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The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, November 23, 1911, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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The Pickens Sentel
Some Tligs ion Kno1 and Some
YOU Don't Dow Dont Our
Towns, County & Peple
Mr. James H. Huat,of Dacus
ville, was among the visitors ii
the city last Monday.
J. R. and John Foster, of the
Peters Creek section, were it
the city last Monday.
Hon. B. A. Morgan, of Green
lie, spent last Sunday in the
c ty with Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Mr. Arthur Jones, of Easley,
was in town last Saturday and
advanced his subscription fei
inother year.
Rev. J. E. Ashmore, of Green
ville, will 1e the pastor of Cross
Roads church next year, and
will begin his labors in January.
Messrs. Frank C. Carey. and
Thurman Cochran, of Calhoun,
spent last Sunday injhe city as
lhe guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
W. R. Corder, of Green
ville, has been called to the pas
o:'ate of Griffin church for next
year, and will begin his work
there in January.
Next Thursday, the 30th inst.,
will be Thanksgiving day. Dc
tot forget to give thanks to the
gIver of all good gifts. and also
re .aember the poor.
Mrs. T. J. Mauldin and Miss
leanor Knight left last Tues
1:y to attend the state conven
tion of the Daughters of the
ConfederF , at Greenwood.
Rev. SfG. Sloan has moved
up the date of his subscriptior
eto this paper, He leaves -this
week for Woodruff, S. C., where
* he will make his future home.
-The rains are interfering very
munrch with the farmers getting
in their small grain. It is hopec
* they may have fair weathei
plenty to enable them to sow a
large quantity of wheat ani
*j oats.
Capt. J. T. Taylor was callet
to) Atlustia last week to the bed
side of,>i son, A. B. Taylor
f-ho hospital there witi
tK a. He recovered suf fic
to be br'ought home lasi
Willie M.,Stansenl and famil3
left last week for Miami, Texas
Hc will locate near Mr. J, R
Bowen, who went from thi:
Roanty a few weeks ago. Wi
sincerely regret to lose our goo<
Misses Lucile Cox, Nannii
Burns and Hannah Morrell ac
companied Miss Meda Bogg
home -last Saturday and spen
Sunday in the city. All o:
-* these young ladies are student
ofaF. C., Greenville.
- N; IR. Kennemore, fron
-t.* : ix Mile, one of the lead
in . -.d prosperous citizens o:
the county, was in town las
Saturday with his friend, Mr
La;ndrum Smith. They were
on their way to see the old hom4
of Mr, Smith and other place:
and peeple he knew in his boy
Mr. B. D. Stewart is on a visi
t o iris father, Maj.J. M. Stewart
Mr Stewart has a posit'.on it
W 'ashingt6n in the departmen
of printing and engraving
where the paper money is made
and this is his first visit to Pick
ens for* several years. Hi!
friends were glad to see him.
r. John D. Edens, who wa:
": tured some time ago by thi
c fficers,[was tried before Magis
ti ate Jameson of Easley and ac
quitted of the charge of hand
ling and transporting illicit li
quor. The trial was had mori
th'an a week ago, and the nex
day be was before U. S. Coin
missioner J. P. Carey for th<
7> same ~offense and was dis
* ir. Landrum S nith, fron
ntear Los Angeles, Calif., is on
visit to relatives and friends il
'this county after an absence o
r, ty- one years. He left her
when guite young and cast hi
lot i-1 the land of gold and soo)
s:ceeded in establishing a lu
cyative business in growini
meucns. He was born -in thi
ondy -: ar Cross Roads church
:' and s.:. - the last time he sai
Pickens was when they wer
1aning off the town and prepar
>ing to build the first court
irse. Reis:/anephew of th
'li 4 th, 'e
Mrs. Wm. Hayden, of uther
fordton, N. C., is on a vtsit t4
the familr of ex-Sheriff J. H
The ginner's report just ou
shows 11,269,986 bales of cottox
e ginned upto Nov. 13thas againsi
8,780,433 same date last year.
Mr.Paul Boggsis again among
his Pickens friends. He ha
accepted a position with thE
Pickens Drug Co., where he wil
be pleased to serve some of thehi
many customers.
Dr. Z. T. Cody, editor of the
Baptist Courier at Greenville,
will preach at Six Mile the firsi
Sunday in December, at 11 a. m.
Ii is hoped this will be a good
day and that he may be greeted
by a large congregation.
The many friends of Mr, R.
A. Bowen will sincerely regret
to hear of his illness. He has
been confined to his bed for more
than a week. It is hoped that
he will soon recover and be
among his friends again.
They are coming back-we
mean our good citizens who got
Georgia-struck last year. They
have found out there Is no bet
ter place than -Pickens county.
Mr. R. S. Porter, who went to
Lincolnton, Ga., \Iast year, has
moved back,. an others will
follow his good example soon.
A pleasant call to this office
was made by Mr. C. M. Maul.
din, of the western side of the
county. Mr. Mauldin is one of
the prosperous citizens of the
county, and showed his appre.
ciation of our efforts to make
the Sentinel the best paper in
the county by advancing hi
subscription another year.
Mrs. Thomas Bollin was
found dead in her bed lasi
Wednesday morning about
o'clock. She seemed to be un
usually well and cheerful the
day -before, and did considerablE
work preparing to move intc
town. At three o'clock she was
awake and well, or at leasi
made no complaint~ and falling
asleep again died without dis
t turbing anyone between 3 anc
6 o'clock. Her body was cold
when found. .She leaves a hus
band and two children. Hei
remains were itered in th<
cemetery at this place today
Death of Mr. J. P. Smith.
Mr. Jeptha P. Smith, one oi
the prominent and leading citi
zens of the county, died at his
home at Liberty last Friday
the 17th inst. 'He was about 51
years old, and is survived by hi:
widow and three children.
Mr. Smith was widely knowi
in business circles, having a
one time been connected witi
Clemson College, and later be
came president of the Liberta
cotton mill. About three year:
Sago his health began to fai
Shim, which was caused by th<
strain of so many busines cares
i and he was forced on this ac
count to retire from busines
life and resign as president :
the cotton mill. Since that timi
his health has been gradualla
giving away,
He wasa brother of Dr. R. F
Smith, Mr. W. C. Smith ani
Mr. L. J. Smith, of Easley, anm
of Mrs. Amanda Glenn anm
Mrs. John C. Watkins, of An
In his death this county lose
Sone of its best citizens and th<
-Presbyterian church, of whici
he - was a member, one of it
Sstrongest pillars..
,The funeral services wer<
' held in the Presbyterian churel
at Liberty last Sunday after
Snoon, and were conducted b'
Rev. B. P. Reid, his former pas
tor, and his remains were lai<
Sto rest in the cemetery at tha
.The large concourse; of sor
-rowing fi-iends who atteiided thi
.obsequies testified to the hig]
esteem in which he was held.
-Sunday School Convention.
The fourth annual session o
the Pickens County Interde
nominational Sunday Schoc
Convention will be held at th
Presbyterian church at Liberty
December 6th.
EAn interesting program ha
been arranged for the meeting
and no doubt it will be a profit
able one.
. Space will not permit us t
publish the program in full, bu
Prof. J. M. Hancock, Rev. I. E
Wallace, Miss Grace Vandivei
,ex-Gov. Ansel and others wil
make addresses, and this mean
. a rich treat is in store~for thos
- who attend.
- Each Sunday school in th
I co'unty is entitled to send tw
teand homes will b
eif Mr. A
- Keowee Supply Co.
3 "We make no secret of the
fact that we want and are de
termined to have more busi
ness," says Sam Craig. "We
don't conceal our ambition be
hi'nd well-rounded phrases, but
come right out and say we want
you .to come to our store and
see whether we sell such goods
as you want, at such prices as
will save you money."
No firm is meeting with or
deserving of greater success
than the Keowee Supply Co.
This firm believes in the sys
tematic and judicious use of
printer's ink-hence their large
business has been built up, in
no small sense, because of pub
licity. Aggressive, pushing, re
liable, trustworthy. accommo
dating, Sam Craighas contrived
to make this store a place where
one can trade with pleasure and
Judge Newbery Kept Busy.
Judge Newbery is about one
of the busiestofficers in the
court-house. Until the first of
last Jul r he was not so closely
confined to his office, and his
duties were not so exacting, but
.since the marriage license law
became operative the Judge has
not had.many idle days, And
as the year nears its end and the
Christmas holidays approach his
services are more and more in
During the first three days of
this week he has sent three
happy couple out on .the road
of connubial bliss and made
them rejoice with Eden glad
On last Sunday, 19th inst., he
joined in happy wviock Miss
Lula A. M. Powers and Mr. J.
F. Mauldin.
Last Tuesday he bound to
gether in indissoluble bonds the
lives and hearts of Miss Tilda
Findley and Mr. K. Kelley.
On the same day Cupid ac
complished another task and
har the Judge to tie the chords
of 'love so they could not be
broken, and bound together Miss
Minnie L. Dillard and H. P.
All of these young people live
in this county, and to whom the
Sentinel extends hearty good
Death of J. Silas Williams.
Mr. J. Silas Williams died at
his home near Peters Creek
church last Thursday, 16th
Sinst., aged about 67 years. Mr.
,Willliams had oeen in declining
Shealth for more than a year,
Sand his death has been expected
for some time.
L He was a brave Confederate
soldier, having served four years
iin the conflict between the
states, and a substantial citizen.
He leaves a widow and three
children and a large circle ef
I friends. His children are W. H.
SWilliams, Mrs. B. A. Foster and
,Mrs. Thomas Sammons.
-~His remains were laid to rest
3 in the cemetery at Peters Creek
church, of which he had been a
leading member for many years,
on the day following his death
the funeral services being con
ducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr.
i Raines, assisted by Rev. J. E.
I Foster.
I The bereaved family have the
- sincere sympathy of their many
friends in their sore affliction.
Craig Bros. Co. want 30 bush
a els white multiplying onions, at
$1 per bushel, in trade.
- -For land anywhere in Pick
r ens county see or write J. R
Ashmore. 'The Land Man."
I TO RENT.-Two-horse crop
b to rent. Man furnish his own
stock. Three aniles from Pick
-ens and five miles from Easley,
near the Pickens railroad.
* R. A. BOwEN,
i nov2tf' - Pickens, S. C.
For Sale or Exchange.-I have
three small farms for sale cheap.
1. 10 acres in Easley.
2. 46 acres 11miles of Easley.
3. 85 acres 11miles of Easley.
If you want a bargain see me
1 at once. I will excha" ge farm
land for goods or town property.
nov2-2t Easley. S. C.
3 For Sale.
,One 15-acre tract Of nice land
- adjoining college lands in Cen
tral, S. C. Good (6-rooin house
3' and out-buildings Cheap. See
tor write C. W. GARRETT.
- Easle~v, S. C.
FOR SALE-Pure Blue Straw
and Golden Chaff Seed Wheat
s at $1.7perhushel.
eR. G. GAINEs,
S2t Central, S. C.
FOR RENT-Wheat and corn
mill and ginmery. ~Oall on
Extra Heavy Canton Flan
I yard.
I One lot small boys Over
coats, sizes 3 to 6 years;
value .52.50.
0 Sale
Price $
*One Lot
IBoy's 25c CAPS
IOne lot Men's $6.00 Woo
IMen's $10.00 and $12.50
0 Worsted and Cassimner Suits.
I ~Sale.
I One lot Men's 820.00 anl
Tailoe Suits. This season
sizes to fit everybody.
I Sale Pr
jMen's 81.50 Wool Pants,
* Look For,
IVYllow Fens)
Saturday morning No
open, will be the trade
ter what sort of Merch
er, you'll be certain to
Embracing Sale and
its prices clipped off.
list all the interesting
space. We merely hii
here. Economy beacl
LEATLY Extra Specia
THIS SALE. One lot Boy's $
l Suits.
Yard Wide
all-wool Serge, Sea
rice $8.45
11-4 All Wool $5.00
$22.50 Hand
s newest styles,
ic$14.95 Boy's All WoolSu
Red Wool Flannel,*
e Price- 0
4G SALE which begins
v. 25th, when the doors -
event of country, no mat
andise you need for wint
find it included in this all
with a goodly portion of
We could not possibly
items of the sale in this
it of the scope of the sale
Lons you to attend early.
gTremendous 01
1.50 Suits I Ready-to
One lot Miss
and Gray $15.00 S
7c quality 5c
Ladies AllIWo
Blanket $3.45
s worth $4.00..
Sae rie $1.98 Ladies all ma
Sale Pice e son's very latest n
__________________up to $ 50.00, noth
than $35.00.
cknSale Price c~Is
S4- ThseSt
* em
ome Good-bye
Men's 50c heavy Rfedej6
hirts and Drawers.
ard Wide
e M11 Bleaching
lest Grade
rint Calicoes. The whole
de price 5 1-2c.
~tin Ladies
es Hand-Tal BOI
Sale Price $84
l French Serge $22
Sale Price $14.95
-tailored Suits, this sea
odels, no two alike, worth
ng in the lot worth les%
Sale Price $2 .9
ire That's
ways Hy
I, L, -~

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