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The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, April 22, 1897, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067634/1897-04-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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T . s' INO.. Eoiirnal.
w' . UO I1TI-.l. J'rlih -cll.
Subscription One Dollar a Year
Entered at tile Post, Ofice at l'ickem ns
Secondt-class matter.
TIIUlSDA Y. A l I L, 2., 1897.
SPEEI iff.
Tmil. JOURNAL is indobted t(
1Ion. W. .laspo'rTall.rt for a1 copy
of his spoch in thi Nationa
1ous of_ loifRpresealtatives onl th<
till-i'i ll, the objectl t of which is
to provide revemue for the govern
mont and to encourago the indlis
trios of tihe United Stiates. It is i
for'eg 11 onclusion that, tho Dill
gly ill will hecome a law 1111dl al
the spevelehos ill th0 wlt rbl will no4t
changeo the, pimrpo.w (df the0 Iopubh
.licans, but. Congressman Talbhert
filod his prot-est inl tih form of it
speech ad it may imvo e l'eet In
the futuro.
He did not discuss th) bill in
dotail. but in * goneneral Nort f
way. 11vdeclared that iho )ingly
bill is tlwv culmination (f atrocity
ill tllo) warv o:f tarilf, hills. H laid
down as a general proposition that
the talrilY is not, the l paraiollit is
Suol, hmii- that gold incd sil ve. was
and that Intil i a perman-nt sys
tem of fiinince was estaldisie~d
there.( couild ho rio per'lnanelt, Sys
tem of tunxation.
Ilelo ebagis th le U'piubl icans5 wifth
trying to fool Ihe A mrican I),()
ple and to drawl their atItInioll
from the real burning questiuion of
the day, the fiilincial u(etmi.tion,
that tho whlolo 'usilss is a fake
and a fraild on the Amricvan peo
plo. 1-ie illustrates his al ruilimint
With his ipt anecootes ind get1 s
tho liettr of all who interrupt
Mim iring the delivery of hi'S
Mr. Tlz,111ert says: It claims to
bo it hill for' raisiig revenu for
the Governlelnt and at lb' same11W'
timo a0fodiling protoction1 ti 'ulr -
lloine ilidustriies, N,,w imy ), lv
who kntiws who hast uivenu this
w~ilt)ol hlivN tll'utl'hf lzi hs
m attrl a htouht 0hat t his d
imIlposi-. \ Wh1-1 inl .hAw
tion o i i- . it r Ito revenue
for th. ('etruml-utit f
Ile is 'if the opinion tat the
best thiug to do, isc to cut downt
expenuses, h ~Ol more' ec oomicail, do
feat this taritY bilti and give the
people instadd free silver, and
they noed moiure money and losBF
taxes antd fowoer taritT hils.
In cotnchiston hio says' that ho i
omrphaticatlly aind absoldutely op
against it, but he is willing an
hope that t Ihe Repulican partl
il enattt such measurei's as wi:I
bring prosperit(l1y to oulr coun)try
Let it comeI frem what tover' soure
it wvill, he 'will we~lcomofl it. Le~
tho blIESSin 1' comet, Its com i
must always from t he Lord aol
though somletimlos the~ devil ma-'
bring it.
Ma. Eaon:o I would like I
call a.ttenti1on1 to some sma11 li ire
encos it some11 of 011ur hitorie,
Mr. Chi a Iin mihis hiist ory suc
that on thle .It h of Jantturarv 180
the molrculry conlgealoed at lhanmol
New Y~ork and1( other places, anl
the 7th wa knlownh as coIld Stil
According to my calcla~ltieei
( whicoh I am11 sure is corr<>ct,) fth
4th was Sunlday andio thIo 7th Woc
nesday. Mclabe in his Conitenhl
history of tho 2 i U t(ed Stales sa0'
the same as to the cold of thoi -li
of January, but says on the SI
of February the thermometer wri
as low as eght degrees below zo
as far South ats Charleston. Rlot
of thoso d1ates occlurrodl on Smt
day, so it must hiave been tho 7t
of February, which was know
as the cold Saturday. As it
well known tihe hardest freeze,
come1 on the niightis following th
coIlost days. Th'o Jaiuary blig
the north.
Judge' T.J. Mao wrote a sketch
of the life of WVashington a fev
years ago that wasI putblishedl il
Forum (I believo) in which h(
puts the surrondoir of Yorktowi
on the 18th of October while al
other histories that I have so
put it on the 19th. I expect ther'
is no doubt but what the fighting
ceased 01n tihe 18th hiut whlilo th<
JBritish had agrood to surr'iendor
there seems to have boon a goot
deal of parleyinlg as to terms an(
I expect the 19 was the day or
which tihe arms wore laid down
Subscribe for THEi JOURNAL1
pnly $1 per year.;
Fa'osa Olemassoaa.
Th1e weathir bureau that ha
heozl rOcontly put u p horo 18 a groa
Iu il fit to 1.1ho colb . . It, i it:
eburg of u: ab , .,itist0 , antd
0:neberLi Prw J. \' ..w . .11, it
of nIlIlch interest, to Stand ali(
wtttcli tho tilmometor minilko it.
COlnstant whirl.
S'elleen river wats from 1ill to
li till til l 'll inst., lid it's
waters hursted the dyko on the
fa rmers, wvIich is a considoraible
loss to th1e stito'.
Pr4f. DuProe, horticultu1 jrist is
iaking proerations foir it large
Vero) I* vegvtaIIles this year. lie
is mne of t li mo4)st pi'act ienl I moll
t1ilt w ev (ver mII ( with, illd it is
ot Imicil initerest, to liistcn to
him reklate his anved(.tes, vnd tell
you] hoi.w be n S lccessu'll h 1rti
(cutlrist. I i ge erosit y is n11 -
hIndd his kinldness is ui1.1sur
pa.-Sse-d. Je i S well verIsed4141 111 m istI
(It'l 1eV, 1)11 i i tI ( i I 'I 1(1 g'' I
ally sul''I.t l'et Ilid 'Is o l gI l (I ll 1 It' ll
listo ianl an4d it nlit em from
hii past poiilite a I rlo( rd 11t.it 11
W :t 4 a Sit ill I S I I I t ip-IiI . I i e 11. 1
InI-hd IIIi .lice in .\bA II N.11-vil v.-unt y
SIXt ioll v ' 'si iil slIcr.st i l. lie ti
(t li t ' Om we* (t d I I a I I s I w
oraltor, but it' 1w, could g.t his
I itt' rest Illit1g .llist Ilt (1n 80 (10
II; I '- Illl( coli v I llev h1 i tuI t h)v w\,IS
t i- righ t 1.i for t i - o e( .. B il
eIwar ill utild( Ili dlidl 111 i"'t Ilis
Ililit Ica I l ;111 1 p tile j Iiti l'11 nit
Ii now 1"1 Idhe was seurd IIv Isou
tit rit alild t i4 lle'i i ylt . 'a nlt" tou
hI s l' ie l llilt ' ll lljr 1vI I l' Vt's.
rii . lice Is sp nt i lIll'e il l),
al 'd yit. P1)11or
l I' w IlI s stM 411 i I v I'i i t l tIl -
d '111 i I- t i l I I (t 's Ill II , I lInod
I t rl(mll is('s i ll |11'. l il t ti rn ' I( h>le (Jil'
It I I 1115 121 i( ai'1' I It I (I I t I I i Y
lil(. SO'UIlito l~i. sjio nill's1 1co
c(I iI 11,v.
T111 fle Io 1i trs - i ' tr lll- h til , litn
(1ll i ' f tl Ill I an lillg It '1 plaIn
il*orae V( O tl '( 11 I Il1 0 * t. I c te 1ngla
1 ctl , y ( d e e itg 1 )j. V 1' 1.,I
11 1a. B i'S.s k0p4 c7nstant wit
(1s4e11or ag al llc-gs & Skcel
b i illw llow tol Iuy goods and
hemw b'Sto ii s l ll. Anld by so do-.
-iin tili's tjitv slteltrod t A trado!
( I iVs e l ll scllVlity .
A t tin- last moeting of thi Boand
of 11 t e (Iy paissed a1 rso l'
till 1a llt'lrizing tihe i' aculty to
hIld 11n14 fa ls institute in ch
tony inge yearl an~d if the
f'ar'rS 4f I'ieklns cointy dCsir's
1,nlo they should write to the presi
dot of the college.
We woro ghl to SOn 01n our
rets WedsdIay hmJ . K.Kk
wh aIs ol a visit to) his son ti
The Pickens' "Ra,1ts" are profud
:11s w'll as all .o e irs, that the uni
formls ha vei arrived. Thilel have
pllied off heir "eits" and are
\llw '1irulin Owlh caiIntous ilnla
his faceg hf le more than ever, 24
frntheklocalo hoar of din1 yor
he you8 wil'l Sct iue to dloi' so
althoghorit ui fil tat m1( 1'1i
appearnt of ate.0 i'lzhi il
l-'.Alt JolilgNAI, T11y (lonfldl
orateat'Looranssmoinat Looper
dinay te 17thI April, toatndga
izll, by lect ilg Dr.11 \V.i T.a i.h
beelroitarv. o hon
N.di12 Iugs, W.hc 12 toiel and \i lr
-olr a -erg. AIll~ ftaprwal' faGilpl
W.T.cluah, c~ o mmaI~ ndr. W.x RA'J
MIughes, VadjtantC, J.g RA.ii Mebha
.A8 Y0ou 1)(avo nio, hadtit lly 11. ow
from ouir tofl nately, . will giv
.v t fow dots.
~IlsM .\ra I 3'iny :inl N ti=' < :n
Jinny, twv ...11iti tg ) i
of Mr. J. J. Wakelin.
V. Miss Mlat.to Stoplhenis nits hap.
.tized ,Sundy n.1, Illorning it (
016lock,. . (.ly- Tis. .'. l dome
Quite it largo crowd attenled f li
cer10nony, 11i11nengq theml was Mirs.
vleda Cannn'o' A hlnt.
Town Iii'si l. Jas. Peek, pulletd
two inevdicilopla men1 1 n11r4,11
WIo wre frVinig t14 pedidlI 1jj( ir
medicineo withif'ut paying'(:niv (()w.I
1100118o. 'Ill ey, paid I hij fi eos andl
l l'ft ( wn*t (li short i). o e.
(irenvile popl areholn~g to
sm (Iour,1 Mn I vl.-).3 over i' *.
so onl, but )11 h wy hIal ht Itor not It ih
t h.i r breat b1 ut il wo Icomin.
a n t at1. I ho I\t\ra I ll hote( (. 3.
ir(' v l i l li e I i p ot'v I I IIi
1nqi tal ina-t is all righ II ' vn1
iahph.oi,4 ,Inl irlv (fil r*ob.lel
oplay v o a'w lar-ge, audi .-nc..
1. il. idt ., . pr,.c l I 1 all
lintt r-St illu e" in u to n hjar ro e~I.,
reIh l i r w I tll il the I 1111 1w Iot11
I u nd i h . II,- II n 1 !. e IIII a
Dr. (llip i.I fr.in No lri ('r lina,
N. C.. an ( he Ill fath r f lilton
('lapp, a (on ucor I tHillo nt3.
r1,11 Railway.
S. . W illi.arnsi & (o l t vlelI
hll a coat it' white painl t pilt, (n
to oill 'sid >f1 tO j IId) Ii .11ig ( h( ,
whieb a<!<s a grevat <l--al ((. its
lo s . I think tho <ruJ it will
la'ed a11 imv c')t smmli but his, wvIll
e at Black ono.
No d 'ee.
T lhave shilipod~ a fin-, ,Jak if)
Easley. Hlis sorivices :nn- offireod
to t 11 pe1 op l 1 e. ui lo raisor shoul
see 111 it . II-- c aIn 1h) 1f 1 111ni ;-1 W .
T. ownll' aidI will b- . at W . J.
Pondor's on the iW ma 20th
li I s' 1 )'. V. ., I. J B W iN.
I pr. 5-t f.
Fill a boIttle or n h wi' b IIIil,
aMid let it, Sit wo '.-fni hwr-vt ;, :a svli
I nI t or et I lin I Ig1 I i f-ti . a I , I I !' 4. c .Ill
<lition of the kiNlI, ,ls. W hill I I. tmi I I 3 '.S
ine it i posiiv., vv41'- ... of it ...
3lro bh- iTo t n<o~te' t oarnc
proof t :' te t'hh tly and i % .'- a
41t f lerlj.
16o1, 1 h111. g-:1 i wy 111:1-dy i 11ii
- Crying i- i n-lit~..i :-p i i . ,.
i1Vh y , i b b :\ i-1. Jf i I t
h Ntice-t Deb.t orsa iC-od\
ifIt, orh - . .. , vi -1-,111to r, ;
w .I t iror b li-- . : .gl .1311,'5'ag thx. l' t'3
if. '- t ' n Ii I t -1 ie 4 h - h t44o
te e of .4', iay. 'zit tin, e i
a) 1)3R n pwl'n 'ly t -h( Ie . u. llot'1 1- t Sohl
Nw Store, New Goods,
YI-S, eerything new and stylish, as well adurable, will be found m
my store at Ca lhioin, Pickens County, z. C.
WhIen the tialing public of tliis localitfyV are il nleed of first class
GOODSfJ invite you al1 to visit my store ind examitie my stock and
A look will coilvinice you that this A ivertiseient is no Hlumbug. My
stock Coriprises (le Iatest styles in
I vill make a specialty% of Shoes and 1eep in stock all the leading
l 1 fo Alen, i onn and Children. I also have :a well si oke! i 1tO
( )I \ .:l'A I Al lN':NT. Yo u ill aln-ays find everythi fresh and lit
I r'ct iVe, at lit, mvist possible titg es.
Alv presenit line of foregoinggo is inclde "VALUES' that artl in
4.Ia:11 every day. Thv pr i nidueim~n;ts are are Strolg as the <uatlity of
mygoods al e att ractm..
I am1 <iotermined to, be "g Leader of Low Prices " in this
loealit- y and se1-rve yout politely andl attentively.
Doyle BuildFng. CALHOUN, S. C.
mar I8-'J7in3.
- S.-A ar load of No. 1 Timothy Ilay, at $1. a hudred.
I wuiAG 0 01.
11. C. MARKiLEY.
And E'very Var~ity~ of 1'ine Cadrriaues. Iiu e~js, Carts,
and I llarness, Ilarthvare, l'aints, Oils
and~ \'arn ish,
Greenville Coach Factory.
G W. SIRB1NE, Suparintendent.
~ .3
* Io.iu ",''( '' l A T o 7 '
o I s am i Il rti eiii 5e"Iig iI'ii ~ t a vd n to n ali imperI('
SHlOES. Just neceived!r
nr linyer, .\pr.iJas. l. Dickso
ii n o ' rh buyig Shoes~h to sit 31I NES O~, S
'o uitake rloom fur the icij , g ~
Ist ok we mu.t cloe o(uit, our 11 ilnenieSlM'S, o(lwrA ool~t
At~k m larg lo o i mlbo'
The Factory ShoerStore., waoasui taw:
hille bol . . ti 00 foo L E'dive.
10I ~i 11 i Wt I 'ire i , Ii, Cio. A
J . M. Dickson, rit (Ii. )t ~iI ru,16( iao
{ G F.N A W.\ NPI~li-- OO (i
'( h a , y S noo.sda u a
by Ju a I tri ot . I te7n.s e
Is sonotling, evon tho Ladies will
0 Canl 1niteo you ono of thlo
iien's rniishings,
111Alit I'ricrs nNward of bfoe.
Give us a callH when you cono to Greenlville.
I'iices that speak foi theinselves. Our Prices always the lowest.
'I'le ladies sa y that our linle of Orgaidies are the prettiest in town,
thereore it goes that they n111st be.
Orpiulies at 15 cente, Organdies at 25 cents, Organdies at 30 cents,
Org:anidjes at :37 ceutts. All Organdies 10 per cent. lower than others ask.
Th'lie piettiest line ever shown in Greeiville and at prices lower thaa
ever from 8 eents to 15 cents. For 15 cents we give you a real Frtech
Dimitv wor h 25 cents.
This stock is complete with all the newest weaves, b i.h foreign and
dmeII.sie1, rom the cheapest to the finest, with trimniiiiings to innatch.
A Few Special Prices for This Weck.
A Mac. b elac Henrietta for 50c. 4Y7 9myrna rw'r
A 65c. black figured Jaciard for 00.
50c. Art Sqares from b.0()11i).
A 60c. black figured Etaimine fur box threecakv', Buttermilk
A 20c. Genits 1HS Linen Hlandike- I3ya britotl*Lomlec
chief for I. 1
1 dloz'. ladies fine0 bleached vest, :iy lseaIluF.r
worthI $1.010, for (30c.8yaislot Ietf)81
:- spol cotton for 100.Clk' pi 10 2l.iozr
4x7 Smyrna rugs $I1.75, worth etArnGigaa.ayrd
And linoandsof oliebari rt qurs rom i 5.00 up.
Calland~ ou stt k ~( Sget price ents
L R Ayanis Ie Ian o 1
a ial see ou s 'I andgt pcs
L I ] C E* Lw'i iOf
mtothe5 I oan I ii .I I . 4
obt iable lir lN, iI 'i oIde' )'s rj ~ ~ uit a n l
I li a t ils (l ex ( et i iliii 1lvatinllti n - i itliailt re d t
I a Oi \\ ooe lie -y(oto ! 'k 1.. ai.. G. ~r. v'e l 'i~i i
~i (ei s htbetlii~ i (u~t~i - ti I I o inVce west' wer aos :i tl~ coor
tit y-he1i4ns s~l~~sind My Grodsr. and lnosttin sayee
oril~ gon O~e~.(1 ltnte. ut ithi et lo p-outh ryi> tohes I m,.as mei~
| Stiph A tice me kiip i aml store dyoat tolPtimes ctou eard coe
nearson.S iroI heavy rig out l t n ' ie si aii' t V cenii i.'I G '.lv rd w e a hi
nly ioodo onsit le Park fotr feh ll ri kee th .sorry on e you ona ey,
a'nd then y'ou will soin hve! Cc'jsh for your aetual needs.
Greenville, S. C.W stE d
CittiilNoico |W EM USTaiit
County4f H'i1kns t"(1 tmeIwa n art. 4oing. 'om lin ndn
-Att, htk ar (look, i ot ,tig ie ln
of imenis a nd lboys strew ~ hntsi. .h i i rtand
Inv .1 i :l-:Nvwn-:Iy, lisjiie, I'o a gents~ fuirnishiingsn. lIn shroie I i'nn it y'oru
Jmigeifee aii oket, hiool: too(. If you wahnt tiiwo
jl ition11 of thle estat iiI'of arid lifects of A lotofi pilow briiles-, I idiing bielles and1
C., W.. Cunii:r, deOCnE'ibl 1. walgonl harillness ai leathe1r ..diiars ii- less
.I'hiOse arei 'Therelfore0 to eie and il adm1111Oin- thi a till re'g r jil I pr b tC lose the oiuii(it, I
ishallan signhr he indednidre In e !41ine bargin riIn ntoi s am1l4 fiu rnilnra.
ttora of the said t:. W. - Cmls!ingi~s de Il have oo many k~v.ibI n-k fi, uill i oe
ceased, tha they1; bie i appearji beflfo at(N a 11 '~rihi discount S t ba;ks (" rani t ove..ly t
held ii ie ( o ii'~ o I' o i to 14 k ri ds pro d nerie. I w ant at lot, o r d r y hid esc
hed at 1'ickenis C'oi t 1I84us, an11 cflewaix.
., on; 29th day of Api-il, 1897 next, T. D. Harris.__
i.tt Im blicationi hereof, at I 1. o'cloc'k____
ithe forenoon, to show cauls'. if anyI H orses and Mules I
Iiryhave why t h. *idi Ahimlinistra. A cari'Ioad~ (of fbue hnor'ses iandi mu1les
Ii il son m i ot, he granlt ed. juIs t recei vedl fromt St. L.ouis, Itnid moreC t~o
('i von under10 my 11land, tiihis 8fth davi~ r f toie.
lep dei e .), in the 121 yearti of our'Itn- 113cy are FOR SA~ LE~ an rock bottom
8EA ] J Il NswnsinY, JV P PC. W M. A. FIA U LDIN & cO.,
p16wv2 nmvitls I!it.. , . C r,

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