Newspaper Page Text
OmbdQMS HIMSELF TO ????BBtlS OF NATIONAL ff? ??^^^M5PIRIT mwm?- iftfcYe is No Eruption ls .'??ro-iagn, -The /Caldron ; ) Doesn't ?oil ?M?:?*'i *. ,> ". ?*tHwmitt?bnr*nrrcb 2^.-^?H ?I?H heart t^l?MH*tal)4>Wlth tho newapaper meri WAJy . Dight Pr?sident Wilson gave th*?fbttfrWWg?Statcmcnt .as to, his feel - Inkijflth reference t?.Jhe Presidency: .'?T?^yOS Just thinking of my SCUM,, of ?oKtulbn of Identity, sometimes, when I inRcp articles, about myself. [ nev t?f 'h&xe rJ'fld an; article about myself Itt;ICI) KraoiSlrniaed. rufsoir. andi I bttVe coViie to have tlie Impression that must' b? -some, kind of fraud, because I thlhjuagJieat many of these articles aro -written In abBoIytnly good fpltb. lureihblo to" think of th" variety and f?lft?feess In the Imprest.ins I 'make tm^4*fnaa I am a cold and removed mHt) who bas a thinking machine ln ?jjr^lch fje^junts to, the, idrcjiln I iMHWs, Which he do?s not allow to be fidVed by any wlnda-of uffecifon ox tiwfoh of any MndUjbut tune*llkuM <BfOwarehlIghtron^nythmg that'-is ?reHnled to his attention und makes ?AFC*'1' - ' ftra not awnro ?r having ap? detachablo apparatus inside of m?. UftHe] con try ry If I were io interpret rajffil'l would say that my constant ^nHpjC^aajQQOjLJB to restrain tho emo tnuktaat aa*? tosido of mn lEITOu may not believe it, but I some. fBUs feel- like a far from extinct vol <?fi and If the lava does not seem to Som; over, lt ts bocauso you are not iilltti enough to see into the basin and ?bt! the caldron boll. Because truly MKl?men, In the position which I now W?kffr, ?.b?ije ls a feering which I do jgKpuiow ho*w to express than to ::aj' HflpNd'jpate sense of bcln? connected Win ?ly fellowmen in a peculiar rola. tflUfitp' of responsibility. Not mere ig??tb responsibility of office, but (Jod WEBS* there are enougn things inthis woina fhht nsed to be corrected. ?are mixed,' first and last, with < wttt???ifaM ?condition* of jaen-r-thore Mighty few" kinds of men that have described'to me,, and there arc wS?^i^fi'W ikiads Off experiences that jUBjfctel^'described to me-and w^en Ltkwb. of the ftumhe? of'men wlio are wBfBtBjf r y rf II II rn lim i rr i r ? an ' ii 11 " ri ri < <'Wil* the nope for ali varieties wUjMk^yjiim .tba thing? ?ne' midst ot he makes ^:?fattJ>le, ; it wakpame tremble not ?jU?SKm:;^'?^n--^lt?y, own iaadc Jui? we?k?iessv jfaut'M if I ?tere ;AHjP by the very thia; ? that arc JHKMO to; and if r ?s?m eircum borause, I. nra so diligently ':*HR^<*M? iDBk^ a,aV colossal- blup I ''/?' ?sBft&m^'rB n ffiltp*" CR" make in ly * f?3f?\Jra' if' ho Is no\ careful, and ir he Jjli^t, Helen Inore than be talks, von .^?Sly aqaiefbtng ot me feeling thai ts ant lined the other day at a re ' l?SBLtbat . : Senator. Newlands made ^3S^ him tho trust message I H^^^^BtrtdMlver to congress some ten ?HSW-P*'^ delivered it, and I never . flffil^doct?rlng things bf that kind un vffi^B^:i?lay-1 have to deliver them ? Jt read to congress lu ?:? ^?nmjr lt Was better than when HBlKlr^b'me." I said "S?nator ??^?BjfcWfhmg ?Weh I do not think i constan fi t hot only use all thc ^^K' have but all t can borrow J|H|n^.?oTr^ww a rot since 1 read first." That I dare say, it vea the impression of circum 1 ani listening; I am trylnj ?rr tocV.?c?t sil tba bralps thal vfttifo;rthat,l .may'. ?ot mak? ?????Pe than'lt ^ Inevitable thai nate 1, suppose ?, must be' somt uisTt to conceal it t real, ?emaltoi?s a? If T. wert' mai >M Wen :X paich a picture a? ft^HlMs^iF^*^ Vt?tfrJptton. It in*?, ib** t have to, dp as j iniHKti o?tUjer ?! never think of myseii .XlUlUB |?>fi?ni*ri< fir the Unite* States vee had an sense of being id&ftSte* With that office. I feel llk< ,rfl?W>oHitba.' -tot ? certali ? MK^'CUlf'tV admlhiaier that of .e/?ba I feel just as much outside o ?nsciit M- j'diu before I wai itt ;; I^cei jnst aa mueh^put ^ fe^^^^^S&c^e'wInl^a? mucl ?Tto Xsr*lt ? ?ai> me;' tllat is insldi ?V $^te?M?^:'''4' know iieMeetly well th?1 ki^L.i3B?^?t^i ?>fiL loJl lust mv awi sltV tjMgl Ililli lliiil li i the" time'beim H'v '"^ffiif "':'iy':-^':r'r'' r-stw?|li?b%t reiw-i. St!Uw tW" rf?? ife>nS Viv&* btust ?tve vrny to bim," ' Th?] ImiiHt not H? down IT hr IH standing up. ?lt I? a very uncomfortable Hiing to [have to think qf ail the ol ?IT people Lev?tytinje Ljgat-?p auT^U.down. .. .So it'iat when I!pogues ts tra :n> house ami the public ia snut OUt) 1 adjourn being President and take leave to li > a gen thinan If they draw back and insist upon my doing something first, I firm, ly decline. ""TJCSSB Sro" blessed Inter. .Y'?l? .wh.eaJ.rprjc.'t hy ojie.ineqns ot au* oilier that lani President of thc I 'II ii .?d states One means by which I for get is to get u'ruttllng good detective jPorvf S4'1 ."U?''R A?MO ?1upiKtJia|ry Of gcmiir.miifi (ias^J?lni Jllj>?YC/T-,-|>r<|j erabTy any erfhtincirt brr? this .because the various parts of this continent are ,b"CU/h.i ;, painfully, suggestive to nie. .The pestofnee ond .many oilier thing-* which stir rerrilnbu-ejiicos have s'iik lied''them o'er, wllk.r .? pale east o: thought.' Therqisrf%lo^o8U!flioeH i tu which I woQldn't ttittfk or mailing a letter, which I can't think of without tiembling with tho knowledge of all the heartburnings of thestniggle there waa in conn ca iOiiri with getting some body installed us puHtnrhster. "Now. if I were free, I would noni*! not Infrequently 'TTp-'fo these rooms Von know 1 was-te'Washington but a few times and f<jr,t?ift?ry few hours Un. til I came last year, and I never ex pect to see the inside of the public buildings In Washington until my tenn is^ over. ,The inimit? I turn up any where, I am personally conducted to beat the band. 'The curator, and l:ie .assistant curators and every other blooming official turns up, and they show rn" sn much ; attention thut I don't see the building. I would have to suy 'stand aside and let me t>v [ivhaCiyrty ?r?''Hhx>w#?g i?^ V; Soinp darj 'afton' I->n ii?-through,, with i^a^flfec. I am coming back to- Washington and se?- lt. In the meantime. I am m th? SUMi? category as the aXttonnl Mu ?eumt/the monument, the Smithsonian Justiiuft, or th'ii\pnngresslonal libra ry. Ilefag uifg(^'(;d as*, a .Hiitfnnal ex hibit would be mucj) simpler thin be ing shaken hands with by the whole .rolled states. . >"And yet that ls interesting to mo, simply because I like minan beings. lt ls a pretty poor crowd that does not interest you. I think thoy would have to be all members of tnat-cHiss mai ne. votes itself to 'expense regardless of pleasure' In order U> bev entirely yi\\n* tereuting. Tlwse, look so much alike -spend tlrolr<tlinV treing to look so much alike, and so relieve themselves of all responsibility of thought,' t'u'ut they are very monotonous indeed to look at; whereas, a crowd picked up off the street is just a jolly lot, a job lot cf real human beings, pulsating with life, with ul! kinds of passions and desires. It would be a great pleasure If, unoyiscTved and unat tended, I could be knocked uround as I have.been accustomed., to ..being knocked around all my life; ir I could 'resort ;to any delight nil quarter, to any place . In Washington? . that I Choose, I have sometimes thought of going to some, .costumer's,, some thea trical cost miler's, and buying an as sortment of beards, rouge, aqd.eolpr ing and aU. the known meam} of^ dls gblslng 'myself, lr it, ' were,, pp t, ,flga%t the lsw. . You see ^ha.vq a. scruple as President against breaking the law, and disguising m y ??o? f and not g^t fealightT I wbhfd gb dut," be a'' free American cltisen once" moro, and' heve a jolly time. ? might then mo?t some of "you gentlemen and' actually tell yb'u what 1 really thought," fe./ * POLITICAL INMNTHltS *, '*' '?'.'.'.' * - ? . i m>--'.- j'? ? . -v . , , Newberry Observer. Thia in poiiticai year, and every-: body ;a making prognostications-ex-] cept The Observer. The 'Observer ls no prophet. And it la not particu larly interested, except in a general way, wanting only to see good and capable men elected. With the line-up of candidates for governor, ' so far announced, there does not seem to be anything for the average voter . worry about. He could scarcely fail out of that bunch of a dozen or more to find ona roan to his I lu lng. sod If one does not elect his candidate out of that-hunch he can hardly he much hurt, for lt is a! pretty good aggregation ot men from none of whom uothlng is to be feared. If The .Ohs?rver had any advice to ofter abour the campaign, lt would be' something .Uko,this;, ' t 1. Don't be too quick to mako up your nilhd.. An old Revolutionary leader used to urge his men to "hold .YQuV . powder (ill von can see the whites, of their eyes." That waa good advice in (np old days. when, guns did not si mot ?ery far; and lt is pretty good advlco at. all times not ! to shoot too quick and waste your am-' munltlc.i. Besides, lt ls best to wait and see who wil be in the race, and haw tho candidates conduct them selves. a. DonV promise your Voto to any man. ' Thai makes one . serf politi cally and - tool. Be independent. Let no r ate be able to say that your vot. .ongs to bim.' v' 8 pont get excited for your man. if you havo a favorite In the race There ta not going to be anybody In the running that ls as goad a friand to you and your family as-you are yourself, and it is not likely that there! w?ll> not be any candidate for whom ) lt will be worth your while to spend Mtner much tim? or much money on.1 j'4. There are many things worth atom to - the/ordinary ellison than ls polities. l.)on\ neglect them, te run about: the country to abuse each other and' proc'isim how much ' limy love -the.'pennie. . y J : *. Beriefoher that the re^rtWW who only Jkiven those who \e<< t . hi p loprcs them . not as felton ?41 .ena ot fellow-beings, but for wast lie ot, > make out ot t?em aa a tpolUi tician. I ?,. Choose your favorite, noa 1 from prejudice, but from your Judgment) of their character and ' capacity, and then stick to them with a quiet de termination that neither threats aor :ajplery can move. 7. Vote Tor the men that wilt be. af the great^t honeflt to the sin:a it largo ? ? ' i v8. Vote Wr ?ier^eat mea. | ?JV >A .'. . t ' t \ ? LANSING WILL NFAV YORKER NOMINATED j FOR COUNSELLOR OF STATE DEPT. SOLICITOR NAMED Cone Johnson, Brilliant Texas j Lawyer Will Succeed Jos. W. Folk (l!y Associated Press.) Washington, .Varch 20.-The presi dent today? announced thc nomina tion ?if Hohen Lansing of New York, for conn t-cl lor of iho State Department to .Succeed .ioho Bassett Moor', and ( one Johnson of T >xus, solicitor of the dopa, ri moil '<> succeed Joseph Folk. Mr. Lansing is nu associate editor ot' tile. American tournai of Int rnu tu.n.i] iaw und the author of several wori< ? on international subjects. Ik> ls fifty years obi,, wars associate conn: e| for the ' I .?Ked Slates State-. li) t?K> hering Ffc?a arbl tr*'hm; \$fji-&i)?: counsel*'for the' raited Stales in the Hering, Sea claims I c?imrr/TsHioirof''tK!)6i-!lt solicitor for the ? l'njted 'States on th? Alaskan bound- J arv tribuna) ind".;. cpuuael. In 'tho ar- I bit rat fon at The Hagpc. io 1909 of the .^'ortii Atlantic coast fisheries eise His home is in Watertown. N. Y M .. Johnson, who will succeed Jo scph IV. Polk, as solicitor, is about lil years old, and according to the n-i.tcn-.iul issued from tho Wh IV? Hom . today is one o? the most bril liant lawyers in Texas Ile was a can didate for the t'nlted States senate w.iv.:, retired from thc cpstft because of ill health. .Th? White Mouse describ?.l him a.< oho of the leading factors in progres sive democracy. Secretary Bryan said that he knew b,oth men personally and he consider ed them eminently fitted for their po sitions. Both are democrats. T?r. Secretary John W. Faster of lite s'ate department, a warm personal friend Johnson lins not been active In pol itics. He ls a son tn law of former of long standing of John Bassett Moore, whom he succeeds, and now is the agent for the United States on the British-Ameridan pecuniary claims commission in session hore. . P.rREK.t NOT LS i's- . '? * ** * * ' ".."Rbw John T. Mann preached at Eu reka Sunday afternoon .at 3 o'clock. He and his wife sang a beautiful du et. Mrs. Dora Breazeale and'Mrs. Joe [Kay of Belton;. MTS. LOU Young.and, Mrs. Mary Qrr .of GrecnviUe spent tho .?reek end at the home of, W". L. An derson. A .finer, quartette of women i seldom gcttsn tog^t^c-r. Mr. Harper Ballentine returned to ?GrG&nvBln' ^tarday^ after spending awhile w?-.j his honi?-i'olks convales cing l' om a recent illness. Our offlclen? mall carrier. Mr. Lu I thar Major, is going to sive us still ?better service. He has purchased a nice auto so as to make the rounds more rapidly. Mrs. Long has been sick for?'eev eral days. We trust that she will soon bo well. "* ' -v ? The W. M. S. met Tuesday afternaon' with Mrs. A. M Campbell. .?*? j Mrs. O. W. Kay gave a quilting beet Thursday. The following lollies quilted four quilts, Mesdames B. B. Brezeale,; I* E. Campbell, M. M. Cambpell. J. W [Shirley, W. L. Anderson, Lena Gara brelh Robert Erskine, John Griffin. Butler Griffin. Culbert Shaw. Luther Campbell aud Miases Shaw. Campbell.. Smith, Ersklna and Kay. LOURING FOR GOOD M KN Br. H. F. Smith of Kesley var State I Xml Senate . Piekens. Marchi. 19.-The Picken* Sentinel of this week says that con siderable pressure bab been brought to bear to have Dr. R, P. Smith ot Easlty, make the race for th? Stativ Se?ale from - Piekens county to suc ceed ' 1 lon. Thomas j. Mnuldin, elected Judge. A PARENT HEPLIKS Taben Issac With Teacher ea Certain' i Propositions Editor The Intelligencer: i ; In your issue oL.the 14th inst., nn i article appeared addressed to the pa- ? rente of Anderson, but signed, "An derson county teacher.", lt thia writer^ i is a county teacher, why. address the.' ] parents or Anderson? We would love; . to think that the' teacher was inls-* . .quot dd in that open '.etter. . i The letter IQ part-Says; ",Tti?,>a?hoil , book? of today ere prepared with u*-' most oax*r and. th* explanations-ftlveu j have proved adequate to the avera?? , mind apd that lack , of application ?a < thp cur^btH?^'n'?r-the lacfc'plJtfM I, are th^ttwo,^We^rewppf..M& chUd not underaXand5ng*;th?, >ftspna j assigned. Solanum ia, the wjsest nar e?nt that wo hav? any account, or.and * i? .. are taught that 2* had a thousand I r.vos, but one sort, a a i*har he wes a i fool. The purent? s?uvehlldren today < ave many generations from Solomon? i New, .viii iii? teacher consider this fact and let up on the parents with their children. * - I Again, "Teacher" says: "lt is the 1 worst possible injury for the parent j to do.the work for the boy." And yet. i how. often tba boya are sent homo i with instructions from "teacher* to ? let your mother or'your papa help I you, or learn 'you your lesson, not- < withstanding the fact that the county < ami state has employed "teacher.; and Ihn pHy ls sure, to Instruct thc child-! ren without much bruin, and if it l's! all the Kaine with the teacher, just re verse the order, of things, teach th*? I children their leeson si school and lol them recite to their parente. Parent. names, March |9, IOU. THROAT Cl"! KIMMI t\lt TO KAR.I _?_LL.: : i . . little h nunn V.*v*\*V Tl.$l l|U|<h\] ilmly Was Kouiid. N'owbcrp, Mtr?h Ji?. Manly Hatch.*] keeper of, thy Obld<boro jirimbi r Co. j commissary willoh isTIecsted in' 'the limber woods near cutup, was found' thia afternoon with his throat cut from oar to < ar' -Tb?*, budy i^as'Oon? healed lu a clump of bushes and the' iniirederd man imd probably 'been : dead several hours, as lils body was' Miff. Hatch Ara's seen about K o'clock j this morning. At that time So was In'l tin commissary building attending to his duties and seemed tj be in the bi M ol spirits. About noon one ot the I lumbermen went to thc commissary toi BOC ti rc some articles needed by bim j and lound the place unoccupied. A search was instituted for Mr. Hutch ami liiis resulted In ?.lie finding of his body. The murd.-r had been committed in t'.',<. road and at the point where the man was attacked there was a great pool of blood and from this point was a trail made through thc bushes where the body had bean dragged through them. Robbery was evidently the object ?if th<. murder, bm the managers of the. company and the. police have no?_; the slightest clu-> as to the perpetrator of the deed. Au alarm has been sent out to the police in all nearby towns to! be on tre lookout for suspicious char acters and a walch is being kept on all trains coming from that place. Hatch wa? a residen ol'. Richlands | nnd js survived by his.wife. DR. J?S. P. KIN ARD VISITS ANDERSON ?iiisgggftjb*?! T^arTu*?!* Who Has i Many Pupils In This City Among the prominent educators ofi tba state who atf.cneC'i the State teacher's convention and ?ame by An derson to visit relatives is Jus. P. Kinard, Ph. I)., professor ot English at (pc South. .?urolina Military Col-' lege. Mr. Kinard held the same po-, sitlofi'tit Winthrop College fdr a nnm-' ber of,''i'ear8,l'mid acted at times as' President'ot'thai institution, in the oe-! ca sionai nbsejuce ? of Professor John son "on business. 1 tir, . kinard .1ms I to4pS' fdrm?r'!lt?upil8 In Anderson, as this .'county, has always furnished ' a large' jVrojttorYlp/p of the pupils at Win throp! tHe also has a number oi rel atives^ Ifere." , TOTMMI a brother of Jphn M. Kinara of Newberry, ^?4- many years, president of the. Commercial Bank of, that city,-artd recently president ot the alumni of the State university and president of the state Hunkers' oon vehtfori.'' DT.,0klnard'? grandfather'. Qed.'''U: KlhAW, was for years tne sheriff'of Newberry county, a eont?m-| porary'of'John* Belton O'Neal!. Hi?' father waa Lieut. Col.' John M. Krnaril of* $?<i' Suth, South Carolina, killed , at the head' pf' tris regiment in the Shen andoah Valley near Winchester. This distinguished educator was h'raseif trained at the Citadel, and af t-uichlng for some years took his de gree at Jbhh Hopkins. He was sup erintendent of the schools at New berry and later wo,s elected head of the English department of Winthrop where ho remained from the day the college opened until last year wheni lie. was called, to thc chair ne now oe-1 cupl?s with such distinction ac thot successor of the graceful James Cum mings. Or. Kinard combines what Is so rare, the executive knack with the literary and scholarly ability. He ls an,,author of note; his text books be ing many schools of tho coun try. .His wife waa M??s "Lee Wicker bf^Virginia, one ot the members of the original faculty of Winthrop. She ls a Jwonan of intellectual and social gifts that have made her the socall center of a large circle. ^h*: Kinard IB ? Baptist. Bi ?tish Ministers fri Discuss Situation London, March 20.-Four cabinet m.alster? spoke of thc Ulster situa Lion ht different' meetings on Friday lohn Hums, president of the local government board, m an address said: Home rule is a question mainly for Irclnnd Jt&tlf. Three-fourths of the people there have .demanded it for i rears, and we have no right to listen ; o tho demand fer more concessions < ir clamor. Wo have no more desire to yield to he lawjess lawyers than to lawless laborers,' Thomas McKinnon Wood, jeqretary of state of Scotland said: 'W)B wl|l carry home rulo, by agree- i nefat if wa possibly, can. Hut without t if we must.'' Augustine Blrrell, cn:er secretary ot Ireland., declared the government s proposai to give CIsto,- freedom from coercion fer sU years anu that he ?chemo of Andrew" nonar L?"w meant immediate coercion if a. referendum ' iga In st Ulster. i .jSir John Allsebrook Simon, attorney i meerai, said the governm nt proceed I o g? stoadi?v oii. adding:. ''Wha?c\vi- | lappehs. we will see.'* that t'a vt 'and i >rder/and unflinchlngly'observed tn Cl- t Uer." . ---- y Seeks Oalj AUsaeay. i Atlanta, March, 20.-Beean so her ,? msband ls subieVf to frequent Ats of 1 jealousy, ?ad s\*.*s, Mrs. Ida BS. Elli--j ion bas appealed to the court for sec* I .ration anti alimony, but does not %fSk i llvorce. She bia had pno exeat writ I saned against ber husband, to pre- .1 rent him from leaving jSc state be-" 'ore the alimony h ear hi g. I1 1 ? '? ? I ' '. 1 1 .... PREST. WILSON TALKS FREELY Unbosomed Himself to The Newspaper Men at the White House iPy Associated Press? . Washington, Murch '?(> -?Woodrow Wilson uniHisoiiK'il hlUMolf to mem bers o? Hie .Naumai I'n-ss ('lui, today, telling them in a fra.ik, conversation- | ul way hmv he felt as President of the-j (Jplied SUH-S, how difficult lt was iori l:in) to imagine himself as thf chief] executive wWh '.ii;- ;.'rnial am?nit?s of' tin- position and how he had strug gled to be as free as the ordinary In dividual, without the restraints . f IIIBJ office. It wss an intimate oicture of ! Woodrow Wilson, the man, drawn by himself, on the oeeasslon of the] "house warming" at the press club's nev quarters. Tho pr<*aldenb ;djd not intend ;o have his remarks reported, but later at tho rocnest of tho club, the unusual speech was made'public. The president talked entirely for mally. He wore n sack stilt and stood' with his hands In his pockets as ho! spoke. He was in a happy mood and his remarks were constantly pundit-j at. d with laughter and applause. Mr. Wilson ls a member of the press club, having been elected ?is an author long; before he became president- ? Mem-1 hors ol' the cubinet, Speaker Clark and' manv ollicials were also guests of Hie newspaper men. An Anderson fuse. lEditorial in the Manning Times.) Tho Supreme the stute has lately rendered a dec.?-:i,;i in Ute case of the city of Andersen against Fant, which will be a matter, of much impor tun?e to towns and cities in the en-1 forcement of their ordinances with' regard to tho sale of Honor by blind j tigers, hut holds that a mere "go-be lies the law as affecting actual blind tigcrB, hut holds that a, moro "go-bne iween m not a nutter ot liquor unuer the general policy of the law against the sale of alcoholic liquors. The city or Anderson had an ordinance similar to that or most of the towns of thc state, against the sale.of alcoholic liquors within Its limits, under the power conferred in the state law, com monly known as the Carey-Cothran law. Two white men wanted some liquor and called a negro and gave him some money to go and hunt it for them, but when he returned with the liquor Jic was nabbed by the city a,ur thorities and charged with violation oit| the city ordinances., : 'JJ ? It was not proved that ene^negre ran1 a hilad*tiTr,,oV thatflie^-wap? h\ ML*! habit of? selling whiskey, although the 1 testimony showed that he did buy the liquenjrrom fM>N#(LA?gSP fpn#*} white. -men. The blind tiger was indicted, .but the negro waa.iound auUiy before the city court, and the .verdict of con viction was sustarnWby-Uhe circuit court, whereupon the case was carried by appeal to the highest tribunal. The decision of the ?upr.eraeMcourt; holds' that city ordinances. In , Brich cases must be construed in naririony with the policy' of law not, to punish'the'buyer, but trie seller of 'lifluor and'that since 1t .'was not proven that the party in dicted rah.any'blind tige? 6~ ""hat ac was iii ihe habit or selling or trans* porting iltpaOr, but inere?y' act?d ao a ?eel or go-between to purchase the liquor from a blind tiger r?r rae witltc men, an indictment against him, under tlje state of facn aa prev?n,' could not be sustained. . . * "'. * THIS IS FARMING * ? The Six and Twenty ? * correspondent of The * Hailv Intelligencer sends * this * bit of information: * Mr. B. F. Whitaker * sold one of IrisVyearlings * tjiejojlier day"f it was 4' *' years' old" and Weighed * ene ..thousand two .hun fc dred and' sixty" pounds, * *- bringi?g -Vim ihe sum- of * *' $65. Hurry .un? Uncle, * * Ben and sclbanotner calf.,, * .? * ' ? ?> ? ? * f "? * a Tft.O KEW R. E. ? ROrTES (Vite from Siilkehiitchle and Aiifiinrj .', BY From- Lodge ; t. J Walterboro. March 20.-We have re cently received notice, frorn Hon. R. S. Whaley, congressman from , this] district that he has succeeded in get' ting petitions for th# establishment of two new rural routes in Colieton county approved, and the service will be commenced on those as soon as possible. One of these will lead out from Salkehathie and the other, out from Lodge. "Roth of those routes wilj save n large numb**, yjf people, all of whom will-be delighted to know that Mr. Wbalr has succeeded in get ing'thTeir'rMittoh* -app?rrV?tt? HR. STU A IT TAKES CliARftK (Newberry Herald and News.) Dr. Strait has qualified as superin tendent of, the state-hospital for .tho Insane, and ba? taken charge pf -tho institution. - Ho ls, a gentleman .who isa heen signally honored-by hie peo ple, and against whose character . aa \ man and whose reputation aa a phy irteiaa nobody bas been,able- to say my thing, cv?n is MI? ii i il lu* uircum I tan ces in which Ms appointment was nade. Aa matter of fact without ref srenee to anything that baa gone bo tore, Dr. Strait h} a*.?**sV.?ne gentle man and a physician- of recoghlied ?billty. and, above all, he I? a ?en pf good, hard, common sense,, and we Wist that under his administration of the affairs ot tho state hospital, peace alli rabin supremo, aaa waboyeva u silt if? ********** * NO COS? TO YOU * . -4-:. . * Ii is rfj^l .an easy * '. matter to separate * : the names of the * subscribers to The * ; Daily Intel?i??'nc?r *! 1 fromKi { s?fpi^e?ki^ ^ [? ly subscribers, the * * continued illness of * the lousiness rriana- "* i: ger of this paper be- * * ing emite a draw- * !: back to us, and we * * therefore assure * * any of our readers * * who subscribed for * !: the semi-weekly * * and happen to get * * the daily , that they * * will not have to pay * * for the daily. Take * * it and read it with * * our compliments *j * until we can get ttiei * {* m a ri i n ?? " lists *: * straightened " out, * * which wil be -in ? * * few days. .?>?,.- * ??: Ik? i* * ' * JH . *"#.* * '* .1 (M'S**' AndcrKOB School In thc BigRInfi. I- . uff-*; "That's tho one. qjd hoy? keep', em! ciieRRiner- "shoot 'nm >ncrMR' ton hnrt 1 old scout: make 'em hit; now you're pitching like the old fellows, you're | there with the speed; s'obm 'em over.", Who is going to bear these words thrown at them th i.s. sp rani or when tho' base ball season ?penn In Anderson,) with lae Andergbn^Iiluing school lead-] inj; in the Prep, League? Why all of tho staunch supporters of th-i school, willbethe ones that . will do the talk-') lng, talking to the, ?Wist pitcher in the Prep. Association. O, yes, the other, nlayers will be there pulling off plays' that will make the veterans takei no tice. iU'iftger .Sullivan stated yesterr' bVfy ?*f.c<-.-toon .that there would be 24' Kains scheduled for the sca.flpn, and if., t Ho baseball fans of. Anderson want-to1 see some reaj ball playing, fwjiy here,, in, your chance, . Tho baseball .-asBo-1 biatlon ls in Uebtjrom last season and', if the boys band you. a ?Jtlat to- sub scribe your small, mite, do nov turn. it.? down, go to*???s??m ?oap?, andvebo*,, your . r.pprecl?ttoa for ta* ( marven ta?i is on foot. If,the .A4de/s0p can' not.stWPort(a <ftea?/ln; |?>e>k??gne,-,tbf n help support one thai will be a credit, to town and,.-.w, Ul cost quite .SO much money.' , (iTj.:^t? oijT : Hart?,''ll, (ia? *J8um Service ?Iren by j , Company. t Hartwell, Ga., Sun.) \ motor has Just be?&i. installed at ?ne court house 'tfl"pumpr the waler for the system .?|J^*atGr works. . A RaHolirielxmgine has. been,u,sed for several y ea ?J, tuit the authorities sf the city thought best to discontinue its use, as Hartwell has 24-hour el electric ??rviec and it will be much more satisfactory tb use this means ot raising the ? waters tb the tank. Thc Franklin Light 'and-Power Co., with its main office and plant In Hart-1 well, which supplies the:town of Roy ston, Bowersvtll? and Levon ia with | power.gnd light Installed a number of. niotors in Hartwell. The Buri ls on*| of the users. * Tire service, is excel lent and wo feel' -sure?? Hartwell did the right- thing in disposing of tho 'ilant to thia company. The system ils a whole hae bedn'greatly improved aince. they took ?Imrge. '. : y Protracted Meeting ls Regan. ... Beginning 'Wlttt- next Moindav night i s?ri?s Of sermono will- be >preaobed in the Christ i atr church oy Charles C. Ware, of Greenwood, Mn - Ware is thoroughly : prepared, -to deliver > able ind tnterestingiiSdrmons. The song lervice begins promptly, at 'o'clock avery night. Mr?. Ware will assist In personal work ond special solos, the public is cordially Invited tb at tend these, meetings. * * * * * * * * * * * * Atlanta Letter f * # * Jft flji^S-flft. * * # Atlanta. March 20:-Un^^r" the Hie 'The . Next Go verupr. anti it'he nest Senator," Mr. Hearst's newspaper, the Atlante Georgian.,.puts itself on rec ord todav in ? leading editorial aa 'avering tho unoiid\pged return of Sens or Hoke Smith to,WaaMagftn, and 'io election of John Marshall, Slatqn . ?ither as governor or Junior senator, 1 ivhle-i*vcr Mr. Slaton decides to offer " The paper *m actively support Governor Slaton : '(thetti&r g^erfco* ?r tor?;th*ten&a?? I al'Office left vacant by Bacon's death . ??Thc Ge^p^sl^lleV?a- that Beh?br 1 Hoke Smith by the national influence 1 jp him won, na? bombnswatcd that Georgia's national posltloa and pow?r a best scrvdd by holding.** his place ia long as he maintain* bis present itandard of capacity and leadership, < Mid that he clearly ?nit unquestiori- 1 nb|y deserves as unopposed rc-e)ec? : lon to his place Jj? the?aenatc." ?1 Of Governor Slaton, the editorial 1 lays. '?ith?fr Georgia nor tho sout> 1 iss sn> public .roan of whom If has ; treater reason to be proud. He bas ( dou?' gr??t Service ft? mi open way ?.o the commonwealth. This newspa per Is for Oov?rnor Slatoifs unop posed re-election a?, governor, if he asks for a settond tofm. "Or if Gover nor Slaton Should aspire to fill the senatorial chair left-vaoant hy Smator Becca's death, the Georgian will cheer fully and beartlly give him its support for that position, without deprecating J in any way the merits and character of t!ii able and useful Georgiana who ? play he hp? cor$p<!U<vT?. ? ' : j I Atlanta. March 20. Tor the death :of John 'L . Bleckley, fourteen Vears.^old.) ; -erna! newsboy who was killed . ?reet ear. Mrs. Julia I Bleckley his . asked $25,000 I damages from . > Georgia Railway and Power company in the city court [Thursday morning. Mrs. Bleckley states In her petition I that the hoy was earning $25 per month or more, and that ite supported her. -She- says he was riding on his bicycle to deliver a load of Journals, about two months ano. having just left sub-station No 1. ut 495 Edge wood avenue. She ?tatos lie tried to turn at Ran dolph street, when two Edgewood avenue downtown ears both going over 25 miles an hour, passed. The second ono, which lie did not see. struck bini, mnngling him so thut ho deid within a few hours. Negligence on the part of the motorman is al leged Atkinson & Brown attorneys, filed the suit. "The ( ali of the Heath.? Atlanta, Morell 20.--So Illuminating and instructive WUB the mass Qf data and Information relative to Hie possi bilities of Georgia, the Empire State of Hie South, contnmf-d' In the recent '.Special edition of "The Call of the South," th?t acores of request? have I benn Bent In to the editors to send the issue broadcast over the country, j The magazine, which is published in I the interests of belter literature, in the 'south and the development of'south's immense material? advantages, ' will therefore make Its appearance short ly in every section of Hie United States from which Georglu might ulan |jiun|itiuir nrmcitl MIIU llllllie seekers. Thc special edition was gotten up with the assistance of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, whoso officers and many of Us members con tributed heavily to its columns. The campaign foi' good roads, the war on the boll Weevil, the movement to ex tend the sale and purchase of Georgia made and Georgia grown products; the diversification and marketing of crops and other planks in the state wide constructive platform of the State Cliambor: receive expert treat ment in the hands of such promin ent ceotrtbutoMi'as .flavB'rfi?r; johpj-VC, Slaton, 1X~KT Ofr, Br. AnoTOw So?le. Mrs. Z. I. Fitzpatrick, presi dent or the Georgia ..federation of .Women's clubsf E. H.i-Hyman of the Macon Chamber.'of Commer??t Erwin P. Ansley? Miss Mildred Rutherford Telam?n smith Gayler,. Hon. Jesse E. Mercer? and a score of others equally \vc?l< known. Stamp of Approval fer Tai:??; Atlanta.. March 20.-r-.The tango-and' ot ker niodoca dances; in conservative form, wilt -receive, the -stamp 'of "ap proval bf the executive mansion and the first lady ot Georgia this after noon wbcn~Mffl7Johh Marshall Stan ton, wife of th? governor, will glte % ' cabaret tea. fer the. local CJrarober fm the Daughters*' of the \Amorfcan ftevo-^ lut lon. , Charming . Misa, Charlotta Meador. dougthter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Meador, and Percy Ansley, son of Mr. and Mrs. ?dwiriP. Ansley, will- give a series of exhib?ton dances, and oth er weil hr"*" society people will take part In addition to the exhibition danc ing, there will be music*? selections and readings. While the turkey trot" an denimel dances, aa they were called, whenever popular with tho best elem?dt lp Atlanta society, tho more graceLu tango and the hesi tation waltz, tala fhey will be danced at .tho executive mansion, have been r?c?lved abd given the stamp or ap nro^val already m the highest social '. Monkey Suririigctte. Atlanta, Mhrcb '2a-^0?li?/s?ffrhgetto moy omen t baa struck tlio monkey c?gq^gt lhe*%ant Park?xoo^accord ing ja9 ZbOineeier? BoA, Ad Kbc ?III.V Be^tafea^rpa/wno 'Va boen monarch bf f^t? minksyi House for many moons has behi deposed and an . 3? ?#,,9JmsuoM .When. BUL the JWav gest. ape tn the cage, stepped on one ot lucy's sore toes. It angered har so that he had. the advantage of her in sise and weight. Seeing*thelr for mer leader beaten to earth th* other monkeys; flocked to the new standard? King .Bill, is In disgrace, < He doesn't, dare ,to steal a peanut from the smallest she-monkey in the jpafe, and when, somebody hands Bill * al leo of orator banana. Queen Lucy now takes it awhy from him abd throwB hlm.;the ?klp. Unknown Schooner Suak. thr?e^asted\*hiobn?r ' we* ' Yautn? and^aunj^y f^^^f^^^^^'k. his ship and a three hour?' search made, bot tm survivors could be found*.* The accident was caused by a fog. aami^^?^M?4^ ;--t-?.-. . um ^fea^veai. ^riaoalpbi?, iifarch 20~-Mia* Gladys Ravenscrolt of England- wo ?nen-r gp? t^??Dl<m ?f the; United states, denied thc reports seat (dBW from. -Rouibnrf.'Hak- Z?Z Night not.,?fmt?^. ?hij co?ltry. next ral)- tp defend thc title abe capture?] ?t .GM WUmlukjfpn ..cpu.ity club hv?fc