OCR Interpretation

The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, July 11, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067634/1901-07-11/ed-1/seq-2/

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ICntered at the Post Ofice at Pickeus as
secondiclas matter.
'rllURSAY JiULY 11, 1901.
Two weeks of surshine have
practically stagnated discussion of
the Till man-McLaurin political
Pierre Lorillord, head of the
great tobacco house and millionaire
philanthropist, died at, is apart
ment8 in the Fifth Avenue Hotel,
New York, on the 7th inst.
Admiral Schley has at last had
some recognition for his patriot
ism and prestige as a naval corn
mander. The Associated Veterars
of Farragut's fleet have presented
him with the Farragut medal.
Congressman J. W. Stokes, of
tle firat South Carolina district,
died on the 6th inst., at his home
near Oraigeburg after an illness of
several months. Ile was a faithful
ofieial and did good work for Iiis
constituents and district in Con
Governor McSweeney is said to
be waking up on the iatter of the
enforcement of the dispensary law
in Charleston and Columbin,
threatening to take away the prof
its from those cities if the munici
pal governmonts do not tdko More
vigorous ktops to onforce the law.
The Columbia State is to be con
gratulated on (hli suceassful publi.
cation of an art industrial exhih:t
from its own job prosses ont irely.
Thjis is an aIch ivenmnenit hed lieil of
any other Souither iiews)aper. (.)t h
ers have sent out excellent suipple.
ments preptired at other oflices but
Th e State h1as achieved withI its
own force and machinory, a slcce4s
that burpassos thrn all.
'l'he ainual meeting of the in.
(er-tate Cotton (rowers' Associa.
tion wilh meet in Macon, Ga., neuxt
Friday. An interest inig programi
has boei arraiiged and a good at
tendance is expecte'l. Irei(,oI dt
Harvic Jordan has ho,, active inl
hir efforts to makn this organiza
ion a means of advantage to cot
ton growers and has so farr succeed
Ad in accomplishing some good by
keepmng polities entirely (ont it and
promoting its original aims.
A big fertilizer tight between the
Vigilia-Carol ina (hemical Comm
pany which now controls the great-.
er port or the output inl the South,
erni States, arid Armour and comn
pany, the big packing concern,
promises initerestinlg developuients
to the Southern country, arid if a
combination or absorption of inter
eat8 is not effected the ultimnate re
Bults may prove of immeuse bene
fit to Southern farmiers, But, like
mnost other corporati in figh tM, th e
proQbability, is tuat a monopoly will
be perfected and the fertiliser cou
amonr will have to pay all the ex.
Oneeof thejfight,
Last Butiday roIrnijng early, Mr.
L. W. H1 arrisa, of EFirdeal, Anuder
hon county, while on her way frorn
CTharlotte to Greenville an the fast
tr'ain, had thrust upon01 her the care
Iof a little baby boy about a year
old. It seems the child was left
with her temporarily, the parents
apparently leaving the car to re
turn shortly . but they never cam(
back, and Mis. Harris, lindirng nc
other way to dispose of it, broughi
it along with hecr. It was wvell sup
plied with nice clothing and ap
poars to be a bright, handsome ba
by to which the kind hearted ladi
has already grown attached, refus
all opportunities to dispose of it
hoping eventually to find its pa
As appears in the local column.
of this issue, there is beginning ti
crystallize in upper South Carolinm
something like concerted action
looking to definite plans1 for th<
welfare of indigent Confederat<
soldiers now resident in South Car.
olina. It seems appropriate that
the upper section of the Et~ate
which furnished such record mnak
lng soldiery and especially the part
tributary to the recruiting stationis
which practically had their head
quarters at Pendleton, right
under the shadow of thie home of
Oalhoun, the champion and defen
.of the Statos' rights and constitn.
tional liberty ideas should take the
Initiative in this commendable
ievement and crying need of
South Carotina. AugUSt 8d will
prove a happy day at Pendleton if,
through~ the excises tDo be2h1l
9 F0 Pr01 PppJ9At4Q 0( 4.
be emrnphasized and impetus given
tolthis movement which commends P
itself to every citizen of the State. a
The establishment of a bureau
of information in South Carolina w
from which statistics concerning p,
lands available for settlement and n:
improvement and ail other infor. n
mation that would bo of interest
to people out8ide the State, pe- ti
cially the North, where thrift and tl
judicious labor is bountifully re. (<
warded could 1)b disseminated,
ioild prove a desirable factor in
bringing desirable settlers to the I
State and materially increase the be
market value of other lands so ad. M
vertised. A goneral office at Co. t
lumbia with branch at overy coui
ty seat with explicit legal inmtruc- to
tions as to the duties of the officials hi
in charge, would result in) drawing th
the attention of homeseekers, be. m
catse the advantages for which C
they are looking from the over- th
crowded sections of the North and so
East obtain in this State. Home Cl1
is the first consideration and we Fri
have the induucements to offer de. I
siiable settlers, in the existing w
facts of cheap lands capable of te
high cultivation, unsurpassed cli. Vi
mate and health conditions and a o
pe ple, hospitable, charitable and h
neighborly who will welcome them m
The late heavy rains have done w
irreparablo damage to growIng ti
vrops, in some instances completely V,
destroying all prospects of enough e'
yield on the lowlands to warrant f
further outlay in working them. N(
The doubtfil investnent in bot- tr
toin l nd cultivatioii ought to cause w
and is forcing all farmers who have n1
heretofore depended almost exclus. r
ly for corn on their lowlands to h,
give specifno atlen tion to bringing ()
up tlheir uplands to such a state of V:
productioi as to creat3 a feeling of g'
rlianco upoii them foi all grain a
that is needed for hoe consump.- q
tion, at least. Such change inl coni
ditions is gradual, but when, by tI
the force of iecessity as it prevails
in Pickeis county, the people real- a
iW fhat their hopes depend upon f<
the inprovement of their iplahnds '
from which crops are certain if s
highly improved, it will not be Iery t
long until the yield per acro will k
bhow a greater actual profit than t
was made even with the best low- ni
lands for cultivation, 1becahlse the I
expense of prep~aring andl cultiva
tioni will niot be so great, and all j
lowlands may then be convertet} ii
into well paying pastures which to la
every farmer arc indispensable. c
The recent strike in Columbia in t
which the first act of violence ini
South Carolina proceeding direct.
ly from an orgranized strike wasn 2
committed, gives so'me indication of L
the amount of trouble the manu-.
facturing peop~le of the North have 10
been experiencing for many years i
past. There is some doubt whether i
anl organiz~ed strike alone has aniy 9
Justificationi legally or morally, It
is not denied that when the labor
or has fulfilled his part of a con-t
tract which has been violated by<
his empllloyer lie is justinied in
ceasing to work, but it does not
seemn that he Ia justified ill either
trying by persecution or force to
induce others to quit wvorking, and
certainly he is not authorized eith
er morally or by law to attain his
aims by the destruction of hisi em
plboyer's property. The best and
only proper success of redre~as to
the laborer is the ballot box and
the law. If unjust laws are made
to operate against him, let him up-4
peal to tihe conscience of tihe intel
ligenit masses whio are in sympathyI
with honest labor anid their wrongs
will be speedily rightedl. An ap.
peal to force is an irrevocable error e
and loses to the unfcrtunate the a
force and convincing justice of c
their demands. The South with I
growing manufacturing importance v
ought to foresee the threatening s
forces of disturbance between cap- t
ital and labor and, profiting by ox. 'J
periences abroad, place herself on ii
secure footing by just legislation, I
Y. M. C, A., v
1. Opening exercises including h
devotionajl serviL'e.
2, Reading minutes last moeeIng, p
8. Music. t
4. Te~ nmiutes talk each by W. e
W. Hammond, J. L,. 0. Thompson, I
J, E. Kinch, Sr., W. A. Palmer; t
Reading by J. C. Jennings, Car- o
hisle Newton. t
6. Music.
7. Music.
8. Collect ions, Il
9. General remarks. b
10. Announcement program next tL
sneeting and fixing place, si
12, New busi~ess, h
38, DisgmissIon,
TNw. QI WO*UUJD 4 Q'Q199% p. wh $0
A ,11AI-OsvIo Vi, %IV& AA~ tOL
-oubles at the penitentiary will tI
ive the way for the Record's coin- o
ents upon the trial which spite of ft
iose troubles, the Record uihesi- w,
tingly asserts that Colonel Neal pi
as the best superintendent the is
miteintiary has ever had, lie e
ade many improvoncnts in the N
anagement of the institution. of
uring his adminislration, the tl
uitary condition of the peniten- re
ary was so much improved that ot
lore was a great decrease in the nc
ath rate aiong the convicts. m
oreover, the equipments of *the tl
stitution were giatly bettered w
d its imnagemnent systematized at
d put upon such a solid business fim
sis that the inltitiion raade big al
oney for the state, instead of r-o. to
iirmiig appropriations to supple- tl
nt its earnings in the ilpayient. a
its runniing expenses, All this is
Colonel Neal's credit, and even eI
i enemies are forced to admit s1
at from this standpoint his ad- ev
iistration was remarkably suc- tr
sful. ti
But during Liu administration sc
e accounts of the institution got se
mowhat tangled and ho was fa
arged with stealing state funds. (b
ns chargo was tried in the Rich- G
nd county court and Colonel Neal N
is acquitted. T1hat was a chargo jli
uch dirotly affected nise charac. v f
r and the verdict of ''not guilty" nI
oidicated him. Hie was indicted oN
several charges, a sort of drag- n(
it having been thrown out for him U
lavinmg Imaly iifluential en. p
ies who would be glad t. see him cc
ffer. The indictment on \Vhjith
was tried last wek oharges what 9
As redly only a technical viola. ju
:)i of law and of this he was coi. w
oted, after a fight 111)01 him of i
:ceptional bitterness. c<
The charge against him was si
ilure to turn over to his succes- 0i
ur within thirty days after lie ob. of
i)Cd the office what puble funds el
ere in his hands. The indict- t 1
Unt specilled certain collections, w
:wever, and did not charge that ti
le lump balance which should b
tvo beoin oil hiand wias not turned n
er. And right onl thlis point it is ct
,obable that Colonel Neal will it
t a new trial irom the supremo al
,irt, as the presiding Judge made
ruling there which is open to
It was developed inl the trial LI
mat during his term of oflice, w
olonel Neal ald been a sufferer ti
omn a severe case of sciatica. As
result of the medical treatment T
>r that disease, he became addict
I to thie morphine habit. He got
) that he took fiftcon grains of o
iat insidious drug daily. Any- w
ody that knows anything at all ec
nows the effect of this drug on p
Ie human mind. While he was p
the clutches of this dreadful p
r hit, Colonel Neal's accoun ts as I<
aplerintendeont of thle penitentiary s,
ot out of order. His enemies say ti
e stoie public fminde. u indict- y
ient bilsed od this idea was tried o1
1st year, andl a jury of Richland te
itizens acquitted him. Buit he had C
een indicted on the charge of not b
.rning over public funds withinl L
iirty dars after going out of office, ii
nd on this lie was tried last week.
The defense was that Colonel d1
eal had no intention whatever s(
> defraud the state; that when he C
as in the clutches of the morphine ti
abit he would collect money, it
anding part over to his book. ";
:eeper anid keeping part for travel- 0:
3fg and other expenses, as he as
Luperintendent had a right to do, o
ntending afterward to give en ao. t~
inunt of how he had used the mo. I
ey. flt iorphine. inducem a t
reacherous meomory and these ac- e
ounts were not straightened out.g
Thenu his turim expired, Coloneli
seal wams ready and willing to pa y
use &uccessur whatever lie owed the ti
dtate, but thuis amoutnt was niot t
Lnownf and that successor would c
iot give him as clear receipt. no0 0
natter what amount. lie t urned o
>ver, because the legislature had Ii
ippointed a conumnittee to ihnvesti- t1
tate andc find out what amount e
)ohonel Neal owed, and until tha.t p
~ommiiittoe reported, there was no."
>ody who could give a clear ie. S
eipt. The ap~poinitment of that t'
~ommittee by the law-making body y'
)f thie state, to the mind of the ni
ommion ordiinazry mortal and~ somei tL
awyers, acted as a sa~y of the Ie- ti
Luinomt that Coloniel Neal should ni
niako a settlement within thirty y
aye. Colonel Neal was so advis- 8
d legally and acted on that advice. p
Lt thme investigation, lie was the ti
hief witness against himself and hc
rankly stated what he thought c
tas the statue, After raking the tI
tate aver with a line tooth comb, t(
h at statement was finally accepted, fc
'he report of the committee was et
uad0 to tihe governor. Colonel tI
real had arranged as soon as the L
sport was made and public to pay di
that it charged lie owned. TIhis W
e did. But it is saidI his bonds- bh
11n p~aid first and1( he afterward sl:
aid themz. Thlis is true, but only 8S
rue because of the haste with ci:
'hich the attorney general acted. vi
le threatened to enter suit agaiinst tli
me bondsmen if they did not pay fo
1) demand and would not accede to
ieir request that Colonel Nedl he a
'ven time to reach the city and toi
ttle. Hie got here the dlay after Lh
iey paid and immediately reim- de
irsud thenm. Neither they nor mi
1e state of South Carolina lost a mn
ugle cent by reason of Colonel C0
eal. He himself paid every ceut no
The Record is no wayres 'ansible
r..t)he impressIes whig I v e
iere was somIe polities back of
ie determined light to ruin Col.
Iel Neal. He inado Sole power.
I enemies t.y his share in the
5rk of defeating the senatorial as.
lations of John (airy Evens. It
well know that there have \
en many public oflicers before
Dal who had shortages in their
lihial acocolm t. SoIo settled
omselves, others had friends ald
latives pay up for them and
hers yet have never iaude good
r havo their bondsmen beenI c
aile to pay. III view of Ill thi., d
0 pro-ecition of Colonel Neal,
5o paid every cent howed, look 0
:in to persecution. Why should o
h be mado of him and flesh of
other? Others werte allowed( V
go free, while he was prcs lcuted, t
rie indictments being troughu it
ainst himu W
One indictment charged 1h0 fail- n
to turn over certian specific d
ms within thirty days. The di
idenlce showed thar he failed to
rn over a balano. within that I
me, fur which I gave good rea- b<
ns but, as far as The Record canl
0, there was no evidence that lie W
ilod to turn over the suis speci
d in the indictment. Judge at
sry refused the request of Colonel ac
eal's counel to chargo that the C
ry was robt rictod to consideration tic
tho suili speeified, and could
>t Pass upon the f ailire to turn
'er a hump balane , which was M
>t charged in the indictmellnt.
pol this and other points, ani ap
sal Vill be taken to ti supreme
mrt for a new traii'
It is reported that the jury
;roed to find a 'verdict I)v a Ia
rity ballot, that when the bollot
as taken four were for nequittal
id eight for conviction with a re- n
annen(datiln to inercv. It is
id that oven the mijority of the
ght thought 1)e ought to he let
I but could not s-e their may
ear to do so under the charge of
ie judge. Of course there are a)
ays reports of whiat happened in
o jury room 1id these clannot
vouwcd for. Tho Record does
>t vouch for the report in this
iso, but simpiy gives it for what
is worth' if it be worth anything Ii:
all-Colnibia Record July Ist.
The following letter received by
e Superintendent of Education p
ill be of interest, to t achers and 1
Columbia, S. C., tune A t9O
D Courty .uperintendent of Edu
catioo i
Dear Si1: 1. I senId you copies
a new edition of the sel ol Law
'ithi all amnendImOnts up to d ite in
irporated. I an sorry that ap
ropriation has not permitted the
in)tin~g of a suflicient numbi r to
lace one in the handls of each trus. l
e and of each teacher. TJhese, I
lnd you are for listrdbutiont among
0o8e ot your trustees and teachers ,i
~tually needing them." Keep five
six Copies to ha used by thle
achers ini attendance on the
Dunty Summer School: they will Ci
a required to consult the Schcol
aw in connection with the course
school management,
Your Board abouhd p .ss an or
w for.bidding the opening of a
ihool during; the session of the
ounty Summer School. 8&e sec. n
on 53 of the School Law making
the duty of the county Board to si
egiute the opening and olosing
: icool termso".
2, Your newly ap~pointed Board "
l' Education will now appoint
ustees for the two ensuing years. cl
b is, of Course, desirable to con.
nue the same trustees in service,
here these have ihown an hitlli. C
ont interest in the Sochools. Tn m end .
ig the comnmiselona to the tru~stees,c
ou1 shouldilino'lose a printed letter
rginlg thet p~olicies which you wishC
a be followed in yoJur county, and
alling attention to certain points
f law which there is daniger of
vecrlooking. Somne points it mlligh t
e well to stress aro- (I) Employ r
nachers early, and ini casie of doubtM
>ntsult the county Su perintendent, ~
art of whose oilicial dulty it is to cc
place'' suitable teachiers in all the:
chlools long before tLoy are ready . t
> open. (2) Expect and encourage ~
iur teachers to attend the Su~m
oer School. Pay her board for fr
1 le ointh o1 attaindance. (3) No o
uachor can be emlployed who has b
)t a certificate (less than two ti
ars old) signied by the County
uperintendent or the State Su- a
)rintendent. The law forbids ~
te approval of a pay warrant uin. .
as the teacher' has an up to date wm
srtinloate. (4) Renewal of a cer. if
ficate is for bilden byaw unless th
acher attends a summer School t
r teachers. (5) The newly adopt- ad
ltext~ hooks must be used whena
e Schools oper, .It is against 1
e laws to continue the use of the
scardled text after July lat. (ti)
her theore are still old school
oks in the hands of pupils, they A
01)ld be exchanged before' the
hlools open. The time for' ex- a
ange is almost ended, and the
due of the books will be lost to
e Owners, unless exchanged be.W
re the '15th of November.
By definitely and emphaticall1y
llhng the attention of each tru s-f
ito these points, you wvili saveW
sm and yourself, and me, a gre at
il of worry later, and will d o
ih towards systematizing the0
aege . ent of the schools in your
luoty The sooner you thus
Yoty trl yYours.
.Aivuunds ave Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know it.
Row To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
later and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling indicates an
- unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
. - pass it or pain in
* the back is also
onvincing proof that the kidneys and blad
er are out of order.
What to Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
ften expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
'oot, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
'Ish in curing rheumatism, pain in the
ack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
the urinary passage. It corrects inability
> hold water and scalding pain in passing
or bad effects following use of liquor,
Ine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
.cessity of being compelled to go often
iring the day, and to get up many times
iring the night, The mild and the extra
-dinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
alized. It stands the highest for its won
rful cures of the iost distressing cases.
you need a medicine you should have the
,st. Sold by druggists in 60c. and$1. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
onderful discovery
id a book that tells .
ore about it, both sent
solutely free by mail,
dress Dr. Kilmer & flomo ef swamp.RooL
)., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men..
in reading this generous offer in this paper.
1-thodist Chiur-ch, Rev. It. Rt. Dagniali,
First Suinday, T welve Mile, 11 a. In.
" . Pickens 8 p. m
Seond " 4" l11 m
6.t 64 iethblehem 3.31 1. Iml.
I hid 1 11 1
'I hlird1 i T welve Mille, 3:30p.m,
l'nrh 6 T.0b01or 1n. ml.
" 4" Pickens .1 P. m')
Fifth " Tabor 11 i. Ill
-.nvermileetintg in the P'ickens M1ethIod
ist. (iarch every Tues lay night Lt h
o' elIock,.
re'shiteriani Chlreli,Rev. T. H . Medid
1a:i tor.
Fir r. Suinday, Pickeit, 11 a. m1.
(a 94 -% 4 v 7:30 p. lit.
T Ii rd " t-trl 1it. ml.
9'Onrth " Eniety 11 . m.
-F Li.:: ,4'y 1: 1 la. II.
7:30 p. m
ti'ikt Chureb, Rey, A. .1. 8. 'Thy 'anL,
I PaL. tor.
Tiird Sunoay, Pickens, it. Ial.
8 p. Im.
IrayeriIeetling every WeAhjcsday at 6
a.ley, 11thesda. SARr Paid, 74041 Plek..
e'iq acrcli n ud A iii iocli, Rev. 'W. F.,
E maPistor.
Fi.at Sundhay, Beitheisdi I Ia. m1.
6 St.. P11n11 4 IN 1.
.4 Elsley S p. mII
Second " Zion It a. Ill'
94 tlPickus 01h1r-h 4 p). mll
TBhird '' Elov ii i ,
" I hlehed L 4 p. 1-1.
Pourth " Ain'iovb I t11 1
Fifi h " I'w)kens' churech II a. m.
J. AM1 4 p. m.t
Seenun. P'er's Creek and Mile Ureek,
ReconaL, ih-st 8:2tIra nrli 3t p. m.
' Sitmli. at, 11 1, m2.
Peter's Creek, second Saturd-iy at 3i p.
hiile Creek, fourth 8atuirday at 3 pi.. mi
" " " Nndar~ at 11 a. mn
North P'lekens Circuit, Itev, C. 1.. Me
in, pastor.
Fist SunIdy-Friendsin, 11 n). mn.
" " .-Porter's~ Chlapel, 3:30 p.
Second( Sunday-Mi, Bethel, 11 n. m,
" - New Hlope, 38 p. mi.
Trd " -Porter's chapeL 11 am
Fou rth " -Mc Kinniey 's Chatpe),
Fauirthi Sund iiey---ocasse, 3:30 p. in.
x Mlile, PratierAs and Cone ,rdi ~tmohes
Rev. W, C. Seaben pator.
Sat urda~y beiare 2nd SUnd iry 8ix Mil
Second Sunay Six\ Milo 11 i Ii $
Saturday before the 3d ~tfdtndy P'rmner'
iirich 2 I.i
Thd S2dyPaes 19 p. l
1)i rth Sundnl~y Concord 1 i. t
batrlestoun, $, C. 'oludedl )f
Strong Faculty ; well equipp~ed
biemicali, Physical, and ]Biological
rbiora tories ; Obser'vatory; [jira.
of 14,000 volumes and the finest
useum of Natural History in the
>uith. I. A., B. S., and M. A.
nrses offered1.
Tuition, $40, payable in two in.
ailments. Board in College Dor
itory can be obtained at $10 a
onth.. One scholarship giving
3e tnition is assigned to. Pickens
unt~y, the hiolder 1o be aplpoi inted
Sthe Judge of' Probate audI tihe
unty SuporiIttendent of Ediuca.
30. All candidates for admission1
0 permflitted to conipote for va-.
nt Boyce Osbolarships, which pgay
50 a year. E'ntrance examinatica
II be held in Plekeius on July 1n
01, by the County Shupenaend(.
t of Education and Judge of
obate. Next session) opens sep.
nlber 30, 1901, Fotr Catalogue
dress, hlarrison~ Randolph, Prnes.
Idpher, (Greenvlle, S. C, Olhice over
Lil work guaanlteed1 to give satisfac
lin summer oan be prevented
by taking I
Scott's Emulsion
Its as beneficial in summer as
In winter. if you are weak orE
run down, It will build you up.
40M435 eari& raat.,.,
I now havo 'the best [electod
stock of
?wCome one come all,
120 Main street, Greenville, S. C.
"Do the follrs often
dio here?" uskod the
traveler in a malarial
suction. "No," replied
the native' "'they (lie
only once.''
Hero. They only die once aud
they only trade once at the 8a1e
places. Not so, though, when they
land in here. If they trade once
with us they keep coming, simply
because we give theu more mules
and better muiles for less money.
Same way with horses. We have
just received three car loads of fine
Will have another car from
Ten nessee next week-all around
cracker-jacks. Come~ and see them.
Do you want aL wagon or vehicle
of any kind? If so we can savo
you money. WVe have three car
leads of of wagons, and five of bug
gies and carriages, all rec aived1 since
the first day of last Jauamry. j.We
have cut out tlhej
On these goods, as we are deter
in ed i4s keep up1 our reCp;hm.ion
as the lar'gest de alers in th.etate.
We never buy ini less thn car
loads' and pay~ spot cash for every
thing, he nee we buy choaper than
the smal deal',r who buys a few
jobS aIt a~ time adkeps them un-i
til they are old an dingy. We
ownl otvr Depository, hlence we don 't
have t.o divide profiits with the
lanidlordi. We carry in stock the
Celebrated Studebaker
And the world's justly renownod
....W E BE R....
*Wagons. As me'dium grades we
carry the Chattanooga, Owensboro,
Taylor, Virginia anda Russell
W'e ketep in stock at ,all times
thir teen ditforent miakes of Buggies
aind Carriages, among tl'em the
Rabcock, Coutland, Tys on and
Jones; Barhanr' and Acme. Come ~
look and take your choice.
We wvill not sny much as4 to J-ar.
nes. We have on hand a $15,000
stock--more than every dealer
in town combined. Riememnber for i3
the next thirty daiys we wmil make
Special Pricus,
Stables mld totre house: Bl(Ier Steo
Attorney at Lawr,
Pickens. S. ,
Practice in all the Courti.
Office over Earle's Drug Store. e
FT.J.HfAYNEScWOR~ C.li l,{n
Greenville, 8. C.
!aynesworth,,Parker & Rblinson, 1r
A ttornuey.-a-.,iw. jn
lerkens, C. Hf., - oumth Carolina to
usraf >r uptl .Ceurts. Attend to all et
pr"*onemy a. 't or
~R. J. P. OARListE, ev
----ENTST,--..... tic
Groeiwille, 8, 0, W
Ofilc ovor Mdisons Drn i. E R
Condensed Schedule of Passengor Trains.
In ifreot Jan. 2th, 1001.
Yes. FExpr.. F9t1a
Northbound. No. 12. No 88. No. 84, No. 83.
Daily. Daily. Daily Daily.
Lv. A tanta ( P 7 50 a 12 1. 12 .20 11 aOP
" ~tantaD'0' 8 60 1 1 12600
orrs .9 80 a ..... 03 p1 2s
Suford..... 10 05 a .... lo'. 2 87P J
aineaville 10 86 a 226 p 610 p 18 a
ula. . 1058a 45p a UIPP 2880
"Cornell" 11 '1 ..... ............
"Mt. Airy... 11 W a ........ 8P..
Lv. Toooon. I i 51a 8 Win 4 19) a 2i8
LT. Elberton. 9 00 a ..... ...... ....
TW-Iiiiiirf jjjj........4-W'-- -4VOb
rnecu. 12 W P 4151) ... 0 4 US
Central..... 1 2'P........ 21 4 a
Grooplvillo. 2 U4p ' 22p 0 Mp 6 02&
Spar'burg. 88ip ) l 1P 707p 7 08
Gallne4.... Oi43'WP 7 43P 46s
Blu-42ur 4 47p 71 QZ p 7 U~p S02 a
": A ln . I )........ 8 17 W2 a
*Charlotte. 6 40ip 8"1 9 P 9ma
Ar. Gre'nsboru 9 66 p 10 471 p 11 4dp 12 23
Ar.urhain ... ........852a aa 2 27p
Ar. Raleigh .... ........ 58 it 6 80 a 28p
Ar. Danvillo... 11 26 p 11 53 p 12 5' 1 88I
Ar. Norfolk.... 8 S0a 8 o a Z8a
Ar. Richmond.. 60 00 600 a 00a 026p
Ar. W'hington. ........ 6 42 a 7 85 a 8 50 p
, Finore P. I, ........ 8 00i 9 15a 11 5p
S... do.,hi.. . ......... 10 15i It8a 2,5a
New ork . ........ 12 43n 2 03p a 28 a
FatMa Ves. Expr.
Bouthbound. No. S5. No. 8T. No. 11. No. 88.
Daily. Daily. Daily. Dailly.
LT. N.Y., Pa.14. 12 15 a o p ........8 251)
Ph'dolphia. 8 50 a t 65 p ........ a 05p
, Itiuore.. 0 22a 0 0 P....... 8 27p
ash'ton.. 11 15a 10 46P ........ 0 5p
Lv. Richmond.. 12 01 n 11 00 p 1 00k II U. )p
Lv. Norfolk.,.. 0 35 a 7 40p 7 40p 7 40p
LV. Danvillo.... 5 48 1 , 50 a 6 10 aI 4 08 a
Lv. Raloigh .... 8 50 V I 00 a I 0j a 1 00 a
Lv. Durham_... 4 40 p 2 0 ia 2W0 a 2110A
Lv. Gre'nsboro 7 10p 7 05a 7 81 a 5 .8 A
Ar. harlotte.. 0 45 p V 26 a 12 05111 8 U5a
Lv. Sastonia... 1U 421, ........ 1 12) 8 51 a
'BlMt 11 P ...%.l61 12A
"MBalcksburg 11 25p 10 -5a 2 p 0
" GafTnoy. . - 11 42 p 10 t 2 ?4p 0 41 a
" par'burg. 12 .8a 1 It4 8 15p 10 20fa
" roonville. 1 80 a 12 OU p 4 301) It 15 a
" oral. . .... 6 4up 12 10 p
Sonoca..... 8 02 a 1 80 OS p 12 3J p
W'ninster. .............. 6 231j 12 4 P
TC..- ........2 5 p_7 03 1 1 24 )
Y. rli 2LW i. 00a
Ar. lherton. 11 p3 a 80 p........ 6___
Airy...r............... ~~ p. ' p a p
* ornelia... ........ ........ 7 401).
" Lula. 4 18a 8 14p 1 l0p: 220p
" Gainesvinlo 4 Wd a 8 SU p 8 821 2 4S n'
Buford. w02 a ........V W 0 a 17 $;
Noruross. 6 26 a ........0 82. 81 p
Ar. AtlantaE T 0 10 a 4 55p 4 0 1 1 4 !5 p 4
Atlanta,CT 5 I a 551 11 >3l) 8 U35 P
Betwoo, YnIn ind Athon.
Ex. No. 13.
Sunt. Dlaily._
9 15p 11 05 a 1.
91p 11 41 a'
l ip 1 I
9 11 p 12 01m" Ilaenonv " tI!.4. O 4-s
10 00p 12 60.pIAr. Athens .Lv 10 a, 6 U11 p
toEefie Connection aide at Lul wict
main line trains.
"A"l a. In. "6P" p. in. 'M" noon. "N" night.
Chesapeake Line 8teaiera in de.ily sorvice
between Not-folk itad Baltinoro. a
Nos. 87 and 38-" Wa4ington and louthwest
irn Limited." Solid Pulm1nn trai, bing cont
posed exclusively of ftinst .Pulnman (tuipinolt
>f latest design through betweun New Yuric
snd Atlanta. ' hrough Pullnian slhwpin,- crart
3etwoon Now Yora and New t-leans, via o
Washington, Atlaita aud Montgomtory aud al
to between Now York and Meomphl , via Wa.1
A gton, A tlanta and Birtiuinghau. Elegant
Pul]naan Library observation cars hetwoon Ma.
.on and New York. DlIning cars serve all
eals onroute. Pullmnan sleuping (ars botwoon
Yreonsb oro nyid Raleigh. No cochI service on
l:e train. Tatue traina will stolp at Gainos
ifle. Lula, Toocoa. tsonnen.a (nfinnoy and Blacks
maurg only to 1,ake on and o t off pnng.mes for
rnd from Washington and boyond andl for anad
!roln Greenvi lle*Columnbia and Mpartanburg
Dolumnbia linesa.
Nos. U'd and :5-"Atlanta and New York Ex
proos." Now t rain bet wt on Atlanta and Char
Lotte, conneL ting at Charlotte with trains of
litata numboe s for and froitn ahington Now
rokadteoscarii hog uin ian
I*oigersbtwoCao. York,
Chroian ie--Leav
bur W- ' y5 anid
Irid- aerated
a th to San
Kran. .aon at
roois weialigh. No
Pulln .. onti train betwoun Atlanta
ad Charlotte. Amp~le first cnd second olnasg
toach ncommadat ions for local and through
Nos. 85 and 86--"Unit ed States FanS MaI1'runs
iolid between WVashington and New tOrloans
v'ia Southern Railway, A. & W. P. R,. R. and
U. & N. Rt. Rt., being composed of coaches
throurlh without change for passengers of all
ase.Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars
tween New York and Nsew orleans. via At
anta and biontgontory and between Br-'
nanghamn and Riohmnond. Dining cars serve
mil meals en route.
Nos. 11 and 12-Solid local train between
Sohmond and 4tlanta. Close connection at
arfolk for Ow roter courfony,
REpcolal attptnt u i called to above sciheduale
pertioularly t he ipauguration: of trains Nos, u6
mad 84, also that )lo. 8t and Wi are mado an ox.
sluve Pullan train, without coach servioe.
liL~ldT By y Aent
voti ve I 2:t ' A. M. , Febi. Is:, 1 '0l
1:15i awi........... si
1:001 p mt ......,v. P'itlken.s . , p
1:15 . mi.....aron .. ... 0, -5 y
1:05 p m....'I~t' blin's....... 0.15 p mn
1:15 p In.....Ar tslev [........, I:t
N:( l inghin al i.orip .
.All trains datily excepl tlimul iw.
o, o..a
No. 9 (.oinne(ts wIth Southern'1 Ilnilway
?o. 12.
No. 12 Connecots with, Siouhern Hl iva
~O. 11.
No, 11 Conniects w~'ih Soulithern ailwa~y
'0. 14.
*MI'.For anyl informalt ion aipply to
ililacho, otI. , yet, eostao Ithe 81ame1(
letric Comrb, Thel only paltenlted
iinl ill tlio '.Vorld, People, eor'ly
Itore it hlas b1een illtrlodu~cod, are
ild with delight. You si'mply
)1l1h your hair' each (lay and the
lmb1 (10es the rne.. Thi wonV~lder -
tI com bl is un: 'fbreakablo a dj
mnado it is absolutely
1ipossIbkf k or Cut the
airi. Soln tclln glIarall.
a to giv a isfaictjin in
0. Ladiess Genta s1izo 'i
0. Live meh ~ 2n wanted *
erywhere to .tis air
18. Se]]s On B BIits are'
id with 8Uuce8, 'lILt ad
tis paper.) 1)
.tI det1.A 1 1 a *

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