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ARNOW PICT:i PICKENSSENTINEL The Pearl of the PIEDMONT*.I N Entered April 23, 1903 at Pickens, S. C. as second class mail matter, under W& of Congress of 33arch 3,1879 41st YEAR PICKENS, S. C., DECE'eAHR 7, 1911. FIND "NO BILL" AGAINST FELDER Newberry Grand Jury Nullifies Indictment-Special Charge from Judge Special to Tf- State Newberry Nov. 29.-The grand jury at 11:15 this morning re turned the Felder indictment to the court marking "No Bill," which means that they do not think there is efiggh in the charge to make it prper to send it to a pettit jury for trial. The grand jury's, finding on the indictment had been.awajt (.I with much interest, and ev (ry time since Monday morning that body made its appearance in the courtroom with a bateh of indictments the Felder indict ment was listened for with in tense interest by the large crowd in the courthouse, but nothing was heard of it until just before the adjournment of court for dinner this morning, when it was handed in marked "No bill, R. C. Counts, foreman." It was the last bill handed in by the grand jury, though among t e first batch handed to the j iry by the solicitor when court opened Monday morning. It is reporte3, though, of course. it can not be vouched for, that the grand jury atood nine to nine at the beginning, and that later two more went over to the number in favor of "true -bill," thus makine the body stand 11 to 7, 12 being necessar fy -fm " - 4" idictment against Felder was taken out upon an affidavit sworn out some months ago by B. Frank Kelley of Bishopville, then member and secretary to new winding-up commis s:on appointed by Governor B'ease to take the place of the former commission, whic'1 he had removed. The indictment drawn by Solicitor Cooper some -time last spring, shortly after the affidavit was made, charged 'homas B. Felder of Atlant j., who had assisted the at torniey general in recovering for * the tate a large amount of over cha/ges of liquor houses that had'dealt with the former dis pensary board, with having at tempted at Newberry in October, 1905, to bribe H. H. Evans, then chairmen of the board of control, one count says, with an offer of $50.000 worth of stock in some big liquor organization that Felder was alleged to be getting up at some unknown place; the second, count makes -~-- a similar charge but fixing the offer at $250,000 worth of stock; the third count fixes the offer at "$250,000 in lawful money of the United States. After the indictment was drawn, Governor Blease issued a requisition on the governor of adergia for Felder, and it was tin the hands of Sheriff Bu for service. He went to tto arrest Felder and -back, but he refused on the requisition and Brown refused to requisition. hion he grand jury came morning at 11:30 9 into com before prepar for th'r final presentment the ing 4 asked Judge Gage orbeter ,te grand jurors in b derifig this bill of indict -ment could take into consider s ation the probable expense to the county and the moral effect -,upon the community and society T.he Judge replied that- if the g rand jurors believed the testi mony of the witnesses who had gone before them and that the prosecution was in good faith, it was their duty to find a true bill without regard to the ex pense to the county. Proceed ing, the Judge said that the grand jurors could consider the public facts on record, that there had been several prosecu tions in these dispensary cases; that John Black had been tried and convicted in Chester; that James Farnum had been tried and acquitted in Colum bia, and that two of the witness es who went before the grand jury in the case of Felder now under consideration had been Stried in Columbia, the jury fail * -jg to agree, and that the other * tness had been indicted in bprry, thge indictment hav "This case," said his honor, .ont of that "terrible ex periment which the State was induced to make some years ago, and that was an honesi effort, to mike respectatle q nefarious business, that of sell ing liquor to men. I trust,' said he, "that the State ha tried that experiment to it heart's content. If you ar satisfied," said the judge, "tha the prosscutioris for a publi< purpose. or to put it differently if you are satisfied that the pur pose is not for the public -gooi and will not end in the publi< good, you have a Wii4ediscretior in the matter; you can returt 'no bill' or you can return the bilto the solicitor, stating tha ydaiwilI.nt mAe any finding upon it until more satisfactor3 proof comes to your hands.' Concluding this special charg< to the grand jury, the judg told them: "But, above al things, gentlemen, you shoul make one thing your pole star and unless you olhat you wil go wrong. Put behind yot every personal consideratior and look to the truth and th truth alone, and plant your selves firmly upon the truth and go to that goal to which th< -truth leads you. If you go a1 it with this spirit and with thi purpose, you are bound to react a right conclusion; if you go al it with any other spirit and pur pose you areboundtogo wrong.' The witnesses who went be fore the grand jury Monday morning to give their testimony on the Felder indictment were H. H. Evans of Newberry L W. Boykin . Camden, ani ZjohlBell'Tod dt B-atesburg Governor Bleasp was an in. terested listenPr i ,ourt Mon day morning when the Felde indictment was handed out. The grand jury read theil presentment this afternoon ani were discharged and court ad. journed. Solicitor Cooper, be Ing asked as to what furthui steps. if any he proposed t< take in the'eWder case, repliet that he did not care to make ani tatement at all in regard to the matter. The Herald and news says "It is said the grand jury stood ten for 'no bill' and eight fo: 'true bill' in the Felder case." SOUTH CQMING INTO ITS OWN, The Chicago Tribune says "The Renewed South is the Land o A new and powerful ally ha declared itself for "the renewei South." The Chicago Tribune regarded by many as the great est newspaper in the Unitei States or the world, pledges it self to the encouragement of the great development that it see: immediately ahead. Hereaftei it willinot stint its publicity oj htruth regardling our South ern country that seems just t< have been diacovered by th< rest of the -nation, which re gards .it as almost too good t< be true. The Chicago Tribune's par in the wonderful exploitatior and development of the West il acknowledged by all who art familiar with the matter. A large share of the credit for th< settlement of the lands reclaim ed by irrigation belongs to it -One of the most potent agen cies that it has set in motioi toward that end is the Chicag< land show, founded by the Tri bune in 1909; and it is quit< possible that the Southern dis plays at that very show thi: year and last year have beer directly responsible for the Tri bune turning its energies towar< Dixie. "The Tribune has realize< that the time has arrived fo: the development of the South,' says that paper, remarking tha the most direct and powerfu force in the upbuilding of a comn munity is publicity that tells th< truth. The Tribune's polic1 was declared and its positioi defined in- a striking editoria published in its issue of Nov. 15 in which it spoke of "the re newed South" as "the most re markable economic achievemen now-under way in the iwesteri hemisphere;" as "'this grea phenomenon which Is iltustrat ing once more the splend~ tical energies, the courage, AST The Rind You Have Always B in use for over 30 years, b; All Counterfeits, Imitations a Experiments that trifle with Infants and Children-Exper What is CA Castoria is a harmless .subst - gorie, Drops and Soothing Q contains neither Opium, Mo: substance. Its age is its gua and allays Feverishness. It Colic. It relieves Teething I and Flatalency. It assimila1 Stomach and Bowels, giving The Children's Panacea-The CENUINE CAST Bears the f The Kid You H.a In Use For Ov TUC CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MUR try of the American people;' as "the great, growing and thriv ing new business empire." "All this is not hyperbole,. and vhoba studied the sit uation, especialliatfirf st-hir,, will realize that Senator Fletch er's striking sumnary is more than justified..... .It is time for us to correct our foolish, vague notion that the South is still backward. It is rising like a young giant from tbe prostra tien of the civil war..... .The renewed South is the land of opportunity." The Tribune's editorial was I inspired directly by an interview with Senator Fletcher, president of the Southern Commercial Congress, which had been pub lished in its preceding day's is Isue. Senator Fletcher is known to be an earnest believer in the South and its national import ance, The congress which he heads has two general objects first, to make the South itself appreciate its own resources more intelligently; and, second, to sweep misapprehensions re Sgarding the South out of the nation and the world. In his interview, which the Tribune gave prominent display. Senator Fletcher pointed out that the South excels in nine re Isor'ces-coast line, navigable streams, water powers, rainfall, -wet lands, soils, growing hours, forests and minerals. He recall -ed how the South sustained a Swar loss of three and a half bil lion dollars worth of property 'and one-tenth of its pooulation E"No people eyer suffered such loss in history and survived," said he. "No more stupendous Sproblems ever faced any people in the world." But the losses Shave been more than restored, said he, and the property valua tions are increasing amazingly each day. SHe poi'ited out that the South is the source of the world's cot ton supply, on which it has a practical monopoly unpossessed -by the West on its own grai and meat supplies, svhich face a -growing world competiti m. SThe real awftkening of the South is just- beginning, said -Senator Fletcher. Out of six hundred and twenty millimn -acres of land in what is called the South, not 25 per cent. is 1under cultiyation. The lands -are the lowest-priced and most productive to be found on the continent.I [ In an area as large as the Brit-! ish-Isles,Germnany,France, Swit zerland, Austria and Italy all combined, the South has a pop ulation of twenty-eight millions as_ against two hundred and thirty millions in the countries named. 1Senator Fletcher described the South's vast natural resources, and its big increasing mnanufac-1 turing interests, $300,000,000 be ing invested in cotton nills alone. There are 3.000 miles of coast line full of harbors. Of the 27,000 mile.. of navigable .rivers in the whole country, 23, . 000 are in the South. SThe great Appalachian syvs -temn, with its natural storage aught, and which has been as borne the signature of s been made under his per. upervision since its infancy. io one to deceive you jn this. nd "Just-as-good " are but and endanger the health of ience against Experiment. ASTOR IA itute f&r Castor Oil, Pare yrups. It is Peasant, it rphine nor other NI'arcotic rantee. It destroys Worms cures Diarrhma and Wind roubles, cures Constipation es the Food, regulates the healthy and natural slcep. iother's Friend. 'ORIA ALWAYS ignature of re Always Bought er 30 Years. RAT STREET. NEW VORK CII?. basins for holding excessive rain Eall, can furnish ten-million horse power, of which one-tenth s now being utilized. The outh's average rainfall is fifty nhes,~'a iaTislfv et an hirteen inches in the semi-arid We.-t. The South possesses six hun red varieties of soil, and hun dreds of thousands of acres of incredibly rich land, capable of Irainage and cultivation, "Natural resources and oppor bunities considered, it must be conceded that the choicest field f endeavor lies there:" said he. "For stability, honesty and Afficiency in governmental af fairs-state, county and city she sets the example. "Social order. public spirit, constructive effort and educa bional advantages she enjoys in a marked degree. "Nationally she has been a sort of political orphan. That lay ought to pass. The South rust play an important part in he growtn of the nation. It has baken on a new phase of mind -a constructive, progressive phase-and as it prospers and levelops the nation is enriched. "Patriotic,industrious,worthy people are cordially desired, and the tide is setting that way. No such upbuilding and advance ment has ever been witnessed esewhere as we shall see going on in the near future in the ma jestic domain of the South. This growth of the South makes for the glory of the nation." All of these very glowing as pects of the renewed South and its resources are borne out in cold facts and figures by the re cent issue of the Manufacturers' Record, which contains a special article on Southern industrial activity, noting that there is a very decided revival of indus trial activity throughout the South, "not confined to any one part of the South or merely to a few lines of industry, but sweeping over the whole section, from Maryland out to Texas, and covering almost every line of human activity." Western land operators and colonization people are turning their attention to the waste ands and timbered tracts of the -outh, says the Record: and it forecasts the energetic exploita tion of the South in the same way that has been so effective inl indlucing immigration to the West, noting that in the South ern states there are idle lands capable of supporting millions of people. All of which makes us very contented Southerners,ever more content to stay at home and take part in the new era that is already here. Southwest Georgia Farm and Pe can Lands for Sale. Any size tract desired. Our lands are fer ti ndt reult are satisfactory. Farmersar Write for illustratcd booklet to-day. Flowers-Parker Realty Company, novd-St Thomnasv1lle, Ga. DR. R. E. INGOLD Dentist Liberty, S. C. New Times, New Things The old fertilizer formulas are giving R waytothenew. At everyfrzrmers' meeting ~ one subject should be the fertilizer formula that will furnish a balanced ration to the crop and keep up the fertility of the soil. To do this the fertilizer should contain at least asmuch POTASH as Phosphoric Acid. Our note book has condensed facts essential in farmers' meetings and plenty of space to record the new things that you hear. Let us send one to you before your Iistitute meets. A supply of these is furnished by request to every institute held in several states. We will be glad to send a supply delivered free of charge to every Institute Grange or Farmers' Club Officer on request. It contains no advertising matter. GERMAN KALI WORKS% Inc. Continental Buding, Balmor, Md. WMonadock Block, Chicago, Ill 93 Nasau Street NewYork Phone 45 FOR THAT K1G OF HOT TOM THE DRINK THAT REACHES THE SPOT Pickens Bottling Works, R. L. Davis Proprietor FOR SLEj FINE FARM. 25O Acres---7 miles north west of Pickens, good 2-story 9-room residence good utbuildings small tenant house 75 to too acres in cultivation, ome good bottom land 50, acres in pasture, school house ~n place, 2 miles from church, this is a good place among the oot hills of the mountains and a bargain at $25 per acre on ~ood terms. I have farms in all sections of the connty. Let ne linow your wants in the real estate line. H. M. HEST ER THE REAL ESTATE MAN ox,264. -Pickens, S. C. Pickens Bank Building. Let me write your fire insurance; I'll place you in good re iable companies. !TOO LITTLE MONEY) Will not buy a D~ependable Piano. Too Much Monley Does Not Necessarily Guarantee One. Strikes a happy medium in Price-and insures the maximum intrinsic value. toThis Piano is built according to strict specifica tos in one of New York's most modern Piano Fac rtories, and contains every feature possible in a sci entifically built instrument.j LThe One Artistic Piano* in which you do not pay for name. PGuaranteed for a life time. Sold Direct From Fac tory only by John H. Williams ---THlE PIANO MAN,--f Victor Talking Machines and Supplies.7) FINEJOS WORK (Pricidy Ash, Poke Root and Prompt Powerful Its benefic'ial e- Stubborn cases oo1 re fects are usu2lly yield to P. P. P. lastp - , - felt very quickly whenotbermeci- youre 0P 7: S rich, red, pure blood-cleanses the en system - elears tie brain -strengthens digestion and A posit:ve specific for Blood Po1son =nd sin di Drives out Rheumatism and Stops tihe Pain; ends is a wonderful tonic and body-builder. Thousands end F. V. LIPPMAN, -SAVANNAH, '-: Sold by c ens 6I2C Bargain in $.b We have a lot ot odds and-, in shoes that we are offering*-_, great sacrifice. Come and them over and if you can get a tor any member of your family y. can save money. Let the Chickens and Z come along and all the money can spare. CRAMG BROS One-price Cash Mere This space belongs t The man who furnishes u noticeand at right prices. Open Day and Night to Serve You. Fresh Fish Every Week. Leave your orders or call and see us G. W. CORBIN,. nA. K. PARK,/ West End Greinville, I am now full up on l Blankets, ve shoes to suit all peopi es. I have the-same "Same Goods for Less Money." My prices SHALL be in keeping r ~ with the low price of cotton. I promise full value for your mon ey, or your money back. -My old custo-mers know that I make all statements GOOD. Those who have never traded with- me, come and see whatlIcan de for you. - D. HI. AT Guard Your Children GREEVILE S Against Bowel Trouble ARWi Many children at an early age become constipated, and frequently BIDR serious consequences result. Not U oiE-VA being able to realize his own con -UJuJOlDY dition, a child's bowels should be 'lePitdP~n.mJ~ constantly watched, and a gentlej laxative given when necessary. fiaozgFmjhM Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets are especially well adapted to women fO:117Ma8et and children. The Sisters of GENU2~S C-' Christian Charity, 331 Charles St., , Luzerne, Pa.; who attend many M~f W. Miles'lLaxatineeTablets and Comptha we ik thm erymuh.Ther ctin LL ese. fiatoluisued havingbeenimde sacquante wthe:e~te ie them e .tame adgo reusin Dr Noie eir n evers' caxae abeadfnd theSsrsare vey -biep Te forthm anvor h.Thi anytei-on ALL beoe8M thaovding -- wis clt tandke itrTe grateu aor the estate' the apearance hae eseall moodreuta n foritA.1 wer chilen arte conernar. All are thie asverg cilmedcint, " evene designe l,' thoughanhe ate scrialy isn - guised. In using Dr. Miles Lat- ge1 aa gftb~ft ative Tablets, however, this diffi culty is overcome. The shape of & ie1 e the tablets, their appearance and, tis candy-like taste at once appeal to W~Uf S 9 - any child, with the result that they PEIN' CHt5 The rich chocolate flavoran absence of other taste, make Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets the ideal On lR1 IR~ remedy for children.CfN1Q tee If the first box fails to berrefit, S .Kly the price is returned. Ask your fo druggist. A box of 25 doses cos g only 25 cents. Never sold in bulk. ~~ i~CBic~O MILES MEDICAL CO., Eikhart ind. j h e tc~ eart .