OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, May 02, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067671/1912-05-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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PUBLISHED WEEKLY Etere April_23._1903____________
'W EEKLY Euerc~4 Ap i a 'J) t ' ek en , . C. m ec :d c 351Ua I m u tter . under act or congres s of 33arch 3. 1879 SUBSCRIPTION. PRICE, $1 Y t
Established 1871-Vola, 42 CKENS, S. C.,4W417 2.
State W
Matters of Intere
Over Sot
Child Labor Law Violated
Anderson, April 25.-Actin
under the direction of E.J. Wat
son, commissioner of agricultur
commerce and industries. W.
Bonner, State factory inspector
to day began prosecution agains
John A. Lyon, superintenden
of the Orr cotton mills of thi
city, for violating three section
of the act regulating the em
ployment of childern in factorie
The allezation is that four chil
dren under age were permitte
to work in the Orr mills on th
19th of April.
Results of Cyclone.
St, George. As a result c
the tornado which swept ov<
the suberbs of St. George Mor
day afternoon last week, o
person is dead, several are injon
ed and property estimated
$10.000 in value has been d(
Strong Against Dispensary.
Saluda: The anti-dispensar
forces in this county have ju:
about completed a whirlwin
campaign in opposition to th
effort to have an election in thi
county on the question of re-ec
tablishing a dispensary, whic
was preipitated some thre
weeks ago. The reports no,
coming in show an overwheln
ing majority against legalizin
the sale of liquor and in opp.os
tion to the call of an election.,
Seach Returns.
New York, April 24.-Frec
erick 0. Beach and Mrs. Beac
reached here today on th
Kaiser Wilhelm 11 from a tri
abroad, where Mr. beach learr
ed that he was wanted in Aiker
S. C. on the charge of havin
attacked Mrs. Beach there o
February 26.
The attack on Mrs. Beac
created a sensation in societl
She was siezed in front of th
Beach winter home in Aike
and slashed in the throat wit
a sharp weapon, It was sai
that Mrs. Be ch stated that h~
ran from the house to his wife
rescue when he heard he
screams. After Mrs. Beach
recovery she and her husban
returned North and sailed fc
Europe. Later a warrant wa
issued on the affidavit of a d
tective accusing Mr. Beachc
the attack.
Mrs. Beach's hand restedi
her husband's arm as they deo
cended the gangway of ti
Mr. Beach declined to say an:
thing about the case.
Passengers on the steamshi
said the couple kept to thei
cabin most of the time.
Anderson Hospital Burned
Anderson April 25.- The Ar
derson county hospital, a thre.
story brick building constructe
o6ur years ago by public 'su!
scriptions at a cost of (50.00(
was completely destroy ed by ir
this afternoon. TIhe amioun t
Insurance is $27,000. The fire
said to have originated from
lighted match carelessly handle
by an oil wagon dr'iver as he de~
po",ited a can of kerosene on ih
sidle porch of the building. Th]
kerosene became ignitedI andl as
adjoining can of gasoline ex
ploded, throwing the flames al
over the Side of the building
T welve pa! ren is were? in the hos
pita!, six oft whom were able
walk wvit h atssiKac to.~ ( the ek
vator w here :he~: er wer .\Vl
to sa.1fety. Th remnin e
had just undrwere (~Operi
giid it was "'ace~srv i rsc
them througth widows on th
siicond floori. They were take:
I safety by means of ladders
Miss Janie Langley, of Mi
Qarmnel this state, a nurse wn
was operated on this mo'rnin
had a narrow escape fromn hem
burned to dleat 1. The flame
cut off every passage leading t
her room anid two gentlemel
came near being suffocate
when flames burst upon thien
as they attempted to reach he1
in answer to her creams fc
help. Miss Lamdzev was takel
through the window just i
time, for as she was being low
ered to the ground, the flame
encompassed her room. Fu
ladies were resced t hroud
second story windows, and s.
narrow were the escap~es thi
rescuers did not have tiume
even thro .v bed clothing aroun
their bodies. They were lowe:
ed to the ground ini a nude. ccor
Scientific Marketing
the County and Local i"rn
irs' Union of South Carolin;
V he efforts of the president.e
e Farmers' union to get th
ide News
st Here and There
ith Carolina.
the subject of srienti n Iark
in has awakened an inter i
the subject. of domstic ( l
- In a letter befo re me is sih
ement is ma'd: -Thic
. eed of the times iS foi w
to realize their economI valu c.
t It is the desire of the State un
t ion to aid in every way tt 7.ui
s our people, both men and wom
s3en. to-thinking. We want then
- to give earnest, constant an<
S continuous thought to the grea
- questions of domestic and faIn
d economy, as well as to the allicc
e. subject of scientific marketing
We think that scientitic markel
ing will be the hardest problen
of all, and therefore we are call
ing on the institutions of highe:
f learning to come to our aid. A:
it will be impossible to reach al
.-of the colleges befoie the sum
e mer vacation. we are addressin_
-- a letter to them asking tha
t their Professors of EeonomI
take up this subject and at leas
start the graduating classes u
its study. To carry on t h
good work still further it is ou
desire to get in touch with thts'
schools and neighborhoods :1
which classes could be forma
to study the subject, and by co
1 operation to reduce the cost (
such lectures to the State ,mioi
s and to the county and local ui
ions, or schools, or neighborhook
to the minimum.
' It is necessary that arrange
ments be made verso fo
the "lay-by" moniths of Jul.)
1 and August. Of course we an
hoping that part of the good L
be accomplished will be the en
largenient of th& Farmers' un
ion and the organization of 11N
local unions.
-_ E. W. Dabbs,
h Pres. S, C. Farmers' 1 noion
P Judge Jones in Anderson
1 Judge Ira B. Jones left Thurs
day morning for Columbia an.
thence he goes to his home ii
Lancaster for a f-w _ days' rest
He has had a strenuous cam
paign in Anderson county, b
e left here very much encouraged
When he came into the counts
he was almost ready to concedt
it to his opponent, but he sait.
a today that he has been so muc;
Sencouraged by the "converts'
r he has made that he beliex>'
s that there will be a surpise .
lithe returns next August.
The judge spoke here undH
L5 great disadvantages, being ver.,
hoarse and meeting up with
'spell of bad weather at the omt
set. He started his pub!ib
speaking at the point in th'
county which has been regard
e ed as his opponent's stronges
precinct, Pelzer, and made a
many addresses as he enn b
concluding at the Orr Mi!
Wednesday night.
Wednesday the superinlten
dent of the Orr itll aIrLyn
posted a notice that ,Jude Jomn
would sneak there in th?e *ven
ing and there would beV or
petition of the disgusting scen2:
at th e court house last S~aturd 2:
when the large hody of the :a'
die was w--ried by th' di!:
couesy Shiowin to .Jadg'' Jon.
byr a fe men and hors. Th
order at ine Uhr V i was l
rour and a half,an- wa i4
great receptijon. Hemli nm
friendsh andl su !tVelswh
onlce started to wor \'N hu
His, speech at Or ni! wj
along a : oewhat I difrni b
roml the others mad in V
cont ad e . d. n
sfincia! to ine 1
ernr wvho lishe utm:l
Iand recspec(tfuly, an' i r :
another large mixe rw
Mt. Tabor. There w.., .e
nagging at the judge~t ther,
not enough to be annry mm .i
r he Orrn Mills the o'po>itio n
Ente itself wi ;h c ong n -
Iacnoss thle stiet amd hbran
f r its side occasolly, h
thr wasd 1 n ~o demon atio
up to mAtle jndett
ing Schoo*fl I0iVV
h ursed in two~ eavni
:,150.) vere distributeti. 11
in: piril paYlvment ,3 mak
ing a Lotal of 857.95 for th
This aidl was received by 1't
Pcols inl T ! coun'es. Jasper
'Sumter, Kershaw and Beaufor
alone are the counties not par
ticipating in high school appro
I is the custom of the boar
ta the salatry of high schoo
i:r, lnietor. although t e lav
thian .)0 in any one year. Th
n ua'1 ons of the board! provid
h, w i ) more t han $510 shali g,
Saa ris and the additional
ma nm-t he earned by thelhigi'
sciool faculty as shown in th<
ieport of the high school inspec
High s;choolsmaki:g 14stn
(Lard units receive a )onus oJ
200, wi le high schools niaking
12 stan dard units recei ;e a bonu.
of 8100.
In every instance where the
bonus is paid the highest class
in the high school must enrol
at least three pupils and nexi
1 vear this number will be raiset
zt five. The schools making 1
uits and receiving the $20(
bo'nus for the session 1911-12 are
North Augusta, Bamberg Allen
idale, St. Matthews, Dillon Sum
merville, Johnston, Winnsboro
Fountain Inn, Ninety-Six, Lan
caster, Leesville, Mullins, Sene
cai. Central, Fairforest.
Th.- sclools making 12 stand
arU uis and receiving the 810(
bon are: Doe West. Barn
well, J lackville,Manning Latta
ishopvwille, McColl, Westminis
ter. jF.vtt P-ark, Jonesville
T he customary high schoo
dilomas% will be distributed it
tr'dlaatL-s of four-year higi'
schools who have made 14 unit,
in their course. The increas(
in number of thise graduates
duri.n the last two years is most
4rat Lim and shows a growtl
of more than 200 per cent.
jin th.. distribution of this funm
the high schools in Picken:
I o-unty receiving same are: Cen
tral, -700: Liberty. i500; Pick
Iens, $500.
Heres an Offer You Should no
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablet
remedy stomach troubles by aid
in nIture to supply the ele
m' eni the absence of which ir
the gastric juices causes indi
estio and diyspepsia. Thex
aid the v stomach to dligest foot
andi to quickly convert it int<
ich red blood and material nec
cesry for overcoming natu~ra
body wastc.
Carry a pack*aze of Rexal
Dysp&-sia Ta Its in your ves5i
vo:"k't, or keep them in vom
room. Take one after eacd
heav meal and prove our as
srionh that iliigestionl will no'
bother 'you.
We know what Rexall Dy
-sppia Tablets are and wvha1
ther w\ill do. We guaranter
tin to relieve indigestion and
d s-eiat~. If they fail we wil
refun your money. Threc
six ':2 cents, 50 cents, ani
81.00. Remembher, you can ob
'tin Rexall Remedi's only a'
0ur store-Thne Rexall Store
Pick~en's Drug Co.
A Statemen;t of Facts Backed b)
a Strong Guarantee.
We gIUrn - immediate an'
po I'v r'if to a!! sufferr
ram coinstipiation. In ever's
e* wher x 'i'e our rem''edly fails tc
p~tidnafo it.. That's a frank~
ta, nIn of facts, and we want
von t1 ubstanltiate them at omi
' xal Orde'rlies are eaten jusi
4j f th" e~ I5)( w( ei
1'T 1'.' 'l Eie tis al
ndri id.eal for the use;(:
p a . We nnot too hi..hi
nd the to all1) 1 sulerer:
1- ak ont faith in- then
-* ri l<; Th '-0 till ire sI ls
Dru-.U1 -'-Co.
. If y a d lio a e,
ceeacp of The Seitti.
in ie t;ike it for Oi'all1te(
~Vnl wanit it StOI)1ed(
A Sharp Arraignment of Laws
and Politicians by an Old
Mr. Editor:
Will von) allow and Old Con
federate soidier spce1 enough to
express himiseIf ill regard to
the manner in wich our State
has treated her oldhi soliiers who
fought her lattles nearly fifty
yar.,a). lI is there thatj
eery mny .)I'ht to stand by
his State at all cst for her pro
tcction. Watch the ni that
did not do h.s dutyr and you will
see one who has never done
much towards helping to build
up his comitry: and if South
Carolina is anything to-day it is
through the industry and pro
tection of her old Confederate
soldiers and their generation,
fo)r after the war was over we
had reconstruction days, which
makes our blood warm now to
'ven think of them. But we
pulled through, thank God, and
there are a few of the old boys
alive vet, but their steps are
feeble and they have t6 co slow.
They have nide a record that
any state ought to be proud of
in time of war and in time of
peace. With all the disasters of
war, reconstruction and depre
dations. we can justly claim one
of if not the wealthiest state
thal. was in the Confederacy.
Is this not so now.? With all
the wealth that is bestowed
upon our St ate what is she do
ing for her old soldiers? She is
g;ving Uhe poor pitiful sum of
tw o hu ndreit and fifty thousand
dollars, and only a certain class
ai allowed Ito have any of this.
Wsrho ever heard o. f State using
partiality with old soldiers ex
copt South Carolina? Shame on
the man who Would preteud to
repreSent his State as a states
nan and advocate such a law!
i-his i not ali nor the worst of
it either for the pension law says
thaitJ any man or his wife or
both who rnake seventy five
dollars gIoss icolme will be de
baied f romrii drawing a pension.
S.) Vou see it is hard for a man
and his wife to live on seventy
five dollars a year. You may
see the nigarly principal of such
a law, and the worst of it is
that a great many perjure
themselves to get what little
theydo get. Shame on such a
law that requires an old soldier
to take such an oath after serv
ing his country as faithfully as
he did. It is a shame on any
State legislator to pass or advo
cate such a law. The most of
the men who did the fighting
have lived out their allotted
time; the Lord gave them three
score year's and ten. They are
etting very feele and cannot
work nmch loner, but too proudl
to hog axnd do not want to sep
arate from their families and
friends, so what will be t e ont
Now. Mr. Editor, has; South
Carolina no statesmn who love
and honors her and her old
soldiers for what they did in
trying to protect her and her
rights? If not, woc be unto her.
Yt's we-have plenty of two by
four politicalans, we arce over
stocked with themn. It looks
like no capable mnan will allowI
his name to be u.sed to represent
his State for he cannot aford to
put himif~ UTn as a targret to be
vlitied by the rotton politic'ans
of South Carolina. It was onice
in our1 St.t that office sought
the manl and1 not mniv the offie.
Tiisnot si .noX\. One nm
says 1 amn go ing to be goer(nor,
aain~ an 'nr mna. says, I wvill
leav~e my lofty iWsition] and oO
down into the dlirty polinis, and
I w' il show~ him whether he will
be oveno or not. You see
neiherofthenm have been chos
en y hepeople, but they sayg'~
they 'are~ goi'( to ejoveno
whehe t~ IIIhe people say so or
1Now, old com'rades. a few
wrsto von and tton I am
rine id our State of South
Ca olin'not iire the first gun
ihat0 was fire inhe war and
Carolini irei from1**P b~e iingll
o the cit fth wr Wasf
no the1 S< 1th C aroina }ovs as
* miih relid *upon i*~ as any1) tr)oops
in * th Cofderate Army? Was
not the ight and left flanks and
center cons-ivdered safe when
ti he outhi CaroIXlina bos were
hld0ing~ thatL posii? If Hamp;
Jo*n.s -Kershaw, A iken.J enkins,
tr hat could oe mentioneO
iouh answer * theyv would say
k'vlAn as o;ur ranks were
tn nd the y oul'izer and oldier
men fled th placei('s of those,
tat wer''e kilbeu and woundled,
and at last whenn the last call
s made that reached almost
froom the er alle to the grave,
still there wa~s good fighting
No when we uok acr'oss
T ugalo Liv er and see what .our
sister state, Georgia, is doing
for' her old so ldiers. S-he ap~pro
ia*tesz one million djollars an
~nualy for thir belnefit, and all
the rest of the States are doing
'likewise. This shows plainly
that she has statesmen wxho show
their appreciation of the patriot
ism of her old soldiers. This is
(onnued on page 4)
The Tale Told by Eye-Witnesse
of the Greatest Marine Dis
aster in the History of
the World.
The best accounts of what oc
Cured on the Titanic are given ii
the stories told by the surviyors
Naturally the stories differ ii
some details. The doomed ves
sel was almost a city in itsel
and the scenes in different part,
of it were not all alike, Some
extracts from survivors' storie.
are gi :en below:
Following is the account oi
Mr. Beasley of London: "Ihae
been in my berth for about 1(
minutes when, at about 11.15 it
the evening, T felt a slight jai
and then soon after a second
one, but not sufficiently heavi
to cause anxiety to anyone.
"Going on deck, I saw ther
was an undoubted list down
wards from stern to bows, bul
knowing nothing of what had
happened, concluded some of
the compartments had been fill.
ed and weighed her down. ]
went down to put on warmei
clothing and as I dressed heard
an order shouted:
" 'All passengers on deck with
life-belts on.'
"There was a total absence of
any panic or any expressions of
alarm, and I suppose this can be
accounted for by the excedingly
caln night and the absence of
any signs of the accident.
-The ship was absolutly still
and except for a gentle tilt down
ward, no signs of the approach
ing disaster were visible. She
lay just as if she were walting
the order to go on again.
But in a few moments we sawv
the covers lifted from the boats
and the crews allotted to thew
standing by.
"We th.u began to realize it
was more serious than had been
supposed. Presently we heard
the order:
" 'All men stand back away
from the boats and all ladies re
tire to the next deck below,'
"The men all stood away and
remained in absolute silence.
The boats were swung out and
lowered. When they were tc
the level of B deck. where all
the women were collected, the
women got in quietly with the
exception of sainie who refused
to leave their husbands.
"in some cases they were torn
from them and pushed into the
boats, but in many instances
they were allowed to remain.
"Looking over the side, one
saw boats from aft already in
the water slipping quitely away
into the darkness."
All this time there was no
trace of any disorder; no panic
or rush to the boats. Mr. Beas
iy told how he was allowed te
get into one of the boaits which
was about to riush off, because
there was a place and there were
no n omen in that part of 'the
ship. The boat was rowed a
mile or more from the 'I itanic,
because the sailors at the cars
were afraid of being drawni
down by the suction when thi
steauier sank. Continuing, he
"It is now about 1 o'clock in
the morning; a beautiful, star
light night with no moon light.
The sea was as calm as a pond.
just a gentle heave as the boat
dipned up and down in the swell
an ideal night except for the
btter cold. One of the men a!
the oars said he had been at; sea
2E years and had never yet seen
such a calm night on the
"In the distauce the Titanic
looked an enornious length, her
dieatj bulk outined iii blaclk
against the starry slgy, every
porthole and saloon blazing with
light. It was impossible tc
think anything could be wrong
wer it not for that tilt down.
ward in the bows where the
water was by now up to thc
lowest row of port holes.
"About 2 a. m, we observed
her settling very radidly with
the bows and the bridge comi
pletelv under' water.
"Shie slowly tilted straight or
end with the stern upward, and
as; she (lid so the lights in the
e'nhlins and saloons which ha2
not flickered for a moment since
we left, died out. came on agair
for a single flash and flnally
wenit out altogether. At the
same time the machinery roarec
down through the vessel with a
rattle and a groaning that couli
be heard for miles The engines
and boilers seemed to have fal
len through the forwvard half oi
the ship as it stood on end. "T<
our amazement the ship stco
iin that upright position for :
time which I thought was fiv<
minutes, though others in th<
oat say it was less. Then witl
a quick~, slanting dive she dis
appeared beneath the waters
Then there was nothing bul
the calm sea and the clear, star
lit sky."1
Wxreless Operator's Story
Among the saved was Harol
Bride, 22 years old, the junio:
wireless operator on the Titanic
He tells of what occurred in thi
(Continued on page 4)
Smallest of the Southern States,
Natural Resource-Gi
Altho the smallest of the
Southern States, South Caro
lina occupies a higii position in
- wealth of natural resources
and in the vast opuortunity held
forth future growth and pros
perity, It is significant that
during the past decade the value
of the staple cross of the State
increased .in value nearly 115
per cent., evidence of the tre
mendous growth in agricultural
activity. South Carolina holds
the world's record for the great
est yield of corn to the acre: has
more cot' on mills than any oth
er Southern State; stands second
in cotton production among the
States, and has a manufac
turing growth-only recently
begun-to which any State
might point with pride. South
Carolina is alert and provressive
in the steady march of the Sou
thern commonwealths toward
wealth and prosperity and the
State holds fourth niz-v y induce
ments and advant-iges to the
home seeker and the investor.
South Carolina has a land
area of 30,495 square miles. a
population in 1910 of 1,514,400,
or a density 49.7 persons to the
mile, and a total property valu
ation of $760,000,000. In 1910
the State had nearly 3,000 miles
of railroad; a cotton crop of
1,184,000 bales; a lumber cut of
nearly 1,000.000,000 feet; bank
ing deposits of over $50,000,000
and minerals produced to a
value of 62,000,00.
In the northwestern border
counties of the State the cleva
tion is extreme, reaching 3,000
feet, and in parts very rugged
and mountainous. From this
mountain region the country'
rolls downward to the broad
Piedmont Belt, crossing thel
State diagonally from north to
south and forming the most fer
tile farming section as well as
the most thickly-settled and
prosperous manufacturing por-.
tion of the State. From the
Piedmont B3elt the slope is grad
ual to thie wide Coistal Plain
bordering along the Al lantic.
The soil of the upland section
are gray sandy loams, with good
yellow clay subsoila. Red clavs
and dark loamns are i d in the
coves of the valleys along the
river, formed from decomposed
mica rocks and hornblende. All
are very fertile and gro w excel
lent grass, and in many area:s
fine fruits. The surface of the
Piedmont Belt is generally roll
ing and composed of rich sols
A great portion of the belt is un
der intense cultivation in every
veriety of general and special
farm crop, the yields from
which are generous. The region
is well drained. The soils of the
Coastal seotion are strictly allu
vial or coastal. Including the
islands off the coast, there are
vast stretches of level, muck
and river deposit soils which
respond readily to the slightest
effort of the farmer.
(Ilmatic Feat ureA
The mean annual temperature
for the entire State is ti3 degrees.
At Greenville in the north -rn
section, it is 57 degrees, :md in
the southern extremity 67 de
grees. The summer seasons are
long in South Cam'4ina, but
particularly mild and equable
Iand fite frm hot spells an~d
~droutlis. 'Winters in the S~:e
are healthful and mild~ and
bring annually thousands of
tourists and health seekers to,
the many resort3.
There is an annual rainfall in
the State of 48 inches, very wedl
distributed throughout the
growing season.
Gieneral Farming
Owing to the great variety of
soils and the wide range of clim
ate, South Carolina is particu
larly favored as a generatl farm
ing section. A long growing
season permits of nore crops to
the year than in the North an~d
the rich soils and general c:limic
will give bounteous retumns at
less labor tha~n elsewvhere. Cot
tons corn, wheat, oats, rye, to
jbacco, truck aind fruit are grow n
in tr'emendous crops and give to
South Caroliea the distinction
of being one of the foremost
agricultural States of the Son th
east, despite its smali size.
The very finest Sea Ishad
-is grown on the islands along
the coast. In the interior far
imers aresteadily increasing theji'
Iyields of cotton per acre, many
instances of :two bales to the
acre being recordIed. Corn is
>grown all over the State. Be
lginning with the yield of Jerry
-Moore, In 1910, who made 228
bushels to the acre, there are
hundreds of farmers every year
-who get over 100 bushels to the
acre, often on large fields.
South Carolina is one of the
foremost corn growing States
1A Pickeus Oount y grower made
from o.ie and a quarter acres
15.0 bushels of corn and 1,400)
3 pounds of stover, at a cost of
$38. Other grains raised suc
Yet One of the Richest in Evei
owth in Recent Years
cessfully in the State are oat.
rye and rice, the yields of th
latter along the coast being e
ceptionally large and profitabh
One grower made 137 bushels c
rice to the acre in Anderso:
County. The State produce
about 30,000,000 pounds of clear
ed rice annually.
Tobacco is cultivated in man'
parts of the State, especially ii
the central portion, where ther
is found an excellent combina
tion of soils and climate. Souti
Carolina tobacco is the first o
the market and usually com
mands a high price. Good far
mers make from 1,000 to 1,501
pounds of tobacco to the acre.
Truck Growiug
The trucking industry ha
been expanding at a rapid rat<
all over the State, until it ha,
reached gigantic proportions.
The Charles' on truck districi
is known all ovt r the countr3
to commission iiwn. Growern
of vegetables take off three, ani
sometimes four crops a yeai
from the same field, and Soutl
Carolina truck gets in the
Northern mal kets just after thE
Florida stuff. One grower plant
ed Iri h and s weet potatoes, cab
bage, melons, beans and canca
loupes on 100 acres, and hic
books at the end of the yeal
showed a total return of ovei
$16,000 Around Charleston arE
great fields of early cabbage
every year much of it frost-prool
plants for Northern growers.
From five acres in cabbage in
1910 over 1,500 crates wert
made, bringing a net profit of
$1,835 to the grower. Another
trucker reported a yield of $3,
300 from twenty-two acres in
potatoes, while his neighboi
made over *90 to the acre in
asparagus before planting sweet
corn for the summer. Sweet
potatoes in the section average
in profit $150 to the acre in
many cases, while strawberries
are giown for the high-priced
Northern markets with wonder
ful success. One grower made
81.459 froni a three- acre field in
berries. The Southern Railway
affords quick through refrigera
tor service to the Charleston
growers and there are many
c'a!neries in] the neighborhood
which take up the waste and
the culls.
Peaches are grown in nearly
evy ounty along the South
enRailway in South Carolina.
Teowner of a peach orchard
in Aiken County took five crops
of peaches from a sixty-acre
orchard in six years, miaking
from $4,000 to 86,000 on e ich
crop. The Elberta, that high
class fruit, so well knowni and
called for in the North, thrives
well in the South Carolina clim
ate and soils. There are man'
apple orchards in the State, al
though this industry has not
reached a high state of de .elop
ment owing to the larger profits
which can be made with othei
fruits. Summer varieties are
grown in some parts, and come
to maturity at a very, early
period, Pears, plums, grapes,
quinces and the usual variety of
smnall fruits do as well in Sout h
Carolina as in other Southern
States, and many instances
might be sighted where growers
have made the largest profits.
The pecan finds ideal conditions
ainost all over the State and
there are steadily growing nm
hers of this most valuable tree.
Profits of $500 per acre are made
by pecan growers and severa
groves have recently been sold
near Charleston at prices over
$1.000 per acre. There i~
great opportunity in this direc
tion in the State.
Live* ek.
In the north western section
where the land is elevated ani
produces excellent pasturage
stock raising is a profitable in
dustry. C Uie may live out 0:
doors the entire year and fin(
go;od forage and water. Ther
ia birge var'iety of feeds in th
Stato suitable for cattle. Cow
peas, velvet beans, alfalfa, rye
i-etch, oats and cheap cotton
seed meal are some of th<
things which the South Caro
!in a stockraiser has a hand fo
profitable production of beef
pork and mutton. Dairying
however, offers superb opening:
for the Northerner and West
erner who will c:ome to th<
State and fill the home demand
Dairy cattle find good condi
tions in every part of the Stat<
and the cities are annuiallh
spending millions for dair:
products from other States
The livestock industry is stead
ily growing, but much is yet t4
b~e done and there are fev
Southern opportunities so goo<
as that for the stock-man wh<
will locate in South Carolina.
Clavs, maris, greensand
kaolins. granites. marbles
i cas. iliestone. manganes
earths. snapstones and larg
tracts of glass sands and briel
clays are among the non-me--:.
tallic mineral deposits found in
various parts of the State..
Manufacturers make large pr
its developing these in
sections, but the develooment
Y the minerals of South 'arolina
has hardly begun. Fine oPPO.;
tunity for cl:.y workingp
and brick kilns abound and.
good grade of building stcaeca
, be quarried. In Edgefield, New
e berry and Fairfield counties
the best prophyritic grani
. and in Anderson, Spartanbnrgj
f and Greenville counties valuab
I beds of graphite are located,
s though not fully develop
- The phosphate industry is -a
most profitable one around
7 Charleston.
I The developed water-power
a of the State reaches'over 200OO
already. with not one-fifth of
L the total available harnessed
i yet. There are nume
- streams of various sizes;alhi
- ing good falls and offering la
opportunity to the capitalistin
the direction of - develo '
power for the textile industie
and the growing manufactur ig
interests of the State.
Forest Resources.
It is estimated that there. are
over 2,000,000,000 board feet of
merchantable timber standing
in the State at the present time,'
offering excellent opp-rtunity
for the lumberman. Of this
supply the western mountain -
region contains the largest . per
centage of valuable hardwoods .
chiefly oaks and hickories.
Other timbers found in this
mountain section are m'aplesj
locust, gum, poplar, ash, pine >
and a good grade of red cedar'.
Throughout the Piedmont region'
are heayily timbered sections of .
red and black oaks, pines, beech,
sycamore, and other varieties,
while along the low lying - and -
often swampy areas of the
coastal plain are fine. cypress,
gums, cedars and loblolly pines.
There are large tracts of cut
over lands with a good second"
growth of small wood, suitable
for making small articles.
These areas are availab
very low pric r Od
openings for woodworkers.
Lumbering holds second place
among the manufacturing in
terests of the State.
South Carolina ranks first
among the Southern States in
textile working, In 1890 there
were less than 100.000 spindles.
Today there are over 4.000,000
in active operation. Every va
riety of cloth is manufactured
in these mills, which annually
swell the revenues of the State
by many millions of dollars. .In
other lines of industry there are
many wood manufacturies, sup
plied with raw material from
the 12.-000,000 acres of mer
chantable timber now standing
in the State. Several great
fertilizer plants are located along
the Southern Railway and there
are openings for many more.
Good beds of phosphate rock
are found in sections.: Some
other industries are located lin
the State supplying various
markets and there is promise of
steady development along 'man
ufacturing lines.
L~and Prices.
South Carolina has a large
percentage of undeveloped lands.
Along the coast of
which can be bought at the low
est prices and which w1ll require
but small sums to put into shape -:
for good crops. There are also
many acres of cut-ovexr landst
be had at low figures and M'ich
offer the gre atest opportunity ta.
the small settler and the' man
with modest means who wants
to locate in a fertile region and~
build up a farm. Partly timber'
ed lands, overflow lands, cuan
over lands and some. rondown?
lands can be bought for S$to n
$15 an acre throughout t
State, In the highly developp
farming sections, however,g
places ready for crops, ca~b
bought at surprisingly cheap
rates. Twenty-five to $35 and
$40 will buy good farming lands .
in South Carolina, with fertile
soils, long growing seasong
healthful cli-nate and, good
drainage. In the truck distictd
lands are higher, ranging ,fron Z
$75 an acre upward. Immense
profits, however, can b made
on these.-Southern Fie~
Notice to Teachers.
An examipation for teachers
,will be held in the Court House,
-Friday May 3. The examinla
tion to commence at 9 o'clock. --
Applicants to furnish their own
stationary. The law requires
that all applicants be at least 18
years of age.
By order of county Board of
R. T. Hallum,
Co. Supt. Ed.
Trespass Notice.
All persons are hereby warn
ed not to Hunt. Fish, or in any
other way trespass upon the
lands of the undersigned. Dis
;regard of this notice by anyone
Swill be prosecuted
iLtf Mrs. J.W. Price.

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