at teet Z inches. R. K. Brow, of Cornell, romped away from the rest of the tield. breaking a record for the ttiangiil-ir .licet., finish ing in ' 5.: 1-5. Billy Burke, of Har vard, was the surprise ot the night.. vv'nrt;r.s tlv r.ii'e ia 4:27 1-5 at.d '.nveririg the t:ni? "f 'h-'- event by ..v. - lv - '-..i.e. W HSN(; i 'N. Hefltn. Ih!i-0' rat. cave the Sea ate n. i iinlui t a pers'-n. e !i. . - veajif I !a'atna. to!a e lat he would TA buster' in be. ! aerial transmission. The conference will also adopt rei-oiuniendations for i iegisl ition looking toward the im i piovenier.t of this government's wire le?3 activities and wi.l ask an appro 1 prist ;on to carry ou their work l'r S. W. Stra'ton. director of the bureau ot standards in the depart. nent ' i ,f i oni'iierce. will preside at the con teretb e. Senator r rank H. Keuogg. . f Minnefvot.i. Representative Wallace H Whl'. Jr.. of Maine: H. B Howell, of Omaha. Nei r ; l'r Alired N. Gold smith, senretary of 'he Institute of Radio Engineers of New Y: k Pity; Prof c. H Jr. of the di versity of Minnesota; IPran. P. Max im. president of the Am.Tb an Belay league, if Hartford. Cuun . sad Prof L. A Hxeitine. of the Stevens iisti tiite of Hobai en. N J . will b unions the radio experts iittea.l-n.t Moutiay' onference. The Aiii-rii an bo -.'jjjo ir.eetiuitv i.f in yatt lerponslbl-- for 'he present rad.o confu.-loti tarough his auia'eur h ti". 'tief. hi a gi.Kji trienl In S" -r-tarv Honxer. 1 he scretary wants the b-iys of Axete a "j ?;now tha he cEsider liynsfelf their spei ia! dv!--g,ife Ht t're onfer.;!!'. e and that h" a til see thi their rights and interes' are r. it s:det: a. ke J. and !e!ieve tu x . oii-tifi.-nti will agree wi'h sf.tue tha' :t is tiej best for all radio oj.;;a t -v"s ;iftat.h'!it t'ie world 'ha' -a .. r 'a ti wa-e !eng; be allo:ate,j R n-t. i; 40 j tiia' "lo ' sitV; to th"ir own w i length il: 1 " w-tlidej !UV l -i ji d l " ta" ' i:r.,-' r, 'i i. " tnand for bigger goes woaM have led to the bu lading of blgcer ahtpa. with the recall that the Ualtaa sutas w ould have been cocapeUed either ta maintain a great fteet tor both tha Atlantic and the Paciae or that it aould have heea pat to the of balldlng another Paaaota ThA final nf m MAN WHO DEMANDED BIG 'P'tal ship is approximately $Mt, SUMS FCCENTRICCRANK ; '" " ytMr' experta aay. Cattar is to st rap 34 capital snipe. inr lag WAMHINGToN. Feb. 25. George I a yearly saving of ta the War department f lerk who ' uiaintenance alone, fonfest-ed to 'ending threatening let-1 The second big item ia the expert tens to fapuai socieiy ieau-r&, ue- f-omputjitions is that resulting manning moue. a iioeratea totay the elimination of the naal as an eccentric trans. The women i board plan for the constructioa of tae refused to profit ute him and tbenf. .apiti ships a year. The prea Pootofhi-e department oflicials decid :-nt cost of a modern battleship t ed he had vioihted no pt stal laws . ai.oroxliuatelv t40.-XtO.Ob. hat ta. under w in- h be could lie h !J. REPUBLICAN RANKS 111 GEORGIA IN AN OPEN REVOLT HOW ATLANTA. Feb 25 agnii.r. 'h - stabliS'l'.e 1 F en i;; (rt-o'g.a -n uay w a a Ph'-d'p.-. and oti; r.-i,. d th. T-ev. .t lUbiican ,.li elnpe'I . i.. i-t-a :n;n'i' t .on . .-:.t .1 L o:,, mi' te . iif 'iv from ta offices Tun is fr if a- .-y of tions are that the battleship of the future will cot somewhere ta the tieighiKirhood of The hip heading on the list of econo mies considered by the ataUaUctaas -s that resulting from the agnmaiael to strap lit new capital ships, which a hen on pleted would have coat the Pnited Mates 152u.(iOO.f(v. A t.;.'.'i.ein..t.MHi has already been speat 'n tbef .h!ps. the savinsa ajBoeata '.i approximately tl9i.U(H,j00. which .au.-i be con;i.ouuded over a period of 15 ears The last item has to do wtTh the so vine t., ix t.ii.plished in cosaec--on with -edu. ti .ns of aliote Ttsh Msbnients. li ! is t.ima.ed at 5 :.(,ih)i..iH( a xa: . BRITISH i OPE PLAN W'LL BE ACCEPTED ! t.ial ir..i n- half of hi- r-:-.d Senate invest -.g' "lolaii ai h i : it! serve and the f. ta. lia. An eftc unanimous cons his resignation Ranking fa tie-; Republu an. ef jei ted. ' ! gie te ;'nd ea' h 'i th.s P.illt it-on ; t . ant img fcr a m of In.- cnargea -,f " lx the fe-ieral re era! al Atian ' by h : :u T; i.bta n t fcr re fere tn e f i .h ConiTiiitte on h t; si aiiinr Moi.e., u i i t :i: psii ;re. ib- . i-..'. .,ii Mondax t-eafter I w 11 pr .-. ! i.iitair. sori.e at 'ion ...1,1 H.:flln t te v ; -.rau.l 1. is . j.ii r "s Ham e-.-4 Sy it.g tarn - HEAD OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS SOME BETTE R LNI.0:- rV 25--?aited States iati.i Smc.e'u suggestion "hat ta-i-i l.e a'lov i-d to pay her debt to ruen. a in gitoUt. iiistead of g'4d. was - eli un.ed and a.tloimed by Hrltish treasury ctru-a'.s day. They said they hop i it w ?uld 4 z.i support m atiior.g ii. -ii.bers of tfce American Funding i. :..u.iaiion. 'has. . ; 'i..iie. I RH .V. 1 n .-.'': Cii-t.- - lian.i 1 h- tii 1: T as 1 A 'lied ." are .'He ifg.,1 ee. olitei'U 1 K .Mia..'.. . iaitii to jj, . a ; -.. i r. , - HUNDRED THOUSAND FIRE IN K C. LUMBER YARD K a.- -it ; t.. 2... Vwv e-rly t. r.iti .- . O -ia i. . t K !,C .'1...U-1 I UlLiKb) IB U.U. C.v. "n it ao urea ff half a Ltn k i '. I-.,- - n .' " ) wi .a4. if n-.u.