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amn ORCE, picturesqueness and Ity in congress knows nc tions. Northerners, soul ers, easterners and westc have their strengths and weaknesses, their likes and dislikes, their physical mt Ism1s and their mental Id crasies just like all other It beings. There have been men ir gress who year in and yev on every occasion have kept hewing to tii of one special legislative endeavor. Jol -Mtlorgan, for years senator from the state o bama, worked for months untold to secur adoption by the United States government < Nicaraguan route for the great intero< canal. ie lost out, but it is probable the facts which he obtained in his researches w4 more value to the diggers of the canal than gathered by any other one man. Senator Alorgan was one of the noted f tions to the psalmist's rule for the limit c years of man. Some of the flippant, and sibly tired, senators declared that Mr. Mot speeches were as long as his life. If the of the Alabama mai had been younger would have been few sleepy ones in the a when he talked-that is when he talked ot other subject than the interoceanic canal. it was to fly before the face of his orator There was substance to Senator Mor speeches, and this much cannot be said fo vocal efforts of some of the flippant and yoi ones. The aged one's words went into the gresslonal Record and illumlinated its 1 Wheun he rose to speak many of the collel of Mr. Mlorgan retreated to the restaurant o cloak room. Only rarely li he take apparel tice of the seeming discourtesy. Once, w14 unwisely, he said with something of pathi his voice that he wished he could talk it lunch room, for there he would be suro audlence. Air. Morgan was no imperialist. le had i in his heart of the outeomie of tile polley of e Sion, and the note of warning that came frot ips was frequent and forceful. One (lay, outlining the position which lie believed country should take, his voice canie bac hin. Senators starting to leave their seats bafk and listened. The words fairly rang thr he chamiber. This was what he said: "In this lofty attitude we ean prove the eof the republic before the eyes of all d. or we can set its light as a beacon to mutting generations that, even in the hit cI of power and advantage, this repuli cynosure of 'til eyes-is affected to tile th the sin of covetousness, and is Afmiine SJ 6f -powor tiAyt ia attc the usuilpations, tyrannies- and oppres It have marked (he course of the oligar despots that have disgraced the histot or nations." the senate of the United States standls for *ty. Sometimes the (dignity is overdlone, bu1 ne occasion the Senato was undligniiled tc poinlt of striking several elder senators lhorror. Senator Tillman of South Carolina was ing nothing less than an impassionled speech. was reaching toward tihe skies of oratory, Senator Warren left his scat, unseen of Till and took station behlind tile South Caroli The speaker had both lhandsl highi over his - irecting the soarinig of his thoughts and w Warren took a step) forward, Ills hland to 'lilhnan's side, slipped into his pocket, nme out again holding In its clutch a bigl bottle. All unconscious Tillman wvent on withl his y of fire. Warren held his 11nd( aloft in full Of tile presidling omeier, of lis colleagues ani crowded~ galleries. There wvas a gasp, th smothered and simultaneous gurgle of hi from a hundred thrioats, andl thenl roaring I ter' unicheckable. Tillman turnled and knowledge of tile awfu ofhis sItuation came to him. For once, pot for the first time in his life, lie wvas stag to sp~eehlessness. He strove for words, but came not at his bidding. Is face was first with something like anger. Then thle cloud ed and a smile broke through. Speech retu and two words came: "Iloracic acidi." It was boracic acId, but uinfortunately foi Tillman, it hiad been putt into a black and edous bottle. A sore thlroat was tile reason f carrying, and1 whlile tihe Soithi Carolinian man of knowvn truthi, he would nlet let the n pass until hto had passed the b)ottle and '., forced himt comrades to smell the stuff and~ * clear 1h1s temperanee r'ecord. Neithler senate nor house makes light of pion pleas in the presence of the galleries some of the would-be pensioners play comic in the committee roomsl anld corridors. C ants who can prove things at'o tr'eatedl as oli diet's anld old soldiers' widowsn ought to be tr --decently and reverently. Congress in its wveakness has votedl pen on many an occasioni, though (doubtless I ing that the pensions were uineat'nedl and served, butt the day of that sort of tiling is ing, if it has not altogethler gone. QO n m 'w'as asked to utse his influence to secure a The Shepherd of th Professor Sir Charles Bell In the a nm Strand Calls It a Convulsive Ac- extrc tion of the Diaphragm. by t glanm "Lguighter," says Professor Sir Tm Charles Bell in the London Strand, "is tion. a convulsive action of the diaphragm. Woul In this state the person draws a full throt breath and throws it out in interrupt- that e d, short and audible cachinnations, woul TJhis convulsion of the diaphragm is Marla the principal part of the physical man- beca tfestation of laughter; but there are prod' A several accessories, especially the pheri sharp vocal utterance arising from the bette Sviolent tension of the larynx and the -thi Stud RIM sec hern mers their their nner osyn uman con- im .r out line n T. T. rAla- 7 e the if the eanic t the .re of those f the pos gan's voice there enate i any Then y. gan's r the inger Con ages. igues r the it no ,ly or )s InI the if an fear [I his after hils k to sunk ough vir man- -1 Warn / lhest l'ense of pension for the widow of a sc tic- */ There were papers forwarded to him whicl C% on the case, and these he turned over t with committee on pensions after his bill had nded introduced. 5ions 'ITe widow did not get her money, and U Ahies not long before the whole house knew wv y of member who had espoused the widow's had been in congress for years, and the jo dig- his expense was too good to keep, and one t, On I another of his colleagues walked up to his the andl congratulated him on the wisdom sho' with the plea which was in written form, h< turned in to the committee to win the wvi nmak- case. lie It is perhaps needless to ray that the vhenm ber had never read the lea. It set fort man, fact that while the amount of lpension inc nlan. the widlow of the soldier htero asked foi head large, it must be understood "that she cai soles good family, moved in the best social cirle andl was1 in need of a large sum of money to ke ak aplpearances." ak U pon occasi on senators and replresentative lords mit their constit uents to do their talkin viewv them in congress. Petitions come in flooc i the times, with the object of securing legislati a external pressure. In the Smoot case, a orror the purtIe food and army canteen matters the orro- of the peolbe came in by the tens of thou: ug- The members of both houses present then lncs ters, call attention to their hrwport and then sibly the petition to do the rest if they are ;ered enough. they Senator Latimer of South Carolina once black duced a go~od readts bitt calling for the ex alear. ture of government millions for' the impr'ov rned, of the highways. TPhe automobilists all ov, country began sending letters of approval. 'Mhr. pressed their friends into the writing servic mapsli- that they (lid not always pass upon the pers o~r its merits of the friends' productions is shiowi is a ly well by one letter on the good roadis' s atter received by Senator Cullom. It readt ilke had "Dear Mr. Cullom: Please vote for thin make bill, and you will oblige a fool friend of who runs an automobile. Yours more o pen- sincerely, - but It wvas a Chicago man who wrote this a r'oles There were others like unto it. The good 'laim- bill still sleeps. I sol. In the older dlays the school readers con E~atedl the story of "I'll Try Sir Miller." Pri everybody knows who "I'll Try Sir Miller,' sions Certainly eveybody ought to know. Gen, Inow. Miller' then a captain, was the hero of L. uncle- Lane. Ito said ho would tr'y to do the pass- necessary for the thrashing of the enemy, mber did it, and "I'll Tr'y Sir," took the place n in- Christian name James. SBlck Sheudep lor art ______________________ selves by compar ity of others, or ire intense form of the smile. In merly." me cases the eyes are moistened If a laugh is a he effusion from the lachrymal provoker of a lau is." are there more s ere you have a scientific defini- than to witty o But it is clear that mankind greatest laugh r tI hardly take the trouble to go It was said of S igh that experience if that is all was the father laughter consisted of. They "Laughter," said [1 not regard a Diecens or a cently, "is a phy Twain as a benefactor merely live under a sun use a perusal of their writings ,by a melancholy iced that. No; even the philoso- jphysical necessit: know that laughter is something tion--even for th r than that-sometl g internal the Welsh natic L.t there is such a t as silent hilarates all see iter. Hobb,.s calls r " not.'' his lordshi ;~prj'p~~,* *.~;ji. .(.c Idlr. Fo er eea rersnatvs1 'cnrs boe redt scueanaprpraio o e sd o Ider was years everas leT representatives cogrs .bThe trid the mattr an ppshiteobllbnhand used cause the buildin of Captaonmntoera Miller atLud'Laet ke at express their own determination to secure a vie after tory. They certainly did try, and the speeches desk that were made before the library committee of vni in congress held patriotic appeals in every sentence. Shad Apparently, however, it was easier for Miller to (low's cap~ture a battery against 0(1d1 than it w~as for memb~ers of congress to capture the doll:tra neces mem- sary to build a monument of enduring stones i the to his memory. reaso It was a ease of try and try again. While the wvas cause of Miller, whose heroim was worth a no of dozen monoments, wvas being pleaded, congress ;. and voted money for memorials to other men less de ep up serving. Finally, however, a New Hampshire member who had been digging into history found s per- out something about "I'll Try Sir's" career which g for wvas not generally known. Congress had been s at told time and again that Captain Miller not only mn by had shown conspicuous gallantry at Lundy Lane, ad in but that prior to that fight he had thrashed a pleas superior force of British andl Indians at Managua. ;ands. Congress had also been told that Miller had com e e- manded the center column of General Brown's allow army, which routed wvhat was apparently an )otent overwhIielm ingly greater force of the British -at Fore Erie. inr- These things didn't make an impression. Con inr- gross seemedl to think that inasmuch as Miller pni was a soldier that it was his business to dlefeat rIlf t sup~erior forces of the enemy every dlay in the ~rte week without imp~osing any monument-raising iey duty on posterity. The New H~amp~shire member, ebt however, found out that after the war of 1812 iasive M~iller- went back to his farm near Petersboro, fair- plowed fields, chopped wood and milked the cows ibject instead of going to Washington to ask the gov *is ernment to do something for him on account of d-d his record. mine Miller's popularity was such after the treaty of r less peace that the government probably would have been glad to give him anything that it had to ppeal- give. WVhen "I'll Try Sir" was asked why he roads was playing Cincinnatuis instead of taking a job in Washington, ho replied: "When men begin tained leaving the farms for the cities the nation will >bably begin to decay." was. Congress was told of this saying of Miller's, James . and either admiration for his choice of a farm andy's er's life or else belief that he was a prophet thing who before long might have the truth of his nd he prop~hecy proved, brought a favorable report of his from the committee on library in the matter of the monument at Petersboro. iing from a sudden o i rn okodsmtigta no eminency in our- wudmk tfe idrjie son with the infirm-Antoswhlieedotespn with our own for- dro ermn hc ecudi benefaction and the vleo hteoinleecs. gh a benefactor, why tatues to dull people Aii mes? Who was the Fte hvn agthssni remoter in history?ali-Hv 'tIlwy tod ouc idney Smith that hetelheru? :>f 10,000,000 laughs. Sn'Ys ahr u o lotl Lord Rosebery re-menvrtbeoehesaef sical necessity. We hbt less sky, surrounded ocean, and it is a D o 'rtiko h reoai for the English na-naueo.sec? Yumy fd e Scotch nation andyeraororlih wrd a n-to laugh. It ex- s(:n... lal relations. Waslftn . " p de,"teluh a byhat lag ra.z.heites Albi Fahr(aigcaxthssni a le)Havn' I lwys ol yo t tell h~e ruth yWLIBUR D. NESB1T A Hot Da IN THE COUNTRY. IN THE CITY. I.-In the Country. Adown the road run little swirls of dust The dog pants in the shade, with lollin tongue, And from the fields in endless noisy gu! The clacking of the harvesters Is flung The house is darkened, and when you g in You tiptoe softly through the shadowe hall; The maiden aunt, who Is extremely thin Now seems about to vanish, specs an all. The fat hen 'neath the currant bush re treats And clucks ill-tempered comment on th day. The pigs their sundry grunts of joy rc peat From the mud wallow whence they wi not stray; The dinner bell rings hotly, and the me Come home, all sweaty, red of face, an say: "I hate to go back to that field again; The city must be nice and cool today! 11.-In the City. The air is dancing up between the wall. The breezes like from an oven fans th street; The peddlers with their aggravating calls Your shoes grow tight and tighter o your feet; The fat men all grow fatter, while th lean Grow leaner yet, and glare with burnin eye Upon the dusty, scorching, burnin scene; A blued-steel soullessness Is in the sklei Ich woman dabs some powder on he nose And sadly says she knows she is fright; The man wvho steps upon another's toes Within the street car straightaway he a fight: And each and all of them, the cross ani hot, Frets dolefully the while, and oft wi say: "I'm fairly baked, and getting wors' Great Scott! The country must be nice and cool ti day!" DISQU ALlFl ED. "But, papa, why do you object I my marrying Clarence?" "I fear, me child, he is not goe enough for you." "0, papa, lhe says my slightest wvis shall be his law." "Then he isn't smart enough to 1: a son-in-lawv of mine." At the Amateur Theatricais. Stage Manager (behind the scenes --That won't do, Mr. Stormer. Ye must embrace the lady as if ye meant it. Now, forget yourselves ari your real lives, and throw yourselv( into the mnimic existence. Don't 1b the fact that Mr's. Dovey's husband in the audience affect you so that ye cannot make this scene seem real. Mr. Stormer (wvho is rehearsing thi third act climax with Mrs. Dovey) That's all right. I can forget abot her husband, but I can't forget thi my wife is out in front, too. Bald the Horticulturist, "Oh, Susie," said the dear girl frieni "you should have heard what M Twiggs, the hor'ticulturist, said ham night when some one told him thi you were one of the season's buds." "What did he say?" askedl Susie. "I don't remember his exact word but it was something about how inte esting it was to see a century plant I bud- Why, Su-u-u-sie, dear, how ca you accuse me of offending you ?" How to Be Happy, Though "1 do believe you are asleep!" e claimed the wife. "And to think thi a year ago you said I was dream." "I was asleep," acknowledged ,' husband. "And once mere you hin~ made me wake up." CURETHATSORETHRO T Sore throat is inflammation f the mucous membrane of the throa , and if this membrane happens to be at all sensitive a predisposition to sore throat will exist. Paxtine Toilet' Antiseptic is both a preventative and a cure for sore throat because it possesses extraor dinary cleansing, healing and germi cidal qualities. Just a little In a glass of water, used as a gargle, will quick ly relieve all soreness and strengthen the mucous membrane of the throat, and thus overcome all tendency to sore throat. Paxtine is far superior to liquid an tiseptics or Peroxide for all toilet and Lygienic uses. Paxtine may be obtained at any drug store, 25 and 60c a box, or sent postpaid upon receipt of price by The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, MassL Send for a free sample. IN THE UP-TO-DATE FASHION Lecturer Found It No Trouble at All to Answer Question Meant to Embarrass Him. "Will you allow me to ask you a question?" interrupted a man in the audience. "Certainly, sir," said the lecturer. "You have given us a lot of figures about immigration, increase of wealth, the growth of trusts and all that," said the man. "Let's see what you know about figures yourself. How do you find the greatest common di visor?" Slowly and deliberately the orator took a glass of water. t Then he pointed his finger straight at the questioner. Lightning flashed from his eyes, and he replied, in a voice that made the gas jets quiver: "Advertise for it, you ignoramus!" The audience cheered and yelled and stamped, and the wretched man who had asked tne question crawled - out of the hall a total wreck. AT THE BOARDING HOUSE. ntk. a "Who is that man," asked the new boarder, "who is making such a fuss abecause he has swallowed a fish Sbone?" d "That's the sword swallower at the dime museum around the corner." Gray Matter. "I used to think I could hire all the brains I wanted for $25 a week," Mr. Pushem said. "Well, couldn't you?" "Yes. But it wasn't long before I had to call in a $190,000 lawyer to straighten out the kinks they put into my affairs." The Retort Courteous. Manager--You prima donnas want so much for your services. Prima Donna--And you managers want our services for a song.' FALSE HUNGER A Symptom of Stomach Trouble Cop rooted by Good Food. There is, with soe forms of stem- - ach trouble, an abnormal craving for 0 food which is frequently mistaken for4 d a "good appetite." A lady teacher writes from Carthage, Mo., to ex plain how with good food she dealt with this sort of hurtful hunger. "I have taught school for fifteen eyears, and up to nine years ago had good, average health. Nine years ago, however, my health began to fail, and continued to grow worse steadily, )in spite of doctor's prescriptions, and u, everything I could do. During all this u time my appetite continued good, only d the more I ate the more I wanted to s cat-I was always hungry, t "The first symptoms of my break s down were a distressIng nervousness u and a loss of flesh. The nervousness j grew so bad that finally it amounted to o actual prostration. Trhen came stom .. ach troubles, which were very painful, t constipation which brought on piles, ~t dyspepsia and severe nervous head aches. "The doctors seemed powerless to help me, said I was overworked, and at last urged me to give up teach ' ing, if I wished to save my life. . "But this I could not do. I kept on 4 t at it as well as I could, each day grow *ing more wretched, my will-power alone keeping me up, till at last a good angel suggested that I try a diet of Grape-Nuts food, and from that 'day to this I have found it delicious always appetizing and satisfying. I~". owe my restoration to health to : Grape-Nuts. My weight has returned and for more than two years I have been free from the nervousness, con C- stipation, piles, headaches, and all the Lt ailments that used to punish me so, a and have been able to work freely and easily." Name given by Postum Co., e Battle Creek, Mich. e Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever' read the above letter? A me one appears from imae to time. The nr we utne, true, ad full of hum4