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1 ja i ' .. .'& jfe OLDEST OKLAHOMA NEWSPAPER. REPUBLICAN FOR PRINCIPLE. THE BEAVER HERALD. VOL. XXI. BEAVER, BEAVER COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 1907. NO 23 OKLAHOMA A STATE Formally Union, Admitted To The Saturday Np vember, 16th. The Brightest Star in the Con stellation Now Shines for the 46th State Oklahoma. F. C. Tracy was transacting business in Guthrie nml Oklahoma City the pis', week and attending Oklahoma's first inauguration ceremonies. Pure drugs and chemicals. Fresh stock ocory few dys. Prescriptions carefully compounded' Thr Gkm Pharmacy. OKLAHOMA, THE STATE FOREVER. Washipgton, D. C, Nov. 16 A new star was added to the American flag today by the admissiou formally into the Union of the Stale of Oklahoma. President Roosevelt at 10:16 o'clock this morning signed the Proclamation admitting the territories cf Oklahoma and Indian Territory jointly as one of th: American States. Little formality attended the ceremony which meant so much to the people of the two territories. In appending his signature to the proclamation the President used a pen formed from a quill plucked from the wing of an Ameri can Eagle. The pen will be deposited with the Oklahoma His torical Society. Guthrie, Okla., Nov. 16 A message was reoeived by Governor Haskell at his rooms at the Royal hotel at 0:20 this morning announcing that President Roosevelt signed the statehood proclamation admitting Oklahoma to the Union at 10:10 (eastern time) this morning. The word spread like wildfire, and it was but a few moments before pandemonium reigned supreme. Every bell in the city rang out the glad tidings, scores of factory whistles screamed piercing blasts of overflowing joy, and the hotel lobbies were filled to overflowing by cheering men. Guns were fired, gianferackers exploded and the air was rent with the general gladness. Ex-Chief Justice Frank Dale, chairman of the inauguration executive com mittee, presided as master of ceremonies at the Carnegie library. Terrfiorial SecrotaryChas. H. Filson was introduced by Hon. C. G. Jones, of Oklahoma City, chatunan.of the statehood committee, and in a distinct, clear voice read the proclamation of President Roosevelt admitting Oklahoma into tl- Union, which was received with enthusiastic cheers by the crowd. Then came the wedding of Mr. Oklahoma to Miss Indian Territory winch was solemnized by Rev, W. II Dodson, pastor of the First Baptist church of this city, who declared them united forever Hon. C. G. Jones, ,of Oklahoma City, in an eloquent and witty address, ma-fe the marriage proposal to Miss Indian Territory. "Wm. A Durant, a Choctaw indian orator, responded upon the bo- half of Miss Indian Territory, in a masterly manner accepting the offer of Mr. Oklahoma. Mrs. Dr. D. O. Bennett, a beautiful Creek Indian woman of Mus kogee, represented Miss Indian Territory. Leslie G. Niblack, qditor of the Guthrie Leader, then administered the oath of office to Governor Haskell and the crowd rent the air with cheers for Okla homa's first governor. Governor Haskell then delivered his inaugural address which occupied about t)iirty minutes and held the immense throng's close at. tention until the very close. J. D. Burke, chairman of the board of county commissioners of Logan county then administered the oath of office to the other state officials. The inaugural parade formed at the Carnegie library and was the longest processioil ever witnessed in" the new state, being fully two miles in length and including l,r00 militiamen and cadets, ten bands, thirty carriages carrying state officials and committees, which were followed by hundreds of surreys and buggies carrying-visitors, besides the different city delegations, civic orgunizr. tions, etc. Mrs Vena Gosney has accepted a position in this office. She is an expe rienced hnnd at the business and is filling a "long-felt want" hero. Don't be sulky but come in and S..-0 our line of Sulky plows also New Yan kee gang's now in stock. The Carter Tracy lldw. Co. F.M.Allen, of Lorena, come down Friday and remained over to -sec the new county olficers safely installed at the'eourt house Saturday. 1. N.Edwards has purchased an in terest in the Palace barber shop. Mr. Edwards is a tonsorial artist of note and is right at home behind the chair. Don't fail to read carefully McCon nells big ad in this issue- They have a great deal to say that should be of interest to those who need anything in this line. Farms in Washington, Benton, Se bastian, and Scott Co, Ark. To trade for land in Beaver Co Okla. Geo Austin 10-31 11-21 3w Tyrone, Okla. Just received five thousand pounds more of Colorado cabbage, worth $1 7G per hundred. Enolkwood Mer. Co. Englewood, Kansas. Moody Barrett, who has been so seriously ill of typhoid fever, is gradu ally recovering and was able to be on our streets Saturday. His many friends gave him the glad hand. Miss Maude Stratton of Kansas, who was here a short time ago and accept ed a position as stenographer in A. F. Rock's loan office, returned the past week and has commenced her duties in that capacity. No better values anu no better as sortment is shown in this "n"ck of the woods" in skirts and cloaks for ladies and children, than ours. Enulewood Mer. Co. Englewood, Kansas. Read the new advertisement of the Blue Front restaurant, at Liberal, Kansas in this Issue and whin in that city patronize our former Beaverite, Legislature to Convene. Governor Haskell lnit night issued a call for the first, session of the Okla homa legislature to meet in Guthrie, Monday, December 2, 1007. Entertains the Band. J W Webb and wife entertained the band boys and their wives one ev ening last week A very pleasant ev ening was spent of which a delicious lunch had no mall part Mrs Webb possesses that ty of ploasing "the inner man " Hung Jury. In the case of the territory vs. J. S. Fischer, who was prosecuted for crimi nal libdl and which was heard in Pro bite court last week, the jury after an all nights deliberation failed to agree and were dismissed. The jury stood nine f ir and three against n verdict of "Guilty." This decision calls for a new trial which will be heard at the January session of the Probate court. Thanksgiving Dinner. The Ladies Guild of the M. E. church have arranged to give an old time turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. The choicest, fattest turkeys have been marked for slaughter and will be served along with ninny other good toothsome eatables on that day. Make your plans to take dinner with the Guild and you will always feel you have much for which to be thankful. Dinner only 25 cents. ONLY NECESSARY TO TREAT THE STOMACH ClairrCof Central Figure in Recent Contro versy Is Novel. Clarence Robison, the proprietoi, by eating at the Blue Front. Judge R. H. Loofbourrow, wife and baby are absent from the city this week, being on a business and pleasuro trip to Wicinta, uutnrio anu uuiauoma unij j,ejj, jt aiong. Uity. Juuge attenueu tne "inaugura tion ceremonies at Guthrie Saturday. R E. Judd and family, who have been at Tucumcari, New Mexico, for the past year returned to Beaver the past week. Oh pshaw! Yes. They always come back. Wo welcome you Mr. Judd. R. M.McFnrland, who purchased J. C Wlliamson's residence some time ago, moved into the same tho past week. Mrs. Ada Smith, Register of Deeds, is occupying thd house former ly occupied by Mr. McFarland. Important Railroad Notice. The ollicers and directors of the Beaver Valley and northwestern rail road company have in coute iiplation a plan for tho reorganization of its directory and ollicers. Owing to the financial flurry, mat ters have slowed up some in tho htib scriptionsxo the Capital block of the company, and in coiiM'.quenco Mr. Eugene THleux, who had been em ployed by the company as goneral manager, has severed his connection with the company. And now'the peo ple of tho country, effected by this enterprise have determined to re double their efforts to pifsh tho mutter to a final issue. To this end it has becivdecidcd to hereby call a mass jnccwig of the citizens and clock holders to meet at tho court house in Reaver on Saturday November 30, 1007, at 2 o'clock P.' M.. for tho pur pose of effecting a reorganization, and to devise plans for the speedy comple tion of the road. Every citizen should take an active interest in this enter prise, us it means much to each ope, Do not wait for your neighbor to take the lead in this matter, but get busy Everybody is urg ed to be present at this meeting. By Order of tho Board of Directors. Tho now theory advnncod by L. T. Coopor rolnt'fo to tho human Btom ach has nttracted isuch wldoBproad attention that Uio public In cltloa vlsitod by tho young man haa boon Joined by many physicians In n dis cussion of bis bollofa and modicinea. Mr. Coopor says that human health Is dependent almost entirely upon tho Btomach. Ho says that no (lis caso can bo conquorod without first alleviating nil stomach dlsordors. Ho furthor says that most men and wom en of this generation nro half-sick, owing to dogonorato. stomachs. And lastly, ho claims that his Now Dis covery modlcino will rejuvonato tho human' stomach in 90 days. Coopor haa boon traveling from ono city to another, conducting In each what ho culls n campaign of oducatlon. For tho past year ho haa mot tho public In tho largor cities of tho country, and his success has boon phonomonal. Thousands of pooplo havo flocked to his heudquar tors whorovor ho has gone, und tho ealo of his modlcino haa been boyond anything of Uio ldnd over before wltnossod. Possibly tho most Interesting foa turo of tho attention this young man has attracted Is what his army of i'ollowors, whom ho has convortod to his bollofa through his medicines, havo to say on tho Bubjoct Tho fol lowing statements nro from two well known rosldonts of Chicago and Bos ton, respectively, nnd tho enthusiasm of thoso la characteristic of Coopor'a admlrors gonornlly. Mrs. II. B. Mack, of 3201 Stato stroot, Chicago, says: "I havo been Bufforlng for 12 years from a com bination of stomach troubles, catarrh and constipation. I had a gnawing pain la tho pit of my stomach, a sort df & dnll pain that I could not quit cm dorstnud. Then thoro wan n doll head nclio, and my mind scorned to b wandorlng continually. I could not oat, nnd what ltttlo solid food I did oat I could not retain on ray Btomach. I tried overy remedy I could think of. nnd also tried out a numbor of patent medicines, but without nny apparent roaulL It wns through ono of ray friends that I heard of Cooper's prep aration, and I Immediately decided to try bouio of It. It Is two weeks alnco I took my first doso of It, and 1 fool llko & now woman. Tho head ncho scorns to havo disappeared, and tho pain In my stomach along with it. Tho modlcino la worth Its weight in gold, and I want to thank Mr. Coopor for what ho haa done for mo." Mr. Edwin F. Morso, of 20 Oakley, strcot, Dorchester, a Buburb of Boa ton, saya: "For three yoara I had not a won day. My stomach was la frightful shapo; Uio mcro thought oC food would nauscato mo, and I real! had a horror of anything to oat All solid food would causo mo oxtrema Indigestion, bloating and gas on my, stomach, nnd nothing tastod right Somo timo ago I got Bomo of this Coopor'a modlclnos, about which thoro Is so much talk. I sctuftlly feel aa woll nnd strong ub a boy ever alnco tho first bottlo. Every alga of stomach troublo has disappeared, and I havo a hearty nppotlto and eat thrco squaro moals; every thing enema to tnsto good. Anyone who knows whnt chronlo Indlgostlon la can approclato what this means to mo. I conBldor this tho most romark ablo medicine I over heard of." Wo Bell Mr. Cooper's medicines, nnd find them to be all he claims. F. C. Tracy. pw i-m-s? m&& tmm I H0ili MEMS, i Xmas furniture just arrived at ver Hdw. & Fum. Store. Bea W .Chris Plain, of Elmwood, was mar- f , keting some fine ulfalfa in town Satur- W 7W2 "57S?(S& 'SffSW i day Subscribe for tho Herald. O. II. Curt, of Floris, was marketing kaffir corn in town Saturday. "Wo are now "State of Oklahoma" in the fullest sense of tho word. Mr. und Mrs. Will Stafford are oc cupying the residence recently vacated by Sheriff Naylor and family. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Art Neidef crofthe North Flat, a fine son lust .week. Help Wanted Inquire of the Bea ver Hdw. & Furn, Co. piiver Prultt visited at his home near Clear Creek Sunday, Many of ouryoung ladies enjoyed a horseback ride'Suuday. One School Section For Sale. T. P. BRAIDWOOD. Gus Hant was over from Floris the latter part of la9t week. Tin wdrk'a specialty, at the Bea"ver Hdw. & Furn. Store. Roy Brown was up fro.n Lockwood ov'er Sunday this week. A full line of Drugs and fancy articles also paints and oils. The Gem Pharmacy. Henry Foshur and wife of near Zelma were visitors at the home of Al Fosher and family the past week. Mrs Blanche Fee dispensed drugs at Fracy's Pharmacy tfiis week during the absence of Mr. Tracy. The sale of land for delinquent taxes was held by County T easurer Sims this week. The Bright Light Society of Beaver will give an entertainment at the M. E. church, Saturday night, November 23, for the benefit of that church. The program is a good one and con tains fifteen tableaux, pantomime taken from the Bible, also vocal solos. Music by the Band. Admission 15 and 23 cents. A. P. Hatfield, commissioner from the 3d district, brought somo fine spec imens of white Bermuda onions in from the farm Saturday. This offiec has a sample. Mr. Hatfield says ho produced about fifteen bushels of that variety all fine largo onions from u'unit n half pound af seed. If Mr. Hatfield serves the county as successfully as he tills that fine farm of his, there'll bo no room for complaint from his constitu ents, and we say lie will. B. C. Lewis made his usual trip to Beaver tho past Saturday but some way he was togged up just a bit more and was mot by tho glad hand of his many friends. B. C. was over to qualify as commissioner of 2nd district and set as member of tl-at august board in their first regular meeting Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McFarland are the parents of a fine son born to them Mouday the Inst. , . which was held Saturday. Mr. Lewis is among the few, very few, Republi- . cans who will hang out at tho court house this term nnd the only Republi can member of the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, but he is big enough and broad-minded enough to hold his Democratic 'jolleaguea level and, by-the-way, they are all pretty gpod fellows anyway. Wo predict ono of the fuirest administrations that Beaver County has ever enjoyed. Subscribe for THE HEkALD. The Old and the New. A change has taken place at the Court House. Those who Lave bcrved the county the past three yeairi have stepped down and out and the officers- elect have stepped in to direct the des. tinies of this commonwealth for the same length of time. In the out-going officers Beaver coun ty loses many pains taking officials and those who have devoted their best en ergies to the benefit of the county. On the other hand, those who have stepped into the harness are just as anxious to serve the whole people with out fear or favor. The majority of the incoming officers are of the Democratic persuasion but politics is not the order of thedny now. Election is passed, politics must take a back seat and each ollicer takes his oatli of office to serve tho people without prejudice or partiulity. Wo have eve ry reason to believe each officer will fu'fill tiiat obligation and give us n good clean administration With that belief in mind und being personally ac quainted witli the present regime of ollicers wo extend greetings to them and recommend them to our readers as honorable and upright mid worthy of your every confidence. G. C Maphet, commissioner from tho 1st district, was up to bo initiated into his new office Saturday. He took all the degrees and is now fully qualified to look uftor Beaver county's interests for some time to come. We have known of Mr. Maphet for yearn but un til this time had never hud the pleas ure of a personal acquaintance. Wo find him a very pleasant and agreeable gentleman and one who, though even u Democrat, will give Beaver county "a squaro deal." Fact is, his polities is all that Is wrong. He is fully uware of the needs and possibilities of the coun ty and there is no doubt but that his administration will be a good one. Those who have known him for years speak of him as aconbclentlous, w11 Program . Program To Be Given , by Lidic' Circle for the Benefit of the Presby terian Church, Wednesday even ing, Nov., 27, at K. ot P. Hall. Overture By' Beaver Band, ltllVSoio;vtt-aqf6)t!?:01an?rl?S Bolim Mrs. W. T. Quinn, Recitation, Thanksgiving Day Isls Stone, Piano Solo, Turip Phebe Sjonc, The Thanksgiving Spellers By Twelve Little Folks, Recitation. Murdock's Music Box Vivian Wellborn, Male Quartette, Recitation Blanche Stedman, Piano Duet Miss Walker and Mrs. Wm. Thomas, Tableau Violin riolo Charles Laughton, Reading Dr. Long, The Tiny Puritins, Piano Duet, Trot du Cavalier, by S. Jackson Miss Walker and Mrs. W. T. Quinn, Recitation, Thanksgiving 1808 Earl Wellborn, Vocal Duct Messrs. Jackson und Lightfoot, Recitation Ralph Willhour, Male Quartette. Tublenu, Selection Band. BY COMMITTEE. New Order of Commutation Proofs. The following order received by tho local U. S. Lund Office ut Guthrio, Ok Inhomu from the Commissioner of tho General Land Office, Washington, I). C, relating to Homestead Commuta tion proofs, namely. 1 Commutation proof offered under a homestead entry made on or after November 1, 1007, will be rejected un less it be shown thereby that tho en tryman has, in good faith,. actually ro sided upon and cultivated tho land em braced in such entry for the full period of ut lcdst fourteen months. 9 AV1ur (iiinli I'nmimitntinn nronf in ordered under an entry made prior to November 1, 1007, if it bo satisfactorily shown thereby that the cntryman had in good faith, established nctuul resi dence on the land within six months from the date of his entry, ho may bo credited with constructive residence from tho date of entry, provided that it be also shown that such residence was, in good faith maintained for such period as, when added to tho period of constructive residence herein recog nized, equals the full period of four teen month's residence required by the homestead laws, nnd 3 In no case can commutation proof be accepted when it fails to show tluit the required residence and culti vation continued to the dute on which Alasqucrade Ball. . At K. of P. Hall in Bcavor, on Nov. 29th, 1007. Begin early nnd prepare your costumes. ' ' Giucoo & Fraipokt. Shooting Match, ""5omo'rind win u turkey for Thanks giving uttlie Shooting Match at Beaver on Huturduy, Nov. 23d. H. P. LAnsoN. No Hunting Allowed. t 1 positively forbid hunting on-- my premises. Trespassers will bo prose cuted. R. McFarland Beaver, Okla Watch for Announcement. The Ladies' Aid Society of the .Prcs byterian Church are planning a mng nilicent afiair for Thanksgiving., The full purtiuularssof the afTairwill appear later. Watch for announcement. To Our Customers. Owing to tho change wo expect to make in our business January 1st, 1008, we are going to ask all custbmerr to help us out during tho month of De cember, by paying CASH for all mer chandise. Please consider this as a business proposition us we MUST havo tho mon ey for everything that month. Do not hesitate to send us checks to apply on your account if you have your money in tho bank, as wo aro prepared to take care of all checks with .great pleasuro. Bulick&Co. 11-11 11-28 3w. Mrs. Kuto Stafford has accepted a position ns deputy register of de'eds. This lady's ability is very well known and all agree that Mrs. Smith made a wise choice in bcleoting one so well qualified to fill the position, A number of our stockmon who had cattle in Texas pastures have been down gathering them the past few weeks.. They roport a number 'mis bing. Among those who had stock there were: O. D. Smith, J, R. Quinn, T. P. und T. 0. Braid wood, Peckhum Brothers nnd others. informed citizen und ono who will dis charge his official duties carefully ami application for notice of intention to fearlessly. make Kiich proof was filed. County Clerk Beardsley, wife and daughter, Miss Edna arrived in Beaver Saturday, the former to assume his official duties and Miss Edna to assume tlio duties of chief deputy. It is with u great deal of pleasure that we wel come thin desirable family to our city nnd we shall hope to retain them for some time toconiOj J C. Williamson left Monday for his home at Caplu, His family preceded him homo duys ago. Beaver truly re frets their departure. Better people or more desirable citizens it would be hard to find. However, wo wish for them contentment nnd prosperity on tho farm and shull expect some mam moth specimens of farm ana garden "craps" from Farmer Jim next year.