OCR Interpretation

The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, May 01, 1900, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067705/1900-05-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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. Allen'S Poe t-Eas.
ake into your shoes; rests the
ures Corns, Bunions, Swclien, Sore,
, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet and In
growing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes
uew or tight shoes easy. At all druggists
and shoe stores, 25 cts. Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy. N. Y.
Choosing a Wife.
Tuddy-.One cannot help falling in
ove with a handsome woman who
-ows how to dress herself.
ljuddy--Yes; but when a man chooses
a wife he is wiser to choose one who
ran dress a turkey or a lobster than
one --ho knows, cnly how to dress her
self.--Bo:ton Transcript.
In Spring
Are THAT PILIOnt FEELING, 'Dad taste.
ia the mouth, dull headache, sleep-'
lessness, poor appetite.
No matter how careful you are
about eating, everything you take into
your stomach turns sour, causes dis
tress, pains and unpleasant gases.
Don't you understand what these
symptoms-signals of distress-mean?
They are the cries of the stomach
for help! It is being overworked.
It needs the reculiar tonic qualities
and digestive strength to be found in
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The best stomach, and blood reme
dies known to the medical profession
are combined in the medicine, and
thousands of grateful letters telling
its cures prove it to be the greatest
medicine for all stomach troubles ever
vet discovered.
Wood For the Stove in Summer.
. Take time before spring work gets
wvell started to cut and split plenty of
wood for the stoves during summer.
Well seasoned wood makes good cook
Mng. and saves waste of time and ma
terial in tUe kitchen. Green wood soon
chokes the stovepipe with soot. It is
annoying to the cook, whose patience
and couvenience onght to be consid
ered, especially if she is your wife, and
often causes late meals and bad cook
Cng. It causes waste also. It is far
cheaper to cut and split wood for tge
store now and 11ave it well seasoned
by summer time. You will not want
to take time to get up store wood after
the summer work begins. Do it now,
and save thereby. This is one of the
ways to economize that Is often over
One man counts for as much as another
when it comes to taking the census.
Is Lydia E.
*0 Ve et hi.
Noeother m ..
* world has done
No confidence has ever
been violated.
No woman's testimonial
was ever published by
-~ - Mrs, Pin kham without
special perm issien,
No woman ever wrote to
Mrs. Pinkham for advice
without getting help. No
man sees these letters.
Her' advice is free, and
her address Is, Lynn,
Mass. She is a woman,'
you can tell her the tr'uth.
NiIvng person Ia so
competent to advise
women. None has had
such experience.
She has restored a i
lion sufferers to health.
Yeo, can trust her. Others
Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Cco., Lynn, Ma.
fod ."th ~==jDISEASS
)USCES-BLCOR ...e ,.
Black and Galvanized Corrugated lron
for warehouses, Barns, &c-., &c. 'alvanized Gutters
Old stle. Salw Oltle. x' ze Heavy (ot
ed, Lillian: all st amped. G taranteed. W. C.
NIkO 0 0.. 3.18. calvert at.. Baltimcre. Md.
Permanently Cured by
831 Arch Street, PhiladelohIa. reumase isn.
uir HInstructor ofbon
Uh IIEIU at thae W Yorkth t
lish a series of t wenty lfltitrated bozing les
eons in LDiEN HouRB. 'lhis trill e er its readers
ton ae sa priileenascthose weal lby enoug to
for GOLrns HoraS No. 640, or send 51 for spec
Ial entscription covcering the les ons to Got.DeI
Hot-Rw. 24 and 26 vandeWater street, New York
quick relioend cures wors
eses Bof testimonials and 10 days' treatmnn
Fre. Dr. L. 5. 01331' 55o51.3. 3e s Atiaaa e.
Aents Wante o rtraE ;tes Wr7 "o
terms. c. B. Anderson a co..372 lmn St.Dallas.Tex.
300 16.
"2*.d"NThomason's Eye Water
Last Season's Fancies Are Retained, Sup
plemented by Many New Ones. 2
The spring dress is a composite
work of art, retaining all of last sea
son's fancies and supplementing them
by many new ones
The modes of this last spring of the
nineteenth century present these fa
miliar features:
The princess dress.
The polonaise.
The overskirt and the tunic.
The plaited skirt.
The bolero and the Etou jacket.
The box coat.
The lavish use of lace, embroidery
and fringe.
And the long, soft, pliable effect of
nearly every gown.
The new end-of-the-century dresses,
like the old beginning-of-the-century
dresses, are filmy and transparent.
Fashion seems determined to round
out the cycle in the manner in which I
it began.
The spring modes introduce tenta
tively these novelties:
Festooned draperies, looking per
haps toward panniers.
Little capes.
Mousquetaire cuffs, reaching to the
Sleeves wide below the elbows.
Accordion plaiting.
And an infinite number of small va
riations and modifications, like the
combination of fine lawn with pique,
the elevation of the stripe to a pedes- I
tal beside the plaid, the addition of
directoire scarfs to the spring wrap,
a marked increase in the idolatry lav
ished upon the tuck, and many new
and beautiful things in the details of
ornaments and trimmings.
There is no talk about short skirts.
The newest imported dresses are just
as long in front and train as much in
the back as they have all winter.
There is much discussion of fuller
skirts, bat the fullness is all about the
feet in added flares and plaitings; so
far as concerns the outline of the fig
ure even greater stress than hereto
fore is laid upon fragile, rounded slen
The newest model of the plaited
skirt has two single box plaits on each
sids of a plain front and two double
box plaits in the middle of the back,
each plait narrow at the waist line and
widening toward the hem.
The newest overskirts are fanciful
and picturesque beyond description.
Long, pointed overskirts are outlined
with lace flowers or butterflies and
:aught high cu one side by means of
jewels or bits of coral. The washer
woman overdress is much used for thin
dresses, and is looped with rosettes.
phe most novel overskirts appear on
pompadour muslins and dimities and
sprigged Marie Antoinette organdies;
they are looped at each side of the
back in a manner suggestive or pan- f
For use upon either wash materials a
r cloth fabrics are more small, soft, a
sonvenient boleros than were ever be-i
brizaeen. The cloth boleros are em-c
broidered with silk cords and incrust
d with lace motifs. Others are of
guipure lace wildh the design brought
at in color by means of tiny mock
. A little muslin bolero is made
Unate rows of shirring and
. ' nwith ruches of th
The sleeves o -~.
long and tight-fittingr any
mousquetaire cuffs that~ are almost
skintight from the elbow to the wrist,
but expand over the hand. A few thin
dresses have sleeves that are tightt
the elbow and then open in wide -
mouthed bells.
All the new spring millinery is
loud-like and flowery. Fashionable
ats for everyday wear are a mass of
foliage with one big, full-blown rose
in the middle. Buttercups, heart's
ease, dandelions, cowslips, marigolds
nd primroses trim many of the im
ported models.
The Future of the Business Woman.
Edward Bok writes in the Ladies'
Eome Journal tbat women, having
'~roven thembselves incapable of meet
ing the demands of modern bus~iness,
are rapidly being replaced by men.
"Naturally, the question arises in the
mind: What will became of these
women? The answer is that they will
go back whence they came: into the
home as domestic helpers. This is a
distinct cause for corgratulation, It
means the withdrawal of a vast num
ber of women from duties for which
they were never intended, and from a
commercial attuosphere which in
reality, is distasteful to the sensitive
feminine mind and fine womanly tem
perament. It can be most definitely
stated that the vast majority of women
in business to-day have absolutely no
taste for it. They are there simply
i:ause necessity drove them to it.
They have done themselves little good;
and let it be said in all possible kind
ness, and yet perfect frankness, they
have done business even less good.
With here and there an exzeption,
women have seldom risen above subor
dinate poritions, and argue the ques
tion as we will, the standard of wages
has unquestionably been perceptibly
loered. This alone has kept num
b&lese young men from marriage.1
in, it has certainly done the health
of women no good: on the contrary, it
has filled our rest-cures, sanitariums
and hospitals to the doors. It has]
been an unnatural condition of affairs.
But, like all movements, it has worke d,
its good upon ',the home. Upon that.
it has had a most salutary effect, and
it impossible to overestimate its
far-reaching and beneticial influence in
that respect. As in all things in life,
we move in a circle, and we generally
return to the point whence we started:
back to first principles."
3Mrs. Hay as a Society Leadler.
Mrs. John Hay, wife of the dis
tinguished and urbane Soeretary of
State, was a leader ofWashington
soety tlfteen years before her hus
baud had accepted a portfolio in this
Cabinet. As the first of the Cabinet
women, she possesses admirable quali
ficat ions for her position.
The wife of the Secretary of State
is the arbiter of social life and func
tions daring her reign. As the su'e- .
essor of Mrs. Hobart in this capacity. I
sie a3 sponsored some radical move- 1
inents regarding social and ol1ieialn
hat cherished belief of Senatorial
romen that they hold superior rank
o the women of the Cabinet. She
vishes to establish the manifest dig
iity of Cabinet women by destroying
be custom that they should make the
irst call upon the contingent of women
vho represent the upper house of the
It is her ambition to impress upon
ociety the status of the Cabinet mem
>ers and their families, as possible
teirs to the Presidency, and thus to
md a controversy with those not in
he line of that succession.-Success.
For Miss School Girl.
These are the days when those in
yossession of two or more sorts of
naterials that can possibly be used
ogether are rejoicing. And not only
ay madame shine in odds and ends
if handsome materials, but even the
chool girl profits by this economical
One girl wears a very pretty dress,
hich cost at making very little,
ecause only about two yards of plain
:loth was required to eke out a length
If plaid which had for some time re
iosed in a chest. The very deep yoke,
he upper parts of the sleeves and the
>ig, shaped flounce were of the plaid,
rhile the long "cuffs," the broad
haped girdle and the upper portion
,f the skirt was of the plain cloth, in
his case a rich and dark blue.
The skirt, by the way, was in over
kirt effect, with a deep point back
.nd front; rows of stitching held this
,nd the plaid flounce together.
Of course, if one had plain goods,
he plaid could be found to harmonize.
Richest Woman in the World.
The richest woman in the world is a
hilean, Senora Consino, who runs a
lose race with John D. Rockefciler
or the position of the wealthiest of all
iving millionaires. The senora is
aid to be worth $1,200,000,000, so
hat she might give away or spend her
iwn weight in gold every day for the
text fifteen years without exhausting
ter capital, and find at the end of
his period of prodigality her accumu
ated interest still left her the richest
roman the world has ever known.
Every morning the senora awakes
o find herself $10,000 richer than
hen she retires to rest. Senora
,onsino, who is a widow, is as gener
>us as she is rich and spends her
oney lavishly in hospitality and
harity. She is mistress of lands vast
nough to form a kingdom, of mines
f silver rich euough to support it,
ud her fleets carry her merchandise
nto all seas.
For Master Little-Hoy.
The Russian blouse model proves to
>e the top of the vogue for the small
ioy. These little affairs are recom
ended at the best shops, and are to
Ie had ready-made. Some choose vel
-et for the material, but cloth is the
nost desirable. Though, of course,
or a child that has a number one in
elvet is usually chosen.
Besutiful broadeloths, however, are
very bit as becoming and just as
ich; after some wear they wili prove
auch more attractive. Cadet blue is
,pretty choice as to color. The belt
of white kid, the collar of white
loth with a blue design in soutache.
For extra wear this may be en ap
lique of cru lace over a velvet col
ar the shade of the cloth.
There are a couple'
rout and back
fai . mpae pink
stones are set in snowy filigree silver
wroght into the form of a fan or a
cluster or feathers, with two slender
pins to stick into the hair. Again the
coral is sunk into the broad shining
square of tortoise shell, which forms
the top of the comb, and sometimes
tiny and very brilliant diamonds are
set around each pink gem or placed
between the coral settings. Some of
these tortoise shell combs are so elab
orately pierced and chiselled that
they resemble pieces of exquisitely
ne old lace and are so beautiful they
do not seem to need the added lustre
of gems. ____
Gleanings From the Shops.
A superb array of new fancy silks.
Many figured crepe de Chines closely
Novelty lace zephyrs in a rich as
sortnent of colors and weaves.
A broad range of midsummer fab
rics in tasteful silk and wool mix
Twisted, Alsatian and rosette coif
fre bows in black, white and light
Flower and fancy mousseline boas
in a full complement of evening
Light and medium-weight grena
dines with open or closely woven
Small finger purses of seal, morocco
and suede leather, with sterling silver
Various styles of cloth skirts made
with single, double and full French
plaited backs.
An abundance of silk and wool
repes, bareges and nun's veilings in
taple and novelty weaves.
An enormous range of spring fab
:ics showing lines, dots and stripes
in extremely neat arrangements.
White and light-colored French
Bannel shirt waists, showing tucks,
kemstitching or taffeta trimmings.
Taffeta and China silk squares for
waists showing Persian designs on
white, black or a colored background.
Large black velvet hats showing in
:rustations of Chantiliy lace over
vite taffeta and soft drapings of white
Artistic and exclusive designs in
arasols, iucluding stylish effects in
ace, net, embroidered and fringed
A great many Irish crochet laces ig
idths suitable for lingerie or dress
rimings as well as3 exquisite patA
ers of the allover type.
E'.ening gowns composed of lac'
nsertiug connected by open, fane~
titches, through which may be seen'
a contrasting colored foundation.
Exhibitions of spring toques and
thr walking hats of straw tastefully
rimmed with chiffon or some other
ransparency in combination with
igrette. ornaments or floweis.-Dry
Mios Ennmist.
A Barber Who Makes About S3000 a
Year From uxr Customers.
Thomas Whalen shaves four mill
ionaires a day. He makes the round
of their residences every morning and
uses his own fast pacer to save time.
They all pay him a liberal salary and
in three hours each morning he earns
more than the average barber does in
four days.
Mr. Whalen's clients are P. D.
Armour, S. W. Allerton, Marshall
Field and N. K. Fairbank. They
employ him by the year, and his salary
continues whether they are in Europe,
New York, California or Chicago.
His contract calls for a daily shave in
Chicago, and if the millionaire's chins
are not to be found, Whalen is not the
sufferer. His "pull" is said to be of
the gentlest, but his fellow barbers
declare it is very strong, and besides
the salary he get there is always a lib
eral Christmas present.
The scale of salary paid is as fol
lows: Mr. Armour, $75 per month;
Mr. Field, $75 per month; Mr. Aller
ton, $50, and Mr. Fairbank, $35. All
of these gentlemen have their private
barber shops, and Mr. Whalen has
the running of them. He keeps each
supplied with the finest razors, shears,
strops, soaps, mugs and other requi
sites of a first-class tonsorial parlor.
He knows the turn of every whisker
of his patrons, and there is never any
kick about razors with a "pull."
His labors begin early. Mr. Ar
mour's home is his first stopping
place, though recently, during that
gentleman's residence in California,
he has not been getting up so early.
Mr. Armour has always shaved at 6
o'clock and often earlier. From there
it is only a black to Mr. Field's
Prairie avenue mansion, and just
across the sfreet, a little to the
south, he finds Mr. Allerton ready
for his daily scrape. But to reach
Mr. Fairbank he must make a big
jump to the North Side, and his fast
pacer comes in good use. Cars are
too uncertain, and Mr. Fairbank
cannot be kept waiting or disap
pointed, and before 9 o'clock Whalen
is at the Lake Shore drive entrance,
ready for Mr. Fairbank to come to the
private barber shop.
"Tom" Whalen is one 'of the best
known barbers in Chicago. He has
made -*,competency out of his wo
and his income now is by no mea 's
beggarly, averaging close to $3000 for
the year. His last shop was in the
Methodist Church block. This he
sold several years ago. He now de
votes his attention to his four million
aire customers and several flue horses.
-Chicago Inter-Ocean.
Timidity is a robber.
Cynicism is sin-icism.
The truth needs no apology.
Mite sometimes become might.
Every seat may be a mercy seat.
Bitter truth is sweeter than flattery
Inequalities in refraction make rain
Cowardice is thc tap root of all ty
Dissatisfaction may be the spur to
only foundi
ooth and shiny dourse makt
heyhie er life is found in the va
*Jealousy is e compliment we p~a
to our superior..
There is n'othing more cloquei
than silent time.
To live the truth we must have tL
truth abiding in us.
America needs good parents eve
more than good politics.
Truth may be bruised and laid ui
but it never gets heart failure.
Liars should make it a point to car<
fully cultivate their memories.
When the wish is father to th
thought the both wvill look alike.
Great souls arc subject to widel
unlike passions. just as great pendt
lums swing between widely-opposit
poles.-Riam's Horn.
Four Courtship Snu ,daye.
The four Sundays of November ar
observed as fete days in Holland
They are known by the curious name
-Review, Decision, Purchase an
Possession-and all refer to matr.
monial affairs. November in Hollan
being the month par excellence de
vcted to courtship and marriage
probably because the agricultural oc
cupations of the year are over, an
possibly because the lords of creatior
from quite remote antiquity, hav
recognized the pleasautness of havin
wives to cook anti cater for them du
ing the long winter.
On Review Sunday everybody goe
to church, and after service there is
church parade in every village, whe
the youths and maideus gaze upo
each other but forbear to speak.
On Decision Sunday each bachclc
who is seeking a wife approaches th
maiden of his choice with a ceremot
ions bow, and from her mannerc
responing judges whether his ai
vances are acceptable. Purchas
Sunday, the consent of the parentsi
sought, if the suit has prospered dii
ing the week. Not till Possessio
~Sunday, however, do the twain appes
be fore the world as actual or prospet
tive brides and grooms.
Think Men Grow on Trees.
The Sioux indians still share wit
the old Aryau and Semitic tribesi
'the belief that there are trees thia
Aring forth human beings and other
that bear various portions of th
human body. and in the fourteent
century an Italian traveler, on arris
ing at Malabar, was told by the native
hat the country abounded with a tre
that bore men and wome~n. The latte
were attached to the limbs by tb
nether extremities, and were fu
formed when the wind blew. but whe
the wind died out they soon withecr&
These specimens of humanity reache.
'the length, or height of three feet.
Tori can never jude~ a mna- charat
ter by the way he jatiges yours.
xe. VYork Pr,
Chronic Totter.
ID-. Tames C. Lewis, of Tip Top,
Ky., writes: "I have an invalid friend pI
with me from Florida, who has derived M
great benefit from the use of your Tet- fO
terine, in Chronic Tetter. I wish you
to tend him a box to the above ad
dress. Money enclosed." 50c. box at
drug stores, or by mail from J. T. ai
Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga.
Hotels in the Tropics. th
Board and lodging -Are very reasona- r
ble in some of the South Sea islands
that pretend to be r. ore or lesr civil- a
ize.. In Tahiti. for instance, you may dy
have every accommodation the island
pos.esses, together with meals that are
the best the country affords, for the a,
sur; of $1.25 per week. There are other I
islands where you can board for noth
ing but you have no right to "kick"
under such circumstances and cannot te
consider yourself a boarder.
Thle new woman sn't a marker to the new
servaut girl. . ne
Ever have
know i
of a can
you Can sect
Nerve l5
The truth of the matter is,
Soned and weakened with the iml
thing for you to do is to get ri
Soon as you can.
You want'a blood-purifying nr
tilla,-that's what you want. I
is the strongest and best nerve t<
"The only Sarsaparilla mad vnde
Three graduates: a graduate
in chemistry, and a gra
$1.00 a bottle.
"During last year Iwas ufferir gfrom nel
worse, became thin, could not sleep, had n<
dition. After taking several kinds of rned
Sarsaparilla with more than pleasing results.
my strength and weight increased, and nov
elightest trace of my old trouble. Indeed,
medicine to bring about such a change in an3
Hill, Somerville, Mass., Dec. 2:, :899.
mirr r must expect re ..
uponl her.__________
LI To cusre a Cold in One Day.
All druggists refund the money if It fails to
cure. D. W. GRovE's signature on ea':i box,
25e. ___ ___
Blobbs-"Wigwag says he wants to be cre
mated when he dies.'' Slobbs-"He always
has made light of death."
How's This?
IWe offer One Hundred Doll.r~ T Reward for
any ca e of Catarrhi that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cur e.
F. J. CH ENEY & Co., Pr ops., Toledo, 0.
SWe. the undersigned, have known F. .J. CThe
ney ror the la-t 15 years. and believe hrm per.
fectl y honorable in all business ti ansactions
aand financially able to carry out any obliga
tion m -de by their firm.
WEST & TICUA X,WholeSale Druggis! , Toledo,
Oh o.
,WALmsa,. KisNAN & Minvy, Wtolesalo
Druggi'sts, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cm e isrtaken internally, net
lng diretly upon the blood and mnucouis sur
*Iices of th,- system. Pric', 75c. pe- bottle. Sold
*by all D):uggists. 'Testimoniats free.
H~all's Family Pills are the beat.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chIldren
Steething,. softens t be gums, reducing infiaama
tion, allays pain eures wind colic 25c a bottle.
I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved
my lIfe three years ago.--Mns. Tros. Ron
mu, Maple St. NorwIch, N. Y . Feb. 17. 1900.
Don't allow:3
e / the bestis
\~ South. Di
it A OR for some p
The formula
know just what yc
do not advertise thi
their medicine if y<
Iron and Quinine pt
form. The Iron
malaria out of the
* Grove's is .the Or!
Chill Tomncs are in
that Grove's is su
are not experiment
*and excellence ha
only Chill Cure so
* hc. United States.
Quite a IferIn Thinga
Mr. Doe-I am surprised that you
It up with your son's extravagance.
r. Roxe-O, I don't. I merely put up
r it.-New York Journal.
The Best Prescription fr ChIlls
Ld Fever is a bottle of Giaova's TasrE.ESs
mILL To~mc. It is simple iron and quinine in
tasteless form. No cure-no pay. Price 25c.
Some men try to give the impression that
ey are suffering from gout, when they are
ally troubled with bunions.
P7Ax FADELFSs DYE produces the
tcet and brightest colors of any known
e stuff. sold by all druggists.
A girl with a muddy comple2 ion may have
lear conscience.
Carter's Ink.
Goodnk Is a necessity for goal writing. Car.
ir's is t.se best. Costs no mnore t"a poor Ink.
Such things as creditors' meetings are
tely to be overdun.
the blues"? Then you
ow dark everything kooks.
are completely discouraged
d cannot throw of that terri
ble depression. A little work
oks like a big mountain: a
noise sounds like the roar
ion: and a little sleep is all
ire, nigit after night.
rout nerves have been pol
3urities in your blood, The
i of these impurities Jpst as
Iedicine,-a perfect Sitsapa
ou want a Sarsaparilla that
ynic you can buy, too.
e the personal supervision of
in pharmacy, a graduate
idute in medicine."
Ul druggists.
vous prostration. For weeks I getw
appetite, and was in a wretched con-*
icines without result, I took Ayer's
My appetite returned, I slept soundly,
' I am well and strong without the
[wduld hardly belie'.e it possible for
peson.' --cn~aa Mwaxr, winter
out Potash.
Every blade of -
Grass, every grain
of Corn, all Fruits
and Vegetables
must have it. If
enough is supplied
you can count on a full crop
'if too little, t:he growth w~ill be
Send for our books telling Al! a'out composition a
rertihers best adapted for all crops. They cost yot
;RMAN K.iLI WORK~S, M Nassau St., New York
l i pper t ritng advert er. So .~
roursef to be talked into buy
y job to save a dolr or so when
on sale in every town in the
d you ever think how easy it is
sople to be talked into a thing?
CK HILL is"~~
Eia, Chills a
asteless Cl
s plainly printed on ever
uare taking when you tak
eir formula knowing that
> knew what it containe<i
it up in correct proportions
acts as a tonic while the
ysten. Any reliable drugg
gna! and .that all other
itations. An analysis of oti
perior..to all others in <
ing when you take Gro
ving long been establish
d throughout the entire
No (i'r. Nn Pay Prir
CURES THEM. Al*ee'e***. .**
Pailents Ioard and lodge in the Institution,
4addiW~r call at -
i9og Plain Stre6t, COLU rBIA,.S.CL
Complete PLNS
Engines; Corlis. Automatic, plain side
Boilers, Heaters, Pumps.
Saw Mills, from small Plantation Mills
to the Hearviest Mills in the market.
All kinds of Wood Working Machineryj
Flour and Corn Milling Machinerr.
Complete Ginning Systems-Lummus,
Van Winkle and Thomas.
Engines, Boilers, Saws. Gins in Stook fog
quick delivery.
126 Main St.,
COLUMBlA. - - 0 - C.
This is wh I can
The Instruments Ireprelst are fnlly
Warranted by reputable buaiders an
endorsed by me. making you Doubly
Write for Catlogue I.
AI"E Mill Supplies
Write us when In need of ANYTHING
the above line. W
The Equipment of Modern Gianeries
with thelmproved Murray Gleningaaand
DIstributing System a specialty.
* ngines, Boilers, Saw and Grist milq
Threahare. Rice guirsa
Italian Socialists a
resignation . fro the Pres -
the Chamber of
has been restored to tha ~ .
ssa.so SHOESJiW
Wowit other makes
Indorsed by over -
1,000,000 wearers.
The' entine have W. L.
stamped on bottom.
no sabstitute claimed to be
as good. Your dealer
thiould keep them--if4
nowe wised a pr
o**ecip*o'p'ce ac2*.**t.df .
S size and wit plai or cante Cat e.
AA"YUeUTPiA'~ Booker T. Wash.
ATSE ington has written
171U111I*Jlife and work. He
te negioprblen
peope are givig adanced orders. A boal
for agents. Write today. We would like toengage
a few able wi, e tspezintnd agen's
N'o. 912-924 A&ustell Building, Atlanta, Ga.
Aluminum RUST PROE'F Crem
f:< p-o-Date 'chr singze.1 to 15
fee. Dn't buy uni yo hear fros -
direct to the consumer where we have
- Fr*tfA no Exres.
TP endeefunded
e.' Fre ad
vice as topatentability. Send for "Inventors -
Ltab. 16 I7 l4th :., 'ashington, D.. I
Branches: Chicago. Clevelan~d and Detroit.
ilil ToniC
bottle--hence you
eGrove's. fmitators
ou would not buy
1Grove's contains
nd is in a Tasteless
qsuinine drives the
t will tell you that
so-called eTasteless
r chill tonics shows
ery respect.. You
es-its supeniority
ed. . Grove's is the
malarial sections of

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