&ad te :W T e on d st* b a birthday, eni Sth iyi w obaerved Dill b say im presu Will do long remeanbne by o t b p iedS~ The TeO io g -mb S1t,preaivSe out oftesho rhood snapp -1ra arounl te finally ran into at ' se. Mr. Beaty J. M. -was mad and shot anybody. The num about is increasing an rs of dogs should keep a close en their dogs and not let them roam about. -t-A4t Brst annual -celebration of the Ad hei a6ry Society of Due estNtialeCollege on Friday aght a very interesting programme Was arried out. One of the most interesting features of the ayening was a debate upon tbe subject: Re solved, That the fine arts are more valable in education than the sciences. Airmative, Laura B. Martin, Mamie ~. Brie.; negative, Jennie S. Cain, Janie P. Flenniken. The judges de taded In favor of the negative. -Work on the chapel for the factory vpatives wil! be begun soon. The eecutive committee held a meeting a few days ago and deeided to begin work at once. They hope to have evies In the chapel by summer, and -ti-oped thatin this work they will be helped by all. The land upon which the chapel wil be built was given by Mr. W. -B. Creiglt and the money now on hand; eowards the chapel buioding has beet hapcribed by friends. The society't6 be organ lued by the ladies will help a great deal in the work to be done. OS account of the Inclement weather the Ladles' Home Missionary Society tras not organised last Wednesday eflernoon as was announeed. The ladies will organize to-morrow evening as o'clock at the Methodist Church. The object of this society is to raise funds to help build a chapel at the factory and to assist in the Sunday Sehool. We hope the ladies will all manlfest an interest in this work which ought to lie heavily on the hearts of al otr people. All the ladies of the town are cordially invited to be present to-morrow vening at 5 o'clock. comING AND 30INQ. Mrs. T. F. Davis returned to Kl lians on Monday. Mr. F. C. Withers, of The State, was in town on Monday. * ~ Mr. David (i. Ellison came up frou Columbia on Monday for a few dayi stay at home. Mrs. T. P. Yonnginer, of Wallace -ylle, after spending a delightful viuii to.the family of Mr. J. Frost Walker 'of Columbia, has returned home. Rev. Knox Montgomery, sof Cincin hit, Ohio, arrived here on Monda3 anIectured in the A. R P.~ Churcl Monede night. cMr. Montgomery wai entertaWed by Rev. C. E. McDonald. * ~ Mrs. Jno' Memmo, who has beei safering with .cry serious injuxrlie 'received from-a .L sometime since is nvw convalescent. Mire. Jas Cathcart -a little Jai Eiley have recently made h&ort visi to her mother. Miss BesslOeMilling spent last.-,' at home. An entertainment was give~ Wiling Academy, by Mah that *j5p~t~Itprononeed it ral requests hal its repitition. It wj Th ie repat na few weeke boos cees iH e se in gettin Srthe school library. x* 18g, '99. Mr. A. C'.athe RlOadike. T.,hsfoun 'homas, of Marysyilie coia thn aa more valuzable ~ .-'k. For k*t B"ireId~un told agony from coawption, accom panied by hemorrhages; and was ab Ssolutely cured by Dr. King's New *Discovery for Consumption, Con.ghs . and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous core: would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr ig's New Discovery for Con so* o. Trial bottles free at Mc Muster Co.'s Drug Store. Regular - size 50 cts. anid $L.00. G anteda to it at rn Do Post Seniors-LTz""1 y, %oW Beaty, Mamie Ellisov, Mattie Martin, Mary Matthews. Seniors-Louise McMaster, Jean nette Stewart. Intermediate-Susie McCrorej. Juniors-Nannie Mobley, May Ten nant. Sth Grade-Bessie Miling, Annie Belle Stewart. Ith Grade-Jas. Brice, Gaillard Eili son. .th Grade-Laura Douglass, Rosa Ten1ant. 5th Grade-Jas. Douglass, Shaw Ketchin, Palmer Matthews, Ernest rropet, Ella Beaty. 4th Grade -Willie Brockington,Wil lie Doty, Spencer McCants. 3rd Grade-Tom Stewar'. 2nd Grade-Inez Ragsdate. 23t Grade-Dessie Clarke. WOODWA2KD BRIEFLETS. Farming operations in this section are very much delayed on account of 3o much rain. Owing to the few warm days the small grain crops look very [promising, and more has been planted in this section than for years. The temperature has ranged very ligh since the recent freezes, rea ing 80 in the shade. Woodward and vicinity was vi 'ted o'clock, continuing for some tii4e. The railroad switch signal was blo* across the track and struck by the southbound Florida and torn to atoms. The only damage done to the engins was the number plate and lanterns were broken. The railroad water tank has recently been'painted, adding much to the ap pearance of the.town. The many friends of Mrs. B. W, Stewart, ,who has been critically ill for some time will be glad to know she is liproving very rapidly. Mrs. T. W. Brice spent a few days in Chester last week visiting relatives. Mrs. J. M. Coleman, of Chester, is visiting Mr. J. T. Coleman and fumily of this place. Agricola. March 20, '99. CASTOR IA ]!'r Infants and Children. The Kind Yos Have Always Bought 3ears the SInature of , LArar NOTEs Just as we were watching with eager interest for the swelling buds to put forth their fresh green leaves and the warm, balmy air reminded us of approaching spring, then it was that winter dispelled the vain delusion and made us feel most forcibly her pree ence. . *~~ ~ A p -r W ~ind, blackbris and a good garden will Shave to maSk up the deficiency. An ~esing account of the cele ~. of Mr. and Mrs. Arp's golden ding anniversary appeared in the t issue of the Atlanta Constitution, Sand Bill Arp's secount of bis court e ip was amusing indeed. His humor S.s letters would cause a smile to flit ~~ the most sober countenance. ~ e iay night the 10th ins Counts' kic t o G.e tC- ,JlLe roof but fre; the meguished before any they WWMs done. The ire originated ia box of ashes which had been Yeft under the room. We regret to say that Mr. Counts and family are to leave soon for Union County where they expect to make their home in future. Mr. L. M. Blair Is to occupy the house vacated by Mr. Counts. The infant son ot Mr. R. L. Wilks, who has been quite ill with pneumonia, is improving. Mesrs. Tommie McMeeki., and Thos. 0. Blair, of this neighborhood, paid a flying trip to Jenkinsville re jeently- R. Mrch 17, 1899. t rn!"I I11. ord as to "the rights of order. Let everybody, ng, lady or gentleman, ed, simply keep to their ing other people. Bearing is rule and practising it, cal ivating too the spirit of courtesy, each individual will enjoy all his rights, while recording the same to his neigh. bor. Our colored citizens and their children have equal right with us to the legitimate use of streets and side walks; this we know is universally recognized by the white people, and is ceerfully conceded. Finally let no one attempt to keep to te ''inside" when it is the wrong side: and do mot monopolize the pavement by walking in columns four or five long, thus forcing others to the curbA stone or even into the gutter. May tnis be the last of this r-gieas ant subject. Charles S owight. March 20, 1899. Free Pls. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen &Co., Chi o, and get a free sample bx of D)r. 'ing's New Life rills. A ial will convince you of their merits. Tese pills are easy in action and are sricularly effective in the cure of onstipation and Sick Headache. For alaria and Liver troubles they have :en proved invaluable. They are garanteed to be perfectly free from very deleterious substance and to be prely vegetable. They do not weaken y their action, but by giving.tone to omach and bowels greatly invigoratt e system. Regular size 25c. per.box. old by McMaster Co., Druggists. 2 Mr. Editor: most heartily com end the following plan of one of our erchants. He collects all his old pers and magazines and carries them ohis store. These are distributed to ~e operatives from the factory, when tey are up town. This is a very a'll thing to do; it costs neither me. nor money; it only requires a Itle thoughtfulness. But as small a matter as it may seem, it may have ery far-reaching results. The best hing to do with the printed page is to pss it on to others. This far sur passes destroying or storing away in h garrets. Others would do a good thing by imitating this excellent ex mple. Riht in this connection, 'we might* ay that it was just in this way that e Land-a-Hand ibraries were first organized. All books and periodicals i had been read and that were not atu were collected into a common yoemo and made the foundation f>r a bie library. This example has been ntted by hundreds of other cities. h many cases these libraries hare got en large numbers of duplicate copies. ll such copies by a fixed rnle are passed on to other libraries without hem. It may also be added that there are severail organizations for the distinct rpose of collecting old books and periodicals, which are systematically distributed among tenants of the cities nd the rural schools. But the pity, of it is we have to add that nearly every such organization is "up North." owever, theyca Stuose~who have old papers or books that they are making no use of nd that they would like to see placed in the hands of others, I will, throngh the aid of the merchant, wbo has set us ll such a worthy example, be pleased o pass them on. Ve:-y trulY, J. Fry~k Foosbe. March 20s 1899. Esily, Quickly, Permanently Restored ~AGNETC NERVIN e Ke o Care Insemnia, Fits, Dizziness, Hysteria, *svous Debility, Lost Vitality. Seminal Losses, :inig Memory-the result of Over-work. Worry, -i:2s. Err o6 bYouth or Over-indulgence. Foi quick, psitive nd lasting results in Sexual vitai;y. use YELLOW LABEL. SPEcIAL-doul.e -rngti: wl give strength and tone to every part Seffe't a t,ermanent cure. Che:apest and best. Plls $. hv mail. CREE-A bottle of t be famous. Japaniesc Liver 'ets will be given wit h a Si box or more of Mag ctic Nervinev. free. Sold only by J. J. OBEAR, Druggist, Winnsboro, S. C. SAML. LINDSAY, M. D. WINNSBORO, S. C. Office at Mrs. Ellen Cathcart's, acxt door to Jno. H. McMaster & Co.'s Dru Stoght call at Winsboro Hotel. ce ~ ts per bashel, de 'osd. W. S. HALL, SR., 3-7-36. Mitford, S. C. JUS RECEIEDI Whichage Ofter CHE$~FOR CASH --or on - - aTIME. - -- MZSKDOTY &60. T HE UND3!RSIGNED H AS PUR Shased the intrest of the estate of F. er g, deceasd,i thea stock of goods trade of the peple of Fairfield County. -Fea llef MeW,8dl of all kinds,ind everything found in a FIRSTOLASS HARDWARE STORE. The tradeo,f the friends and cus thiey ma ndi to their 1 terestst him..t J. W. 82IGLER. NEW GCODS ->**J)QST IN. English Dairy:'and. i'apple Cheese, Ev.iporated Fruits tall kinds. Prrnoes, 8 lbs. br 25c. A new v& kf- *f N. fr. Biscnit Co.' Pickert's ak4i toiat sauce. Early June Peas, prn, String Beans. Pickled Salmo n1 1l:kits. Try tfam. Finest Soda Craskert in' every three lays. Chocolates and onbo s fresh to-day. F. M. IABENICH T. IF YOU bo, DON'r paint your hi;e 'till you have seen It goes furti r and lasts longer than o~ er paint on the market. Warranted not to chalk, l~e or peal off like all otL so-called ready-mnixed i.int. Remember, 9n't paint until you have seen T HE HAMMER PAEItT mity, extra ch PaPgai Linen Towel at i owels at 20c. and 25( Damask Towels. New Lot Gents' and Boys'C oloi and pretty pattern. We want your business. We googs at low prices than ever befo .fie Northern markets in a few in elegant Spring Stock. Our cot you in the best goods at lowest pr The Cadwell -Dry, ( OII Hilurd ad ----WORTH Spring and Sur wea as -pNTPU PROlI MANUFACTURERS INl ulaP ]Ip SQ. D. WILl St, 2iOll Illtiltite a WINNSBOR ~eses. TUITGN.--Scholars in the Graded School )ne extra, 75 eet per month; two era at Literary course, 75 cents per moi Scientific couree, I Classi Each higher course include all that preces erecord of the solals of this school: hei ebading in he higher colleges, is the b W. H. WIG~ A F'RESH STOCK OF late ANNED PEAS, you 3EANS, plai OLUMBIA RIVER us,3 ;ALMON. 'a DESSERT PEACHES, usU CONDENSED MILK. To make soup delicious get can of Succotash. TR FRESH BREAD AND B] CAKES TO-DAY. J. S. McCarley. PE ossoRNE'S1 ing Goods. or spring are Colored Piques. n short lengths. 11 line of White Goods Pique, and Welts. We ,ap to start the season. a iq Towels. >c.; extra large and heavy .; full stock in Huck and edShirts; extra good value tre better 'prepared to sell re. Our buyer will siart to lays and we expect to show stant endeavor is to please ces. Come, and see us. 10od-& Oomp'By. 0.0 ONEOFTHE BEST >EW Y R-CITY. (A S. C. 97, and ends June 24, 1398. .]!ach 50 cents to meet contigi ex. iei the Cleg ate Departmnt. 1.00 per month. . ^ cal course, $1.M0per month. l. Good board can be obtained st guarate of e effeney. 'IERCW, Principai. N SPITE OF THE ness of the season, if prepare land well and it seed bought from ou will probably have better garden thar al this year. yare scarce and the e will go up. -We Sell IUMPH, BURBANK, IAUTY OF HEBRON, EARLY ROSE and ERLESS POTATOES. PROFIT OUR E& Mi mR Every Article GUARANTEED AS .RWFES=Ta ED AND EVERY CUSTOMIR GTS A BARGAIN, FOR WE HAYM TER GOODS AND WE 9AVE CWT TEX PRICES. FIRST COM FIRST SERVE) Send as your watch work sad Jew ,elry jobs; wear better prepared thu ever to reader uick service. CUUSU. 4Lv NEWS+ and **HERALDS TrieekFe P8 a ear is sAse WekIy,,1.50 a Year lvin s. UTTER NEAB) NILL BEAbS, N@TE ingi, LAWYIKS' 3t3 LINS, KORTOAflI, and everythiqg l ob Mae dems as cheaply as saywhets elmse theltate. GIVE US ACIANCI vYery peaxy sipeat at hoa.e is-keipt at home. UNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS -*ATEN with a fall so~Cses ea Cases adoa~st sad use ofke Thaulm hrp# tate for a abass t Cas attededttoa sheisa 11m rawss pn amer