OCR Interpretation

The Anderson intelligencer. [volume] (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1917, June 16, 1914, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067658/1914-06-16/ed-1/seq-5/

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Thumbnail for PAGE FIVE

B PP ?QtfYW Our Entire Stock of Choice Merchandise Will Be Offered.the Public lA/l-IV ^
I |KjfiA3Ul^| |v Regardless of Cost 1 W"Y .1
s g^UR MR. OSBORNE; who has been confined to his home for the past five months, upon the advice of physicians is com- ???
H \J\ palled to retire from]the mercantile business. Hence this announcement, that our $75,000 stock will be placed on sale B
H regardless of cost. This is; no fake, but a GUARANTEED, BONA-F1DE SALE. * ?
Qf>ftf>A CloQf?fl We are now nearing the end of our 26th year ai; our present stand, during which time we have
c v*KWW5Ci tried to serve the public to the best of our ability.' VVe are profoundly grateful to the people for
1* - J ?rifl / tjheir patronage. To-you is due our success, to you wc are tharikfuj. Now in these, the closing d?VsM ' " 1
. 1 tieSwiy doa of our business career, it is not our desire to grow rich,.but as an act of gratitude, to make a co-op
\?7 ?3 A $ h?tive distribution of our stock, that is, to let you share in it. Now, the opportunity is yqurst wiFl^ ' j '
VVCflnCSQ&y ^ou co-operate? Will you participate in the benefits?
Store Closed j??
Tuesday and |?
Wednesday M
SI SHSSaWPrMfiSSIB - . ? Department has always ESS"""
B HjLliJi i'liMl"' .^"Pl'--. ?> i "_^ ._? " " _ . __, -_-A _ been our pride. ambonein'?
i I??!Sd- . i? 25 POUNDS FOR $1vOO i 3 ' ||f , pf;
B ^^^^^^i^^^ There are no strings tied to this offer/Beginning at 10 a. m., Wediiesday, June ^^S^ffj?^ . S!
s . . - ^^^^^3 2#hj to every person calling at our store, f?r a One Dollar Bill or its,equivalent, ffiffifflSSili -'
?S|,vV^^^ lbs. of the best sugar. Only 25; lb& to a customer. None seiit on orders. ?^^^?0^^ |?
g^1^;^;)' FOR YE?&S. ? ? ?'<'.'.". ' Hugs," Maltings and Carpets that will surely
H We've been Anderson's leading'stor? for Trav- IUKO^AII*!w********* please you at tfiese prices. S
?? elers. "V , . jgfl;? lVilbCCllCineU?& $50.00 value 9x12 choice Wilton Rugs. . .$37.50 B
B The famous "Rountree" line of.- Trunks and . $35.00 value 9x 12 dhoice Wilton Rugs... $27.50 ??p*o
B Go-a-Way Bags that Wesell are theist ever.. J??FSf&inS $25'?? valu.e 9x12 Axminster KuSs . . . . ^
SH Dfl1m ' & * W?. ? . li * $20.00 value .9x^2 Axminster Rugs.$16,25 S.
SS Below we only quote a fewtyf the many values: i :<? ?J ^ ? oe ss
= " , . " , > ^ , 3* . ' ?... r.P- ~ . . ~ . . ' P- i 9x12 best Crex Rug. $7.35 sss
B ^2.50value flat top Trunks. ./S,,..f, .... r|1.95 Good grade 10c Towels. , , ........... 5c each 36x72 best Crex Rug. ...... . .. $1.20 B'
B ^5.00 value flat top Trunks , . . ?85 Best grade 25c Towels.V. 19c each $15.00 value 9x12 Tapestry Rugs.. ; $11.45
B $10.00 extra value Trunks J, ,..$8.25 & : ..- . L iin? ?f M,if;n^ rl^cll ,4 , w? ? SS
M ?15.00, Our Leader... !.. ^ ...... . ^2.65. Best grade 50c Towels. .............. .-39c eacK ^cion i - '*
S $25.00-The Best Trunk in Town... . . $18.85 50c quality Table Damask. . ..39c yard ' ^
M ?5c Matting Bags. .... .vh\ . .* .,|]*4Sc- 75cquaiity Table Damask. .......... 59c yard CHURCH* CARPETS '
S 85c Matting Bags._..i 65c _u?_I_- . New Ha
M $1.00 Matting Qagsv^ H ... v.| i79c Svery one. sold at a big p^duotionerlmpossible to Church Carpets at a :ver.y; attractive' pnce... ::;l^?^
S ^5.00 All Leather Bags,, :% ......... j &3.95 price everything- ' W? garantee satisfaction. us fi?ure with ^ ?ri car peting,you^m-dw^. ^
B $f?Q?|^llX^ I ! ! .''ls! 25 $1 .?O.quality Table Damask ........ . . -85c yard WINDOW SHADES jki " S?
B $1.00 Suit Case. . . . . . . 79c 5Oe value umbrellas for men & women.-39ceach . Wwi B X>
lt:,|?^e- ? ? ^; - ?; ?J^ ?1.00 value umbrellas for nien&women 79c ea. All sizes and colors- l^U^V ' g '
B $2.00 Suit Case,...^?4.- .v. 91.45 ;< only one qualttv-THE ^^^?SaB^SL -
S SS.?e.Atl-Leather Suit Case^.(?^ ^ . ,?.90 ? 1.50 value umbrellas for m^p^omen $1.15 e.. BEST All must go in fl| UH 1
- $7.50 All Leather Suit Case. . i .y/: v.... . $5.85 Big line of fancy Parasols for ladies and children ... . . ^ 'K^PUliHHHi ' B
B $10.00 Ah Leather Suit Case ^!^?f??: . . .$8.50 * . . ^ nn thls sale at featly T' JW^^^ , j
= Every ?rtidesold guaranteed aarerjresehted. to. . . ...i. ps.uu duced prices.. B j
B ' ? ' -? .? ? 'V -Vu . -. - -- - - -- '" V| -^??' B
s W^MT?SO t*-- Exper?f :ric:e<i ?Salespeople WANTED, tr?
Si' EYpry^irtkl'e jfiom the roof to the cellar will be sold at a marked reduction and will be for 15 days, or until the night Of Joly fi
B* 4tfc We?e'Wot ?ri?ugi?rated this sale as a morey making scheme; our only motive is discontinuance of business, which must
Wt be effected at th?-ell?iM^ssiBl?mom^ . . . s
8',,','^h??1t.'?fta,?Oh8ider''W9U-tlie enormous possibilities of saving this sale will afford you. Read^arefully the prices given, m
theti aet with discretioWb?ying a goodly supply for the future. ^jv Read Our Ads, on Pages 3 ana 8 of ims issue, g
If^b^?RNE & PEARSON?lsii

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