OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, January 29, 1914, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067671/1914-01-29/ed-1/seq-4/

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. xI
.~.The Wxt
.the Sout i
1n - td, uai4er
ditor the feedin i el
Unel ke acreage 4%earth,
' v4e give only Nsrall part
IDO32 ~)ant to gi-v 6xld caii be n
"Anes ar ch in iron,
as any tile globe, and t]
ful0e yet almost untoi
18. greater than that
ar Northwest, and most of
e the sea. Southern timber
tcoun hat of Russia and the gre:
ine a The place of the South <
re pr ought to make it the heart
d of tion. The greatest systen
yea globe gathers into a inight
hom throu h the South to find ii
unfo gil This vast land-prote
ch ca ltslf, giving to the South I
ogica f used, would be unrival<
Canal opens the comninerce <
light nore than to any other sin
th fck From Norfolk, Va., to Galv
d in has a chain of seaports, t
Siman the best Gerin
," says The Columbia rei.
'makes the world go beds as g(I as thtos
ut a pint of North Caro- or 4eople of the Sc
n runs it a close race in, es fn'om thle irst
.. ~a fig ting lo otZ1wic
A-Young nartaniing Ioj what they beli
s an adverti' is a 1o efor that illealisin
eral men, 1ov roth wh il
is, but lost perity wort while anl w
eir heads. : preselt-day craze foir11
Sthe licheart of the nation. T
g the seven tee.j
resent nanage. -or statesmanship and a g
I has never beei' comiingdown froin forefath(
-ws is notj ing the republic is one of ti
Al)lericanl people.
ork that Clemson Co
oing for the farmers ef++ HH+.+ -
Carolina has been
at the meeting of tL
arolina State Farme'
ldin Columbia.
S tian' EP R
er to -13,589,171 BALES GINNED PRIOR TO
.........97,034 ROUND BALES..
'Half Million Bales Increase Over This
Time Last Year - Ginnings by
States and Comparisons..
entl Washington.-Te ninth Cotton gin
sweet. bnig report of the census bureau for
on th( the season announced that'-13,689,171
Ant, bales of cotton counting round as half
Sentiuneli ~ bales, of the growth of 1913 had been
3r all blankginnned prior to January 16, to which
ens cou te ing the past seven years the
rewithoPickens co average 97.6 per cent, of the
because we guarant' prior to January 16 by
e work and the pricea comparisons for last year
ood as the county Is r big crop years ginned prior
n ud because we aidate in those years, fonlows:
pie who pay tays. Year. Winnings.
ty who take ord~aa .::r .. *.1913 L*~,,;4
sof wvork. 1 e'1,307,738
_______ - ~ ~ 91 1,638,699
Picke Arkansas .L ;.1913 967,729 0
-Pce1912 741,282 1
3do nc 1911 797,597 s
Club. Florida y .:q: .1913 65,754 t
Scan't 1912 57,324 C
at for F. '1911 88,177 t
-Brs, o 1 - Georgia *.. .- :. 1913 2,316,304 ~
have t 1912 1,781,232 --
tie. V 1911 2,657,984 ci
,o be se LoutsIana * . . . 1913 420,094 *l
af the- 1912 369,076 12
itten ~1911 357,758 tl
Siten ti - ississlippi . -, .1913 1,176,626
e Senuti 1912 952,520 r.
W rs1911 1,061,859 k(
ding s1 korth Carolina. .1913 784,402 o0
I ooking for no'th 1912 876,493 C
from us, but it is 1911 696,988 D
Sopinion that .mbma .- . .1913 825,112 al
oparagtraphin-11 1553r
Sof The State
sef South Carolina..111,643
_____1912 1,925742
Parc 'tenesse * 1911 1,536,085 N
C enese ..1913 358,297
1912 252,890 t<
1911 386,293 a'
Ot a.'e'xas .. . -. .. :.: .1913 3,718,725 Ii
11 3,6,21912 4,509,220 n
iacka ~ Other States . .1913 11,052 5
comn 1912 83,831 0
; thk 1911 114,176 '7
hink~' The ginnings of sea Island cotton, b
packw " rto .January 16, by states, fol. ti
hen - 0 5''
den egait. Fl'orida. Georgia, S. Car, ti
uldn~ " ~ . * . *.25,356 42,650 8,176 I
* 500 X 1 e * e .21,085 39,643 6,029
hent ~ 1i :: .39,340 65,577 4,950
hen9 * *.s .27,883 51,072 13,231
,Ja c' 'jTt*e Amatourb Believed to Be Re.
V '~ '~: sponsible for Train Robbery.
Ottanooga, Tenn.--Three men, be-.
Sto have been rapIk amateurs,
~ ~southern railway train No.
~*~1to Tusoumbla, at Facklers,
* ~about 8:20 Att night. Ascord
8 ~t authority ini this city,
Otig of value in .either
~d'bgage car, which were
berlEnin oly. per-1
-~~SOf fodd4, a lot of trunks
~.~OkBcoifa~iping secen
odtP ers-ars:20
S station was
masked men. Two
t place two of the
sf oaar and took1
ohes and eate.
Beveridge, Qf Indiana.)
pire ought now to
longs to the South if
big have it so. South
rare climate, can yield
nthing of the. world than
and these fertile fields -
of the wealth they are
iade to give. Southern:
coal and other minerals
1cse storehouses of use
iched. Southern water
of Nev Enfglanil or the
it runs uliharnessed to
C(uals the stuilpage of
ter part is still unused.
mi the map of the wo-ld
of indultry an( civiliza
I of waterways on the
trimk flne which pours
is outlet ill the sotiuerni
cte(d sea is an ocean inl
rade advantages which,
xl. The -great P~anama :4
f mankinl to the SoithI
gle part of the iIpublic.
estoni, Te(xas, the South
he poot-ejt'o ()I "which is
n11 iscnp'rt),1 ciun the hst
L, of Nw liighiinl.
ith ill-e as y(( ()l filiiiost
American stoek. Their-S
I 'co11ntis o ( s1 \\-liil --
eve to be iight. 'I'heli-s
vhich alone omkesp
lii a-lone <all save (ihe
ey-getting" I'-om |-o)t tinl)
heirs, too, is il a t iIle I
Oft foi- pulic thinlking .
l's Wllose \\'m-k ill failit1|- *
Ie pric less t I-adliti s of j
MrDnnly cektoRpesna
vo.l.. Mnnoflioilagie
rsDnlylerk to Reyere eshents
lye mot Mffcan offIlliomanI hie
re'i byonhe minriteradoer marn,
iosthe ne wapers nhe himrced
te ofnginrrtotrun hle impars nto
Cehcago.-wt She assisanc Mof Manno
lnek b~r22asanddu heu saysseges
ri te most eeper office wmanhiga
Ja ckonnn Mich.,ad left i aut
homsy ne ofhe pter, ignaleord
Irs eninerso n temies nt col
Romeao.--Ah~ farane of twoul n
res the e leebrto of the tweifhia
ntvrary ofsege tri famousr Martha
etrriy Tcheoobher entas the nounce
rten ofithes ndower, by Mrs.Wod
bombssone of the Edwrds -W.ilAx
rs isonrsivof $1,000 from Scool.
Roamed from thesaue of un pus . n
'he sca hip celebration of tietefh
rothverr wof tas drowned neartome
Len ofd taile enomen. by M asumniod
'om Geiogn ofndh Alam attede
n leorci ndms of thefrm mone
CtainAo tele ofhe ommand .
rWas, hgon.-apt drweHar A.oe,
oemmGenria nd lbaattLoiinae
as been found guilty by a courtmar
lal of "hlaz/arding his shlip by navi
ating without a chart," when tile
louisiana grounded on a reef off Vera
3ruz, Mexico, last August. Secretary
)aniels made puiblic thle findings of
he courtmuartial held recently at Nor
elk with tile ann~ounlcement that be
ause four of the sevenl members of
ho court hlad urged leniency, 1he had
nodified tihe sentence by a reduction
'rom ten to five numbers.
Deaness Cannot Be Cured
sy100oa appiicati ns, as' they cannot
ac thd diseameo Dortion of the ear.
Chore is only one way to cure deafness,
mnd that is by constitutional remedies.
)eafness is caused by an inflamed condi
idn of the mucous lining of the Eiusta
hian Tube. When thmis tube is inflamed
rou have a runblina sound or imperfect
loe'ring, and when t is enitirely closed,
)eafness Is the result, and unless the in
lammnation can be taken out and tis
ubo -restored to its normal condition,
ioaring will be destroyed forever: nine
3ases out- of ten are caused by Catarrh,
ihioh is nothing but an inflamed condi
Lin of tihe. mucous surfaces.
We o Hundred Dollars for as ot
on oco e lro't bo
NY,&0, Toledo,Ohio.
Japanese Foreign Minister Says Amer,
lcan Attitude on Allen Land Laws
is Unsatisfactory.
Washington.-An address by Baron
Nobuaki Makino, the Japanese for
eign minister, to the parliament of
Japan, outlining the status of negotia
tions over the California alien land
legislation and declaring that the Jap
anese government "had come to see
the necessity of cogsidering some oth
or ways for solution of the question,"
because the replies of the United
States had not been found satisfactory,
was cabled in full from Tokio to the
Japanese embassy here.
The address, which was not com
mented upon In official circles, an
nounced that the third note of protest
presented to Secretary Bryan by Am.
bassador Chinda on August 18 remain
ed unanswered. It also revealed the
fact that the ambassador, under in
structions from Toklo, saw President
Wilson on March 6, the day after the
president's inauguration, and asked
that he make an effort to stop the
threatened legislation In California,
which since has been enacted. In
part he said:
"In the state legislature of Califor
nia the bills of anti-Japanese charac
ter regularly have been introduced at
its sessions for more than ten years
past. Thanks to the good offices
earnestly exercised by the United
States government and thanks also to
proper steps opportunely taken by the 1
people and government of Japan, noth. I
ing of serious moment did fortunately 1
occur, but at the fortieth session of 1
the legislature which assembled last 1
year a bill known as the Webb bill,
aiming at prohibition of ownership of
real property by Japanese was passed I
by an overwhelming majority.
"The new act places Japanese on a I
different footing from other aliens, and
the main point in dispute between the
two countries has been the discrimina
tory treatment resulting from this act.
In view of the situation which pre
vailed in California, the imperial gov
ernient thought it necessary to call
special attention of the new adminis.
tration to the matter and instructed 4
our ambassador to seek an Interview (
which was given by the new president I
on the 5th of March."
Beware of Drug Habits I
if you have a cold Gowatns,
King of1' ExIterllals, will scat
tor hI-le inflammni ation, cand 1.
cohl4 is n iflammanution .
You just. rub Gowans on1.
No dlangerouIs fumeos to ini
hale. Gowans penetrates, is
all quickly abhsorbedl and seat
ter's conigestion andl iniflaim
(Colds may bring Pmu umfon
in own breaLtks the cold1.
anis heads it off, by penlef rat
ing. No fume3 to inhale.
No druigs to taka. Jutst rub
Gown Sells At 25, 50 and $1.00
Druggists Guarantee It
Gowan Medical Company
Concord, N. C.
Read Our'
r Guarantee
OUknow wvhat that r
IT.Keeping iln good hena
of your'self. It's up to y<
.~you, bulild you up, ward<
offering it to you we prc
you agaiust sickness, we'
It Is theoB
WVhen you are run-down, no ni
It doesn't merely stimulate y"
hours, but t akes hold of the weak
normal condlition.
It is a real nerve--food tonic,
blood, strong muscles, good diges:
It contains the IIypopho htit
and~ p~ure Olive Oil, to nouris th<
and( give vitality, strengith and lhe
It is pleasant to take, the gree
For y'ou who are tired out, r
emaciated--for convalescent--fi
for ptmy clildren--wo recomme
Oil Emulsion as the best medicin
sr.ako and kocp you well and strong
We Guarantee
We don't want ~
If it doesn't, cosn
tect your
3 /
Loose Leaf Led,
Ruled Forms
here of a well kno
ufacturing concern
take your orders for
We guarantee all 1
from us to be well ru
.substantially made, ai
as low, if not lower,
Let home people do
Give us a trial orde
pleased with both the
. then send your work
The Pickei
Pickens, Sou
I. W. Neville, Noted Greenville Cotton
Trader, Talks of the Conditons
of Future.
Greenville.-"I am an optimist, at.
rays an optimist," said George W.
Teville, formerly president of the New
rdrk cotton exchange. The statement
ras made recently when Mr. Neville
ras asked concerning the business
onditions of the nation.. He was in
treenville on a busines visit to C. S.
Vebb, his partner.
Discoursing upon the outlook, Mr.
Teville said that the New York bank
rs saw no bugaboo in the new cur
ency law, that they were very hope
ul concerning the outlook for busi
kess, and especially welcomed that
ection of the federal reserve act
which provides that the government
lhall recognize commercial paper as
ollateral. Hitherto, said the speak
ir, commercial paper has been an "un
ligestible lump, so far as the ultimate
>anker is concerned." Now this lump
s an asset, more than ever before.
he reserve act was characterized as
"marvel in its way.'" Its workings,
laid he, will be beneficial, as it makes
he currency flexible without working
Wall street, said Mr. Neville, and
4ew York business generally, are not
,onspiring to rob the rest of the coun
ry. The business interests did oppose
he currency bi llas it passed 'the
touse, but regard the final form of
he measure as acceptable. A promi
ient banker recently said to Mr. Nev
lie that the new law was seven
,ighths good, and that the other eighth
~ould be corrected.
The speaker said he was sure that
President Wilson would appoint only
it men to the federal reserve board,
mnd then he went on to say that this
Joard was almost, if not quite, as in
)ortant as the supreme court of the
[Jnited States. It will control a great
ranch of the government. The loca
ion of the reserve cities, said Mr.
9evile, was to his mind one of- the
nest important tasks. Uig dea._ noqt
Ith means food and clothing f<
)u, whenever you don't feel rig
>ff worse sickness, protect yc
teet you against money risk, 1
lI give you back your mon
est Rernedy
Ltter wvhat the cause.
mi andl make you feel good for a few
ness, and builds you up to a healthy,
rreal builder of healthy nerves, rich
is, to tone the nerves and give energy,
nerves, the blood, the entire system,
sy flavor of the Olive Oil having been
ervous, run-down, debilitated, weak,
>r old people
nd Rexall Olive
a we know of to Soldenly at the7000||
I Greatest Drug Stor
Sod n tisto'
This Remedy to Relieve
our money unle~ss Rlexall Olih
~e back and tell us, and we'll i
health-if it doesn't, the mon<
cens Dru
-sKN- A
ers and Special
of all: Kinds
8 secured the agency
wn blank book man
and will be glad to
blank bdoks of any
)lank books ordered
led and printed and
id the prico will be 3
than you are now :
your work.
e, and if you are not
work and the price,
somewhere else.
is Sentinel
th Carolina
see now 12 or these citiae can 'Do a
cided upon, as he does not see whei
the requisite capital could be secure
for so many reserve banks.
That the nomination of John Skc
ton Williams is not strongly opposc
by New York, is the opinion of m
- Improve Waterway.
Cherleston.-Federal - improvemej
of the inland waterway from Chlia
leston to Savannah - to secure c
available channel- depth of seven fei
at low water and channel widths <
from 75 to 100. feet, Increased at ei
trances and on curves, at an estimate
cost of $100,000, of which $90,000
for actual construction and $10,000 f<
maintenance, which was recommende
recently by the war department, is
matter of vital interest to commerci
intersts of Charleston and Savanna
and towns situated along the rout(
already the votes of approval of til
project has been heard in Charlestoi
The improvement would mean muc
to the commercial life of both Cha
leston and Savannah, as well as th
sedtion through which the roul
passes, in that It would permit of
very malterial increase in the amout
of compierce now handled on thec
waterways. The matter should be <
interest in Columbia also as it woul
give the Columbia-Charleston wate
way a greater opening, putting C
lumbia in touch with Savannah.
!.ow Grade Corn.
Columbia.-Commnissioner Watse
of the department of agriculture,
view of the many cases .that ha'
arisen in the last few days, wishes1
warn all merchants in this stai
against the purchase Of Western cor:
In the past few days shipments ha'
been found in 'the markets of Colur
bia and elsewhere and have been ta
en off the market by the inspector
At Clio recently a shipment of 2(
bushels of fourth grade corn wi
found, and while it was not seized,
was tied up until the original shij
pers requested it reshipped to a pol]
beyond the borders of the state<
Souj~h. CaroUna.
Bills-Debts! You know yo
>r you and your family. It'
:ht, to take something to maki
u and your familyl Th
>y personally promising you
ey without a word or que
We Ma e
out of the drug business right here in
you the best remedy we can for whi
business sense demands that we recorz
We know Rexail Olive Oil Emuli
best builder of health, energy and str<
greatly helping many of your neighb
you well and strong again, and save
Wo feel it is good business for t
Emulsion and get you t~o use it, beea
ward for making our confidence ini
to take us at om
jStore-thWorld's you have dsed ii
sa$.0 votl e are and willit
en only by US - ormnybc
and Satisfy You-.t..or Yoi
~e Oil E~mulsion really helps
ive back your mnoney. We I
~y is yours, and we want you
g Comp
s, s. C.
* ~a fli t te d ote.
.~ o orth grd voer-i i
state. The coiMissioner wlbhea
9apeoially to urge that all purchases
of cora during this seaon be.hiado
.trilgy subject to vtate Inspection.
He says that if thei merchants in
lQoth qarolina will make this stipu
a*Ion, inspectors will be sent.
* Will Open Club Rom.
Rock Mill.--Th6 Womah's club of
the Aragon mill village opened quar
ters recOatly for the use of the young
people of the community for the first
time. 'This plub room was recently
given by Alexantier Long for the club's
use. It Is fthe purpose of this club,
to keep open house for the befiefit of
the young people of the community
and to offer a pleasant place for
games, social inltercouse and reading.
The hours will be from 7 to 9 o'clock
and one of the members of the club
will serve as librarian.
Plant More Tobacco.
Manning.-Aotive preparations are
now going on for a greatly increaspd
tobacco crop in this county this year.
Many farmers already have their seed
beds prepared and planted, many of
them having planted tobacco before
and others not in recent years. A
great deal of work is also being done
Preparatory for corn and cotton crops,
a common sight in the country being
two-horse ploWb breaking up land. If
the seasons prove propitious Claren
don county farmers will give a good
account of themselves this Year.
Sorrel Criam.
One-quarter pound of butter, one bay
4' leaf, three pounds sorrel, one lettuce,
one quart milk, one ounce flo ti; y
squeeze of lemon juice, pepper a d
. salt to taste. Melt the butter in a
.e stewpan, add one pound sorrel and - let
id tuce and bay leaf, and simmer for fif
teen minutes. Next add the flou), the \
d1. remaining sorrel and the mHk and
id cook gently for twd hours. Take from
r. the stove, pass through a fine sieve a
and serve with crotons.
To Cover the Glass Door.
If you have tired of the white cur- 0
it tain at the front door, cover the glass t]
r- with a paper covering that can be
in pasted to the glass, and which reflects
)t the same lights as a genuine glass g
)f door.. Deep ruby, green and yellow pa
2- pers are best for the purpose.
is Braized Beef.
>r Cut the meat in pieces about three C
d inches square, placing them in the
a spider; then slice up three carrots, A
11 three parsnips and four onions on
h top of the meat, cover all with war
; ter and cook three hours in the oven, t(
e stirring often.
h To Clean the Coffee Pot.
r- Put a tablespoon of carbonate of
e soda into the pot, fill it nearly full of
e water, and let It boil for a little while. f
a Then rinse very thoroughly with hot
it water. C
. Colored Best.
d White paper is not as good as blue
r- or brown for wrapping up things that
D- are to be put away for a long while, g
as the chloride of lime 1n the paper
,wll ade fabrics.
nJust the Opening for Them.
n "Are you for or against the efficien
,e cy experts?"
o"For 'em str'ong. I notice the gas
company is going to hire a whole lot
of 'em to. go around each month and
eread the gas meters."
L5 For Infants andChildren.
tThe Kind You Have Always Dough~
SSignature of
You Can
Try This
At Our Risk
ui can't afford to get sick.
s up to you to take care
e you right, to strengthen
i.t thing we have, and in
that -if it doesn't protect
stion. It Is
)ure Living
-your town. It is our duty to give
tever ailment you may have, andl
amend nothing unless we know it's
don is good. We believe it is the
~ngth there is made. We know it is
era. We believe that it will make
7ou money and worry in the end.
is to recommend Rexall Olive Oil
use we know you'll- thank us after
I. so plain that you didn't hesitate
3vord. We also feel suro that once
, you'll be as enthusiatic about it as
'ecomnmend it toyour friends. Read
guarantee and get a bottle today.
ir Money Back
and satisfies you.
>elieve it will pro
to have it.
4agnA(;cteit $OI Jj erPia1, .
*be GiVen'f e
'h0ve is a cut of the beautiful Cote Player Piano which
ie Pickens Sentinel is offering to the contestant obtaining the
Lrgest number of votes in the contest now going on, but it is
ortin-ent to say that the cut by no means does the piano justice.
isit the Pickens Drug Company, where the piano is on display,
nd you will agreo with us as to that. The beauty of the piano
nd its charming tone cannot he aporeciated without a visit to
le store mentioned. The piano is warranted for ten years. No
ther piano manufacturer in this country has a higher rating
ian the Cote Piano Manufacturing Company, of Fall River,
[ass , and the piano The Sentinel is offering in this contest would
race the home of a millionaire.
The diamond ring, a beautiful soltaire, is on display in thr
indow of the Keowee Pharmacy. You may examine the ring
osely )y asking any one in the Pharmacy who may be o -duty
.nd remember there is still another prize-a life tim6 scholar
ip in I)raugon's Business College at Greenville. ut the con
stant who receives the second largest number of votes will bt
iven the choice of either the ring or the scholar; ip. One of the
>vely contestanits who saw the diamond ring (10 claimed. "Why
would rather have that than the piano!" Then there is a young
ian cotestant who is extremely anxious to get the business
>liege scholarship. W hich goes to show that all of the prizes
re desirable and worth going after.
N Telephone for*
Every Farmer
Do YOU waiit one ?
We will tell you how to get it at small cost.
Fill out and return this coupon today.
Atlanta, Ga.
Please send me your free booklet describing your plan for farmers'
telephone service at small cost.
R. F. D.. No.
Town and State
Pickens Railroad Company,
EFFECTIVE JUNE 15th, 1911.
No. 1iNo. 3 No. 5 TTI No. 2 No. 4 No. 6
Mix'd Mix'd Mix'd SAI S:Mix'd Mix'd Mix'd
A. M. A. M. P. M. Lv. Ar. A. M.P. M. P. M.
7.30 ~1.00 3.15 PICKENS 9.10 1.-50 4.35
7-35 11.05 3.20 *FRUO 9.05 1.45 4.30
7.45 11. 15 3.30 *PA RSONS 8-5 1-35 4.20
7.50 1 1.20 3.35 *AI1AIL 8-55 1-30 5
7.55 r11-55 3-40 *MAUI.D)IN 8.45 1.25 4.10
8.oo 11-30 3.45 EASLEY 8.40 1.20 4.05
Ar. Lv.
Flag Stations-No Agents.
No. I connects with Southern No. 42
No. 3 connects with Southern No. 39
No. 3 connects with Southern No. 39
No. 3 connects with Southern No. 12*
No. 4 conrects with Southern No. 12
-No. 4 connects with Southern No. 39
No. 5 connects with Southern No. 11
For any further -information apply to
Genera ger'.

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