Newspaper Page Text
tr?ckl7, Ef.UbU8hftd 18601 Dally, Jan. li, Uli. Tuesday and F>Idav ANDERSON, S. C FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 27, 1914. THE FEDERALS A FORMIDABLE FOE DISPATCHES INDICATE THAT, BATTLE HAS JUST BEGUN ADVANCE CHECKED Federal Dispatches State That The Rebels Were Repulsed With Heavy Losses (Hy Associated Press) j El Paso. Tex., March 25.-Meager advices from the iront today were mixed in character, hilt out of the medley, schooled observers here said they drew tho conclusion ""that the rebels met at Torre?n and Gomez Pa lacio an enemy in no wise Inferior, and that their attack had been check ed at the outs-.-t of thc battle proper. Rebel offlcialc at Juarez, as well as refugees in the city, say they place more reliance on dispatches from le gitimate correspondents at the front iban so-called official dispatches. Odo of the correspondents today wired: j "Vf'.ia sayB wires will be open when ? be leaches Torre?n." .;; thc course of thc day no other press dispatches were received, but this nun ti ann ?o'd. plainly carried ! the Inference that the attack on Tor reon only had begun. Rebel advices herc today wore that Villa va;-, attacking thc outskirts of Torre?n and that two-thirds of the rebel army, under tho direct command . of General Bcnavldes, was engaged. .Unconfirmed rumors had lt that Vil la had executed 200 Federal prlsonors and that in ono assault 58-Federals, wore killod and 200 wounded. Constitutionalist sympathizers now place gloomy construction in failure, of detailed new-?, dispatches to get tl'.yougb. Mi-?gel Diebold, of the Mexican Fed eral '-.onsular service, said today that he . bad been officially informed that tb^ rebels were repulsed with heavy loss of llfp at Torreon and that some - of ?thom were driven back twenty . "it. is-; very-.significant tuat Juarez "'Jwltnout news and I regard lt as confirmation of my dispatch, said Die bold. : Federals Clata Victory. Mexico City, March 25.-The war J department makes the claim that tho 1 rebo/lB under Villa were routed at Torre?n with great slaughter early to day. Eight hundred men under General Javier De Moure, it is announced, ar ti ived opportunely from Saltillo in time I to add greatly to the Federal victory, i The rebods are said to be retreating Noiith~a.rd, with thc FcJ-.;?'als pound ing at their rear. lt <B admitted that Villa's men en . tercd Lercdo, a suburb of Torre?n, but it is explained that thia was a ruse ; On tho part of General Velasco to am bilah them. As soon as they were . well into tho territory, the Federal ar tillery -"helled them out, infantry also . charging, OB they started to retreat. General Maas is reported to have made the distance between Hip?lito and Torre?n in fifty armored automo biles, which they were carrying, the . railroad, having been cut at Hip?lito. Tho rebel loses in dead and wounded ! are reportad af 2,000. Bebels Wounded. , Bermejlllo, Mex., March' 25.-Rebel wounded from Gomez Palacio and the lesser recent fighting in the vicinity arc being brough north in large num bers, and it is officially admitted the strong resistance at Gome* Faiaclo. A train load of injured soldiers Started north from BrlUmgham Junc tion today. They were to be deposit ed at all valor tank stations along tbe railroad, where hospitals had been cctablifihed the reoprt said. Tho End Not Yet Juarez, March 25.-Fighting is in progress this morning In the outsk'-,8 of Torre?n." This was the-text of a message giv en out officially here today. There was no details and official prophecy was readjusted to the effect that it might be several days before the Federal stronghold could be taken. ; F?reign*rH Are Safe, El Paso, Tox., March 25.-An au thorltativo telegram received here to night stated that all foreigners In the battle tone at Torre?n were safe. . Officials hore are still without in- ' formation as to the progress of the action at the front, save for tho ac knowledged fact that fighting contln- ! ues at Gomes Palacio, Whether the battle had continued ronco Monday morning, or was Inter?-1 ruptod and then renewod. was not1 known. A mero cessation of firing waa said to account tor a premature <* report that tbo rebels had taken the town. Terrosas Now Safe. Washington. March 25.-It waa | learned In a report from El Paso that the military governor of Chihuahua bad given assurances that Lula Tar radas, Jr., long hold tor ransom, would not be executed. Nothing, how ever, Waa said about the prospectivo release of thc prisoner whose life General Villa baa often threatened. , NOTE MAY THROW LIGHT ON CASE Message Scrawled on Side of Box May Clear Those Arrested For Murder (By Associated Press.) Calhoun, March 25.-Authorities ..oday werq investigating thc authen ticity of what purported to. he a fare well message written by Sidney Chap man, a young farmer, shortly before he was killed near herc Sunday morn ing. The message scrawled on the side of a small wooden box, was said by offlecer8 to have been found late yesterday afternoon near the spot where Chapman's body was discovered, at the doorstep of Mrs. Elizabeth Star nea. Mrs. Stames, ber daughter, Mrs. Nora Chapman, and thc latter's hus band. The message, according to authori ties was addressed to Miss Nora StarncB, the maiden name of Mrs. Charles Chapman and sigend "Sid Chapman." It merely announces thc writer's intention to leave and adda, "You know I can't help it, that I have n't got anything to do with it." Thc handwriting has not been positively identified zA tfcat of thc dead man. Charles Cnapman, arrested late on yesterday in a neighboring county and brought herc today, denies knowledge of the killing, aa do thc women under arrest. FIRE DESTROYED TEXTILE BUILDING N. C. Agricultural and Mechanical College Lott Heavily With Little Insurance ? (By Associated Press) Raleigh, N. C. March 25.-Pire ear ly this morning practically destroyed the Taxtile Building of thc North Car olina Cp'.Je'ge of Agriculture and Me chanic Arts, at Wiest Raleigh. Thc estimated loss is $82,000, about one third covered by insurance. The fire was discovered by students/ Lack of sufficient water supply prevented sav ing the building. None of the other buildings of the college group wore damaged. lt was announced that plans would fcc made irarue?totQly. l^^a^v.Tpn^ INTERURBAN MADE A GREAT RECORD No* Car Going to Spartanburg on i ' First Day Was Five Minutes Late The first day's run of the Piedmont ? Northern cars into SparLuiiburg i Tuesday 'CB tab Us jed a wonderful re cord. During the ?wy inore were nine trains in thc city and not one of tho n;ne went Into Spartanburg as much as five miutes late. This ls a wonder ful record and when the fact is con sidered that the line had hardly been tested out and that all cars were being run on schedules pew to the conduc tors and motormen, it ls hard to un derstand how thc feat was accomplish ed. Spartanburg people hardly knew what to make of the affair, having been accustomed to waits of several hours at the Southern Railway station on Magnolia street. ARREST RABLIFF FOR MAY ROBBERY Alleged Connection With Looting of Queen db Crescent Express At Birmingham Greenville, March 25.-John Rad llff was arrested by detectives near here today In epncctlou with the rob bery of a Queehrand Crescent express and mail tranv'n?ar Birmingham. Ala., on February lPttige denies knowledge ot the crime. Bank, .books showing deposits ot $24,030 to Radliffs credit In Green ville and Atlanta banks were found among tho prisoner's effects, accord ing to detective who arrested him. ' Two men recently were arrsted tu A Kan ta and'charged with connection in the robbery, which is said to have netted three bandits In the neighbor hood of $40,000. - Bubonic Planga* In Cohn. Havana, March 35.-Three new caaos of bubonic plague were reported here tMiy.'' Those attacked are Span iards. One case ls considered se rious. Strict sanitary measures have been taken and the cases have beeb isolated. Score. Charlottesville. Va., March 25.-The} University of Virgina baseball team] today defeated the Jefferson school! team Be to 0. Virginie mada 42 hits? and played an errorless gam.e Jotter- j son made bat two hita and had twelve errors. COL. SEELY ASSUMED ALLI THE BLAME UPON HIMSELF STATE OF SUSPENSE Remains tn Regard to Gen. Gough and His Fifty-Nine Comrades (By Associated Tress) London, Mureil 2."?.-The government today published its promised state iru nt of its dealings with the revolu tion ofilcers of the Third Cavalry bri gade and the house of commons held a heated and disorderly session. Be tween tlie documents presented and the various statements drawn from the cabinet ministers, vital fact3 of the affair were made clear. They re \'eal a comedy, or tragedy, of errors perpetrated by Colonel Seely, secre tary of war, and Sir Arthur Paget, commanding thc troops in Ireland. Col. Seely took all tba H1?nje or. . iiiuiseif. He frankly declared ho had made a great mistake. His written assurance to General Hubert Gough, that the government mu: i retain its right io use all the forces of the crown in Ireland or elsewhere to maintain order and support the civil powers ir. the ordinary execution of their du ty, but bas no intention whatever of taking advantage of this right to crush political opposition to the policy or thc principles of thc home rule bill, was given without the knowledge of the cabinet and contrary to its pol icy. Resignation Tendered. Tho war secretary tendered bia re signation to Mr. Asquith, but tbs pre mier refused to accept it. The gov ernment has withdrawn Col. Seely's guarantees, according to a statement house of commons that tho govern ment's decision would be made known to General Gough tomorrow. Thus the situation with respect to General Gough and his 59 comrades, who sent in their papers, is still in a state of BUspense. The most important revelations of the day were that the government did plan an important military and naval demonstration on Ulster. Winston Bpencof Churchill, first lord of the admirality confirmed reports that ho had ordered the third battle squad ron and torpedo ilotiiia to Irish wa tci'S, but explained ??mi vvlimi ibu mili tary arrangements had been made out ho countermanded the orders by wire less, an explanation which the Union ists received with Jeers. The blunder General Paget made, appears to have been in giving a prac tical ultimatum to officers of tho cav alry brigade, to say whether they would take active service in Ulster or accept dismissal. Tho cabinet Monday framed a gen eral statement of the officers' position and duty under the law, and f ol. Seoly freely admitted that his error Was In yielding to General Oough's demand for a written assurance that the army would not be used to sup press thc covenanters. . Premier Asquith's statement that the officers should return to their du ties unconditionally, lt ls declared, were made in good faith, 6ince - he learned of Colonel Seely's address to the cabinet memorandum only yester day afternoon. The prime minister made plain to the house of commons the government's position regarding the army, declaring he would not aa sent to tho claim of any body of men In the service bf the crown to demand assurances of what they would be required to do in circumstances that bid not arisen. The resignation of Colonel Seoly followed quickly after publication to day of the " -lite Paper" giving details of tho crisis n tho British :rmy, whose offlecers refused tr? ;.?*rticipau: in ac tive operations against the tihnbt tants of Ulster, who had prepared to offer armed resistance to introduction or home rule. Col. Seely, in his valedictory address to the house of conimons, denied that Klag George had taken any Initiative of any kind in tho army crisis. He said: "Thc suggestion ls absolutely with out "oundatlon in the broadest nensc. Hts Majesty took no Initiative of any kind," Lord Morley, in his spooch In the house of hirds, made tba Important ad mtkslonthat tba two unauthorised par agraphs added to the Gough letter wfr? drafted by Col. Seely. The con servative morning papers, comment ing on this admission, contend that Lord Morley, who holds the office Of Lurd President of the consul, also had resigned. .The-view of the Liberal morning papera is that though yesterday was the blackest day the government had experienced tn Ks- whole existence, now the air has clear ea and the gov ernment ia rehabilitated and ls In a stronger position ?han ever. SULLIVAN GIFT IS APPRECIATED Thc Hom* for the President of Anderson College-Beauti ful Campus F (rm -Thursday's Haily) Second only fn interest to the an nouncement that the trustees of An derson college . -had found the right man for thu head of Hint institution, was thc statement iu The Intelligencer yesterday that ?Chas. S. Sullivan has apriscd thc trustees of this intention to build a home for the president on the campus. The trustees.'accept ed thc offer at their meeting Tuesday night. Mr. Sullivan lias . already contributed largo r of hig-'jucans and more large ly of bia valuable time to Anderson College and thef announcement of thu gift came as o'Jsurprise. He has liad nothing to say? about it, although it lind been his intention for some time to do this as'soon as the permanency ot the collego in a high sphere of use fulness should Epe determined by se curing a lit niau for the head of tho college. . And second? al y to the gift of .Mr. Sullivan ia tho Interest thnt has been taken by II. S. Ligon as chairman of the building conmittee. He and Mr. Sullivan have .' liven a grent portion of their tinto to? thc college, while the buildings were bein?: put up, and Inter to thc improvements of the grounds, it is known that the late Fred G. Brown and associates had for years dreamed of this place at; a nile fer n college, nnd\ nonie tr^cs had been ?M?tiiiv ii .uni wi;ro growing beautifully, but in the -ar a great deal of landscape gardening has been done, and the ground* of the college are in splendid condition. Even though tills in a new coMcgo, in its second yoar, tho campus wif! bc as beautiful this stiring OH th?t of many an institution of half a century, The new hom? for the president of thc college-will bc located by the building cllmnutloc. Mr. Sullivan wishes lt undeaptood that this gift is merely his w)aygb$.expressing his con fidence In the future of the college. The price at vfjijcti ho will start to building tho haine is $5,000. RAIL! Destructive Waterfront Fire Caused Damage Estimated ai $200,000.00 (By Associated- Press) Savannah. March 25.-Fire of jun know origin today caused thc loss of S200.000 to the rosin and cotton whar ves or thc Atlantic Coast Line Kail way hero. The British steamship Far ley T??a slightly damaged by lye flames. Two large sheds, in which were stored several thousand tons of kal nit and several hundred barrels of rosin, were completely destroyed. The lire, discovered shortly after daylight, raged unchecked for throe hours, and for a time endangered the entire wa ter front Hard work by firemen kept the flames. from reaching a nearby shed in which a large quantity of raw turpentfne was stored. Tho Farley, which lay alongside the burning wharves, caught Aro when a large chute, used in unloading ships collapsed and fell across the bridge Tugs quickly oxtingulshcd the flames, and towed the vessel to a place of safety. The damage to her, it was said, was small. Ko other ships were endangered. The Ooant Line wharves were con structed only about a year ago, to replace those destroyed by a destruc tive waterfront fire. KRESS BUILDING SOON STARTED! Representative Here Yesterday | Said Work Would Begin at An Early Date M. L. Wiest of Guthrie, Okla., repre ssing the famous Kress stores, was in Anderson yesterday and said that work was soon to start on the splen did building to be erected here by the King of the five and ten cents stores. The representative of the Kress company said that his people wore, woll pleated with the bargain that they bad made In Anderson and that tho actual construction work lov e weald bo put under way as soon as tho bids were received and one accepted. The company bj interested in thc progresa of Anderson and Mr. West was amar.ed al lue advancement mads herc In the last few months. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ? GO TO ('III.'KCII TONIGHT o o - o e As has been announced la o o The Intelligencer previously, e o a revival ls In progress at the o a Christian church, aad the meet- o o Inga axe proving te be later? e o estlag aad lestraetive. Be one o ? el those present tonight. o e . eoe OA> o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o ol SUPPORTERS OF PRESIDENT ENTHUSIASTIC OVER SITUATION GREAT OPPOSITION Strength of Contending Force?' Will Be Tested for First Time Today (Itv Associated Tress) Washington. .March 5. For thc first time sime tho democratic ad-j ministration took charge or tho gov ernment, administration leaders found a strong, resourceful and determined! . .'cur ;?: within the party opposed tot a policy which Prcldcnt Wilson pur-j (tonally had espoused. Tho prcldent's supporters on the] tolls exemption repeal mcanure lo-i night declared they were gaining, ground in the. house, and one onthu-| Bleat lc administration loader pre-, dieted tho passage of the repeal hill by a majority of nearly 100. The more conservative members of both Bides.' however, anticipated a hard fought Htrttesh . with a bitter and protracted debate, followed hy a close vote. Aligned against the president':? de mand for the repeal ure tho three' leaders of tho parties in the house,' Representative Underwood, of the de-1 mocrnts. Representative Mann of tho republieans, and Representative Mur-! dock of the progressives. Wings of, ay three parties are hchipd these' leaders. On the other hand. Chair man Adamson, of thc house Interstate nnd foreign commcrpe committee: | Representatives Henry, Stevens of Minnesota, and many others of all .'bron parties, have accepted the presi dent's position. At noon tomorrow, Chairman Henry | will introduce a sepclal rule provid ing for fifteen hours of general debate on tlie ropeal hill, and allowing no opportunity for amending the meas ure. the'first teBt vote will come late to morrow afternoon, on the adoption of tho rule. An cifort will bo mado, if thc rule] i.i adopted, to press debut< to a con-| elusion and roach a voto on the bill i lute Saturday. "COXEY'S ARMY" TO MARCH ON CAPITAL The "General" Sets Forth Plans | to Put Idle to Work on Public Improvements (By Associated Tress) Cleveland, 'March 25.-President Wilson tonight was warned or (ho de parture for Washington of a nccond "Coxey's Army" which it la said, will sta'- April 10 from Massillon, Ohio, the starting point, of the first "army" 20 years ngo today. "General" J. S. Crxey of Massillon, I the leader, tonight mailed the presi dent a letter telling of his plans and enclosing n pamphlet on "tho Coxey 1>lan of sotting idle to work on market, roads and other public Improve ments." The "army" expects to arrive In Washington, May 21, Coxey soys, to petition the president, nntf congres1; for measures which will give work to tho unemployed. Army Leader Convicted. Sacremento, Cal., March 25.-Ed ward Tisdale, one of the unemployed leaders arrested here on charges of vagrancy during the riots three weeks ago, was convicted today. He will j be sentenced tomorrow. The trial of "General Kelley, on a sbnllar charge j will bo held tomorrow. New Haven Club Won Bowling Match Buffalo, N< Y.. March 25.-Tho five man contest of tho American bowling congress tournament ended tonight with tho Monko club of Now Haven, Conn., victors. They wore awarded tho championship trophy and a cash prize of $5C0. The Diemilngs of Pitts burgh In second place received $450. and thc White Eelcphants of Philadel phia, in third place. Break in the Ranks Of Men of the Gray! Pulaski, Tenn., March 25.-An the lindy of D. C. Biles, a Confederate veteran, waa being lowered into Ita! grave near Conway, Tenn., 8U?a/| friend, B. P. Chambers, also'a veteran dropped dead near the coffin yester day. The shock Was too much for Henry H. Reece a third veteran,-who ?vas carried away suffering from a par lytlc stroke. - Southern Methodist Board of Bishops Want School Con trolled by Them (By Associate Press.) Halt ?inore. Mardi 25. Unless there is some little possibility ot' an appeal i?f sonic nature to Hi" supreme conn tin- Methodist Episcopal church. South, against the trustees ot Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., a strong cOort xviii he made to round a new University, whose cont roi shall bc wholly in Hi?' hands of tin- church, ac cording tn Bishop l?. li. lions, prcsl denl of tlc board of education of the Southurti Mot hod Itt! church. Phis board claimed Iho right to con trol Vanderbilt University until Ibo decision of thc supreme court or Ten .11 ssc . i ist week Btrippcd tin- church ?if all authority of ownership. Americans Will Be Given a Fair Trial illy Associated Tress.) Washington, March 25, Anxiety ov er the orresl of several Americans in .Mexico was allayed bv today's con sular dispatchos. Tho release of .1. H. Now by, long held at Cullacan for tho alleged orabexsleuient of funds under tho Madero regime, has been ordered by Governor Ittvoros, of fin?la, who insists that Newby leave Mexico for ?mexico's goon. Thc Americans, Gold smith and Donahue, arrested at Han 1 Unis Potosi us rebel spies, have been taken to Mexico City, where their cause will bc? considered. ('barge O'Shaughnesay han askod both thc for ! cign officers und the Mexican war de partment to guarantee a free hearing for both ot the accused men. Like representations have been made in be half of the American Byrd, who al though arrested with the other two, latill is held at San Unis Potosi. WOMAN PHYSICIAN Or. Saunder's Stirce?*sor to Be Chus, en Thursday. Colombia, Mareil 25.- Thai a wo man physicist! will bo elected at the SaimderB. in the forecast made in con-J nection with tho session- called by! Oovernor Blcnae. At tho meeting al so Hr. Olin Sawyer, of Georgetown, will probably bo selected as thc phy sician ut thc State Park. Thc Btato house continues to be a quiet yort of pince. Governor Blease baa been away for the last few days und reports say thai, ho ia at Nowber rey resting. AnsbttAnt Attorney Hon orai Fred IJr.niir.'.ck accompanied him. Peeples for Re-election. Attorney General Thomas Peoples definitely announced that bo will atand for re-election in Uro primary this summer, lb. has no announced opposition fer the ofHcc. Mr. Peoples ls believed to he tho youngest Attor ney' General in the country. Ile ls about 20 yoars of agc. Ho stated that, in nil probability, ho .? :<\ not oak for re-election after his four years' service sliall have expired if tho peoplo send him back this sum mer. "There aro important maters for thia office to accomplish, and I feel that tbLs work can bo done by the end of my second term. Then I will not avk for another term, as 1 ?Ce it now." said thc Attorney General to day. , WILL AGAIN ENDEAVOR TO DISINTEGRATE TRUST Practically Same Conditions Exist as Before Tobacco Trust Was Dissolved ff ty Associate Press.) Npw Yor't, March 2*. The four companies, with which tho tobacco trust wns integrated by the decree of 1911, today were Riven Mon day tn present a plan for abandoning monopolistic practices-which thc at torney general considers are In viola tion of the decree. United States Dis trict Attorney Marshall told tho at torneys of these companies, at a cort ference, that tho government intend ed to put an end to present conditions by injunction or other means, bu*; nrntulsed to postpone action until Monday at tho. request of tho tobacco attorney*?. The gevornmont'kv anting upon tho complaint of cortaln independent deal-' ors who charge that s monopoly of the Jobbing business in this district, which waa enjoyed by tho Metropolitan To-, hacco Company under tho old.trtiBt, ?till exist?; and the independent deal ers aro obliged to buy their tobacco at retail rates. The corporations represented at tba conference w?re the American Tobac co Co.. The Liggett and Myers, the H. J. Reynolds and.tho Metropolitan To bacco Com pan Hts. Vniter the terms Of the dissolution decree tho Federal cottrt still retains jurisdiction of thc tobacco trust oas*. ?ADE A FUTILE ATTEMPT TO ROB ATLANTA BANK AN EXCITING CHASE Later Arrested in Boardin Houso and Identified by Bank Bookkeeper (Hy Associated Pross. Atlanta, (?a.. Mureil '?Ti.-Ali unBUC esHfill attempt to mb tho State. Sav iiiKH* Hank, UOO Auburn Avenue, a ne in ro institution, was made herc late I today by u lone bandit. Tho police have arrested a white man, giving jills name as lt. Itfiynate, 30.years old, I on uuspicio-n ot having attempted the hold np. r.'hynata, who ls married and he is un actor, denies any know-' I ledge or tl?o affair. J. C. .Ross. 23 yeas old, negro book kcepcr in the bank, was tho only ofS ccr present ut thc Institution, tho other o?ic ia is and employes having left for the day. when ho was confronted short'- after B o'clock hy thc rohhnr. wno, pointing a revolver at him, de mantled that he accompany him into i the vault, the doora of-which wera. I standing open. #"Cot into tho vault, and ?ct In right I quick," was the bandit's command. Ross entered tho vault, the robber I demanding that he open the doora ot the aaTe, containing tbe bah.k-funds, which was locked. Thc bookceper of thu bank refused, whereupon the ban dit drew a piece of gas pipe, about three feet long, striking Ross over tho head and inflicting a severo scalp wound. The bookkeeper then grappled with the, rober finally escaping from tho vault and into AUburn Ave, giving tho alarm. Tho robber ni: the h?j;H. nue to Boll sire negro M? Tato tho robber Avho ftwn-?; , I'-Wa. street, where flo attempted to board a otroot car, the conductor fore* lng him off. .Thc bandit drew his re volver and. fired twice at the conduc tor, both shots gomg wild. Tho con ductor returned thc Uro but failed to hit tho fleeing man. From Houston stroot. Ute. hunted bandit turned In P achtree *.; street,, which he followed to Cala -V street,1 where he forced a negro, at the polo' or a revolver, to make room-Cor hi?x hi iii? buggy Koopjng *eiB revolver leveled at tho negro be made bim *vhip his homo into a gwiiup ami,tura ~y into Williams street. Here the rob ber Jumped from the vehicle and fled. William Wooten, ,A negro,- told tho p.ollea u few minutes later that he had seen nu excited mah go Into a bGi: ut 30 Williams street. The poli lound Rhynatc in thc houde,-lying bed. His wife waa wjith him. Hoto thc police he- had been ill and in J^^P the entire day. His wlfo told a Simi lar story. . The chase of tho robber covered ft distance of about twelve blocks borora h:> Jumped from tho buggy and fled. Rhynatn was identified today by Rosa? the bookkeeper, as the mad who con fronted him, according tb the police. ,i The accused suld his home was in1 Denver. Colo., and that he bad been. lu Atlanta foi noun i three months -The authorities said that ?ho told thom that be had not been working for sometime. Tho Atlanta State Sayings Bank rated as one of the strongest nqgroV stitutlonB in tho city. ' >j HELD FUNERAL OF MY E. PRUiTTi Belton Man Died Taeftday' ?n4 Was Buried at Betbal Yes terday Afternoon M. B. Pruitt, better known all Anderson county aa "Lum." Pi died at his homo "near Belton day afternoon, it Will .'be reme that Mr. Pruitt was' seized with monia several days ago and fror fIrnt little hope! waa . entertained birt recovery. Tho deceased waa a member Baptist church and bis body waa ' ried yesterday Rt - Mt. Beth which placo he had spent ali bis Mr. Pruitt was a son of tho ! Tollver Pruitt of this county, leaves a largo number of rel and friends. HO wa? ab" of age, and leaves flights^M^ sides bl? wife, who waa Misai of thia coupty. He had been working rnfl^MJw 1 . many'others hi " poverty in but t lime of lu ble cirri Of OM?' sold at rere for spot i