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The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, September 28, 1922, Image 1

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The fall'term of court of general
sessions and ccmmon pleas began at
Pickens, Monday, September 25, with
Judge Sease of Spartanburg presid
tng, and Solicitor Smoak as prosecu
ting attorney. Both the criminal and
civil dockets are heavy and court will
continue two weeks. There is some
talk of a special tern of court for
civil business at Pickens lboon.
Judge Sease keeps business of the
court moving as rapidly as justice will
permit and much business will be dis
posed of this week.' His Honor an
nounced that hours of court business
would be from 9:30 a. n. to 1 p. m.
and from 3 to 6 p. m.
One of the cases called for trial
Monday and in which there was con
siderable interest was that of The
State against R. A. Alexander. Mr.
Alexander plead guilty of the charge
of assault of a high and aggravated,
nature and was sentenced to serve six
months on the chaingang or in the
penitentiary or pay a fine of $350.
He paid the fine. The defendant was
charged with having shot Mr. W. H.
Haynes with a shotgun in June, 1921,
inflicting wounds 'n the temple and
left side, the difficulty arising over
a disagreement about the way Mr.
Haynes was gathering a crop on land
, ' 'Mr. Alexander had in charge asad
naistrator. The affair took place on
the Keowee side of the county where
both men ar prominent. After the
plea of guilty was entered Judge
Sease had both 'parties of the difficul
ty make statements and then passed
Perry McKee plead guilty to having
violated the prohibition laws, and af
ter promising to quit fooling with
liquor was sentenced to serve twelve
months on ,the gang or in jail and
pay a fine of $1000, but after having
served six mcnths of the senten.e
the balance will be suspended during
gcod behavior.
A directed verdict of not guilty
was ordered in the case of W. H1.
Phillips, charged with violating the
prchibiJon law.4 He was arrested by
revenue officers near a still with a
basket of dinner with him. The State
charged that he was taking dinner to
men working in the still whsle Phil
lips testified that he was taking the 1
dinner to a sick family and knew
nothing of the still. The men said
to have been working at the still es
J. H. Blackwell was found not
guilty of violating the prohibition
law. Some whiskey was found at
the home of Blackwell, but he claimed
to have been living pn his farm when
the whiskey was 'found. Blackwell's
sister-in-law acknowledged owership
of the whiskey.
J. B. Patterson of near Central
was found guilty of violat'ng the pro
hibition laws andI sentenccd to serve1
twelve months on the chaingang. In
sentencing 'Patterson Judlge Sease
took occasion to reiterate his state
ment that the laws- of the land must
andI will be enforced.
The grand jury finished its work
for this term~ Tuesday afternoon.
The foilewing members of the
grands. jury wcre dlrawvn as holdover
jurors for .1923: E. F. Cantrell, W.
T. Bates, W. C. Smith, R. M. Bold-'.g,
J. Harve'y Chapman, T. A. Gary.
Judge Sease keeps right up wvith
* oil1 turns of each ease andl asks wvit
nesser: mre q1uestion1s than laas bee'i
usual with other judlges here.
Counsel opposed to 3olicitor Smonk
aire almost continually mnaking objec
tions to the manner. and form of the
solicitor's questions to witnesses, andt
the judge sustains the objections in
nearly every instance.
The Blue Ridge Baptist Ministers'
conference will hold its monthly meet
ing on Monday, October 2nd, at the
issual meeting place, Central, in the
parlcr of the hotel. Call to order at
10:30. Dinncr at the hotel. Morning
session will he taken up with routine
business and 4'eports and cons idera
tion of the 75 million campaign.
Special liacgram for the afternoon. It
is hoped that the move than seventy
* Baptist, preachers, who live or wv n
in the bounds of the conference il
* try to he present. We are anixiou.
to make these monthly meetings of'
atvalue. E. C. Wantson, Pre4.
.1. W. Guy,-See y.
Death of Former Citizen-Spinks
Conducts Good Meeting.
Rev. "Railroad" Spinks, an evange
list, closed a series of meetings at
Cateechee last Sunday night, the 24th
inst. The meeting was conducted un
der a large tent and large- audiences
were in attendance during the meet
ing. Several professed salvation and
we feel that much good was done by
brother Spinks comiig to Cateechee.
Brother Spinks fights sin and the
devil with gloves off and he is no
compromiser with' the devil. We
would to God we had more such
preadhers as Brothers Spinks . and
Guy of Central.
Mr. E. H. Galloway, better known
as Hoke Galloway, who left Norras
in the winter of 1916 and settled in
South. Georgiv, died there from a
stroke cf paralysis -n last Friday, the
22nd inst., and his remains were
brought back and buried at Golden
Creek cemetery on Monday, the 25th.
Thc deccased was about 65 years old.
His first w'fe preceded him to the
world beyond about 15 years ago.
His second wife, who was a daughter
or Mr. and Mrs. B. b. Satterfield of
Six Mile, survives him with five chil
dren. He also leaves several children
by his first marriage. The deceased
wvas out here in June past and buried
t daughter, Mis. Gilstrap, arnd he told
some .of his relatives then when he
left he would never see this country
mny more. Before Mr. Galloway left
this country he lived several years
near Norris and it was the writer's
pleasure tcg attend several family re
inions at his hon. He was a man
wvho enjoyed his friends visiting him
and he very often celebrated his
.irthday by inviting his.friends and
'elat'ves to come and (line with him.
While he enjoyed a reunion of his
"elatives Jnd friends here upon this
earth, we trust and believe he is now
mjying a reunion with the Lord and
EIis Siints. Peace to hS ashes.
News has been received here that
Rev. Toney, a Wesleyan preacher who
left Central some few years ago and
vent to Mississippi or Texas, is soon
to return and conduct a meeting at
central or Cateechee. Mr. Toney is a
nan of God amd a power in the vin
ard of the Lord andlie lias scores
of friends who will welcome him
>ack. B.
Mrs. D. C. Mann entertained at :
>rthday party Thursday in honor of
ier little daughter, Theda, who was
our years old ,n that clay. Quite
i number of little folks were pre
;ent to enjoy the occasion. A num
>er of games were played after which
elightful refreshments were served.
Miss Hickman 'has arrived to take
harge of the music department of the
;chool. On- account of the illness of
ier mother she could not come at the
>eginning of the school.
Those who 'attended the quarterly
WV. M. U. meeting of the Twelve Mile
River Association which was held last
Baturday at Salem, in Oconiee county
recm this place wverc: Mesdames J.
W Breedlove, WV. M. Walker, Harley
Peck, Anthony Barker, J. H. Mitchell,
F. 0. Durham, M. B. Rae, McWatson,
Uliss Floride Prince and Mr. Russel
B reed love.
The yoimg people of this comnmun
ty wvho wvent to college this year are:
iss Lois Eva~ns to Anderson College'
mud M isses Eleanor Mann and Ora
P'rinc~e to Limestone college.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Dillard of Vir..
rinia are vis'ting the foi mer's par
mnts here.
Mr. J. Austin Dillard who is cii
bon buyei- in Six Mile, made abu.
ieSs trip to Highlands, N. C., Satur
lay and Sunday. lie was accom
panied by Mr. Coy Griffin.
The Gypsy Smith and Railroad
Spinks revivals have been attended by
niumbers of people from this place
Senator Thomas E. Watson of Geor
gia dlied suddenly at his Wash':ngton
h<.me Tuesday, September 26. An
nee(ute attack of asthma was given as
t he eimnse of dteath, lHe hadl been a
uit remr from this dIisease several
Deserved Tribut<
It once seemed that the rancor be
tween the North and South couli
never be healed; then came the Span
ish war, and it was acconplished, fo:
our president -n his wisdom in ap
pointing men to command our .troop
selected those who had proved theil
worth either in the Confederate armn
or in the Union forces. One of these
who had worn the gray entered hi
room and looked upon his new uni
form, the uniform which he ha<
fought for four years. "L-e there s
moment," said he, "while I cuss you
then I will put you on, and, fighting
will forget you."
So it will be with our preseni
trouble with the boll weevil.
There was a picnic that ev:dence(
this spirit to snatc.h victory from de
feat. We have waited in vain fo
an account of it. Modesty doubtles,
prevented the people of Liberty fron
saying wiat should have been sad
but we farmers are not going to lei
the opportunity pass without giving
expression to our feelings.
We have always admired Liberty
Its quick perception of opportunities
and its push in grasping them be.
speaks its coming importance, an,.
when it evidenced as it did in this
pienic that it has reached that stage
when it is no longgr bounded by it.
own needs; but reaches out to do its
part in the development of the whok
e4.mnty, then andeed it proves its
right to its ambition to be known as
"The Hub."
The picnic itself was a success
We lack experience in reporting suel
events; but if perfect weather, fint
music, st'rring speeches, and an abun
dance of everything the appetiu
could desire makes a picnic, ther
truly this one was a success.
The speaking deserves especia
mention, for at this time our people
are eagerly seeking information. A
The farmers of this section are
busy harvesting their crops; The cot
ton crop throughout this belt is short
while the boll weevil has got a goo<
hold for the next 1923 crop. Grail
will be bountifully planted,
Mrs. Warren and children recently
visited her parents in the Mile Creel
M4. V. H. Herd and children of
Pickens route 1, were the guests of
her daugher, Mrs. Nora Burges.
last week.
Mr. A. M. Howell of Greenvilk
spent the usual week-end at home.
The Spinks tent meeting betweer
Norris and Cateechee has been large
attended by several from this and
surrounding section.
A good number from here attended
the singing at Fairview Methodist
church Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Jane Hall of Iva, has
returned home after several dlayF
visit to her (laughter, Mrs. C. H.
Little Jolly Clayton celebrated his
fifth birthday Wednesday, Sept. 20th,
Several guests wvere present for din~
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Clayton and
son1 J(,lly, wvent to Pickens Monday te
v'isit icr mother, Mrs. Newvton.
Mrs. Manning Burgess and childrer
spent the wecek-end wvith the former5
mother M~rs. V. H. Herd~( on Pickens
route 1.
Mr. C. HI. Roper and family havc
moved to the farm at Mr'. Ky Shirley'
to take charge of the dairy
Mr. Symes Langs.~iton and family'
moved to the farm of Mr. HIenry
As this is all for This time, will ring
Come. on, all ye correspondents
with the news. "Newsy."
Liberty.-O n Sunday afternoon
September 17, Miss Ollie Belle San
(ders became the bride of Mr. Cepham
Ray of Easley. The young coup1
motoredl to Oreenville where the~s
were quietly married at the hom<
of the officiating clergyman, Rev. .Jas
Mrs. Ray i'* the dautllprt of Mr
and Mrs4. Eli hha 8:,ndiers, anwl is veri
in Cu r school:; w:h( M r. lRay hol
ai responsible y, de : aIS m1ach1iIs
Af a shmi a von Yoo
to Liberty Town
calamity may strike a people. At the
first blow they may stagger; but if
Kfcre they fall the spirit to fight as
serts itself, then the result is victory.
Our people have not yet experienced
the full force of the weevil's destruc
tive power; but fortunately the deter
minat:'on to fight, and fight inFelli
gently, has been assured.
Prof. Winters, in the Clemson work,
is truly the "Billy Sunday of Agricul
ture." You who have never heard
him must not let another opportunity
pass. You cannot listen to him with
out by'ng inspired to be a better
farmer. While Clemson is arming the
men for the fray, Winthrop is doing
her part in awakening'the women to
see the opportunities that are theirs
by which they can help.
Miss Taggart was present, and al
ready our people, ashamed of being
behind in the march of progress,
are eagerly requesting to be given
one of her re'presentativcs.
No longer will our women have to
s'ay as they do now do, "we had so
much fruit, and it was such a pity
to let it go to waste. but what was
the use to try to save it, for we can
not sell it," for Mrs. Kline was there
and told of Winthrop's marketing de
partment, and how it is designed to
help women make a substantial in
come from that which is now wasted.
But it is of the spirit of Liberty
of which we would write. That spirit
which has taken possession of all her
citizens to make' her not only a place
to be proud of themselves; but one
which all our county, will be proud
of, and they have gone at it intell
igently. They have organizcd a
Chamber of Commerce, a live one,
and this picnic was tle beginning of
their work to declare to all our peo
ple that they are heart and soul with
the farmers in their fight.
C. 11. C.
Cotten picking will soon be over as
the boll weevil has got us.
Miss Gertie Finley spent the week
end with hon.e folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Alferd Alexander
were the spend-the-day guests of
Mrs. Joe Finley Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gantt of
Greenville visited hone folks the
past week end.
* Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Durham spent
Saturday night with home folks.
Messrs Eugene Durham and ;Luther
Alexander were seen out "deer" hunt
ing Sunday afternoon. Boys, don't
get disappointed for there are plenty
lears on and around Gap Hill.
Mr. Jim Stewart and family spent
the day, at the latter's sister Mrs.
Ed Steele.
Misses Clovie Stewart and Loye
Finley spent Sunday afternoon with
Miss Lois Roper.
A Motto: "Happiness, like the
blue of the sky, cannot alwanys last,
for as the earth needs rain to yield
its fruit, so man needs tears to esti
mate life at its true value."
Happly Browin Eyes.
Mrs. Essie Simmons, wqife of S. M.
Simmons, (lied at her home in the
Enon section last Mconday even':ng
after a week's illness. She leaves
a husb~and and three children . She
was a (laughter of Mr. and Mr's. J1. A.
Hold(er, who also survive, wvith four
sisters as followvs: Miss Lillian Hlol
decr, Mr's. Lela Hendricks, Miss Melli
nlee HIolder, Mirs. hIna Robinson, all of'
Pickens county.
She was buried at Enon chuirch
Tuesday afternoon after services con -
dluctedl by Rev. A. M. Simmons. A
large congregation attested the love
andl esteem of the community. She
was a member of the Oolenoy Bap
tist church. 'The bereaved family
have the sympathy of many friends.
The Thursday Afternoon Br'dge
eclub was delightfully enttr'taiined on
last Thursday by Mrs. E. E. Morris.
'[he t ables were laid in the attractive
lIing room and a fter~ the' games1( a
deli leus Saladl co-urse was served.
-bI. I-'. E. A rmstro(ng med<h hirgh st
Tho ta the l'lth Ix ih- A fternoon'~i
1 'ih~u. T[he e:nu -** wer playedl
Tel fourth Alexander reunion was
held at the Little River graveyard
Saturday, September 16. Many of
the Alexanders and friends met and
passed the day quietly, but :iterest
The first feature of the day was
the privilege extended to the Alexan
ders.and friends to give limited talks.
Several responded to this opportunity.
After the general talks, Rcv. W. C.
Seaborn delivered a sermon from the
14th chapter of St. John. At the
end of Rev. Seaborn's sermon, a
bountiful table of edible food was d1s
played by the good wives who had
come from far and near. Several
reasons were given why tiey ate so
heartily. Some stated that they ate
heartily because they know that they
were weleonic, while others were will
ing to confess that they ate heartily
because they were hungry. Be this as
it may, I am sure that the good house
.wives were w vling to admit that sev
eral had the "capacious swallow o'
Ichabod Crane." bone went home
We are sorry that -through care
lessness that the time of the reunion
was not published in the papers. The
fixed time of the Alexander i-eunion
is Saturday before the :Ird Sunday in
Sept. The presence of all'Alexanders
and friends will be greatly apprecia
ted on that (lay next year.
D. V. Alexander, See.
In memory of Mr s. Carol ine Med
lin, wife 0f Mr. Martin (Bud) Holder,
who departed this life September 4,
1922, at 3:15 p. Iml. after be ng in
declining health for several years.
She died at the home of her son, W.
l. Holder of Easley R6, with whom
she had been living the past eight
years. Had she lived until the 25th
of next month she would have been
94 years of age. She is survived by
her husband who is 87 years old and
a Confederate veteran, two sons, J.
T. Holder of l)acusville R1 and W. M.
Holder. She also leaves sixteen
grand children tend six great-grand
A precious one from us is gene'
a voice we loved is stilled, a place is
vacant in our home which never ean
.be filled. L.G.
(Easley pa per please copy).
Rally Day in the Presbyterian
church will be observed cn next Sun
(lay morning. The young people are
all urged to arsemhle at the church
on Friday afternoon at half past
three o'clock for the plp0ose of
priactic'ing and getting the program
ready. Mi's. W. F'. Mauldin, Misses
Frances Bruce and Ella Lewis have
charge of the arrangements.
Southerna Railway trains os 415
and~ 40,-w~hich wereC discontinued sev
eral weeks ago onl aeccount of the
strike, were restoredl Saturday. When
the trains 'were taken off there wasi
conls'derable talk of r'unninlg the Piec<
ens traini on to Grceniville anid nlego
tiations were Officially taikn u1tp to)
that cnd. 1HowVevtr, vnithl the resump
tien of the Southern's former schedlul
thei e is no nlecessity of a ('bange( inl
the oper'at Aen of the P'ickens tianin
and11 thle ma tter has het' nl dropped.
At. amee'ting of the l.cai.gue of
Women'i V'iter ofS i Pijene ns5 on la:
Tlhurisdcy, Pr'of. Siminpson miadeI a
ve ry interesting talIk on thle Pa rent -
TIene'her's' wvork. lIe is hearit ily ini
favor (If it and~ 'wanits the e'cieat ion
of all the pa rent s in hel1p1ing the teachll
ers. The committee for loIokinlg a fter
the cemietery' was 3iTl. Vestai Mclall,
Mr's. TP. ,J. M~Iauldin anid Mr's. C. E.
Robinson; for beaut ifyvinig the court
house gr'oundis, Miss Elinor K night
and Mr's. Wayne Mauldinl; for school
imp~rovt ment, Mesdamt s Earle Levwis,
H1. A. Nenly andl John Craig.
Friday anld Saturday
Priscilla Deuan in
A story wvell suited to Miss Dean.
IHas a thirill that's a sequel( to "'Way
D.wn kEast." Cri:ties say : ''A really
fin' picture with a. thrill at the fiiih
that is a k neek-cul , andl the story
o ne of the hts 1:1t h has r'each'a the'
The opening of the Pidkeng H gh
school was held Monday morning in
the Methodist church, the new school
auditorium not being yet completed.
Prof. R. T. Hallum presided. Ap
propriate music was furnished by
Miss Knight's orchestra and the sing
ing of "'My Country Tis of Thee."
Rev. J. C. Diggs read the 119th
Psalm and made the bnvoeapion,
thanking( God for christian civiliza
tion and :nvoking divine blessings for
education. He also prayed for par
ent teachers co-operation and thanked
God for all the teachers being pro
fessors of religion.
Prof. lallum then made an excel
lent talk. He conplimented the trus
tees on the new building and gave
a hearty welcome to th Aew teacheri.
lIe strongly advocates giving the
boys and girls a chance in the way of
goodI reading matter, and is glad that
some of our schools are putting in
good libraries and that the women of
Pickens are adding to this one.
Superinticlent Clayton said that
the new school house was built by
the cooperation of the women, and he
prop hesied good for the school. ile
.,trly advoe'ated aMta tics and dys
we have some of the very finest of
intter'al for it.
Rev. F. T. ('ox emphasized Prof.
Ilallum's remarks and says that all
must get wisdomi fr om above and urg
d( the impuortanee of attldling Sun
day school and church us well as
the other schools.
Prof. Hallun then asked for talk
from the women, but ours are just a
little hashful l's yet , so.none responl
ed. lie then introduced the teachers,
bcginning with the primary. Miss
Grace ('ulpepi.er fr omr Ft. Gains, Ga.,
who r"( tI)(ponl(h(d in i becom:ng m anne,
as did the ('thers whose grades go up
as the nmll.es were called as follows,
all exec pt Mrs. Ada Alexander who
saidc tiht her Bihle taught f or "wo
min n tokee: silencc in church:" Mi s
(;race ilathews, 11iss Lula King, Mrs.
Irma Morris, Mirs. Ada Alexander,
Miss Ruby Herryman, miss Mary
M!orris, Miss Knight, music teacher,
Prof. I3( one and Prof. Sinpson.
Immedwtely af,ter this Prof. Simp
son made his inaugural address which
was full of good advice, stating elear
ly the duties of teachers, pupjils an.l
LIarents. ie holes that al )arents
will visit the school.
'I h ( (een ville Piedmont reprints
the lollow ing,- story from the Foun
tain Inn Tribune and challenges
Pickens county to match it:
The following story is reported by
Samii Smiith (ecl.) who lives on7 the
farm of Mr. Robert Bryson two and
a half miles fromi Fountain Inn.
Sami's son, Robert Smith, is the
owner of five~ er six roorters of dif
ferentii breeds and two( dogs, a collie
andic a shepard. About a year ago the
collie began to mock or imitate one
iart icular Rhode Island Rled rooster.
every t:me lie would crow. When the
roos'ter crows the (log uimediately
er<.ws els, cor rathier makes an effort
closely r'ememblin g the crowing of a
I <.ster. Tihiis oc~cu nelie does not hap
pen one bu every time the rooster
(rows. Nd maitterV howv far apart the
do and( rco.(ster aro,, the . clog sits
downVl neld crows when he hears the
roc(Ster. Tfhis: concert takes pilacti
regularlly three timnes each -day, at
about 5 p. mn., at midnight and at
daiybreaLik. If some unusual oceurrence
during the clay makes the rooster
crowv, the clog jot'ns in. The entire
Smith family lire frequently, awaken
ccl at midnight by the dog and rooster.
The past few weeks the shepard
has joined in with the collie at mid
night but he refuses to crow at any
cther time.
Sam is unable to explai'n this freak,
and since lie (lees not appear to be a
drinking man, we accept his story. If
any one doubts Sam, he asks-that you
come clown for a coricert.
In the recent sceondl primary elec
tion Rev. HI. I. Wright wvas elected
magistrate of Eastatoe township re
eQiving 102 to L. S. Galloway's 8'7.
Johni i M.-Childress was elected'magis
n4 for D~aeusvillc towvnship having':
14' v 110 Ior L. S3.

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