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The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, November 19, 1895, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067705/1895-11-19/ed-1/seq-2/

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TftCM.s, 1-4 ADVANCE:
t e Year, . - - - 53.00 1
c Months. - - - - 1.50 C
* i ii ti miL 4[IC presr c:ia ,icsttinsertiol.
' I iF Ftv Cc,s ?,r e e:h s'.ibseq-1nt inser
i"i. Sp::ial rat-s for contr.. adver
Rte;;"r rates charged for obituaries.
Orders for Job Work solicited.
This newspaper is not responsible for 1
1".nions and views expressed anywhere I
lbe than in the editorial column.
All articles for publication must be ac
aompanied by the true name of the auther
- ud written in respectful language and
ritten on one side of the paper The true
:ne requiredas an evidence of s;ood faith
All communicatsons-editorial, business
local-should be addressed to TrE 1
W. D. DOuGLASS, Editor.
JAs. Q. DAVIS, Treasurer.
W. J. ELLioTT, Business Manager.
Tuesday. November 19. . 18b5
SENATOR TILLMAN bas vindicated
Mr. F. H. McMaster's report as to the
bad management at Clemson College.
He said in his speech in the conven
tion that he had been several times on
the eve of asking the Legislature to
investigate the affaira at Clem=on. We
have no war to make on th! institu
tion, but on the contrrry hive the
kindest feliing, towards it. It was a
great mistake, however, on the part of
the stu lens and- some of the facn'-y
t > Ive treated Mr. McMaster ar thov
Wise Ckotce.
That the editor of the Sunday School
Tine chose wisely when he sccared
)r. Cunningbaii Geikie, of England,
to furnish a weekly commentary on
the Sunday school lesson, has been
.shown by tha exceptional honor con
ferred by the Russian government
upon the English writer. Dr. Geikie's
"Life o1 Christ" was not long ago
translated into Ratsisu at Mtoscw,
er course, with o2cial sanction, And
no,w M. Pohiedonostzeff, the Supreme
Censor of Russia, has ordered that the
book be adopted in all ecclesiastical
middle sohools of Russia. M. Pobie
*donostzeft' dogs this as the offcial of
* the Holy Synod. The Council of the
Ministry of Popular instrnction and
the Committee of the Education of tha
Holy Synod have fur: her ordered tb,e
ftrst part of Dr. Geikiun boo-k to. be
used in all mniddle-clam~ scl'oo s in
Russia. The book his been, in heed,
form!ally named as "far a'bove any
othre Life.of Chris; " -
MIossr AL.E ITEMs.
Kr. Editor: The weather for ti.e
pa,t week hass. been very claudy, but
only light showers have fallen, al1
thonagh enough to make land plough
well. I see some are taking the ad
vantage of it and have begun to sow
The potato crop is very light gene
rally. I jlearn that Mr. D. G. Rluff
made one hundred and fifty bushels
on a small patch, which is the best I
have heard of.
The corn crop h i been generally
housed. More carai ma:de in this sec
tion than for years, which will be a
great saving in expense; next year.
The hot supper given at Mr. J. L.
Cauthen's last Thursday night week
was quite a success. The more so on
account of a very cloudy and rainy
night, but nevertheless they came, ate(
and drank. The supper was superb;
all were delighted and enjoyed them
selves fine. The amount realized was
twenty-eight dollars and a fraction
over. The expenses were light. The
ladies extend thanks for the very
liberal patronage extended them
Miss Miattie Cu! lee, of Mossy D ale,
and Mr. Mercer, of Columbia, were
snarried at Green brier church on the
6th inst. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. Thos. Dent, of the
Methodist Churob. The bridal party
returnad : to the home of Mr. T. F.
Curlee and wIth a few invited guests
partook of a sumptuous repast. On
the following day they took their de
parture for the capital city, where
they propose to reside. We wish them
a long and happy life.
Mr. John Wooten, of the Crooked
Run section, had a son accidentally
shot a few days ago. He received
t wenty odd shot in one leg and a few
in the other. Cause, accidental dis
charge of the gun while in the hands
of his companion. Fortunately the
load was very light. He is doing
Mr. Will Robinson, of Arkansas, is
home on a visit to recuperate his
health. We are glad to see him back,
but would be mo:-e so to see him re
gain his lost health. He has im
proved some since he arrived at home.
The ladies of Crooked Rn.n chturch
will give a hot supper at Mr. John
Jacksens on Wednesday night next,
-the 20thb. They will try and improve
on the supper given at Mr. Cauthen 's,
but if they do, they will have to
hustle. I will guarantee a good sup
per aHl the samc. Ghopeak a liberal
patrouage; price( reasonable. Came
one, come all, a$ let's have a good
time, for these occasions are very rare.
The MossvrDale schooi has been in -
successful operation for two month5 ,
under the- management of Miss Etna,
.Ligon, who hasgiven good satisfac'ion,
which is a fine reccmendation for a
tescher. Sh,e has a cla.s of small
ehihdren frorg six to seven years of
agte who are: ready to comnence ini thbe
Fourth Reader and stzj4ving the first
steps of-geography. .Can any of our
teacher-BMw as good a record? If
so let 'us heai'ro 'you.
The JBethel--scho opene] on the i
first Mondar of this month. Mist
[ Glenn, of the Jenkinsville section, is
the teacher. -. T. n. It'K.
-Mossy Eale, Nov. Is.
Ought to Go Further.
Nashville American.
The South Carolina Constitutional
onvention proposes to place a clause
a the Constitution of the State for
he purpose of preventing lynchings.
t is proposed to make the county
rhere a lynching occurs or damages
injuries result from attempts at
ynchings responsible to the party
lamaged or lynched in a sum not to
xceed $1,000. The plan is a good
me, and while juries at first might not
e dispnsed to carry out the law to its
'all extent, the force of public opinion
:ould in time be brought to bear ana
"equire the enforcement of the penalty.
Then taxpayers discovered that their
)roperty was made liable for meeting
he damages and penalties resulting
'rom lynchings they would bests:
,hemselves to prevent them and would
-ally on the bide of the due and orderly
mnforcement of the criminal laws.
the usual result of all investigations
s to the identy of lynchers and the
ittempts to bring them to trial is not
proven, but when all the people of
he county are held responsible in
noney damages for lynchings, tax
payers will soon find it to their interest
:o prevent mobs of non-taxpayers
placing financial burdens upon tbein.
he plan is well worth trying and can
lo no harm; it cannot increase the
rowth of the lynching craze and may
Lend to diminish it. The limit of
damages of necessity would have to
e fixed by law, though the South
Carolina limit seems to be a small o:ie
when applied to individual cases. A
larger sum recoverable as damages
would have a mo- potent influence
pon those who wilt have to do the
paying-the land owners. It is to be
hoped this clause will be incorporated
in the new Constitution and a fair test
given the plan.
An Inadequate Provision.
.eu York Sun.
In dealing with lyncher-, Governor
O'Ferrati of Virginia has followed
the example set by Governor McKin
ley of Ohio. On Saturday last, when
four black neople, three women and a
man, were in danger of being lynched
in Lunenburg county, the governor
ordered out a body of State militia
are enough to secure their protection.
It is to be regretted that Governor
Atkinson of Georgia did not follow the
McKinley example last Saturday,
when a black man was lynched in his
State. In the message which this
governor sent to the Georgia legisla.
ture a few days ago, he asked it to
have some additional provision for the
suppressian of the crime of lynching;
but he does not enforce the existing
law of the State with the military
forces under his orders as Governor
O'Ferrall and Governor McKinley
have enforced the laws of Virginia
and Ohio. Governor Culberson of
Texas sits like a mummy in his office
whenever the law-breakers there get
up a "lynching bee." What a horri
b e phrase!
In the Constitutional Convention of
South Carolina the delegates are still
pottering over a section which pro
ides a penalty for those officers of'
the law who enter into counivance
with lyntehers. The iroposed section
s an inadequate one, and ought to be
a' unnecessary one in a S:ate governed
by law, civil and crimiaal; but it
vould be better fo'r the convention to
ulopt it than to kill it.
We~ ca haveoqarreln with an
oetattempt to uplift the suffrage.
owhatever laws that are just in
hmselves and are justly adminis
ered, and that are calculated to elimi
ate the ignorant and depraved vote,
ve say Godspeed. But the Tillman
.tes are not desirous of putting an end
:. ignorant voting. Itf they should
nke the suffrage of South Carolina
ntelligent, they would thereby sign
heir political death warrant. When
dcated voters rule South Carolina
[illman will cease to be a power.
e and his kind are anxious to dis
ranchise the ignorant blacks without
isfranchising the ignorant whites.
.f they have their way it will be a
ilnanite election officer who will
ay whether or not the person seeking
vote possesses an intelligent comn
reension of the Constitution. The
onvention, in other words, intends to
stablish the rule of an oligarchy comn
tosed of the worst elements. of the
~late, and in order to accomplish that
bject Tillmanites are to say who of
hu ignorant shall and who of them
tall not vote.
means so much more than
you imagine-serious and
fatal diseases result from
trifling ailments neglected.
Don't play with Nature's t
greatest gift-health.
and generally ex
' hausted, nervous,
have no appetite
ble strengthenmng
11513 medicine,wich' is
Brown's Iron Bit- I
ters. A few bot
~ Bittersromithe
______________pleasant to taks. s
Itj Cures
Dyspepsia, Kidney and4 Liver
Neuralgia, Troubles, I
Contiation, Bad Blood
Fialaia, Nervous allments
Women's complaints'.
lines on the wrapper. All others at e sub.
i send set of en Beautiful orFc
Fair Views and book-free.
r negot:ate long time loanS on brin -
.ortgages Ad 'ress
utf Winnssnorn. S. C.
for Infants and Children.
MOTHERS, Do You Know tt Pare.
I Rteman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and
most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine ?
Do You Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons?
Do You Know that in most countries druggists anot permitted to sell L. rcotlcs
without labeling them poisons ?
Do You Know that you should not permit any medicino to be givon your child
unless you or your physician know of what It Is composed ?
Do You Know that Castoria is a purely ,vegetable preparation, and that a list of
lbs ingredients is published witn c-ery bottle ?
Do You Know that Ca-&:iaIs the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher.
That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria Is now sold than
of all other remedies for children combined ?
Do You Know that the Patent OMee Department of the United States, and of
other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr.Ztcher and his assigns to use the word
" Castoif" and its formula, and that to Imitate them is a state prison offense 7
Do You Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection Was
because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless?
Do You Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35
oents, or one cent a dose ?
Do You Know that when poesemsed of this perfect preparation, roar childen my
be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest ?
W.U, tbese thtngs are woth knowing. They ae facts.
The oa -sn
signatre ofwrapper.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
B Y virtue of a warr:u- on lien to PitomIBITNG TIE SALE OF INTOXI"x
me directed, I will off-r for sale Ig LIQLCrs.
at Ridgeway, S. C., on the 26th day of S:ros 1. Be it enacted and ar
November, 1895, within the legal hours SECT
of sale, to the highest biddas for casb, dained.by the Intenda, t ai': W:jril,
the following described property, to of the town Of Wiby r.4 (A)nm i"
wit: met and by .aulio:~ ; the =:z tne,
Seven Bales of Lint Cotton. That it shall unt h. I t,r ufny
Levied upon as the property of R. A. person to sell, bar : : e or cX
Hdsoa at the suit of R. B. Lewis. change, or keep fr st
R. E. ELLISON, or exchange with!;tle rporic limit
Sheriff's Office, S. F. C. of the town of Mr VL1.-com"I any spirit
Winsboro S. C., Nov. 11, 1895. on, malt, -vinous, Iuented cr mix
11-12td . ture thereof. by whatsoever name
called, which will produce intoxica
I tien. except as provided in the Act of
SHERIFF'S SALE. the General Assembly o1 this state in
such case made and ,rovided, com
Jhn R. Craig, Assigness, Vs. T. S. monly loow als the Dispensaly.
Brice. ISEC. 2-. If any person violates the
Y vitueof n eecuionto ae provision oft Section 1 of this ordi
B irtued ofin teoexectinitle nance shall be deemed guilty of a mis
crecthaed leied upoe andv eniledl demeanor,. and upon conviction shall
be,r Ithae Coeviue dpon n Wilsl be fined in the sum of not less than
bore the Conrthoe drnWin- forty dollars and not miore than one
ro, . C. on he -hundred dollars or be impriso3ed in
IRST MONDAY IN DECEMBER7 the County jail for th irty days.
All that certain piece, parcel or plan- tons of Section 1 of 1 is ordinance,
ontci of lard, lying, being and situate and any polirepnan) who shiall wilfully
nthe County of Fairfield and State neglect his duty in that:respcct shall be
fSouth Carolina, containing at once discharged from the~ se.m:ee.
OURTEEN HUNDRED ACRES, Done -in Council this~ 10th day of
yre or less, and bounded by lands.o - January,th th Dcrort SC,ando
illiam L. Rosborough, Mrs. Emneline ?.S wt the n poited. alo
ice, Samuel H. Stevenson and Mrs.Jth town W.fHAIIAN,
becca Brice. I.JS . Intenant.
Also all that certain pi:,paclo Attest:.J. A. HINAmT, Cek
pltation of land, lying, beimg and
siate in the County and State afore-' _ ___
(9) Acres, more or less, ar,d bound-4
das follows: Onm thme north by lantds -____
fmerly belonging to John M~obley~
yeased, and Robert- McBride, de.
esed; on the east by lands formnely-, Choice
eonging to John Mobley, deceased, E SN O S
:nd James Jones; on the south2 by~ ESIA LE O S
ads of W. B. Simonton; and on the Cho.ce
est by lands of the said Thomas S.
Bice, Mrs. DeBirule and Mrs. Nancy NA LAGA GR APES,
oe, deceased.
Levied upon as tbe property of T. S' ij nhn,anOhrSpl
Bice at the suit ol John R. Crag, St- niad aohrspl
ssigce. o
[ers-Cash. 11. E, ELLISON, fWIN TE R T URF OA TS,
Sherif's Office. S. F. C.
innboro, S (., Novr mber 1, S895. RYE,
Janie K. Brice vs. James A. Brie:.
I pursuance of an order of the and
Court of Common Pleas, made in P UR P LE ST RA W
eabove stated case, I will offer i r
l,before the Court IIouse door in .X EA
ni'nsboro, 5. C., on the WHEAI
tex, within the legal houtrs of sat, at
mnli outery, to the highest bidder,
efolow ig described property, r,.1
"Al thsat certain piece, parcel >
t land, lying, b,eing and situte Unhde: 'i n nsbo: o JI otel.
the County of Fairtield aid State 01_____
~othi Caroiinai, containing Admnitaatr' Sal of Real~___
es, more or less, b i::g iie-tw Wildte Y~ virtne otateo.t coferred by
a, il said C' unty a,i& Sla'e., an h asg-lhlt nd Tetamient of
onded on the north by tne tii.ck of~t arhe. lcan 's di aedllwlsl
eCharotte, Columbra and Akugusta onrthe rst McCa ay in~ Dca cd,wl ember
ralroad; east by lands .2ormnerly 189i uMin the M. iday bor of)c-e,eso
med y Msote j.etcham, and much of the reel estate of' the said
M Galloway; suh y adofSarah II. McCan's. Jying south of the
. Galloway, amd west. by land.s "N !OWn. of winnsbord, about :hree miles
L.B. Cameron." frm the Court Houi e, an is comprised
TERDMS OF S.U E. withim.1 the foll-ow ' r boundaries:
Ommeihid o th l".cnSe p~cne~ Thmree flundreti and St ve tY-ti.e A cres.
hie-hir ofthep".cnae mneyto oreor less, and bonn decd on thme north
paid n cash upon, the day oif Su~d by lai ids of tI he enau - of .Jan. B Mc
al, and the balanc, ink tw , quail -- Cants, dee< rsed, am b l)~ands of the
ni imetalmems tmrm dlay or ., to jestate of M rs. Ciara Ste v-ari, d-cease:l;
esecured by the t:on:d of L- Pur- on th,.- we t OV v an nt w 'r I:all be
haer, n1th interest thereon r.m 'day log ig toFaa Jataz r; ot the ca4t
fia'e, togeth-r' with a mnarae of hv' laao o neetaecgIr- arh
Tee pucvs> o.d . lN' l~~.abb,d deceased, and i'a h1me somth by;
re paprcs rt-a o lncs otheir. bds c.f the eidg l orm.11. Mc
B.pper I. JNIG, C't a aod' by I be publie o.al whbich
Clr'Rfi~ . . C.NINGS sep :a-e the iraer herchii tendedC( 0o
nbrk's Ofic C. a. s. P. 9 3. bes e-ld (rowr: lands of fl- W-. Philips.
noboo S- C,No. ,185 S sid tract of lanld to be gJi itn par
i-9td , cels.er as a whole at the og tr.on of tfbe
~undersigned,. excepik the graveyard
NOT ICE. Ipl<>t.
R SURVEYING, TERR ACING Terms of Sale-Cash itchat er tC
Levein Drawing,Etc., pay fot plxWS. IJ.1ENNT .NBS,
T.M.BOULWARE, I dministratvr withe Will 1 nutexed.
You will find a
Comfortable Home
which offers the public rood board
nd comfortable arrangm:ent at mod
erate prices.
Every Fifteen Minutes
St<cet Cars pass the door for the Ex
position grounds.
Supper. Bed and Breakfast for
One Dollar.
Mrs. G. B. Rcberts
No. 21 Whitehall Strect,
10-15 Atlanta, Ga.
and furniture new. Have all moderi
c=nvenienc.s. Gas, Eicctr:c Beltl, hot
ald cold water bath rooms on each
floor. Fare and all accommodation
first-class in every respect. Conveni
cut to all places of amusement. Im
mediately on car line to Exposition.
Rates, 51.00 and $2.00 per day.
Special rates to parties of six or more.
23 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga.
118 GARN;TT ST.,
Fc;.woen Loyd and S. Pryor Strcets.
Wit1 n half bick of two car lites
icading to Exposition.
By d::e day, week, or month.
10-15 Proprietress.
233 West Peachtree,
Atlan ta,uerga
bet ween Car She~d and (near) E 90o;i
D ocs iS:
gEquitable L.ife Assurance Th! 9 Y h
* Society in the Department of g
* the Carolinas, wishes. to se
$cure a few Special Resident $
g Agents. Those who are fitted $
$ for this work will find this $
i ar,ppotility
$ It i aerk,however, and those
* who succeed best in it possess $
Scharacter, mature judgment, S
$ tact, perseverance, mnd the
2 respect of their comnumnity. 8'
% Think this matter over care
$ fully. There's an unusuai
$ opening for somebody. If it 2
% fits you. it will pay you. Fur- 8
Sther information on request. 2
$ WV. J. Roddey, Manager,8
SRock rhU, S.. C.
inbicycle :0e
maria no.!t Xv
thereisn neofuer
* NOW READY. ***
We have received and are now ready to show our Fall and Winter goods.
We have the largest and most complete stock we have ever shown.
Ou zt'ck of Dress Goods is magnificent, comprising a fine line of colors,
Serges, Flanuels, H euriettas. Also the latest novcties in Mohair, Silk and
Wool tmixtures, and an elegant line of Black fToods. The prices are fully one
fourth lower than ever before.
ieautiful stves in Silks for Waists, Silks for Trimmings, Velvets, Jet Or
naments and Gvmps.
We have a very large stock of all Domestic Goods, Satteens, Prints,
Ginlgna"us, Bleacbing, Canton Flannels, etc. All cotton goods are advancing,
but we c-n ve you low prices for we rOUG HT EARLY, and BOUGQT LARGELY.
We have tue ciuape-t F:anuels, Blan?vr-, 1% oul Underwear, etc., you have
-,c1n -iuee the %+ar. See them and you will be convinced.
T:cre h1a, been -t big rrut iornued to piu 1:p the prices of leather and shoes.
"VI b1,11i; onr -hoes Ci"rv and bought ve y large stoek, consequently W3
ea 0I o1cr vuu a great variety, and at lo.t l ri: e-.
A/JElli Er- y. -:
Our stock is now ready for inspr ction. Miss Ketchin has been North and
can give you ":e latest ityle.. We have a large stock of the newest and most
de-i able good=. We otfer you the best work and lowest prices.
We wtcant your trade and know that we can make it to your interest to
trade with us. We oiler you the greatest variety to- select from, polite and
cai:able attention and the lowest prices. Come and see us.
Ad c11TO~ tii TIII M~llill~ Of iB yd ll~ liOMllt1
-Ask any STEARNS rider
what he thinks of his
STEARNS riders are satisfied riders...
Join;the ranks of STEARNS-enthusiasts.
Syracuse, N. Y.
W 'v D~ GAS H CO., &e-'-. ~..
I MAiles' Nervine.
Worth Its Weight in Gold.
.1 R.M_.S ERIERSOE HE1. 2hn?h ere r
.'Z4 wonadwa,adftaiyi talweb.Tebanfrei
weknd\d h nelcta oes uld oraei ot
JDk Dr. MLES' Ne~vne restoreShE T.Wc henre
wIorni myd wekdudtltytoifryu what o Neb.in e ain fore I
haveakenenvld and thdotctual ors duinedar. Corg lost, a
mo herat mihnd beoms atmrouws adkenolita taery serenr
lougsteo, ail graully prwforsteir fntio,thstndn Ihats acnder
the pan fu an irrgciar, th finlood becme hinuae and ae and thintire
systeve wous tetted wI caoell ue hesegreatin thufere Is. nothng
hleikcalr.ites, soeie to sor threa ay. a prseelnhog
my cfeelt. my duy troube ithr youpitatn ynould carvel stne fo my
haefeet, an instoalid ndle toalk alonne o ears. th lotst myndear
mothd woldgst Marh anrvs afere in wsuc taknditon tha Ier seould notre
ouIs rue whic grutahe goet wfm ore nowstadgsune
th caeo a ar)ctniemenally purcaescaed a n fd gaves'p Restorativ
neve woud beo bttefrst I canotcell y chowngea a sferbter In wa. monhad
hteera ws agretimstwprovee in dy,ok a oppesed feelings Thg
pprested fin an trube whettiy diapnd, yould scarelystnd onucy
bet,e and wI totll unbl.-alk alo itne. It ven the ligts nowind oI
cand waold dit Myl nie,rnds wem inpyt sch cnImtie tha I ulveo wrien
for twyas anud to but theghonin of foreellkrm l self n w l
:.hI sa v rismnanpucseaboteo Dr. Miles' Restorative Nrie ti ybs red fe
tme tiie wea re at itmisroret its mygh in-oaslld. feigs h
hi tolaouforl Dr., OMeille Res.atv I., n. 94 is mbEfi. RA Ten
1" es9' Restores
91' lileSNerVnll Health

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