OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, March 29, 1917, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067671/1917-03-29/ed-1/seq-7/

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Don't Lose a Day's Work! If Y
Constipated Take "Dodsor
You're bilious! Your liver is slug
gish! You feel lazy, dizzy and all
knocked out. Your head is dull, your
tongue is coated; breath bad; stomach
sour and bowels constipated. But don't
take salivating calomel. It makes you
sick, you -may doge a day's work.
Calomel is rmercury or quicksilver
which causes necrosis of the bones.
Calomel crashes into sour bile like
dynamite, breaking it up. That's when
you feel that awful nausea and cramp.
If you want to enjoy the nicest, gen.
tlest liver and bowel cleansing you
ever experienced just take a spoonful
of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Your
druggist or dealer sells you a 50-cent
bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under
my personal money-back guarantee
that each spoonful will clean your
$3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $1
Save Money by Wearing W.
shoes. For sale by over 9000 a
The Best Known Shoes in
L. Douglas name and the retail ce is
.tom of all shoes at the factory. The val
the wearer protected against. high prices for i
retail prices are the same everywhere. They <
Francisco than they do in New York. They.
price paid for them.
he quality of W. L. Douglas product is
than 40 years experience in making fine
styles are the leaders in the Fashion C
They are made in a well-equipped factory
by the highest p'aid, skilled shoemakers, unde
supervision of experienced men, all workin
ination to make the best shoes for the
Asir r shoe dealer for W. L. Douglas she
,.D not s ly you with the kind you want,
ake. ri for Interestin booklet ex i
het sho of the highest standard of q..it3
by retur mall, postage free.
LOOK' FOR W. L Douglas
name and the retail price
stamped on the bottom.
Futile Strategy.
Britdget had proved to be till tI a111 -
* servaniit shoub1l be in regarito her4 lc dui
ties, but. un1fortutnately, her energies
never seeue(l to extend] t1 keeulping her
own fice (lenll,
Her mistress desired ii tell her to
wash her smutty countelinlee. but. inot
wanting to offend such a tIrenaSre, she
restored to strt n egy.
"Do you know.. Bridget," she re
4 marked in a confhilentil manner. "if
you wausl your face in ht, soupy wa
ter it will inn1ke yout henlutiful?"
"Sure, an' it's i wonder ye niver
thrled it yersiif. mauu'," wtas lB ridget's
surprising answer.
You say to the drug store man,
"Give me a small bottle of freezone."
This will cost vecry little but will
apositively remove every hard or soft'
corn or callus from one's feet.
A few drops of this new ether com
pound applied dliretly upon n tender,
aching corn relieves the soreness in
atantly, and soon the entire corn or
callus, root and all, dries ump and can
be lIfted off wilth the fingers.
This newv way to rid one's feet of
corns was introduced by a Cincinnati
man, who says that freezone dies in
a moment. andi simpIly shrivels up the
corn or callus wIthout irritating the
surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn't any freezone
tell him to order a small bottle from
his wholesale (rug house for you.-adv.
Of Course.
" Is liquidated, I supposeU5."
11 e is twice ai conqk~ue4rir who enni
res''trini imnsel f ini the4 hour (if vle
Healthy Skin Depends
On Kidneys
The skin and the intentines, which
work together with the kidneys to
throw out the poisons of the hodly, do
a part of the work, but a clean body
and a healthy oneO depends on tihe kid
neys. If the kidneys are clogged with
toxic poisons you suffer from stiffness
in the knees in the morning on arising,
your joints seem "rusty," you may have
rheumatic pains, pain in the back stiff
neck, headaches, sometimes swollen
feet, or neuralgic pains--all due to the
uric acid or toxic poisons in the blood.
This is the time to go to the nearest
drug store and simply obtain a 50c.
package. of Anuric (double or triple
strength), the discovery of Dr. Pi e
oif Buffalo, N. Y. Then, drink a e~4 orf
hot water before meals, with an Anuroc
'r'ablet, and notice the gratifyingure
suits. You will find Anbirie there actite
than lithia.
Bold fog' 4$7 yearwe sev~ Mi~
a Fins Clene:.I g
our Liver Is Sluggish or Bowels
's Liver Tone."-It's Fine!
sluggish liver better than a dose of
nasty calomel and that it won't make
you sick.
Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver
medicine. You'll know it next Iporg
ing because you will wake up feeling
fine, your liver will be -working,.your
headache and dizziness gone, your
stomach will be sweet and your bowels
regular. You will feel like working;
you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and
Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely
vegetable, therefore harmless and can
not salivate. Give it to your children!
Millions of people are using Dodson's
Liver Tone in tead of dangerous cal
omel now. Y ir druggist will tell you
that the sale of calomel is almost
stopped entirely here.-Adv.
$6 $7 & $8 Alb'wiAN
L. Douglas
hoe dealers.
the World.
stamped on the bot.
e is guaranteed and
nferior shoes. The
ost no more in San
ire always worth the
guaranteed by more
shoes. The smart
ntres of America.
at Brockton, Mass., iOt(
- the direction and hot.
g with an honest 4
price that money ..
es. If he can
take no other * BEWARE OF
anln how to SUBSTITUTES
for tne price,
Boys' shoe.
Best in the World
$3.00 $2.60 & $2.00
-esident W. L. Douglas Shoe Co.,
18 Spark St., Brockton, Mass.
A Bit of "Old" Canada.
TIere exists atl Unioiville, On1talrio,
a pione.'r house 124 yert's old. ''his1
is probab ly a tiliqu(1e re(o('r( for a ('a
ntdhIin log houtse, a1nd it Is snid to bie
the oldest lug houtse ()f stimihar dim1ent
sibns in the Dominion. Some (It the
logs atre from :30 to 36 inches In d1aim1
eter. It is still occui~ed. atnd It is in=
tere1sting t) not', ats (1testimnlOy I the
winflrt of the house, 111111 its occu
lantits. ntmeinitig 1:3, took first prize
in 15912 at a oi )1 lutla 11ieni) as the
"heaviest famt ily atiten(1in g the ievent."
"I contracted malaria in 1896, and after a
year's fruitless treatment by a prominent
Washington physician, your Elixir HSabek
entirely cured me. On arriving lhere I came
down with tropical malaria-the worst form
--and sent home for IIabek. Again if
proved its value-It Is worth its weight in
gold here." Brasie O'Ha gan, Troop E, 8th
U. S. Cavalry, Balayan, Philippines.
Elixir Babek, 50 cents, all drnggists or by
Parcel Post, prepaid, from Eloczewski & Co.,
Washington, D.O.
The Principles of Qig Business.
IFirst Surgeon-Do you think $1,000
1s too0 much"i to ('lltrge for' talking flut
Iuge's allpend(ix?
dbon't you wait ? lHe's makIng nioiney,
54) fast t hat youl ('nn ge't .$5.000 (1ut of
1h11m ini six mnonthts.-LrIfe'.
WVhat Dr. R. D. Patterson, of Lib
cr13y...N. C., say s:
My3 boy had1( pneCumlonia, htis temiper'a
Iiure was 104. Had1( tr'ied other salves,
:iidn't hav'e an13 effeet. Used Jarl of
Mother's .Joy Salve on thlroatt and
'lnest, in one hour's timhe his itempera
''My dau lghter'I, don11't use44 powde14r on
yourll face'4 144 much4'. It Is so loud.''
"Butl. pn. this1 1is noisl('ess potwder."
Granulated Eyenids, stIcs. Inflamed Eye.
relieved over night by Rloman Eye Balsam.
One trial proves its merit. Adv.
The14 fault fintder' 111nd1 few~ faults
greate than 1111 hIs fau tllfinding. .
leew~ '311111 collisions occur on lthe alh of
Abbeville, S. C.-"One *of may sons
hlad an attack of l'heumaltismn accoma
paniedl by severe pains In the back iand
in the region of the kidneys. He suf
fered so that he "'as unable to go
about. After taking part of a box of
Anuric Tatblets lhe was completely re=
lievedI, andl seems to lbe entirely cur'ed
as it )ms been someW time since and he
has had no r'etulrn of the attalck,.
believe that Anurie will do alli thatt Is
claimed for it."-A. T1. M3leILWAIN.
Rloute 2.
Pleasant Pellets for stOmnehl1 liver
and bow~els, are madle tp of the May
apple, aloe lenves and jalap. Thilus
w~ell-known pellet was made up nlearlly
fifty years ago, by' Dr'. Pierce. andI ('an
he had for a quarter' from almost any
ttpothcary'3---simply3 ask for Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. If y'ourl drulg
gist does not keep them send 25 cents
in one-cent stamps to Dr'. Pierce, In.
Valids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y., andI a vial
of the Pellets wvill be mailed you.
mim Chilla aFeder. Also
"ag T'ailae 0.andjl.00 atalDrgte
Mileage of Surfaced Highways Has
Been Increasing at Rate of
16,000 Miles Yearly.
tapid increase in total expendi
tures for roads and bridges, growth
of building and.malutenance activities
under state supervision, and a sharp
decrease in the proportion of contribu
tions in the form of statute labor
mark the development 'of highway
work in the United States during the
past 12 years. These facts are
brought out by statistics for the cal
endar year 1915, recently compiled by
the ofllce of public roads and rural en
gineering of the department.
The total length of public roads in
the United States outsht the limits
of incorporated towns and cities was
about 2,452,000 miles on January 1,
1916. Of this, about 2?7,000 miles,
or 11.3 per cent, were improved with
some form of surfacing. The mile
age of surfaced roads has been in
creasing at the rate of about 10,000 a
year, and in 1915 approximately one
half of this increase was made under
the supervision of state highway de
partments. In addition these de
Concrete Culvert.
partments supervised the maintenance
of nearly 52,000 miles of main and
trunk-line roads.
The increase in expenditures for
road and bridge work in the United
States has been from approximately'
$80,000,000 per year in 1904 to about
$282,000,000 in 1915, an increase of
more than 250 per cent. The expendi.
ture of state funds during this same
period increased from about $2,550,00(
to more than $53,000,000. In addition
more than $27,000,000 of local fund
was spent under state supervision i1
1915, bringing the total road an
bridge expenditures managed by th
stutes to $80,415,6099. This amount i
greater than the total expenditur-s fo
I roads and bridges from all sources I
An increase in the uses of better an
more expensive types of roads also I
shown by the recently compiled statis
tics. This development has been due
in large part, to the great increase it
automobile traffic. It is estinated
that there are now approximately tw
and one-hltf million automobiles iit
use of the roadls of the country, om
one car for every mile of rodd. Tht9
jpresent motor traftic is in excess of
traffle of all sorts 12 years ago.
The cash road and bridge expendi
tures of the United States averaged
only $28 per mile of rural roadts in
1004. In 1915 this average had growna
to $109 per mile. New Jersey led ali
other stattes, both it 1904 and in 1915.
with $221 and $475 per mile, resper
tively. Nevada madle thle least expendi
tutre in both years-$3.72 per mile in
1904 andl $17 per mille in 1915.
Road That Will Not Outlast Ii Cost
Is Liability-Finally Becomes
a Total Loss.
Whent a county or' towvnship builds
a road that will not outlast its cost,
that county or township is buying
troub~le andI pitying cash for it. It
horrows montey to buy a liablility
creates a debt to buy something that
wvill be a continual' expense until it
finally becomes a total loss through
being worn out. And borrowing
muoney to build a road that will npt
last under modern trafflec conditions hi
unsound finance.
No Man Can Be Cheerful and Neigh,
borly, Nor Can He Be a Really
Good Citizen,
The man nwhvo wrote the famuous limt
"Let me live in a house by the sid<
of thle road," had in mind, of course
a~ good road. No matn can be cheer.
Ciuitiand neighborly, no man can bt
ai really good citizen, if he lives in ii
houste by the sidec of a neglected road
Thenmen whoit il)pass his plaice enn't
he cheerful. llow is the road at youm
faurm, Mr. F'armner? -- lIecilnmatiot
Intricate and Perfect Network ol
Roads Necessary to Release
Energies of America.
It is preft'etly obvious that you hiav
got to have an intricate anid perfect
network of roads throughout th<
lenigth antd breadth of this great conti,
inent before youi'have relenwedl the'en
ergies of Ameriec. ..,. The bloo]
of the nmltion wyil not flow in harmoni,
tius concord unless it cain flow in in
timnate sympathy-President Wilson.
Im loNAL
(yE..SEL S Acting Director o
the; Sunday School bourse In the Mlood)
Bibld Institutt of Chicago.)
(Copyright, 1917, Western Newspapt-r Union.
LESSON TEXT-John 9:1-11, 36-38. (Hlea
entire chapter.)
GOLDEN TEXT-I am the light of th
world.-John 9:5.
This, another of the signs whic
Jesus performed, is recorded only b
John. It probably occurred in Optc
bei', six months before the crucifixior
while Jesus was attending the Fens
of the '1'aberinnles. 'T'here hire si:
other enses of hliudness recorded a
having been cured. Look them up.
I. The Case (vv. 1.4). It was abst
lutely hopeless. No hunao skill coul(
touch It, but .Jesus "passed by," an
that changed everything. What mte
cannot dio Jesus eann. ,Jesus is ltssin
today, and we may expect things quit
as wonderful to happen (John 14:12)
This blind antl illustrates the unsave
sinner (1 Cor. 2:14). lie never ha
seen. He was beyond human help (s
32). lie had doubtless given ,up a
hope of ,seeing, le was without syn
pathy, suspected and despised (vv.
34). Poor-ie was a beggar. He I
also a type of the tition of Israt
(Rev. 3:17). We must not attempt t
explain all sickness (v. 3). God fr<
quently uses it for the advancemen
of his kingdott (.oht 11 :4). Jesu
not only passed by but he "saw." Th
feeling of the crowd wa-is thait of cur
osi6y 1nt.1 contEmpt. Ills feeling wt
hnt of compassion (vv. 2, 4 and 6
Sickness somtietlits mtnifests God'
sustaining grace (I1 Cur. 12:8-10).
is doubtless true that a large percen
age of sickness is the direct result <
sin (John 5:14; Mk. 2:5; Acts 12:23
scome, of course. Indirectly (Job 23:1
ii. The Cure (vv. 4-11). The wor
"must" in verse four is a strong on
The time for us to dio otur work
"now." This word "must" carries wi
it the iden of ia divine imperative, i
the relason for that imperativeness
the apipuronching "night." Night
coining fast, when no man ean wor
Notice the works we are to do are 1
our own, but. "the works of him ti
Vimt me." Compare carefully ver
two and four, and see tihat Jesus c
sidered delivering the man from e
1 far more important than speculat
about the origin of his complaint. ']
much time is spent in investigati
r Let us have more of action. '1
means used in this cure were clay a
spittle. The nilracle was performed
plain view of all who might see. 'l
mean (id not ask Jesus to help him, 1
Jesus ia( gone where he was (v.
Ills words, "Go wash" were a test
the man's faith (II Kings 5:10-1.
and his pailt in the transaction was
testimony that it was Christ w
worked the cure. The use of t
material means in this ceremony ma
the mantt more willing to go anid was
| It gaive him something to dlo, alnd doli
is always ant end to fath. Silogi
means "sent," and was a typie of .Jes
himsef(v 4; John 10 :36 ; Itm. 8:
Ga.44.If we wish to receive sig
for our blind e'yes, we shiould go
him and bathe (John 8:12).
ti. The Controversy (v. 12to end
chapter). This controvetrsy gaive <
portuttity for tostimtiony, as we hat
alIreaidy seen, first of all upon the pi
of the man whose test imonty was pi
gr-essive. A t first he merely spoke
the fact. He w-as not acquainted wi
Jiesus, fotr lie enliis hunt "The mt
enlled Jesus." Later on hte is miov
to enall hmt at "pr-ophett." Hie is
prophet (v. 17), and1( biter still
recognizes him as "TIhe Son of Go
(vv. 35-38). Thils conitrove'rsy esta
lished beyomt question thte fact of
eutte. It brought out the dleity
Christ (v. 33). The mann was exco
mienitcited, but fr that maittter hie wi
ntiready ouitsidIe beenullSe of hisa physi(
itfirimity. butt, best iaf all, he becni
truly Christ's disciple.
IV. Comments. This lesson with
v'ividl c'ontrasts of he(llef andtt unheli
gives its a wvonderfutl opportunity
urge upiont pupils it (deelsion to live
Christian life. H-as Christ opened
t'yes of our' scholars to thle love
(ud, to the nwfulness oIf slit, t1(i
nteed of a Sa vior, our dlvi ne Lead
and1 Brothter? Urge themt, in thle e'la
andi~ out, to lbe as outtspmoken and1( c'1
ageous tor Christ as wans this nn i
had ntever' before per'haps~f seen
heard , 'Jesuts, and whose gratitude
onte enilhid fo'rthi t his wondel(rfui et
Heing caist ouit by the rules of I
synatJ~ggue broughit t his mana into clos
andt dlecper fe'lowishtip and1( comi
I on wvith Jesus.
Ili'lunhd helileved for entoughi to oh
htR hbiding. annd hnd thuts been lienhI
Now he is birouight to a great t :
ling, transtformting failith, viz., that Jes
is thle Sont of'(God.
Do we take advantage of our pri
lege of contfessiont?
Before Chirist cane there were
ile is the' inipirailun of all charii
institutins, but healing of the body13
of seeomdarty Iunor~itance ; the htenal
of the soul is piriatary. "Whereas
was blind, now I see."
Start wuit h whait you know,-your os
expteine--tand hte wuill r'veal hinms
accordinig to your developing and p:
grnaaive nteedl.
Girls! Try This! Makes Hair Thick,
Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful-No
More itching Scalp.
Within ten minutes after an appli
cation of Dat erine you cannot find a
single trace of dandruff or falling hair
and,your scalp will not itch, but what
will please you most will be after a
few weeks' use, when. you see new
hair, fine and downy at first-yes-but
1 really new hair-growing all over the
A little Danderine immediately dou
bles the beauty of your hair. No dif
ference how dull, faded, brittle and
' scraggy, just moisten a cloth with
- Danderine and carefully. draw it
through your hair, taking one small
t strand at a time. The effect Is amnaz
C ing-your hair will be light, fluffy and
s wavy, and have an appearance of
abundance; an incomparable luster,
softness and luxuriance.
I Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
I Danderine from any store. and prove
i that your hair is as pretty and sift
as any-that it has been neglected or
e injured by careless treatment-that's
all-you surely can have beautiful hair
1 and lots of it if you will just try a lit
I tle Danderine. Adv.
Ignorance Is Bliss.
- A 2ertn iii Se'tion foreitai n1(oiticed
that otne of his men tui ra1hhit mait
in his ii1. ile (luestitiid t he mana.
1 ! "Yes, 1ilt4 got lots rahiit." wias the
o similig reily.
- .loh~n." thel foret;Un sabd. "youl bring
t u' rahlhit tonIorr w.'
s it .loni prI2iontisei he woul. n114l Ith
e next dlay lie foretman rl'(ivti his por
- Bti a t e il'It with rlish. 110 alstii
y litiu-en tcrious as to wher'-( .ohn got
. it. .
s Say. .lolhIn." hle inqire<. "where di(
It !yout g(,1 ll this rahhit ?" '
t- "Oh. that's easy." wias tlie reply
f "Rialhhit hii ('oral' to ily lousel l v4er.
), night. 1iint go '.\l'w, ine'ow.' an( 1
;- shoot hit."-- Cotniellsville' Courier,
is And Rashes That Itch and Burn-Trig
hi Free to Anyone Anywhere.
d- -
is In the treatment of skin and scall
Is troubles bathe freely with ('uticuri
k. Sonp and hot water, dry and appl;
ot Cuticurn Ointment. If there is a nut
at ural tendency to rashes, phinples, etc
es prevent their recurrence by inkin
i- Cuticura your daily toilet preparattio
viI Free stuiple each by tunil with Bool
'0 Address postcard. C2utClien. Dept. .I
'00 Boston. Sold everywherIe.-A(iv.
'le She's Right, at That.
nid "-She's so obll-fashioned( in h(
in ide0ns."
'he Yes; she hilp ves that n it )un1isl
ut' I l n i for c( 'iren sjp ink ing takes 1I
5). palm."
of e
1), To keep clean and healthy take Di
a Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. ''hey regulat
liver, bowels and stoinach.-Adv.
e0 J man~e wh112i~o is to bu llsy toi ligur
out012 whther he'I 1 is Itosin~g geneitra Ily 1b
ag'Energy ne(verI is enloughl, but1 it al
mI lti,t is haltf 4'nouIgh.
1s ---
to cuty hnotiust
PnhsVegetable Comp
o dnethat suffeinals be
e0 contradiction that this grar
more suffering among worn
.- the world.
2(" Mrs. Kieso Cured Aft4
from a female t
and sides until
24' walk from cha
I ~would jump at
unfit to do my
ever bci ng wvel
Lydia E. Pinkhi
six bottlies aLnd
d(. do my own h<
Woman would
us Compound, an
it is."-Mts. kMnn A. 1Esao, 598
hi- ' Could Hardly
(2 Cincinnati Ohio.--"I want y<
ham's Vegetable Compound hat
health from female troubles that
has certainly made me a well wor
. nd am so happ as I never expe
and I want others to know whi
Compound has done tor me."--M
Fl airmount, CineouiratI, Ohio.
o' If you want specli advices
eine Co. (confidential) Lynn, 1&
read and answered by a woms
A splendid first aid Is
Not Fussy.
" 'll s 'ni' thing i'.l1 say for thiem,
they're' i II n t'I 'ol I Iiel itts ly."
"llow ch41 you knlow?"
"l~e,% ry 014-eture on their w%.1111 K I
Illlieel toh' straightI, scttl ty dliftn't Seem
to mind 1 it ahit."
Trying Her Hand.
l t h~'r--tiher spe'n t wo mont hs at.
IIt sei'ashre' lIasI stumter, und not a
anien askedl for h'r hnnd.
I'ntricet---Itlhe~r dlisappotuinting?
"'es; but si's giving to try ier hand
In 'Ioridi this winter."
Why suffer from
- ~ excruciating neu
ralgsa pains when
an apqication of Yager's Liniment
will give quick relicfi?
This animent is ood too for rheu
matism, sciatica. headache, pain in
chestorside, sprains cutsand bruises.
The large 26 cent bottle of Yager's
Lit mant ontats fourtlmes as much
as the usual bottle of linimont sold at
that price. At all dealers.
Reduces Bursal Enlargements,
Thickened, Swollen Tissues,
Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore
ness from Bruises or Strains;
stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain.
Does not blieZter, remove the hair or
lay up the horse. $2.00 a bottle
at druggists or delivered. Book I M free.
ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind-an
antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds,
- strains, painful, swollen 'veins or glands. It
heals and soothes. $1.00 a bottle at drug
gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you
*write. Made ini the U. S. A. by
W. F.YOUNO. P.D. F..3l0 Temple St..8Springfield. Mass.
w. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 13--1917.
Lydia E. Pinkhamn's
pound has Relieved
if Women.
a that there is a woman in this
uffer without giving Lydia E.
ound a trial- after all te evi
ing published, provin beyond
id old medicine has relheved
mn than any other medicine in
tr Seven Month's Illness.
-"For seven long months I suffered
rouble, with severe pains inm back
.I became so weak I could hardly
ir to chair, and got so nervousq
the slightest noise. I was entirely
louse work, I was giving up hope of'
I, when my sister asked me to tr
am's Vegetatble Compound. I took
today I am a healthy woman able to
maeowork. I wish ever suffering
try Ldia E. Pinkhams Vegetable
d fin out for herself how good
North Ave., Aurora, Ill.
(.et Off H~er lned.
>u to know the good Lydia E. Pink
done for moe. I was in such bad
OIful hardly get off my. bed. I4
ne anid m'y motier said,/Ii want you
table Compound.' So I did, and1 it
nan. I am ab~le to do my house work
sted to go around the way I do aa)
at Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabe
re. Josmz CoruNn, 1668 Harrison Ave.,
rite to Lydia E. Plnkham 1Ik"di.
lass. Your letter will be opes:'d,
in and held in strict con~done.s

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