Il-k - p " ' ;
M77, llli
'F0. 141'e 0,4
the larger attOim e*
onnby anid i hfe sterp ~rt f
Oconee oobjty Oe i. ye~y' 'iiu
wrought 6veia la *o
reker~oi 'that hs re"h a ty,' In
built by the Sapphire Hotel co
ny, i themiouutain f . th
U (I9in i jueperiI the1 e4 from
"Pick" lns coubty and on the head'
waters of the 8treams Whieb fop '2
ee siid BSiino Ri'ters: '1
ei Toilferbre, ank Li. Uat e
y cingidani aurelsa -4inrod
ravine just- below obac 'omoun
ainiit a point where the Toxaway
and Horsepasture ilvers run to'. Ja
gether. Th'e dam has beeu biiltof f
earth exclusively, it is said, and 0
*ithout stoie.o wood or aoything '
to gie it strength . It is feareid 0
that the dam is so weak that Ni a,
will be swept _away by rains , in ,
summer or ei'tnkbled by freezes in.:
'winter. Ad if the. dam ever N
does give way the people who. live P
on the streams below it fear the 0
results that will follow.
he as stated, is said to be b,
-in ciroumference,. and it J
at in places it is nearly 50 W
. What wopld follow if 0(
ousa body.of water should 1
d loosee into the narrow 0
leading out of the moun- b
y be imagined. 01
n was constructed dur- 01
at year by the Sapphire h
which is buildi ng a chain ti
in tli Sapphire- country
leasure spot H
e- who spend summe'r A
untains. -It wi
ttiest places in the south ti
er, and will afford excel- H,
ug, boating and bathing, Ft
y prove a source of great fe
id that. the , dat cirie Je
ling a short timeb ago, -aiid 0
re-enforced by: rook work av
per side, but those who tIl
it are not at alllsatisfied re
beein riade safe. i
m well Gaines, of Cen. fo
to see the damn a short si
nd he, with 6thers of hi
n, have been trying to
thing done about it. He N
O of the people who live ti
la n td take the matter W
ourts, but' they Lold him ol
-who live below the dam *L1
*o fearandthat they were b
th take the action. I
n Mr. Gaines has been
givlbg matter a 'good deal of at,
tention, 0nt1 is understood~ that
the COotnty Colinmissioners d lk.
ens and Oooneo dountiga have be- t
come interested and will~ probably b
look ito thW sitt~iation for'tle Ipyur- ty
pose of finding out if thfere really. "]
is any danger. The matter may i'
'get into the United, Stale8 Court
* befdte a greh -while, it isundeir- $,
. TIhe rfatter ee'ne to bp one of ti
c.,nsidei'tfli inmportaiuee f of If ts P
lake is as large as has been repre. f
sente4>aud the dam -.abouldhrgi. y
*and suob a large body, of watei-; be RI
sudidenly 6 ez~d looge, i great dei al
o Kastid and .ddetrutidza would
be bound ed.follow. The waiter
'would flow 4Avkeowee rise iitno~
~-eneca ;-an thiehcO into the Savan
nah. dIt w 4 probably inean the
washing aw iy of .the Portmnati Din
thtAdro ~~l o iL Wnagain, and that is the 3 a Ifitty c
*Penn ..la e eIrqagg Was
csed bo the urs &' ~pee
ure lake widoI~'& nVmu~
ty 14rggm thai fitIi o b
the St MpthewjdiiA$
--4s efatol o 4r
Qrpabs, w'ites de~~
af5~- Oiai ola n'olt
~ nd palid' )o.4
ILexohe~~'t:~ ~ k~~
41aratsear t t,)
' oit tft isd ofb ro y
f ,1 for50At
dr(@gal 4. sid
, ruir of _jes ened
otidde6 eeno oui ortp
pefolanlee t tedsftllfrylt
oarid Irirnadevep.Ph4ligsop'
ratinga the Sti A iugh sor 1e
,hat butfisicri6ted 'h atidd'e *ig
freven'aith with'. Winlchesters 1
orbes th eir'sho U rse 5p0ial't i
ery quietly. any rendpd t0-'herns
lves. The two on" e taken, to .i
alhalla, wher ithe ere gput y in a't I
relirinary heafrind 'bound i
Ver to the hijgheqAt~ couort-- e
'Another 0 illicit uitneted
ear the. home of and belonging to0
ass Holbrook in Ocionee County, I
s destroyed. -It'cnsisted 'of a
>ppor still with a capacity. of 70 J
Mlons Cap aind worm, 40 gallons r
r 'siiirits, about 1;400 .gallon's of a
D e rmenters and other prop.
ty. Holbrook, the suppoed I
vner of the stillwas arrested and d
as beon bound o.ver to .coirt for t
On Tuesday i st in company
ith T. 0. Israol, Deputy Colleotor j
iken raided an illicit istillery
Glassy postoffice, focated'in f
Y r 7 Dark Corner. fj
ere they seized a t ntlly der- g
Syed a 10 gallon op courtill,
enters and -1,000 gallon of, v
.Ban Burrell, the owner, ad -a
Mes Lindsay, an operator, we I
iknon thed an illiiTh s ti
'is completely, destroye4' but as? P
r l was no datty marsoal indthe b
iding9 party to make ,arrests, the h
ere r eaied. t ay d
rtoer a res0 galoweer havei been 12
rmornteut and -'100 gallo iif he
Be ofle, the- ower 4 l
mews minsthan ohe radr was oe of
an mos ti succesfl, he hadeve i
adie. Deprt the ae thae mai
rther rsto'er have been ood
e mot hndr no rbin' d1eI
gn agai the manufatureso
Mnr.-Ai'en si~oGeville'ei
ewsomntat te Whait wa oeaon'
Of moft stesfu ,o had hvehly
adectedsitene ofac thtsolac i had
th- forls aen een esrtroedi'
r odieson, rebuWild ad
ignatin ithe ofmEnerprisel of
n o and bee ra'te.~1R~ Rey ph0cas
pthou cazny pomf ti le, fA
w. onths ago. he, co jid dktl
iarrhoea Nloihredy ah p~~h cr4
ribowvsfetirej ~uc Myny od
'us" of fLoterj i e ho kugow~ Ab~e
in~lem~n wifl t~i fy to thes, fthi
lness of this st~tempent'? glrr spite
j~r.Q yV .Erle, Piokens, anud Dr~
n Holzi ofatwy,*e'
~lly'shot ~wtla
iester rt nd,~
~ys a Seneca peo ew
They Were using a coin fpr~t
at. ir. von Ilollen wah~l
~WlII~nI~e wh he-6o
hy W.hitmire's gun w
~oidentally.The hall enter .'
b oo and to-the right b.
t th
~e le,
!jdy hig
0un tyXid4 a bither:df
a n ttr r~j . uslt
Wint y college for -several
afdiw Iiyris Weli known
tile tata.
1 -ori Stin's account of
t~i~' b ae odent is given in
he followinr spe1l1 from- New
Brunswick Y
'New Broins wk, N.J., April 14.
-A dispatch .received here late
bhie afternoon from Providerice, 1.
[.itelling -f the siicideof a woman
vho Was a passenger on the Joy
jne steanier'Tremon which le
.aw. Yorlk. on Monday nightefr,
Prgvidence, confirmed the fear that
% Martha Haijilton B1reizeal6
vho disappeared yesterday, had
aken her own life.
"Mrs. Breazeale was the wife of
Villiamn E. B reazonIe, assooiats
>rofessorof nmathematics in Rut.
,ers colloge. She left iher honie-it
02 Hanmilton street yesteiday
norning. As she -had boon a geatt
ifferer from nervous trouble " d
2elancholia for severil years,- t114
ears of the household, when she
id not-return- in-a few hours, were
ht she had wandered off just as
he had done a few yearsago before
hile suffering from a' similar do
"The police werd notified to look
jr :her, and Prof. Breazoalo's
.iends, including many of the Rut
ers students, started a search.
!'The first elie .to the woman's
rhereabouts came thisrmorning in
.bttofrom hor. direoted to Prof.
reaeale, postmarked at aew
7o4k-01 Monday night. It3 -aa
itiful letter teling how the wz iter
ad struggled in vain to overcome
er despondency. There was a
:iuching farewell to her, husband,
losing with the information that
y the .time the letter was received
Lie would be dead,
"Prof. Breazoalo started for New
ork as soon as he received the let
r, accompanied by hi's brothers
i-law, Prof. R. W.- Prentiss. Ha
isi-ted various: steamboat offics
dg lhad them telegraph their New
ngland ports, to see-if his wife's
arne-vas oe any, of thi passenger
st5. As she hadI relatives in Wor
ester, Mass., he thdught that :she
ig~htigo therei and that .her pen
le Vould~ itei'vene before sheoca.
epub thret&. A-thE.3oy
diuo office Prof,13reazeale learned
a t d. 0i~ yhose describtidi,
orresponded with. that-of his; wife
~d:pfehta ticket. -
'*bi'edefioite aewseiwaited the
ToIesSOr when he~ arrived' hre
e o WN& dispatcli Tr-5m
rovideddce w eown to him tell.
C ho a womian,. who. had regis
d. ~o e Ne* .York,,
aaum roil thetTren~onwdur
b ea~ een seen
Ylate as l3),
3854nps upied until it was
od~xd'1) this niorning that, one
jt pthdsoa .was lookedL
r t~
bVokight his fw
rWou- c
4re rng 8rqara"
age. She ie & 'old,
"MrV ~Br *~ie wll do
ii d ruiba
Wi1 hhrqb
empt once
-s then seit
Phfiladelphia -'4 a1dt
for' some t8 6soa~e fe
the hospi al on one debcatioif" b
WM, ogertaken aiil carried bat
Shlle iiihu thrdtiin tiiU '
was pronounced cire. by the ph
ioiatis.itz~pharge.s ?r f, T.I~eW4a
then- resigned his poition 'at.i
throp' ind' wentot' Bordeai
Fra e ,eif he spert t~Vo 'ei
in the hope that the chatige wou
Prove' benfiia" to -his 'wife, 6T
uiyated to-the UJnited' 'tates h
Sept'ein ier; anz Prof.- Breatenle ai
cgpted the, position .of itnstructor
mathematics, in Rutgers -colle
Tiy have beer 6 tere aince. Th4
you-ngn t child was orti z Fraia
aho'eenarried lif-> -o'f Prof. at
g . .Hrazfaleh'as always bon
inot happy due, with the excepti
o the p64ed' di'ing *which Mi
Breazeale :would suffor f i'amn mela
cholia. Even then she was affe
tionate to her husband. Hit-i'
dwelt -Jargely' upon her'childrei
ard at times she would becon
imbued' with the idea. th.tTb
would not live to rear them as .1
wouklike. . It was while sufrerit
rrom oe tf'.'theso spell i of nmiar
3holia that she made Lhe attoii
upon her life at Winthrop. Befo
loing it she left a note for' herhu
band-expressing her love for hi
and explasiin was s'ho viiirdn'
and ,,. he r ro li-j-oi P'o,
It.is snipp' sed she hed h
rtit'ee attack s of dpres
on recently, and .that while su
Bering from its effects ah left h<
tome and and took a steametr i
dew York, anld jumped overoar
)O for& reaching port.-AbadOern
Ftd a inei Fou d .iton.
Mr. Myatt, a farmer who is farn
ng with cotton,. hauled 1
[taleigh, N. C., a few days ag<
Sl dhales of cotton withem b gre
)nm 85 acres of land.. lie sold
3or nearly $5,500. Thore is mone
Ln hcotton when growin at the ra
bf 'n2 bales on 85 acres, especial
when the price is up to niear-t'E
enlts por :lpou1nd. But the m<
who lat th samo land yoar t'ft
ear in cottol, vith a 'little dzibb
>f fertilizer, generally' reqidre fot
1r' five acres to make a bale, an
there is litste profit for tho ov
ltoenl centd per pound, and whi
the: price was~ down to. five cen ts
was absoluto starvation to t.heni
But hero' and-thor, in- the-Sou th wi
mitd men like Mr. Myatt,- who ai
arming in reity a.nd have dropp(
the old planting idea, an-I hen<i
ire. anuaking mnoney' at farming
r'h& staugentthing about the wh o
situations is atimn 'will contini
in the ol a hathey ha'
such examples before .them. \\
baVolsen it stated that the famoe
acQg(.fand in Maurlborr-o count
251 hushpole of.y Qq);P, rhlVs nov
sinedh ?hae- fztr\d:iigi nkdeo le
thanI -bgle of 'c<Yttn -)>er aci
Woitd it'note bpiLer to'get ff
tokwoO4--acis4O get il
difhdtmt' or"fege? -- And y
141 1~Ca 1
ken torIg
4 d
V.W l"%O i Frida~y,Eg
aof maiiug an arrange
th Maon' lookersmith
-id to kill Goebel. Hooker
asi wanted to interview Gov
TAyIor before. do'ng the shooting
pd the witness wunt to see Tay
wfl br-to, arrange for ,an Interview
ti TOYor t6d the witness he emult
ud' ndafrord to risk the' negro. 'ho
wtnees refttrned antd told Hocker
at milhat he said,
nels said. ho wr sto
ard to come to'Frankfort at once
a was. aboub to ke robbee
. knw when he arrived heN that he
n had been selected to,-do the killing,
re Youtsoy said hesiat alone in the
.9 office on January 30, waiting for
Ut Howard.
"When Uloward raP d on th
door I went ou; jib' 'haske if that
- Nas You tsoy.
left Howard at, ther glass door of
Powers' privat .ofliCe and went
I, around to the ante rooni ahd lot
ra h'i ' ~ e
d imm thro' the glass door. .T then
pulled down the blinds and ar.
Fy ranged for the slioating, showing
ca him the rifle. I told him I had ar
. ranged so no one saw him enter
the Oflice.,
"Did you come out of the office
before, as you say, Howard .ired
the shot?"
"Yes, sir,
a "Did you state to Tom Camp
bell, after your trial, that ither
Jake Van Dipper, Berry, Howard,
"TalloW Dick" or Jim Howard, you
did not know which, fired the fatal
'Probably I did, but'it was falso,'
esaid YoutSev.
"Why-did you want to implicate
10 tho men if your statoment was
1 falso ai'1 youkCnew the men to Le
e "My recolloction is that this was
rather a suggestion for Arthur
Goebel, and as he'lost his brother
and was 'n trouble, I did not i t
amounted to inuclanyway. I did
not care muho about it at the time,"
carelessly answered YoutseV.
The Sugar Beet Works a Transformation.
T wenty yearl'3 ago I was a travel
ing mian). I miade the Michigan
-Qwn1s from Detroit to Bay City
and( Saginawv, then across to Grand
Rapids, down to Three Rivers, and
-. baick byv way cf K(alamazoo, Jack-.
o son), andl( the present place of the
y, Biheakfast Fo~s where they make
w bec.aom, bailavorax and helta
it she'lta ; then tvor to the jui~hawker
y tOgwn of Ann Arbor where there
:4 was niotin g but a school ; on to
*y Ypsilanti, the land of the Yage
m~ rit, ,.:nn~I)ion forev'er! I wore a
n diukey dlerby, spring- bottom panlts,
ir. a red uneckl ie, a wa~xed mustache,
la and a warm . vest that would have
ur made that coat of Joseph senm like
d the silence. I used to have a new
n vest every trip, and it was always a
n) miraclei in chromatics, But tils
it was notihing to my smile-my smile
i. was con tagious - when I arrived in
'o a place overybody smiled, and in
e vie others to smile. The man
dI who deals ont Rled Rato'n Split
o smiled, the 'bus 4 rivers glod, the
~. babies cooed, and the dining room
1(0 girls giggled, wh'len I came to town.
1o That is what I I scattered smiles,
,e lilac-tin ted stories, good cheer and
'a silver small change all over the
is route. Especially the stories-I
y, always started. out with three new
w ones, and I told 'em from Detroit
er clear around to Whilte Pigeon and
as back. And I sold the goods.I
e. did not merely lay corner-stones
b.y and get things in shape. I (lid not
Ln s0'ure a p~roniise of a.n orderge
le next time~ 3dut*'6ot'hx theimn
el 'forwi'future trade and then brag
iu about it. Not I. I got his name
0on the bottom of the order sheet,.
r'- That is what I old. Business
was good up around that Saginaw
country-it was the lumberi iAll
y the rivers were full of lumber
.booms, Business boomed, and I
te boomied business. But there camne
aday when things began to relax.
e Tiinbyr was getting scarce, and
9, tbre were dire reports of failures.
n- You had to be careful to whom you
d sod. Whole town# quit business
9 anid imoved a~way before you got
~~k. j'Dhgygent whero there was
~ Urber~ ~as fot the far
~ ~t. ~Lfarm to arty
Y arj hnd 8o. 4d I gave
t 46d of t.be Michiganders the
o' shako.
P 4-heA Was oelghteei years ago.
*II it over that same
seIn& This time I was dis.
~ 'the East Aurorm lo.
46.0' -I epake at Lansing, Kala
-0 , manti, Ann Arbor, Caro,
. ag ay City, Owosso and
Aima ah laoe, the siz> of
the aun itod by the
capadity of t )at e9. Talk about
your pa1my dayq*',tlio New Ewo
gland Lyceumi A bOwp for in
stance, there were fiftee'flndred
people in a church that wAis'e.
signed to seat a thotaanfl. The
people. were. well .dresstl, appre
ciative, intelligent and prosperous.
paved, new brick blocks wore being
built, there Were trolley liries, pub.
lie libraries, water works, 'eleotric
plants, high schools and savings
banks. I looked for the lumber
mills, but they were not there.
Span-new brick and stone factories
stood where the old saw mills once
wQre. "I thought this country was
going to the devill" I said to my
friend, Dr. George F. Butler, at
"lWe thought so, too, but we
wera wrong," smiled the doctor as
he adjusted his diamond pin--"it <
is the sugar beets!" ]
The lumber business enssts in
cutting down trees. It is a pro
cess of de-struction. The trees tock I
nature a hundred years or moro to 3
produco. And you, can never grow
a second crop of pine on the bane
land-the trees once gone are gone
forever. It was a man by the name Y
of Bradley at Bay City who con- C
ceived the idoa of raising Bug
boots in Michigan. All this pros
perity wts once an unspokon.
thought in the imud of' this oe <
man. Ho studiod the chemical
properti-s of the soil, and whilo
making a trip through (ermany
he found out the sort of soil that
was required to raise sugar beotq. t
He put the two things togother and
hastened home with a valise full of
beet seed.
that you could raise from six to
ten tons of eugar beta on anl a cro
of that lumber land; and those
becet were worth fiye or six dollars e
a tol.. That was only six years
ago and now there are furteen
beet sugar factories in Michigan,
that each employs a capital of '
over six hundred thousand dollars.
The total capital (of theso facto
ies is nine muilion dollars. In ~
the season ot 1902 there were sev
onty-one thousand acres -ini M ich i- a
gan devoted to raising beoio. The I
amount of cash paid out to the far
mners for beets was oVer four mill
jeln dollars. The a~mount'paid outa
for labor in the factorIies was over
a million and a half dollars. Th'le (
machinery used in these factories ~
is the product of A merican labor.
A beet sugar factory can only th Evo t
in a small town-in a big town the a'
farming larid that produces tho I.
beets imak es too long a banl, Beets 1
growv in (ho ground. Farmers raise
beets. Beets mak sugr-the best c
that is. Everybody usos sugar i:
three times a dahy. This sugar in- c
dlustry in a town) means prosperity,
education--pianos, books, schools
and good roads. Wherever there
is a beet sugar industry, there are
efforts being put foith in the line
of matadamized roads. Good roads
in a farming country Imans civili-.
zation, andl whero the road~ arc ]
poorest there the po0ople1 are the
most illiterato and bar barie.
At Alma, M1ichigaun, is a man by
the name of A- W. Wright, eighty t
y'earA young, who has shown the
world whiat one man can (do for the
town in which lhe lives. This man
vacgof' the first to recogniizf' a
1,hat sugar- beets were a good tling 1
for farmers to'araise. Hie imported
boot seed from Gormiia i nd sup~
plied the farmers, giving o t hitera
tuae on the subject and o uragu.
ing them In every way ,) thor
ough and good wor brough
the efforts of this wial 'ighit a I
whlole country has' od with <
prosperity. Hie ha ditches,
graded roads, pay ts, built
factories, hotels, ium, on
cou raged the sob set thous
ands of men to And the
result is'that the haepi
up their mortgathsvig
banks have somoe lt
they do Dot knmo ttowt
The hopd, . oniyle
jprimarily't$ rmers. They
~ . g' fr'eedom's
every Wily
to ehe er
ear'l have b
--eVery goi4.iJ4
the grounld- az.
America has the i j
men and womeS!)
need we Can Ou
shapir 'ur po1M
to wQ' for pow k on
all Old World Coqpj
can set the nations a i
beauty, civilization ad
such as this tired old .A a
never seen.--Tho Phihastino .
tpicalOklahoman was, n
ly asked what were the attriw"u 6
a true Oklahoman. "Well r
hOp you) rsponded'ALA. rim
loaui'ik back in hic
botwket to the summit of . ;iph
lU itd patrioticaIfy werniI
to tIemle. "Theo
zen hM' allthe solbrie
the fearlessness of 'Iexas
diness of Iowa, the fran
Tennessee, the endurance ol'.
soti, the thrift of Nebrawkdc
dustry of Ohio, the conservi
of Indiana, the energy of
the incredulity of Misso
suavity o:f Mississippi, the
ity of Georgia, the chivalry
tucky, and if these attribut t
mtitle the Oklahoma citizc
the courtesies in the calenda
ial aienities, then I wouhi
cnow where an .1 at."-Exc4
Marksmanship of the Form
11. Ml. S. Frlidable has
Ired twenty-seven rouni .
-ound costing the countr
62. These twent '-seven sA:
ired at a target 600 squarc
trea at a range of about 1,5(
Phis range is -o 0 at which J_
to battleship wvgMd engage mi i
> war on accountrof torpedeus. 0"
he twenty-seven rqinds flrv' b
. S. Formidable'one hit t)
'in. a. pereentalge of 3.7.
. ' lormnidable cost cofit
)ver ?1,000,000. The gun.
?orinidable, imade at WVooh
idimirable Vealpons. Whja
var value of a X1,000,0O0 b
hat misses a small target a 'I
'ange twenty-six timnes out
y-seven ?--onudon ISpectat r.
Seal of the Confederac
The great seal of !Ib(' Conl
s supposed to be inl the bili
'he original design callcjli f
questrian portrait of Wah .iln
. the center, after the statw 1i.,
urinounts his monument it
apitol square in Richnionc,
oubt that design was exe
osephi S. Wyoni, chief enj
er majesty's seals, 287
t reel, London. Ihis c!harg
'orkc was 2122. Somnebot
roofrs of the "great seal 4
ad Washington wearing
nd( a Confederate slouch h
as the (lie from which t
truck ? I.t should be wort)
ome stun as a curiosity.-,
'rec Press.
The West a Conditic
The west, somehow has c.
conidit ion rather thani 44
~fter days in a luxurious
asual traveler finds hims,
ities of tihe Pacilic wvith t
hat hero are not the d.
lie strangeness, the we
hat he had expected.
'est which he has picturc< -
r, the free, the hearty, the
ig, seems in some degree v.
scap~ed him. And present -'
overs that the condition
all western is singularly
a the wvest; that the mno
f American cities is not
r Seattle, but Butte City,
o the east of the coast.
Lard Baker in Century.
"Pricking of Sherifi
King Edward lately he ri,
ouincil at Buckinghami
vhich the principal busia~..
bprickcing of sheriffs" f'i~
unglish and Welsh count
The old 1plan wvas to-ro :
ames of "good .men and' '. or a
'mund stick, which the k itjbbd
Lt raindomu with a pin, so E~m when
lhe p~archmenlt wasBUf uro.'
mame might be appareniya
>y chanhce..
Chance has now been . ;~
['he names are written o a
.nd wound into the desi; *o pion i;"
y a system of rollers ana ..
d by the novereign's b a i
ilver bodkin at a point 4 ieb
lit the namuesq selected b' n~.
A dis.ordered stomach. 4
11d of trouble. When
ails to. performn its funct ' .
'I become deranged, t -r
cidneys conigested, caitWi UCII 44u
lisoases, the most fatal Co bh 4 4
>ainIoHss and( therefore t 4 t44b
lreadled. The fit rtn.
estore the stomaelft.. 4 4y~
pose no better prepar '. a bI
used than Ohiambeilaini' Iil'tic tum
Liver Tiabltsm. For b1)'I
W. Earle, P'ickens,ai .
Smith, EasI y.
A ThInughtti ...
know what t. 40 in t1h hl'41 V
lits wife hat s uch ten 1' ani4 ~
could(1 notlie her. H~ ith41)'.a u
tried 1)r. Ktin 'New L'.Pye ~d'
got relief 4X one and e W.h.:' eU
Onli 2jo, at Pt ,j)r~~(~i
store," ,i
'h k
n' rcf
au ki)d .. -
b .w (>h
($ n1
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