OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, December 09, 1903, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067659/1903-12-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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___I -. P CE N S . S E_________IN-E L ___
..------- Enitered April 2,1903 at Pickens '. . secotd clas ntter, under act of Cougrost or M r ch 3, 1879.
ThomrAville and Gulf Road Goes Into
Thonasiille, Ga., Dec. 4.-'The board
of directors of the Tifton, Thonias.
ville and Gulf railroad met here. The
consolidation of that road with the
Atlantic and Birmingham railroad waj
unanimously authorized.
At a meeting previously held the
Tifton and Northeastern and Atlanti:
and Birmingham directors had voted
for iorger.
Immiiedately after the vote here a
contract was executed. The new
system will be known as the Atlantic
and Birminghamiu railway. 'It will
control 220 miles from Waycross to
Montezuma and from Thomasyille and
Officeis of the consolid'ated systems
are: President, W. G. Rtaoul; gener
al manager and vice pros!dent, George
Dole Wadley; sccretary, C. Fred Rted.
ding; directors Atlantic and Birming
ham railway, W. G. Raoul, George
)ole Wadley, T. Jefferson Coolidge,
Jr., H. M. Atkinson, Percy R. Pyne,
E. kl. Williams, W. J. Swayne, Alex
Bonnyman and C. Fred Redding. Five
hundred thousand dollars worth of
rolling stock has already been order.
ed for the new road.
Offlicers say the extension from Mon
tezunma, to Birmingham will be con
structed inymediately. Also (!ircx.t.
connection with Atlanta and an exten
sion from Waycross to the coast in
the near future. The road will make
a -bid for the winter tourist traffic,
via Birmingham, next year.
PolIco of Large CitIes Will Wage War
of Suppression.
New York, Dec. 4.-A complete plan
for th-o extermination of Sicilian and
Italian b>lacismailing societies is re
ported to -have been mapped out
,Agents of the secret service branch
of tho treasury department, postoffice
department, Inspectors and police op
eratives of New York, Philadelphia,
Chicago and two or three other cities,
will participate and it is proposed thal
a death blow.shall be dealt theforeign
bands who have grown remarkably
hold in their operations during receni
While Ohicago and Philadelphia ar4
known to have powerful societies, it
is believed that there exists at present
in the city the most powerful and des
perate Mafia band that has over beer
organized in America.
New Jerosy Will Wage Unrelenting
War on Pest.
New York, Dec. 4.-Proioters ol
the great Mosquito war which raged
last si-imer about the marshes of Liong
island and New Jersey have called a
meeting for Dec. 16, when they hope
to organize a national anti-mosquito
association. Plans are to be formu
lated for a relentless campaign on the
post, to begin early in the spring.
The governor of New Jersey will
preside at the m-eeting, and represen
tatives of the department of entomol
ogy at Washington as well as delegates
from several states are expected to
Suspects Captured by Pollce.
Chicago, Dec. 4.-Special officers of
the Pennsylvania railorad have cap
turedi three men suspected of many
thefts of live stock from the cars ol
the company and whom the city police
charge withi being responsible for the
long succession of hoid-u'ps in the
stock yardls districts. The men ar
restedi are "Charlie" and "Arehie"
Brundage and Frank Grill'in. The
police fired several shots in routing
the men from the building in which
they had taken refuge, and Oriffin
was sere-vely wvound1ed. The Brun
dages have poli1ce records8.
Writs of Habeas Corpus.
Trelluride, Cole., D~ec. 4.--Writs ol
habeas corpus have been issued~ by
Judge W:arlaw from the -county court
ordering the sheriff to bring Secro.
tary CJarpcnter and 12 other union
men, now in the county ,jail,
chiarged with consapi racy brought
before court at 10 o'clock Saturday
'norning. If the wvrit is not granted
after the hearing Saturday it is prob~a
ble application will be presented for
the release of .the mnon to J-udge Ste.
vens, of the ninth judicial court.
Ask Agent's Removal.
Spokane, Wash., Dec. 4.--A peOtitionl
signedl by 169 of the Noz 'Porcas In
(1hns has been forwarded to the sec
rotary of the interior asking for the
removal of 10. Tr. MlcArthur, super
inteni~dent of the Nez Perce resorva
tion lndiani school, and ox-officio
agenTt. McArthur is charged wvith
cruelty to his charges and reflections
arec east uploni his management of the
fund ol' the reservation. Copies of
the petition hmave been sent to Ben
atoirs H epburn and D)u~ois.
Agreement Between Steamer LInes.
London, D~ec. 4.-An ag'rement han
beenm concluded between the Hamb~urg.
American and the WVhite Star lines
whereby each will provide four steam
ers for the Americnm-M(edite~rranean
service, the H~amb~urg-A4merican steam'
ers running from New York and the
'White Star vessels from Boston. The
kla.mburg-American office at Genoa
will manage te White star portion of
the business.
Re-Elected President Relohetag.
SBerlin, Decc. 4.-Count Von Balle.
trom was today re-elected president
ofterihstas virtuallyr unnimous,
American Ship Is Wrooked
In Formosan Waters.
Crew Finally Abandoned Same, After
Laboring 48 Hours-Took to Lifla
boats and Many Fell Victims of Sav
age Tribe on an Island.
Beattle, Wash., Doe. 4.-,Jacob Holo
5tad, captain of the American ship
Benjamin Sewall, which was wrecked
in Formosan waters during a typhoon
)ct. 6; has arrived here on the Jap
inese steamer lye Maru.
Captain Hloelstad says the Sewall
was abandoned after laboring in a
torriflc storm for 48 hours, during
which she sprung a leak. TI crew
f 20 took to two lifeboats, one of
which landod on Tobago island, where
Dight of the number, it is believed,
were murdered by the natives.
Will Not Foreclose on Railroad Bondo
Which He Holds.
New York, Dec. 4.-Fiormer Presi
dent Cleveland denies the report that
be is about to foreclose on a Pennsyl
vania line 16 miles in length in default
of an interest paynent on bonds which
he holds.
"'he Bradford, Bordell and Kilpen
road," he said, "is a narrow gauge
road in the oil regions. Nearly ton
years ago some of its stock came to
me, partly for professional services.
I deposited my stock With a committee
And, flve or six years ago the commit.
teo sent me $8,000 worth of bonds,
which were to pay intere-st only in
iase of the road proving profitable.
Several payments were made, but two
yoars ago payment was refused when
the coupons were sent and my bonds
were aga-in solicited by a committee
which was to act as it thought best
in the matter. Since that time I
have heard nothing from the commit.
New York Woman Reports Mysterious
Disappearanoe to Police.
New York, Dec. 4.-Mrs. Francia
Burton has reported to the police the
disappearance of her 15 year old .son,
Theordore, while on his way from
Birmingham, Ala., to New York.
Mrs. Burton said her son had been
visiting his aunt in Birmingham and,
according to a letter, he left for New
York Nov. 15. She had watched the
trains and had telegraphed to all pQintg
along the road, but thus far no trace
of the lad has been found.
Mrs. Burton, who -is said to be
wealthy, formorly lived in Blirning
Rope of Cage Broke, Preclpitating
Them to Bottom.
Liega, Belgium, Dec. 4.-4ieven coal
miners -were killed today at the Gas
son-Laqutaese mine at Montegne
through the breaking of the rope by
which a cage was being hauled up.
"'le men were precipitated to thd
bottom of the pIt, and their bodies
were horribly mangled.
Counsel for Bryan Files Appeal.
New Haven, Conn., D~ec. 4.--Counsel
for William J. Bryan, executor of the
will of Philo S. Bennett, filed an ap
peal in the superior court today from
tihe decision of Pi'obate Judge Ch3ave
land by which the sealed letter giving
$50,000 to Mr. Ilryan' aiyl his family
was excluded (roml probate. It wil
conmc up together wilth the appleal al
rearfy filed by a counsel for Mrs. Ben
nett, the widow. Thme latter appeal
Is from the dlecision of .Judlge Cleave.
land admitting to probate the seotions
of the will naming Mr. Bryan as execu
tor and giving him funds in the trust
comnpany for college scholarships.
beclaree Law Unconstitutionals
St. Paul, Dec. 4.--Thre sup1remie couri
today declared that thme state wvas un
der no moral obligation to pay sugar
bounty under the law enacted in 1895,
and declares the law unconstitutional
T1he Minnesota Sugar company sued
the state and secured a writ of cor
trorari to compel the state auditor te
pay a bounty of $20,000 which Is claim
ed it had earned under the sugar
bounty act of 1895.
Denial Given to Report.
Paris, D~ec. 4.-An authoritative de.
nial iia given to the report circulated
in America that nogotiations are in
progress for the sale of the colony
of St. Pierre and Miquolon, off the
southcoast of New Foundland by
France to the United States, it is
added that the islands are not quiet
in spite of the excitement there last
summer, caused by the expulsion of
the clericals.
Champion Steer Sold.
Ohicago, Doc. 4.--"Challenger," the
champion steer of the International
Live Stock exp)osition at the Union
stock< yards, was sold today for $442
or 2G cents a pound, to Joseph Stc.
vens, of lluff'alo, N. Y.
Prominent Banker Suloldee.
D~es Moines, Iowa, Dec. 4.. eorge
Wood, at proinent banker of dolfax
shot. himself t hrrough thd head today
dyinir intantiv.
Uai rison Is After Suspioioiu
Charaoters of City.
Mayor Makeas Declaration that the
Streets of the Great Wostern Me
tropolis Be Made Safe for Citizens..
Many Arreste Made.
Uhicago, Dc. 4.-West Side lodging
'houses, "barred houses" and resorts
frequented by woman were the first
to feel the effect of a drastic crimo
clearing order of Mayor larrison. Do.
tectives and police visited the placoe
'last night, queriod and soarched . the
inmates and issued. commands that
will cause an exodus of suspicious
characters from the territory. .
The activity resulted from the may.
or's declaration:
"The strees of Chicago must be
made safe to citizens."
In last night's initial rald on the
West Side more than 20 men and
women were arrested, but to many
hundreds the edict was given:
"Get to work; keep away from these
places and streets or spentid the winter
In the Bridowoll."
Scores of men wero-searched, a.i
though few weapons were found.
Touching Appeal to Governor Odoll
Secures a Pardon.
Ithaca, N. Y., Dec. 4.-After servin!
less than two years of a 5-year son
tence in Auburn prison for stoaling
$60,000 worth of bonds and $10,000 mi
jewelry, Charles D. Norris, formerly
a car inspector, here has been frood
through the efforts of his 9-year-old
Norris took the property from the
private car of a wealthy theatrical
maniager as it stood on a sidetrack
here. The theft was not discovered
until he following day, but his arrosi
and the recovery of .the property
quickly ensued. When taken to pris
on a wife and throe little ones were
loft to struggle for existence. They
all secured mployement and when Gov
ernor Odell visited the icity recently
the oldest child-,a boy of 9-presentoJ
a touching appeal to the chiof execu.
tive for his father's pardon. H:e
sealed It neatly and as the governot
was about to board his car the little
fellow handed him the letter. A-f tei
Investigating the case the Doy's ples
was granted, and Norris has been ro
stored to his family.
,Deputy Sheriff Kissed Pretty Girl
Against Hier Will.
New York, Dec. 4.-Deputy Sherlil
Louis L. Cook, of Woodmnere, L. I.,
'has been found guilty by a jury there
of having kissed Miss Mary Sullivan,
a pretty school teacher, against her
4 He was sentenced to throe months,
imprisonment, but took an appeal.
Th'le alleged offense was committed
while Miss Sullivan wvas riding with1
the deputy sheriff In his carriage.
They Had Blockade Whisky.
Spartanbur-g, S. C., Dec. 4.-Ben
Perry, of Tryon, N .0., the son' of for
mdr Governor Peorry, of 'South Caro
\4 lina, wvas captured ini this city by statS
constables with about 40 gallons of
blockade whisky. Perry resisted ar
r-est and in the m~elee that ensued gumis
were used, Perry being slightly in
jured. .He was finally overpowered
and carried to jail, wvhero he will
probably await trial. Perry is well
known and comes of a prominent
Oarolina family.
Modal Offered for Research Work.
Ch icage, Dec. 4 .-Professor Fr-eder
ick Starr', of the University of Chica,
go, has liad a silver medlal str-ucli
which he- offers to any person ini the
United -States who each year most dis,
ting-uishes himself in research worli
among the American Indians. The
medal is to be called the "Corn.
-planter medal," in honior of' Ohlef
M~o ntra great Indian chief,
head of ?he- LongHouse, the great
council of the Five Natioins.
About Half the Cars Run.
Charlotte, N. C., Dec. 4.--A'bout hail
the usual numbeor of ears werme ruin
ovdr the lInes of the Charlotte Con'
solidated Construction cornmany, oni
which a strike was declared TPhursdlay
by the conductors and motormnen be
S cause of the failur-e of the comnpany
to provide heat for ears. There hmas
beon no disorder, although efforts are
inade at "gyn"the strike brneakors
Stoned Passenger Train,
Crawfordville, Ga., Dec. 3.--The pas,
censjust this side of Robinson, ini
this county. T1he rock missed sever.
S al passengers. Trains have been1
rociked at this point sever-al times be,
fore, and the road will make strong
efforts to atppre'liend the guilty parties
Dynamite Found Hidden.
Chicago, Dec. 4.--,Dynamito in large
quantities has been found by Assistan:
Ohief of Police Schuottler hidon -in
the northwest part of the city. Trhe
'discovery was followed by the immedr.
ate institution of a search for the per.
SOns who secr'etedl the explosive and
- ho are said to 1)0 connectedl with the
car barp baadits captured in the
9Wps across the Indigana stt lig
The Int'ernational Agency Summarizee
New York, Dec. 4.-i~pecial tele
grains to the International Mer'cantile
Agency throughout the United States
and Cana.da are sunnarized' as fol
'The week is characterized by further
Slackening industrially by a wholosal-i
and retail Christmas demand which
promiios to expand the volume of holl.
day trade beyond that of 11ast yoar; by
the appreciation that money will be
gin to flow eastward by Jin. 1, and
by the spreadling action'on the part of
nianutacturers lcoking to reduction of
costs of production.
Wages of 200,000 industrial employca
have heon reduced 10 per cent or more
and preparations are makingr to effeet
a similar red-uction with respect to
800,000 others in various lines on or
about Jan. 1. In Philrdelphin cot
ton and woolens are running at about
half capacity. Paterson's -llk year
has not met expectation. Some
eastern ehoe factories have turned out
less of late. Paper ills have shut
down to offset 'overproduction. A
strixing feature is the starting up .from
day to day of establishments which
'had shut down from various causes,
and the increasing number of smal
orders for iron anld steel. Cereals
and provisions are wealk.
Woolcn goods sales have been ex
tended less than expected.
At P'huiladelphia the volume of the
dry goods trade for the season is great
er than last year. Louisville reports
a heivy gain in bank clearings. Cot
ton sections of thi Misissippi valley
trade and collections are good. At
both Chicago and S0an Francisco there
is large advanc6 buying for the holi.
day season.
Making Preparations to Handle Expo.
sition Crowds.
'Now York, Doc. 4.--The presidents
of the roads in St. Louis met today
to consider plans connected with the
improvement of the union station at
St. -Louis. These plans involve an
outlay of about $6,000,000 and it Is
expected that the proposed- improve
Ments will be completed in time to
handle with greater facility the rush
of travel to the exposition.
A bond issue has been issuod to meet
the necessary expenditures, but he
cause of existing financial conditions,
no attempt has been made to dislpos
of the bonds.
Statements that the Terminpl. asso
elation contemplates purlllhnasjg the
old Alton bridge over the Mississippi
river, some 20 miles from St. Louis,
are erroneous. The assocIation, if
is authoritatively stated, has no Inter.
est in this matter, but it Is understood
that several subsidiary lines are nego
tiating for the property.
Spark from Pipe Causes Accident.
'Norwood, Ga., )ec. 4.--V'illie Heath,
aged 19 years, while Emoking a pipe,
carelessly opened a bureau drawer con
taining some powder. A spark from
the pilie ignited the powder and an
explosion immediately followed. Mr.
Hleath was painfully though not sori
ously burnex.
Reward for Safeblowers' Arreet.
'lowndeffsville, .S. C., Dec. 4.--At a
mneeting of town couincil and cittizens
of loawndsville $150 reward was offer
ed, in~ add~ition to the ample one ol
Mr. Hlorton, for the apprehensioni ol
the safe 'blowers wvho robbed his stord
on Tuesday night. Thle citizefs sont1
a strong petItion to the governor for
additional reward.
Tuskegee, Ala., charged w'th thegi
GJeorge Gould, his two SOnls and
Pierre [orillard, the miiionaire to
bacco manufacturer, arc atl .\r. (lould'u
hunting'lodge, near Iflgh Point, N. C.
on a hunting tour.
Western Union mleeSen'ger xoys ati
WuI'zmingtoni, N. C., wvent out oua strike
but returned to work soon afterwvard.
Cause of the tr'oulel was a red-unctios
in their pay.
I ames I,. lair, the attorney, ha.1
been indicted- 'by the St. Lomis grand
jury on the charge of forgery In the
first degree. Blair was formerly
general counsel of the world's faim
andl for several weeks has been con
fined in the hospital.
GJeneral Pirayton, mner of the4
Republican national comniitee frorn
Rhode Islandl, has p~roposedl am plan to
decrease the south's represeunta1on ir
Republcan national conventionk.
At the hlearing before thme senatE
comm-ittoo on millitary effairs Ilay
Stannard D-aker gave evidence favor'
able to Ge'neral Leonard W'ood.
Reoceivers have tiikeni 'earge oi
'JDowie's Zion City. hut littlo money
svas found in the two bankls.
A dispatch from St. P~etemburig says
a report is current in Purt Arthur,
originating in Chinese (juarters of ani
anti-Chlristian rising in the provinca
of Sz.'e Chuan.
At the close of the minister'ial (cun.'
cil the Marquis Villaverds, the prie.
mier, proceeded to the palace and1(
tendered his resignation to King Al
fon so.
A new revolutionary miovement haa
begun In San D~omingo ever bfo re the
men who ousted Wos y G;i! have been
able to solidify themselves.
Alarming stories In regard to the
condition of 10mperor WVilli are cur.
rent in Bierlin, but they lack confir.
The *:I~rtisih royal commission on
pure fdod ang drink pronounces
MaIinst the use dia~rsente in heer
Was Conspicuou-, as Domo
cratic Loader Formerly.
Ropreented tihe Forty-Fourth to Fif
ty-Second Congjrcsecs inclualve from
lilInois, and Was Once Cliairman of
Ways and Means Committee.
Washinil-,tonl, Dec. 4.-trmr Rp
resentative Villiam M. Sjpringer, of
liino:s, form'er Demier:1- .1 rc
sp'ictoujs in le ho: 1:,'t.
tiVeS, repr~esOnting thleiry-uthe
ifty-second congresse; ::.. ' i...', at
once chairman of the way i
committoo of the house. died at it
residence in this city today iged t .
3' -ars.
d-i death wats due to ineutnonia
Contracted In Chicago 'T'hanl ks,iv %tig
Day. He was attend.ing a (ini. . ard
was siddelily ttkell wvith a h1. fe
loft Chicago the following day and ar.
rived here Siturday aftertnoon. Hill
ranily physician, Dr. J. 11. Gregg Cui
tis, was Immediately sumnoned, but
Mr. Springer grew steaily irso.
His condition became ciritical yester.
day, and a radical chtaige tor the wrose
Occurred last n1iht. lie -4ank1h rapid.
*y and passed away this ncrning.
Mr. Springer has heen a resident o
this city during the past few years
following his ret iremen t from congress.
lie hams represented many of the in
dian claims before the interlor depart
ment and before the federal and local
courts here.
Prospective Strike of Chicago Carriaga
Drivers-More Pay Wanted.
Chicago, Dec. 4I.-A strike of the
carrinage drivers In C-Ihicn.go liverte.1
became almost a certainty last night
when the negotiatlans that have been
in progres; for some time between
the drivers an( (lie Livery Mon-a as
soclation were broken off.
As a result of the prospoctive strike
ordors It will bo impossiblo to secure
carrt'iagos or vehicles of any kind from
Chiengo liveries after next. Wednosday
ior'ninug. IEven inuneriaks will be ar
feeted, drivers of hearses being mem
bors of the Oarriago Drivers' union,
and will be ordered to strike with
'he Ilen demiand $14 per week ol
seven (lays, of 12 hours each.
The liveries offer $12 for seven (ays
of 14 hours each.
Body of Man Washed Ashore-Throat
HaPd Been Cut.
13altimore, Dec. 4.-The body of a
woll dresse( manl, supposed froi lit.
ters fouild t upon hIs lerson to be
Michael .1. Fitzpatrick, of New York,
1as been waled ashoro in St. Mnry'.q
county. The th-oatt was cut from
oar to car andh tier'Ie were (two bullet
wound (s inl theo che1(st. Thel( point is
remote and patleulhi Iars are meager.
If the matn wa s munrdered, the crtilme
mlust hav bL eeti done11 on a steamer
plying c.ni the C'hes:1i lke.
Th'Ie authorities areo ittvest igating.
Atigusta Holds Election.
emuniial ih etion was but the formal
(1etring tp of(I (the verdie 1( f the .ht ly
we're cast. in the1 entire city. Fot
mlayor'. !t. H.. Actin, ( on ;telimn W.
M. lDunhl:,tr . .1. J.lbe0, Ge'orge It Hot.
lette. 'Theiy w~Vill ent er office in .Jan.
Sa ry.
Charged with Arron.
Columbuthls, (Ot., hec. 4.-'mtit~h Alex.
ander, a wvell kntown young manot of
Phenix City, Ala., was airrvsted on2 a
chartgo ofi a rson. T~he r'esi dce hei
was owntiel by W. (.. C!ampho1 . mar-.
shtal oIf ii'h(nix City3, who a (rrested41ii im.
AlexandeI r has bteent coll1e(tor for anI
Mad~e inspection Tour.
Sagit nw, Michitigan, D)ec. 4.--Se're
tary of' AgrIiul It'r ' Wilson am t he
pat'ty who ar toaecotmpan ytng im 0on
sulgar he(t fac tot'ies, le ft her';e toay
for (Ownss:o. Secretary3 V Wi:on saii
lie hadl been greatly impjrl:'.ed withI
the nnignittude of thte induistry an'&ti
highly instrulctedi inl Its nteeds for the
Declined to Form New Cabinet.
Mt :rtid, D~ec. 4.-P'remni*'r Vilaverde,
w.ho ylesterdlay tenderledC~ 1.e r(esigna.L
tioni of tile cablIl ine to K in g Alfonts'
owling to the lIeopuicanIL opitpos ition tot
the pnsraye of the btudget hIllI, has de
('hned to form aL nlw enbdinet and has.
a1dviW1:l the king to entt'.uI lie task t
Kenor M aura, former mtitnIster of thb
Car S'hopa Burnedl.
i-agliaw, Mich1., 1Dee. I.- -'ire de
Rtrly' 3the 1 wo, d worintg de cpartmnt
of thill' iret. Marltette Cnr shops early
thi morning111 . I ma .50,000e. Otne
hundre1 md and11 fift y -men wV(re' throwvn
out of emphtiaymen'tt.
Wagon Oveturned, Chinameni Drown.
huffb'alo. N. Y., Decc. 4.----A waigon
load (If (Chinamen wh~f 'io were being
fsmulggled ini .e thItis ('utr ly wans over
tturne tod (1(1y andl~ fell in to I the Erie
canal. F~our' of the Chinameni Were
It Is rfcJocted by Colombian Sonat o
Its Merlite.
Wanhington, Dec. 4.-Miutater Beav
pr, at Bogota, has advised the stat
departmCnt that the Hny-Iierran es
al treaty was rejected by the Colou
bian seaate on its merits; that is t
say, that the treaty Itself in its tox
and its spirit was regarded as objo<
Mr. Boatipre is confident that nott
Ing in the instructions ho had rceoive
Ioi Wdshington relative to the pr(
sentatlon of. the treaty in I3ogotat i
the slightest degree influenced the ad
verso action upon tliat convention o
the Colombian rci1te. Th3 minister'
advicei continue to set out the fac
that the Colombiana etill are huopofu
of being ablde to negotiate a new treat;
WIthb the Un ited States ill pla(eof th
failinig Ifly-lerran treaty and regret
tlig the adverso action of their senati
are willing to extend to the Unite
Statei terils much more fuvorabll
than thoo contItiled In that treaty
PromIses have gone so far1 as to indil
cate thait the present congress migh
be di-:aolved and a new congresin che
Win b,- order of the president anll
that tvhe latter would see to it thai
the new congress would be favorabl
to any canal treaty that he. might sirl
nit for its lit fieation.
'c:ry i y has pronleed to pre
Eenlt (elleral Rlyes to Pr.:Ident Hll(Xg
Volt. hlie ldate will depend Onl tI,
president aplasre The seretar;
is satidas to the pienipotentiar;
po1wer: S essd by Gi'eneral teyes
and v: Ill afiori him every opx)rtunit;
to discharre his umission. hut ti
filct !: o : ''d that there is nl
hope of !;: mv
PoctaIce Department Clerks Unde
Charges of Conspiracy.
Ikitimo:a,. Doe. 4.--The trial of C(
luml bus 1-L1sworth Upton and Thonia
W. Al(rcbr, postoffice departien1
clerks (n vharges of conspiracy to d
fraud the rovermnent lin contract f.
nil p:tuchles WaS resuI med today bi
fore Jud i-, orris in the United State
cireuft court. The first witnoss placoi
o0 the !Aand was I)ui A. Goetv., n
accountant in the office of Mcorogoi
ie identlfied certain bills sent t<
Charles Smith, a Baltimore leathe
merhllant., wVho furnish3d the pouche
(ont aln agreeijent to pay titon nil
McGregor it "ralk-off." On cros.-e
amuinationi ootz said that Upton an
IcUregor were lnown in the depar
rnhlent as hott and upright imell.
Will1iam F'. Proenigg, secretary i
ongresmann \\rachitor, testiflei thi
ho wrote the letter which Mr. Watchtt
signed recoillending Si iti to the di
partilent and that the letter was wri
ten it the retinunest of Upton.
WI llhtiam 1. Nasserberg, receivin
clerk in Mcregor's officM, textilie
that he had revolv ed the boxoS <
Plouches sh1ipped by Smith., Nhis Iin
ma II. (Onverse and Robert A. Pet
dieton, stenographerns in the offices c
Mciregor, identif'(I certalin letter
that had beeni written to Smith. Jai
A. Dikey, file clerk in McGregor's o
flice, ldentififled carbon copies of Ip
ters Selt t Smith 1erbert W%. A
de'rson, a clerk in charge of the 0o
respondence ini McGregor's office, amls
ident iled certain letters from Mc~re;
Or's office whieh were wrItten to Mi
Manchester and Liverpool Excite<
Iniovnec Rie In Cottoniictt
eflnure l ntese ex('itolmen t in Manehet
ter' an~d 1L1verpool todafy.
Amnerican cotton aidvaEnced 28 to 4
1)po1is ovor y'esterdany's closingprices
ft Is raid1 Il11ntl that if thle officia
crojp estimate11 of the Uniite~d Stales deC
partmntI of amgricuzlture made pull<
y'o!tterday is correct, it meanITs that
terrib1 l e nlmiftyid awat J 1anensIhiro0.
Furneral of Captain Mike Walsh.
Anlgusta, (;n., )ec. 4.-'Phe funer.
al of Captain MJIke Walsh, veteran
Snu tIor oni the CGeorgian railroad tok
1)1ace hereiC. lie lhad b)4een in the ncr
vice ever slince Judige King wans presi.
dent of Iihe ro)ad , and was; knowd~n by
:rryod lonig the line fromi Atlantil
to Augusta.
Jail Is Destroyed by Fire.
ilm-ilyeiviilo, Ala-., Dec. 4.--T~he
I'mrank !n iioun11ty jail hias been burnled,
and it I b lielved thlat thle prisonors.
shtIrted t he i llmesn. The~11, flye inmates,
all negroes, were talk en from the -bilnid
ing in sa-fety. Thle property iosi is
Lrrge Gift to University.
New York, l).w. 4.-A genltloman
who dle.sirea to remain amnonmymomuI, ac.
('01 nt;u to a TImIes10 dlispatch from Ixm.
ITon, has gi ven UniversIty (.oilege nj
this city ?2%0,00)0 to be used for the
prihlotIOn or higher scientitle educa.
Railroad Is EnJoined.
Jackson, Miss.. Dlec. 4.-<'hancellor
Maycs has1 enijo ne l the MlisshissipplI
Valley ralIiroad comin fs~ion frmP pt.
ting in a late of 3% eents on grain
an ld gra In prod(1ucts fromu Vicksbu rg to
lM1er'Iidian. Thbe case miay go to the
tJinited States supreme court for set.
Ii'emn It.
Operations .Are Resumed.
Saratoga, N. Ya., Dec. 4.--Opierattoni
are being resumed at the mills of thm
lnernlational Paper (omapainy whie)
shmut dlown a wveek ago. TIhe mill
are sitauted at Corinth, Ft. Edward
len Falls~ and elsewhere and emiplo;
10.000) men.
Consumption is a human
weed flourishing best in weak
3 lungs. Like other weeds it's
easily destroyed while young;
when old, sometimes im
Strengthen the lungs as you
would weak land and the
weeds will disappear.
3 The best lung fertilizer is
Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork
is good too, but it is very hard
to digest.
Tle time to treat consump
tion is when you begin trying
to hide it from yourself.
Others see it, you won't.
Don't wait until you can't
deceive yourself any longer.
Begin with the first thought
to take Scott's Emulsion. If
it isn't really consumption so
much the better; you will soon
forget it and be better for the
treatment. If it is consumip
tion you can't expect to be
cured at once, but if you will
begin in time and will be
rigidly regular in your treat
I mea't you vill win.
Scott's E mulsion, fresh air,
re.,': all you c,.n, eat all you
cam, that's the treatment and
th:L's the0 best treat meit.
We will send you
a dlittle of the lliul
L T sion f:-e_.
1 c rue that ts pi -ture in
lrani ct a 1.abel is on the
Wil Ci- 4 r v% :y bottle t{
1-.m 1 sical you Lu.JY
i' BOWNU ,
439 Pearl St., N. Y.
roc. and $T nil drugdgists.
The Union Meeting at Flat Rook.
lr. ElitoIr Tile good people of
Flat llock met to cutrtain the unio:i
Ileueti l ist Situitdi.N bit it was S>
c c14 1 lit but few (elegates 'ceani
0 out. No) bl1in1ess5 wis tratuincsato I
ibut the union will mnett, t he hf It
Suuna. in Jnnary at Flat Rock
again witl lie prongrlinm as beforo.
D. W. 1t ott prei cho 1 an excel.
lent, lerilon 8.atirday lit Alr. Cooley's
funerld It is nplifting to a man
qi irituially (-f he. is a christian but
(. louselting if hie is anl un regencrato
.11m11,) to hear11 Bro. MlOf.
i 'lat Rock has1 at floirishing Sun.
- 'liny school with Rev. T. F. Nelson as
. S'upriteicndent. 'They cairy it on
all wiiler and alivo a good attend
ante. ThiS sIAkI Wi 11 fo' the 1)o
'pi. of thait sction.i itlore' of 'the
'chm eI l s co(uld halve Sunidaiy I chools
A Munday school alddre'ss was do.
- ivered by W.. A. Chii sitophler'. 110
also~ preached the AlI ssiaulmrlv sermoni I
which wasI wecll listenecd to) by3 tho
Le.~t all 13 te Iutchles send( their
meiFnf'3nge's lo the mee( iiting ini Jan ii
ary I anit try', ti 3 ccoish grea11 fI(ft good
nt the a-lvaInecinouut of thu canso.
I). Mooro0, ('ranig I rios..
A .'k tLiyi for .\Ilen'c Foot lise, a power. It
I ig Ii 3 leet. Al. ail driuggists and2( shie
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
Phere Is a disease prevalling in this
couistry most dangerous because so decep
tive. Many sudden
de,~ (aths are caused by
--jit - heart dlIseasie,
~i~pneumonia, hearn
1l ffailure or apoplexy
* rarc oflen the resuill
of kidney disease. If
-lowed to advance the
~.kidney-p oioe
be vital organs or the
idney themselves break down and waste
away cell by coil.
B3 11cr troubles most always result from
a der..ngement of the kidneys and a cure is
obt:.ii od quickest by a proper treatment of
the k :lneys. If you are feeling badly you
can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmor's
Swamnp-Root, the great kIdney, liver and
bladder remedy.
It corrects InabIlity to hold urIne and scald
ing rain In passing It, and overcomes that
unplc tsanit necessity of being compelled to
go cf an during the day, and to get up many
timca (luring the night. The mild and the
e::traordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
realized, it stands tlie highest for its won-.
derful cures of the most distres~sing cases.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold
by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar
sized bottles. You ma 'v 'w
have a sample bottle ofon
this wonderful new dis- . iii
covery and a book that "' "
tells all about it, both itomoorswampdnoot,
sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.
Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention
reading this generous. offer in this paper.
Don't make any mistake, but remember
the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingha~mton,
SN. Y.. on everv hottlo,

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