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The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, October 03, 1912, Image 1

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PUBLISHED WEEKLY Entered April 23, 1903 at Pickesim S. C. an cconud eta.'ni suatm mia[teor.under actofCongresof Marca 3, J879 .SUBSCRIPTION. PRICE, $1 YEAR
stablished 1871-Volume 42 PICKENS, S. C.. OCTOBER 3, 1912
Committee Met Tuesday--Con
vention Will Be Held Next
Year to Change Our
Primary System
Cole L. Blease was at a meet
ing in Columbia Tuesday after
noon declared the nominee for
governor by the Democratic
state committee and B. R.. Till
man declared the nominee for
United States senator. A second
primary to decide between Lyon
and Peeples for attorney general
was ordered for October 15.
Senator Tillman attended the
session of the committee.
The sub-committee investigat
ing the alleged frauds and irreg
ularities of the primary made
their report this afternoon to
to the full state committee, rec
ommending that the state con
vention of the party be called in
August of next year to make a
new constitution and rules for
primary elections and safe
guard the primary. The com
mittee also recommended legis
lative action along the same
line and seyere punishment for
any one violating the election
laws of the primary. They also
recommended vigorous prosecu
tion for violators of the election
The report showed that not
enough votes had been brought
into question to effect the result
and recommended that the in
vestigation be dropped. There
port goes into detail and presents
many charges of irregularities,
10 such as repeating, voting of
minors, non-residents, aliens
and in some cases negroes.
The matter of calling a state
convention next year to amend
the rules of the party was dis
pusse.d 4t length, but was not
pdopted. A motion to request
the general assembly t~o pass
laws restricting the right to vote
nn. the primary to qualified elect
ors was voted down. A sub
committee to suggest t h e
changes in the constitution and
rules and to report to full state
committep before January 1,
1914. was appointed and perfect
harmony prevailed today.
ention Will Be Held in Co
lumbia October 4
The "Bull Moose" will meet
in Columbia on Friday, October
4, to organize the i party in
South Carolina, name the elec
toral ticket, which will be placed
in the field and consider the ad
a visability of nominating a full
State ticket to contest with the
Democratic nominees in the
general election in November,
and to do such other things as
are necessary to launch a full
grown Bull Moose movement
* for the Palmetto State.
. Barker of This County An
nounces His Candidacy
he Pickens County Messen
of last week says:
'J. S. Barker, of Calhoun, Is
e first man in this state to
ter the general election as a
andidate against a successful
canidate in the prim arv elec
tions. He is trying to get the
v-oters to send him to Congress
instead of Hon. Wyatt Aiken.
"Mr. Barker has had his an
nouncement placed in several
papers in the 3rd district and is
now canvassing the territory
from which he expects to draw
votes. Mr. Barker was former
ly postmaster at Calhoun and is
well known in Pickens county.
His anuouncement. made in
Seneca last Thursday, caused
munch surprise''.
The Third Term candidate's favor
Ite reply to the telling, unanswerable
arguments of Gor. Wilson is that the'
latter's opinions are based "not on ac
tual knowledge and experience but by
reading musty books on political
economy." The Colonel himself at a
tender age was put at hard labor!
It is not often that a man whose whole
life has been given up to politics and
~e~eholding gets as horny-handed as
~r. Roosevelt In the ranks of labor
All-Day Singing-kNew Store
Newsy Locals
One among the greatest fea
tures recently was an all dal
singing at Cedar Rock on th<
fifth Sunday. The noted lead
ers present were Professors Johr
Leslie, Alexander, Earl Julian
Claude Leslie, Ed Cisson, L. F
Smith, Abe Leslie, Guess. and
Elihu Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Will D. Millei
of Mobile, Ala., have returned
home, after a pleasant stay of
two weeks with the formeri
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel H
Miss Beulah Smith made a
brief visit to relatives at Cal
houn recently.
Rev. and Mrs. B. E. Grandy,
of Pickens, and daughter, Miss
Nellie, were among those whc
enjoyed the singing at Cedar
Rock Sunday.
Miss Lula Julian left lasi
Monday for Saluda, N.C,, where
she will re-enter school at the
Mr. J. D. Robbins of Prince
ton spent the week-end with
his sister, Mrs. John W. Stew
The new store of T. J. Julian
near Cross Roads is now com
pleted and he will soon open up
a nice stock of. fall and winter
Miss Grace Jones of Greenville
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Jones.
Messrs. A. W. Singleton and
H. Grayson Miller made a busi
ness trip to Pickens last week.
Mr. Edward N. Robbins of
Greenville w 4s yisiting relatives
in this burg recently,
Mrs. Bettie F. Robinson and
daughter, Kate, have returned
to their home at Princeton. af
ter a pleasant stay with friends
and relatives in this communi
Mr. and Mrs. D. Burdine were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Pace of the Croswell sec
tion last week.
Mr. Doci~ Hester and wife
were the guests of Mr. Bill JRes
ter and wife Sunday.
The churches composing the
co-operation of Baptist churches
of Pickens county (known? as
the gospel missionary churches)
will meet with the Cedar Rock
church on Friday, Saturday and
Sunday, Otober 11, 12 and 13.
It is desired that al churches
send mnessengers to th's associa
tion. The public cordially in
Messrs. Ernest and Hosea
Miller of the Enon section at
tended the picnic given by the
Mauldi~n school, near Ariail
mountain, Saturday.
Mrs. Waddy Porter is very ill
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Reid Wood.
Mrs. Martin Barr and sister,
Mrs. Beulah Smith, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joel H.
Miller last Tuesday.
Mrs. Cynthia Ellis, formerly
of this section but now living at
Charlotte, N. C., is visiting
friends and relatives in and near
Easley at present.
Get busy, correspondents, and
let's have a good paper.
Anent the S. T. P.
The readers of The Sentinel
should read carefully the article
published in last week's issue
on The School Tax Problem, by
"Fair Play," and the one this
week by "Fair Play No. 2."
The school question is one of
general interest and concerns us
all. We are in favor of comn
pulsors education. We believe
it is the only way to lead us out
of the wilderness of illiteracy
into the tields of intelligence, or
The old argument against
compulsory education, that then
the negro would get the advant
age of the white people is with
out foundation, for the negroes
go now all they can, without
being compelled by law.
There is no sense nor justice
in giving to our State schools
large appropriations and letting
our public schools be stinted.
Let our readers discuss the
question fairly and kindly and
see if we can't have bettet
equiped schools in the country
The Popular Miller Passed Away
at His Home, Wednesday, TI
September 25. ov
Mr. Jerry M. Clement, one ler
of the oldest and best known l
citizens of Pickens county, died
at his home near Pickens last to
I Wednesday, September 25th, sc
from a complication of diseases.
He was buried the day after his hal
death near his home.
For many years he operated s
his mill on Town creek, and I
was also a mechanic of rare th(
ability, taking much pride in th
his work. He was known the
county over as a good, honest of
citizen and was liked by all who de]
knew him. Of his immediateh(
family he is survived by a wife, t
two sons and three daughters.
Several years ago Mr. Clem- n
ent made his own coffin in coi
which he was buried, and he
left a letter with full instruc- th
tions as how he wished his a si
funeral conducted and how he oul
wished to be buried. These in- vi
structions were carried out. for
The sympathy of the commu- the
nity is extended to the family
in their sorrow. pa
From Marrietta Route No. 2. disl
rear Mr. Editor: As it has but
been a long, long time since I w
gave the "Dear Sentinel" a call, me
I will ask for room for my little
chair in this corner.
Health is reported very good
at this writing.
On the 25th ult., the stork ri
visited the home of Mr. and fire
Mrs. James H, Hughes and left oVe
a bouncing boy. litt
Miss Jennie Hendricks, of in
Pickens, visited her sister, Mrs. chi
H. L. Jones, of the Mt. Tabor the
section, last Saturday and Sun- ing
day. Jennie reports a joyous Afi
visit, hor
Dee Lynch spent last Satur- a li
day night with his sister, Mrs. Ho
Beulah McJunkmin it V
Miss Anna Hughes, of Dacus- ori
vil'e route 1, spent several days an<
with her friend, Mrs. H. L- mu
Jones, recently- me
Claridine Chapman, of Easley wa
route 1, visited his parents last full
week. bes
Mrs. W, M. Jones, of this use
community, spent the~ wee'k-end gi
with her daughter. Mrs. Lillie ne9
Hughes, of Dacusville route 1. era
Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Hicks, anm
who have purchased a farm in thii
this section, will move to it as wvas
soon as their crop Is gathered- bac
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. (renshaw joy
accompanied by their little anc
daughter, Miss Lois, spent last gor
week with friends in North
Carolina. They rerort a fine a
time, me:
Mr. Daniel McJunkin and fire
wife passed here this morning fati
on their way to Pickens. sett
The litttle baby daughter of Ho
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stansell is re- H
ported to be suffering greatlyth
with white swelling. We hope us
she will soon be well again.
Thornas Hughes, of Dacusville sca
visited Frank Chapman last ani
Sunday night- a ci
Misses Mattie, Biddie and mo
Nona Hester, yisited their sister trei
Mrs. Nona Clark, last week. giv
Henry Williams, who had the boo
misfortuneto get his arm broken ra
while starting his car, is report- Re'
ed to be much better. te
I will, for fear of that dread- chi
ful waste basket, close, hoping the
to hear from all the correspond- rou
ents in the next issue. Bye bye- kill
Dismal Turkey. tire
Reunion of Orr's Regiment WO
In order to avoidl conflicting as1
with the Pendleton fair. which So
is set for October 8th, the re- my
union of Orr's regiment, to be ._
held at Anderson, is changed
from that date to the 10th and
11th of October.
All veterans are cordially in
vitedl to meet with us on this
occasion. The city of Anderson
will give us a hearty welcome,
and homes wvill be provided for
all veterans.
W. T. Magill,
For Committee.
If the world frowns, you
The Schoo
A Rep1
Editor Sentinel: I notice
e Sentinel a communicat
er the signature of "F
ty" on The School Tax Pr
J, which I have read w
ne interest. I heartily ag
th him that something ou,
be done to better our ru
tools and insure a better e<
ion for our children. But
method the best to raisi
ficiency of money to cai
this purpose
le recommends a change
constitution so as to mak
duty of the commission,
each county of the State
y a tax of six mills on t
lar on all taxable property
ir respective counties I
ool purposes, inst:ad of thi
Is as now Drovided by t
agree with Mr. Fair P
,t this method would give
ifficiency of money and ma
- schools better. But is it 1
ble to do so? He seems
et that the negro is still
Vith his method the peoi
the tax and with the pr<
method of special tax 1
ool districts the people of t:
rict pay the tax. So we s
little difference in regard
o is paying the tax in eith
Memories of
'his morning seated by n
side, my mind wandeis ba,
r many years and I anm
le boy again, playing aromi
the yard with the larg
dren, hunting birds wi
other boys, laughing, tal
crying like a real little bo
:er the hunt is over, we car
e for dinner and never w
ttle fellow hungrier than
w delicious everything taste
iay have been only bak<
atoes, fried meat, boiled pe
t may have been molass
ibread. So long ago y<
st not expect me to tell fro
tnory just exactly what
3, but one thing I can trut
y say it surely was good, t]
t I ever ate. As Bill A
d to say we don't have ai
ger cakes now like the c
ro woman sold at the ge
i muster ground before t:
e. So I[ have neyer tast
rthing quite so good as t]
Igs I used to have when
a little boy. Oh, to
k and be a child again to e
the frolic and fun, to e
run and play as in the da
e by!
nother picture in childhood
nory. Seated around t1
ide: some cold winter nigi
er would tell about the flu
.leent of this country wh'
as inhabited by the India
w the white people dro
m from this country, to
ir lapds, etc. He would t
aout the Indian warrioi
r they would1 kill the whit(
[p themn and carry the woni
tchildren into captivity.
iild I felt so sorry for t]
thers and little children th
ted. Then perh aps he xvou
a us a chaph-r, not fhom
k, ut ;hings his faither, n
nd father, whou was in t;
olutionary war. h id to
iabout the war. It wasi
sely interesting to me as
.d. How Francis Mario
"Swamp Fox" would st
nd the British or Tory cam
and capture nearly the e
company. He would ti
e Sumter, the "Gamecock
ild outwit and defeat in be
two or three times as mai
e had under his comman'
Marion and Sumter becar
ideal warriors.
You should se
1 o your boy oi
from home.
them like a I
every week.
ninle mon1th1s f
1 Tax Problem
.y to Fair Play]
in The law in regard to specia
ion tax by school district gives eac
air tax payer the right to say t
ob- which school his tax shall b
ith placed. So by this method th
ree whites will educate their chi]
ht dren and the negroes theirs. S
ral I think this last plan will giv
lu- more general satisfaction.
is The great trouble is enough o
a school districts don't vote th
ry special tax. Now Mr. Edito
allow me in conclusion to sa'
in the law we need most is th
it compulsory attendance in ou
ers schools. The constitutiona
to three mills tax is compulsory
he We are forced to pay it and ir
in some of our rural school district,
.or it is lost in a measure by non-at
-ee Itendance. It is not right t<
he 'force the people to pay the ta>
and then let it be lost because ol
ay non-attendence.
us The late Governor Aycock o
ke North Carolina once said, "]
d- thank God for South Carolina.
to She- prevents North Caroline
in from being at the foot of the
list in illiteracy." I am glad
)le that I have some state prid
,s- about me. Enough to not .only
)y to want but to do all that I car
e to p1ace our State abrest witt
ee the other states of the Unior
to educationally. Let us all wor
er to this end,
Fair play No. 2.
Childhood Days
iy Another picture in memoriec
:k gallery. My mother with hei
a well-worn Bible reading God's
id blessed word, or telling Bible
er stories, or oftener she would
th sing some good old song. "Oh,
k7 how I love Jesus," was hei
y, fvorite. Another one she loved
wais 'I'm going home to die nc
as'mon. But the most vivid
I. pict ure I have of my mother is
d, on her knees engaged in prayer
ad every tiight and morning it im
as pressedl my child life that re
es ligionl was, and is the most im
uporta:nt thing on earth.
it Another picture was the old
h- School house that stood on the
ehill and the lads and lasses
rp gathered around the dear old
yteacher, reading, writing cipher
la ing, etc. We had our sweet
-hearts as children, and we really
ethought we loved them, We
dwould write little notes to each
eother, and look love looks across
I the benches, when school "turn
oed out" on Friday, often the
n-boys would try to cut each other
at out of his girl on the way home.
1s1t was a sad time when the
closing day came. We bade
each other good-bye and many
s of us have never met since and
enever will in this old world,
Lt, Suhis life.
WVell it is time to close, so I
Ive this picture. Seated around
the fireside, father sits in one
kcorner, mother in the other
llcorner, the children sit around.
sAll are sad. The oldest sister
has been carried away to the
grave yard that day, and one
link in the chain is broken.
The old home can never be what
it once was. Years pass by.
One after another the children
a gro w up, get nmarried and move
vout to themselves. After
awhile father and mother-God
bless their memory-are both
1laid under the old oak tree near
the place we once called "home,
a hom, sweet sweet, home."
nBut there is no home there now.
r- Where the house stood, corn
'andl cotton now grow each year,
~andl in the branches of the old
,Il oak tree, underneath whose
,branches my dear ones sleep,
t. the birds sing as cheerfully as if
death had never brought sorrow
Sing relatives to the peaceful
(I- shades to lay their dead away
eto rest till the resurrectiorn
morning. Granddaddy.
girl who is away
It would1 be to
otter fro ni home
We nsend it
or 75 cnts
Li Clemson College Tells How
Correctly Measure Land
0 and Corn
e Each year about time to gat]
er corn, quite a number of ti
boys of the boys' corn ch
write to this office for inform,
tion as to the method to be use
in measuring their land an
corn. Many boys who do n<
r write go ahead and gather the
r corn, but make very inaccura1
measurements of both corn an
The method us.d is as fo
lows: Weigh every bit of th
corn in the shuck. After th
total weight is found, weig
two lots of 100 pounds eac
from different parts of the tc
tal. Shuck and shell these tw
lots and weigh the shelled cor:
in order to find the average per
centage of shelled corn. Multi
ply the total weight by this per
centage and divide by 56 in or
der to get the total number a
All the above should be don
by two disinterested witnesses
It is not necessary to have th
1 nd surveyed by a regular sur
yeyor, but simply measured bi
the two witnesses, who may us
an ordinary tape. The acr
should contain only 4840 squar
Where the yield goes abov
100 bushels per acre an addition
al rule will be necessary: 0
the day of weighing take a fai
sample of one-half gallon o
shelled corn and mail the sam
in a moisture-tight package t(
t h e Farmer's Co-operativ4
Demonstration Offic, Pepart
ment of Agricultare, Washing
ton, D. C., together with a cer
tificate of the total weight an<
the percentage of shelled corn
The Department will have
a moisture test made of th
sample and the weight, moisturf
test, and percentage of shelle<
corn, determine the officia
yield. The moisture-tight pack
age or vessel will be furnishe<
by applying to the Extensioi
Div sion of Clenason College
They can be mailed under frani
thus using no postage. Ana
yiedof 100 bushela er more wil
nof" be recognized unless th<
above rules are strictly c irrie<
out. Blanks for making repor
of the crop will be furnished by
boys. Any boy who has no
yet received the blank may ob
tain one by writing to th<
Special Agent Boy's Corn Club
Clemson College, S. C.
Town Officers Elected at Centra
The municipal election for thi
town of Central, held last week
iesulted in the following war
dens being elected without op
position: J. R. Falls, J. R
Ramseur, F, B. Morgan, Jr.
T, W, Norris.
Central will have an excellen
lyce*um course this season. Th4
people there have made arrange
ments for four entertainment:
at a cost of $225.
The following boys and girl:
of Central and yicinity havi
gone to various colleges lately
Misses Adna and Helen Clay
ton, Vivian Rowland, Fanni<
Belie Martin, Ada McAlister
Ruth Gassaway, Annie Bell an<
Jeanette Aiken; Messrs. J. B
Falls, Dagnell Folger, Carlill
Folger, Doyle Hall and Waite:
All Day Singing at Antioch
There will be an all day sing
ing at Antioch Baptist churci
the third Sunday in October
conducted by Prof. McD,Weem
of Simpsonville, a Igraduate o
the Ruebush-Kieffer school o
Dayton, Va., also principal o
the Simpsonville school of mu
sic. Come, everybody, witl
s >nig books and well filled bask
ets, If you fail to hear him yoi
will miss a grand treat indeed
as this is near the close of th
all day singing season. Le
everybody come and have
glorious feast in song service.
Store Bumned.
We learn as we go to pres
that Mr. J. R. Kelly's store a
Central was destroyed by fir
Tuesday night, but we are ur
able to learn any particulars.
School Closes-Good Sunday
School-Other Locals.
to Prof. J. . Reece and wife, Bu
nee Miss Bertha Hendricks, left
for Clearwater, Fla., the 24th,
where they will teach this ses
- sion. Mr. and Mrs. Reece spent
Le, their vacation wi' h Mr. and
b Mrs. M. Hendricks. Mrs. Reece's Ja
- pa ents. We Oolenoy people thE
d regreted to have them leave. rec
d Mr. A. C. Sutherland is hav- Ch
It ing his house remodeled, When Wi
r finished it will be very beautiful. to
d i The Sunday school at Oolenov re
is progressing nicely. The rec
Junior Band had a picnic one A
e Stturday recently. Refresh- ver
ements were served. All the anc
children had a jolly time. he
Mr. Vernon Jones, who has .I
been teaching the Martin school spel
has retiirned home to spend his par
vacation. Th(
The Oolenoy school closed mit
- Friday. Septemoer 27th, after a resi
very successful term under the for
management of Prof. Geo. E. N
f Boddiford as principal and Mr. of C
Earle Keith, assistant. They sisti
will teach the winter term here. den
Mr. Boddiford has returned to coll<
a his home in Sylvania. Ga., to Mrs
- spend his vacation- R
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Morris, of Smi
a Pickens, visited homefolks last the
3 Sunday. Wa
Norris News. Sen
- Mrs. L. H. Huckabee and son
1 daughter, Miss Freddie Mai, M
r have been visiting relatives near hon
Piedmont the past week. of t
Mrs. - Heard, of Pickens, '
was the recent guest of Mrs. I. M
D. Rice. and
- W. C, Petrie, of Spartanburg,
was in t->wn last Saturday. T]
We had a glorious revival at wer
this place last week conducted day
by Rev. D. W. Hiott and Dr. J. day
F. Vines, of Anderson.
J. C. Garrett attended the cele]
union meeting at Corinth Sun- and
. dav- play
Lee Smith spent Saturday was
and Sunday with his uncle in M
Liberty. He reports a nice and
time. Fol~
R. M. Baker made a business Gret
trip to Seneca last week. M
Mrs. Joe Gaines and Miss And
Earnestine Rankin, of Liberty, this
visited in Norris Saturday. 0. 3
Mrs. Norman Boggs and little R<
son and daughter were the visit
guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. M
Buroughs Friday and Saturday. dent
James A. Mullinax has been Mik
remodeling his residence, and
[ J..3W. Williams has put up a wa,
nice livery stable near Norris. mal
James Parsons lost a fine TI
mule last week. Alba Rosa. kin
-- Rob
Town Creek School Closes. thei:
The summeri' ession of the wer
Town Creek schiool closed last pun
Friday after a very successful sper
session, with Prof, Fulton Chil- wor
dress as principal. Several chai
prizes were offered during the -m
term. In the spelling contest wa
Miss Pearl Childs won first prize JC
while the recitation prize was shot
won by Miss Nora Hudson. -mor
Sparhs From the At~vil I as<
Strike while the iron is hot is lani
good advice, but we too often was
strike while we are hot. hos
Look on the bright side of put:
life. ~less
It may be dark and rainy han
here, but the sun is shining V
somewhere and will shine here buri
again. dres
3 Scatter sunshine everywhere. Oct
The world needs sunny faces. is
of yu go along speak a word per]
ofgood cheer to those you meet; Jac
you may not meet them tomor- of '3
1 'Tis a nice thing to put fiow- Mr.
,ers on the graves of the depart- ass<
Sed, but one little rosebud given for.
t while lhving would be worth T. ]
i more than to cover the grave him
after they are dead. trea
If you naturally have a long
face, try your best to look pleas
Read good books. Time is hell
t too precious to read trash. Nal
e Try to nhemoiza something day
-good every day. Store the mind invj
with knowledge. ., helh
t They Won't Have to Bury
Him-Change in Easley
Business Firm--Locals
Easley, October 1.
['he many friends of Mr. A
nison will be sorry to learn
,t he is very ill, Mr. Jamison
ently accepted a
arlotte, N. C. a here
en taken 'k, He returned
his ho here last Friday.
tall hope r him a speedy
[r. Ralph Robinson is also
y ill. His many friends here
elsewhere are hoping that
will soon be entirely well..
[r. Goodlett Thornton is
iding this week with his
ants Mr. and Mrs. R. T.
rntol>, He has been Wit
gton N.C., where he holds a
onsible position with a bank,
rearly a year.
r. and Mrs. Walter F. Going
'olumbia and Mrs. Going's.
,r, Miss Ethel Mack, a stu
of the Greenville Female
ge, are visiting Mr.' and
W. M. Hagood, Jr.
ev. C. D. Waller and W. C.
th attended the meeting of
Piedmont Presbytery at
Ihalla last week.
r. John Myers and wife of
eca were the guests of their
Dr. J. H. Myers, last week.
r, Cemp Johnson returned
te last Saturday, after a stay
xo weeks in Statesville
esdames S. W. Thornton
A. B. Matthews spent last
inesday in Spartanburg.
1e hearts of the children
. made glad last week by an
bation to attend the birth
party of Master Earle Rus
on last Saturday. There
a large crowd present to
)rate this his fifth birthdays
after many games had been
ed a delicious ice course
c~. J. E~. Hagood and wife
son, Ben, and Miss Mildred
er spent last Wednesday in
tss Mandeline Pickens of
erson county is spending
week with her niece, Mrs.
~v. E. V. Babb and wife are
ing relatives in Laurens.
any hearts here were sad
di last Friday .when Miss
red and Messrs. Jack, Ted
James Folger left for Otta
Canada, where they will
:e their future hors~e.- .
ie members of the Ergata
club met last Friday at the
>itable home of Mrs. J. E.
inson. Before beginning
e embroidery, the.- guests
a served w i t h delicious
>h. After about an hour I
.t very profitably with their
t, many books were ex
ged and discussed. Late
he afternoon an ice course
e Robinson, colored, was
in the leg last Sunday
ning by another negro
ted Parks. The shooting
accidental and took place
iharles Hendricks' place, 3
ws caldadtengo-below Easley. Dr. Gifli- I
carried to Greenville to a
)ital, where his leg was am
Lted. So much for the care
way in which firearms are
.M. Fleming of Fredericks
r, Va., will deliver an ad
s in the school auditorium
>ber 26, at 11 a. in., on the
>nd Battle of Manassas. He
fluent speaker and knoyws
iaps as much abo
kson, and the famo
rirginia as any li
T. Hinton has
Wkitmire, wh
>ciated with hi
seyeral years.
-Iinton now. C
when in Easle
t you right.
Tent Meeting.
here will be at
L at the cross~ ro
ey's place, n-l
,September .. J. B.
conduct th meeting and
tes all people to come
, sih in and the devil

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