OCR Interpretation

The Anderson daily intelligencer. [volume] (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, June 09, 1914, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067669/1914-06-09/ed-1/seq-7/

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Thumbnail for PAGE SEVEN

DO?NGS OF TItE VAN LOONS At least onie ?f the Family isn't greatly impressed by wealth,
H*5??LTIV J i /^UAT-EU^^V /^TTL-7"""-N DE^R^MOSE CHIU>*.&M AWI) /^m^Mto'ME THAT I* I ''MAMA C'ANT r^S, ' I
/ OMF.R^-r^L J^???^ /,", , ?Tm Vc VN A HW MWf TIME.5V POOR,' ?W WIT ONW / TM? R?PURT OF MV I i tai CA tr- ? risien 1
/ AV^AV Fr<0?U TM?R?AT J*M?^T I ^,LL Voy I Witt 1- re.ix vow weri f-uw WITH THE HICM -^U / INVTHVCIOR INDICATES \ PLEASE. BE. POOR
I . WANT ?01/??W^ \ / AWAN F TAO M THATr ? / To WAV WITH 1KE_ 7 Niue. CMU-DREN . 1(0? j JT 4REAT Exccj-L fcJ<cr cr- \ I AN' C?O OUT AN' j
V "IO PlAV Wini WI r \ I JONES BO-f AT y BM<J?ti C?iRL ' / KNOW M^?L ??UA?E / MV PRO?RL-i!. -HHUHKy I PL?-? WITH THE- I
! ^^^^ I^?? ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^T ^^^^^^^^
(Continued from Pago il.)
nient h< relnafter provided, and Hie use
oC thc land may permit."
In his will (item 5) Mr. Clemson
leif hit! granddaughter, Floride Isa
hella l ee. $15,000, und other legacies
of personal sud sentimental value.
One year after writing his will, Mr.
donison added n codicil in which he
"Item ll. I desire to state here that
my granddaughter. Floride iBahella
l.e?...liga received the one-fourth part
value ol the original Fort Hill tract
of land, the part which her mother
nuder the will of Mn>. John C Calhoun
was entitled to. the same having been
appraised and set off to her commls
BloneiH, unpointed by Mr?. Clemson
and liv Gideon Lee. her father and.
guardian, and Bbe bau also received
thronet) Gideon Lee, her Faid guar
dian, her mother's abare of the estate
of mv non. john C. clemson. Notwith
standing, this fact, from a letter re
ceive! by me sometime ago from Gid
eon Lee. I am led to believe that as
guardi?n of my said granddaughter,
he will make claim of my said estnte
of a large balance alleged by him to
be due my said granddaughter by me.
"I therefore desire and direct my
executor to examine closely into such
clnlm if so made, and if he, my paid
executor, is suth ?.fled that the claim
so made ls juetly due by me to my
said granddaughter, to pay the same.
But on tile other hand. If he ls not
sal inf lcd that the said claim or claims
are justly due by me, then he shall
not pay lt or them unless compelled
by law to do so, In which case I here
by revoke such bequest of fifteen
thousand dollars given in the fifth
item of my said last will and testament
to my said granddaughter may recover
against my estate.
"Item 12. The desire to establish
Buch a school or college as I have
provided for in my said last will and
testament, has existed with me for
many years past, and mpny years ago
I determined to devote tbe bulk of my
property to the establishment of an
agricultural Behool or college. To ac
complish this purpose IB now the great
desire of my life. I have not been un
B. B. Bieckley 0. M. Heard
l'houe 071 Phone 27.
. Undertakers
117 E. Wh I tuer St
Answers ali eslls ?f-y or ai-?hi. Piiuae
? ? ? m s ? w m a. jfc ? a? w a?
. l>?4 w. H. WOODS .
. DISEASES of the Eye, Ear, Nose .
. had Throat Glasses Fitted *
. Honras v e
. 0 a m. to 1 p. m. 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. 9
. Offices: 808-10 methley Building .
. Evenings by Appointment *
. . .. ? V?f ^ov* Kji1 v" " sil
'?' ' - ? -
$10 Cash . $300
$10 Month* $276
-24 SOLD
" ' ' ;. ' : -
West End Lots going rapidly.
Be quick and get one on
these easy terms.
No taxes-no interest. See
phone or write
E. h. Horton >. B? Alexander
. W. F. Marshall ..
L. S. Horton Thoa R'Cartwright
mmm mi im m
mindful of the int?re>;t of my said
granddaughter, nor have I acted In
this matter through any prejudice to
any one. It may he possible that the
disposition of my property as herein
made may not give satisfaction to my
said granddaughter, or to Gideon Lee,
her father and guardian, hut I trust
that neither the one or the other. * * *
will ?ver attemp to fruHtrate, or de
feat the purposes which I have here
in sought to accomplish, hut .will re
spect the settled desire of my life, as
. contained in this my will. But should
my desire and request as herein ex
pressed, be ignored, and should Gid
eon Lee, as guardian of my said grand
daughter, or should my said grand
daughter herself . . .* attempt to
contest my will, or attempt to Invall
? date it. or atttempt to change or alter
I it in any particular whatever, then it
is my will, and I do direct, that such
attempt or attempts to contest, alter,
ch?nge or invalidate my said last will
and testament, or codicil hereof, shall,
as soon as commenced, work an abso
solute revocation of my entire and of
i all my bequests to my said grand
daughter, Floride Isabella Lee, as
made In the fifth item of my said last
will and testament, and then, in that
case, my said granddaughter, Floride
Isabella Lee? Bhall receive no part of |
my estate whatever, and the money
and articles mentioned in thc fith
item of my said last will and testa
ment shall.go to my executor and he
held by him subject to the trusts and
conditions contained in items 1, 2 and
3 of my said last will and testament;
TheBe items are quoted at length to
show that Mr. clemson foresaw the
contest that was coming, and desired
to avoid it if possible. Mrs. Andrew
Calhoun, the lady recently referred to
in the governor's message to the gen
eral assembly, is Miss Floride Isabel
la Lee, Mr. Clemson's granddaughter.)
Mr. Clemson's will was bitterly con
tented In the state courts and finally
went to the U. S. supreme court where
tts validity was upheld. The conten
tion made by Mr. Gideon Lee, acting
for his daughter, was that the Fort
Hill place had never been legally pos
sessed by Mr. Clemson, and therefore
could not be given by him to the state.
This claim was urged in spite of the
fact that ibo estate had been willed
him by his wife "absolutely fee sim
ple" in 1875, and that he had been in
continuous and undisputed possession
from that time until bis death in 1888.
In spite of her contest the $15,000 was
paid to MIBS Lee.
Having outlined the history of the
property upon which thc college ls
built, let us return to consider the patt
which South Carolina through its gen
eral assembly had in accepting the de
vise and bequest of Mr. Clemson,
mont of "The Clemson Agricultural
which acceptance led to thu establlsh
College," belonging io the state, in
stead of the "Clemson Scientific
School or College." belonging to the
seven life trustees, named in Mr.
Clemson's will.
In November 1880. the general as
sembly passed acts authorizing the ac
ceptance of the bequest. Three sec
tions are quoted from the act
"Section 1300. The Honorable
Tilomas O. Clemson, having departed
thin life on the' Sixth day of April; A.
D., 1888 leaving of force his last will
and testament * * * Wherein he de
vised and beqnested the Fort Hill
plantation, as well as al his other
property, both real and personal, ex
cept certain legacies In the said will
mentioned and provided for, all in
trust, to convey to the State of South
Carolina when the said state shall ac
"ODt the same for.the purpose af es
tablishing and maintaining an Agri
cultural and' Mechanical College upon
'terms and conditions of .said will, the
' tate . of South Carolina. hereby ex
pressly declares that. it accepts the
deviso and bequest of Thomas G.
. Clemson subject to th? j terms and
I conditions set forth in his last will
and testament,- *?
"Section 1802. The said college
r.ball undbr the management and cont
fro! of a board, of thirteen tr nuces
composed of nevon members nomi
nated by Raid wfjl and their successors
and six members ,to be'elected by the
legislature In Joint assembly.
"Section 1304. That lt shall require
a two-thirds: vote 'of "said trustees to
authorise tho expenditure of any mon
ey n appropriated to said college by thc
state, or,to authorise the sailor trans
fer or roinvestmemV ot any prop?rty
or-moneys arising -from the salo 61
any property under the provisions oi
this act." < .
Special attention IB dlrtected to the
words in the first section "the state
of . South Carolina hereby expressly
declares that it accepts the devis? abc
bequest of Thomas O. Clemson sub
ject to the terms nni conditions se
foi lb in his last will and testament.'
Do these words accepting a valu
able consideration and" . agreeing t<
' certain conditions constitute a con
tract between the state of South Caro
Una and the dead Thomas G. Clemson
That ia a Question which only th
couria can answer finally, but ever,
I layman ls entitled to ar)? opinion basei
I on common sense and justice.
I s PO
At Chicago 1; New York 0.
At Cleveland s-. Denton ll.
At Detroit 4; Philadelphia 5.
St. Louis; 3; Washington 7 HO in
At Huston 2; Cinciiinatti 3.
At Now York. 4; St. Louis 1.
At Brooklyn 2; Chicago 3.
At Philadelphia 5; Pitsburgh 7.
At Chicago 4; Brooklyn 3. (first
At Kansas City ll; Buffalo 8.
At Indianapolis 15; Bultimore 5.
At Chicago 7; Brooklyn 10 (second
game. 10 inings.)
At St. Louis 2; Pittsburg 3.
At NUB) ?Ile 5; Atlanta 3.
At New Orleans 2; Mobile 4.
At Montgomery 5; Birmingham S.
At Memphis 0; Chattanooga 2.
Honte Huns Bid lt.
St. xjuis. Mo., Juin: 8-A home run
by Lenox lu the sixth hiing gave to
Pitsburgh a lead timi St. Louis could
not overcome and thu visitors won the
game todny.
Pittsburgh _ 010 101 000-3; 10 1
St. Louis . OOO 100 001-2; '?; 1
Walker and Berry; Keupper, Wil
lett and Hartley.
Spill Double Header.
Chicago, June 8.-Chicago lo<;t the
chance to take tlrst placo today by
splitting u double-header with Brook
lyn, while Baltimore was losing at
Indianapolis. Chicago won tin irst
game chiefly through butting, "Ote
-mining and fielding of Harrell,
Scoic-First Gume
Brooklyn . 200 000 100-3; 12 2
Chicago . 011 020 00X--4; 7; 0
Sommers and Owens; McGuire and
Second Game
.Brooklyn _ 230 100 001-10; 12; 1
Chicago .. 050 100 001 3-1$; 12; 1
Chicago_ 050 010 100 0- 7; 8; C
Lofixxe, Marlon, Seaton and Land;
Watson, Lange und Block; Wilson.
Math inning Itally.
Kansas City, Mo., Juno 8.-Four
hits, a base on balls, and an Infield
out and n sacritlce gave to Buffalo
four runs in the ninth inning, today,
enabled the visitors to defeat Kansas
City 8 to 7.
Score- ?
Buffalo V'_ 200 000 204-8; 14; 1
Kansas City .. 070 0f0 06o..7; 9; '?
Moore, Moran and Uland lug, Steen,
Cup and O'Neel.
"Honie-Ituh Baker."
Detroit, Juno 8.-Frank Baker's
home nip In Hie fourth ining, which
airo scored Collins, helped Philadel
phia defeat Detroit, 6 to 4 today. Phil
adelphia won the game in tlie eighth
when Collins Walked, stole second
and sooted on Thompson's single.
Phlladolphl . :\t^20 200 010-5 ; 9; 2
Detroit.100 012 000-^4; 9; 1
Wycko'ff, Plank and Lapp; Covet.
Main and, Stanage.
Some Swatfcrtt Here.
Cleveland, June' 8.-Boston walked
nnd batted Its way to a ll to 8 vic
tory over Cleveland today. Bedient
was not in good form, but ns the Red
Sox managed tb keep in the lead,, he
was allowed tn finish. The Nap line
up and batting order was changed in
an effort to put the team on ita feet,
Score- v
Cleveland- 012 000 122-8; 14; 2.
Boston . 013 041 002-11; ll; 0.
\ Howman, islanding, Mitchell, Coila
more. James and Bossier; Bodlent and
Carrigan. _~
Nap H?cker Lost.
Brooklyn. June 8. -Chicago'entored '
the ninth ining a run behind today,
hut won from Brooklyn 3 to 2. After
Saler had reached first on a fielder's
choleo and Zimmerman had Singled.
Corriden, who hat i ed in plate of
Schulte, scored S?icr on a single.
Smith's throw to tho piale to catch
Zimmerman on Swchoy's infield blow
was : too late. * ~ . ' '
Score- .
Chi Cag? ...... 001 000 002-3; 6; 2.
.Brooklyn . ._201 OOO 000- 2; 5; 2.
I Pierce, Humphries and Bresnahan;
I Bucker, Reulbach and Miner.
R T S ?
South Atlantic
At Columbia 1; Savannah :i tsecond
Al Jacksonville, 1; Charleston .!. (12
flings, darkness.
At Columbus 1; Augusta ll.
At Albany .r?; Macon 4 (ll (nings I
At Columbia "C, Savannah <> (Ural
American Association
At Minneapolis 4; Kt. Paul 2.
At Milwaukee- ll; Ruin.ts eily I.
No others scheduled.
International League
-. raft
At Montreal 7; BUilalo 4.
At Toronto 2; Kodierter 3.
At Newark 2: Providence I.
At Baltimore 3; Jersey City 2.
North Car ol i ia League
At Asheville 7; Greensboro, 1.
At Winstun-Salcru 8; Raleigh 7. (ll
Al liurham (J; Charlotte 2 (llrst
Durham 3; Charlotte 0. (second
guine. ?
Fifteen Kims.
Indianapolis, Juno 9.-Indianapolis
found Baltimore's pit?ltcru easy herb
today and roared fifteen runs on un
many safe hitn.
Baltimore _ 001 001 300-G ; 8; 3
Indianapolis .. 220 121 lCO-lfi; ir?; 1 ;
Wilhelm, Yount and Jacklitsch; Pal- j
kenberg and ItUr'idun. . ?
A Tight (>'uBie.
Chicago, June 8.-Chicago made il
two rtroighls from New York today,
bbutting out the visitors 1 to 0. The
Kaine was a gi cut pitching duel be
tween Bussell abd Fisher. The lo
cals won tn the eighth when Bodie
trinpled and scorned on. Schunk's
hot single to Malsel.
New York ..?. ODO 000 000-0; 2; 0
Chicago . OOO HOI) 010-I; 2; 0
Fisher and Nuiinumaker; J tusse ii
and Schalk.
Won with Hunte Him
Boston, June 8.- .Niehbff'n home run
and ringles hy Bcrguhununcr a jd by
(Mark in tile nindi enabled Ciuciunntti
to win. with pitcher's balle from Bos
ton, 3 to 2.
Clncinnatti _ 001 COO 002-3; fi; 0
Boston .001; 1O0; 000-2; 4; 2.
. Benton und Clark; Janies and Gnu
Tesreau WUK Strong.
New York, June 8.-New York won
an easy victory over St. Louis today,
4 to 1. Terreau pitched a strong game
for thc champions. New York found
Steele eusy early In the g?me. Steele
purposely passed Meyers in the fourth
but Tesreau doubled and drove in two
ninr. The greater part of the game
was played In a fight rain.
St. Louis . ._ 000 000 ?00--1; 3; 1
New Ydrk. 110 200 000-4; 8; 0
Steele, H?geman, Grl?er and Win
go; Tesreau, Meyers and MacLean.
Alexander Befi-afert.
! Philadelphia, June 8.-A batting ral
ly by Pittsburgh in the ninth Inning
caused the defeat of Philadelphia,
I today 7 to 6. In that inning both of
the vb-hors" pinch bitters mado good.
Hyatt's stugle sending In one run and
Jim Kelley'!, trouble drive in two
more. Wagner's ringle, bis first bit
of the serien, made hla record for his
major league career 2,999 base hits.
I Score
Pittsburgh 000 0SO 130-7; 12; 1
Philadelphia .. 0?2 100 110-5; ll; 2.
Harmon, McQuillan abd Gibson,
Coleman ; Alexander and Kil li fer.
i The Senators Lose One.
I St. Louis, Juno 8.-Wear's triple,
with Leary on first base in the loth
Inlng today gave 'St. Louie a, victory
over Washington of S to Ti A sensa
tional double play* in inp. 9th inlng,
when Walker-throw out milan al the
homo plate, raved ' Ute game for the
l?cala. Milan and Manager Griffith
. ' protested the decision strenuously
and were banished.
Wa?blngWn . . OOO 221 101-7; 13: 3.
Rt. .Loo hi _ 022 001 200-s ; 131 2.
Shaw, Ayers, Bentey . and Henry
and A tnfiin it h ; James, Hoch, MtCcbell
and Agnew, Crossin.
(From the Com?an)
'i he revival meeting at Hie '
Methodist church is being well at
tended and Kev. VcCord <.l Geor
gia, is doing some good preach
ing. On last Sunday Kev. Mc
cord gave an illustrated talk to
thc Sunday school which was en
joyed by all.
Capt. Snelgrove, the outside
overseer has his alfalfa cut and
cured and reports 8100 pounds of
good dry hay off two and one-half
While the revival meeting is
going on at the church there will
he no skating at the hall.
The basehall game a few Satur
days ago between Cluck and Orr
was a victory for Orrville nine by
the score of 7 to 4.
Thc men's class of the Metho
dic Sunday school which meets in
the afternoon al the church is do
ing some line work. The class
has n?ready jirown to about thirty
live in number. The young men
of the village arc invited to meet
willi this class every Sunday after
noon at 2:30.
Kev. Haydock of Belton will
assist Preacher Stone in the meet
ing at the Baptist church, which
is to begin the third Sunday in
Mr. Anderson is very busy beau
tifying the yard around the mill
and oflice these times and is al
tead y taking the lead on the looks
"of the mill yard.
Dr. G. C. Franklin of Larkin,
Fla., spent two days with his
brother, G. A. Franklin last week.
Miss Mattie Whitten has been
veiling in Greenville during the
Mr. B. C. Young of the store at
tended court last week.
The Sharpshooters report a fine
lime at the reunion last week.
Messrs. Jess Craft, B. C. Young
and E. G. Conwell and family at
tended the all day singing at Pros
pect Church the second Sunday in
May. .
Our night school enjoyed a vis
it to Clemson College May 16,
saw the ball game and had supper
with the college boys. Mr. S. W.
Kabb who is the teacher of the
class has been doing some fine
work with the fellows this spring.
First Grade-Elferd Bartlett,
Clarence Bartow, Ruby Brown,
Willie Bryant, Clarence Carns,
Horace Cole, Sue Ellen Cooper,
Zora Hudgens, Hester Johnson,
Sallie May Johnson, Susie John
son, Eunice King, No vie Langston,
George Lipford, Neta Mayfield,
Georgia McLaurin, Daisy Roper,
Hoyt Sanders, Ansel Smith, Laura
Jane Vickery, Dolly Whitten.
Second Grade-Vera Childs,
Iber Cole, Jim Fant, Lewis Roper,
Alfonso Williams.
Third Grade-Lewis Smith,
Mary Fortune, Sarah Bartlett, Sa
die Bryan, Hoyt Stanips, Lillie
Belle Maret, Lois Cole, Johnnie
Fourth Grade-Alice Brissey,
Jimmie Dobbs, Grady Fant, De
witt Kay, Jesse McKee, George
Price, May Rice, Maggie Grant,
Naomi Scott, Daisy Todd, Jerry
Whitten, Willie Whitten, Caro
Lundkovsky, Claudia Childs, Lila
Childs, Eunice Cooper, Corine
Fifth Grade-Vallie Cole, Roy
Cooper,. Pauline Hayes, Zadie
Lundkovsky, Floyd Smith, Leon
Refel Menning of Leisure.
"Leisure," says Deacon W. C. Painter,
"ls no time to lour It u a Unie to do
those tulney you've* bein wanting to
Mark of the Great Artfut.
A really great artist can alway*
transform the limitations of his art
into valuable o us li ti es.-Oe car Wilde.
Financial and
New York Cotton
New york, .Mino S. - Thc cotton mar
ket was- les? ucttve today than at any
rime Hine?! the beginning of the recent
advance, but prices ruled generally j
steady recovering un curly loss und j
?.losing steady at a net advance of
to 7 points.
Th<- failure of the weather map to
show any renewal of wet weather in
the wei tern bel} (,ver Sunday und the
indifferent ruling of Liverpool, prob
ably accounted for considerable sell
il seemed that the absence of anyj
general rainfall In the eastern belt
liad a tendency to offset Improved
weather conditions west of the river.
Cot len futures closed steady.
Opened Closed
July.CMS 13.22
(fetcher.12.03 12.74
December.I2.C4 I2.7f
January.12.f.4 12.CS
Spot cotton quiet; middling uplands |
13.06; gulf 13.90; no sales.
New Orleans Cotton
New ()i leans, June S.-After a re
cension of ll to 8 points around the
opening thu colton market did bet
ter tr.day, chiefly because ?if aggres
sive bullish operations in the July
The ring paid more attention tn tito|
gossip tiiut spot people would take
un cotton on July contract than to I
weather news. Drouth in tho Atlun-1
tics halnncoij moro favorable condi
tions In the west.
Cotton iulurer, closed steady.
July 13.G8; August 13,r.2; October)
12.72; December 12.72 ; January 12.73 ;
March 12.84. Spot-cotton steady un
changed. Mhlding 13 15-1(1. Sales on
the spot 7C0; to arrive urine.
Cotton Seed Oil
New York, June 8'.-Cottonseed oil
was firmer today on the growing be- j
lie! of shortage in the supplies be- j
coming manifest before now crop oil
is obtainable, coupled with local pro
fessional buying, on "-the strength In
lani. Final price:;'wore 8 to 12 points J
mt higher. Hales 10.800 b?rrela.
Plain white cotton crape with crape
striped In red und bordered with white
and red dots makes ti smart and ef
fWtlve combination in I .Vs summer
frock, which follows the summer rule
of combinat ion of materials. The loose
lines of the blouse, complemented by
tile vestee of slicer embroidered hand
kerchief linen und the short Russian
tunic, not extending all the way
around, have the right touc h of sum
mer I ness. ^
Stem-Mc l al!.
The following invitations have been
received here from Darlington, S. Ct:
Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson Stem
request the honor of your preuehce.
at thu marriage of their daughter
Mr. William Harold McFnll
on Thursday evening. Ute twenty-fifth
of June, at half siter eight o'clock
'Baptist church
I Commercial
Stocks and Bonds
Now York. Juno 8.-I'nfnvorahe
| nowa from several sources today ellet
. tod only u smell response from tho
' market. After thc first half hour the
! tone wa? good, hut Ike market plod
ded along nt u slow rute. The average
cht.nge wan slight.
Tlu> greatest activity came In tho
first hour. Indications of possible
rupture of m?diat ion proceedings with
Mexico caused truders to put out
stocka and gave the market a heavy
tone. With news of Ihn Mexican gov
ernment abandonment of the proposed
blockade of Tampico, however, there
came :i recovery and prices were lifted
fractionally over Saturday's close.
The supremo court's decision lu tho
Shreveport rate cane faied to pro
duce a ripple. The ruling was nil that
had Leen hoped for in the financial"
Tile favorable crop report .und the
copper producers report, tdiowlng au
luci once of 14,1)00.000 pounds tn sup
plier belli were without influence.
Engagement of sr,,aim.mm more gold
for export also had no effect.
Hoad:; were steady. Total saes par
vallie. $2.003,000. United States bonds
were unchanged on call.
Liverpool Cotton
Liverpool. June 8.-Colton spot
steady; good middling 8.35; middling
7.73; low middling 7.25. Sales 4,000;
r.peculuton and export, 300. Receipt?
Kot uro? quiet and steady. June
7.3C 1-2; June-July 7.1?); July-August
7.19) August-September 7.0(! 1-2; Oe- ,
tober-Noveraber 0.7(1; December-Janu
ary 0.07 1-2; January-February C.G7;
March-April G.C8 1-2.
Cotton Gooda
New York, June 8.-Cotton goods
today; yunis quiet. Jobbers are buy
ing more wash goods and white gooda
for i|uick sales. Serges are hoing cold
more freely for capes. All textile raw
material markets were strong.
-- . '-f
Just Between
Ourselves and ]
The Lamppost
By M088. ,
THIS is a little j
heart to heart
talk. lt's meant
for thu business
men of thls^ terri
tory, fur those who
advertise und for
tlmse Who OUgbt
tu. .
Friend, you must nuiUo your
costumers' buy froui you MEN '
TALLY befon? they purchase In
Von must arouse and Interest
the mimi before you can reach
the poeketliiHik. Thought pre- {
(.?.dos m tlou.
after the money silent mentally
by the tl reside. Cet your sell
lug story ready fur the psycho
I logical buying moment. Muke
it as effective ns you know bow.
Clive lt o PUNCH. Muke every
j feuture n V?T AT. FACT. List
j the DETAILS. The people want
'to know all you have to say.
Tell tile WHOLE story. Ham
mer your (M-t'sutlsiou home. The
result* theil He ' belweetr'your
competitor mid yourself.
( Remember, this newspaper
I takes you Into tile homes of the
I BUY1NO elliss ot people. Yon"
cnn tell your story whore lt will
do the most good. Tell lt the
I WJNA'lNtf way. We'll help you
; put ZING Into your copy If yon
! want us to.
Old Master's Work.
Mrs. Parvenve-;-"TliBt picture In
the corner ls by nu old master." Mrs.
Svvartl?igh-"fndeed! 1 would never
haye guessed lt." Mrs. Parvenue-'
"Yes. tho man 1 bought it.from gav?
mo a written guaranty that the paint
er was post seventy-five before he did
a stroke of iL"

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