OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, February 05, 1914, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067671/1914-02-05/ed-1/seq-5/

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Your Moe8;
Gives Picke yfor Fletcher's
You Rave Always Bonaght, and which has been
use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision sinceItis infancy.
Allow no Qn# to-deeive youlnthis.
Imitations and "Just-as-good "are but
e with and. endan the ealth ot
4i ~ ~ agaist xperimente
sttefor Castor Oil, Pam
. It is pleasant. y
nor other Naro6tie
It destroys Wvorms
an',thur ears it
of . pation,
les. and
natural sleep.
s Friend.
the Signature of
!he Kind'You -Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Prices Are
Rig h.t
Come and do your trading early. We are
prepared to give you good service. We have al
most anything you may want in Dry Goods, Notions
Undeuwear and Shoes. OUR PRICES SHALL
4BE RIGHT. We have a good many things we
wish to close out, and will make liberal discounts
on them.
Conie a d~ buy. MYake yourself and famniy
h ppy id belp t# miike us happy.
''A. K. Park
West nd, Geenve
Low cost? Why a - Ford recently averaged
* twenty-five and a third miles to a gallon of gas
oline-for thirty-three .hundred miles! And
this is not an exceptional Ford performance.
.Ford economy is a big reason for Ford popu- --
Fie ha rE 01 the new price of A4~he Ford.
* ~ runiabout? the touring car is five fifty;ttl.e town
car seven fifty-f. 0. b. Detroit, coIiplete with
equipment. Get catalog and particulars from
mith & Jones, Easley, S. C. Repair parts also
pt in stock.
Easley, S. C.
kins' Prolific Cotton
er at an advantage because he is first in the
market with his crop.
From Planting to Boll. Grows More
Cotton to the Acre.
-Supply is Limited. Order Quick!
? The Only Genuine Sold in this State.
Sole Distributors for South Carolina.
Also All other Seeds. Write for Catalogue.
SGood For 50 Votes
IThe Pickens Sentinel's Player Piano Contest
the cy Contestant
their goo. ----....----........
of exceptapon when filled out with name a- d address of cot testant and
number spailed to) contest Manager. Pt k- ns Sentinel. wil j
handsom Net .C.oo-4a s~
home nc ::':~ ?
timeinin -
new frien
Prisoner Makes At
tempt to Escape
Coleman Caudle, the Easley
youth, recently lodged in the
ickeni -county .jail, charged
witb .burglary. made an unsue
cessful attempt to escape from
the jail recently. He was in
possession of a knife, which he
claimed to have found in his cell,
and taking the steel spring from
the sole of his shoe, he gapped
the blade of the- knife, making
asawof it. With this he sawed
the lock ofhf I cell door and was
In aking, a btle in the outside
wall when discovered.
Bheriff Roark was carrying
some fruit to Caudle which his
father had sent him. As he un
locked and passed through th5h
big door which leads to the cells,
Caudle attacked him from be
hind. After a scuffle the sheriff
succeeded in handcuffing the
prisoner and locking him up.
Two other prisoners were in
the same cell with Caudle, but
neither made any attempt to es
cape. In fact, one wrote a note
informing the sheriff of the at
tempted escape and dropped it
out of the window, but it was
not found until the next day.
The Greenville News carried a
story of the affair, written up in
Jesse James style and making
it appear that every prisoner in
the jail was in the plot, but as is
quite frequent with stories in
that paper, the facts were great
lv distorted.
Don't You Believe It.
Some say that chronic consti
pation cannot be cured. Don't
you believe it. Chamberlain's
Tablets have cured others-why
not you? Giye them a trial.
They.cost only a quarter, For
sale by all dealers. -Adv.
Brains Dulled
By Constipation
Some People Only Half Alive.
Dodson's Liver Tone Cleans
You Out and Wakes
You Up.
When constipation is having
its evil effects on your body and
brain, ?ature is doing her best
to offset them and overcome the
cause-itself. But usually Nature
cannot do this unaided.
-In the past many sufferers at
such.a time used to turn to dan
gerous calomel in hope of relief.
For some people calomnel does
appear to give a temporary ben
efit, but as a matter of fact it is
a poison that proves to be inju
rious and even dangerous to
many. If you have ever taken
calomel you probably have suf
fered from evil conditions fol
lowing its use.
*Lut nowadays great numbers
of people haye learned* how to
feel better, brighter and health
ier by taking Dodson's Liver
Tone instead of calomel. In
deed, this harmless vegetable,
liquid is recommended and guar
teed by the Pickens Drug Co.,
who will refund the purchase
price to you without question if
you are not completely satisfied
with it.
Get a bottle of Dodson's Liver
Tone for only 50c. and learn for
yourself hlow easily. and natur
ally it assists Nature in getting
rid of and correcting constipa
tion and biliousness,how it clears
away the sick headache and
coated tongue and sets you right
without any interference with
your regular habits. Fine for
the children. They like to take
Between Anderson, Greenwood,
Greenville and Greer, S. C., Effec
tive Sunday December 7th, 1913.
Trains leave and arrive corner Main
+and Washington Streets.
SLeave Arrive
No. Time No. Time
;1 6:00 am 2 8:10am
T 3 7:60 am 4 10:10 am
- 5 10:00 am 6 12:25 pm
7 11:40 am 8 1:10 pm
. V 9 4:25 pm 10 3:553pm
- V 1 4:5pm 12 6:35 pm
15 7:30 pm 16 9:40 pm
Between Greenville and Greer.
SNo Time No. Time
S70 8:20 am ' 71 7:40 am
C 72 10:15 am 73 9:55 am
74 12:30 pm 75 11:40 am
.. 76 1:50 pm 77 1:45 pm
. 80 3:36 pm 79 3:15 pm
80 6:20 pm 81 4:55 pm
Tickets on sale G. S. & A. Termi
nal, 104 NorthL Main Street.
E: Gen'l Pass. Agent.
Our Line of
In the way of exquisite Jewelry
cannot be surpassed. Every
woman knows the value of an
ornament that is tright in color
and style to complete the artis
tic effect of her cos nine.
WsIE's6e1ie oblemn pf what
to give your liendi dor wed
*dings, bid~hda -r antiversary
Come in and 1 k around.
- belonm
N; enoug,
best c
-use Ka
on Col
c ea-o mcCormick I
san ranciseo. 25
-wrI.-8 rersment Start
Flit IA
quick as the first deliciou
drop of P:-Cchz moisten
yCgurtor3oue. Lasts long a
t.ae fruity, tart juices-and oil
::yin yo-ur system and mi:
nitrh youi: blood, Not si
sweet as some others-it stop
thirst-doe::n't produce more
An.,gdy can drink it and fee
'--'s you~ 7metra! refreshncr
la a erfectly natural way
1s pure. Cools cff body -
wv!:s up mind. It irn
vedi-ine-it's pleanurS an<
3.11ital day long! Do ye
d~:kPepsi-Cola? One glas.
tun - second will prce itci
etter than them all. Try i
Y-u're thirsty, NOW!
j iaotesAt
I Founts
,ra iny.-, yse n ,
A ~ 5c
ret nusme ofthes-i ir
he stre mn oed. The
M anidrin t a$ e
Thoel bov sn anyu one ti
the Pirenenrtinere is offer
larges uin er o's otmessj
periant to receives the cee
givent the Pices ofeiru Coni
nouvly contestnt wih s
[oer piaoe maufate ih
han tcoteianwo isaent
collegtecholarship a micl
The damon ring a b
'Too Much Weed"
uinsManya Cotton Crop
The answer is-.,Balance
our~ fertilizer! The idea
iat cotton doesn't need much
s to a past :age Few soils I ave
h available Potash to produce the
a'cotton fertilizer witli 5 to 8% Potash and
init liberally in side-dressings. Add to an
e fertilizer an equal amount of Kainit.
ish Pays. Write to us for free book
ton. Culture and for prices on any
of Potash from a 200-lb. bag up.
LI WORKS. Inc., 42 Broadway, New York
ck Savannah, sank a Trrst B2d.
r Orieas Whitney Central Dank Bldg.
California St. Atlaxta. Empire DWdx.
J. S. Christotiher, who i.
with the National Biscuit Co.
.of Spartanbur , spetnt Sunda)
with his family in Pickens.
1 Are Told How to Regali
- -Strength and Vigor.
As ona grows old the waste of thi
system becomes more rapid than re
pair, the organs act more slowly an
less effectively than in youth, the cir
culation is poor, the blood thin an<
digestion weak.
Vinol, our delicious cod liver an(
Iron tonic without oil is the idea
strengthener and body-builder for ol
folks, for it contains the very element
needed to rebuild wasting tissues an(
replace weakness with strength. Vino
also fortifies the system against coldi
and thus prevents pneumonia.
Mrs. Mary Ivey, of Columbus, Ga.
says: "If people only knew the goo
Vinol does old people, I am sure yot
would be unable to supply the de
mand. I never took anything befort
that did me so much good as Vinol
s It is the finest tonic and strengtl
creator I ever used in my life."
s If Vinol fails to build up the feeble
s old people, and create strength wE
s . will return your money.
Pickens Drug Co., Pickens, S.C
The State-of South .Caroline,
County of P.ektns
By J. B. Newbery. Pr6batte J.idve:
Whereas. MarthaE Smith made suit t<
me to grant her letters of adni-nistratici
[ of the Vtate and Effects of Jan-s H
T 1hese are Ther -fo. to cite a;.:! ad
monmsh all and singular the kmdtrt d an<
creditors of thi' s tid Ja-a s H Smits
itceaised, th't they be and appear be
tfo~e' e, in the C 'urt of Probrate, to t
Iheld at Pickers. S. C..gon the PNth dla:
of February. 1914. next a f'er pulicatioi
beoat 10 o'c o~k in the forenot n, t4
sd.ow eaure, if an, they have, why thb
ssa d A I :tinis'ratin s'culdi not be t rant
Gik en under my hand nril si al thi
2h .v o.f Jt nuary, An.'r Domini 1914
J. B. Newbery.
I r.J.P. PC'
Notice to Debtors and Creditor
-~ARlt ers -'*s i..ddinutelaims g-tnst iii
- estate-' f the late J IB. Thomas mus
present the san:e duly proven on o:- b
fore the k. t day of M arch 19 4. or 1.
debarrett payytarn'; an.4 a-l pertens mr
debted to said astate nmust make pay
m tent on or- before th - abov d .te to th
-undersigned. M1HS T.' 8 T jO -
Aum i-t a ilx.
00 Player Piano t<
iven Free.
Sbeautiful Cote Player Piano whic]
.ng to the contestant obtaining th
i the contest flow going on, but iti
by no means does the piano justicE
pany, where the piano is on display
is to that. The beauty of the pian
>t be aporeciated without a visit t
>iano is warranted for ten years. N
this country has a higher ratin
facturing Company, of Fall Rive.
~ntinel is offering in this contest woul
.utifui soltaire, is on display in tk
rmacy. You may examine the rin
ihe-Pharriileyi who mnav.be oajart
another-. rize~eitfe 'Itine schola:
College at Greenyille. But the cor
ond largest n~umber of jotes wiil I
e ring or the scholarship. One of ti
the diamond ring exclaimed, "Wh
a the piano!" Then there is a your
emely anxious to get the busine,
goes to show that all of -.the priz
Easy to. Make-at Home, Provided th
Necessary -Litensils Are at Hand,
and They Are Cheap and -Eas
A food drink of real. nutritive valu
arg-4 tempting appearance and taste I
the.wel made milk shake. It is I
lunch in itself for a warm summer'
day, and is always a satisfying bei
erage for one who is hungry and tired
The home made milk shake is jus
as good as the one made by the ver;
best confedtionery, If It is proper:
made: To begin with, if you woul'
be a past master in the art of shak'
making, you must possess yourself o
a shaker. One of nickel plate that-i
strong enough to stand hard shaking
made with a screw cover and a littl4
spout through which the shake cal
be poured into a glass, costs abou
two dollars. The spout is coverei
with a small tip which can be un
screwed, and this is fastened to th
top by a short chain which keeps i
from being easily lost. Shakers fol
less than a dollar can also be bought
and they are quite as satisfactory fol
making a good milk shike.
For an egg milk -shake, break al
egg into the shaker, add flavoring ani
sweetening, half fill the shaker wit'
rich milk and shake vigorously, i]
both hands, for three or four minutes
Pour it into a glass and fill it wit'
milk. If a plain milk shake is want
ed, put flavoring, sweetening and mill
in the shaker and shake them togethei
by holding one hand over the top, th4
other over the bottom of the shaker
and shaking vigorously from the el
If vanilla or some other flavoring ex
tract is used, sweetening, either in tho
form of granulated sugar or a sweel
sirup made by melting sugar over tho
fire in just enough water to boil it i
solution, must be used with it. If 9
flavoring sirup is used that is general
ly sufficiently sweet.
Chocolate sirup can be kept or
hand for making milk shakes. T<
make it, mix a third of a cupful ol
cocoa with two cupfuls of granulate(
sugar. Gradually add a cupful of boil
Ing water and let the mixture boil foi
five minutes. When it is cold add 9
teaspoonful of vanilla.4nd a teaspoon
ful of very stroig coffee. This mix
ture at flavois produces a delicat
taste, but the coffee can bed omitte
and- twice, as much .sugar added In
stead. About two teaspoon'fuls of th4
sugar are needed for one glassful.ol
If the milk shake made accordini
to the directions already given provei
too heavy, make It with two-thirdt
milk and one-third apollinaris water
drawn ice cold from a siphon.
Curtain Straps.
Very dainty curtain straps may b4
made of a strip of filet net. Cut the de
sired length and fold the ends to forD
a point; also fold the net along th4
sides and secure it by a line of crosi
stitching. Embroider a simple cross
stitch design down the center of th4
strip. At each end- fasten either
crocheted or buttonholed ring.
These net embroidered straps ari
very attractive when colors matchini
the overhanging are used for the cross
stitching. The strips are lovely in al
~whte with a pattern in filet darning ti
take the place of the cross-stitch pal
Sour Cream Dressing.
-Cream together one-quarter cup eac)
-sugar and butter, one tablespoon eacl
salt, flour and mustard and a fel
grains cayenne. Scald half-pint ja
light cream which has been sourec
Add the yolks of two eggs to the firs
mixture with the scalded cream. Coo:
over-hot water, stirring constantly ur
til the mixture begins to thicken, thel
add half a cup vinegar, gradually, stil
ring constantly and finish thickening
Strain and cool.
Ginger Sauce.
~raise one--or two pieces .of whol
giner, put them into a saucepan wit1
thrse ounces of loaf sugar and -a piri
of water and boil for several minutet
thn skim andy-strain the- liquor. -Mi
a little arrowtoot smoothl'y wIth a Ii1
tle cold water9tir in the other liquoi
return It all tothe stewpan and sti
over the fire till thickened and boilinI
when it is ready for the table.
Cork- Filling for Pillows.
Get from your grocer a quantity c
the ground cork in which grapes ar
packed. With it fill pillows for th
porch and hammock. They are 1igb
and comfortable and are not injure
by a storm. There Is no ~ danger c
their drawing dampness and becomin
matted, as so many fillings do.
For Perfuming Handkerchiefs.
Break up a quarter of an ounce c
orris root and tie up in a piece c
muslin. Boil with the handkerchief
for a quarter of an hour, using abou
three pints of water to a quarter ounc
of orris root. When dry iron carefull:
and you will find your handkerchief
will retain a delicate violet odor.
Laundry Hint.
When washing dresses with pates
fasteners on them, fasten them befor
washing. This keeps the -springs al
vight and saves time and trouble.
To Keep Onions.
SHeat a poker red hot and with I
singe the roots to prevent all prema
ture growth; pisce in a dry cola
Methodist Minister Recommend
0Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
SRev. James A. Lewis, Milacf
[ inn., writes: "bChamberlainl
Cough Remedy has been a neet
ed and welcome guest in OU
d ome for a number of years.
highly recommend it to my fe
lows as being a medicine worth
of trial in cases of colds, coughJ
and crouf-- .-:ve Chambel
euirGotgli Remedy a tilt an
e are confident you will .nd
-very effectual 4nd continue I
u. se it as occasion requires ft
'years to come, as many othei
ehave done. For sale by all dea
SWanted-To buy
cane seed. .Hi
- ----- - - . . . -
Ra F
and Hari
Strong and Durablec
Give steady, bright ligh-'L.
Easy to light. Easyt
clean and rewik. Don t
-smoke. Don't blow out
in the wind. Don'tklak.
At dealers everywhere
WWngton. D. C. (New Jerse) CharOtte.N.C.
Norfol. Va. Charlest ~S
If You H'aven't
Youi are missing an opportunity-that seldom khocks Aty
door. f there is anythin you' need in our line it w
pay you call on us this Eweek.y
Afterebruary 1 st, we invite you to our'new quarters o
Martin lot, South MAin Street.
In . wd. HD'AM IlTO
A t dleeywS.eC.
R-hod InterestIPORd CharDepsts .
NoJ. c. BUE .M. NiiULDIN
pyoutcalo ustis -wek
Anewfr $6-75. tw nvt out urnwqures~i
carinlt, Sout s ~iz teet.niin a' tl rmnw 3
ParCorENsr, S.k C lgtyusd.e
Oakrs Prausd threponthspretc
diton M38.oo.E T .MALI
bee Ind Musica$I98t.oeo.
One hor0es $14.00gakng Macihtine, oakndardine, os
s ewlln fo ndiio,6fr.7755o
neadognAs Victor $ndoolmbi Talking Maciemaoayhran.
ne $90.0 Reorsey catalo oak, rcsily uese, n
Oneoa urih Piano wellknwchkant hrlytl
beend sed, f or s uidin,.REE0.
s dentrtimnth. Wsl thi-ve diffren me

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