S~ NSON, EDITOL 14, ;1911. * eincere? and multitudinous -er tho world for the Amanity aresto be and encouraged by i and women every the thought comes ible force, "Are we 1eseefforts? Are the re giving their time and means and whc .rously pushing the eligious agenciesfoi ,ent of humanity-re uly in earnest bAdul . or are they playing .-e role? rinstance the greai religibus forward which is just no3 the country and if the time and thoughi of so many of the-best businesv men, and in fact menof every avucation, aretheseinen sincer( i thI imdertagfind efforts Would any 4fthem who ar - o-thsis moement com mit murde,.s in a lynching be guilty ofa ery, or drunk enness, or swearing. or any o the other numerous'ahd damna ble sins a-iist God and man Tf so their efforts will comi to naught. - Would an '- these men whi a.re engaed in this undertakini ecoit of wealth, or inU - - 6toren eligious ser-v , ow .: the poorest, the mean est, the most degraded' outcas or wretch in the world, eithe vvwhite or bsk? If sottheir in sincerity isknoi of God an( their efforts *ill be fruitless. A manganot render -~ri an servic~ -unless he is ~hnis yan4 pifnz U! saL) ~getovo tin for' ti nof -men every red in i'eligious worl sincerity. If wve d< *engage in sucd pure miives and ' to make mer bring the world intc - tGode we lionient? The uise af ~the pardoning wer by-Gov. Blease in some looks sinconsistent. We otcondemn, for he may meo id sufficient ra cauaL ai'cr ue h a Anderson soo afte die ching of anegrofor an ostr" on a respectable girl] near oheaPath, heLs reported to have said 'thsat rather -than use~ the ofice of governor in or derig out troops to defend a negro brute and require them to re on white citizens, he would frm the office to which whch> ad been elected, and wou hav ht the first traiai to Honea aLth and led the We ma.ke no comment as to e propriety of a governor of a state like South Carolina uteranlce to such words, e we anything to say as Ss violating his oath of office, t would like to know and oman explanation upon this estion: Is a man who com such crimes any more a brute because he is black than a~ mn of white skini If not, wh pardon one either white or back who has been convicted in the court of the unnamable crimei The daily papers recently brouht the news of Gov. Blease oxIrdnng nine men and .turn i~ng thema out of the penitentiary in one day; eight of them had convicted of killing their w-a~ and one had been don the charge of rape 'a ~ life imprison had served convicted in 1909. 24par te by assumed , how who If the good'people were better would the bad people be worse? It is not our thoughts but our deeds.that will count in the final wind-up. On the menu card of Thomas B. Felder, Thanksgiving Day, was "No Bill." The average politician loudly proclaims economy. but he gen erally wants it limited to his own pocket. "T. B." must have greatly enjoyed the Thanksgiving dish given him by the Newberry grand jury. Gov. Blease, et al., hada dish ) of crow f'r Thanksgiving, pre- ) sented by the grand jury of ) Newberry county on a 'Felder ) plate marked "No Bill" ) Stole a Locomotive. ] Gen. Greenville M. Dodge, ] president of the Society of the ] 'Ainy of thse 'Tennessee, was tal~kn; one Memorial Day in Council Bluffs about. railroad mg. "The best piece of railroad work I ever heard of,"- he said, "was-performed in 1861, in Ma Sryland. The Confederates were in great need of a locomotive, and their oRly hope was to cap tuire one. "So a small band of men was selected from Lee's army and pla6ed under the command of a, tall Georgian who. had been foreman of a quarry, and knew a great deal about derricks and rigging. "Well, that Georgian took his men into Maryland; -they tore up a section of the Baltimore & Ohio tracks; flagged the first b train ., with nothing 'but Sro ,dragged a rocomotive 57 - miles up hills, across streams; through woods and swamp, till They struck a line bailtsby the -Confederacy. - When the presid'it of the Baltimore & Ohioheard of this bfeat he o noTB lieve-i:-RE * tand personally inspect I the route, and he said on .his t ietuirn that it was sthe most Iwonderfnl..iece of engineezing - that had' ever before t een ac - comphshed. . Alter The war he sent for the taltlGeorgian and, on *the sTrength of that one exploit, siiade *him roadmastyr of the whole Baltimore & Ohio. *1'Any man,' Mr. Garrettsaid, 'who can pick up a locomotive with fishing lines and carry it over a mountain, has passed his civil service examination with me. "-The Minneapolis Journal. -State of South Cain, County of Pickens.' By J, B. Newbery, Probate Judge. Whereas, J. P. Anders made suit toI me to grant .him letters of Administra tion with the will annexed of 'the Estate anid effects of W. R Anders. { -These are therefore, to dite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of .the said wV. R. Anders3 deceased, that they be and appear before me,. in the Court of Probate-, to be held 'ceson the 28th day of Dec.4 -91 U t feublication hereof at'11 o'clocyr m o aue it any they hav, w esad minis Arton should not be granted. ,Given under tny hand this 6 daty of Dec. ' Anno Domini 1911. Dec 14t2 . J. B. Newbery, J. P.' P. C. .Land Sale By agreement among the heirs of the late Sarah'A. Alexander we will sell on salesday in Jarnary 1912 at Pickens, C. B., S, C. dyuring the legal hours for sale the following described real estate: All that piece, parcel or tract of land lying and being in 'the county of Pick ens, and State of South Carolina, on Big Eastatoe, adjoining land of Mrs. F. P. Folger and Mrs. M. E. Boggs on the north and east, and Daniel winchester on the east,lands of the Carolina Timber on the South. and west by Silas Hinkle, and others ard containing Seven Hun-3 dred and twenty acres more or less, and krown as the Sarah A. Alexander Home Place. Terms of sale: One third cash on day of sale, the balance on a credit of three years in e'qual annual instal mants with interest from day of sale at the rate of s per cent per annum, with leave to the purchaser to pay more or all cash. The credit portion to be se cured by a bond of the purcifaser and aj mortgage of the premises. Purchaser* to pay for all papers and recording same,. A good and sufficient title in fee will be made and delivered to the purchastr on day of sale upon compliance with these terms by the undersigned as the heirs at law of David Alexander and { Sarah A Alexander. F. P. Folger, Addie Hester,I Sallie Newton, M. E. Boggs, Elhiott M. Ken~nemore. Annual Meeting Meeting of the Board of (ounty Com missioners for Pickens County will beI held in the office of the Supervisor at Pickens s. C. on Thursday after the first Monday in January nexct, the same bing the 4th day of, January 1912. AU persons holding claims against Pickens County, nct previously present ed to the Board, must file the same|I with the Crkof board on or before netso that DO N-C W. have-the best fin have ever showI I business. With plents displayed, it will be a I lection. Come in and THE. DOLl Maybe you. have A 1 ter the race. Notice 1 at our store of the five ComeEarl CRAIG1 ONE PRICE C I We have bought ~ Company's stock them cheaper thai sale will begin IONDAY, ID I and will last until sold, Watch this TJTE 1 ,(OUR oppgin e of Holiday Goods we i and are now ready for of help and goods well )leasure to make your se ask about CONTEST. ittle girl that wants to en he daily announcements leading contestants. y and~ d the Rush PROS. CO., LSU MERCHANTS. the Keowee Supply uf goods, and offerI i ever before. The 'ECEMBER I8,, the entire stock is space next week.I 9arsons, shemore. Mitchell "30" I The Wonderful AUTOMOBILE IN You have probably heard a lot of well cars in the Glidden Tour which w ville, Fla. The.facts of the matter are all were driven by professionals with I prepared for this trip'and in tact went start of the Glidden Tour. The Mitchell was the only car tha classes.. The Mitchell 4-4 in divisioh Division No. 5 car from $2001 to $30C It was the only car in its class that carr Brown, of Athens, Ga., who drove the with 3%X5 cylinders, is an amateur. run started in New York. It was deli Branch and when you think that he ha an amateur driver and brought the cat class, it reflects some credit on Dr. Br< No. 26 which won in division No. -2 w mechanician, Taking it all in.all.the p den Tour was the most wonderful of ai We have a stock of these Autom< call and see them and let us give you: .what the MITCHELL is. Mitchell "25," & "The Car You Ought - at the Silent as i I Folger,1Tb Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Sole agents for Walk-Over Shoes, bewing Machines, Chase City Buggies,]3 Auditor's Notice The ticne for taking returns will open January 1st and close February 20 1912 without penalty. The Auditor or his } debuty will be at the following places. to take returns. Calhoun, Monday, Jan. 15 1912 (after Central, Tuesday and Wednesday, IJan. 16th and 17th 1912. Cateechee, Thursday, Jan 18th 1912 Fall p1 (Forenoon.) tion to W: Norris, Thursday, Jan. 19th 1912 (af- prove this ternoon.) season and ILiberty. Friday and Saturday, Jan. easiest par1 19th and 20th 1912 (noon.) Easley, Monday and Tuesday, J tee every Or 22nd and 25rd 1912.. Easley Cotton Mills, Wednesday, Jan.S aI 2lth 1812 (forenoon.) IGlenwood Cotton Mills, Wednesday, We ha, Jan. 24th 1912 (afternoon.. . M. W. Hester's Store, Thursday, Jan. new feature 25th 1912 (forenoon.) on sprmngs ILoopers Gin, Thursday,Jan. 25th 1912 blades toj (atternoon) cie n Dacesille, Friday, Jan, 25th 1912chnad' (forenoon) S o Peters Creek. Friday, Jan. 26th 1912 } (afternoon) IPumpkintown, saturday, Jan. 27 1912 We car (forenoon) Holly Springs, Saturday, Jan, 27 1912 Range is as (afternoon) - special atte IMile Creek, Tuesday, Jan. 30 1912 our window. (afternoon) -Come Six Mile, Wednesday, San 81 1912|Groceries ar (forenOon) Praters, Wednesday, Jan. 31 1912 right. pEastatoe, Saturday. Feb. 3 1912. Returns will be taken in office during tewoetime, r v the whole Respectfully, I F ~N A. CHEISTOPHER, Auditor, Pickens County. IAll persons indebted to me are Irequested to settle before the 1st day of January. All accounits W l not paid by that day will be 11 1 placed in the hands of a magis trate for collection. M ?z j Passengers $1,350. Record Madeby the THE; GLIDDEN TOUR. talk about the wonderful record of the Max as recently run from New York to Jackson that all Maxwell cars that made any record at' actory mechanicians. .They were all specially through a rigid- course of training prior to. the t had the distinction of winning first.. in two No. 2 from $801 to $1200 inclusively ~wonfrst. o was won by . C. Biown in No. g Mit-h1l. e through with a perfect score. Dr. L. C No. 19 Mithell which was a 5 passenger Six He never saw -his car till.two days before the .vered to him in -New York by our New York d no niechanician and that he was absolutely through with a clean score, the only one in his )wn and a whole lot on the MitclteIL Mitchell is also driveti by ai 'amateur driver -with no erformance of the Mitdiell cars in the last Glid iy of those among the entries. biles on hand and will be glad to have you a demonstration. This will prove conclusively SPass en s 1,000. to IHave Price You Ought to Pay." be Foot of Time. Gnts' Furnishing Goods a Specialty.~ Hawes .Hats, Iron King Stoves, New Home fitchell Wagons and Mitchell Automobiles. owing time is here and we want to call your atten--1 m. J. Oliver 'turn Plow on-the marketto-day. To -ask any owner We sold 50 of these plows last only had one broken frog returned. The frog -is t about a turn plow to get broken and we guaran 1e of the Wn,. J. Oliver Plows.j k. Cutters ye got the best thing yet in a stalk cutter. The about them is arrangement of the cutter part whch, when striking a solid substance, enables the ove. This is an important feature about this ma ill have to be seen to be appreciated. es and Ranges ry a full line oX these articles. The "Tip Top" good as can be found. We also want to call-your *ntion to the "Odessa" Cost Range on- display in This is a beauty. in and see us. We carry a complete line of. d Hardware of the better kind and will treat you mns Hdw. & Gro. Co. T. R. ALLEN, Mar'ager.