OCR Interpretation

Lancaster enterprise. [volume] (Lancaster, S.C.) 1891-1905, November 17, 1897, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067757/1897-11-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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* I McCardel!
^ Q%N^RAt, ME
n^.. o i- M_i.!- <->
u\y AJUUUiS, iNouons, canoes
ife WK have a nice line of La
Kl I ITT AS, Ol'TlN'oS, I' I, /
| CLOTHi.\(i
a iroml and well selected STOC"
bought from the best houses in tli
X I unties' I tress Shoe in toien fti
A Nice Line of Heavy
"fT" ClXs Call and see us when
fXj ri^ht. We feel tfrat
tin- public in tlie pad and will urn
Y w
r :<
* I va^
! ^i^fURtcor
< 124V50 ^aasaa
J ?1? ?nd booklet fry. Ad. STEItl.lXO KKMKOY <;<
PORK, 4Porb
You can now get fresh pork sausage
as well as llrst class beef at
my market daily. Prompt delivery
made for all orders in any part of
the town.
July 2H, is?7<ly>
Subscribe for the ENTERPRISE?
one vear $1; six month 50 cents.
^ Up to Date
? We Are The Pe
f Abreast, ol
^ r??tl?kacii*Tr
V n
0 Don't Tail to pay us a visit '
^ soo what push and tin* knowh
. NESS will do. Vou can't fail
^ better tixod to do your GIN?
County. For your convenient
g* niirhts and our hard cash, and
\ cootr.adiction thai we give m<
^ the square inch than anybody
0 cot ton under the *noot of our
drive your team to the rear em
your bale of cotton ready for i
$ We will Gin \
5 25 cents per I
^ too, that we are headquarter
+ CIIINE LINE. If you break
^ need a good belt, come to ns;
? ^ anykind in our line, drop in a
^ commodate you.
^ We also pay the highest cas
^ (Jinnery.
Thanking the public for pa*
^ continuation of same,
^ We fi
i Poag rf
& Allison, I
i, Hats, Clothing, Etc., Etc. ^
iiies nitr:ss r.i n /:/cs,
Etc. ?
Idren and Men. Also, a nice line "Vl
K of >II<)KS that, are reliable,
e country. We give you the best
?/ $'?.
and Fancy Groceries. X
in town and we will treat you
eful for the liberal patronage of
ike you prices that will warrant a jjT
istipatiohL^ ii
aaeof constipation. Oaseareta arc the Ideal Uxa- i
Tip or aripe. hot cause cany natural rexulta. 8am- i
[?.. rhlcarn, Montreal. < an., or New York. SIT.(
Specialty is
Low Prices
(Infill Groceries and ,
Will sell !? pounds good >;reen Coffee
for$l. 1 pound of R. J. R. Tobacco
for 41 cents.
Just received, a nice line of Fancy
For Slates, Slate Pencils,
Pens and Ink, call on
one door north of L. C. Payseur's.
iGinnery! t
ople Who Keep r
The Pro- *!
5 Times. * i
? #
when vou corno to town, and f
sd-re of a SPECIAL Bl'SI- ^
to see and admit that we are
s IN < r than anybody in the ^
re we have spent sleepless ^
1 we elaim without fear of
.re (JKNl'lNK S Kit VICE to
Only put your wagon of
elevator and in 15 minutes
1 of building and got delivered ^ !
market. ^
'our Cotton at
Iundred. J
s for anything in the MA- ^
down, come to us : if von &
if you want information of ^
n?l we will do our l?est to ac- ^
h price for cotton seed at our ^
it patronage and soliciting a gfc
ire yours truly, ^ \
* ? j
3 Harper. J
responds readily to proper fertilization.
Larger crops, fuller ears and
larger grain are sure to resuli
from a liberal use of fertilizer?
containing at least actual
Our books are free to farmers.
53 N.'?3iu St.. New Y?rV
a hush a n riui:-s n i:r r.
Ahount T/tlrtft Husincss h tut set
Humeri uuri the Maw hunts Host
Their Stuck*, Muiii/ with I/ittti
or no /nsuruwe.
Kershaw was visted Saturday
night by a disastrous eonllagra
lion which swept away t li i rt \
buildings, including three bricl
storerooms and most of themer
cliandise contained in them, en
tailing a loss of over $50,000 upoi
the citizens, most of whom hat
little or no insurance, the total
insurance being less than $15,
000. Several thousand of it was
written by companies of whose
standing very little is known here
The lira originated in a bakery oc
cupied by Mr. .J. (), llough, next
to the old drug store of Dr. J. E.W
Haile. It was discovered about
half past ten o'clock, by Mr. 1). .1
Gardner who was sleeping in the
second story of the Dr. Haile old
store, and before 2 o'clock the
lire was over. It spread both
? aj a 11u111 wnure 11 started, am]
destroyed every building (but
two on the lower end of the
street) fronting the railroad,
crossed over Marion street and
burned lour buildings, stopping
at Strafton's bricK building, whose
roof was considerably damaged
and which, by the way. made r
very narrow escape from total
destruction. From the two story
building on the corner of Hampton
and Marion streets the lire
spread eastward on the south side
of the latter, burning three brick
buildings and some six or eight
small frame building*.
h was with much dillieultv
tlint (.'apt. .1. V. Welsh's stahles
occupied hv II. .1 (1 regory A; Co.,
were saved. Some veiy line worl<
was done, or they would have
zone; and if that had horned, the
tire would have gone on, and even
frame building, inrludimr severa
dwellings in that vicinity, would
have been swept away inevitably
and possibly several brick stores
Beginning at the southern limit
of the burned buildnnrs on llanm
ton street, and coming north uf
said Htreet to the northern limit
of the burned district, then fol
lowing Marion strpet eastward
the following is a list of the buildings
burned, their approximate
value, the occupants of same, the
approximate value of their stocks
and the amount of insurance or
buildings and stocks :
K. L. Sowell, $150, occupied b}
owner for storage. Sma'l loss or
contents. No insurance.
NOVEMBER 17, 1897.
H. B. Massey, $400. Occupied
| by J. S. Jones, hides etc. Loss $150.
j No insurance on building or eon1
I). T. Hough, $000, occupied by
' | owner with a $000 stock of groi
ceries. No insurance.
Heath Springs & Co.. $800. In~
~ I- - 1 - - - 1
I . Mn#iu:i! hmu recently expired.
Occupied l>v A. L\ Brown with a
bi^ stock of general merchandise
i valued at about $8,000, with only
about $2,000 insurance bo far as
' our information goes.
i)r. I*. C. Hinson, $200. Vacant.
No insurance
W. (ianson, store bouse and
warehouse, $700?with $350 insurance.
K. Moselv, two rooms $800. No
j insurance. Occupied by J. B.
i Witherspoon A .Sous with a stock
j of furniture, etc., worth $3,000.
i Insurance $1,250.
I)r. .1. E. W. llaile, $1,000, with
:! $500 insurance. Occupied by llor
i ton & Horton as a fancy grocery
j store, $200. No insurance. Noth?
J Estate of E. I'earce, $000,
with $000 insurance. Occupied by
J. C. Hough as a bakery, boss
small. No insurance.
Black rnon A Kstridge, two
> rooms, $1,400. No insurance. First
room occupied by ,J. C. Ilough
with a $3,000 stock of general
merchandise. A portion of the
; goods was saved, but most of them
were burned afterward. No insurance.
The other room was occupied
i by L. C. Payseur with a stock of
1 about $1,000, in charge of Miss
I Lizzie Stevens. Some $200 worth
were saved. No insurance.
Mrs. M. M. Welsh, $1,200, with
? $500 insurance. Occupied on first
, tloor bv O. B. Drakeford's barber
shop. No insurance. Most of the
etFects saved. Also by O. O. Floyd
& Co., as a Drug store with a
stock of $1,000. Saved about $800.
Insurance $000. The up-stairs was
' occupied by Mrs. Neely Blackwell
r- an a hotel. She lost most of her
furniture, etc., with no insurance.
B.E.Blakeney's law oilice was also
up there, lie saved all his books
' and papers, and even his iron
> safe.
Wm. Cook, $750. No insurance.
Occupied by J. A. Hilton Co.
^ Stock said to be about $6,000.They
, saved some $1,500 worth, lnsur.
ance $2,000.
Town Hall, *200. Insurance
1 $150. Occupied as an ollice and a
1 barber shop.
r Holden A Bro., $300. Occupied
by owners with $000 stock of groceries,
etc. Insurance $200 on
? building and $200 on stock,
i K. b. Sow ell and S. L. Cardnor,
.lr., 2 brick buildings. $1,500. No
I insurance. Occupied 1 room by
' | T. M. Kit/.patrick A Bro.. with an
j $S,000 stock of general merchan.....v
f..- ii iuui TI..
k ; u jnr, nirtui nucu &1 ?rt,' M M7, lilt*
j other room was occupied by the
Dispensary with a stock of about
$2,500, insured for $S00.
W. ! '. Cook and T. J. Gregory,
Insurance $500. (Occupied
by li. T. Hilton A: Co., stock
about $1,500. Insurance, $100.
li. b. Sowell and 8. li. Gardner.
Jr. owned 7 framed building on
' j this street and in the back lots,
Call of which were burned. They
.: were worth in the aggregateabout
,! $2,500. I'tiey were variously oc!
cupied, one as an "original paekI
age" shop, another as a beef
I market, one as a store, one as a
I restaurant, and one was a stable,
I occupied last spring by Stevens,
' Heath & Elliott as a sale stable.
Watson <V Sowell's blacksmith
I shop,in the same vicinity, burned,
. as was the ware house of Heath,
, Springs ife Co. in rear of their old
I store on Hampton street.
besides the losses above enumerated,
tf? bales of cotton that had
. been hauled there and thrown oil
) were either burned or badly (lam>
aged. 11 bales of it belonged to
Mr. I.. 1 ) < Ichiirn 91 t\f if (r> M r
" *m "" "' ,v vv' " *
, I'.A.McManus and 4 to Mr.tieoi^e
Several parties made preparai
tions to move out their furniture
when the fire so threatened to
XO. 35.
koyal makes the lood pure, |
wliulcjuuic and delicious. E
I fcAKII$ i
Absolut*!/ Pure> .
i royal oakinq powofr co., new york.
! hi he ''apt. Welsh livery stable.
,a<-no(v the number being Mr.
I. li. lIayes,mrf.Anna DialRn and
Mr. I\. 1.. Sowell.
Although "slightly disfigured,"
Kershaw is "still in the ring" for
! business, and before the ashes are
'cool, her enterprising citizens are
formulating plans for rebuilding,
! and it will not be long before neat
! brick buildings will grace the lots
j made vacant by the fire.
Death is never a welcome visitor
but never was more unwelcome
nor dealt a sadder blow than
when it struck this noble,christian
son of a devoted mother. Whereas
it has pleased llim who doeth
all things well to remove from our
midst this beloved member of our
Busy Bee Society of Tirzah
church therefore be it
Rktoi.vkd First, That, while we realize
our loss in his death, we bow in
humble submission to the will of lliui
who is head over all things.
Skcoxd, That we will always cherish
the many noble nualities of our friend
Mack, feeling that his presence among
us and his beautiful christian life have
been an example that we can never
forget. A ml while his memory will
ever linger with us we will strive to
follow in his footsteps with the hope
that we will meet him in that heavenly
liome where he is now at rest and
happy in our .Saviour's love
Ti*iki>, That we extend to his beloved
mother and br- ners our heart felt sympathy
with a copy of these resolutions
trusting that tiod will draw very near
them and comfort them in their bei
e i.i.i K fit Aid, i
l'l SCKNKV WAI.KI'I', .. . ?
... v... v ( ommittee.
I i. ho N i:i.SON,
Daisy Hatchkosi>, i
I Xolice.
1 All parties indebted to us, especially
those whom wo have carried
over from last year and longer,
must come forward and settle
iii once as no tartner notice will
be given. Remember wo are not
| doing a banking business and
therefore people owing iir must
pay up.
H. .J. (1KK0OKV iV: Co.
.1 /.'/<?</ </ .1 */,! ({ lOt.
1 lie papers were served on .1.
A. Hilton iV ('o. of Kershaw
j Saturday asking for the appoint i
inent of a Receiver tor the benetit
of their creditors. The firm is
said to be in very bad shape. Their
indebtedness foots up some $ 1
000 or $ 18,000.
1 ' ?
II rut to 'tail Inst* oil o/' T/ir Cir1
| run.
Mary White, col., one of fho excursionists
who came from Chester
to see the circus Thursday,
was up before Magistrate Burns
on the charge of stealing a cloak
from Messrs. T. M. Fitzpatrick A*
Bro's store. She plead guilty and
was given .'10 days on the chain
gang or $10. She paid the line.

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