OCR Interpretation

The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, December 25, 1900, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067705/1900-12-25/ed-1/seq-4/

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Items of Interest.
Middleboro, Mars., was one of th
barliest New England towns to engag
In the experiment of municipal light
Ing, and it claims to have made th'
venture a success, but only after year
of floundering and trouble. The towr
was forced i.to the purchase of a plan
that was the consolidation of two pri
vate corporations, heavily capitalized
It was necessary to buy out this com
pany to avo'd litigation coming out o
loose franchise granting; anA to pay 2
large price. Starting with this handi
cap, says the New York Evening Post
and owing to experiemental managing
the balance cheet for years indicate<
that the attempt was a failure. Thet
came new and improved management
and now it is anonunced that the rev
enue from light sold to private con
sumers exceeds the appropriations by
the town to cover the cost of street
lighting. So large fs the aemand for
commercial lighting that some of the
ftreets lights have been shut off tem
porarily, it being considered wise to
cater to the revenue-bearing side of
the business.
Trade has received a rebuff in Lon
don society, says the Boston Herald;
not because it is trade, but because sil
ly women, who should be about better
business than cutting under legitimate
tradespcople, are selling their titles
and positions by opening sh'ps and
tea places after this manner of Lady
de Gray. It is anything rather than a
praiswortny step for the wife of a peer
to take. Through her own extravagant
follies, she or her creditors deem it
justifiable, but her sovereign liege
thinks otnerwise of the matter, and
will refuse to receive her ladyship at
Court when she becomes a "shopkeep
er." The royal rebuke is intended as
much for the handsome countess's
debts as to warm other spendthrifts to
follow not her example of bartering
rank. It is very uncertain, therefore, if
: e Gray now believes she will
make a fortet sa ling tea at a guinea
the cup.
About three years ago the Christian
Commonwealth Colony was founded in
Muscogee County, Georgia, a few miles
fram Columbus, 1W forty men and wo
men, with some children, from Ohio.
They were an exceptionally intelligent
and worthy uody of people. Plain cot
tages were built and a. common din
ing hall which was also used for re
ligious service, was established. The
first year was a prosperous one. Four
crops were raised and good prices se
cured for the products. A saw mill was
built, a grist mill and a broom factory
were profitably operated, and a dairy
not only furnished :he community
with all the milk and butter needed,
but afforded a surplus for the mar
ket. Then niw members came and
trouble began. Many shirked their
work, gossip and scandal became rife,
debts were incurred which there was
:no money to meet, and now it is an
nouced that the colony has gone to
Well founded complaints are heard
on all sides, says the New York Trib
une, that tLhe great Consolidated Gas
Company, with its vast wealth and
magniicent resources, -is supplying a
poor quality of gas. New Yorkers are
~paying $1.05 a thousand feet for gas
-ich can be manufactured for 60
a thotisand at a h dsome profit,I
4 -1ue ets is~
4~2 oly is.
lndedf mans." n
"Possibly he Is, but If his mInd has Ru
7breadth it certainly has no depth."- em
Chicago Post, h
Good Position.18
Trustworthy men wanted to travel. Experti.n.
ene not absolu:eiy necessary. Forparticulars,
addess Peerless j ob. Wks. Bedford City, Va. we
It Is new said that the Queen of ow
Hlland, in seett; a husband, was anm
f'iet that shte had the strength of mind baf
the most popular of severeigns, for
1 'o crea C< ld ias Oe Day. kn<
Take LAxArIvE Eiomo. Qcrnxas TABra, er.
All drugeists refund tbs money if it fails to lad
cura. E. W. Gaov's signature oneachbox- wit
-.... .. . ._ -o f
No man is great whose alms ar Wit
-- We
Tour Storekeep;:r Can sell You res1
Carter's Ink or Le c:an at it for you. Ask 2im' abo
'Iy it. (ar ouds are '-ent an-auai'y to every
st-st in t.v Un ;m. Lk . uu buy e. arter's ? lani
It isn't always the strongest manth
that supports the largest family. th
.... .pro
Tvery Jlosher should Havo a
bottieof (nosefreaseLiert.ItcuresC'roup hioo
and olds I ke mn-'ic and a I rains and Cuts. aceri
It isn't always th> forw'ard child "
who comes out ahead.. pur
FtT permrai.n.tly cured. No fltsr norvous- trat
a-- :fa-r iir~t diV- us of Dr. Klf nes Gro 4tbd
Nerve i~t.t -r-r.$S!tria. bottle and treatisefree bd
1)r. 1R. U. KJM N:. L: d., 9331 A reh .Vt. Ph'lila, Pa. TI
Lots of girls who d.o fancy work don'tca
fan ey work. So 50. cau:
The successful :laywrighter soon logi
discovers that acticns speak louder The
than words. tion
T~r-- "son,
Sure Cure for Coida 2,
or n
When the children get their pers
feet et and take cold give Pu
themn a hot foot bath, a bowl are
of hot drink, a dose of Ayer's as p
Che:ry Pectoral, ar'd put them Prn
Sbed. They wiAll be all right "*
xn the morning. The
yr s m
wilcure old coughs also; we o
~ Pectoral
me?ani the coughs of bronchItis, Hlist<
weak' throtts, and irritable cour
lungs. Even the hard coughs apr
of consumption are always Cl'
made easy and are frequently such
cured. ~i
Three sizes: 25c., 50c., $1.00- the I
vf eur druggist cnano: supply you send us one 100 I
.*a :m we iu epress a large bottle to you. IIgt
E hag prepaid. Be szre axnd gie as ynntz
~ea2res n epessoe.. A4rwa fi a co., the 1
jThy Harvard College 11a Deeded Tt to
the State Archaeologieal and Hictorieal
Society-Mound Erected For Ceremou
ial and Symbolical Purposes.
By a recent vote of the ,arv:d
corporation the Treasurer of Iarar.
College has been authorized to to d
to the Ohio State Archaeo!ogical :iaml
I Historical Society the Serpent Mound
Park which for the last fourteen yne
has been in the custody of the 1\a
body Museum in Cambridge. flhus r-c
storing to Ohio the ownership oi tie
most remarkable and famous of ilie
thousands of monuietis (if the :nt
eient mound builders w hieh ex_ ist with
in her borders.
The gretit Serpent Mound lies in the
Township of Bratton. overlooking
Brush Creek, about seven miles fron
Peebles. the nearest railway station.
It had been notze with wonder by.tho
first settlers, but it was not until 1814;
that it was measured and described
by Squier and Davis, who published
a report with drawings from survi-ys
in the first volume of the "Smithson
inn Contributions to Knowledge." The
two explorers had found the site of
the mound covered by a forest. Th:r
teen or fourteen years aster their visit
a tornado swept directly along Serpent
Hill, practically sweeping the forest
clear. This led to reclaiming the hind
for cultivation, but by 1883 it had re
lapsed again to a state of nature and
was overgrown with sumach anl
In that year Professor Frederick W.
Putnam, .urator of the Peabdy M1u
seum and Peabody professor of arch
aeology and ethnology at Iiar-ard,
visited the spot in the course of a trvp
which he was making throurh South
ern Ohio for the purpose of examining
some of the best known of the ancient
monuments for which this part of the
State is famous throughout the world.
le was able to make arrangcnents
with Mr. Lovett, the owner of the
land, to have the Site cleared of un
derbrush, so that for the fi-st time in
years the extraordinary character and
grandeur of the Great SerpC-nt wvas
apparent to visitors.
It has been reckoned that r less
than 13.000 mounds and earth-orks,
built either by the Indians or y the
so-called "prehistoric" Inhabitants of
the Mississippi Valley, are in-luded
in the State of Ohio alone. But the
advance of cultivation, the cutpidity
of seekers after the buried treasures
which are popularly suiosed to be
hidden under many of these works, I
and in some cases pure vandalism,
have put many, ineluing, of course,
some of the most important, in jeop- 0
ardy. An example of this last kind of i
destruction is to be found at 3ari ia,t
where two great embankments, fat
inous among students of American
lrchaeology, have been partly de
stroyed-one having been built upon
tnd in part leveled, and the other I
nade into- b'ricks. The destr etion -of
he Mariet orks seems I the m r
be account of the co-pa
st whi it offers to the enligLA- to .
td wisdom of the pioneers, who, act- ta
under ~e direction of the famous T
fus Putnam, had utilized the twoth
D~ankments to for~manavenue which
y named in the classical fashion of in.
day, the Via Sacra. s
isiting Adams County again in in'
5 he found that its destruction was T
vitable, unless immediate measures heio
te taken for its preservation. lHeth
s able to secure a contract wiih theth
1er that it remain intact for. a year' set
ia price for the absolute pur-chase
the land was agreed upon. Goingfs
k to Boston, he enlisted lhe aid of T
s Alice C. Fletcher. well knownar
her notable contributious to lhe
wledge of Indian life. 3Miss Fletch- ci
meeting in Newport a few Boston
[es, appealed to thiem for support wall
hi so much effect that in the wvinter rn
LSSG3 a private circular was issued, ent,
a the indorsemient of the late Fr-an- oi3
Paraman, the historian of thetr
it, calling for subscriptions. As ait
ilt a sufticient sum, amounting to Oi
ut $13000, was secured to buy suchi the
I as seemed to be require d for the exphl
:)ose in view, andl to take steps for I T
preservation of the Ser~petm, withI ne
risions for making thoroughI exca- otfet
ons in the immediate neighbior- so cc
:1. In the end somte seventv-live are
5 of land along the pike leading their
a Peebles to Hillsborotugh weret-wy
bansed, and the whole, under the ti
e of the Serpent 3Moui: Park, was motii
sferred to the keeping of the Pea- outt
M useum in trut- ~ aind
is movement not only saved the the
it Serpent itself, but was the een
e of stimulating increased inter- of bi
n the preserv-ation of the archae
ali remains of Ohio in general. 8
General Assembly, at the sug~ges- e
of Professor ML C. Rtead. of IIuid- i
passed a law in 18SS exemptina tot
taxation land1s in the Smtle "on od of
~h are situatedl aiiy prehistoric \tcen
iworks, and which may itave been t;atei
ay hereafter be purlichatsed by any shapt
m, association or company for the ing 1
ose of pireservationi of said eart-:I side,
ts, and are not held for prilt, but be st.
r shall be dedicated to public use the b
rehistoric parks."~ hose
>fessor Putnam irmmed'itely lie- at th<
work to put the mouind :mnd the ing
pak containing it itt a suitablec swint
ition as a public pie: :e grounad left,
convolutions of the serveut were~ pedies
aed by gravel paths. so that'fhe.1 h is w
t be followved from cnd to (nd gee
ut injur-y to the inonument itself nac-h
et southwest corner~ of the par .t and r
nut pienic groundl was arr-ani-ed, r espiot
a spr-ing of water- proteete by a
antial sprighouse. A we-ll-uil
leads diagonally iet-oss the iark. Kin:
he whole wa put under th enr aia:ilor
competent keeper. The Tlre-emi king
for to the Ohio Ai-chaelo"ical and son
rical Society is in aic-orda 'c, o0 (dller
e, with the principle in ~ wa ited
possible histor-ical slos ar me .
>priately carecd fo'- by a loca ito- bermt.
Wheni the Peaboady Mlu'ceum sea to
over the prop-erty ther-e w'as no The s
society available. memha
lent IHill. as one looks up ow"r - courau
.m the cultiva ted mnadows on and e
'ther side of Brush Creek, iss yaicht
and wvood2y to a height of near Engulis
ci. It is ereseenit-shapet, follow-Enli
te bend of the river below~ it. and ling.
a1 turn to the nnethw et t ncon
orowned by a sleer clIff of bare rock!
which slopes to a point like the nos
of some monstrous animal. On th
L ofk oif !i rocky rplud is the serpen
i:slf. opening its huge jaws a3 if t
'sallow the great hollow oval or eg:
Iefor it. The oh'dy winds in broad
aecful eurves down to the coiled tal
it the end.
It 'ems',z to be genarally agreed h:
.or -'molo'ists that the mound ia:
ed for cerelouial and symll
iwrpoes, aind was not coniected wit]
th' ;ide of sepulture. In the etenrm
o the egg-shaped oval is a heap o:
n'10- shOwing the effect of 1ire. Thi
r C fSuhil it iS) VIS 01Ce mue
er thaai lov, having been IrOkel
Ssome s4ixty years ago insoniesearel
or b -uried tre'asure. Tlhe oval is 1'(
fe-t iwnz y (-ity feet wide, -n
about four feet high. From the eU(
1f 0!- oval to lhe tip of the rail is :
dst:ince of 49fH feet in an air line, bui
If nie sured from the end of
He oval to the neck of the serpent and
i ben along the convolutions of the
hedy. From the til) of the upper jaw
to the end of the tail the serpent it
self mea sures 1251 feet. The average
width of the body is about twenty feet
and its height along the head and
body from four to five feet.
The Peabody Museum in Cambridg:
retains a memorial of its now termin
ated connection with this great monu
ment of the past in the shmpe of a very
beautifully executed model.of the park
which it formerly owned, done by
Ward's natural science establishment
in Roelesier. N. Y., under the super
visicn of Professor Putnam from sur
voys by C. Cowen. It measures six fec
six inch hy four feet eight inches.
The enlnour of the land is shown most
interesting-ly in green, with its forests
and l'ifs and cultivated land and
P.:'ush Creek flowing through the
whole. A duplicate of this model has
a0,o been procured for the Field Co
Iumiian Museum in Chicago.-Chicago
Eleo'tric Fan's Motion Overcomes That of
Another-Seems to Revolve Slowly.
A remarkable optical illusion may be
een in the United States Census Office
i Washington, and to the person wit
acsso: it for the first time it is unexy
inlTilde and moipstnzzling..g
In the east end of the great building
ire two electric ventilating fans; they
Ire placed in the walls of the north
ind south sides near the ceiling; they
trc, about two feet in diameter and
evolve at the rate of about 300 revo
utions a minute in opposite directions
s they face each other, thus carrying
he heated air from the room and
ermitting fresh to enter at the sever
1 entrances.
Being in a direct line with each oth
r, one can look from and through the
ipid revolving fan at the south end
> the one at the north, and it is this
jew that gives tile illusion, for the
in farthest away seems to be trav'I
1g at thme rate of only a few r -
ons a minute, while the ne-i o 0e '2
whirling so rapidly that 'e 8
ble to fiollow it with - a
By m 'ing the head In 18ar
eft the - .fan
as to , but It also seems
Lave d de number of blades fit
are kn to be there.
ie effec~t is altered if the motion of p
head Is reversed, for then the far R
seems to have doubled the orig
motion, and by mov-ing the headth
ifferent directions the blades dance Pa
Lnd in a most uncanny fashion.
ie weird effect is still more F
htened when one looks through his
aperture between 'die edges of the mgl
fan and the wall in which It Is T
f'or from this viewpoint it is at anc
seen that the fan is traveling as in
as the near one.
e explanation Is simple. *The fans ha'
traveling in opposite directions, tiom
the motion of the near one over
as that of the far one. Were they'
yling the opposite direction in the I
s their motion fouiid'd synch:
us and no ilhsidh' would be a ar
or were the near one traveling.
half as fast as the far one the lat- acr
could appear to revolve only halt bam
ast at it really does, but being wit
te same circuit, and traveling at but
samue relative "ate of speed, the hal:
ination given is the true one. -hai
>usands of persons have wit- ~con
-d the illusion, yet not one has
Nd thus far an eiplanation, and anh
mpldete is the deception that there, 1e'
[ew- who notice It at all unless doll
attention is called to It. when iett
realize that the fans are both dia1
at like rates of speed. A slow fort
mn would be of no avail to draw hea
he vitiatedl air of the great room, a c:
ri glance at the far fan through buts
perture mentioned will instantly tell
nee one of the tremendous speed thei
th.-P~hiiadelphia. Press. the
r'rinkling Streets In Switzerland, i
ile Bern boasts of a lumbering cram
kling cart that would d~o justice star
Smiddle ages, the ordinary meth- crat
laying the dust is very primitive. ore
are employed who first fill with It t<
an elongated metal arrangement lice,
d like the baskets used for carry- is m
roodl and open at the top. One men
>f this can is fiat so that it can a .t t
*apped to the operator's back. At Pret
attom~ is a stopcock and a rubber
which has a sprinkling nozzle
end and when ready the water
aan marches dc n the Street a n
ing the rubber hose to right and is
ampartially sprinking the dodgnging
trianis as well as the street in PC'
ld, tiapping energy. The supply the
illy lasts until a fountain is
d. when the can is unstrappedd
filled for the next course.-Cor- ivhe
I-ece Chicago 1Rect "d. ii
XNing LeopoldI as a. saInor. to e
Leopold of Belgium is a goodI fan
and a thorough yac(htsmaltn. The a sit
(-ma:ins on dek during the worst ina
,whmen all the other passengers, (l)W
s of tie, royul household and in- hmous
guests seek refugte in their cab- play
Laitely the king's yacht, the Al- owni
had to remain twelve hiour-s at ther
avoidl the danger of a lee shore. and
ea was so bad that even some mae
rms of the crew got sick and dis repel
ed. The king remained on deck the f
.acered them up. On board his a rei
Leopold speaks familiarly in the r
h with all his sailors who are one
hi. for he sails under the British WvliI
l'wo footmen and a cook always chn
pany the kimr of his arnins suf~e
An Interest1ne
en's Guilt:
The founder 6 n Lodn
aPly. recently an attempt
ys that it was givi 'he
Foive the . of a
hildren of our nee to 1
-enrlife th It-- pro
heir lot bly I
eedings include
ng and(1 musi,
a n d n d i t I v~ i i . ,
:le. Its mleetiit1;!"I
vening in each
rally found t
oard schools a rooms for
pen one or M1 the x
these occa '
s f.
The Bermondse Is
managed by thre er 'md the
tstrehs and
ay istes and -as follows:
.'xercises are con sy
"Our guild even he guild, "be
Grace, the fe dert of the doors,
gins with t nf.-a1 aes
when the littlie 'mes t i
march in two by tside i fo
may have been wa -hind. After
or rain for an hour .sy and said
-'very one has made a es begin
*Good evening games. with
quaint old es and dain
-retty w ls
ty gest
ander proN
,In(] less limlbs,
ong eo
voie~" ~ore we go
voice?-th beu
tiful c~11-.lgn u
That is flo pn
ishmenti e lo wh,
the naturaq o I
no reward
There are
ly toys,
diaiya not
even- ed
the worree
tended th6
the bratb
and etnlw
every..1 Ve
t ofal
dr n ch co
The col
opeation wio no
drn," says the ey be one
teachers and hel .o
sided. Such corn y are pion
cialism; such W - min- cen
ters in the march'
tury.-The Outi
tended th
tbe sob
Knowledge is
Victory belo rse
taylht and hel
ocalim suchyin
ofr govte rnh
tury"-Te oftl
doD sa
eer dn-i
oer obeyinu
of golvenigl
he ed an acterhe" chil
very soul - e y bheh ofne
shoud - oftrist- st
oey and ein
he differeceomingten - t
he. orl fu ~ -~ ts andthi
will fin thdame t
neor th.d' m
e loved ofeobI
t e of all heual
the endan ewwht
ownlife-an st watmgh
be fence "ure It
thertle no yohrdy
beirt an
e a greatnoi
omatta it.hi
be, butl fuIdfo
nessl find tepamn
re nge 0pu eeu
ainth rn hr
b oint fa'
ew ght havehve
ac -wt t ~su netat
koyhag nergle~lr n h p
kows fu~ h okCt.T
sgt and Ndep ~ test
an the raniplk ac~at h
dene ofd his1lroi
~ forethistsort's 4
tib daw ~s f pthenel of
of ofhdrift-esti
~ an tenm * efor ~t iclithe e
~rs alt.Th~: Tl n c taen te t
-in ofthee -.and lifa eslto h
isanuus -e of en:e
nickls fr ~ prt s and the
iton f rs h wthsri e t
iacinirsK oftee mtni
sai the mal
~~e ~ t'other ida
in but
Trial Treatmnt I'rec.
Permnrent cure guararteed by using
4 to 16 bottles o-f . B. B. Hatve y'u
Ach'es and Pains in the Danes and Juints,
U!cers, o(ffensive Eruptions, Boils. Scr.>f
ala, Sore Mouth. Gurms or Throat.,
iM!g ~iri, Swellin~gs, Cancer, Itch'.n,
Skin. Copper Cu'cred Sores, Catarrh,
tlheumatisim? Then B. 1. Y3. hea's
every sore, makes the bood pure ard
rich and stops every ache and pain.
Cures whcnallelsefails. B. B. B. tested
33 ya:s. D3rurgcsts. $1. Trial treaz
m-: fr.-, byN x. riting Blood Balm Co.,
I Mitche:l street, Atlanta, Ga. Descri'!
ruu trnd medical advice free.
g4ns-"I hear you have a bir
Ylar alarm in your house." Biggis
I did have one, but some rascally bur
Iar broke in and stole it."
Best For the Bowels.
No matter what ails you, headache to a
ancer, you will nmver get well until your
owels are put right. CASCAR.Ts LeIlp
ature, cre you without a gripe or pain,
roduce en:Iy ntural movements, cost you
ust 10 couts to start getting your health
iiek. CASCAaETS Candy Cathartic, the
:euuine, put up in metal boxes, every tab
t has C.C.C. stamped on it. Beware of
He-"Why do you suppose all the
oke writers rail at matrimony?" She
I supose because it's a luxury they
an't afford."
Every nother Fhould Have
bt:le of GooseG reaieLiniment. It curesCroup
a2d Colds like magic and all Pains an I utA.
do not believe Pl:n's Cure for Consumption
a an equal tor coughs and colds.-Jon -% F.
,oyE. T'rinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15.1900.
Wanted- S itffrerr Fro'im Stornach,
iver,kidney and intestinal disorders to write
ev. .-'1:s a INTEit, Tryon, N.C. to !earn
bout remedy that eures. Enclose stamp.
Every Mother Should Have
yttl' of 0 ooseGreae Liniment. It curesCroup
nd Colds like magic and all Pains an.I tut .
The girl who sells her kises must
purse her lips.
The Best Prescription For Chills
md Fever Is a bottle of GnovF's TA3TELESs
D. Toric. It is simple iron and quinine
n a tasteless form. No cure. no pay. Prie 25C.
The debts we always pay are those
re owe to ourselves.
If you want "good digestion to wait upon
'our appetite" you should always chew a bar
f Adams' Pepsin Tutti Frutti.
Tfie~alaiedfcotball jej u
y pu5'1i--"rmoe
Thirty minutes is all the time required to
lye with PcTNva FADELESS DYES. sold by
dU druggists.
Defeated. -
ITe--Sorry to hear your engagement
ith young De Rocks is off.
She-Yes; he ran away. and enlisted
to fight in China, the cowardi-Chica
go News.
The comprehensive grasp of the
British death duties is further illus
4;ged by the latest decision of Brit
.sh Courts levying these duties on the
state of the late William L. Winans,
f the Baltimore famI2. of that name,
vho has now be'en held to ~have been
im expatriated Amerieg.n for taxation
.urposes. As he left over $12,000.000,
id as the tathe graduated
oer a mi ion'
h traveling salesman in oach southern state;
)to co per month and traveling expenses;
perenc.e not absolutely ne:efssary. Atddress
:tcks Tobacco Works Co.. Pevnicks, Va.
The Late Senator Davis.
'he late Senator Cushman K. Davis
i not only a fine lawyer, but a deep
ident of literature as well. He spoke,
td and wrote French and Italian fiu
tly, and nothing delighted him more
n the Greek and Latin poets in their
ginals. He was known as one of the
emost students of Shakespeare of
present day, and in his home he
i a magnificent library. A remark
e thing about this library was that
re was not a single law book in
collection, for during the last
nty years of hilife he made it a.
e n e '.rn r~ihg ~business cares
. ' fieide.
The Resemblance.
ackson-The baby's getting more
Iits mother every day.
Dhnson-That so?
ackson-Yes; it's learning to talk.
danapolis Sun.
said the
-,iiif9 * .mineral wa1
r . A glass ot
-will do more for a dis<
than all the pills in the wo:
A verage Dose: One-half glassfu
Your druggist or grocer will get it f<
Ask for the full name, "Hiunyadi Jdne
Imported by Firm of ANDREAS SA
No black powder shells on the market cot
ormty and strong shootIng qualities. Sure I
~ vour 50c. reaches
Think what this mes
est and most utot-.
-month for a veair for
half th
* -much less than itc
-is thoroughly Ameri<
juttereading you
Timely Topics,
Bright Stoi
Over 100 pages erach mlon
uis is aspeelal and and rea ib N~~
nVed ofrer to you think of It. Subscrip
omr'tIuapr The National M
Uye1y Momor sIousu aare
bott-eofa roo e*readIh:ue::t. ItcuresCroup
8:1.d t(a a ll i . IanA al; n !l::: an~d (_Uts.
.Ira. Win:* so:binl >r-.y for children
ie im:, P'f e, t he - m', ree econ'-mm J
10)o.Lilays ', t'. -o wi1:;d colie. -2~c.abll
Il her i n :. ii ?it i si -ection , t th
0ou;1tr y -, i - - ! . a put t-gethevr.
(1 a u i td WS V ' *iL y %er w i i to be .
r F.'r ar-r n any ye.,r; duet.ar -
.,rue: ict*a t a hc d.-e Li', ant prescribed
ioa r. medie.. an: by conat.ntif faitiDg to
ce e. t , ie(t t:-ea:won,-, pro nouncad i t i u
CU!e ecace h.s tirven catari t- b' A
cor.-ti:ut:on i di. :-w i.nd ihe el'ore requirt
constitutiona tr. a.uini. Cavtr: it Cur ,
mn'in f.t. tue e y -. J. I ney & Co.. Tole(').
tli-,' t nly e ,o: ; tuonal ::re on th.
nt rkvt it is t.Lken i .;;: . 1 yiv u d. frum n
tr -. h : 1 1.-r. :: !*. L: te syst -m .
Lu - oder on-: han i.'l .ch:ars !i a y:: es-e
it ra ' t . : e: ( I:r . rem als ? sIid t ' -
IuIwii: . d r- .J.( i-: N.Y -x Co..Toledo,u.
UniI=r:imi.y i'liis %:-e tile Lest.
Is Able to Help Sick Women
When Doctors Fail.
How gladly would men fle to wo- P
man's aid did they but understand a
woman's feelings, trials, sensibilities,
and peculiar organic disturbances.
Those things are known only to -
women, and the aid a man would give
is not at his command.
To treat a case properly it is neces
sary to know all about it, and full
informatin. many times, cannot be
given by a woman to her family phy
V I.
MaR. G. H. Cu PELL.
sician. She cnnot ring herself to
tell everything, and the phi.ian'Is
at a constant <adfantage. This is
why, foqr ..hLpast twenty-five years,
thousands of women have been con
fiding their troubles to 3Irs. Pinkham,
and whose advice has brought happi
ness and health to countless women in t
the United 'States.
Mrs. Chappell. of Grant Park, Ill.,
whose portrait we publish. advises all
suffering women to seek Mrs. Pink
ham's advice and use Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, as ,they
cured her of inflammation of the ovaries
and womb; she. therefore. speaks from
knowledge, and her experience ought
to give others confidence. Mrs. Pink
ham's address is Lynn, Mass., and her
advice is absolutely free.
Dr. Bull's Cough
Cures a cough or cold at once.
Conquers croup, brvuchitsyr
grippe and conumption.25c
in~minCCORSGIW . P0s-a
g K E~E...noA xs ra mxLZ3,*
-. ,and
- ftorit
at o:
To produce the best results '
1i fruit, vegetable or grain, the
rtilizer used must contain
nough Pts. For partic-1
lars see our pXhet.W
efd( them free:
93 Nassau St., New York.
y Bilious Friend,"f2
doctor, "it is the best laxative j
er known to medical science"
rdered stomach or a torpid liver
d. Foun1
on getting up in morning.
r you.
is." Blue label, red centre paneL.
KLENER 11,uto t,,Y
tre with the "NEW RIVAL" in un!
and waterproof. Oct the genuine.
--- New Hlaven, Con..
Edie by Joe Mitchll Chappled
s oni or b'efore January 1, 1901.
ns ! It places the cleverest, bright- SF101
se magazine in your hands every
regular price! a
osts to publish it. The '-NATIONAL." eTi
an, now in its 13th volume, full of 1Io
ant from cover to cover. state ki
Washington Affairs, W- L
les, Clever Illustrations.
lh. President 3McKinley has anbieribed for
-for years. sen<d your ce. to-day -while
ion price $1.00 a year after Jan. l. Address B
gazine, 91 Bedford St., Boston.
- FOR,
If desire Caa
logrue caup titis
Notice ant
send to
Columbia, S. C.,
and he will quote you terms and
rice-. A chance to get a tine
)RGAN or PIANO cheap.
Please give your name and P.O. address
hen send this ad.
ad a4 other kinds of wood working machin
ry. 31y Sergeant Log Beautaw 311
the heaviest, strongest, and m.at eftie
dill for the money on the market, quick,
curate. State Agent for H. B smi'ith
[achine Company wood working machinery.
or high grad* engines, plain slide Talve.
.utomatic, ai d Cor~i.s, write me: Atlas,
Fatertown, and Struthers & Wtlls.
.326 Main Street. COLUMBIA.. C
C 11 mention
hiere all we han
E CAN'1' but w! d
The Murray Cleaning and Distributing Sys
)m. Lane, Chase, Hege, Liddell and Hich
'oint saw mills. Liddell Automatie and
lain engines. Bundy traps. "NEW sOL fr"
riek Machinery, Erie City en nes -and
oilers, Disston iaws, "Queen of e South"
rist Mills.
WI.GIBBES & 00r-*
r-e. Lr. E. U. GlEEN's 30s. e 3. A.tla s.US
TTENTION is facilitatedifydei
this paper when wrti dpts a
c Sore Lautbs.
g lot taken in exchange for the"Ollver)
:h we are closing out cheap
sk for agency terms on th'OLIVEEs*9
want a good representati .-e in your section
you can sell s'ome machines.
.. E. cR AYTON, Gen'l Agent,
Booker T. Washington,w
Iton by himself. Everybody buys; agents
now making over $100 per mo~nth; beet toot -
1ll to cdo ed people ev:-r pub!t shed. Write
erms. or send1 :l cents for ou:flt and begia
mce Pie tse m-.st ion thxis paper. Addres
SNIC0LS & 00., Atlanta, (~orgia. 7
2 Locust St., ST. LOUIS. MIO.
Pipe ADFittings
;ar Loads in Stock.
Cut and Shtip Quick.
fry, Machine and Boiler 1h'rks and
Ipply Store, - -AugustaG(a.
real worth of W.
ouglas 53.00 and -
t soe compared
other makes is
-4GIlt Edgel.Ine
at be equal led at
irice. Over 1,000,- .
iatisfed wearers.
$3 or $3.t
are the laget makers of men's 63
13.50 shoes i the world. We mnake
ell more 53 and 63.50 shoes than arny
two manufacturers in the U. S.
IThe reputatto of I.
[ e. BEST
p Tce' ha t a h~e r tsi- Af
alion thin esfr nae cae uU~
th Etndr he . ouraa de shu
expc orsbtie f .In tnhair e wZU. E
plcd so h1 gth tha ud& d~II tU
lOan te xr carriaglshee.
a odta n- or -aei eameTE
W.IIE ALL.Yordalrsoudke
.e yo ettens con air . Use

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