Mtetrologleal Table By John T. Boggs, obseryer, Licerty, S. 0, Temperature. . Character of the day. 4 59 8 0 Clear. 5 40 0 Clear. 0 V3 3" 0 Clear. 7 48 82 15 Cloudv 8 53 38 0 SC Cloudy. 9 9 81 .1.15 Clear. 10 65 80 0 Clear. ilDDM1lu8 of a Localai Pdrsonal Nature -Born on the 12th instant, to Mi and Mrs. 0. M. Bjwen, a girl. -Miss Eva Freeman has returne from visiting relatives in- Alabama. -Iea th-BrucP-Morrow'Co. chang their ad this week; don't fail to read il -Ml.c-3s Kate -Hester and Eilit Jenkins visited in Easley Saturdaj -Mrs, N. E. Thornley is in Vii ginia visiting her daughter Mrs. McL. Seabrook. -Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rigg of Liberty, visitod friends and reh tives in Pickens last week. -Mrs, J. W. Ellison, of Ea.sley spent a while in Pickens reconti with her biother, R. R. Roark. -Mr. and Mrs Judge M. Welbor left Saturday for Calhoun Falls t visit their daughter, Mrs. Henry L Hendricks. -Mrs. T. II. Moore, of Liberty, i spending some time in Pickens wit her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Gantt, an son, David G. Moore. -Miss Josie Earle closed be school at Wolf Creek on March 9t. Miss Earle will tenub the suine term. They like her as a teacher. -Marrie0, at iIens & E loni store. on the 11th inst.., John L gau to Etholee Lawrance, (t;olored) V. 1 klens, Jr , Notary Public, officiatinU -Married at Six Mile church, Mi A. R. Rose to Miss M. A. Shelton an, Mr. J. Stansell to Miss Sallie Alem ander, Rev. B. C. Atkinson officiatinf -T. Christie R1obinson and Pro Harry H1. Harris, former Licken boys, but now of Greenville, spent poi tion of thi' week with relativc and friends in Pickens. -Mrs. L. C. Thornley, who ho been spending a while with relative in Knoxville, Tenn., returned hom Saturday. coming by way of Andej son where she spent a few days wit relatives. -Don't fail to see the ad of Sinit & Wyatt, Real Estate dealers, offerin, lots in the city of Easley at auctior on the 29th instatt. Don't fail to al tend this sale if you want to purchas property in a growing town. -Miss Mathis, of the Eisley Grai ed School, will give a talk to tbi 4- children in the Pickens Methodii church Friday afternonn at 3:3 o'clock. All the young people of tb' town are cordiahy invited to atten< -Louis Cmel left last Saturda for the markets where he is buyin the finest line of Spring and Summe clothing and gents furnishings eve shown in Pickens: Watch for hi ad announcing the arrival of thes goods. -Married at the residence of Mi L. E. Sexton at Cateechee, on lai Sunday at 6.30 p. in , Mr. Andy Bowe to Miss Ida Kelley, J. Alonzo Browi N. P, at the throttle. The happ - couple have the congratulations< their many friends. pP--W. W. Cantrell, aged1 57 year, died at his homne on the 12th ins and was buried the day following hi death at Ruhamnah Church. 11 leaves a wife and eight children an a host of relatives and friends mourn his loss. - This week sees the close of Lh hunting season. Many birds hav been killed by the hunters, patridge being the main victims. Already Lb ' feathered tribes have begun to mat and if this beautiful weather contir Ues an abundance of game will gree the sports on1 November 1st. -The Liberty Township Singin Associntion will convene with t Zion Methodist Church, about thre miles south of Easley, on the fil Sunday in A pril, 1906. All lovers music are cordially invited to com and bring song books and well file baskets. E. Oscar Smith, Secretara -The closing exercises of IHampto school last Fritday nigh t was all to Ib good. A packed house greetedI thi scholars and the children receive many congratulations for the nmannt in which they carried outthe progran For three years Prof. John ID. Eden has tau~ght tii school and has give universal sat isfaction to the patron01 By the wav, he in~ one of thte bei teachers in the county. --James E. Browvn, of Central, hi been digging a well near his rei dence; ho has been having blastin going on for some1 time, going t brong some very hard rock; he isi now aboa to be repaidi foi all his expeniditure for after going dow~n about sixty fe fine traces of gold have been fount which have been tested and the "tsym tons" have bi en prlon~onn~eed very ric * Already Jim's vest has had to ha a pne(C put in the buek so he con but ton it across the chest. It's strain how a seemiine good fortune swel a fellow up. We holje that he h sitruck a Klondyke for he is a deer ing fellow nnd is entitled to a liber A slhco of prlosperity. O A4 B TD o g Bears the Il4ia1 KInd You Hayge Alash Bgatar C thousandsPo are prisngPeg tatef of theUnon ro ge wt - Tehrbusd ofomn ofp 'th cuntHr fte pop th tdesand aritsinaturuI stated afth none . rvn tfo We have ofemany thousand tsi monise lie ihne gbive ere. Weca Catyrghveoud read e sigtlips In this coastrry of unsolced endre mnetawe are receivin. NoIthe phy trsicia ne wol hareeive Itc arm Inolmed of o enhuitic letrs f hak If Dr. Hafrma fro Pera. uyP Deon' niesin tke Ko Dyvepees. We. towl rive you. reaev. W. Houtt, >of th vasharaoni iniidetinorsea ieas wn hever Ia rteemed to cas sar.bur for oachfnttrigofm Deart adenera dersessio f indv iudigboy Myk dgis reoen K i O-r It1 adia relieved e. I. an owt :ad anythiCno ndge souy atr seight. oelaDiet what yout set. tol byus "'iekens Drug Co.p eveat uns, belchingo, tega o tm hr, and alletera sympteos of inde~ ioKodol digests what you eat, anldb odyPickens Drug Co. sU ittl Hadachite. el wl e .wev ofthambeuln's eoimah and Liver Pales I fc, h atakmaKeNrd 1 - Thorestan hf wmankn ovew sxt teruofag udreds frokdean >thdeir disth oerunual enagmn stateofthae Ulno. Ta sbt an We an anrousand ls de urearhould tknt te istsino ingeris u itet preplaitiean undeuretad masnaturmno t dsae. - tr.aeda Rodne Bure ven Ioc Prort,M lariod" sufeoe vitl enorgs. o rat youn suffe frome ctrbuyfo Pear rd fte toaking fora boane o Fte' Widey hae on filel manye thuandI te mrtent liear athongvhere amnW ca1 ofth, vaslrryo noiitdedre scainThe world hs cive r voluen o antsiaytic tts iand indigetinteao take and yeriai Cure oth ls, us. Ch, aberai's toah. bld Litveroabei inieorn for Picensa, rs;eo wothvr Crlnaee t as Coeaiunyorsomcfnttr of Picyn h3rt an greern, d pintoiff, Jarnss bod. LMoprggit recomDaendanKo. do, ndi pursneiefd e.ta orde n he abovin tated cae bony anigJame olDigpestsding oueat.edbuy 'yev 12tha n, 19beadonflchin ghe olerk' ae'.e, aI will to stomhihst idder taour Koo dse atkn you eat, and J.,le the omachwing drietac ofrgans to per:form that fuiece, aotraly >Solad ysitee. Dying anC bigo. h Thunt adisten almnresd, adjomnin disoder cnditionainingefstoyacrh. bu th ai eednto reffcy therhe iser ton o Cntbainitfay and Li-forh dcoff, more gral lessendievrtb Taking ash. ofrthserbes ts paynfor thefrst sydpom reofding tthe saper Sold b PickesDru Jo. andggs, Hounter Lcabet. coettrae Mutor tany ohlf makind oevuter siaty yetics of Fae sufer frmen ie and sh~e b- OTEr iserebuay ienlargwomwint Eqdeof prProbigan.hte isfoth Pikn fulondy i~ngteo tae olysoh Kainy (elck inul the foenon, treasiroonsthere daner, as ait apprctirreguarities hand, lfosred t make fold metlemthi disee estat one MreN. of Mockgan, eeaed and obertaing twscharges mnisraoreys o side estatfe. ote ta Iha Smith,. Lathem, and Lver Tblt. Fo aleb Morgan Statewo SouthiCarotora, kAns, 8-0., as 4eos0d04 0 a ater, under at c SOUTH CARL DNI RUCE=M 3IS ST WRIDAY ANL r INVITED TO %'xents F oaddlery in the up c are always glad to se FOLGI Shoes, Hats, Gents Furnishin King Stoves and Battle Axe Shoes. BUSINESS LOCALS. . All p Agents Wanted-Out stock is reli timber, ible and can be bandled for many sue. ner wh aesiive years in the same community. *r ld We want a good local agent. in this law, county. Terms liberal. First class ,_. reference require. Cedar Hill Nurs ery & Orchard Co. Winebtbter, Ten. CAB[ nesse, . 22 06 St. I hav We have secured the 'agen'ey for ing Cat [ion King Stoves .and Ranges and reaar and are in a position to make you success close prices on both. to expe Folger, Thornley & Co. grown: J. F. Brook, woodworkman, in the ",'* Ashmore building, is prepared to 5,00e at mbnd or make over your vehicles and order.. do a general lino of repair work. Saw rates r< letting and sharpening a specialty. "'P~ aive me a call when in need of gen- andp" eral repair work. Prepared to do all Addrou kinds of pipe cutting and fitting. tf Just received the largest ear of IPutniinre ever sbipped to Piokens. Prics right. All Folger, Thornley & Co. sy MI 2 papers of Buist's garden seed for meet ic at J. D. Moore's. house NOQTIE-I have swveet potatoes mn., t< 'or sale, the Queen of the South. B. monli( P?. Kelly, Liberty,8. C.. R F. D. No.2. thse 8-14 06 8t. sens y J. D. Moore has some nice silk your' >rocade and white goods for dross or lvaiut, to go cheap. J. D. Moore. For the nex~t ten days I will sell at ignd below cost a gjeneral line of mar ,lbandiae, at Pickens, S. (I. Come Maa >tae, come all and get bargaine. rheuni J1. T. Fennell. rather February 12, 1906. ine u C A.M W 28. A . had ai Bears th.e 1110 Kiti Yen Him Alway Boght Pain Baise Ball Goods Garden 5& Young Americans are caugh we think. All the paraphernali: is here. Enuf Sed Garden seeds interests ti housewife wants nice early veg table and if she will see that th prepared and have the seed sol in she will always have a nice d drops in. Stock Powders! No well be pecially the farmer, wants to han down stock-to prevent this cor have stock (horse, cattle, chicke the envy and admiration of your neighbors, use our stock and cor guarantee them, if you use ple: and don't forget the curry comb of good bedding. A Prescription Work 0 Thanking you for past favors tiniuance by~honest treatment and fai PICKENS DRUG Drugs. Prescriptions a f Congress of March 8, 170. #SDAy, MARCH 219 1906. ORROW C OPE'l ORe M4 )SATURDAYo ATTEND THIS --o-aate line of Di urnishing Goods, Hard ountry. See us for an e you and will treat y( Youri g Goods a specialty. Sole Agents for 1 Trespass Notice. mons are warned not to hunt, eb, eut 4 mako roads; set out are, or in any man atsoever, tresspass on any of ay lands, a controlled by me, under penalty of the Mrs. N. M. Madden, Uentral. IAGE PLANTS FOR BAL e had several years experienee 'in grow. bago Plants for the trade and now have or shipment, Early Jersey Wakefield, ton Large Type Wakefield, Heonderson's ions, which are the beet known varieties rienced truck farmers. These plants are { iear salt water in open air. Will stand { sod without injury. Prieos, packed in4 ixes F, O,11, here, 01.00 per 1,009. Lots of4 Si1.25 per 1,000, Special price, on large4 Trho express company is giving us cheap4 ir plants this season. All plants wilt be c. a. n. unless you prefer to send mnoney dors. Your orders will have my prompt sonal attention. Give iae a trial order. { all orders to *. J. DONALDSON. xuoewTrs, a. e. .4 Notice. who were members of the Glas. ountain Albiance are urged to4 me at Glassy Mountain school4 on Saturday, Manrch 17, at S p.4 I receive their prorata ,bare of4 now being divided up from le of the State Exchange. Un. yu are there in person o'r repro.4 I by proxy you viill not receive 4 bhare.4 S. H. Brown, 4 Sub-Trustee Stockholder. 4 Afr-aid of 8ureng MedioImes. ypeople suffer for yesars from________ asie pains, and prefer to do so than take the strong niedleinee r given for rheumatism, n,-t know. at quick relief from pain may be C mply by applying Camberluin's laim and without taking any medi nternally. For sale bPickens (Jo, and 1'. N. Hunter, Liberty. -sMore Li bera Stock Powders. Grade I et with the first item, u for a good ball team 'Call on our. a cook. The good Anda a tables to adorn her e garden is properly3-4 1 by us planted tere inner when company o ilanced man, and' es.. dIe poor, scrawny run J U dtiticon and to always nis,hogrs) that is both I bough friends enlemies andl the same wa1 diinpowders. Will have a few d ity of feed with them Cglicoes an< and brush and plenty cheap;in fac Rmemn ur Specialty . sas Pikad mnd hoping to merit a con. cl r dealing. COMPANY. id Stati ne~y cel NO.43 OMPANY NING A R. 3o-31 .OPENJW(06 A np; a. y Goods, Notions, Clothing, Lware, Stoves, Harness and rthing you may need. We )u right. E Truly, IRY &CO., he Mitchell Wagans, Chase City Bnggies, Iron A PLAIN STATEMENT -30 DAYS-: During the next 30 days we will be rounding up and closing out winter goods. We're not giving away goods, neither have our profits been so large as to permit us to sell atI one half. But we will sell all of our Sheavy Cassimers, Kerseys and p woolen goods at greatly re -ducedi prices, all the profit oft.$ Lot of 8%4 cts dark outings to go at 6%4 cts. S Ladies cloaks and jackets to be sold for less than first cost. H ave lot of odd sizes in shoes * that will be sold at bargains.# You can save money by calling Ion us during next 30 days. SA. K. Park. $ . i West End, Greenville, S. C. I PTON IS KING! To increase -Your Yield, use riderson Fertilizers Ily. A Labor Saver, a Money Maker, Beats All. iated with FISH, BLOOD, and other High ngredients. For Information, Agent at your nearest Railroad Station, or rson Phosphate and Oil Co., ANDERSON, S. C. Id by Folger, Thornley & Co., W Moore Se' one trade during Sa stock of '.r f, call atV ress sV 4 pants, underwear, overshir'ts .0 4mators, unlion suits, calloo, corsets, enildren. Doii't forget to get a sack if Cin *stmas cakes, the best ina Ameriek. Yohi an( rut goo.l flour. The beeji. the chepost. Yours .has. J. F. HARRIS, By( no of overcoats to go'xt a baigain.'s ~ r .7 7. Pe-rumna, Is a Severe 6 4.. MRS. IDA C The Sensational Cure of Mrs. Caldwell Is the Talk of Hter Acquaintances. I Mrs. Ida Caldwell, 500 Pearl street, Sioux City, Ia., Vice-President Order of Washington, writes: r "I suffered with catarrh of tlIe res piratory organs oft and on for the last r three years until I thought it was chronic. My chest and lungs were ir ritated and I had to use the greatest care not to expose myself to chilly air or dampness as it increased my troubles. *#My physician advised me to try a change of climate, but I was unable to leave my family. Readingof the won derful cures performed by Peruna, I bought a bottle. - it was with the greatest satisfaction . that I found it the one medicine among them all which cured me. I was re - lieved within three days and after t-o s months and a half the irritation was a gone, my lungs perfectly healed and my a health restored."-Ida Caldwell. THE PICKENS BASE BALL TEAM. '['he team which will represent the 0 .. town this season has been named. k The line up will be as follows. Frank MeFall (Capt.)-Pitcher. [I Roy Grandy-Catcher. Bruce Boggs-1st Base. Stuart Price-2nd Base. Pat Jennings-3rd Base. Ulaud Hester-Short Stop. Jim Carey -Right Field. e Will Bruce-Center Field. t Bart Nealy-Left Field. 0 The above list contains nine good e men whito play with the air of veteran professionals, and will prove a bard "proposition to down. The boys have ~been practicing steadily and will soon r commence the art of pulling together S in fast and accurate team work. e The team has the support of the citizens and game followers of our -town and will deliver the goods proper. ' ly on the diamond as their thanks in return. Games will be arranged with y the nearby towns, which will be play fed here and cliewhere. The infield of this aggregaltion) is ~the fastest ever seen on a local dia. m iond, while tho out field can hold a candlo to any. 1 A fund of ab~out $15 ha'i been raised o for the beuetit of the club, being' given by business men and others. e About $40 or $50 is needed to buy e uniforms. Any contribution to fund . will be highly atppreciated by the amembers of the club. Clerk's Sale. State of South Carolina, County of PickenB. e Brooks Thompson, et al., Plaintiffs, vs. GbilThompson, et alDefendants In pursuance of a dert! order in the above stated case by Hon. James Al 0drich dated February 21st 1906, and on Ifile in tuhe clerk's office, I will soll to the .highest bidder on saleday in April, 1906, during the legal hours for sale at Pick nens 0. 11.. 89. 0., the following triact of a land to wit: ''Alt that piece, parel or e p:' rcel of land situate in the county and d sta te aforesaid, lying on branch wa r ters of Bonth Saluaa River in P umpkin jown) township adjoining hands of Jober -ry Rigdon, A. B. TValley, Andy McGill Sand others containing one hundred acres ismore or less, being the tract of land sold I. by ordet of the court of common plens it by J. J. Lewis, C. (.. P., in the c~eo of T1hompson vs. Th'lompson for partition. A. J. Bogga, ia inch 14w3 ',lerk of Court. gA lot of garden seeda at Mooro's. hNotice of Final S9ettleent. t NOTICE is hereby given thiat wo will a, miake application to .J. B. New'hery at i s. Judge of Probate for Pickens (1, conuily, in the State of Sonth Carolina, on 11th day of April. 19(06, iat 11 o'clock P' in thle faironooni, or :as soon1 thereafter nas b-. said app)jlicationl cn be hrard, for vO to make a final settlement of the estate Id of J. J. Morgan, dece~as~ d, and obtasin go discharge as executors. N J. K. Lathiem, mehl~ 4 B. A. Morgan, as mh3v4Eecutors. al Call on J. D) Moore for fresh meats and bolognas sausage. Essai .s -.hGIvdoUIBYA~xa..B BerLUI0Kn YU07 l ol