OCR Interpretation

The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, January 11, 1894, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067634/1894-01-11/ed-1/seq-2/

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ill dis
f. All the Mill
iers have boon inter
I y, and the statistics
eomnpared with the house
)orts of the police.
, according to the latest no
the normal force of om
n, vwonon and youths---di
gaged in productivo industrios
,000-a vast industrial forco,
in its proportion to popula
any other city In the country.
number 800,000 dopend for occu
upon the textile and related
trade.. The enill owners themselves say
that any resumption of work this wintor
must be of the spasmodic doscription,
the temporary result of occasional or
Lorin Blodgett, the votoran statisti
cIan, who has in the past 80 years talcen
y a consus for city and state author
8,~inade a special canvass of tho teo
manufac 1)g districts this winter,
result of labors agreeing substan
y with th wtimatos of the police
the citizol' pormanout reliof coi
the iron manufacturing aid allied
stries, nine-tenths of the onmployes,
ut 18,000, havo been thrown out
ork, the only activity in this lino be
he result of government orders at
*ps' shipyards. lu the building
66 a third of the foreo nsually en
ed at this time is idlo. OfI tho gar
t workers, more than half are out.
situation is reflected in tho groator
8 ciminution of tho ranks of the va
a other common trades.
Many Hungry inl 11altimoro.
BATurmonc, Doc. 28.--Beaiden the
causes of industrial deprossion priovnil
ing throughout the country thore are
additional local ones8 in Laltimore which
are bringing destitutiou to the homes cf
workingnen and making the burdons of
the charitable association iusually
-,,,For the past five or six yver.rs a large
number of extensivo public and corp 0
rato improvements, involving the outlay
of millions and the omp loyrient of thou
sands of workingmen, hiro beon umlor
way. Most of tieso are now completed.
The peo)ple of the city seem0 thorough
ly alivo to the fact that the problom of
the unemployed this wintor will be moro
difficult than over before. Fortunately
there is perfect unity among the charity
organizations who are receiving the co
operation of the polico aind the mayor.
Those bodies, at a recent general confor
nco, organized a contral relief coninuit
e meant to focus all their efforts to tho
reesing necessity. It is ostimateud by
he 'leaders of the labor organizations
and by State Statistician A. B. Howard
that one third of the laboring and poor
er class are out of eomploymeent and
have boon for mont hs. In sonme cases
these people earn a pittance of their for
-ner wages by working short hours, but
even tbje is unreliable.
had one Show P'eooie.
COmCAO, Dec. 28.--More than 1,000
actors and actresses are destitute here(.
The benefit matinee given at the Chicago
Opera house last week by actors aundu
actresses in Chicago for the destitute,
was a signal foi a flood of letters of ap
peal for aid directed to Stuart Itobson.
As a result, $500 wvas withhold from thie
receipts for the assistance of needly act
ors. In many of the miner coiimanies
salaries are badly in arrears, alt hou gh
actors prefer to stay in their organiza
tions and work for not hinig than to risk
losing back pay altogether by resigning.
Scores of speialty popl are working
their way eastwvard fromt the Paciflc
coast and are waiting in Chicago for
something to turn up. Most of these
are also wvaiting for somaething to eat,
and are liable to continue to wvait.
Not So Bad, biut Had Enouegh.
OMAHA, Dec. 28.-Though theonumber
of unemployed people In Ognaha is much
larger than in any wvinter before, it is
net really so large as wasi oxpefctod. No
iaotories or large etablishiments have
closed in Omaba. Most of the factories
during the worst of the depression
worked their mon half thno, and thus
kept as many employed as possible.
A conservative estimate of the unomn
')oyed adult males is 3,500. Tho polm11
lation of Omaha is about 150,000. 'ihih
list of unemployed ing hides many ninern
ind laborers from Colorado who, whon
'Jho mines thore were closed, found
Omaha a premising stopping place on
their way east. By no means all the un
employed are destitute.
Tried to Jump from a Niagara Dridge.
NIAGAnA FALLS, N. Y., Dec. 28.
Robert Wilson, aged 60O, en routo from~
his home in the far wes* to the old coun
try, attempted to jump frone a Grand
Trunk passenger train as it was crossing
the suspension bridge. Brakomnan Jacobs
managed to catch~ his hand. The man
sanng down on the bridge, and .Jacobs
fell onl top of him and held him until the
Sainl Mme to a standstill and the rest of
e rwcame to his assistance.
SKIlled * dhid Acoldentally;.
SAArE&( t, Do. 28.-Isaiah Houston,
.a negro odid 11 months old, tras. shot
and killed by 0. J. Thompson, also eol
ewEd. thompsnwas fooln wth a
hed an ahy dis
q~hUV~ liouse. The kill
884 Miss., Dee, W1,-4 is si
ha tat me negro wbo ta rr
Rabwrs and bmnaw1 the house over
e in androbN
gi pstveydna
amntn fte
of11 '3Yi room a
.L'13 Eind him lying oe the
. j.hh doconsod had boon living
horo about 40 years.
ATLANTA, Doe. 27-Ilarry Hill line
boon located in Louisvillo, Ky. The
houso where ho is stopping is known to
the police, and his movements are being
closoly watched. Tho boid given by
Harry is returnable in the criminal su
perior court on next Monday. If he
should fail to bo present it will probably
be forfeited, and Mrs. Ida 11. Casey, his
aunt, will be asked to pay the county the
sum of 1.0,000.
3LA('KSHEAh, Gn., Doc. 27.--1lo.
John C. Nicholls, an infihontial and re
spected citizen, died hero Monday. ie
had been indisposed for only a short
time, an1(d wasi up and around lis place
on Saturday, and retired that :night as
usual. Il was takeni worse 1uiring the
night and soon passed awiy. The ii
maediato causo of is donth was pnouno
nia and heart failure.
CANTON, (Ga., )ec. 27.-Ono of tho
largest illicit distilleries li the stato lie
been captured by Deputy Collector Kol
logg imid Storekeeper and (nagn Tram
mel wit hin about three mileso Canton.
Tho still would hold about 163 gallous,
cap .10 gallons and worm 35 gallons. Its
run11 was (01tinutlolus distillation (n1o sing
iis:t and the plant was fitted i in good
A m:iuimts, Ga., lh-c. 26.--Mr. McIn
tosh, alil employo of thoSavaimah,Ainor
icuis and Montgomnery railroad, wastt
handling a Vinheliestor riflo, and a negro
tr.in htanid cam1e up, id inl Rom1io lin
knoown way tho gun vas accidentailly
discharged, tho hall passing through
the negro't heart, killing him instantly.
SAVANNAY1, Dec. 2I.--lioior Shepard,
of i vingstion, S. C., weit to hod in
rooi 61.1 in the Pulaski houso al tor blow
in,- out the gas and vais found doad in
i heel in the miorning ahcoit. 10 o'clock.
His Ieail was cle'arly the result, of igno
ranlice of the use of gias.
SAVANNAH, l)o. .-A prt.ion of
Farwin, dul3ignon & ('hiisolims law of
fico hts been destroyed by firo. The ov
idence of the firo in vjeilnd in mystery
1and looks very m1ne.h like tho work of an
inceniliary, Its it SeemCs to have staritedt at
the colhar11 underneath.
Mohno, (a., Dec. 26.- -Osa-air Carter,
a wvell-to do bsiWS iian of Monroo,
was shot aid killed by Policemau Ar
111d. ('arter was well known through
(out this sec'tion. i WI ts a imIemIber of
the firim of Clay & Cvrter, grocer-, herc
and111 it oItler plinit5.
MACo. N, DecW. 28..-Weraloyani Falel
col lege annouinces theo contintion of
the holiday vacattioni to Jan. 10 on no.
coiunht of scarlet fever amiong tho h~oardl
ers. Thew collego is bneing thoroughly
disinftected andie an infirmiery is being
TrsextoosA, Ala., Dec. 2i7.-am
lilack, I ih i-l-year-old son .of Mr. Charles
Black, of Tlusealoosat, while out hunting.
aceldent ally dlischiarged his gun while
cil'ibing a fence, and the entire load
tooik effect. in his~ brteast, killing hinm 'in
JAclcsONylLLE, Pla., Doec. 27.-Ollicer
Hoeraco N. Brmyanit was stabbed three
times by Allen .Jackson, a negro despor.
adou, whiomi ht was tryinig to arrest. The
(iflieer's woundisI aro very serious and
many prove fatal. Tfho nigro escaped.
JwACsoN, Miss.. D~ec. 2.-.-J. S. Madi
soni, ex-speakerCC of the hiouse and the lires.
eut chatirimn of the ways and nmis
commnijttee of tho Mississippi legislaturo,
died suddenly Mondayt~ night at his homoa
near IBrookvi'llo.
Ihinm~suAM, Ala., Doec. 8.~-Joo Mar
bury, the il-yoar-old sont of J. 1I. Mar.
bury, the wvell known saw mill man at
Doizema n, accidentally shiot hiunsolt.
Tnh wounid,Iit is thought, will provo fa
GluvnxNvxu.v, (I a., D)ec. 07.-Lambort
Boll and Will L~ofton, two negro horse
thieves, broko jail at this place. A re
ward of $25 for the arrent of each is of
fered by the shiiTf of tise county.
MacoN, Dec. 20.-Mamio Gowinnor,
the 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
N. G2owinnor, was stricken with hiearl
trouble whilo playing in the yard, ant
died before assistanco arrived.
A T LANT A, Dec. 28.-Mrs. Belle Ken
drick Abbott, whose pen has brought hea
into pirominence all over th9 country
has just (lied at her horne in this city,
.eiAa-rA, biec. 07.---The weamuer eu
reau huas issued ana interesting circula1
about the weather we may expect fo:
Lhe mdu th of January.
The .rcular is but an average of Jan
nary weather in this section for the lasi
15 year. from which an estimate as t<
the weather next month can 1)0 formed,
The circular shows t)6. +Aa--We
teprtroIo ur is 42 dlegrees
iff Eis January In the lb yeara
was in 1880, whon the average tempora
ture was 54 degrees. The coldest Jan
uary in the same period was in 1884
when the average temperature was 3(
degrees. The warmest January (lay wai
the twelfth of the month, in 1890, wvhie
the. thermoaneter rose to 75 degrees. T hi
coldest day in January was the eleventh
in 18830, when the mercury dropped toi
degrees above se.
The L'orage rainfall for January has
Sbeen 6.27 inches. The heaviest ramfal
in Janiuar~y was 'n 168 when it wa
15.82 mnches. '1he smallest raiifall wai
A Meauru54t Altar Dedicated.
Lowni., Dec. )7.-Bishop Lawrence
'in of it passed
h q %Igl~It re., He has b
"i ol y. bdsy sin.of tho IL
S urned' And has
Yo~e tdp, ff~k*
- I11 11 .4i
. taarantco theso Pills to d
I. clalivn for theii--so strong 11
Ill lein t yott y t a returt teon
v (10 h p y ou.
intro(lttie IS PIN4 I will 4en1d
F, VOLNC. PAKA-:, lich ough
1n bu staillclent to ctret any catse of I)ebility
foir m.Iy .20e.: e!nelose te-n t wo-vent, stamnp:
in a letter with , ye or iatilress writte phiin
! y,lanl you will receive the Pill., 1-y retur
With the nmsitivo tssuranic o 113n pay r
I lat. yfolt will lever regret the dity thiat yet
er1ne li los:si'sioi of tiis priceless rentedy
wh IoiSte iithienct besidtes restorji tiho Vita
fore', extedis itself to1 tb mte ltleual fa
inuIties, Olevating Ihe' etnoonS, (UisplliI
the bNe fifeM 14 n ietor'itig itS blessing.
Hteal I~he 11folhawing testianoills ats to
wlet.her I on t rtring le'tp'le or not.
"The trial pmckaige of Nervous Debilit:
l'ills you elit lo.e toe giotl. I wts troll
bled twith lilit( I liil' Ithellumaltis l in lmI
thighs and thevy helhi e wondeullyrt' 10."
11. .M. Whins'li.:n, Walltonl, lownt.
"Seind In1e 441eim reof those 1114 l :O
Chot! yin aen 4. l ue elitw e i o nil uch 1 g111111 olot
Oht I thiemt I obli Sed frore r mtore 4)
Jon~ ~~ I Witi:is t'lington)i, N. C.
"Find stauitqs 4-11(.4ed fori I wo) mmvr pack,
akgeS offy u Nerons1. lh-hiiity l'i:Isa t h11.44
I got If y41n 1.fr ititne lene nilr noel that
nItly Iltedicin!e hIat ever kit."
tlte i d w inedicine, I thin k it good
will m.ri mlw more.
Iln.l.'.. r acb nas Il
"I received yot ieItile an1 ftil lnvr
fll tchl 11114ien Ie i wi i t t.; it i s 't hlp t4imv :ti
remly.- Enet'mi ti neticy fir nthemilris
$500 R EWAR D
w%.ill Ie patii itc-r Ia caiseI off 1it.ilg it'Mtind,
-xh nimletdaol Vitlity W -ea i l1eni, ryit , llpi
1tt1(i of the lie r, Pr e ',t r lIeen, l.ii tie
of 1'1fien i, In lity off 1 . the .\ l i of
tither, e Iain l eI ph- nei lillly, t'int Iit iii t
Nitw t afi - rea iij lin :ti abov if y-fil inire
an1Y t I doubt 1 ab 1u t 4u 1 Ilo ly relficin i ti
n1tl41 ti , bit if yll retI ly want to get. cal
#diI enn It ld will ito r N In. I
haN4 bIIeen ;I l'racticing-- Ilhysiv in filr a1 grea;l.
111:1nY year anl dluring myt% e-simriencve I
""ve \*(,I a11 :cross4 11lnite am genal -a reinledy,
. Nerv Ai . S h
f., 1 ;t A V N N(4 . .
0e (of he 1114- 1,1 VeIra LabItle re liV IeVer di4
Covereit 31111 i I was at ong11111r person I
wouptldl mtlertise it everywhe-re at 8.M0 it
leka1ge, bu11t. getthing 1well alhong Inl year0s
ail having rv d i ntl y ill at fair sized fllr
1111 1 ill 111 li ca ol lracir I lilrte 't Ile
ire 11 11 "t-1 e i , poll I eIt) fr(I n141w is to
se I ow Ila y plelt le 1 it 1an eure, St o If 1.
they illlay etjoy tlis life. N w rememi ber
t lt for shirtit' h lnger I will send v4,1
0 %-:. ,,1 a %'. ,:lI. v 'm n -:. . P1 .I.S if youl
will wrapi -.p 1.. ' 0),ii:nws kind senld to' inl
w Xithin ( Ig days' - te you re e ie 11 pa11
lpcr, I holmji ti, inte lt. phvt--as r of hearing
friin \-till at fill, v'.
W il I bli sn 14i ..ss Iful I oi 1 1pre t1 o
ren tn [a Ig li t' Iilrer -.' (11 ii IV i
litny e w- iinies in your !Mrpnte Organ n
Dr. A. 1. S m ith,
ad you wll rec will argt One Doll
03'k rletun mil.
Docto4r tait b is reliabwle muid nwrit-A pub
lit. uonlitie. SCLI NOtv. 23, I 1 .3,
Gowr &C oodlett
Srout..I,m thnn8 emypics aiI n
Our you wio ll seen somethinlyg that fo ntl,
ILee sr I will be l to eonanoIart
JlosIIwubINt hUe)hu I5To eafll fm
frens w mU have~y~u~ a1( gite 1hatN wipptht them
of 1 e~eetat v ft 1
by the sever-p
en who shall
eg- ship Roa
aot term of t
in with tIp
J.-, mI.A.
A 'I ONIC, INEIltVINE, h.)D Pt' l
Like Culres Like.
t .l'oisoii of tiic swamp hIas its Alti
*lole ill ith - w:nip.
'o ir lar , Nervois e 4incligesti .I
Dyszentery ial 114nx.1 C'omplain:. ask
ytdr <-aior for MONTEREY. If
lie flovs nou. keep i.t, we will seini vol it
:a r-e bottle, express prejpici, onl rieceipl
of $1.00.
Flore-let. S. C., 'ril-s. :at M frs.
P. W. wAGN-: & C'O.,
Au,. 10--ly
Ariranagemenats hav beenol inade'i to
admit, on .1 111ary 14, 189-1, freo of
clarge for I litionl, o1e meaCri itoronls
V01ng man1111 of limited Ineans h1omu1 each
CounRty inl the Statet. 'lh- School
Comninissionerns have bevin reque.sed
to makie tho a'ppoinltmients from thei 'i,
reIspective Count les oI Itemln.r, 1 6.
U.S t7. itIA. X W \ E 1,"
Prs'. aan of 011irectors.
J. L. Tr 11nnlE., Sect'y, and TI5eas.
'Nov. 1.. 93. 2mi.
All that traut of Landci Ivinig inl
Pivicikens Cohn tv, oil head w of
Gregory Crek, waters of Twelve
Mi1le River, adijoimogl" lands of.
Alercrombi, Thomas Unrham, J. E.
H1"noti nd ohr, containinlg 300
acrs, Inlor (ye loss. This land is
well locatod about lli.n111 milus from
Pickens, and is well timbered, the
'O2st 4f I being in origmal orest.
Terms asy, ad prim, very low%
Apply to T. C. robinlsoni, 'ickens
- ..N ov. 16, 18:3.
If you want the finlest PICTUitE~lm made
Il the State, go to
Whceeer's Studio,
I 'Mellee A vennle Grenvil'c, S. C
4y'. Crayoln Portraits a .Te1ialty
A pril 7-y,
HaIis reaidy for inlspection~,
Latest stylea in
Walking Hats for Ladies
and Children.
In i'mits Caps anid IHats,
Al. th Nre~tie
11 ocds at Cost for 30) ?i1y."
An agreabl Lazativo and Niavi Tomo.
Bold 1y Druggista or sont by mall. 250..600.
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
O NO The Favorite TOOTE 0W3
for the Teeth and Blreath,250.
Vaptain Sweeney, U.S.A.,San DlegoCal.
Mays: "Shuiloh's Catarrh Itemedy is tho' firs'E
medicine I1 have over found that would do
any good." Prlce 50 ota. Sold by Druggist8.
Tma (Inior Covau Cuns promptly eures
whoreall othors fall. For Consumption ithbad
~no ri vas cured thousanda, and will cga
oo, t aintlime. 2:1008ota., 000ta..Q00.
Sclentifio American
Agency for
F~or luformaf Ion and freo 1liandboo0k writo to
Ofis ura i for So tIiria piItc3tB In A orica.
E~very Ipatenut takon 01ut by us 1.5 brougght beforo
theo pubito by a uotLtce given froo of charge in theo
frgest c r :u tInn of ny elentlfle ppe in th
Commerclia b Cvoeg it. eci ollg:t
"Cea est&esa frtuinesA lleinter
There arc legiotn of infaricr SEW
INGC MAC 1IJINES cn tLe arket
Be coreful that you arc not duped by
one of these.
It you want a good Macbine buy
nothing but the
It ha.9 stood the test o m'anv yeals.
at wll run ei twr back or forward
and not break the thread. Bo sure
Id see it before you buy. Write
Greenville, S. C.
They Nill :r.d you ci e cn i i
tove on the Market. to day. Your
home is not comnplete wvithiorit one,
Mad of the finest imo obtainable
WVill cook your bread for 25 years
and then be a good Stove compared
withisomie inferior ones ona the mar..
ket. See one before yon buy.
Cox & Seigler
184 Main St., Greenville, 8. C,.
Sepemb1er 28, 1893.
Richmond nil RIe
itMUBEN FJ1s'run, ltKOMlyvan.
Condensed Suliedule of Passenger Trains,
In Effect Deco'ebor 24 1893.
NORTHDOUND. Ves.Lirn Fast bilil
Eastern Tino. No. 38. |NO. 3. No. 12..
1 Daily. Daily. I Daily.
JIv Atlanta C.T. 12.00 n'n 5.15 p.n. 8.50ain
Chlinbleo, 10.28am
Noreross, 6.55 p.n. 10.39am
Duluth, 10.50anm
Sitwancil~e, 11.01ain
luford, 7.26 p.M. 11. 3ain
Flowory Br. 7.37 p.m. 11.26an
Gainosvillo, 2.22 p. n 7.54 p.rn. 12.12 pin
W U11a, 8.10 p.nm. 12. Mpmn
" huton 1.00pmli
Cornelia 1.28p1
bit. Airy, 8.42 p.nm. 2.09pmn
rocnon, 9.08 p.m. 2.31pn
4 Westminster 9.43 p.n. 3.10pm
Sencea 10.00 p.m. 3.05pm1
Central# 10.28 p.m. 3.32pm
Eas1ey% 10.55 p.n. 3.40pi-u
Greenvillo, 5.30 p in 11.16 pl.m. 4.10pln
rellr'd 11.43 p.n. 4.37pni
Welifrd, 14.451)m1
Siartanburg 6.22p.an 12.15 a.m. 5 22pi
Clifton 5.38plu
" Gaffnea 5.43pmn
" lafnoys 1.03 a.u. 6.07pni
" lilckburg, 7.11 p.n 1.19 a :n. 6.26pn
S rovr, 6.38jnn
King's Mo. 1.45 a.m. 6.5pm
"L asollia, 2.07 a.'a. 7.21pm
"Lowell, 7.35pm
11130110111011%, 2.27 a.t.. 7.45pn11
ArCharlotte, 3.29 pmn 250. 11. 8.1pil
Ves.LitFast Malai.0
SoUTHBOUND. I No. 37. No. 35. 1 No. 11.
DLaily. Daily. ' Daily.
Lv. Carblote, 9.35 a.m 10. 0 p. ~II.12.W W
Belmcunoilt, 12.27p in
Lowell, 12.37p 1)
" Gastonial, 11.26W p. n11. 12.50p) in
" King's Mo. - 1.111p i
" Grover, * 1.371) n
" Blaeksburg, 10.4811.111 12.05 a. nt. 1.47p) li
"I affnliteys, 12.59ai. In1. 2.071)1li
Cowpens, 2.35p Ik
" Clifton, 2.381 ni
" Spartanhnrg 11.37 a.m 12.57 a. m. 3.00p in
o 3.20p li
" Greer's 3.:4;p III
(Ireenville, 12.28 p.1in 1.52 a. m. 4.05p in
ElaIeys, 4.37p i
" Central, 2.40 it. tu. 5.20p lin
" Seneea, 3.01 i. Im. 5.415p Im
" West ininster I;.03p Ill
" Toccot, 3.49 at. Ill. 6.::ip Ill
Mt. Airy, 7.20p m
Cornelia, 7.25p) it
" Ielton, 7.50)p i
",1Lu1a, 4.42 at. tu. 7.52p mI
Gainesville, 3.29p.nil 4.5911. 111. 8. 111p 1pm
Flowery Br. 3.40p it
"Uttford, 8.511)m11
" Sn wa nee, 9.07 it
"Dulu1th, 9.201p mi
N oreros-4, .I0p m
' Chatnhlfe, 9.42p lin
Ar Atlanta i.T. 4.5.1 p i. 6.20 x. i. 10.15p i
A dditional trains Nos 17 and 18-Corne
lia'nerni0odation, dlaily except Sunday,
leavem Atlatia 4 100 p Ill, arrives Cornelia
8.15) p im. Rettirining, liavesi Cornolia (;.15
a mit ark i ves,; Atlanta h 15 a iu.
No.; 15 ami 14l; (Stliays only) leavo At
lant1ta 2 50 p) m, arrivo Cornelin 6; 15 1) it
RIetiurning leave Cornelia 8 00 a. mi. Arri% e
Atlanta 10 50 it. Iml.
Bet-ween Toccoa and E.lbe1tou-Nos 63
amid 9, dailyv, except Sunday, leavo Tocc~oa
7 00 at it and 1 .40 1 mit arrive E'.bertiont) 55
at mit and 4 20 1 mit. ieturnihg, Nos 612 and
12dakily-, except Siunday, leave Ethierton 1 15
1) mn and 7 o0 a it arrive Tuccoa 5 W0 p it
attid 10'25 at Im.
Pul m11an Car Service: Nos 351and:13, lich
mon01d aind Danville Faist Mail, Pn111luna
SIeeper betw.'een Atlanta an1d New York.
NoII 37 and -Washingtoni and South.
western Vestilbuled Limited, between New
York and New Orleins. Througli PIllnan
Sleepers between New York t1(1 N,-w ( r
loan1s, anld Wasingtonl anid Siemphis, van
Atlanta and 1 li-ilinatIn.
Nos 11 an1d 12, Puma 111 S1leeplg Car Ie
tween~i 11ich11iond Dan.vill and~116( GrelonahorO.
S!I2ep~ing-ea.2r reseI~rvation1,te.onfer wvita local
agenlts. 01r address35 --
WVAsln1~2-1o, I). C. ATilLANTA, GA.
,J. A. D)ODSON, Supit., Atlan2ta1, (Ga.
Gen.'I .Mgr., Traiille Alanager,
WYAsutsoCTON, D). C. W AIIInUsTON, D). C
Ropp)I's4 Catlculator,
A vaIluablle flook for a lFarmer an fului
ness. Man.
Columbiani Souiveniir Spo00n.
The Weekly News & Courier.
TIlie Great Southern Fainly N'-w'sp:sper.
Oiersi to every Yearly Sublscribor elIt.
of the above1 PI remliumsl
ThIe W~eekly News nnld Courier, J.Iyear
(with P'remziumI~) - $1 00
The W~eekly~ News iand Couier'I, six
mon01tha1 (wit hiout Premiumii 54
Sendt fr1)~81 samle' copi.-a am11 cir'c-:laris.
COUIER, Chi .il-stonl.S. C. May 4.
Dry G oods to be sold chetp
Arbuckles Cofiee at 25 efs.
per poud.
You can save money by
b)uying goods from me.
Jameis E. Brown's,
Central. S, 0.. Nov. 30 93
Weakness. Malaria, Indfgestlina4B
it onra~ nulekly. . For sale by ani dtualers ir
sanel er, P, W. fttd4.koper aMd
hotibeh Yogtr, temevers.
Condenqod Sohedule it E000D.e., 21, 93
Trains run by 75 gieridian Tiun.
]Between Charlestdu. Savainnah, Columbia,
Seneca and Walhalla.
No11 Daiy
7.15ani Lv Charleston Ar k4 in
11.201 " " Columbia g .1, *'
12.03pn " Alston 4.. o 4
12.18pin " Ponaria 3,14a n
12.35in" Prosperity 2.Osa ah
12.50pmn" Newborry 2.51:. in
12.5-1pn " Helena 2.30& in
1.30pilnn Chappellf 1.50a
2.18pm" n y8x12
2.37pin Ar Greenwood L-v a
2.37pn Lv Groenwood Ar 12.6Oam
s.001n " Hodges " in
3.20pmn" Donald's .12.1a
3.35pni " H[ona Path 12.O3an
3.55pm Ar lioltonl Lv 11.45aux
4.00pin Lv J3ultoni Ar I1.40a in
4.24pm1 " Anderson " 11.15a In
4.581nn " Pendleton " 10.GU in
5.30pa Ar Senoca Lv 10.Ofa in
5.50pmn Lv Sonuoc Ar 9.45a in
J.231)3u Ar Valihall Lv 9.051m
5.l5ln Ar Glreenville Lv 10.l5aiu
Botwe n~ci Anderson, Bultoll and GIreenville.
Daily. Daily.
Nou1l No 12
3 O8pin Lv Anderson Ar 12 O7piu
3 40pxn Ar Bulton. Lv .1 41m>
4 Wpm 1.,v BU"ton Ar 11 30am
4 20pin Ar WVilleanustoa ' 1l92itan
4 2.im " 'lzor" 11 .3am
.1 0in Piedmnont " 10 43am
It 201mu Ar GreenvilAe Lv 10 Mail
]Between Cliarloston, Jackgonville, Bova 1
nult, Colubia, Alston and 8partanbur U.
Daily. Duly.
No" 3 No1 4
7 Main Lv CharlesLton Ar 8 45pn
7 IJOIII ' Jacknoiilo ''9 Wtpma
11 &OauM1 Savanlah A 4 0an
.5 101)11111 Coliiibia. I' 1 Opnl
55opial 11 Abton, " 12 210an
6i 4.11311 ' Carlialu '11 2&ipin
1; 53pi '' suntluc "11 .1lomn
7101)111" Union 10 .3apna
7 (1pn " Joi&ville L 10 3lain
7 4.4))3 '' l'teoit' 10 24pin,
8 10pm l.Ar S6matanurg LV 10 .41m
8 151 A Wparhumnburg Ar 9 05pm
11 20pm Ar Aenville Lv 6 10amn
Between Nowberry, Clinton and Laurens.
x Stil- X Su
Nol1 Nol2
112011n Lv Columbia Ar 4 11pm
4 00pna " Nowberry A 12 30ami
4 501 " Poldvillo " 11 3pm
4 40pm " Plinton " 10 4am
2 110pm Ar Latrons Lv 10 41am
ietween hloges uid Abbeville.
Daily- l Daily. Dailly.
No9. Nol f. No 10. No 12.
12 40L)m 3 Chap r . llodgo A 2 45pn m 12 Z1)11
5 40pm:3 21)m " )raugl 4 "2i"" 12 05pm
I 11pm3 40pm A AbbVi M 2 "Jpm 11 0ama'
Connectionv via F. C. & 1. 7ailroaid.
iluily. 1)aily. Daily. Ililly.
No 4, No P. No 10 No 12
[2 :5nmn A1r 0si' ar L Clubrg Lv 310 I 00
4 :15 Opm pArtanburg131 Ar 9I 55pluax7
11 2~~940pm A J'svie' Lv O0am'1
No'.1 Id 15 - sldtrda Neeo 16
11i 20am Lv. Clumb:1)iv Ar 4 C 1)p1n
.1 00pin "ot ))141.. 1 Nwherry . 12 0pm
1i. 50pm " Golroi vill " A511 35pm
Io2 15pm " ami I lintn. 11). 410pm3).
2i.~ 50 Ar ii LaurosI ~~tLvl10 4ta~)
SNtio 9. No 1,1a.No 40 1. N 1 2.S
12 0p 3). 05I I.li 11de A 2 5pin 225p
Co'nnectionvi F. . & P. tail..
Daily. Daily '.0 .ii. , aIl. p.ily
Noi 9, NJOll, .1.~.an No1( 1. 0 N. Iii
PU:Da I120n ColuSmicn50mII0
9 :'.0amh. l'i00pmcA Jaks-onvi' (1 7o0n: 2 235
No-.li 6,~ 131 3i .ar sAli trin betwee
CII.I.-so and waNlhJnalla -'nr~e
Traha leve SutrtnugtA IC. DC
m. E.. m.IE, (e1steiniedntd)
Sn. hbounAJd 15ICKm, Ae.00 Gp. m.. 11.37
WY. N. 'IUDivi-on. 6.2 I'a. ngn,an3.0p
Tiniusleave'Oree vilhluA & C1. 'Cii
Son, Nrhbound 11.1Pr6 p. mar. .0 .
and hav0 p. mt, (Vceilbed tiited);
p. .. Vet Iuhd orhnte et~t
ris j'aIe. ncA . fi.lo.
Wulkmap Plcenst ag Ca on Tnina
g5ood 30,pl o7ad3t aA.&C .hi
AW.o H.AIIKE N, GeneraL, 'and ger.
A . WinTTu . C
To uitudi scrcegoo.W haen tae,-'. O'
Fuetanmly o Garoceridsbua~
Gener lihtadliMerch~oandiseno
thtoE haved autregeived r~c S.TOCK
teaon, who ih wofr itfo 'oli clude
IfW kee anstatily ohn- tha ndt
goo dsW supl odYU ~w ofon
No VoEt,a CLOTHInGeed
HARDW:lt - -

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