OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, August 10, 1904, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067659/1904-08-10/ed-1/seq-7/

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Subject: "Chrlntlnnlt.v nn?l I.ovo"?Ch :ircl?
MliiUtr ntloim Should lio l)lr< ct?<t
Toward I'lcclii); tlio Kimmn So il of
Thnt HcHIkIuicfh AVHIcli it Inlirri nt.
Brooklyn. N. Y.?Bishop K. O. Andrews,
of the Methodist Episcopal Ch irch,
preached Sunday morning in the Central
Congregational Church. His subject was:
"Christianity and Love." The text was
from I Timothy i:3: "Now the end cf the
v confttfanfitoumt .is charity out of a pure
heart. an?l of la croofl" -conscience, arid of
faith unfeigned!." Bishop Andrews f&id/.
Every careful reader of the English
Bible takes knowledge of the fatft that the
English language, like every other living
, lansunge. is iti process of changc. Ho
knows tne significance vl words ns well
ns their form,occasionally their order
changes. Helreaa*, for instance. in the
Psalms: "My! heart is fixed, oh (!o<l, my
lieai t is fixed," and he reincmhcra that
that word "fiircd" at the time our v :rsion
was made had the meaning, which we still
retain in our colloquial speech, :o be
fixed up." and so he reads: "My heart i?
prepared, oh God. my heart is prepared."
lie reads in the Epistle to the J'he---a'.onians
that tljcy which are alive at the second
coming of Christ shall not prevent
then that aro asleep, and he remembers
that the word "prevent," original'v meant
to precede simply, and came to nave its
present meaning because ho that pnccdes
another is likely to get in the way of that
one and obstruct another who follows, and
so lie reads that at the second coming of
Christ they that arc alive shall not precede,
or shall not have the advantage over them
tiiat sleep in Christ, for both r.ii'co shall La
called to meet their Lord in the air.
So in this text we have the word "ch.-.rity,"
a word which to-day signifies either
almsgiving or lcindly judgment 01 others,
I hr.t in the timo of our version it had the
i ] meaning to which t!io new revisers have
' ?y returned, viz., "love," or "benevo'.cnee,"
f I and in tl is pas.* i go w: read this statement:
1 \ Tho aim of the - command ncn* is l.enevok
<< -Jciiee, good will, elective love, r.veli us we
\ j IpeaF. fcf the love cf r.n:i to Co J, then also
\ | i to his fellow men.
1 I , Another Bible critic:sn is worth orr
1 I > I'l.n ^ I !
' { t!ic word "law," may liavc i it:ier n narrow
or a broad significance. The narrow sig\
y\ p.kiear.co of that is "particular nrc:cpt" at'
Yj\\ t::u!cd by "particular sanction. A broad >/
\ cr meaning n that of a "holy ordained inr
ctitui.iou and system," a:ul that breeder
meaning evidently should be here u.-cd bej
cause cf the contcxt. We co;ae then to
the entire statement: "The end, or aim, of
the whale Christian institution is love out
ci a pure heart, and or u go'-d conscience,
\ X mv! of faith unfeigned."
it originated in a heart of boundless love
Jft* | [%. toward man in an act ci love unparalleled,
Mr? 1 I V we may suppose in ail the ages of eternity
_?i I . ?even the gift of God's only Son. All its
' prcecpts turn in this direction. Church or,
conizations and ministrations of every
Kind, if they be rightly directed, have simply
this purpose 10 discharge the human
soul of that selfishness that belongs to it
by nature, and to eivler into it all the love
of God.
Now nil familiar with the New Testament
know that this is no solitary utterance?it
is but one of many broad and
vwjur/i v,i;tuaj\ c bitiirnu'ius. v;iir CillllU V>
Vr the blaster saying: "Which is the first ami
1 great commandment?" Ami He answered:
"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with
all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with nil'| thy r.iiud, and with all thy
strength; Itlns is the first commandment,
Pcor.d is like unto it: Thou fhalt
LiA?*v0V" ?\ icighbor as thyself. On these two
P\ mints bans all the law anil the
V ' t, > St. l'aul
' < /__Dr. fVilaou, i<? "Lo? ?f the
w?wct i. i^iei rr,
c ? n.?.v-tfradf Willmme to| r''j 11 shhbor as
nmtu Colloge ireouwo'otfy ir'.' SJmj "royal
ooeri tlio Into iAmuol Lin.
-Tlio ngulnonUily 'V'nituuka
of the Pjckoiih i>ter 1). c. and J/that Welleth
\ held at the hi t)f tho ] r!1 nn/pod i,
next Friday at o'clock
portant that oa tetiibor bo ? rofJers>rtariyt5 do
^ N-oa u n roau. xiicy robbed hhn/'strinneu
h n his raiment, wounded him, and left
1 a^df dead. Then came one o: the chief
i >rl entatives of the current religion, a
i es and passed by on tlse other side.
eij there came down a subordinate repu-irttrtive
of the current religion, a Lce,
and he came ami looked and passed
on the other side. Then came a heretic
religion, an alien in race, and. looking
on the wounded man, he was moved
i tli compassion and dismounted end
* und up his wounds, set the wounded
in on his own beast, brought him to an
is and took cure ol linn for the night and
id the chargcs, leaving money for addinial
charges, Miying to the inn beeper:
f it costs more 1 will repay when 1 come
ain." And that alien in race, that here:
in religion, thtf Lord Jesus present i>e;e
us as the. one ^rcal example ci our
uotical religion.
.Vow be pleased to notice two t'.-is in
\is natural love. In the l'.rst ]>.;:?_ much
it is simply instinctive, a divine itnnatation
for liitrh purposes, hut because
>t founded 1 moral reason, <livine r< ason,
<y moral worth. It is but
idownn nt of hunn-n nature
propagation and the couca,
l> is made possible, but it
$f necessity any high moral
?r will rush on the i oint of
i'- vf defense c; it-; nib?-. The
fc'hr", for its younThe < ;u;!e,
patience. v.-ill teaj/i the
I . fiy. Will y. it, t in ' ,
iat paragons of moiii! exi.
d you not say of tiu-ni u"
iitill and filial love: "!?(
' ;r??"
(jtfc* place, this natural l.?v? is
I / i limitations in it.-: < stent.
j one's family and One's
W'V p K iii'iiriiDors ;in<! cofinn,
i Bra? n- 1110 16ame >"?i<*t'i <>r it.
V'V' amo religious iaiili, or of
t V' .' ;al poi\?u;iMon. and .!
' Xjh'i' these limitation-. il<<*v
j ^ s to the market pie v and
| with pevfoet indjluicnce
ami happiness of lu- iVIrostlcs
with tin in ill nil-.;
. > ).i? home to lavish n'.ad y
} *', nil hi? iH-gottcn gaine.
vft* ,v 80!icrou?! I,ien ? ir
t they may ho also ni n do;
their oencrofily diiy a<-ti'iiniTietcd
nor i:?l throughund
it they fail of th t hpi
somehow tho>r ijiOrity
upon then', and tluv )
n.ot recognized as tl.iv oxienediet
Arnold wr.s ai emk
And skillful soldier, aid *o
(4X ( .now a true patriot, hut If was
iHt.'urifi:, and when Convn.-:'. censured
in various ways lie at length hci lie
diet Arnold the traitor. 'I ho tr.th is
|it is very easy to overload al the
<rjd timoera of our sou!1 with these
und we may notic- in pasaiii' that
At Jfal that passes for cliarityiir. of|k1ica
a thin veneer over nninoWirvd.
Hh of Felli.shues.s, and we may further
that ROmetimeH \vc have credited
RMlvfs with very great temNrnos and
H will toward men lio. iii.i- f<n- in.
<, we wept over the gricfa i.nd woes
Sj|" heroes and heroines of tiction, and
^Rnd ourselves (such is- the inc'tia of
Hiature) never bo much an lifting up
to relieve the unutterable woes
crowd in h-Jtnnn ?ou!a all around us.
Mother defect of the natural love in thAt
^^Vpimply uu unrighteous love; 1 mean it
. 7
lacks the quality of righteousness in that it
is n mere kindly affection and desire t<>' do
kind things to those who are objects of'our
love, whiie at lite same time there i4 no
recognition of that foundation which upholds
the whole process of human life, that
fundamental truth which only can coiifcr
anv large and permanent well being.
Finally, this natural love is oftentimes
ungodly. That is to Bay, it is the rceojjiution
in man (the children of CJod) of liiis
or that scintillation of the infinite goodness,
while it withholds from Him who
gathers unto Himself all conceivable excellences,
alh truth, patience, generosity,
tenderness, temperance, long suffering, nil
if Till,, . ].r>
heart's true loyalty. So th.it this native
or natural love ot which we speak is indrctl
oftentimes a very faint reflection .".nil i in n;?e
of that perfect love toward which
Christianity calls t;.--. And so v/c turn back
to the text, end hear the words that ,S..
Paul fcaid: '"The aim of 'lie commandirent.
the whole aim of the Christian institution,
is Jove out of a pure heart, mid
out of a good conscicncc and out of faith
unft i;ned."
First?in this matter of Chrtstiauity \yc
have to do with such divine forces in their
operation upon human nature as yield
hopes of even this great result. It is not
that we expect outselves to attain any
such goodness. hut is it not possible. that
He who made this thing we tall the human
soul with all its varied powers of observation,
reason, iniRginniion, fancy and memory,
conscience and will, lb- who iaa?Ie
this strange, subtle, intangible thing we
call the human soul, miy not lie rct.iauc
the soul, enter into its profoundtst depths,
so reconstruct, irorder and inspire it that
it >r.nj' shine in all the likeness oi God? Is
it not said, "lie will ('o for us far more exceedingly
than we can ask or think?-'
And tliat is the warrant in this Christian
church, and in nil tl ?>'. Christian churches
for the high aspiration toward which
Christianity points us.
And the oilier thing to be said is this,
that however true it is that most of us
wlu profess and call ourselves < hrist ins
come far very far, short of this high ideal
of character; however true it is that with
many of us our Christianity is simply, as
it were, an attempt to secure self-wcll-be- |
ing in the long reselling future?alas! that I
if is such a narrow form of Christianity as j
t.ial?however tine t.iat may ik<. ncvcrUieless
I I alto it lor granted that perhaps
every one |>r'^<;ont has during some lime in
It is experience come in contact with some
soul, has become intimate i < l iiaiv i'ii
some Hfe, upon whom i!ie divine truth, the
divide providence and the divine inspiration
has so operated in tr.in-forming power
that the soul sccms to have entered ii?ti#
the very fellowship of (!od, even lias Income
radiant with divine life, tiie features
have been chiseled by tiie soul within, the
eye has looked tenderly out toward all
men whom it h;-* met, and now and then
the very habitation and habit of such a
person heco nes unspeakably endearim;. bveau-e
of this dwelling of the Lord Christ j
Second?The aim of Christianity is lovo
not only out of a pure heart, but also out j
of a good conscience. That is to say, i.s j
aim is not a mere sentimental overdow of ;
tears and pity; it shall be a living and
mighty engine within, under the guidance
of Cod, as to method, and as to measures,
of a widely instructed moral sen^e. Cliris- i
tianity is something beside mere hapniness. |
It aims at the crve.tt soul of life under tiie |
mm .....1 o'li-..,.. . ..f n.. i.. . ( t,.l !
moral nature.
And finally the-love at which Christian- 1
it>" aims is a love out of faith unfeigned.
Let faith return. Bring back your B:bl<*. j
Behold one living and eternal (Joil. lb* is
love, and He has loved this poor world so I
that lie has effected redemption for man* j
kind and lifted tlitin across the hca\ens.
Has thrown His arms around man, it or* |
dcr that He might lift i nn up bv His ] Io!y j
Spirit, l'rnyer, so that the broken-iieai ted I
and tl>e sufferer and desolate may po apart ;
from the eyes of man ami pour out their j
hearts to <>'od, whose car can catch their
faintest si^h. and whose eye beholds the
falling tta:\ Provid n<<. No sparrow falls
to the ground without Hi- knowledge, and
tlie very hairs < i your head are numbered. '
Death; transt'orina. ion. Life lu re: intro- 1
duction to the life cterna". Let thc-e
truths enter and live within h'.tmau souls, j
and somehow the hurmtn race has become I
transformed by these i'a<-is. I cauiioi meet !
a n.an. woman or child, but at ome I know
there is one whom l-'od loves. \\"ii>- vhrat'd
f iinr Inve th:if- fiiip'' \inl <n it raini>< ! *
puss that wherever Christianity is there .s
still love where it was nut.
Two inferences are interesting. There j
may seem to yon to he various defects in
the historical pari* of the iiildr. Inn ii yon
will only tell me where there is a system
who.se breath if love, \vho<o inspiration is
love, which makes this earth a paradise
and a very heaven of love. If you tell tne
where that eore.es from I am sure I shall
know how (iod comes down to oul" world
in the gospel of .lesus ( hri<.
S'"con<l. (low much Christianity have
you? Not how much religion. The l'.rahmin,
the .M.-'honrtuu !> hav<- rc'.i^vui; that
is common to all nations, hut how mm li
C hiistiauity li.ive you'.' There ;s or.e at:swer.
So much Christianity w" have
self forge! fulness, se'.f-s n:itii e. <!;i:ity; >-.>
much and no more. May Uod help us.
There is infinite resources for us. Let t.s
look to heaven, and 'et :tloo'- U. ear th,
| ii-ul <lo the littii things hand i'i order
ih.;t when the o'moivauity may e mo we
I mav nourish within ourselves the victor
I ioi>s forcc < of helpfulness until ;it length.
1 it' it please f?od. we ^h ill 1 e like our l.ord
I Jesus Chris'.. who >?a.s the v< ry fulness of
' lo\e toward man.
I,!fit Without Ally Waste.
In the liocky Mountain gold tie'l* is a'
in.in' without ,i ilui' , writis IJrv. It.
Scott S'< venvon. i:i th New Ye: ; OlncrI
vi r. Father am! Ron opened a vein ?>i" oiv,
| and with some rev.-ii d for their labors to!I
lowed it hack irr. ? the tno'.mt.i uiuil at
t he and of si\uy iVi t the ore I !. 'no
I i ay win it they were locking *? : the deso*
| ':ie )(!.".( : t iiii o"?ce punitir-cd m prodm <j a
' fortune the *0:1 said to lus nth* r:
"\\<- II try .?jr.\: . I; look- ! !:? Orl'
lnirnt d off 11 prcat 1 lllnr of (told, ami when '
it fell it broke in two, and what v?l v(: ]
dug out wn.s 1 uppir enl fc'tovci! d-nvn
the mountain s de."
They eiimbi 1 tin 201 feet further), <'i^
down and found ti:e original vi.n, Kvhi? 1
prov< ' so i k '. ami ; that no <11 1:> I' wa*
needed. for tiieiv v. .s ; . \vii?te. A ? f
ronsrcration is a life without waste. ' '"d
can i:se i.ll such .1 li: brings to Him.
i Kvpry wot 1 si 'ken ia (lis fun*. eve V act
performed :n t iv conn-i<'w:i? ?s o II ' - < V>'
upon veil, evwy s-cr1 ice rendered w.illiir.;ly.
lie trt :!su:? s und ivv.avdM. A l.ifo ??f
real co!ic( era; ion is so r.?ar to <lul it 'inds
and brinvs to Mm i h i v such gif's on ! '*
vices as lie is willing to iv< rive and ib'.C'ii.
Wtiat to t'rvae'-.
Dp. Titer !.>ro Cuyitr tills us tli.U hnever
pi. a si tiii.m. i:i <!; i'on?e < >( 11''
Seripture 11 ;> prraehed the Scrip limn
th; mscivf?: :i> 1 thiv provi I to ho "th?
power of <I:i| unto We 1i;im:
forty new t.; <,n ""'ho ('li:u 1 vii: <
Viewpoint," here we rtced .1 Inn <irc*?l i
ilium "Jcsjm i 1. t!ie X.inc Vc^ci '<! >
To-iiny, and Forever." The apostle 1 <1
r-. many centuries a;' . t ha t tin re wo;i <1 '
things to "he shaken;" ),;tt he a!.-o as? ti?" ?1
us that there would 1? "tin.iirs thai i'on>;iin."
Whoever ile itis iiis a it cut 10 1 to
t lie Aifilvcvit ?n '( (I. 'o.'1'..e Di m lias in stakeri
his eall ii he remains 111 the m 11
if try. "What the world needs," said l)r.
Van Dyke, "is not r. new Gospel, hut moro
Gospel." Jliat hita the nail on the head.
Tile Hilly of To-llny.
Let it be our happiness this day to add
to the happiness 01 those aroun' in, to
comfort some sorrow, to relieve p<>m > want,
to add rome strength to our n.igivboiV
Londoners Who "Go Grny" ar.d Blcck
Again Within a Few Hours.
Not only is "emotional" hair well
known to medical specialists, but
every hair dresser of experience iveosni7.es
it frequently lu connection
with his own customers.
With some peculiarly constituted
people tho hair is affected by every
passing emotion, and not only does
It reach the extremes of crispness,
but it varies in color vastly. This
latter peculiarity is so well recognized
by every hair dresser tha: some
members of that calling a.-o pronaivd
to gay definitely of a given regular
customer, "Blank is not well, or lie
has some groat trouble on his mind
just now."
Many a man who appears exceedingly
gray on one day is comparatively
dark haired the next, and cases
are known wherj the single white
locks of hair that sometimes ar'fi
found on a head otherwise wholly
black have disappeared almost entirely
and then come again. That it to
say, the whit's tuft has gcr.c almost
black like the surrounding hair and
has then becomo quite white again,
and so on.
We all know what use Shakespeare
and other dramatists aiui poets have
made of the influence of emotion upon
human hair, but ono of tho most celebrated
detective inspectors now at
Scotland Yard said to the writer in
regard to this very subject:
"When 1 have put my hand suddenly
on to tlio shoulder of sumo
man I was arresting I have actually
heard tho rustling el' ills hair, or
thought that 1 could; at least, 1 have
seen all the hair about the ears palpably
move like that of an animal,
and when that man lias been sentvr.ccd
afterward his hair, that had
before seemed to bo crisp and bristly,
has appeared dark and thin an:l
Two of the best known hair dressers
in London have aspired the writer
that they have customers who ,eo
pray and Mack again within a few
hoars. One instanced the case of a
financial magnate who came to gri 'f
and was tried for fraud. During the
proceedings lie wont iron pray. but
directly Ik; had been acquitted Iiis
hair returned to its nur;nal color?
of course, quite without any auilic'.a!
Another Strang; > fact is that there
are a comparatively limited number
of people whose hair will never tai\o
any ?lyc, no matter what it may 1 ,
successfully and tl:ot\.uglily. 15ottle
after bottle of hair dye may be * x
pondid upon !t, but it w!'i newr take
any pigment properly.?Louden Ticibts
Mail Carried by Reindeer Tca.n.
The capacky cf the r< indeer 1 r
team work is remarkable. 1'is hoe.f.s
are very broad and do not penetrate
the snow cru.-ts. His average weight
is about 4no pounds, lie will swiftly
draw a sled carrying COO pcnncl: , and
with this load can cov< r thirty, fifty
and even ninety miles a day. Th
reindeer Uams now carry the mai! ?
fr.;sn Kop .iwe to I'oint Harrow, a
distance of ?'."?<> miles?the nmst northerly
post route i:i the world. No food
'.3 carried for the deer. At the end
of his journey, or at any stepping
plae:\ he is turned loose. and at < :.ee
br. ak. through tlie snow to the white
moss, which serw ? as food. It c>?sts
nothing to ! od him. As the w 11ite;
ecMii'iTK rt:; ino; a.-v i:i the ::tl
loari::;/ parts of Alaska, i:i many
plai" s r fro::) railway a:::l
vU'ii:n;)oat trnnspcrtati' u, t!'. r?..si?1?'(
r r-xpross will !.< oivo of Ili? nr>si
in porta n I factors :a territorial !ifo.
am wim?n ?r i???ii? mwi.iii. ""
FREE | ? 1I1S??
REGULAR [ rw\ ir>*
50c. i ynhr's D
size' ?
MWJWM??f?W?MOW ?I UNI' II I ;t?ir?riP7inT
'n" and 'lie use
Jl AySBEv?ffi,i Winchester Factory
nyf"*tcr >n,tcrn' rc:ie,rat
? choster patent corn
Kival" shells give
iljl nri SURrc TO OKT
Crrain well together one and nvcfl?artor
riipfuls of lnttter and the
s.K'.jp of sugar; add three eggs well
bea'cn; then add alternating half a
i.p ?>f ini 1 k and fire:* and one-half
Pllnflll-5 of ftlfiod fldiir: flivfir wib
'wo teaspo'/nfills of vanilla; l>orit for
r. minute; put in a pastry hac awl
pros.-? out in rlngK for greased baking
sheets; bake in mode rate oven a dellento
The leader of the graduating class
in the Chimgo University Law School
is a woman But, as she laa't vote
she will have to take it out in leadins.
To cure, or m
Cat Nurses Squirrels. i
A Joplin (Mo.) dispatch to the Chi- !
cago luter-Ocean states:
William Williams, a farmer living
south of Avilia. near this city, has a
<at. that nurses a litter of squirrels, j
Four young fox squirrels were takvn j
to thy house recently from the nest !
where they were found, although the !
I family cat had a Utter of kittens, she i
exhibits motherly fondness for the |
squirrels, nnd inakos regular trips i
hack and forth from tlie house to the j
barn, and licks and nurses the squir- I
dels as tenderly as she does her kittens.
The not clrculatirtn of the national
banks of this country now amounts |
to $432,247,605 and is the highest eve.'
known. It is frightful to contemplate
the number of germs a'.l that paper
money represents and still the nation
manages to survive. Evidently
the gem theory has had no effect on
tiio circulation of paper money and
has certainly not made :he public any
more reluctant 'to receive wealth ia
that forin.
FITS normanentlyonrod. No flt?orno:-votisr.pf.*
iif!?'r !ir.?i day's nso of T>r. Kline's Great
Ncrwltostoro riai bat ti" and treatise froo
L'r. 1(. H. Ki.isk. I.t d.. !>'il Arch St.. l'Liilu.. l\'i.
fJunncry pra<-f!r-p at Newport lias frightened
a way t lie lish.
! Ao not believe PUo's Chip for Consumition
has forroughs and colds.--JonM
F.Iiovi n, Tiintty Springs, Ind.. Fob. 15, l'JOO.
The mortality rate from cancer lias
trebled ::i (Jtrmany since 1S75.
v*. liimvtn.
i! ;s v. cm Known cu:\i .lapan is a
: vc ! ;,* Pir.all country as compared wit It
i the Hnssian empire. Its area is 1 -17.i
<-<!>) square miles. while Russia iir.s
It.UOO.CKK). In population the disparity
| is much less, lull still very irreat?J I.- j
i i'.,i- Japan a'jaii.st lli'J.OOO.UlX)
| for the IJnssian Kmpire.
! I'ewuro of <>in"n 'iiu For e iMrr'i Tli:?t
Coritii'n IMftHMirr,
i ( Pi'iTiMirv will -ir '' v de-st roy t!>;> o!
| nil 1 co e. (let-sy <b':\t?-.;*( t lie \v!l<>!c sysj
''mii w urn ria : ir tn-> ;u".i tho iipicom
I v.irfa: ;<>. S.icb ar: ic'n>ssbouid n'ver u- I
except on Jin--;'ri dixti^ 1 r- n rtti-utitb'e ; nvsician-,
:ih t'm tliun r-co they will d- > i?: ;ei : 1
to t.'io u'o > 1 v m i'i possibly ?i tiv-? Ironi
tiioi)!. Hail's < !:i: uv i i 'arc. miiuufncf.tircJ
by ! '. J. (' loiiey .V l'o., Toledo, <>.. i on! vi'i^
j o ; ic.-viirv, an 1 i< ta'^eii internally. :.c;in,*
clbvct.v u;.?ia I lie ! '> ni ant mueo'u- - i i.i .
of ttiesyst" ii. In buyintr llail's ( aiari' i ( .>r >
I > sure y i lcl tin.'^reimiue. It ;* ta!;c:i iateririllv.
h*i 1 ai i Ii i I'ole Ii. <> ii >. by i?".
J. t:hc*a?'" ?fe I'd. lVsti'iiMnifils fr?\j.
S'lii! i.v l?r?iu_'!.-t-: |?ri > : *?.
'iaUo Hall's l'air.ily 1'ilb for i.-'-i; a: i ia.
>IIr l.ifn S ivins; Scri ii'i*.
So eR'ee'.iw is the :i\ 11v; .-orviee
< 1' 11:o I'nited States that in.in ilbast
rs to l!J.<> ('.oeunn nieil vesst is <in ii.
<c?ast cli'.ri:!.^ the year, bavin;; ".Sii'J
liPi'v- i * i K'i-m*.! i t vi'. m: v 1 -? c
wore lost. :n:il of the .^'.t.ooti.olM worth
of property put i:t jeopardy li.it a liltie
luo:c than Jjl.UliU.cuo was lost.
I tti! i^? st io:i ( .
l.-'Ul-o, April 1:. I! ', ii-fil your
Kin^'- li. yal -rnn'l a *r !> a iniii:;< - I ioii. a a. I
tllu! i! <r<all\ 11 ; i? : 11 < < I nu\ 11 sii!Y? ri-<i
si\ v arr- villi unlif'St ion a;..'. l>> not ?S:i;?k
1 -u i ' av ion inin-li i:i | ruis>' n( loT'riftioT.
\V. V. i'i.iMi; ...
I '.r Irt'i' 11n.hK't. a Ulr< -- (i? ran i aer M< di.'iii
Co., Iirpt. l;aracs\i'.!i'. <ia.
Some curious-minded investigator Is
making st.Mstic;.! stn lies nir.onf t'o
popular ning:r/.ines :<> dbvnv or whet'ior
men or women arc the more prollfi
story-writers. Tim far tbe <
seem to ! about equally guilty; ir.it
it may he fairly lio conu ndo 1 that no
adeqaate con iusion can ho arrived at
by this !: "!: 1. rin:v only :i small proportion
of what is writun ever g ts
printed. If only the 1 ?adin;: \va tc
l uslvots oi' t'o country v. ould give i p
t' c'r sc ;\ then it m-cht ho norm*- i
ately ascertain >1 whh h yx j;!r? < s
t!'<? Iop.o valuation upon its ptup.
maranteed to Cure I
ach and Resulting Disorders.
tf._ Ac!" on I'iiwoIA.
r ( imc Itux i:<s, I>< ! ( ('.ATl.AV r.l.liA.
ly modern and scientific system of loadof
only the best materials which make
Loaded "New Kiwi" Shells pive betion
and more uniform results gener
.nens>. 1 ne spccir.I p^.per and the >X-in gated
herd used in making "New
them strength to withstand reloading.
Coniluclrti by the Sitters ol SI. Joicpu.
1 Home School
Withal, ih* moilntti Couvptiienc-n A tlior- 1
OUL'h, I Tft'-t r'A\ lvlucatlon iv t It* .\l!I? 01 tilfl
hiftiiut <?*?. *n rm^ fortho YeAr, $lGO. ror
CaUlo.ue ?^'-bTHER SUPERIOR^ |
dayi; elTccls o (ittniAnent cure
,'lk in joto 6o ?layn. Tnul treatment i
ow V. /Jp'tf. j^ivenfr?.-e. NolMn.;cnn befairer j
fy Wr'.tc (ir. M. H. GreeV* Sons.
Snirl a list?. Bo> B flilonia. Oo. |
M o M o r e B11 n d K o r s c sf '
tore F.v<<?. Hurry Co., Iowa fit v. Ia..l.??e u Hire oiir?
oney refunded by your me
^^Mrs. Anderson, a |
woman of Jacksonvill
Recorder of Deeds, V
her signature to the fol
Lydia E* Pinkharn's \
it T\ r T *
"j^kap. .uits. i'ixkiiam:? i nere a
have not at times endured a.^ >ni?s aiu
1 wish such women knew the value of
Compound. It is a remarkable modi
I ever knew and thoroughly reliable.
" I have seen eases where women (
nent benefit, who were cured in less th
Vegetable Compound, while others ^
came out cured, happy, and in perleri
with tliis iTi<'dieinc. 1 have nevei use
benefit. A few doses restores my st : ?
the entire r.vstem. Your medicine ha:
I fully endorse it." ?Mas. K. A. And
Sir*;. Keed, li t-5 I'. Cuint>i*rinn<l
V i\w i\ ' ^ ' VA s;i; h 11
w i nl v/,;:ft v 2 * ]
i i I / ' "".i""
When women r.r<; troubled with irrec:
noss, leuvorrlnr-rt. ti; -j?l?*?*irn*:?t or w'.een.l
foelinj*, inflammation of t v ovarii1:;, 1>
inditfc.stion, :::i i nervous |v>> I ration. tlxand
tru:: ren-.ly. I>y(liu 1? Pililviiaili
removes such troubles.
Yh* ;-\'|?srl<'ncc mid t**i?(icnoit
women ol America to prove, l><
IMuklvniJj's Vegetable Compound \'
oiicc by removing the cause and re
and normal condition. It' i:i doubl
Masfe, us thousands do. H< r -ad vie
No otlu;r medicine 1".?: \V' men :;i !
spread and unqualified i<i< >i. t.
record of cure - of female troubles. K
tf'*" ftfirb rCRFKIT wo f rtliw:!h
**li *' ri I nlwto lJi.liiacs.iyj.-i, wii.oa wi'i |- v.. i
$jtmu i.vai v i
If you me 11) I from i'?l In < i'i! :il: > I
f r fi < ?? < f (nil ln>t riiol
Acorish on G. W FOSTER. Dean. 100 NORTH
I (jj^fl
0 SUMMER DAYS Q j &'jj |q St
H The but p!aro in U.o ?.-r,d tj tper.d
YOUR VACATION DAYS n,cai>' T'#irs C,ii'
E Purr Air. Ilcatldo, Fls!ilnfj, Fw O ^
? Oolf, r:\ rrylhliiM to An-u.vc, rin 11 *i rt tm i>
ffi (mod Hi.;?!.s, Low lliit.s. R Q U Pi D |R i F
|j Mackinac. (.. r, ?n It , Thr Couch I.\i or
H S o, Hun .ia Uracil. 1't Aix TuC!l<lov's & 1 tl
Bitr.vrr. Huridictii 11 I?la' <1 anil
M C\a>: Rnoris. IS* air (Mich- ,Al: l" * i
u i;;an i* a k m w n .'; i-cific I : II . / \*'id?l.r".ii.
j Frvri. A'!ln;ai:i1 Kirdtt-dds- Ma>r. hi lr;. cr. :i
fi ordeu. l.ft i.s ta.tin* inaiici 0!l ' c WJ>
H tladly call. U'ii;e lot lloukltt TK: fnl? lire f?:l
ffl and l:,lciir.tiic?. near Ilia Fair tiomds,
0 r>. O. r.OWARDS, Passer:-;cr Trcff
^ biFr,05?np?,3Eiiir*>iFii? xje: nr^zra-jri:; 1.1^"
m K /p*<
OUARANltKD CURL, for *11 bowel tremble*.!
blood, wirid on the atcniach, Mor.t^d hov/ela. foil
P?ln* after eating, liver trouble, Hallow plan and 1
regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more {
atarta chronic ailment* and Ion* yeara of aufferin
CASCARHTS today, for you will never get well
right Take our advice, start with Ca%carets t<
money refunded. The genuine tablet rfainped i
booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Compa
rchant, so why not try it?
^ of
_ i _ 1 i
\ csi, who witnessed
lowing letter, praises
regetab!e Compounds
10 but few wives and mothers who
1 such pain as only women know.
Lydia I'. IMnklimn's Yegetubl?
cine, different in action from any
toctored for years without permp.lui
three mont hs after t aking your
vho wore eh runic and incurable
health after a thorough treatment
.1 it myself without gaining great
ngth and appetite. and tones v.p
s been tried and found true, honco
i:iison, vj'-5 "Washington r>t., Jackl
St., Philadelphia, Pa., says :
is. 1'inkiiam:?I feel ir my duty
tell you the good I have received
i>. l'liiiviiam s \ egctubie t'om1
cmi a f.'Tcat sufferer with female
n:-' dim-rent doctors and medicines
: lit. Two years ago I weirt under
, and it left me in a very weak
had stomach trouble, baekache,
itationof the heart, and was very
in fiu t, I ached all over. I llnd
s the only medicine that reaches
eul l'T., and would cheerfidly reo
i l.yd'ii K. Pink hum's Vegetable
anl to all ?uLie ring women."
rr.lar or painful menstruation, Tveak"i
of t'.e wonilt, that bearing-down
r-livohe. l!;it iiloiioe, general debility,
y should remember there is one tried
\s Vegetable Compound at once
y of some of tlio most noted
?i!i(! ;i question, (hat Lyrtia IC.
lis! cjiiTcel all such trouble at
storing^ the organs to a healthy
t, write 'Mrs. I'inkham at hynn,
o is free and helpful.
:!.c v.urlu lias received stieh wideNo
(i! !;oi i in <l lei lie has such a
. fuse in buy any substitute.
|irMi!nc- tli^er ,'ii 1 letters titul pignatures ot
Veil- :. J - I??- c 1 I "lie? eiii.'.liuui
Mclii'-liiu Co., L.y;iii, Mans.
r a do in ui eilucut luii, write
ll) I WW I
loult Thc c H ?1r D runs |
?V through trains to Chicago g
pirpn tanincting there with $
iiAlto roads for thc famous $
starts i<consin Resorts, also
ursdoy's f,,r Yellowstone I'ark, $
to;> at onr Alaska, Colorado and the Cj
r. i\ i he West. ll
ar ihe big cj
1 1 ,un f. Trains Every V/eek Oajr
Wtile or cj:! fi r 1, mj ion ?
lc Manager, Cincinnati, Ohio
RS ^
appendicitis, biliousness, bed breath, bad I
1 mouth. h'a'lache, indigeation. pimples, R
'ht/iness. When your bov/els don't move tj
icople than all other diseases together. It B
g. No matter whnt ails you, start taking U
end stay well until you net your bowela fl
day nnd?r abitolme guarantee to cure or n
C C C. Nev*r Bold in bulk. Sample mad R
v. Chicago or New York. joi u
Price 50c

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