/ Il VL12,-NO. 32, PIKN, S. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11192ONDLARAYR PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S NARROW ESCAPI 11IS CARRIAGE )EMOLIS1ilE] lY A TROLLEY CAR. A Secret Service Agent Kille nnd )river Serinusly Injured The Presidentt Slightly Hurl The carriage in which Prosidon Rtocsovelt and his party were bein driven from Pittsflield to Lenox, Mass, was struck by an electric car and al most completely demolished. Th President was slightly cut and bruised Secretary Cortelyou also injured, Wn Craig, of the secret service, was killed at d the driver of the coach seriousel hurt. The following account was given by the Associated Press the morning after the occurrence : The President of the United Statei escapud a tragic death by only a fo feet in a collision between his carriag< and an electric car in this city, whi< one of his most trusted guards, Secrol Service Agent Wm. Craig, was in, stantly killed, and David J. Pratt, of Dalton, who was guiding the horses attached to the vehicle, was seriously injured. President Roosevelt himself was badly shaken up, but received only a slight facial bruise. Secretary Cortelyou, who occupied a seat opposite the chief executive in the landau, sustained a minor wound in the back of the head and Gov. Crane, who -sat beside the President, extri cato' himself from the wreck practi cally without a scratch. The carriage was demolished by the impact of the rapidly moving car and the wheel horse on the side nearest the car was killed outright, the crew and passen gers of the car escaping injury. The President and party were driv ing from this city to Lenox through one of the principal thoroughfares of Pittsfield, which was lined with cheer ing people and the catastrophe oc curred in plain view of hundreds, whose happiness at the advent of the nation's chief was suddenly turned to grief. Thousands had poured into the city in the early morning from the nearby country to see and hear the President, and his address at the city park had been loudly cheered. At the conclu' sion of the exercises he wished to make a brief call on Henry L. Dawes, for merly United States Senator, whose house is but a short distance from the park. The President's carriage, in which he had ridden from Gov. Crane's home at Dalton, was accord ingly driven to the Dawes residence and carriages containing a number of other gentlemen in the party followed. President Roosevelt's call was a short one and then the carriages returned to the city square. After a few moments delay the jour ney toward Lenox was begun. Mean while the mounted escort of police ofi cers and the carriages containing the newspaper correspondents who have accompanied the President on his tour had started off ahead 'on the road to Lenox and were some distance in ad vance of the President's equipage. Three or four othel open carriages fell in line immediately behind the landau in which the President rode with Secretary Cortelyou and Gov. Crane. Secret Service Agent Craig, who throughout the Now E.ngland tour has been almost constantly at the President's elbow, was on the driver's box beside Coachman Pratt. Out through South street is a broad, smooth highway. The tracks of the Pittsfield .electric street railway are laid in tho centre of the road with am. pie room for teams on each side, and scores of vehicles of every descriptiori followed along this road behind th< President's party. Shortly after he left the park at electric car which had been tilled witi passengers at; that point, started to, ward Lenox well behind the proces sion. It passed all of the teams and was about a mile and a half out fron t.he city at the begining of Hlowar< hill and was nearly up to the Presi dent's carriage, which was traveling er the west side of the highway. Just at the foot of Howard hill th roadl bends a little and teams are comn pelled to cross the street railwa: tracks to the east side. The railroat then continues at one side of the stree instead of in the centre. Just at thi point the up-grade of the hill begine and but a short dlistance beyond th crossing there is a narrow bridge spati nmng a small brook. The trolley car approached t,he road crossing under a good head of spec with gong clanging just as the driver C President's carriage turned his leader to cross the tracks. On each side < the chief executive's carriage rode tw mounted troopers, of the local cavalr company, and the horsemen on the lol of the landau had turned on the trae with the trolley car immediately b4 hind thtm, though some yards distan Alarmed by the clanging gong, the -both turned in their saddles and wave rigorously .to the. m6torman to st( his car. Almosat at the same instai Gov. Crane, who.quickly perceived at danger, rose to his foet and likewli motioned to the motormnan. The la ter in great excitement desperate tried-to stop his car, but it was t4 late. 1t crashed into the carriage jum aAka loud moan went up from the fre .igd onlookers who thi-onged the i'oa slda, and who but a moment bofo wer chei'ing the President. bh lorsemnen- managed to get t fi tend Mimals out of the way ji ins mtel0d the -car struck the re wheel qt the carrlage on the loft si and ploughed through to the front wheel of the vehicle, which received the full force of tho blow. The car riage was upset in the twinkling of an eye and one horse fell doad on the tracks. The other three powerful grays attached to the vehicle started to run and, dragged by them and pushed 1 by the force of the car, the wrecked carriage was nved 30 or 40 foot. Mr. Craig fell from his seat imedi ately in front of the car and it passed t completely over his body. Driver Pratt in falling struck the dead horse immediately in fiont of him and rolled off clear of the car, thus escaping a -imilar fate. President Roosevelt, 3 Gov. Crane and Secretary Cortelyou were thrown together in the bottom of the carriage. Almost immediately a score of men jumped to the heads of the frightened horses and stopped their further pro. gross. Gov. Crane was the first to get to his feet, escaping ontirely unhurt. le turned immediately to the Presi dent, helped the latter to arise and to gether they assisted Secretary Cor telyou. The President's lip was cut and blood was flowing from the wound. His clothing was disarranged and lie was much shaken up. Secretary Cor telyou had a severe wound in the back of his head, from which blood waa flowing freely. The Prosident quickly regained his composure and the three soon after re paired to the residence of Charles I. Stevens, near the scene of the accident. Mr. Craig's body was found just behind the car. His shoulders and chest were crushed and the body frightfully mian gled. Driver Pratt, was found uncon scious in the road, his shoulder was dislocated, his ankle sprained and his face badly cut and bruised. Ie was immediately placed in a carriage and taken to the House of Mercy, where lie was attended by 1)rs. Flynn and Pad dock. Agent Craig's body was taken to the residence of Mrs. A. B. Stevens, ad joining the house to which the Presi dent had repaired with Gov. Crane and Secretary Cortelyou, and later re. moved to undertaking rooms. But a few moments after the collision Drs. Colt, Thomas and Woodxufl arrived and attended the President and his secretary. Half an hour later the party appeared and resumed the journey to Lenox. An anxious crowd surrounded the house and the President stopped long enough to assure the people that he was not injured in the least, and to express his groat grief at the de ath of Agent Craig. Chief Nicholson,.of the Pittsfield po. lice, and Daniel Ryan, an oflicer of the New York city department, who is on his vacation in this city, were driving about .00 yards ahead of the Presi (Lent's carriage and were among the first to reach his side after the col lision. They immediate ly placed under arrest the motorman of the car, Eucli d Madden, and Conductor James Kelly. Gov. Crane in relating his experience, said that he heard the gong of the ap proaching car in ample time and he rose and warned the motormnan to stop. He says that the man apparently paid no attention to his signal or those of the troopers alongside, and the car continued until it struck the carriage with great force. No one on the car seems able to ex plain how the accident happened. Even the motorman and persons on the front seat are ap)parently unable to tell why it was niot avoidled. It is claimed that Driver Pratt turned to cress the track sooner than teams ordinarily make the turn, but lie was forced to (10 so because of the fact that his team of four horses requiredl more room, and the two troopers on the right of the carriage also needled space to get through. Motorman Madden and Con ductor Kelly remained in the station house from 10 o'clock ini the morning, when they were taken under arrest, until 0.20 in the evening, when bail was furnished. The charges against them are manslaughter. Bail for the motorman of $5,000 was fur nished by his brother, Maurice J. I Madden, and Patrick H. Dolan, man - ager of the Pittsfield Street Railway company. Kelly was bailed in the sum of $2,500 by Mr. Dolan. Kelly is 25 3 years of age, single, and has been em ployed on the railroad for three years. , Motorman Madden is 32 years 01(d and has a wife and five children. t George and Hugh Craig, of Holyoke, 3 Mass., brothers of Win. Craig, the vic tim of the accident, arrived to-night S and are in consultation with the -authorities. It has been decided to take the body to Chicago for interment, ,that city being Craig's home. Euclid Madden, the motorman, in t telling his story says that the car was 5 No. 29, which had motors of 00 horse I power. The car is not fitted with air 0 brakes. On account of the Presidential y exercises he says that the running t-. schedule on all lines of the company's k streets were disturbed. - As Ihe passed over the railroad bridge 5. about 350 or 400 feet from the scene of 'Y the accident he says lie shut off the d power and put on brakes, the car then P being on down grade. Hesays there it were teams on both sidles of the track to and he was exercising every care to JO. avoid an accident. In bis opinion the t-car was not running over eight milos 17 an hour; he received no warning it 10 stop and did not see the mounted meti St 0r Gov. Crane waving their hands, tc a- come to a standstill. According tc d- Madden's story, there was plenty o: re room for the P'resident's carriage t< have passed on the west side of th4 Lie trolley track, and he would have har Lst plenty-of time to have passed the Pres ar ident's ca'rriage beforo the torn wal rdn mad1n to the ast side ofth rod. U said that the loading horses wore turn. ed short across the track. lie could I not toll just how the car struck the I carriage, but he says he reversed the I power and went for the brake just as I quickly as possible when he saw the i horses turn on the track. lie said it 1 was dusty and with dilliculty he saw t what was going on. t Eye witnesses say the President was I calm and collected, and deplored the death of Craig. " He was the most i faithful man I ever knew," said he, i my children fairly worshipped him." 1 When Craig saw the impending dan- i ger and that a collision could not be s averted lie was hoard to say: " Oh, I my God," and then he was hurled : through the air and fell under the car. r wheels. When the Prosidlent got out of the wreck he asked the motorman, 1 " Why were you running your car like f that?" which brought only the re- f sponse, " Because I had the right of a way." a The President said that when he V saw the car coming at such terrific i speed he felt that all in the carriage p would surely be killed. n According to another story the d .'resident was stunned for only a second, and springing to his feet " walked back about fifteen yards to 1 where the trolley had stopped and told ' the motorman that unless the car had k gotten beyond his control, which did s not seem possible, in view of the way n it had stopped, lie had committ,ed an g act of criminal recklessness which had I resulted in the death of at least one h man. Officials of the road deny that the s motorman was instructed to run 3 through without stopping, and say the car was not running at a high rate of v speed. ii g BILL ARP ON NEGRO ORATORS. D h MISTAKES AS TO PROGRESS OF T1iIR LACK RACE. c t1 In All the South There WaM o Not a Negro Prisotn Nor n Con- a viet or a Chain Gaig. it Atlanta Constitution. Of course I was very much interest ed in the great negro convention. So c was every thoughtful man North and South, but there were some features about it that did not harmoize with the views and memories of the old 9 masters. The oft-repeated assertion that forty years ago the negro emerged from bordage and barbarism is a mis- g take. 1. is worse, for it is slander. One orator said that they had been in a savago state one hundred years- t another said two hundred and fifty v years-and their progress since free dom came was wonderful. Some of f our young people of this age and gen oration may carelessly believe that, for a they have been taught it from the North where it ib universally believed. Booker Washington may believe it, u for he is in his middle age. But Evan t Howell and I and all other veterans, whether white or black, know that it t is not so. I don't want the old-time 7 negroes slandered. The orator might as well have said 1 250 years ago, for their ancestors were all in Africa then- -none of the t grown up negroes who were set free had been in bondage more than flifty or sixty years and none were savages ~ or barbarians. They comp)ared well ~ with the illiterate white people, and in ~ fact feh above them and spoke of them ~ as p)oor white trash. The close asso ciation for two or three generations of I these slaves with their white masters and their families educated most of them im good morals and manhmers and industry, which is a better educaticna than books, andl the truth is they were when freedom camne infinitely superior to the race as it now is. The progress that Booker Washington and his as- I sociates boast of is an alarming retro grade and degenieracy. When free (dem came there was not an outrage in all the Southern land nor was there a conv'ict or a chiaingang nor a negro prison, but now there are 4,400 con victs and the number increases faster than the population. No-there is no upward gradation in their morals. The higher ediucation that these na gro colleges are giving to the few have no good effect upon the many, and, according to Mr. Wash ington's own statement, he is alarmed because most of his graduates aspire to be loaders and teachers and preachers and bosses. They are a pampered negro aristocracy and widely scattered as they are, they have not reformed the race in morals or in honesty or an observance of the marriage relations. I-can assert with truth that at least one-third of the negro children in and around Cartersville are bastards. There are nine within a stone's throw of our house-and yet their mothers are very good servants and make good cooks, chambermaids and washer women. Thley lose no caste or social position or church membership by reason of their unchae and unlawful cohabitation, and the children of those women are growing up without moral training and are as notorious young thieves as the Arabs of the desert. The white people have got so accus tomed to their petty th.ieving that they do not prosecute them. Mr. Washington made another mis take when he said that the number of convicts increased because they were too poor to employ counsel. It is well known to the bar and.to those who at tendl the courts that the judge always appoints competent counsel, and he leans to the negro and protects him as far as he can consistently with his (duty. I know that our judge does. About a year ago he tried three ne groes for a crime in a neighboring county. They were easily convicted forn they were uilty. Ile fned each >f them $25 and the cost and sot ,once(1 them to one year's service in ,he claingang, but told them ho would told up the sentence for a year, an! if hey could got any responsible white nan to take them in chargo and let hem work out their lines and bring hen back to the court at the next crm and give a good account of them, ic would not sond them to the chain ;ang at all. The negroes found good non without leaving the court house tid they did work out their flines and lehaved well, and their employers undo a good report of them and they vore honorably discharged. Iiow iuch better that was than the chain ang with all of its bad associations ,nd brutality. '1'he Southern peolSle are uniformly ind to good negroes. Last year my aithful servant, Tip, came to see me, or he was in trouble. le had laid up few hundred dollars and had bought snug little farm near Rome for 800, rhinl took all his money. The man e bought from then suddenly disap cared and Tip found out there was a iortgage on the farm of "500. " Where id the man come fromt?" I asked. le came from Ohio," said Tip. And you did not ask any lawyer to )ok into the title ?" " No, sir," said 'ip. " le talked so fair :d I had nowed him some time that I thought tiorely lie wouldn't cheat me." And ow Tip is still working out that mort age and the man cannot be found. eckon lie is drawing a pension and olding an office in Ohio. What we iish to see is some good j...%ctical ro alts of those negro colleges. Before the war every man of wealth 'lie owned slaves had among them asons, carpenters, blacksmiths, wa onmakers, shoemakers, etc.; iny tan Tip was a paperhanger and a good no, for my wife taught him, and he as made good money by it since the 'ar. The negroes are naturally me lianics and improve rapidly in their -ades, out I ha%ve not seen or heard of no from Tuskegee yet. Washington iys lie is trying to teach them that it honorable to walk between the plow andles. Why, we can't get a white ollege boy to do thot, much less a col ige negro whose education has all onw from charity, and thse colleges eel) begging for more and get it. BuL what frets us old masters is all is tommyrot about the negroes hav ig just emerged from slavery and arbarisn. I wish to declare to this eneration that our old slaves had iore common sense and far better iorals than those we have now, and bey had wives and children and they rere not ashamed of them. It sweetens y memory to go back to the good old tithful stock like Tip and Sinda and Lunt I'eggy and Virgil and big Jack ud little Jack and Uncle Sam and Lunt Ann and hundreds of othcrs who reie happy and contentedi, and whose hildren have got into the chaingangs lrough the malignant legislation of i enemies. Harper's Weekly seems o have repented of late, but the cruel rork is clone an] cannot be undone. .he most hopeful sign I saw in the roccedings and reports of that con ention was that given by a mulatto ,r copper-colored negro from a negro own near the Mississippi, ,botween ficksburg and Memphis, where they wned a good 'body of farming land nd worked it and made good crops nid had a good town of 2,000 peop)le ,nd sixteen stores and1 good common chools and several churches and lenty of good mechanics and a mayor nd council, and1 there were no idlers, nid if a tramp came there they waited n him and shipped him ofY on the first, rain-and there wasn't a white muan n the town nor dlid one live in .5 miles f it. I am going to watch that t,own. vfaybe that will help to solve the race robhcm. BILL Ani. VNTIQUJITY OF~ TH[E TRUS~T. %Iot a Newv Developimnt ini thme Commmercin1 WVorld-The 1)1111. culty of Control. At the convention of the Americaii [Ban Association, which was recently n sessioni at Saratoga, i'resident, U. NI. Rose, of Lit,tle Itock, Ark., in his innual address, discussed the problem of controlling the trusts by legislation. lie said: We are by this time familiar with what are called " trusts ;" so called, perhaps, because they contain in their composition not a smngle fiduciary cle. men t. South Carolina has p)assedI two acts en this subject,. The first act forbids all persons to form pools, trusts or combinations for the purpose of regu lating or fixing the price of any article of trade or merchandise or to limit t,he quantity of any article of manufacture or commodity, or of any repair, or the premium of any insurance. Heavy fines are 'prescribed for any violatiori of the act and in adldit,ion any domestic corporation infringing its provisione shall forfeit Its charter, and any foreign corporation so offending shall forfeit it,s right to do business within the State. There has beenlogislationi along thc the same lines in other States, dlevelop. ing, however, no new features. A German writer, who has latel3 wriiten a book about American trusts counts the American bar among thes4 parasitic mnstitutionis, saying that we hold meetings for the purpose of rogu lating fees, a very surprising statemen that could hardly have been made bj anyone save a foreigner unacquainte( with professional life in this count,ry It, is dlue to the truth of history to sa: that no such meetings are held an that wa can look upon the pendin1 contest for supremacy between th United States and the beef trust, if no with indiforenco, at least without apprehesion. Our country during the last IbM: ycarP. has witnessed a change of sucl magnitude ts to be without a singl parallel in history. By means of vas aggregations of money, corporate nio inopolies have boen established in al most every branch of industry. What effect these tremendous creations wil havo on our future destiny, morally socially, financially, legally, no omi ventures to predict with any dogree of confidence. If it is true, as said b3 Oliver Cromwell, that no -'nc goes sc far as the man that (toes not knot where lie is going, we are apparently entering upon a long journey. Monopolies are as old as human his. tory, and we cannot doubt that by theii gritiding oppression they kept men and women lying awake of nights long before the first page of history wats written. They were forbidden by the laws of ancient Greece and Rome; they were forbidden by the common law of Englahd, and the common law was re. inforced from time to time by statutes. For awhile during the reign of E-liza both they flourished. At on time she had licensed more than fifty ionopo lies to prey on the community. 11 ume, the historian, was amazed at their itum ber and rapacity. In order to build up an empiro in the E,ast, Parliament granted a iom, poly to the last India Company, which became so oppressive that its over throw wasi a matter of necessity. I soon learned to charge 100 per cent profit on every article that it csold, and the tea that it sold became so inferior in quality that it had hardly a trace of the plant of that name. Of course these results were not reached at once; prices were raised gradually and stealthily under pretense of decreased production. Instead of fifty monopolies, we have at present more than 4,000, to say nothing of price and rate-fixing and profit-sharing pools, with buying and selling agencies, exercising functions similar to those of the trusts, all or ganized for the purposo of fixing prices arbitrarily. Each day brings its report of same new and gigantic alliance, the future of which can not be predicted, since most of these corporations are authorized to buy up the stc: k of any other corporation, so that they may at any time acquire supreme control over industries extremoly remote from those ostensibly in view when they were first created. The first success of one of these combinations, if successful at all, is alluring in a high degree. If the pro porty is capitalized at twice its value, the lowest capitalization known, and the securities are lloated at par, the re suit is that the former owners find themselves twice as rich as they were before, and at a very trilling outlay of time, money or energy, to say nothii of a future of immense possibilities, We shall not be surprised, therefore, when told that many similar organiza tions are started with the deliberat, intention of swindling unsuspectint stockholders. The Supreme Court of the Unite( States and several of our Presidenti have more than once called attentiot to the gravity of the situation, and wa can not suppose that men occupyin, such high positions of responsibilit, would wantonly excit,c public applre hension. Trhiere is one form of tyranny tha governments, however instituted, cai not--at least directly-exercise. El forts have oft,en been made to contro prices by law, but never successfully The nat,ural laws of tradoe always triumphed over the art,ifical lawi o: men. But whoever can control th< Bsupply can fix his own prices, as wi see in t,he case of Pharaoh in Egypt 1I, was not ats King that lie assertec that, power, for the commanid of tI supply would have given it to him if h< had been a p)rivate indlividuial. P'residlent floosevelt, has said muore than once that the power of corpoira tions over prices should be subjecteo t,o public control. The p)rincipail dilli cult,y pertains to the remedy. If ox isting laws could be0 enforcedl perhaptl no new one would be needled. A remne(dy somet,imes proposed witl seeming confidence is that of publicity [Pubhlcit,y is a good thing. Monopolie delight in secrecy. 1t is said that th absent always suifor, and the publi are not invit,cd to part,icipate in coi porate meetiogs. Very lately corporr tions are organizing und(er condlitioni t,hat (to not permit ovein all of th stockholders to examane t,he booki that privilege being reservedl for hiold era of preferredl stock alone. It mat be that persons who rely oii thi remedy are misled by the laws relatini to the examination of the books< banks, which are very casily examninct Banks have only to (10 with a sin)g commodlity, one that has lixedl andl ur varying values. The dilculty enormously mncreasedl when it com< to like examinations of the books< ot,her corporate bodies (doing an e: tensive and variedl business. In sue cases it is not, infrequently found thi the mysteries of modern bookkeepira exceedl those of alchemy, remindir one of the response of a railway pres dent to his legal adviser to a quest,i as to what the books of the comparm would show regarding a controvert then under consideration. " Well, said1 the presidlent, " as I foresaw lon ago that this dispute would some tini probably arise, and, not knowing e actly what form It would assume, I kept the books in a flexible corn tion." Flexible bookkeeping may just I claim a respectable antiquity. formedI one of the minor charges Cicero against Verres; and a contei L noarnyt poet nurmnises that it wma n ,lize( by the contractors that built th1 pyrialuids. The remedy of publicit would only servo to prolong the prs;t 1 out situation. 3 Another proposed remedy is th t modification of the tariff laws as far a - they alfiet prices of commodities sob - by the trusts. This would open th, Srusts to the competition of the foreigi I markets; and to that extent it woulc place i limit on the powor to raisw I prices. It would not, of course, affect I all the trusts, and hence it woul b( inadequate, though it might prov( s very useful. Another remedy suggeuted is an amendment to the Peleral constitution giving power to Congress to control all corporations; a very drastic remedy, indeed, one that would greatly strength en the lobby, one. that, might intro duce an era of LolitIcal corruption hitherto unknown. I,astly, It 1S suggeit.td that the Federal constitution 8110111(1 be so amlended as to enablo Congress to prevent by appropriate penalties the slugging of rivals by local undersellng, by " f'actor's agreeineits," and by similar (levices. This would not pre vont the investmlent of large sums in corporate hands; and corporations with large capital would still have an ad vantage; but laws of that kind woul no (oubt be rigidly enforced by the juries of (lie coun try; anld forced symti pathy in favor of new and stiugxglingt (+nterprises would probably go a Iong way to redress the balance. NI;W VI ICWO 01 CII11,) L,A I tlt ''hc Mill I'resif It, requires no argument to show t,hat I. race of menOf and womn iwhioseo ntir e childhood has beetn spenlt in workin i- in cotton mills or any other mills wi is be an itnferior race, bo0th physicall xs andl mnentally. Wec cannot afford I >f have anyl such race in the Sout,h. Tb'l c- pub)lic interest reqiuiires that our whii it chillretn should1( ob)tin. oycn a bott, t eidcationl thant te children of t11 g North. They must quit the cotte ig mills and( go to school. i- ((j'Te negro child in Gecorgia, Soul nI Carolina andl other Southern Statos ty making far more of school privilog y3 thtan tihe white child. No cotton mn " employs ntegro children or tom[ tg thlem away from the institutions te leartnmg. Our cotton mills are . x- servedily the most popular of all C I imnufactures. They have boon li- vored above all othors in public con d1once and publhc support. Sout,he ly mill owners should show somo app It elation of this and carefully gut of against the very just reproach Li ni- will bo cast upon them If their inS I,i- no unon Southen life altah1 bn D lower in mind or body the standard of y the white man, woman-or child. " It is a groat surprise to me that public spirited men like Orr, of South s Carolina, and Jordan, of Georgia, a have not taken timo by the forelock I and asked the Legislatures of every 3 Southern State to enact a uniform law 1 in all of these States upon the ques tion of child labor. I believe that chivalry, patriotism, common sense and business prudence, all dictate such a course. It needs only a few of our largest and best mills to set their faces sternly against the abuses of child la bor to arouse public sentiment so that proper and just laws will be passed. The exceedingly small additional profit in child labor 'will deter no just man from such a course. " We want more and better cotton mills in the South; we want them in Tennessee and Mississippi, as well as in the Carolina@ and Georgia. We want more Northern capital invested in such mills. If it is generally be lieved that our mills make money only because they employ child labor, and that when child labor is done away with such investments will' not be profltable, capital, knowing that such laws will inevitably be passed, will be slow to invest in Southern cotton mills. Bt. on the other hand, if it can be proved, as I am confident it can, that these Southern mills can pay botter dividends than English or New England mills without child labor at all, then capital, with absolute confl dence, will invest largely in them. " Every man in the South, there fore, who desires to see cotton mills multiply and extend wherever cotton is growhn, should demand that abuses of chilt labor in Southern factories cease and ceaso immediately.,, II. B. Carpenter, a civil engineer, who has just completed the survey of the southern line of Utah, says the boundary betwcon that State and Ari zona does not cross a foot of cultivated landl. It traverses a desert which is cut up by great canyons that are al most impassablo. The length of the lne is 277 miles. Landmarks along the line will make it possible for the boundary to be located without any diticulty I the future. Just east of the Colorado river a sand-stone butte rises 1,000 feet above the plain, and the very Peak of this butte is exactly on the boundary. Gen. (reely, chief of the United States signal service, has sailed for Alaska, where he will superintend the building of the government telegraph systemn from Valder to Eagle City. Is this the beginning of the government control of the telegraph ? It is an nounced that, owing to the difficulty of maintaining land imes from Dawson to Ashcroft, the government may lay a land cable over the most difficult mountains. At present during severe storms the lines are interrupted by the falling of trees, etc. The victims of Mont Pelee's latest eruption only returned to their homes last week, tho French government thinking that danger was over. CASTORIA For Infa~nts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought -Special Prico On KlNDl'fRGAiLTEN ORGANS for one month only, $5.00, $610.00, and $'70. 00. Delivered at your depot. $5.00 to accompany order. This is ahead of any otfer over made for spot cash. Write for terms. L. A. McCord, M'gr. MuCOltD MEMlCH ANDISE~ CO., Lau rens, S. C. Charies G. Leslie, r \VIIOLE2ALE~ DEALERI IN --Fish and Ovsters~ ai 18 & 20 MA RK ET ST., CH ARLESTON, S. C. Consignments of Country Produce are reaecf ulyso'icited, P'oui try, Eggs &o. aeh aked in biarrels and boxes for .country trade a speialty. a -.. .. * Order Your Fresh LFish and Oysters e from The Terry Fish Co., Charleston, ,e 8. C., or The Columbia Fish and Ice r Co., Columbia, S. C., and write to e thorn for price list. n F. S. TERRY, Manager. h j5 Medical College ell of Virginia. ta ....Esta.lfashed .1888.... of Departments of Medicine, Dentists, .-and Pharmacy. For particulars and ur catalogue address, Christopher Temp. a- kins, M. D., Dean, Richmond, Va. *A1NDERSON BABB, Contractor and Builder uI to Pieckens, S. e