OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, August 31, 1922, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067671/1922-08-31/ed-1/seq-7/

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Iin III vffort to 4-i1 1 ow1 t he I
and King eouiny. 1)r. W. uI. Cor'si
practlle (of erecting signs ;it place,
lin detaill the poarthiular accvident. 11(
at a datingerous street corner.
tattery Is One of Mos
tant Units of Car, Yet
ften Overlooked.
Long Life It Should B
nd Discharged Frequent
as Owner Soon Makes
Piece of Junk.
pec'uliar fact, but ne
ertheles that at har1d-heaide,
business invest three or foiu
tholIuild n a niotor crIII an
then vetse .the nlecessary pre
cauti1onls III uarding his Invest
The stora teiry Is Iml of til
miiost liiloirtI ilis 41f the ear, yt
It Is at devie ih selll receive
the proper11 entin, writ ies B. M
Cooke, pri'esldent of a1 Chicago tra<
seliool. All that. th lie average owiNIt
knows abouiit this s it is that it r.
vuires a certain amount (if distill(I
wate occsioilly. I have often set
storage hatte rles In use tlait did it
re'e(ive (*('eilt ocaslionaI at tlentio
ifterally they were starved to dent
Heart of Automobile.
iay be etisidered il
autoilobile and Iwlen
engine Is iI good conid
start w ithin lfifteen se
onds. If It (est tiot, th len t he ,igei
tor should loente the tubtlle buefot
lie abmusies thlit st orage haniftiry. Whoi
the staritinug b uttoun Is Ipre'sed, i1
iiuch as 200 amperiei'ts of cullrren t inn
he dr'awn fromi t' hut tery. TlhiI
nieians exeessiv~e t'hneial act lol I
teii battery an titfI co nnetd for ant
Ilengt hi of I ille t lie ba t t ery Is sulre
Shoner or Iater the lha Ittery be'omnt
a usel-ss pIece tof junk in te lmia
of thle tenreless car tuwner. I.xtessls
use Is one ex tremeii. The otherI
when the battery Is usetd but lIft]
Charge and Recharge Often.
To seture long lIfe In ia storage hau
tery thle utiait shoult be chaurged an
dischiargedt frequettly. If' you shioul
flnd thati youu are oveirchaing yot1j
hittteiry turn'i thtet til Iilit on occaisits
ally durhIig thlit' thyt hut, 01' e'ven whot.
ytiu leave thle t'ari at night. Th'is wi
re to drami lie hatte1ry slI1ghtly ain
j) it In (cond~itlion.
dlways hear iinmind thaiut your ha
y can lie lieed to ai wodeni 1)al
it Is draIned touo imuchl, It wIltl 1
inuse a pall hteft ini thle sun ; it soti
falls to pieces.
It Is thle storagt ha tteiry man'~s t
to keep yourjj haittery ini iutndition. 11
Is the muan whot cain "potuir It' wait
out oif the pall iind till it ugaint.'" 14
ery time you lpay himui .,i cents It
an I ivestmen(1t tha lii aIys big dhi
dtendts. lIeutnimber th~is.
I)in't let. your ciai havt' hen
Tires Cannot Long Remain Inta
When Highly Heated by Contin
uous Speeding.
A highi-grade tIre on :i rtacing V
wVillI soinet ies sitanid up as far i as
iles, abtout one-twentieth tof the' I
of ia t ire oplertated under ordinary t'i
dilttins. TVhis differentce In tIre servl
Is due dIrectly to a dilfferient't In I
heat developed1. Heat e'xets a
'terlorating effect on rububer inl propi
tion to the intensIty andic lengthI
tIme the rubber Is exposed to It. 1t1
nling at hIgh speed quickly' raIses I
t'tiiperautunre of ai tIre. ThIs heat
suits fromt the Internal fricito set
in thle tire etarcass. TfIres are dheslgt
*"' resIst the effects of heat produt
** r*dliary everyd(ay car opierti
"y ecannot long remin Inti
'ghly hetet(d by cornti
. The tIre bIlls of the spect
to be hilgher than thiose.
. ~ ~ Y i .5 . ...
1King conunty Cororter, his, started the f
whevre fatlit11es ha1ve 1ccurr-led, sta0ting" t
!rewithl Is .hw 0 oneof thle signs erected
ii I
0 0
0 Th11it failure t o shift gelars oinl
ait long 1hwils one of the signs (if 0
0thle atua11teur driver or of thle 11nan1
0who prefers to try to "show off"
0the power of hils mainiie ait the0
t 0
0risk of serious darnaige to the!
0enigine or, lit boest, of stalling In0
0 thle iiddlle of the incline. First0
and second (low and Intermiedi
a ite) gears aire phaced onl cars for0
0emnergencies of this kind and aire0
0designed to assist thle enigine inl
0pulling a loald to whieh It Is not0
0 0
-. accustomed. Thle driver whio0
0 soes nlot mak11e use of theml Is,
0therefore, phaeing an undue0
0strainl onl his car. aind shlould not0
0 0
S be surprised if something gives 0
wly under It.
0 The iest miethlod to use it the 0
0 case of a long steep incline Is to o
a upproacho, if possible, f t a fa. ir
rate (if spleed, so that the-. irt
. will gtin itn (lh nd1 0 int pits
0 0'
as p1 ossible. Thieii, wh~en the.
0 na1chinle beginls to lose speed but0
0 before it hats slow'ved down too 0
V n uch, shift to second and, if
onecessatry, to first. Also, sit the 0
S a first sound of t "kinock" retard 0
-1 th -sak, for tis wvIll o
down t engIne and give It inore
T pIlowrl, 1111 itnakili it iunnees. 0
0* salry to shift1 gears onl hills Which0
lthe driver. knows by experieneh
stri;his car envn make without lit- 0
0 brings. i
. (Copyright, 192. by the Wheeler
C.#0 Synd cate, Ince.) i
- Operated by Steering Mechanism and
yatin anaecibn nauanbl
a W Mller of)5I~ Honoiuiu, lawa'iith sa
a Tahelavninrlte ohalgt
o oprate by thei st ei mechaIsti
Direcltional, Hedliht Con tol, Patnt 9
y in.Anaesty tbjec is to proidte a
5 operbl from1 Ofhe *steerin wheel frd
, triage headll'igf hs sovtha thew ra.
war of(W tile eourse of trveli orte
. tahinte.l The devic as read 1 il sippi,
iiabIle trivny owinay constrction of
a. a(vopyrlekt 1and byap te Wheelmrst
e filan gr'ene iups AofteiI('l n i st trou
. Cblt hand frem tlyti~ a I CII breakdown. c
heI ('pig (!hackrle, thee ia eaingf
IIr. Jointr hofl Heonoledl, frequely toI
of salve wear an isurel (smtoother opea
m- t Ion, I) a ste~ i 1i~!lll~
re- -ti odpa ohv n' a
upI goeoertoouhybycm-tn
edea5soc nawie u hr r
m, look ~~arhmef
te **
n Diethional HealigtCnto.Paet
'y IIFV- P. 1. FiTZWATR.t D. D.,
Peac-her of rlnglish liile In thu Moody
Bible institute of Chicago.)
.oiyright. 1922. Wertern New-ipr I'mion
LJESSON T-I'i'--Neb. 3:1-7:.
GOLID11N 'iEXT-4ur God will light for
s.-Nebl. 4:20.
1tMPI'.:t.NCM' MIA'T'-:llA1r-Nuh. 2:9-20
Cor. 3:1.-17.
'tiMAtY TOPIC-Ilow God holped Ne
elial, ul! .. a \Yall.
Jt:NIilt TlolIC--low a City Wall Was
I N'-iuEl.1)! ATI.1'3 A N D SENIOR TOPIC
-Praying, Watching. Vor'king.
Y0 UNi (m P1'1I'2 A NDI A D11il/ TOP.IC
-Succeuss Through Leat.-lership and Co
Illaving secured it leave of absenIlce
roin the Plern1 Court, and creden
h1is fronI tIhe king, Nehemiah jour
eyed to .Jertisalem. After resting
liree days without disclosing Ils pur
ose to any one, he made a survey
r the wallis by night. 1llaving tlus oh
ained first-hand informlat ion he called
hlel representatives of tile Jews to
eiier a1141 slid, "Let Us b1lulId the
6-l10s of .leruisaleiIm." lie then Inade
nowin the hand of provid-ice in
rillnlging him1 to .Jerusl -nin with thle
ut horily to reuilid its walls. lie thus
liowed great wisdoin In ilnding out
or himself the real conditions, anti
that work woul( he required to re.
tore the walls. The on1e who 1;I qual
fied to lead in a great undertaking
s the one who has IIImastered the situ
ttion and is thus able to remove ob
ections and show how the work can
)e don1e.
A.-Preparation for the Building
:ch. 3).
The dvll dision of labor In this projets
;hows Neheniah's administrative abil
ty. A wise disti'bution of labor makes
lillicult tisks easy.
Note some outstanding features of
Ils greait work.
1. St ress Laid Upon Indifference
(3:5) In. adhninistrative tasks it Is
lust that ulifait ifllness Should be
l1int1I out. Su01 action wNi111 he a
v.11arl1ng to sonil and an elc u0raI'e .lIKO
ilenit to others by showing the in,
tegrily (if the director.
2. 1101 Iendered by the Womne;
(3:12). 'el'Iiaips Shlilli haltd no sonw
to Uid him1. It is a fine thing Vol
woien t he able to take hold evei
in bildliing a wall when there are I
inen1 t4) (it It. God's word carefull;
nlote's suchi pntratordlinaw nets.
:. stress lAtid *l'p1n Earnestiless o
Some ( 0:20). If one knows that hI
faithftiness will be recognized he wil
enrliestly lIlurstue hIs tias'ts.
-. Every One Built (Ivor Agains
Ills Own louse (3:10. 23, 28). Man'.
Ohief concern is for his famiily. No in
('entjve to exertion 18 (luite so stroin
rIs that Whieh conlcrns. Is own famil
5. Certaiii Guilds of Men Undertooli
such(alininenilit oif eifor't s. Meni of ht
utmi1 ('lass and1 cra ft willI usu~ally worki
let ter'1 togtheri'.
II. Hindrances Encountered (4:14
4:1-; e'f. 2 :1 1-20). Thet Opposers'i' of
hod's 8 servant u11 u ll y begIn by hl'l
nig at thlemi shnaft s of ridicu le. They
II'lld lhe Jews but a feeble folk and
isserted that thii Ile tread( oft ai lrol'Oi'ng
'tir would brieaik dJown thleir' stonet wa'll.
2. (Consirai 'cy of at Suddl~en Attiack
41:7-I)). WheIin the (eemy saw that1
lhe worlk waIs acituallly succeeding they
md1( thuls hinder' the work. Whteii the
n1emy13 ('ann ot suitceedi by stoff' ig thlen
it' re0sots to inltiihditionl.
:t. conspliracy' Withl tile Jewts (4:
0-23). Th'ley souIlght by3 miealns of the
ew's from the out side to discouratge
hetir l~ibrhre by3 shiowing tat the
alsk was11 ihioelss and that lit anly
imie they were subiject to a suddten
4t. (Gree-d and( Oiipression of tile
tulersq (5 :1 -13). Thle .Jews of' that
1lay, liIke thle proilLeer's iln the recent
00'o111or l and pprssed! tem so t hat they
Ilughlter's intoi sIlavery. Nehiemiah I
1(oldly3 rebukc'dlithe for It-uei'r erhnes
1nd (rded-t( I res8'iration l to)li be mia~de,
'n('ingf an) 4ath Nei'i lahem tht' they
1-14). iigi kill Mahalitad .b
lil. The Wall Completed (6:15-7:4i).
hli-ir tasks that in iifty'-it'o dalys te
t'al I was comlpletetd. Whiten te en
111h 'ie'rl that inl spilt- of' ill thi-r
chin'i-ies the work was ac(tuailly' tom.
~Ilted0(, they were eaisti down, ftor t hey
teret' ved that 111e work was of God.
Find the Rock Beneath.
The itepis tof fith i fall on the seem.1
ng void, but find thle i'ock beneath.
Four tings tare gr'ievouiiSly empty:
Cultivate Foa bearance.
(Culthivate forhearance t ill y'our heart
yields a tIne crop of it. Pray for e
BhlOrt miemior'y to all unklndnesses.
Shake on Them.
PERHAPS there are a few mothers who do not know the virtues of Fletcher's
Castoria. Perhaps there are ab few who know that there are imitations on
the market, and knowing this demand Fletcher's. It is to ALL motherhood, then,
that we call attention to the numerous imitations and counterfeits that may be
set before them.
It is to all motherhood everywhere that we ring out the warning to beware
of the "Just-as-good". For over thirty years Fletcher's Castoria has been an aid
in the upbuilding of our population; an aid in the saving of babies.
And yet there are those who would ask you to try something new. Try
this. Try that. Even try the same remedy for the tiny, scarcely breathing, babe
that you in all your robust womanhood would use for yourself. Shame on them.
Children Cry For
Net Contents 15Fluid Draohi
similatingUieood by Regua&
tngthe tomath sand BowdsfI
Thereby~omOaf g Th Your Friend, the Physician.
Cerfessnd~est.CoDait The history of all medicines carries with it the story of battles
neither ohlumMorphnleno against popular beliefs: fights against prejudice: even differences of
,neral. OT1AucoTW, opinion among scientists and men devoting their lives to research work;
-~/ema laboring always for the betterment of mankind. This information
?'qo dl:Ab is at the hand of all physicians. He is with you at a moment's call.
An be the trouble trifling or great. He Is your friend, your household
sa counselor. He is the one to wh.m you can always look for advice
tt ,even though it might not be a case of sickness. He is not just a
- doctor. He is a student to his last and final call. His patients are
his family and to lose one is little less than losing one of his owa
Atel1pfulReiedYfor flesh and blood.
Constipation and DiarrlOea Believe him when he tells you-as he will-that Fletcher's
and Feverisht1C EEP Castoria has never harmed the littlest babe, and that it is a good
Loss OF SLray thing to keep in the house. He knows.
Bears the Signature of
jl efs Gives Charming New Shade to Old Lingerie
EU UG 11 PUTNAM FADELESS DYES-dyes or tints as you wish
Deer as Bush 3!.ashers.- I SET THE STANDARD TOO LOW
t. .1. .\l irray II Gihhn, t he successfri -EyERYWHERE
an g~ides in ~~tegt Nine itt Cetlitiry National Motion Picture Director
Uf viw.tels ai tae oil''fltne e''ed lVn Gives His Opinion as to Mis
of 'Tob)Iique river, e'n!ounltere'd in hi takes Made by Producers.
"Must1 511 i vXe htak n srn e wo k t Vill llays, thet new 414iton- aicture'
'le r tis b h ," t en tarked. "ot~li to . etor, said 1 '(th ther day in New
hit," he satid. "All It cost mle wats a Toloyntfo-ac iejeaio ii ~
.l lit <o t. it w s thi e t r t h aitt ( 1( thl i k t uh r t evar. i - l se tii gttt d IV e
hush. sindt they cle'aredI then whole ,Il ighrow ra' ik'her tandrd is toolow
___ Norfolk to
11111.'' i~ < htartis girl inalrrieda a richi 1114n
"Dead shot," Dr. Peery's Vermlfurge for l 441er a i. torn i tiip oft ablouit at BOsTON...,.-.....Wed. Sat. 4:00 P. 35
Wrm nt 'apewrr n. Itas enjtoyed potulr , 'a eu n inlnng fonoltw- 1AT/j'iMORIC....Mon. Thur. 4:00 P. Eg,
it at your iruggint se'nd 60 cents. to wrlght aecuedwt
ndian Vegtble Pill Co.. 372 Pearl st. stairs to bareakl:fast,* sina foaund inh las n et icue n tanr
N-Adver iety. 'oe aki ntatuld yon husbtandi tngr~ossed iln te tw Throulgh tickets frorni principal points.
- (S~r thre1e hundrtiedi en1ornilous pages tof~ rhns&MiesTas o
True Respect. the it y's yellowest new"spI~at'er. OEEN IeSTRS
any of1 (I the oldi dark les in thle "'I efore tis spe(tle th' le (14) lS orurer . .-,rfl
South ind11111le a v'ioilin ho with IiC'n. girl started bacok aigh ast. A 0 reG . ofl
side~rale skill. O ne Sulch haid anl eni- " ''leavens.' she sai1(1 'I've14)urie d Heal-RIest-Ec~foom
pltayer with siinilar tas1tes. a highbrow !'
One dlay he and thlt agted servant
were fiddling toge'ther, andlt as the(y Sound Vibrations.
finished the piece tilt emIlployer said (1 It is reported1h~t t'i' elainl ('xpe(ri
"You halndil' the how pretty well, illenits have' shown thlat a v'ibratlaIn oft
.Tot' iht 5 1 t re ilwly vs har~ or so . ,tlid lii ni llg sn 111lIit de of loss
"Out of def'tineo to yt'. Coionael," miet er toui stil: ffect It' sen st' of
Record Mastodon Tusk, lt rtt lilt'I lt worl i ilt.'S 1tftPt iit
'ihle bitrgest nuis51tadonl tus1k aover d i5- ltast ow ru tal erll' ii 'ostop roub(4~4 t tl i'
t'tV'ovr wa s fouatnd by woarkme -lltl de(r.tt it visilelt, supposinijug t hat it were It
feet below the sulrfa(e oaf tilt earth iiapale of' binug st'eni:4 :ii ld -t'
ini a gr'avt' it a1 Cic inatlti-wetig'it sans, It is sanid, dot not4 hoar high note as
75 paounds; se'ven1 fool fraln tI p to tip. wvhichi are auileit to4 younl~g personsti,
"'lllti t here' is rea'lsou ttt bie jve i ha11t
A furnier hias littte f-tith in anyl ad-l halis hiear notes thiat ar4e4 ilntudie to
vi'e, heraul1se' he 1has had44 tto deal wi th thleir ('t'ldes .Ne Yotrk iera4ldt.
11he weather for So ltong.-. .
~~ ~ - Jl) Slight Mistake.
Sur Reief ti,~~~v.hi1i~ rIYey ar OOn!
FOR INDIGESTION te'(15 ollyItljitae
.I j 5 CM 'There was ai lfr (noen t'sit allonFWIO I
6 BELL-AN S heo- t he answer( ennu110
Htwtr "of coullrsO I will Ashr ~i~ oL 50 YEARS
Sur Rlie " 5""" t'and i i ask 4114 yourlf., -si A FINE CENERAL TONIC
Sure Relef 'Thin Jim shlouLtedl baack
ELL-ANSt' en...
24and 754 Packages. Everywhere .__kate_____,
Avoed powerful
-PARKER S "Potental Energy. dis eroua
Retrs ootad b virteof postin Castt opoe' o P OR
Beauty t ora Fad.J motion ; that is, noinet ive energy.lyvru flolin15Ol'~ SoreEvese
HINDERCORNB a... eaa represents poterntIal energy, as5 its lih-. W anYoune Letoearn
Iei dU d', ,t. 11 l as aue Ofr ,1 CI'.til otta a l'ati level may1) bte ulti- Best college in the South. Write

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