VOL. I. LAUKENS C. IL, S. C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1885 NO. 8. Metro lor 11.4 lh??t~r. .m . i ul li. I. , consolidated Mar, Ami ?-corot mystery nf wheels aud things. 3 hut tuakoH uur ni'uHhiy Mils fm- gas mount hlffhcr. And Into OVcry household trouhlo brings! lloro would yon UAW bo loaded with tho curs os Of a nc i v men wh? i>, revilement vlo, Could these poor, bunnin, weak, ?nd halting VOIfOS (lot over Words *. fast as you cnn lie. How meek and op?n-f?cod your dire dolli? * sion I How secret and In?., dnblo your slnl How quietly you work In safe seclusion. Dally and nightly dragging dollars lui Explain your VMt %rui wondrous powers of suction; Tho secrets ot rou? prison-house declare I How does it huppen thut tho rate's rctluo tlon llecomos a mockery, a fraud, a maro? What |? thor?(4 your cortuorantlst munro. Your meo?t.nlnin wlord and Intricate, That 111 uk ? < yon swallow up a Legislature And hold ?nd hind tho people of a stater ."i"" Mm t?io rulo of law will be completer. And i?y an honest Legislatura icu Strict justlco will ho meted to the meter. And peace at last possess the souls of incn. -Now York World. A MORTAL, "TACWIN." ? -r Itoportnr lieeamo ?./Ith III* Future Wife. How H Newsp qanltited If I may trust tho fluttering truth of sleep, My dreams presago some Joyful news at hand : My hosom'8 lord sits lightly on his throne, And. all this day, an unacoustomod spirit Lifts ino ahove tho world with cheerful thoughts. -Slnikspcarc. Edward Manchester aud I were boys togothor. Wu fished in tho samo brooks, OOCUplod tho stiuio desks nt - school, and climbed tho old New En gb?"' hills in company. Tho current of <>?. . youthful lives ran in the same channel, until, when standing at tho porUls of carly manhood, our paths wi?t*iy diverged. Following tho guidanco cf his am bition ho booamo a printer's appren tie*, drifted into oditorial work, and finally crossed thc Continent It was then that I lost all trace ot hun. I en tered collogc, in duo thou com ploted the proscribed course of study, and after graduation bocamo attached to tho United States const survey. So it hnp]H3iied that niter iiftecn years' sop nrntion wo mot again nt Los Angoloi, Cal., whithor I lind been ordored on duty. Of cou I'M- our boyhood's friend ship was renewed. Ho was now tho editor and publisher of a prosperous journal nod tho saine hale ami haart* good follow of my early association. To His hospitable homo I wns invited nnd it Was the happiest, chceriost fireside1 at which i wns ovor privilogod to sit. " His wifo, who was at least ten years his junior, was a woman of raro men tal qualifications, ami her assistanco to him in bis profession, mid likeness of spirit, bad brought tho pair into per fect harmony* which it was most piqu ing to observe. Sitting in his library one ovonifcr;, just Kt tho bogiuniu<* of tho rainy Ma son, when tho cheerful wood-lire in the open grato is an actual necessity, otr convorsation turned upon ??ho auhjevt Of dreams. I doubt?d whether tioy woro in any' deg reo pr?photic, and. maintained with ardor tho opinion lint dreams woro simply due to a disorpr od net vous system, citing ninny loam ed psychologists in support of niy'tlo ory. "You may not believe, inc," said ny friend, "but, nevertheless, 1 knowjtlat dreams are sometimes forecasts of things to occur. I say I know tull to bo truo because tho most hnporunt ovont of my lifo was brought tot piss through tho infiuonco of a dream). It is perhaps true that coarse- nature)do not 'entertain angels unawares' mon ?loop hovers ovor them and cuchi 11.s thoir souses but there afc lino or ganisations possessed of a sixth sti.se and that extraordinary attribut? is only awakened whoo ail tba oth?nuro in repose.'^K .That is Va novo! Idea," I roblad, "and I do not caro to accept it al tao without doliuile ami convincing ?nof. Howovor, what waa your dreamP| iftcr I have hoard it related and am iifrrm od what carno of it perhaps I nat] bo como a convort to your now pn?os ophy." . "knocking tho ashes from hu ligar and settling uimsolf comfortably it his oasy chair, my friond procoodooj o re late the following cxtraordinnfy inci dent: "Some yours ago I was cnip the repot tonal Staff of a Chica paper. It was up-hill work, salary was not munificent, thero woro frequently times ends uttorly and positively r meet. Ono night I ropairo sixth-story room a good do humor with myself and t Llko most other newspaper grown cynical, so plainly .hara? and^doeoits ot hu. ant to my viow in tho courso of tasks. It was in November, wind blew (n from tho lak which my room faood. I t fire and sat, down to com myself. The blaze disperse heat; a xe a so of warmth a stole over my heart and after a little I foll fast osle fa$t ash-op, and yot I har that was ray actual comfit, all my slumber it soemod to was possessed of ovory facut "I was transported to Ar ia. Tho sun was sinking hohind a ty cal East era. city, and its fading glori? lighted up tho domes and minarets oman v an Imposing m?sque. I was iujroublo as to tho course I should pWuo. The people woro all strange an<$>rbidding in appoaranco, and ottoredlt a word a? they strode on, with ?tim in thoir hands, toward tho city, wfo in tho opposite direction to that ?which my course soomed to He ronoM tho ap parent unonding. drifted Ids of the & . oNMori Vom ino city a . sweet epioM was waftod, tho 4??rt % hot and wi assailed mo with Its seor "Soddenly a woman mo. I could not tell fror ter she had approached. In the gerb of an Arabian Ieee artfully concealed ls ban, from whieb depena voil. She spoko to rae-) hoard but one other volco fawoet ano ?n?lcal-and ?ddrewod n jin my ni do*, thoa/f,?? i'd on aews d my I fact, m tho ked to o my rat of world. I had 0 tho old up y daily a chill toward ed tho [no with radiant comfort In; and 1 say boliove , for in e that I ame as of die from Lng blast breath, beside at quar waa elad aldon, her th a tur a heavy jhvo never mortal?' she inqu?rod. ".In truth 1 do uot know,' was my response. 'Duty sooius to doniand that I should cross tho desert waste be fore mo, but my way ls not plain, neb her do 1 belie , n 1 shall survive tho trials and fatigue of the journey. "In clination impels mo toward tho oity, where all is ropose, and whoro tho most luscious fruits tompt my eyes and Hie perfumo of raro exotics is grateful to my sonsos.' .* 'Touch thom not. Tho fruit is tho apple of ?Sodom, and is ns nslies upon tho tongue. The odors which scorn so delicious and entrancing aro deadly poisons; whoovor broathes thom is con demned to foro vcr wear u heart of stone. Follow mo; and I will load you to a haven of safely, for hus not Allah i 111 rusted you to my carot* Doubt not mv sincerity, for if you do so you will fall and faint by tho way.' " 'And who aro you, good lady? How can you resist tho deadly perils of thu trackless desert? If 1 trust you, what assurance havo I that you will not lend mu forth to dio und bo forever lost in Hio over-shlftlug sands?1 " 'Ask your own heart, and bu mind ful of its d?ctalos. I oannot doceivo you if 1 would, for Allah has created mo to koop watch and guard ovur you.' "I was convinced that tho maiden spoko truly. Turning to my veiled companion, after one lust glance to ward thu city, I said: " 'Loud on. I will follow you with out reserve. I put ?ny trust in you, al though tho way appears dilHoult und tho end is ns closely veiled in obscurity und doubt us aro your features hidden from my sight.1 "Sim turned and walked llootly across the desert, and soon the blissful city was lost from viow below thu hor izon, and all around us lay tho silent, merciless sands. "Day after ?lay and night after night wu plodded on. Sometimes an awful scqsu of weariness oppressed mo; my feet sunk to tho ankles in tho re morseless, yielding sands; the intenso heat shriveled my skin and parched my lips. Hut my companion was never weary and paused not. If I turned laggard shu prompted mo to greater exertlou with tho words: 'Even tho desert has an omi. Youdur lies your way. Tho troubles you now enduro aro but blessings in disguise. At tho end thcro is eternal pcaco and a laurel wreath for your brow. Would you fall now, after you havo suffered so much?" "At ouch sound of hor voice my faith was renuwed as if by magic and iiiy .strength came back to mo. "lt scumed to mu that months had boon consumed in our journey, whoa at last wo attained tho banks of a limpid stream, beyond it was a stretch of nairns and cedars, intermingle;! with luxurious plants and the most exquis ito of tlowors. " 'You have attained tho reward of your.sullorings,' .said my guide. 'Huro at last is rest and peace. All your journeyings aro nt an end and now comos your ruward. Honeoforth you will never know a want, but pass your remaining days on earth in doing good to your fellows. Our paths lio a littlo apart from this time, but I will watch over you. A sonso of my prosonco will always ho vouchsafed to you, and in Paradise wo shall bo reunited.' "'Hut,' I implored, 'why must you leave mo? You havo been my good angel, my guido, my savior in all tho trials Which havo besot, my oath. Re main ovor at my sido, for I may yet fail without your aid.' " 'I would that it might bo so; but I fear it cannot Hu patient. In anoth er stnto of cxistenco wo cannot bo part ed.' " 'Thou lot mo soo your face once boforo wo part. Your voico has sus tained mo-to look upon your features would be far greater bliss.' " 'Know you not that tho face of an Arab malden is evor voilod? Even so it is with the angels when in human company. If you should but look into my oyes I should bccoiuo human liko yourself; though our companionship could novor end.' "'And that is my chiof desire' was my responso; and seizing lier veil I toro it from her taco. It was not a cotiu tonnuco of raro beauty, ns tho world or dinarily jlldgOS tho Mandi-,!.melli-, of women; but it was puro nnd swoot and true, it touched my bQfl|fr a? novor had woman's fnco appealed to it be fore. "Tho groat soulful oyes looked stead fastly into my owu. 'You havo found mo, aftor yoars of vain searching, and roloascd mo from my bondage. Hence forth nm I with you lo tho end of lifo. For yon I was croatud, and faithful will I romain unto you until death; and oven thu gravo will not ludo us from each oilier.' "I awoko. Tho Uro had diod away to einher.i, and tho room was growing cold. Long I marveled what such a dream could portond. Wooks rolled by, and tho fuco of tho Arabian maldon was ovor before, mo. Tho months pa-,-ed into yoars-and still every lin eament of tiloso nngolio foaturos and tllO expression of tho deep, soulful eyes remained implanted In my memory. Half unconsciously I scanned thu facos of thousands in tho busy streets, but among all tho hurrying throng that faco Was nOVOr encountered. Still, I was impressed that one day I should lind lt. 1 pm .levered In my profession, and, when downcast by adverso for tines, that silent fnco strongthoncd mo, os it had in my dream of.tho jour ney across tho desort." "I had becomo Intousoly lntorestod, for my friend was an excellent story teller. At this point ho paused. "Well," said I, inquiringly, "what carno of lt?" "Two yoars ago," ho continued, "I canto to Kan 1 ranoisco. Ono day, shortly after my arrival, I was stand log on a streut-corner waiting for a car, and in tho rooantlme turned and carelessly glanced at a caso of photo graphs displayed at tho foot of a flight of stairs loading to an artist's studio. I gave a start tis my fnco rested upon ooo face. Tho doop, dark oyo? lookod into mloe, tho rogular foaturos, th? vory folds of tho bair, caught up grace fully ovor tho high, Intellectual fore? hoad, wero those of tho maldon of my d roam I "I lost all intorost in tho car and hastened up tho stairway to tho studio, Tho photographer evldontly considered mo an oscapod lunatic. "You lia vc a picture, in your caso bo low-whoso U it?' I inquirod nervous ly M *A picturo! Wily, thero aro two hundred! How should 1 know wh'ch ono you mean?' " 'Very true; I did not think of that, lint, pardon me, sir, ono of those pho tographs reminds mo most forcibly of an absout friend whom 1 groat,y desiro to fiptl. Will you bo kind enough to lend me your aid in tho matter?' '* 'Certainly, sir. Your manner when von Hist carno in lcd me to doubt your sanity. However, 1 am now re assured, and shall bo most happy to sorvo vpn.' His* kindness availed little. Tho photographer could not tell to whom the picturo belonged. Ho concluded that it must bo tho order of a transient visitor to tho city; tho negativo had beon destroyed-and so I departed in a moro disturbed condition of mimi than before. "I had intended to pursue my pro fession in Southern California, ns clo.o attention to work had induced a pul monary complaint from which in this mild climate I hoped to obtain relief, but all my energies were directed to wards Unding tho original of tho haunt ing evasive photograph. "I secured au engagement upon tho stall'of an evening nowspapor. Wher ever 1 went-in church, theater, or lip* ou tho streets-my whole soul was ab sorbed in searching for what a major ity of persons would call an illusion. In the fulfillment of my duties I was sent to furnish a roport of tho com mencement exercises of a woman's college at Oakland, just across tho bay. Some straugo impulso moved nie to send down my roport and to accept an invitation from tho president of tho faculty to attend an evening reception at tho college hall. This was not in consonance with my ordinary habits, for a peculiar and sometimes most un pleasant diflldeoco lett mo to nvoid rather than seek public assemblages of thc kind. Tho night was warm, aud tho ladies sought tho pleasant balco nies overlooking tho bay to enjoy tho refreshing brcezo from ibo Pncitic. As I sauntered up to ono of tho windows I observed a young woman, who in sumo mysterious way did not impious me as a stranger, gazing abstractedly into the starry depths overhead. Thinking that it was some one to whom I had been introduced during thu evening. I aroused her from her reverie by a com monplace remark. As shu t urned her fnco towards mino our oyo* met I starlod back in astonishment. 1 had mot the lady of my dream! " 'Pardon ..io, but we liavo met bo foro I believe, ' I said h al I-apologetical ly, us soon as 1 could colloct my scat tered souses. " 'I do not know,sir; thoro is certain ly a familiar tone in your voice.' Sho spoke in tho same sweet and bewitch ing tones so deeply fixed in my mem ory. In nay coe fusion, I quickly ad ded: *. 'It must havo boon in Arabia.' "Tho eyebrows wero arched in sur prise. " 'I think not, sir,-I havo ucvor trav eled in tho K?st.' "Well, to cut my story short, a last ing friendship was formed then and there. You have met Mrs. Manches ter. She lins proved nil that my dream foretold. It is true that sho lins no recollections of having boen my com panion in the desert sands of Africa, but I am none thu loss convinced that die is tho 'tacwin' from whoso lovely faco I snatched the voil."-Edwin Hus iell Morse, in Chicago Tribune. What u Writer Th to ka of Society. "Society rogulatos collectively tho morals of its members." "lu society there is no friendship. These people aro an aid to you so long as they fuco you; lot them turn their backs and you aro in tho dark." "Socioty novor forgivos you if you disappoint it in its ostimate of you. "Thcro is nothing socioty is moro willing to do than condone, particular ly where tho sinuor has no ncod of ac tive partisanship." "Ho could say 'thank you' with the infloctlon that made, tho commonplace like tho condensation of a sonnet." "Ho could put on a glove with such a graco that tho woman who saw him would havo kissod his hand." "There won't bo a smile given you to-night that tho person giving it does not count on gaining a percentage for tho amiability shown." "Ho's Uko a sentiment of Byron, em bodied in tho most perfect shape a man can take" "Tho court paid him was merely a form of supercilious condescension which wealth and 'birth' sometime i amuso themselves by lavishing on wit and"*parts." ..Self-interest ho had found to be the key of human action.1* "Tho world doesn't give its wholo heart to tl.o ravisher of its favors." "Ho was sonsitivo to tho proprieties as only those aro who take on retin? me nt through extraneous teachings." "A self-made man, he secretly adored tho conditions and heredita monts that no genius, no efforts can at tain." "Ho worshipod monoy, and panted for the precedence lt giros in a new socioty, whore oharactor ls slow in pro ducing its due in Hue II co. " "Tho spear of truth is singularly blunt hefoin the armor of egotism and habit ongondered by social rivalries and human frailty." "in a largo city a man is soraotimos well thought of evon if ho cannot pro duce a troo exhibiting revolutionary or Mayllowor ancestry: in tho Valodos novor!"-Maxim? from "The Money Maker?." mm . rn* "So you say you wero onoo chased by Indians?" said Ethelinda to her bashful lovor, George. "Yes," replied George, "throe of us woro chased an entlro day by a band of hostiles." "And you rcooivod no Injury?" "No. We got away from thom, but lt was a pretty tight squeeze." ..A what?" "A tight squeoso.'-' "What's that?" "You don't know what a tight squooae ls? Well, or-that ls to say- by Jove, you know-I, or-jjt?e*? lt's about timo you did know, I-ur-will gira you an illustration." And ha did. Tho IlnrthoWtt Htntuc. Whou Patrick Henry put his old cast iron spectacles back ou top of his hoad and whooped for liberty ho did not know that somo day wo would havo more of it than wo anew what to do willi. Ho lillie dreamed that tho limo would come when wo would havo moro liborty than wo could pay for. Whou Mr. Henry sawed tho air and shouted for liborty or doatli I do not bolievo that hr knew that tho timo would como when Liborty would stand knoc-doop in tho mud of lledloo's Island and yearn for a solid placo to stand upon. lt sooms to mo that wo havo too much liberty in this country in somo ways. Wo havo moro liberty thau wo have money. Wo guaran toe that ovory mau in Amorica shall fill himsolf up full of liberty at our uxpouso, and tho loss of an American ho is tho moro lib orty ho can have. If ho desires to en joy himself all he needs is a slight for eign accent and a willingness to mix up with polities ns soon as ho can got his buggago off tho stoumor. Tho moro I study American institutions tho moro I rogrot^that 1 was not born a foreign er, so that I could havo Boniothing to say alu mt tho management nf our groat land. If I could not bu a foreigner, I believe I would prefer to bo a Mormon or an Indian, not taxed. I am ofton lcd to ask, in tho lan guage of,?bu poet? "Is tho Caucasian pTayod out? Most ovcrrbody can havo a good deal of fun in this country except tho American. Ho sooms to bo so busy paying Iiis taxes all tho lime that he has very little limo to minglo in the giddy whirl of tho alien. That is tho reason that tho alien who rides across tho United States on the "limit ed mail" and writes a book about us boforo breakfast wonders why wo aro always lu a hurry. That is the reason wo have to throw our meals into our selves with a dull thud and have no timo to maintain a warm personal friend? ship with our families. Wo do not caro much for wealth, but wo must havo freedom, and free dom costs money. Wo havo adver tised to furnish a bunch of freedom to everyman, woman, or child whocomcs to our shores, and wo are going to de liver tho goods whothor wo havo any left for ourselves or nob What would tho groat world beyond tho seas say to us if some day tho blue-eyed Mormon, with his hoart full of lovo for our female seminarios and our old women's homos, should land upon our shoros and lind that wo wore using all tho liborty ourselves? What do wo want of liborty, any how? What could wo do with it if wo had itP It takes a mau of leisure to onjoy liborty, aud wo havo no leisure whatever. lt is a good thing to keep in tho house "for the use of guests only," but wo don't neod it ourselves. Therefore I nm iu favor of a statuo of Liborty Enlightening tho World, be causo il will show tiiat wo koop it on tap winter and summer. We want the whole bioad world to remember that when it gets tired of oppression it can como boru to America and oppress us. We are used to it, and wo rather liko il. If wo don't like it we can get on tho steamer and go abroad, whero wu may visit the olio to monarchies and have a high old time. Thu sight of the Godduss of Liborty standing ibero in Nuw York Harbor night and day, bathing lier feet in tho rippling sua, will bo a good thing. It wdl bu tirst-ruto. lt may abo bu pro ductive of good in a direction that many have not thought of. As sho stands there day after ?tay bathing her feet in tho broad Atlantic, perhaps some moss-grown Mormon moving to ward thu far West, a couliriuod victim of tho matrimonial habit, may lix the bright picture iu his so-called mind, and remembering how, on his arrival in Now York, he daw Liberty bathing her feel with impunity, he may bo led tn aftor years to try it on himself. HUI Aye, I'M Moitun (Jiobe. Bartlett**. Do you know bartlett's? It is the homeliest, quain tost, coziest placo in the Adirondacks. A score of yours or more ago Virgil bartlett carno into tho wood?, and built his houso on tho bank of Karamu: river, between tho Uppor Saranac and boned bake. It was thou the only dwelling within a circlo of many milos. Tho deer and boar woro in thu majority. At night ono could sometimes hear the scream of tho panther or the howling of wolvos. .Hut now the wilderness has begun to woar tho traeos of a conven tional milo. Tho desert is blossoming a little-if not as the roso, at loast us tho gilly-tlowor. Fiolds havo boen cleared, gardons plantod; half a dozen log cabins havo boon scattered along the river; and tho old houso, having grown slowly and somewhat irregular ly for twenty years, has lately como out in a modest coat of paint and a broad brimmed piazza. Hut tho Vir gil himsolf, tho creaturo of tho oasis well-known of hunters and fishermen, dreaded of lazy guides and teamsters-' "Virgo," tho irasoible, kind-hearted, indefatigable, ls hore no longor. Ho will do his friends oo moro favors, and put his foes to oonfusion no moro. His short, imperious figuro will not,. moet us agaiu at tho landing. For ho bas "gone out of tho wilderness," anil no man can All his place. Po a co bo to thy momory, old friend! There are somo who will not forgot thy kindness es in tba good days that aro past. . Tho charm of Bartlett's for tho an gler Hes in tho stretch of rapid water which flows just in front of tho houso. Tho Saranac river, 'breaking from its first resting-place In tho Uppor Lako, plunges down through a great bed of rooks, making a succession of short falls and pools and rapids, about a quarter of a mlle In length. Here, In too spring and early summer, tho speckled trout-brightost and gamiest of ab fish that swim-aro found in great numbers. As tho soason ad vances they more away into tho deep water of the lakes. But thors aro al ways a few straggler* left, and I bave taken them in the rapids at the vary end of August What could bo more delightful than to spend an boar or two in the oaf ly morning, or about sun down, ot oftch day, Ta wading this rushing stream, and casting the fly on Its olear waters t-Henry JV Vam Dyk*, Jr., in Harper'i Maqaiin* for July. I^SAHBDHHBH fl KN KU,\?. NKWN ITKMS. ix ct* of Interest, OatliereU ii. Various Quarters. -Tho Great Eastern will ho sold by auction next month, by order of thc Court. --Hid, thc Canadian half-breed, has been respited. Ho may yet escape thc gallows. -Dr. J. B. Hamilton, surgeou-gen oral of thc marine iiospital service, has resigned. - Miss Mattie Leo Price, a liftecn ycar-old girl, is another Georgia won der of thc Lula Hurst order. -Thc international yacht races in New York harbor last "week, resulted in a victory for thc American boats. -Judge Alexander Rives, the old est judge in Virginia and a leading Republican politician, died on Thurs day morning, aged eighty years. -The Now York schools opened on Monday. There were 3,200 teachers nt their desks to instruct 121,000 chil dren, -Tho time from Atlanta to San Francisco by thc Southern Pad tlc Railway-three thousand miles-bas been reduced to live days. - .lohn L. Sullivan, the Huston slug ger, made $900 playing base ball in Cleveland oil Sunday and was tined $1.00 for breaking thc Sabbath. -Thc cholera in Spain is still slight ly diminishing. Tho number of new cnBCs in thc whole kingdom is about nine hundred daily, and thc number of deaths about three hundred. -A severe ?pid?mie of flux i.* raging in Lee and Scjtt counties, Virginia, Many people have died from thc dis ease and many more are sick. The disease is on the increase. -A New York detective states that an organized scheme is afoot to flood tho largo cities with counterfeit money and that "it would bc well for all who are handling money to bc very cau tious." -A man named William Lyons, a car-builder from Chattanooga, commit' ted suicide in a marble yard in Au gusta on Wednesday night, by taking laudanum. No cause could bc ascer tained for thc act. -Thc annual reunion of thc National Mexican Veterans' Association was held at Indianapolis last week. About .'loo veterans, including representatives of thc majority of the States were present. -Judge Tourgoc, for some years a resident of North Carolina, author of "A Fool's Errand" and other produc tions, is a candidate for thc State Sen ate in thc thirty-second district of New York. -Thc cotton factory at Chattanooga, Tenn., is fairly booming with business. It is now working to its full capacity, has heavy orders ahead, and will soon make Important improvements. One day last week an order was received for 26,000 pounds of yarn. -Ex-Governor Seymour, of New York, rather likes thc "offensive par tisan." He says "the offensive parti san or strong party mau is a very good sort of a fellow, and generally more inclined to bc fair than thc cold-blood ed style of politician." -Thc annual convention of the American Hankers' Association will bc held nt Cll'cagO during the present week. Addresses on topics connected with the business interests of the coun try will ho delivered by members of thc Association and others. -Three cowboys met thc Las Casa? stage south of Kansas City, Mo., on Sunday nnd began firing at the pas sengers. One of thc occupants of the stage returned thc fire and instantly killed one of thc cowboys. Thc two others rode away. -Mrs. Hester Ford, an aged lady of Philadelphia, Pa., was so affected on Thursday morning by reading of thc suicide of another woman in thc neigh borhood, that she went to her room ant hanged herself in a similar man ner She was dead when found. -Judge Clough, of California, be camo insane and while in that condi tion resigned his oflicc and another Judge was appointed in his place. Judge Clough has recovered his sanity and disclaims his resignation, and thc new Judge has to give way to him. -In thc election for school commis sioners at Bhrghampton, N. Y., tho women generally voted. This had tho effect ot bringing out avery large male vote, and thc total number of ballots cast was twenty times as great as usual. Many young ladies tried to vote who were neither mothers nor taxpayers, and their ballots were rejected. Thc scenes at thc polis where women were electioneering wore no vol. Thc women generally voted for tho successful can didates. til Of ItUhop Lay. Bishop Henry C. Lay, of tho Protes tant Episcopal Diocese of Easton, died last wet k at tho Church Home in Bal timore, bishop Lay had been ill for a* long limo and went South for tho ben efit of his health, returning a few weeks ago. Ho was thc first bishop of liisrdlocc80 and was much beloved. Bishop Lay was born in Richmond, .Va., in 1823. He studied for thc min istry and lind charge of several par ishes in Virginia until 1869, when ho was made bishop and was sent to Ar kansas as a missionary. In 18f>9 bc was transferred to the diocese over wldch he held chargo up to tho time of his death. Wise nulluni In Dim ville While in Danville on Sunday it is said that John S. Wise, thc Republican nominee for Governor of Virginie, was called on by Dr. Temple, of that placo, and charged with slandering tho pcoplo of Danville Dr. Temple, it is said, offered to go with Mr. Wise to a room and settle tho matter. Captain Wise declined to do so, but salo ho wonld communicate with Dr. Templo later. Dr. Temple ls a prominent physician of Dan ville and noted for his personal courage as woli as his modesty. Wiso delivered his cam paign speech at Martinsville, thirty seven miles from Danville, tho day after this interview, but to tho surprise of his political friends failed to de nounce the Danvlllo people for tho riot. AJ? HIIKI?HII Opinion. An English coachman, ovidontly a fresh importation, was holding forth in a saloon much frequented by bia countrymen, yostcrday afternoon. Ro pontod mugs of alo had loosened his tongue, and his opinion of San Fran cisco aristocracy Mowed fast and free. "I liko tho hold gont woll enough," snid the coachman, "but tho ladies hot tho family don't suit mo a bit. They 'uvon't tho right style babout them, you know; and they aro too fond hoi showing my haeccnt hoff when they visit people who 'aven't an English coachman. They 'Thomas1 me all thc timo. 'Tis 'Thomas, do you know whore airs.-lives?' When I reply, they say, 'Thomas is awfully English; lived with a marquis before wo took him.' Then I know tho hold man is hafraid of mo when I wail on tho table, foar he'll do something crooked with his knifo. They all seem sort of awk'ard when I'm in tho 'ouso, because, I suppose, they don't feel quite, suro they aro doing tho right tiling. Tho hold man likes to talk to mo about tho great pooplo at'onie, and 1 givo liim a now dook or marquis ovory day. Tho last dook took bini so that he talked of raising my wages at the bond of thc month, and I'caril him tell ing tho missus that 'Thomas was a real treasure' " "How do you get on with tho other servants, Thomas?" asked an acquaint ance. "Tho 'ouso maid is pretty, silo's Hirish, and she bolicvos hall bof us should be blowed up. They may talk of their baristocraey 'ero, but there hain't any baristocraey. My peoplo is wulgar, Lawfully wulgar. The young man is friendly, but bo's wulgar, too. He comes into tho stable with a bottle of whisky and basks mo 'ow tho llen glish young men baot, au' inf 1 hovel saw a young lord that ho reminded mc hof. I never did, but I tell 'im he's tho born himago of ono I know, and this pleases 'im, and bo brings bout thu cigars. I ncvor saw peoplo so greedy for hovervthing Hinglish. I'm not BUl'prisod those Now York girls run away with ?tour follows Inf their young men hare tho sanio as I've met 'oro." This interesting disquisition was cut short by tho entrance of the young master himself, who greeted the coach man with warmth, and in a lordly manner invited bim lo drink. - San Francisco AUu. Oatmeal, long considered n good ar ticle of diet in dyspepsia, is believed by many physicians to bo a prolific cause ot that affection. Mr. Bartholo mew says that Carlyle sufforod greatly from dyspeptic symptoms, which wort; invariably aggravated after eating oat meal. THE LAURENS BA U. JOHN C. HASKEL!., H. U. D?AL, Columbia, ?S. C. Lau rons, 8. C HASKELL A DIAL, A T T O It N E V S AT L A W, I.At'KKNS <'. H., s. c. .J. T. .JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ol vu K- Fleming's Corner, Nortbwesl side of Public Square. LAFRENS C. IL, S. C. ,T. C. OAHLINOTON, ATTORN EY AT LA W, LAU HENS C. II., S. 0, Oflicc over W. H. (Jarrett's Store. W. 0. H KN KT, K. V. M'OOWAN Abbeville. Laurens. BENET & MCGOWAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAURENS C. H., S. C. J. W. FERGUSON, GEO. K. YOUNO FERGUSON & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAURKNS C. H., S. C. lt. I'. TOi)D. W. ll. MARTIN T01>1> A MARTIN, A T T O lt N E Y S A T L A W, LAURENS C. II., s. 0. N. .1. HOLMES, II. V. SIMPSON HOLMES & SIMPSON, A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W, LAURENS C. H., 8. c. 8 A V li YOUR MONEY Hy buying your Drugs and Medicines, Fino Colognes, Raper and Envelopes, Memorandum Rooks, Faco Powders, Tooth Powders, Hair Rrushes, Shav ing Brushes, Whisk Brushes, Blacking Brushes, Blacking, Toilot and Laun dry Soaps, Toa, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Lamps and Lanterns, Cigars, Tobacco sud Snuff, Diamond Dyos, and other articles too numerous to mention, nt tho NEW DRUG STORE. Also, Puro Wines and Liquors, foi medical purposes. No troublo to show goods. Respectfully, B. F. POSEY & BRO., Laurens C. IL, S. C. ^August 6, 18??. I ly COLUMBIA & GREENVILLE lt. ll. PASSKNQBK DBPARTMBNT. On and altor July 19th. 1885, Passen ger Trains will run as licrcwilli indi caled upon this Uoad and its branches : DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAYS. No. 53-Up Passenger. S C Junction A 10 30 a m Columbia (C (i D) 10 55 a m Ar Alston ll 55 a m Ar Newberry 12 58 p m Ar Ninety-Six D 2 ll p in Ar Iloilges 3 10 p m Ar Belton 4 21 p m Ar Greenville 5 45 p ni No. 52-Down Passenger. Lv Greenville io 00 a tn Ar Belton 1121a m Ar I lodges 12 31 p nt Ar Ninety-Six 1 23 p m Ar Newberry 3 08 p m Ar Alston 4 10 p m Ar Columbia 5 15 p m SPARTANBUItG, I NION AND CO LUMBIA. No. 53-lip Passenger. Lv Alston 11 68 a in Ar Union 1 59 p m Ar Spart'g, S I ' & O depot 3 27 p in Ar Spart'g, ll & D Hep B 3 37 p tn No. 52-DoVn Passenger. Lv Spart'g H & D Dep II 12 05 p m Lv Spart'g S U & C Dep G 12 ll p m Ar Union l 48 p m Ar Alston .! 05 p tn LAURENS RAILROAD. No. 3-Up Passenger. Lv Newberry 3 15 p m Ar Goldvillo' 'I 15 p ni Ar Clinton 5 10 p m Ar Laurens G 00 p tu No. 4-Down Passenger. Lv Laurens '.) 10 a tn Ar ('linton 1) 55 a m Ar Newberry 12 CK) m ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Lv Hollges 3 20 p in Ar Abbeville 4 20 p m Lv Abbeville 1125am Ar Hodges 12 25 p in BU L Kl I )(? E AND ANDERSON BRANCH. Lv Belton 1 28 p m Ar Andeison 5 01 p ni Ar Seneca City G 15 p m Ar Walhalla ti 45 p m Lv Walhalla 8 60 p m Ar Belton ll 02 p m Trains run solid between Columbia and Headcrsonville. CONNECTIONS. A Seneca with R. & D. R. R. fot Atlanta. A. With Atlanta Coast Linc and South Carolina Railway, from and to Charleston. With Wilmington* Columbia n..d Augusta from Wilmington and all points North. With Charlotte, Columbia and Au gusta from Charlottce and all points North. B. With Asheville and Spartanburg from and for points in Western North Carolina. C. Atlanta and Charlotte Division R. & I), lt. R. for Atlanta and points South and Wost. (?. R. TALCOTT, Superintendent. M. SLAUGHTER, Gen. Pass. Agi. I).CARDWELL, A. G. Pass. Agi. MAGNOLIA PASSENGER ROUTE. 32 a RI Lv High Tobi! 10 10 am Lv Waterloo 10 34 a m Lv Coronaca ll 07 a in Ar tireen wood *11 35 a in Lv ( i reen wood 5 50 a in 2 00 p m Ar Augusta 10 25 a ni 7 00 p nt Lv Augusta ?10 50 a ni *10 00 p m Ar Atlanta 6 40 p in 7 00 a m Lv Augusta *11 20 a in Ar Chalosston G oo p m Ar Beaufort G 05 p m Ar Port Royal G 20 p ni Ar Savannah 7 oo p m Ar Jacksonville G 15 a m GOING NORTH Lv Jacksonville *8 50 p m Lv Savannah G 55 a ni Lv Charleston . 7 oo a m Lv Port Royal 7 35 a m Lv Beaufort 7 47 a m Ar Augusta 1 55 p m Lv Atlanta *8 20 p m Ar Augusta 6 10 a m Lv Augusta *2 30 a ni *G 15 p II. Ar (? reen wood 7 00 p m ll 40 a ir Lv Greenwood 2 00 p m Ar Coronaca 2 28 p m Ar Waterloo 3 01 p in Ar High Point 3 23 pm Ar Laurens 4 03 p ni Ar Ora 4 43 p in Ar Enorce 6 18 p m Ar Woodruff 5 45 j? tn * Daily. Cou nert ii. ns made at Green wood to and from points on Columbia and Greenville Railroad. Tickets on salo at Laurens to all points at through rates. Baggage checked to destination. fi. T. CHARLTON, G. P. A. J. N. BASS, Supt., Augusta, Ga. Dr. W. H, BAU., DENTINT. OFFICE OVER WILKES? BOOK AND DRUG STORE. Office days Mondays anil Tuesdays. LAURENS C. H., 8. C. CINCINNATI TYPE?FOUBDRY - ANO - PRINTING MACHINE WORKS, 201 Vine Street > CINCINNATI, 0. Tho typo naad on talr^ywr wa? WM* l?r tbs ?Vor? towarr .-KB. ^*