OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, October 31, 1912, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067671/1912-10-31/ed-1/seq-3/

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hese Pictures
to Or
HE tunibledown sUnek is w]
they all lived in isery.
knowing wiht was tlfeir rou
'hey were illiterate. for in 1
generati - not one of their unces
bad ever goue to school. There V
the father aunmotlher and five child
The mother -h:. never known a
day. The fathew. was dIoing about
work, the eldest bo. 'ost none.
The neat two story house is wi
From squalor aad wretchedness to
they all lived fifteen months ai
they were treated for hookworm
ease. They were so res':ored in he:
d vigor that they set to work
ke enough money to better thi
yes in every possible way.
The little white schoolhouse
here the children are now going
ool to learn to read and writ
ngs that were Qeyond the po'
.I knowledge ~their father
{Helping the
Twelve States Making
the Hookworm Dis<
Already Cured
Being Eradic
. UE state boards of health
twelve southern states areC
Iducting a vigorous crus
against hookworm disease,
the results are manifest on dvery ha
That is to say that when someth2
like sixty picked physicians peculi:
adapted to dealing with health pl
le'ms in a very practical way are
* voting their entire time and exert
their every effort to develop the n
efficient measures for the advancen
of the campaign against hookw<
disease they are at the same t
establishing a standard for bet
in the background is a district
teacher and her pupils .Every one
with hookwormn disease.
work whic.h by way of compari:
brings forth greater e!Iorts and mi
thorough work on the part of
health officials.
*1 This campaign is doing more tow;
the eradication of typhoid fever in
south than Is being accomp1lished
rural districts elsewhere in this co
try. Moreover, it is carryingi
every district where the free d
pensary systems have been opera
a demonstraition so striking and
Quickly to be seen that the people;
being aroused as never before for:
A Log On-'The Track
of a fast exuress means serious trou
ahead if not removed. so c.oes ltss
appetit e. It means lack of vitality,1
of strength and nerve wveakness. If
petite fails, take Electric Bitters quic
to overcome the cause by toning up
stomach and curing the indigesti
Michael Hlessheimer of Lincon, 23
hadl been sick over three years, but
bottles of Electric Bitters put him ri
on his fe't again. They give p
blood, strong nerves, good digestion.
Only 50) cents at all druggists.
The Picken
Show What Relief
rm Disease Meant
Le Family
iere mother. their grandfathers and ;rrand
not m 'others, their great-grandfaither. and
lle. great-grandmothers.
The sturdy, he: thy boy at the fence
ois one of the Iads who are using their
mnuscle and eiergy to bring the family
ere into a prosperity never known before.
-l e is industrious and capable now, but
ell lie was an invalid until he was relieved
mIf of hookworm disease.
Is it any wonder that this family is
ere doing what it can to prevent the
.. X-1
health, comfort and happiness in a few
ter further spread of the disease? Is It
lis- anly wonder that the father has built
th a sanitary privy and is observing
to those simple rules of sanitation that
!m- if generally lived up to would com
pletely banish hookworm disease from
is the country?
to The other picture shows the family
- as it now is, well and happy and full
rer of the new cheerfulness of clean and
nd industrious liing.
General Health
i Vigorous Campaign Against
ease-An Army of People
-Typhoid Fever Also
ted at Same Time
of execution of those general measures
on- necessary to the protection of their life
ide and health. An army of people cured
nd in this way have been transformed in
ntheir conditions of health, happiness
land efficiency in a way so striking that
the results are often compared to the
ry miracles, and they are cheerfully mak
'ob- Iing of themselves walking and talking
de- disciples for spreading the gospel of
ing better health and sanitary conditions.
ost In response to these demonstrations
ent the people are already demanding the
rm employment of capable physicians as
.me whole time health officers, as protect
Ith ors and preservers of the health and
schoolhouse, and in the foreground are the
of themn, including the teacher, is infected
on vitality of thte community as a whole.
re When we consider that this state of*
all affaIrs has been largely developed in
the brief period of two years the most
ird imaginative persons are unable to fore
the Icast what revolution is imminent. Al
in ready we realize our notorious lack of
n- sanitation and excess of disease. We
2to may gain some idea, however, of what
is- may be expected by cons!dering how
ted the canal zone and Cuba bare been
so transformed within a few years from
ire two of the most disease ridden coun
;he tries of the globe to two health resorts.
ofI"After four in our family had died
css of consumption I was taken with
pa frightful cough and lung trouble,
but my life was saved and I gained
87 pounds through usimg
? P IC 50c and $ 1 00 AT ALL D R C G G '
s RSeitiil is ]
He Wasn't an Angel.
During one uf the earlier discUSSionl
of the United States tariff in th
Canadian parliament, an oppositio
member characterized the attitude c
the government on the question as
sight that would make angels wee
and jackasses laugh." The Hon. Fran
Oliver, who was then minister of th
interior, replied, with his usual delil
erate calmness: "I have observe,
that the honorable gentleman ha
been one of those who laughed."
Eating Fish In Lent Aided Navy.
The connection between fish eal
ing during Lent and a strong nav
may appear remote, but to Elizabetl
an statesmen it seemed vital. Si
much so that a law was passed con
manding everyone to eat fish on ever:
day of Lent. The reasons set fort]
for this enactment made no mentio1
of religious observance. It stated th
queen needed ships for defense and th
fishing industry furnished men at a]
times in readiness for her majesty'
To Make the Boy Orderly.
If you want your boy to be order:
provide him with a place of his ow;
wherein he may keep his baseball im
plements, sporting paraphernalia, tool!
and the thousand and one other at
ticles dear to his boyish heart. Thi
possession of a locker to which hi
alone carries the key is sure to sti
the pride of every ambitious boy, es
pecially if he is allowed to build it.
Rich Haul by Forgers.
The Bank of Naples (Southern Italy
has recently been the victim of frau<
to the extent of $160,000, by means o
genuine checks, the figures of which
however, had been cleverly altered an'
augmented with the aid of chemical
and a perforating machine. Th<
trickster, of whom there is no trace
had checks cashed simultaneously a
the branch ofices in Turin, Florenci
and Rome.
Deep Childish Reasoning.
Father (to Margery, who has bee
a long time fetching the newspaper)
When you're asked to do anything
Margery, you should aways run. Mar
gery-Yes, I will, daddy; except, o
course, I can't when my legs ache
Father-Rubbish; your legs neve:
ache. Margery (indignantly)-Hoo
what's the use of the word "ache,
Our best increases with th,
doing of it.
Finds COre for Epilepsy
After Yea.rs of Suffering
"My daiughter was~ amiicted with
epilepti': lits for three years. the attacks
coming every fe weeks. We employed
Eeveral deeitors but they did her no
good. About a
year a go w-e
h'e.ard of Dr.
i. iles' Nervine,.
and it certainly
h'I a s p;roved a
Liessing to our
-~ ~ little girl. She Is
n owapparently
edand is en
p Jj:ig the be-st
of hea1lh. It is
1'over a year since
\\ V she has had a
fit. . We cannot
spealt too highly
of Dr. Mile/'- Nervine."
Comifrey, Minn.
Thosands of ch ildren in the
United States who are suffering
from attacks of epilepsy are a
burden and sorrow to their parents,
who would give anything to restore
health to the sufferers.
Dr. Miles' Ncrvine
is one of the best remeries known
for this afiliction. It has proven
beneciial in thousands- of cases
and those who have used it have
the greatest faith in it. It is not
a "cure-all," but a reliable remedy
for nervous diseases. You need
not hesitate to give it a trial.
Sold by all Druggists. If the first
bottle falls to benefit your money Is
Clerk's Sale.
Mas (of Southi Carolhna
Cumnty ef Pickens
[n Court of Common Pleras.
W. Tr. Jeans, Plaintiff,
A. 1. MIorris and Ivy Water. Light and
P(ower Company, a corporatior>
duly chartered by law, Defendants.
RT virture of a Decree in partition.
sned by His Honor, J. W. Devore,
esiding judge. I will sell to the high.
st hicdder before the Court house door
a Pickens. S. C., on Salesday in Nov
rher. 1912, (during th- legal hours 01
~ae, the tract of land described in the
omplaint in the above stated case, witit
he excepition hereinafter stated to-wit
All that piece. p~a celI or tract of lamn
n the Gonnxty of Pickens anid Stat,
foresid on Town Creek known as the
[atiemClemeont 31:li tract containinl
rt-ninre (41) acres. miore or less, or
hich a raill is located.E except one (I
acre thereof u bich hias been, siirveyee
nd for whiah one acre a plat: has beer
mlte, the same havingi~ beein so veyetd
:a-! which plat of said one a':re will b<
exii~ited ona day of saile, said pha
nown as Exhibit 'H" in the evidlric<
in t- e bove suited case; the foregoin;g
stl will be made~ pursu'tnt to the sait
Deeree, and upon the condition tha
the poichaiser take the place cf the
paitiff an d t h e defendant
A, M. .\ orris in the compl
ti' n of the dam on sa;id premises nov
under construction. as referred to an<
set forth in said Deeree and in the plead
ings and the evidence in the said cas9
as will be sho;wn by tie said Dec ee am
the records in ti:e abos e stated case ot
ile in my oflice.
Terms: One-hrlf cash on day of sab
the balance en a credit of twelvt
uonths, the cre'dit piortion to be secure'
v the bond of the purchaser and:
ortgage of the premises, and draw in
erest from day of sale, with leave t<
the nuirchaser to anticipate the credi
portion on day of aIe. Should the pyr
chaser fail to comply within one hour
the said uremi~ses will'be re-sold on sams
'lay at the risk of the former purchaser
Purchser to par for all papers and fo
recording the sameW. A. J. BOGGiS.
Oct. 16, 191:2. Clerk of Court
E You owe it to yourself, your family and
[ your work to keep in the best possible con
dition. If you have strong, ready muscles
a -rich, heathy blood and a clear brain, you
can do more and better work and really
e live, and enjoy living and be a blessing to
those you love.
Much of the eternal grouch and many
B of the aches and pains you see every dany
are caused directly by a lazy, torpid, over
worked liver, and all of that may be abso
lutely cured by R. L. T. (Richardson'z
Laxative Tonic). One fifty-cent or dollar
bottle of this magnificent tonic will prIvc
F to you that it is the finest laxative and th:
quickest strength building tonic ever of
fered sick, suffering humanity. Get a bot
tle from your druggist today, and k1e it
always in the family medicine chest rean
to put the Liver right in one night or clu::
a malaria, constipation, or bilious fever.: in
D the shortest possible time. If not on sa!.,
I in your town, write R. L. T. Co., Ader
son. S. C.
,R. L.vT.
-A Perfect Tonic
50.- & $1.00 per Bottle All Drag Stores
Tax Notice.
}Oillice of County Treasurer. Pickens Cointv.
iirkenis. S. C., Octobetr i. 1912,
The books for theoo!ertion of itte iI
County taixes will! be open1 f rom
, ctoler 15th 11i2 to lieveniber 31st I912.
'Those who prefer to lio vn enn ty in .hnia
ry 1913, with 1 per cent tolditi:ind. Thise
B who prefer pityin: in l Felbr:ary ii :3. van
do so with 2 p-r cent additiernal. Those '~h
prefer payinmr in Mareii ~.l:1. to the i.7-th iof
Inith, cai n o ivr~ paying an addlitional 7 peT
cent. .\fter said date the books wil clse.
N. 1.-Tax payers o iing property or paying
tax for others. wil '! p -ie ask 6; tax receipt
- in each town ihip fr specialnhiold disti-t i:
which he or ther' may own property. This is
very important as ther- arte so wniy speci,!
school districts. Tho-se% who d1%o noit wish to
come to the tlice eno urite me. nt heter th:.n
Si-cember 11th, andia I -wil! lizriish them with
the anouit due id they cii reit ine by%
check, money order or reiisterel letter. if
stanps ar.: sent do nt sem11 atbve two (*-*2
cent, as I va'illt 1il.e theci. 'Ien-e Io tot
-send me vash witi. tt regi-tering sare. a- it is
liabi to iet h. l t: if se'it otherwise it in11.t be
lat sender's risk.
Levy for State tax ...... ..... .........3. M.\ills
Levv for Conttitutiota skhool tax . n mills
e Levv for Ordinary Coun i:ty tax. ......1 mills
Levy for -inkin-1iund .... . ......... xnilts
Iev'v for Pist Itldebte ine s............ toilIs
evv for Chiaini U;ang... ...............2 iill
Levy for State Constable ..... .. ...... ill
orn<> L T.\ N.
Special Levy for School J)1:.tri( t No. 1. 2 mills
iSpecial Levy for Schi oil i,-trilct No. L....2 miis
special Levy for Sc hool )strict No. 3.. ..2 mIs
Special I.evy for School l Istrict No. ..2 iills
Speeial Levy for School listrict No. 5. ..2:nills
Special Lovy for School lirtrit No. 7.... 4 mills
% speciai Levi for School > strict No. 5,...2 milis
Special . evy for S-hoil l)1striit No. 9.. it) 1lb
Special Le-y foir Schoolt listrict No. in. P iIs
special Levy for Schoeid il istriclt No. .I. 7 ;.ul I
Ispecial Lecvv for Si'hiiul I)i.-t riiet N'o. 12. ..2 nuli:.
Spei'ial Le~vv fur School listr I- N ,. i:t. .+ s iIis
Special Levy for Schioul I>:-trii .No. 14.. .-4 mii
'pedalt Levy f~or Sc'hool, Ii..riet . o. I'. '; ini
Special Levy~ for Su'ihool lI)t b- .\ No.1 I il
S pecial Levy f or. School l'h li r - o. 1. Inill
Sp~uechlI Levy' f'or Seboaoiiar.Ii't No. 19.0ri!
Ipecel iILvy for Schlouo I htric No. '3....' iii
Supecia!LIevy for "ulhoo!!)..t .'1 i t I . 1 .,il
Special Levye for .cfhool I ii..eriet .,i. 2.1 nia
SpecCil L evy for Sch'liiiii !i -tr ric i .2:..2:
spii a~'l Levy fori lihool 1i'trict N . i 4 .'.:
S 'peci'al Lev for .chooul lI''t "iet \o. . *' ni
I peczial I evy fur 'ichiool !)i triot Ni. 'I en
spiecial I .evy for Schl. it 11=rd- No. -.. n
Special Levyu for S'cioo! Distriict .\i. ' :1 e. :
Special Levy fur School iistrict Ni. :11, lau 1.
Special l~evy for Schotol lDistrict No. :i3 .: 1,i
Special Levy forii Suhooa ii)ist rii't No. ta .1 ini
SIci i!el Lev for 'School i itrii't Not. 37. 4 r
ISpecial Levy fu orki'bool lIi0-trict Noi. ::. 2mi
spec'ial evy fiar Sichool lIf tric't No.i* ,' nii '
S~pecial I evy for "i.hool listr i No 41. :: rull '
Speciail Levy for 1ichoo!au lnitrit No. 12... ril
Is"pecial ILevy~ for Schol iIlitrict Nii. 46.. I iniul'.
I p'ecial I.evy~ for "'choiol l Iistriut Ni 47.. ni.
Sper ii Levy for Sehlu listrict No. 41'.. . mill
Special Levy' fur 'Scho.l Di-triu't No. 1...:1 iiuill
Splec'ial I.evy ~ Ior Scihooil Iiustrict No. l"2. '2 mills
"Spec'ial L evy~ for "uSie boo liitr iect No.. i....t iI
'Spe'iail ILevy for iSchooil IDistric't No. 55. ..1 tuin I'
Spueial Levy~ for School | listrict .x0.5'. . .4 iiils
Levy~. for intere,.t (iln Pii'kens lR. 1R. Ilitids
llurrienne~ townshi..... ..... .....2 milli.
?.evy foa~ interest on P'ickenis R. It. londs
r.atut-oe towusip........ ........2!9 mills
Lqvv for interest on Piickenis it. R. loions
l'iekens C. H. township............ 2 mills
Poll 'Tax. One (l1 liollar. Every mle citizeni
fromi 21 to to i0 years is liable. exc.'nt 'oifetter
ate soldiers, who do not paly after 50 years. an~d,
those excused bv'liw.
Commutation~ Road Tax. 81.50. 'lThe Leg I
isliitu re einactedl lie fol I~lowig law: "T'hat all
able-bodiedl male personis friom the ag~e of twen-i'
ty-one and fifty years. both inc'lusive. in Ithe
county of iPickenis, shall beIt reinuired aiiniliilly
to pay one dolliir and lifty eerits cominultatini
iir road tax. except ninisters of the 1: uspel ar'
tually in charge of a congrec'ation, jpersonis ter
mianently disabled ini the milIitary service of
thiis State. and piersonis whoi stee in the late
war hiet weeii the .Mtates. ain l persons actual
ly employed ini thle quaraintite servie oft tle
tate, ini 3111 studtI i! whoi mayv be ii!teiiding
minl school or col le;e at! thle timie when t he' e'nm
fllt'liatin tax hereiinaboive prov'ided fur shan1
heciome due shall b Ie requiredi to puay to the
Cou nty* Treaisurer aif sOnid countyiv between the
15th dav" of (.-tober anil the :t st day~ oif Ihecemn
hier ini e':i'-h iil every year. ain iauntm~l coiu- i
tation or :iaad tax iif onle lillar aInt lifty icents
per heal. iind ainy failnre to par; said road tax.
hanli hie a misdemieanour, aind thle ollenider. upo lii'
coniviction. shaHl Ihe pun iished by a live of not L
Ile+ than Iiv~e do!liars andi not more than fi fty,
, dliirs. or i mprisonel~d for not more thanil thirty
Oapitatiotn 1ug 'Tax. Al! Pe'rSons own im:LE
dosare required to pay a tiiX of lifty (.-ii dCnts
on each dlog. Rtestuetfullyv
Cuonty Teenut.rer.
I. ~ Clerk's Sale
Stt fSouth Carolina.
Conyof Pickens.
In Court of Common Pleas.
Myra M Porter, Plaintiff,
Raifus P Porter, et al Defend
In pursuance of a decretal _
order made in the above stated
case by his Honor, Judge J. W.
Devore, dated Sept. 24, 1912 and
on file in the Clerks offie., Pick
ens county. I will sell before
the Court House door at Pick
ens, S. C. to the highest bidder
during the legal hours of sale
on Salesday in Nov-ember 1912,
the following described real
estate, lying and being in the
Scounty of Pickens and state of
South Carolina.
All that piece. parcel and lot
of land lying and being situate
in the state and county afore-1
said, Pickens, C H Townshtip,
[adjoining lands of J. T. Looper.
1P. A. Porter; John Langston
and others and containing about
four (4) acres more or less, being
the land deeded to W. L, Porter
by~ C. L. Cureton. Terms cash.<
-Purchasers to pay for papers
and for recording the same.
ITerms of sale must be complied
.with in one hour after sale or<
Sthe land will be resold at the1
-risk of the former purchaser.
I Clerk of Court.
Clerk's Sale
State of South Carolina
County of Pickens. wh
In Court of Common Pleas. dal
Liberty Bank. Plaintiff, Vt.
Vs -my
Susie Parsons, et al Defendants. wr:
By virture of a dec ee in the w,
above stated case and signed L)y tho
his Honor Geo. E Prince at ani
Chambers and oil file in the e,
Clerks otice in Pickens county sf,
and dated June 11, 1912, .I will thr
sell to the highest bidder on cii
salesday in -November 1912 in or'
front of the Court House door sac
during the legal hours of sal dut
the following described real
estate to wit:
All that, piece or lot of lamd
being in the west part of the S'
town of Liberty, in Pickens In,
county and state above written.
CoIntainiing thirty hundredths
UN-100) of an acre, fronting 'o
81 feet on Peachtirce street. . I
and joins lots -No. 1:3 and 14
on wert and lot No. 8 on 2 t
the south, the title bein- in T, H. fli,
Parsons name. Terms of sale the
c'ash. Terms of sale must. be d
r m111plied with within one hour de
:af ter sale, or it will be resold at h
the risk of the former purchas
,-r. Purchaser or purchasers
are to pay for ail papers and for i)ei
recordino the same. - aj
Clerk of 'Court. r.
Clerk's Sale.
State of Sou: h (':rolina of t
Pickiin. or tv.*
Court of Comiion 'lens a
';UneyV C. 1gdon et al, Plaintiffs
agin stto
V. .\. ligdoln et al. D-f ndar.t.r
In lor.,aice < f a de'r.-ta! ordler for
maidi- mi tie above -!ated vase by lh-s
lit(or. .Juize J. W. 1leVore. tse. d
%enpteiier 27. 1912. and on fiik- i 6. --
I lrk's < flie Pie-kers c-unty. I will se!!
.)-befoie the Couirr. house doo or to iie
hi;.Lher hidde-r du-rm ti.e le-al hours of
Iie (- Sale.,day in Novembe r 1912, the a
~don ing dlescribo ral estate lying
id bvir;g in i he County of Pickers aid F0
4ate of South Cirolinia. A il that cer- W.
ain p:.ce. parcel or tra.r. of lanod lying
in b bi.g simate in the State and T.
ount v aftr#-said in waters of Saluda Ir
rver wml -djommig lands of V. A.-ia-,
1.i(, .1 F. lI6gdon et al ar;i being pirt p .I
if the si- e land d e h-d I i by Nancy .611h
. Ri-don and coot iinin.g, fiftee 1 (19) ofiic
wres; mr-( or les'. Terms of sale cati1 ire
houl I ite purelh4ser tail to coinply dtri
wvith the terms of this sale within' one day
hoiur iIt. r after, said clerk wiji resell d se
he same (-n fle s.nqe 'or smf subse- the
Iuent. sal- sdav. at the risk of tho. former .
wrchvaer. Purchaser to pay for ; apers T
or recordinga.e. (f K
A. J, BO000F. I " .
Uki-k tf Court. (.0m
Clerk's Sale E
;tate of South raro'ina, f -0)
County of P'ekens. T
n~ Court of Common Pleas. .co1
~uce A. Barneott t'Iudson, et al, Pi:,inuiffs .J-.
ro H Brrrnett, Defendant. mecr
I, tnursuancee of a do'ctal order made
nIhe- above stated case by His H1 nor
'5th. (912 nn~d on tile in the Clerk'sch
.tiire Pockens Countv'. I will sell he--~
r- 4 ;:en Court house door at Pickens, S hou.
'., .h:,ing the lega! hours of sale.,r on
,al.s'av in1 Novemb.ar. 1912, the follow- 'lite
ne..-rih, ii real estat. lying and he- er p.
n, in il.' ( -unty of Pickerns and State to p
if S iuth C iOhna. All that certainsm
ar- jpa~e..! or tract of land lying aend___
wi.- it tuar int ih- Countv and State
iforo aidI. "on F..wle-r' C ee-k waters of
Zaim''a rv - andl a/j 'ininig ?ands. of B3.
1. wi.es Geo. Henditrix. Waldrop -TA
-.ta'e ini :-cd cantiti:.intr fifty one (.51)
cres ic tbh- s-oe mor- or less.
To-i ms of sale, e-h. Should the
itrelser fail ti eon pv with the terms
-f this stib- wi' hrn one hour thereafter' R
aid clerk will rm"!l thi.- s-ame on the
anme or somW sub <iniert salesdlay at thle . i
isk iof the form.'r purchauer. '" i
Pnehaser to n'ay for all papers and i"d
or reco'rding the- sam'. .4
der'ik nf court. Coo
Clerk's Sale. Salt
in tli
P'iokens County i or tr
In Comm ilon Pleas Co urt. - inr :t
lattie B.-lt. Plaintiff head'
-agrinst innd
.. M. Crone, D)efendant.
In puir.--nance' of a de-cetal ordler made
n the : ovo se.:ted cave b'y i-is Honor rI
udge JT. W. DeVme, date-d Set'Pt- ber - '?
4. tu12, and ono fil, on the Clerk'a off ie?
eik-as cutntv. I will sell to the hig~h-j
st hidler, before the Court house door r
t Pickets. S. C , duringr the legal hours hi
f snk on salesdlay in Novemb er 9t2 ii,
h'a following esc-ribedo nreai estat-,fo
vig arid boeing~ in the Connty of Pock-sae
ns and state of South Carolina All -~
hose two iots of land lyirg and br-irng 1rr
tUaite ini the State and County afore- tn
aid in' or near thle ircorp >rated limits
if the Town of Eresley and knot' n as
ts Nos 1i arid 12.
Teromo ca-li. 1',rehase-r to pay for ali
>p. r. andi~ for roeording sam'.: "ermo
*f sei mu'st he comp0lie'd with in onte
tour after sale or the premises will he ti
e-l d at the- risk of the former pur- -
bas- rs A. J. BOGGS. 'v'
Clerk of Court the
Clerk's Sale. for
tat- of Southi Carolina, ,: um
Counaty of Picket's, o)*
n Comomor.. Pleas C. urt. -
lnggie A nders Jon- s et a!. Plaintiffs
.'P ry A nders et a!d. Defendants.
In pursuance of a decretal order made ,
v his H-onor, JdeJ. W. DeVor o,
tdSeptemober 27th. 1912. and on file
ni ihe. <:leik's offict- Pickens county,
ill so-Il to the highest bidder before thre
urrt hous? i dor at Pickens. S. C.. dur
ne the lega'il hours of s die on Salesd ay h~
n Novembeair 19J12. the fo]'owmng de-f o
erihted real estate. lying and heing im
hie County oif P-ickens and State of
So b ( aro'lina. All that certain) piece.,
ore--1 or tract of land, situate. lying 4
mol boing in th~e State and C:ountyv
foreei en waters of Saluda :iver aondl
,djining landls of Woodside land. J. 13,
dgon~ landi, McJunikin land and Qt
n ;tho-m land an-d enntaing i wo. hun
iro-d eighty nine (2891) acres to ore NO'
>r less. Terms of sale r-a--.. mal
shouild thle purchaser faii to coom- Juid
dv with the termis of this sale withon in1
me hour thereaftei, raid clerk will res -1l :.1l
:he stone on the sU~jn- er somle sul-the
tuent sale-tsday at the isk of the formetr saidI
'urchaser. to r
Purchaser to pay for all papers and of J
-ecording the same. taim
A. J. B3GS.
Clerk of Court. C
Tihoulsand Peo
Saved by his wife
he's a wise 'Aoioan wh >knows just
at ro do u hen Ier WPand's'ife is in
iger. but Mrs. R. J. Flint, li a ntree.
is of tiat k m.i. She insited on
using Dr. K ng's New Di:covery,'
:es2Mr. F. "for a dieadfui cough.
en I wa- sf w-ak my friends all
ught I had only a shoit time to live,
I it conpi t-ly curfai ne." A quicle
for coughs and colds, it is the most
at:d reliable medicine f r many
,at and lur-g troubles-grip, bron
Us. ercup. quinsv. ton-il t.s. h-m.
iages. A trial will convine you.
r-. a 1.00. Guaran'eel by all
I rgi t .
Clerk's Sale.
e .f South C r'di' a
'ou:ats of Pickel.,
he Court of C-rinnon Pleas.
?. ITandri-ks Pla ntiff
agI 1).M.
v:s i Mansell et al. Defendants.
a 1.ur-u-nce of a decre-tai order mvaie
he above stated ca.-e hV his H nor
l-,e J . W. Debore, <ated Septeral e.
1. 91', and on file in the Cl rk's
n- Pic.eos county, I wil sell befo- e
Cour t hoi se ?oor a. l'ickens, S C .
ing :he 1-gal hour of sal- on Sales
iI Novemnber 1912. ti e following
-ri -l-d real t state lynig and being in
C -unty of Pickeis ar.d state of
Ib Iarolina. All that eeriain piece
-I or t ract of land 1% img, !n Praters
k w;,ters (if Twelve-. Mile river ar.d
ig situat- in Huriicn- Township
>f:iieg lan-!s of Davis Bo,,wni. W. L
r. kin, D. U. fompkins. John Hunter
.) ar d o'h# rs con ainig ftirty five (45)
ore or less, it being the land
veyed to Louvira Mansil and L. M.
)acl by Ca oie N:cWhorter on the
iv of December 1905 and being part
ht Cai ter Dillard land and being kh
e land owniri'I by Oliver McWheirter
be time of his dearh. Terms of sale
I The terus of tne sale ozmst be
tplied with wtihin one hou or the
:ises will be resojld as the r;sk of tlw
1 -; purcha-er. Purchasir to sai 1
d: p .--r a-.d1 e ording the s inie
cierk of Court.
Clerk's Sale.
of South C rolinia
-IIIntV of 'kk:.-Is
X irt of Commioni Pleas -
3. Tr ot ter. Plaint ff
U. Pi kh 5:rm-. et al. Dt-f-ldants
tir!umiiee of a di c-etal ord-r i I.
beo al ov.- Snti'. case bV his Hono',
.1 V lN-ti r.'. dued Sepe-nl:
,!912, and en fi's in the Clert'.
e P c.-ens voun-)y, I viil sell before
1r. oni-e iIer at Picken-. S C..
n: t; letg:-u hours of sale on Sa', s
i Novemnb-r 1912 the followmg
ib a1 r-al esIate lying and being it:
. unrty of Pickens and State of
h arolina.
a" o. !, on Six M.!i-e cre-k w-i'ers
rowee river. adjoirm!ng lands of A.
lann,, W. P Willinion and other:
a:n:.- thir; '*-ono (31) acre-s more or
Tract No. 2 <n waters of six Mue
k, tunjoinlntr tract No. 1 and the
s of [-. W. W'.illimon. Anthony Ba
and P. 3M. Durham, containing ten
irres more or less.
-ct :3 in Six M1ile Creek smd Seneca
ad'joining Ia'ds of WV. N. Hendrix.
.Entrekin. E. M4. Jo.nes and H C.
ey, c'oncainiing imxt-one (6 ) acres
or I. sg and b'ein-r the three tract,
nd conveal to T. W P'icklesimiex
{. 3 1H-ster on July 17. 1911.
is of salm eash, should the pur
er' 'r pwurchasers fail to comply
the terms of this sacle within onme
-thereafter said Clerk will re-sell
i.amiie on the~ samle or some subse
it Sahi sdIay at the risk af the form
irchner' or putrcha;ners. Purchaser
,y foir all papJere.;an! recoirding the
-- A. J. HOGGS,
Cierk of Court.
Clerk's Sale.
In Commni Pii s Couttt
Ley Loan & Trust Co. Plaintiff
puirsua~ee of a ecretal erder madelt
eabiove ate di cas'e byx his Hcnor,
e J. W. Devore', dated September
9312 and on fule in the Clerk's office|
enIs ce'unty. I .' ill sell heft-re the
-t house *do.. to the highest|
-r iluring? the- legal hours of sale on .
-dlay in Ni-ve mnb'r 191:', the follow-|I
liiscribt'd real es' ta- 13 ung and beirg|
:a ouiity of Ph'l "ns and St ate <f
h Carolina All thiat pi~ee p-treel
aict of land e-iru!ate, 1 .Iig and beingj
waterscof n olf creek. Adjoining
of Johnii Julian. J. E. C'ark, R. M.
W. 31. Fr'-eman :' d others and
aliog nir:etv nin~e (9!i) acres more
.Being the l:id cionv.-yed to mue
I. A. HIolling--worth en th:- 2ht day j
I- li!0 ianzt -'aidl conevance re-cor
Vol. Z peg.. t'1. AlSO t wei-ty (201)
miore i-- h. s ad j- inz t he abive
it be;ing a art of myi rDld him
.Termis icash. Pu trchas-r to p t-.
LI paiper s andi for riecording h
.Terms if -aICle nst lhe co~mpli--1
in one hoiur* after sale or tihe
use will be'i -nold at the" risk of
er' purchaseLr. A. J. BO(G~S.
Cas.f C. uert.
)T~e:E is hn-r.-by given that I will
- m pination to .1. B. Newherry
,Judge oif P'roblite for Pickensa coun
inl the. "t:-te. of South Cair'ulma, on
is da: of Novembhe-191-3, at 10
ek. ini the fore-niin, or as soeon i here.
-as said al.1pt.-al1. n can I e h.-ard,
leave to makii.- hit settlement, of
-st at' -with ri ward , E=.z thet h
erland. andi obtain di-ch~arge as
d~an. Amos C. Suther land,
tes her. Le given th-e. n e will
aliuieation to J. B. New~bcrry,S
.nil-d '..1 1'r 'bite for Priekons ce .un?
Ihe '.-at- of S outh t-ar. i1ma. on the a
av 'f Octoblir, 19'12 at 11 o'click
the f.iren'cion or as son
s.afi er ais s-tii a plicat ioni can he.
ifor leave to make filial settlemnt
ic esatate of C. H. Parkmn-, deceased
oibtaini d ischarge as administrat~ors
uid estate.. Nora Parkins.
W. A. Sheldon
rICE is hereby given that 1 will
*e aprhIeaition to J. B. Newbery Esq.,
~e of Proihnte fir Pick.enis cotinty,
Lhe S!:ate if South Carolina. on the
lay of Oct.. 1912, at 10 o'clock in
t'orenoon, or as soon thereafter as
applic'atimn can be heard for leave
sake' tinal settlement of the estite
.B. Freeman. deceased, and ob
dischargce as executor oIf said es-tate.
B. S. Freeman.'
:'t. 30, 1912 Executor.
Pipe With Liggett
re's Mixture"
Duke's Mixture in all kinds
es-and they all tell the same
ne, natutal tobacco taste of
low mildness, carefully stemmed
in pure, high-grade tobacco
& fyers Duke' Mixture sack.
ces of this pure, mild, delightful
for 5c-and with each sack you
ie Free Pipe
ers Duke's Mixturewe nowpack
se coupons for a pipe or for many
These presents cost not one
every member of the family
ackets, cameras, toilet articles,
ozens of other things. Just send
ur name and address on a postal
as a special offer during Octo
and November only we wil
you our new iustrae cata
e of presents FREE of any
ge. Open up a sack of Liggett
vers Duke's Mixture today.
*Pons from Duke's Mixture m be
ed , wt from HORSESHOE,
NGER TWIST, and Coupons from
R ROSES (Z&c fin double coupo).
'ES. CLIX & R S and
tags or coupons ssued br us.
Premium Dept.
~/ ea
, Poke Root and Potassium)
Powerful Permanent
Stubborn cases Good results are
vield to P. P. P. Ik.sting-iC cures
when otherrmedi- you to stay cured
cines are useless
: iood-clanses the entire
agthens digestion and nerves.
d Poison and skin diseases.
cps th~e Pain; ends Malar~s;
clider. 'Thou.sands endorse it.
)RUG Co.
.McD Bruce, President.
M. Mauldin. Cashier.
: on
~W, and bave
any kind, ex
coat of paint.
f lightning-proof
building, or re-roof the old,.
ight Metal Shingles.
OW 00., Pickens, S. C.
22,1912 fromEasley. ;,
are published only as informa-ion and
2 20am
fromu Atlamta, or L&o receive
ATLANTA-5.45 am
n Sundays
pt Sunday) 8.35 ami
-----------1.15 pm
6.25 pm
A TLANT A 7.55 pm
rk. o" i' dicharge pas
eceive ., as engers for Char
INGTON..----6.50 anm
rN for Atlanta
11.55 amn:
4.00 pm
-pt Sunday) .9.55 pm
et Agent or write
W. E. 3MeGEE. A. G P. A.
Columbia. S. C.
1 J
people, too'
"I Got This Fine
& Myers Dul
Rd All kinds of men smoke
of pipes-as well as in cigaretl
story. They like the genui
Choice bright leafaged to me]
and then granulated-every gra
that's what you get in the Liggett
You get one and a half oun
tobacco, unsurpassed in quality,
get a book of papers free.
Now About d
I every sackofLiggett &My
a coupon. You can exchange the
other valuable and useful article!
penny. There is something for
i skates, catcher's gloves, tennis
suit cases, canes, umbrellas, and i
,us y
- her
i i 2logs
J. T,
St. I
(Prickly As
felt very quickly
- 3.hke.; rich, red, p:r<
.tem -ceL.:-.r the brain--stre
A 7o::jtive specific for Bloa
-t lIheumatismn and .
wo:idatul1 tnic and bod-:-1
Roofs Pui
26 Years
I are as good as n
never needed re
need attention of
-cept an occasional
Storm-proof Fire-proc
Don't buy that roof for the neii
5 until you have examined the Cort
chedules Effective Sept
N. T.-The fallowing~ schedule figure
- not grai ant&ad.
No. 44 ATLANT '.....
Stops to disch:,rgze p;;seingere
p)assengers for C;harotte and
No. 36 NEW ORLEANS and
Stopsonly <
No 42 SENEC A (Daily exce
o.12 ATILANTA-.........
<40 A'1TLAMTA -......
F >r Washiinirton and N..w Yr
vengers from~ A tlanta and to:
lotte and beyond
29 NEW YORK and WASh
Stops to take on passenge*
39 "HARLOTT~lE..... ....
11 CHARLOTTE......
41 CH ARLOTTE (daily. .-x<
For further informattion uspply to Tic1
W. R. TA HER, P. & T. A.
(Gteenv"ily. S. C.

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