OCR Interpretation

The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, June 10, 1897, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067634/1897-06-10/ed-1/seq-2/

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The People's Journal.
T1. t'. It )IIIN iON. 1-;,lit(,r.
Subscription One Dollar a Year
Entere(t at th e I'ust O11ice at I'it:lseken n
tillil 1'II.\Y. .ll;'',1,1t/7.
Th .J0'1NAL I ioves in the
rogular orsh1'e If judicial 1investi.
gat1in alndI wh'l('n nutto1rs ha7V('
bon flly\" ,Ifttd and finally (le
ci(Id'(d, ti'.r ought, to ho coml)1('t(
acqu1ir-c'nI', p)ro)V1Id1d theu delis
ioll do('- (1''i11 1(1 1 aa of ordi
nary iIt'Iig;ence and linf1''1r tioi
Call lIitd't.al(ld i. TIor'e sol
h(+ llo Captiouis critiel,411 (,f e'('11.s,
t('1d(ling t1) l a lowevtr thll-lilt' ill (ho I.-,I I.
Iatioln of" til! lI1lass.''s :lll(I l)r((ill('.
Ing at spirit "f Jlawl~-ssness.
of collI's' i i h,--k:.: I'a 1l1Nd I
fort lf\ tli'" j)Irp( 'l i i'>lls I'f a (h ('I,
lOll w%I11b an. a t y Jll'1 I1.lit>rlII11
alind St1 111 U' '1 ll'n t , I ut If :1 -
h Alf l t1 it l u:11' t:,1 11:1"Ili l\>' u :'
s tIl(t t ll+'lit I -I 1' '1 I '!. 1' r ,I 'l1"
t111lre ir-'i l11: 1 jr i I w ii I . 1 I"l -
fl r(1 -:11. ': I 11 \t'iri llII'I I\ ' ;I \''I.
1111(l 1t!!'lIi I'lIit C.i4 '4) I V
i dt 1 1141. ; iI1t'1i . :1. 4 (h ,ithI tIJh
-iIiiiig W ,1it ' I '. ;IIII 1'44 111 rIH i -
t llr", 1111' 1! "I' 1 , . 1 :' ! n( iI 1! '
Va d r o ke s,and t;1 :I (! d I ll
2 a r1) l'i : -I i , i -'+ I! illtI \', !I s
J(1)(I ijIj fr1il '' :le-- Vs I'! U .1h 1n'
o n t a ('','i"r e :. ,l D r. '' fI li jIa
th e 11i (1!I'" . . - p 1' l !. 1 ' : '' : I. \\
n t( ? 1 1 I Is : 14 1 1 I : h;.\.. I
11l .JIIld r' 1 in a li ' 1 e'1 1' li.1'.: , It
111( ng wtilli 11i- (h -.'l ii ! :l !41 i...1Iry
to 1f'ine 1.: t rn1-, : ' (!d in i,
lil 11a (li - !t:lI 114' I' Ii( ' 'lt-l1, 411
tUl11Ij t, (1 :I I 1 I 4 111I- iI: '41 I ( t
&ibition s lq o d4b-s li(pn>r 1
(COlI1 'l 'Ns :!Iill IiII'' r v" 1ItIIllis.
U nd11 111 '1I\' t,1M, 1 .-m w! 1haI I
m n t '. I ~ i11 1- 11:1- n -, 4. h'
brains n11 1d \ l \'t1.t 1 w -b I I t", 1 11 n
freo frilnt1 n il:ii 11 111. 'ta d-.41y - I:(L i1
'tl)a )aii 141 t 1 1A1iry 1 I - 1 ; ;.111 \l
1)Cr(:d( ron1 t 1111g a1lt, t iho (I(,'
1;trine i f orit , a i and I t h tit. e
gall>n I14a "xl I' 1tt
distilll'r- . 1 _ "1 1 41!4(4
y I,) sliI" 4'n f -tin ti ' 4.' " a11l 1 1"' nt
did 1 11 d1 i nl:"'ll lH ( t v1ii
toa 1given' itu u~it. n('it 4 lie'vs \itig
IllV te learli1444 jide i <>t th > give141
4leu)4 e - his l I . 4 )
fiaca- wyadd'n er-tto3
tilir l3I)QItir .If hedir jina lt nW
l1h1al atol P4eI14It11 iiul'jl) '4'0t'i(
to1fl know43 to wha xt.' t they414 wi
31 gl1(1 i t 4I 3- : le3 4iC(' ill 'rstot1 h
lamb, j'h4e'' byu 442 iger and4 1lhe d -ig
anduh lamon Tv. r1 theirv patil flle
buot either~4 1 4an sur iet undr
Tihora1L ad poindar-.- 1 034 interpre4ti
ofW01 Judg imonton-'s:434- drion,))0'
AtI a)Jcll ogal the'1- 1 ': 4 bi'dean~
was1 presln i et Jh.4oniwil e i14Jone
from 1 mukint: 3 , and1 'The follo~i n:g
busin-~e.s wa tI i rn 'e4' ed. 4e 4
Iet was4l d4:'ided that liite Nw
andWI' n t le f ..i4 1414 tpecal canoni' <
Iotn matter 1of <hm4t1ing, Iy thu of
-it of way, rrided theyccI) wouh' l -014
ppe aed, fr if~ and- certain g40
cO'itinI' 1 tofwh.(4 1iC<o b.dr
in14 popl to pagmnento br1ie a
site kown a l~'s to bniclt, askihnge
.en buid t :ni Ten intwil bet pited
aspbi'p7 ega mac
ponied until ti-st Uoida y it) July.
Timo for hearing matter of putting
oil the public 1nd in good order, the
r(ad from PickeIns to Nlx Mile and
the old Gr-eeviilo road Iv Reuben
Parrott's was set for first Monday in
,)ul y.
J. C. Garret,t asked for leave to pur
rh a it wr horsetl:i'n.plow\ to facili
tuIte the roai1 work in his secctiol; he(
was autio>ized to conltracl for onle to
be used in (Cen tral tow,nsli p.
The coi:ielralticn lf clainis was
nr:, t aken p), afi ter which iiaIjourned
o Iice first Monai( y inl ,lily'.
A il Ot i ig (If1 Ilei Ii'st ('n ioi
1)ic.tr'it \Vbs 1(!d \\ fi l lill llaa I\
Sp'ri1gs ('hitilr'hl (li) "lny '2)th ;anid
:,t) l- '1'h ( (flit ''KIllrtl l' Si'r1- (,II
\Vas j>l'i' aCiei I ' I lev ..J. T. l.l ,\\' ir
.'t'' w\ lic' all a iitlrh lii.in ill l 0 >11(
hol Itr',r (iiiIlil'r \\'I11 bad| al,tl y
IVy IIlIlig \1;is r' l-1' ;'11( '-,l t. 1111d 11
- it I il iv t " ,1; al I i ! \\; \ i1 tai "
a'verlybI(!y paar't 'k ;ulal una : a i ,.
h i 111ti( I,'ell t y I1ll't. li1-' rIa l1
;;: ' S i 1'1-a.it -in ; ii, l : i ic( jI1:t 1 i as <( ,
I l1c' . t L e -' 1 ti u l C, 'Ill h1 it(t', \
It - 1 i I' 1 \
\V i b1-i\\ r. 1\"
\\ ll;i tilt ! -l~' \I , ' r. I 1
; . . . ". ' ! " , . I . 1 ' ll ! 1 1
.1~~ ~ ~ 11. 1 } . : .-l '" ', 1 :t .
:l; 1 . l1 'I ;' i l" a.
I 1 . ~1
'V i ; t
a : , i' :\ .i } ' -
:, I I I ' . 1 \ i ' 1 - 1' .' l l. ll" "!.
r1 l - i I . ' 1 -
S \: ii h ,, i ,- ..
11\ "-. I . l1 1 n 11 :
1 1. r l , ' II 1 I I 1 a lt .a "r 11 1
I u. II he" ' h i. S . pit"1, .
--uh -.ail I . a' i.a .
I. n -.
-Ia ith\ -a .ai
i i \ a, --1' l l i ai I. ..1" .1 l "'b
T" '' *aa777710~-a --.--a-~.!- it
a-. a. . ar n
il I 1 " 1 " I " I la1'\ -I 1 I'. a'1 11 1 Iri"a
T . a ' 1 I l - 1 lia t' a. . . ': ..\
-I \ ' n i i ' l' a
h- aal a''' - l t. h.- .'le-\-at i t t
af -r --. i . i a e l Z . a e .d i , a1
j-s'; I1. ' 4:I- a - ! -' e l a t ti' -, N 'a a
, l .al 'a 6. \ --
he , a. i!l a a - . no a I.
(''aia a . ala(-'
N'' al-e -aa herab .0 a-n ih uaa n
a I -' : -da iI -aaelw ,- a aaa .. a a.a }l-a
3- h-ac b. in lt Io a a L a
I .til/ 5th {\a ii
I. f i I l a a e
'a lii r l
a' s a 'a'
T . 3 la a
l.1a. n I a s .
I I Ii n
Ia' '\ .\ . ! '
1ii; \'.'iY.&S9
A: auol keil L'; a1Ia.j~I'
'WterAn e Ptad'
ofal ai t,ind t p: ps t
sit th'ic.Creadse
Patronize Your Home
I eIS )Il 'e tll I (0l.47ak o l
panliis wh!O wIIt : a Il,beral policy
t:n all .1 ( th ts ' of r(,p<-rty\ lit rc'a
sU,lntlbli rates.
go-sio kis b)(-f<>(-Iplatllig y'out
Fire Insurance,
EASLEY, - - S. C.
\AN. I I.- -\\ canc: iti XV o'i yIoi
cn > i l a i ttI n Is s, ( ;ri- a .Ilil : i > I ur
M1ills, Saw Milb ;atll all k i!nds of1
jpecial uiiz7 rdI .
Sportsmen and Tourist.
. . TE . . .
Roacho,, A l 1h Famous
/ i II Y~
- Sti)me
Q n
II c, t I :t I . l ll ; < t
l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~( , 11(1' .I" s, :i , l
tra I'l n
"" ti .Iil t1.aW
ir: . N 1 i,I":! \
i " . . . \
1)00 a8,
in:.I.'.LI BEi't , &0
U '! .s ~ \ x i le. |(c [- * ,
l'ils , fr wli i "1 i, (S n .
(li, tii:v I. I I I' N' : (TO l 10
"rnmI erI N, 15-:o ndei oi Gero i
Clktow & pihs
.lIilll)9.9 \'2
New Store,NOW Goods,
Y.':S. vverytlhin" new :n itlih, : wll I :ts durble , will b found in
ny' stor-c at, C'alhioun, P itke, Counirrty, S. C.
Whe n th!e ti,tiig publi of thi lIality are ill it;td of first class
G ))) , I invitet you all to visit inv stoiP iui exantrnt my stock and
.\ look will (''viince you that this AdvUreritsernnti is no Iltuinbug. Mv
,oik corpris,es the iatvt . tvles In
I will tru.tke :a spe.'iaty t,f ho-r. and keep iln !4tck atll tht, lea7ini
s les ,or Miin, \W'niein aid ('Iildrtn. I al.st l-tt a weil .isciIe- ! iI ,
C'Ei >' Iri:l TA', \ II-:N . '.,u will alwt,avs Iind evI.ytlil - Iresh :anl : at
t ractive, at the loa"tt (.;ssibb.f i;re:
'M y p,resent lint of l orego,ing ut s incld " ALUt' that :t'o in
'Ieunand ever y day. TheIin-- l:m.t are t : in tt1 a lutity oI
mny goods aie :ut -tiVt .
I aru llt,-rrtlt:t ,i) b Lea1cr of Low Prices "' in this
locality tn u t'r\ .vou ioitely :ndt ttentiviel.
Doyle Build;ng- CALHOUN, S. C.
'"''I'. \ . \ i ::I l'ad It l . I Till tbll ay. at $1 ial
/\nd Ever .~y Wbtyo 1 in/'an s n is<Crs
and: Ilarnessa, I I;lanvaru, Pa:inits. (.)~Is
Greewvile Coach Factory.
G, . .NE- ueinedet
(1'l '
1 1 -I nI u all e s.
(iM ( n, i ntt U e in a i>e
N ' ' wi IE n' h b -n Ha .
v t
Corn 'Bicycle Con
ia vigorous feceder and re
sponds well to liberal fertiliza
tion. On corn landls the yieldj\
increases and the soil impr)oves
if p)roperly treated with fer
tilizers containing not under ~ ( Ci'esellt
7% actual -J'. .BCcc
by D)icksoni. oegin
A trial. of this plan costs but . " "r the above namedci
.ttle ad issr|t ed o gh grade, nel known Bicyce. T o
roite n ulsture to lead to lpeso hving the lar gost amlon tit
roftabe cltue. f slestothiri cretai for shoes by
All about Potash--.the results of its s by actuatl ex. October ]1st .1897.
ol I attl th~~ which webish nti wal ll heol OI 0 X 1 1b) 1 iOn a U I la (es' ]j.
mail free toanoy a mer in Aer ca who will wrlte for It. eycle Repoi t oary.
--aitk Iloi -and u SI-Ne The Factory Sho Store.
not regrot it. Wo dalily ndd( n'ow .
ubscribers to our lislt, It is $la. M. Dickson,
'AT?Vill ]EIlsT
aniit :i
AF'After Seein
And getting the p rices. We ha
and it will he greatly to your benefit I
of us now. Our goods ire liked wher
If yort have not seAn our stock, y
variety of carefully selected atnd hand
Y U I ?H.1VTI P-1.
iu every concet2ivalle and desirable st)
lI ,es t hnti speak foi themselves
The latdies s;ayV that. oar line of (
thet etore it goes that they must be.
rti:tuilics t 15 cents, Organdies
Orga ndies at 37.. eeutF. All Orgamcli
''lte pt ettiest Ii ne ever shown in
ever from S cents to 15 cents. For 1,
Diiity worhi 2: ionts.
'his stock is (:)tttplete with all LI
dlninetie, Ito""t01 the ciedalet to the fin
A Few Special Pri
A ;5(. b l:tr', I fer iet t; for 50 .
A G..s lack ligurtd Ja(uard for
A it}c. bla l,_ig re ELtamint for
A "Re Gents US l.tnien Il atde!lyr
ehitef r for.00
I dIz. ladies li ne bleachedl vest,
U sio l cot t on fo r .J0( .
I '-'my i'lrila r usgs , .7C', wort 1
Ands 1 to~iIUsands of ter1 bargins1
Caill aid see our stock atnd get p
[To remijnl you ii:m.t as eachi year'
ist still tryuint't Vrm- tur, vig. ,
methot.l os, uarn I!y .hsiring. to bttnait
th at can gi ee best values ft thi
at pr'ice' hom t)15 cet to $1.00it a yar
I give moy best. afttntion t) lle
tht ont thtis line, therte is ntting1 in
My~ col lectioni of Organ,bvs, Grent
Staph, At tiales ar e kept itn :tnph
season.t Ir Goo hevy (Cottttn ('hec ks
t . censts. T1 ie best. Ii no f (Conad
hl y SItoe isines('s. is tiu lel(sihi ine
Vnly gtod oe . (e ot . th thrtel
\\'hletn you wantt antmIhing int a si.
'Trade wit ht Pa rk for Gas h
antd then you wilt sootn havie C
G reenville, S. C.
u~Rst RIeeifved1 !
A\ largei lot of mtenl sihy'
I keep a fullI lIine of
llltTI)LER*, ETC.,
j'tI pafy catush for hidosi, watx uand t.al
Succeststor to (Gower & GIoodlett.
102li Main Street, Groohyllle, 8. C.
A ar.hiOyt
Ly our Clothing.
ve made every Offort to boc.nq trado
Lo purchase yotir'
etver used and are the best to be ob.
u wih be surpiised at the ex.tensive
seome patternw in
L.Cr I )L NTEN(]%i
.LE S. C.
Our P
)rgtndies are the prettiest in town,
at 25 cents, Organudies at 30 cents,.
os 10 per cent. lower than others ask.
G1een1ville and at prices lower than.
i cents we give you a real Frcnchh
C ilwest we:tvcs, b)t,l foieign and
eL"t, witl tittinnillgs to llatcl.
cos for 'Ihis Week.
7 Smovia runs 2.80, vorth
Art .1n:reS f'ro1n -5.U0 ip
I )ox, three eankcs, Buttermilk
Soap, ii Cents.
1 3 yald (s Fru1it of the Loom Bicach'
\ yardts Sea Islanud for $1.
8 y a itds Blouse Linent for $1.
Clarvk's Spool Ceot toni 20c. dozen.
Lest Apron (Au!ghami &c. a yard.
100 ilIOumerollS to Ilentioti.
Or- I'T'I.
si passedl o a1 is a1 lowi ole comae.
er (andii' inlore siI(eVlJIv QH4
evr nomer h--i: givinog bes't vaihIie
-it w%iIth t. in I.
may .o.a!s thi.s sensr(
Lany olI 1.e .ewest, \\
I)rs Gol,:ni unihetsitaitotgly say
bie up-)ConiryI that1 ill surpas m5 e.
odlinas, L ~ :tws an Swisse-s Is a
supply Ia.t Il tones wiithIout regartd to
(4 c *n.t.. G ol yard wide-th Ble~a.hin g
e I havYe ever lid and at, the lowest
1. M~y tic!to:ners kntow that I keep
w1 keep'~ the sor one ) 0 s.) I makIe good
0re comne It) Park's he can come
have in G reenille,
duingt 1897. it wiill s-ave you money,
ish tor your actunal ieeds.
West End.
i ckly ncortain, free, whetter an ipvtion ma
pnt t toItnbIo. t'nanucation stil
Patent c tken t1rough Mun o.row
apecial notico in. the
bonutfttU llust ate.Irgent ciretilAto Of
$ia aIx lol Is,rinon cois cand
B oK ON P'ATEN'rs soot.free. Address
Wanted-An I da e b.n

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