OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, March 02, 1922, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067671/1922-03-02/ed-1/seq-6/

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tfvte ris
worl Mothers!!
Write for 32-.
Pap Booklet,
"M6iPre of
the Wojjk
lPat. Processtel
Lo Products Mfg'
enmne 5eek
Use This Coupon is *** %1ne-1. M'eh
Use Tis CO~on Plea send #no your
The Lloyd Mfg. hook'et."hicther of tie
Company World,
. Name... ..............
Mieb. street .......................
1) City ..............state .
Travel by Sea
Norfolk to
BOSTON'''-........-Wed. Sat. 1:00 Pl. M.
BALTIMORE.....Mon. Thur. 4:00 P. M.
Meals and Berth Included oil Steaner.
Through tickets from principal pointe.
Merchants & Miners Trans. Co.
A. E. Porter, G. A., Norfolk
Iwwn as
"that good kind"
TIry it-and you
will know why
For Fordon and up to 251 It. They boil their teth, and cut hard
ad froben timber. Use only a tile, fo we eep the blade In order
I year free. We can arrange terms. Saw pays YoU as YOU pay us.
Three men are cutting 41 to 61M or 200 to 30 tiets per day on a
Fordson, clearing $1S to $60 per .ay. as the sawyer is the oAner.
Three Electric Factoriets, a 24.houre strvike. any saw repaired
(except burned). returned same or next day. made into same as a Ilst.
All repairs GUARANTEED, when we put saw in aider.
Miier's latest Book cr a Foedgen STEEl. mvate with any Saw.
$yS and U?. 40 years ta she business. ask your tankser sr any suaeaw
Li snillas. Doohl em famnenl g, $2.0, GusIe, $s1)
). H. MINER SAW MFG. CO., Inc.
WINS $5,000
Another big puzzle contest just started
by Mr. N0. J. Roofer. Thils asscinating pusz
aie gartne Is all the rage. Icverybody's
playing It.
This Is the biggerst and nost exciting pua.
aie content of all. e-irnt Prize Is $6.000.
Second Prize Is $2.600. 103 other big cash
prizen. Yes, 106 in all! Winl one of thinirn.
Content In open to all. Costs nothing to
try. The picture puzzle in tree.
Arnazing Hiealth and iltenuty Discovery
Thin great offer i ntle to introduce (
iteefer's Yeast Tablets, the great Vitainine
lIealth Butidern. Contain all three vita
ninen that enable you to get the right
nourisnetnt fron the food you -oat. Vita
minen bring about a wonderful change In
thin, nervous, run-down po-ple
If theody iltsrry nsurlihest. all t. -.
Wime ansd vigeor of yoth ncsrnse back, IRye's t
sparkle. Lilps senel chee'ks rsli'ct the csulor
of the' pure. rich bslool thIat or.ses thsrouarh
the vesinar. A segrisgy sep a osnppy waslk.
the Josy of yoth nsre regasin.'.l. Nss mattesr
how youtng or hosw nsld youss ar". ysou neesd
\litamiunens. Atnd itsenfsr'e Y'asnt Tabterts
supply them in the pslesateat fsorms. (
flut you doen't haveyo bu Iay ltsee's~ Yeast
Taliets ts enter thlin conltPHt or wirn i prizi.
.luset tstisd feor the 85,0001 isittIer "N" Isumaie
sic'ture. tiroat,* big, clear pier urse fre.e onf C
reqst it iurry up. Sendss toa tosit Ie . .1.
-t~t f . ltIsis a t i prisce Ste.. I ).e . 1SF,
Evidently Needed One.
\ ht'e Saititily nils elll tiiy WVilsf
'wenliteout ina eighbol riasl'si inl lh'
.s i it luss el' i'eir ys ;tt's, liii l~shet
ft hithys esights titnssl)i, whos ~ii w a
Sure Relief
~'Hot water
? Sure Relief
254 and 754 Packages. Everywhere
I Shave With
Cuticura Soap
The New WayI
Without Mud
Mothers should keep a lar of SDrame's Vapomenlba
Salve consvenenrt. When Crouap, lotenrz~a orPn
monsa threatens iI delhghtful eatre rubbea well into
the throat, cheat antd entier the arm., will 'elleve the
choking, break eontecetion, and atomnoteetful sleep.
wilL tbiod Al'te ilf N.ttC,
Vote Close After Tvo Days of Con
tinuous Debate; Fifty-five Hour
Textile Bill Passed.
Governor Cooper signed the inhehi
tance tax and the gasoline tax acts,
these being the first of the new reve
nue measures to become law. The
governor strongly recommended the
the measure in his annual mnessage
and whon the bills were passed by
the general assembly and ratified he
did not hesitate to affix his signature
to them.
The gasoline tax provides for two
cents a gallon on every gallon, sold
or distributed1I In South Carolhia.
which, it is eIstimated, will bring in
arouti11 $7.50,000 a ye!ar or mai1iybe a
little morme. One-half of the money
collected from the tax will go into
the general fund and one-halIf to the
conities for road maintenance and
donstruct iosn.
Thc inheritance tax is not calculat
ed to bring in much revenue this year
ts tho retroactive feature for 1921 as
wiginally contemplated was stricken
mut. However, the act will bring in
from $150,000 to $,00,000 a year after
this year, according to estimates.
These two measures are the first
real important acts to be signed by the
governor this year. Anothor meas
ure of importance to the low country
that was signed was the game pre
serve bill providing for a tax on all
persons, firms and corporations, etc.,
olding more than 500 acres of land
xs game preserves. The tax Is 10
cents an acre up to 20.000 acres, 25
,ents an acre from 25,000 acres to
50,000 acres, and above 50,000 acres,
50 cents an acre. This tax Is to re
main in the county where collected.
The governor heard parties interest
Ed in the unIversity trustee bill and
the (;erald arbitration bill. lie heard
a number of parties interested in both
measur-es. The chief executive is in
clined to veto the trustee bill, it is
understood. The Wells tax extension
resolution is also in the governor's
ands as are a number of other nens
The senate passed tile select com
nittee income tax bill framed largely
)n the lines suggested by Senator S.
-f. McGhee of Greenwood and pro
riding for a tax of 25 per cent of the
amount paid to the fedoral govern
nent. The vote came after nearly
wVo days of continuous debate.
In a nutshell tihe bill attacks all the
edieral statutes, rules, regulations
ndl other- enactments into thle South
Iar-oina law and pr-ovides tihat the
ax (commlission shsail enforce It.
lvery personi payIng a tax to tile fed
r-al government wvili make a copy of
he return to tile federal government
flor thlis year, hut for 1922 eonly anf
fridavit is r-equiredl to what was paid
tile gover-nmlent. Every person,
rm, corp1orationl, etc., paying a tax to
hie federal gov-ernmlenlt mlust lpay 25
er cent of su(ch tax to the state gov'
The 55-lhour textie hill w~as passed
Senateor MIller's bill to) amIlend th<
ls aw inl regardii tco the registr-aticon e
legal instrumients was sen1. to the
house wA'Ithou11t opposition.
Tile comm~litteeO 0.l banking and i1
suranc-e returned without recomnd.
attionl tile hill of Senator Willisms tI
prevent ulnlicenised foreign fire insuri
uaecomlpanies or associations fron
dlolng business In thle state; to pre
vent persons in tile state from takin,
fire insurance en proporty within thl
state in untlicfense foreign fire ins
aniee c'omlpaies or associations.
Senator Hlailes' bill to r-equire th
sinking fund comimissionl to lisur
school houses and school butildling
against loss or damage from wvin
storms without auditional premiumi
wvas advanced to thlird reading.
Tile moving pictulre license tax hi
was advanced to third reading wit
the understanding that the discussio
come then. The senate finance con
mittee's amendments striking out thi
tax on films and substituting a d
rect tax on thleaters ranging from
$50 a theater a year to $150, accorc
lng to the size of the city and th
seating capacIty, were adopted upo
motion of Senator Pearce,
ttepre'sen'ative Foster's bill to ri
quire1- textile indusstries to pay tile
enlieoes during work hours wai
passed and~ ordered enrolled for rat
fication without obhiatinn.
Senator Bethea's bill to regulaq% at.
tOrneys' fees in cases of notes, mort.
gages or other indebtedness or instru
ments of writing was passed at the
day session and sent to the house as
amended after the senate had refused
to strike out the enacting words by a
vote of 21 to 16. The bill provides
that in such cases only a "reasonable"
fee may be taken by attorneys and if
the parties cannot agree as to a "rea
sonable" fee the courts can decide.
The bill is framed to prevent 10 per
cent collections on promissory notes,
etc. An amendment of Senator Wat
kis, whiclh was adopted, struck out
the clause where "contracts" had al
ready been made.
The general apropriation bill of
the ways and means committee was
sent to third reading upon motion of
Senator Gross. chairman of the finance
committee. The bill is still in the
hands of the finance committee, but
the debate always conies on third read
ing in the senate.
The "bad check" bill of Representa
tives Sheppard and Barnett was ad
vanced to third reading with the fight
to come then. Senator Harrelson
moved to strike out the enacting
words, but withdrew this motion to
lot the bill be advanced.
Representative Barnwell's measure
to amend the law so as to allow me
chanics to sell property they have ro
paired if their services have not been
paid for within two months, instead
of 12 as at present, was advanced
to third reading.
Senator Yo-ug introduced i )Ill to
amend Act. Ikt^. 105. approved March
13 ,1919, entitled "An aL to authorize
any or all incorporated cities and
towns within the state to levy and
enforce an assessment upon ahUtting
property owners for the purpose of
paying for permanent improvements
on their streets and sidewalks," and
to confer additional power in relation
to special assessments an(d to pro
vide for, etc.
The Leopard measure was also sent
to the senate without further opposi
tion. in its amended form the bill
provides for an annual tax of $250
on all dealers in cotton, grain, stocks,
bonds and other commodities for fu
ture delivery upon commission. The
license fee will not be charged, how
ever, when actual delivery is had.
The Richland county supply bill
was also among the number of meas
ures given their third reading and
sent to the senate while the ways
and means committee bill to require
the levying of the three mill consti
tutional tax for school purposes was
advanced from second to third read
ing, both without opposition.
Representatives M. M. Johnson of
Caniden and F'. W. Toole of Aiken in
troduced a bill to require all transient
dealers in merchandise, selling and
delivering goods by motor trucks to
pay annual license fee of $100 for
each truck load. The various county
authorities, under the provisions of
the bill, would be empowered to re
duce the annual tax from $100 to $50
on small trucks. The bill was refer
red to the ways and means committee.
Senator Moise's bill to fix the pow
ers of circuit judges at chambers also
occasioned a fight, especially upon
the part of Senator Laney, who de
(lared lhe hadmm been fighting just such
bills to grant dlefault judgments at
chamb~ers for years andl intendled to
continue his fight to prevent any such
law, lHe saidl this was not the timo
for such acts. After the amndnment
proposing that default. judgments lie
obtained at chambii ers wasU tabled and
oilher a menidments offered by Senator
Moise adlopted so as to clarify the
present law, the bill1 was passed and
sent to the house.
Senator Moore's bill to amend the
efriminal codeo so as to provide for the
forfeiture of weapons to municipall
ait-arm o'15(f thle senate to empi ~loy a nu
dirctiuc laborera as may 1)e needied
(luring the Sessioni of the general as
semblly in the senate chamber.
To improve Service.
Th Suth Carolina Railroad Com
missioni has issued orders to the At
lanitic ('oast Line railroad, instruct
-ing it to install a double)1 daily pas
Ssenbier service on the Walterboro
branch of the Atlantic Coast Line
b letween Ehrhardt amid Green Pond.
The trains are to be operatedi under
practically' the same schedule as was
in effect pirior to the operation of the
mixed train service about a year ago.
This service, according to the order,
Sis to be operat ed( for 30 days as a test
hi Mill at Gaffney Give Charter..
n The secretary of state chartered
' the Alma Mills, (;affney, with a capi
etal stock of $600,000. The mill will
* mnufacture c'otton yarns, cloth and
a other' textile prodlucts and generate
steam and electric power as wvell as
0 (d0 a farming, grain mill and general
n merceantile business. WV. C. Htamrick
is presideont and treasurer andi W, C.
* Hiamrick, Jr., is scoiretary.
r The Conway Building company was
a chartered with a capital stock of $10,-.
- 000. Henry L. Scarborough is presi
6"* ^ ?JLaM*xm0 0. W.
'Lesson v
(By RE'. I,. B. 1)I . A . D. D..
Teacher of mtnglish tilble in the bloody
Bible Institute of Chicago.)
Copyright, 1922. webtern Newspaper Union.
LESSON TEXT-Jonah 3:1-4:11.
GOLDS0N TEXT-Let tho wicked for
sake Ilia way, and the unrighteous nan
his thoughts: and let him return unto the
Lord, and he will have mnurcy upon him;
and to our God, for he will abundantly
pardon.-Isa. 65:7.
IMidE101tNCE MlATE4,RIAI,-Isa. 4o:20
26; 40:6-7; Jonah 1:1.3:10; lal. 1:10, 11;
John 3:16,
PitlMARIY TOPIC-God Sonds Jonah on
an EIrrand.
JUNIOR TOPIC-flow God Spared a
Wicked City.
-JOnth's Missionary Adventure.
-Tho Missionary Teaching of the Book
of Jonah.
That the book of Jonah is histori
cal we belIeve for the followilg ren
1608: First, its reord and use In
the ScrI)tures. That the writers tof
the Blible in teniide:1 the impression of
Its historielty Is witliout the slIadow
of it doblt. The suiggestionI that it Is
a parable Is aibsol iu tely grat tiltoUS.
Second, the ulbroken testiltioiny of1
tradition0 t1tnong the ,Jews is that it Is
histie. Third, the testimntiiiy of.Jesus
ChrIst (Matt. 12:30-4I). The words of
Jesus Chilst are ilun,
1. Jonah's Second Commission
(v V. 1, 2).
When caIled the first ttie to go to
Nlieveh, he founI tihe task too great
for hl11. F for hIs lnfilthfulness, he
wils c(haistisel. lie Ielelited andlt1 God
restored i hi Comi Iissliio. The Lord
hi1114 to h111i. "Preach the plreachliig
that I bId thee" (V. 2). God knows
how lie wants ills work done. i1app11y
is the milsstinary, mni 1ster, Sutintay
school teacher. who prIeaches God's
WOord Just as Ile gave It.
II. Jonah's Preaching (vV. 3, 4).
1. Ills field (v. 3). "Nineveh was an
exceeding grieat city." Not only was
the city large, but 1t- inhallbitants were
noted for their cruelty.
2. ills message (v. 4). "Yet forty
days and Nineveh shall be overthrown."
This means that forty (lays were gIven
by Gotd for repentance ere the judg.
mient woulti full. God 18 long-sufler
Ing. not willilng that any should perish,
but that all should repent (II Pet. 3 d)).
Though lie is merclful, yet there Is
a lImItatIon to it. He says,-"Yet forty
Ill. The Repentance of Nineveh (vv.
1. They believed God (V. 5). They
believed that God was speaking to
them through tite prophet about fleif
SIns and(1 liinpedin(llig jtitlgznent.
2. They procliiedl a fast (vv. 5-8).
The king and people JoInted sincerely
In this movenent. The call was for
themi to turn a~way froma theIr sins.
Thteir petiIitence was geniine, for they
riot merely put on snekeloth, the vis
Ible sign of mournIng, but they crIed
to God (v. 8).
3. Tlhey. reasoneri that God would
repent (vi. 9). Th'ouigh they had nog
issutranice thaot tGohd would have mieg'y,a
vet the'y re'asone~d that the sendting of
i prophet ndu the givIng of a tlime
>efore the full of (doom1 impied that ,
Aodl would be miercliful If they repent
ad. T1hey weore wise In so doIng. we b
otday kniow lhnt Gotd will have mec
f we reitent (Acts 3 :19). What ut
'er fuilly to go on In sIn In the face ''
if thle assuranice thaiit God will judge.
5. God's melrey shown41 (v. 10).
':otd saw v theIr works thaiit they tu rned
'romi theIr evil wvay." (;od's eye is
niati'ns. (4I) .Joniah -wis not lost, bit
rathier especilally ptreserved dlur ig t~hls
part 01' hiIs ex perleence, a nil Israel Is
nlot belig atsslimilated by the ntio~ns,
but belng. kept for God. (5) .foinah,
repeaninnt anid cast out by the fIsh, Is
resi ored to lIfe and ntt 1n1 agaiin, andiu
Isranel, repenstat and east out by the
nnt' tons, shall bhe rest ->red to her fornn-r.
niatioona p ;osit in. (0) .TonahIi obuedlint,
goes uponi hIs mission to Nitnevehi, andI
Israel obedilent, shall ittimnately 4on
gage In her orIginal mIsslon toi the
world. (7) .lonah Is stu'cessfutl In that
h Is muessaige Is nted upon1101 to the
salvation11 of Nineveh, so Israel shall
be blessed In that she shall be used
to fte conv~erslon of the wh'lole~ world."
-Dr. Gray's Commentary.
The Apostles Work Wonders.
And by the hannds of the apostle-s
were manty slggns anid wonders wrought
tamiong the peopile. And hiellevers
wvere the more n'hIerd to the Lord,
multIitdes b)oth ofrne andll 11 women.
--Acts 5:12-14.
Death In Life.
Fir w.e w.uhleh lIve ar-e alwnys die.
itivered unto0 dleath Ion- .Iosus' sal~e.
that the lIfe niso o (f -lestis mightI
maide mani fest In our muort al flesh, s..
Ihien death wor'keth Itt us, but life in
you.-11 Colinthilans 4:11-12.
Health Is Happiness
From the time a girl reaches the sister and sister-in-law take It and
age of twelve until womanhood isea. have only thesraise for It. It
tablished, she needs all the car a has been a word In my
thoughtful mother can give. mother's house frears. - Mrs.
The condition that the girl Is then HATH.RyN LYND, 253 Gladys Ave.,
passing through isso critical, and may Chicago, 11l.
have such far-reaching effects upon
her future happiness and h Ealtta
herfutre app nes n health, ta A Little Book Helped Her to Decide
it is almost criminal for a mother or Milwaukee Wis. - "My daughter
guardian to withhold counsel or ad- took Lydia K Jinkham's Vegetable
vice. Compound as she was so weak and
Many a woman has suffered years did not feel like going to school. She
of prolonged pain and misery through was like that for a whole year before
having been the victim of thought
lessness or ignorance on the part of found a little book of yours In our
those who should have guided her mail-box and decided to give her your
through the dangers and difficulties medicine. She is now stron and well
that beset this period. and attends school ever a . We
Mothers should teach their gi recommend our Vegetable Co
what danger comes from stan'ding pound to all mothers with weak
around with cold or wet feet, 'rom daughters. You may use this letter
lifting heavy articles, and from over- as a testimonial. '-Mrs. E. JLU!NY,
working. Do not let them over-study. 917 20th Ave., Milwaukee. Wis.
If they complainof headace, pains "1 was always feeling tired and
in the back and lower limbs, they sleepy, was losing in weight and
need a mother's thoughtful care and wouId faint at times. I had other
sympathy. troubles too, that made me feel bad
A Household Word in Mother's House y. I read your little books and heard
fr iendstl about the good Lydia E.
writes Mrs. Lynd, about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. done them, so I have taken it too.
"My mother gave me Lydia E. The results are mostsatisfactory, for
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I have gained in weight and my bad
when I was 14 years old for troubles symptoms are gone. I recommend
girls often have and for loss of your Vegetable Compound to all my
weight. Then after I married I took friends and you may make whatever
the Vegetable Compound before use you like of this letter."-GLORIA
each child was born and always when RAMIREZ, 1116 9th Ave., Tampa,
I felt the least run down. Both my Florida.
Lydia E. Pinkinam's Private Tlext-Boolk upon "Alments
Peculiar to ni~oinen will besent you fbee uponrequest. W rte
to the 1Lydia H- Pinkliall, Mediciine Co., Lynn, blasachusetta.
Tism boo contains Valuable f yfoeration.
A Spohn's Distemper Compound
to break It up and got them back in conition. Twenty-eght
Sl~Z years' use has madte "SP01N' Ina dlipenable in treating
A1.~J~ ~ Coughs and Colds. Influenza and Distemper with their resulting
0 complications, and aill diseases of the itroat. nose and lungs.
Acto Carvelously as preventive; acts equally well as ar.
w0 cents and $1.20 per bottle. At all drug stores.
taking you Vegeabl Not Only For
Jm-ERSbi Chills and Fever
mCecILLTOINC But a Fine General Tonic
Wards Off Malaria and Restores Strength. Try It
It not sold by your duaglt. woite Lethor V*Ws& Co.. LdouleWO. My.
IF* Thedford's Ll
r(Vegetable) y
LivruMdicinl oter wihwa
Theughters.feou aes hs lte
A. it Splpn It'je~~t r liiti ~'"r I sco lways-V feein tired and li
trtt' aX i til lfta Ita ii' it i ~ would ~ ant a~ t ties I had otherI~iPI
)r tmti t'~ f~t'lil1)' tlt'1111 lt rulest.~r too i, tat made e f l ba-lto
'tha'ii~itlfll.hu Ikinsav l y. I readyourlitle boksand ear
lott latl)it~itd I . iat i is ti' ~t fr-iends rtaaot tooheo LdE .
Pinkhvii ~'goi ~ekv a 's'x Vegta Copou nd1( ready
for resuts aclrenstansfeto fo
symptomsPare gone.Bearectmmen
WARIN ISa "ayriwenan you buy mAeshavrin
Unlss ouseethena e Byoler on tabsleter."-GLOrA
ovfer the ears ndn provehf by Fmoillinsfo
oldsE ika' Heiadate Tex- hokumo Asmet
Earabo c hen L u mbgo a PaiLyn, ascun ts
Acep oy "Baer paka e sic conainsor irEctos
Eandy"Baye" 0oxs neof 12 0 plt-o botntlys of 24 ean l l asourot.
?5415 ~ t~.aPsoN ae lauata~ MEDICL COM ANY eecit GoHN aINDItANA

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