OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, October 20, 1886, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1886-10-20/ed-1/seq-4/

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Too 3B
-wa--- -- njgta wm';
The Advertiser
LAURKXS, October 20, 18*0.
Subscription rrlce--i? ?onths, $1.00.
Rates for Advertising. Ordinary Ad
vertisements, per square, < 'ne Inser
tion, $1.00; eaeli subs? quent inser
tion. 50 cents.
Liberal retiuctlotl mude for Urge Ad
Laurens County Ransacked o? News by
Advertiser Reporters.
D OK KO H I*. <>.
Tn olden time. Despotic f?ovi rninetits,
when the king wanted Information con
cerning any matter in nat uro Or.science,
lie culled upon tho wise men of the king
dom to rise and explain, und If the ex
planation proved false, the penalty v. as
dcath. I don't knew hut that this law
0 r custom Would work well now,
although il would deprive Us of many
knowing beads.
But I'startod oui lo tell of oncease that
occured under tho law ; An old king cul
led in his wiso men and gave them ?his
question in seioncO! "Take two buckets
full of water, and hillanco them exactly
one on each arm ofn pair ol' scab ; hen
drop in six live tish in one bucket, and
yet they will still hillanco,just a- bi lore.
What is tho causo of it ?" The w iso mci
struggled over tho question for a g.I
?w hile, no donia they said II great many
learned thing., which have liol come
down to postorUv. But at length ono
of their number Uko K?hn among tho
comforters of Job, opened his mouth
and spake "Oontloinen, we have gon<
to work in the wrong way. We haye
begun at the wrong end of our song.
The tirst thing for us to do is lo get Hie
buckets of water and scales and the
fishes and test the matter, and soe f? r
ourselves whether or not this (pie--: ion
ls stated correctly." Well, they did so,
um! when tho fishes woro dropper! in,
lo and behold, down went Hitit bucket
and up went thc olle r! And of course
tins scttlod tho question; and n grout
many question in science, with which
our wise* men are struggling lo-dny
might be easily settled in tlio -ame \\ ny.
1 w ill mention an instance:
Scientist when called on explain any
phenomena in nature and especially
anything strang in tho biihaviour of thc
earth, stait Out with the hypothesis
.bat the earth is mainly a ball of Ure.
In fact, they have used this reason so
undoubtlngly und have curried ii to
such an extreme, that in tho light !<>!'
good herd common souse, they have
made themselves red icu lons. ''hey
havo even estimated tho increasing in
tensity of tho hoat from Hm surface t"
ward the centre, with unerring math
ematical precision, that is, until it
reaches a degree thal is beyond i nt i m li
tton? when there is nothing Hint i
known, or that can he I magill -ll, Hint ls
worthy to be compared willi it. I don't
know bow old this humbug is. lt is per
haps oidor than the old question al".ot
tho buckets ol wator and tho flshe . Hut
al any rate, it is bosh. There is not one
element of truth in lt. Common sens,
isenougbto teach any mau this; thal
is, if he has common sense enough
enable him t attend to tho ordinary
business of humanity. I want lids
nonsense stopped, beean-ie so long asa
hypothesis is boiloved and acted on,
science will be a delusion and a snare.
I repeat it then ; it ls all humbug! lhere
is no truth in it. Hut the scientists
point to- the burning mountains, ns \ cut
li?les of the Internal fires, and this they
think positive proof. Why, Iff hero was
any truth in tho assumption, it would
bo tho Imo |.limes thal would form the
vents beoause they ars HO much noaror
tho centro. Still wc never lind a vol
cano in a low place, lt ia always on
high mountains, sud above the ordinary'
wator lino that volcanoes are lound, or
If one happens .nslonly to break
outatalowerlevel.it is soon drowned
out, for Ore and water do not agree, i hoy
aro antagonistic. New the truth ?ls tho
globe ia composed ol' earth and water,
and like most other physical bodies, tho
wate rlargoly predominates,
Tho further wo go toward i the centre
of tho ?globe tho moro waler WO lind
Thia fact is Illustrated by every veil
that baa ever been dug or bored. Wa
ter la moro mobile than earth and its
tendency ls to seek thc lowest level. In
going down we first come lo very small
Cold sections of w ater which are called
A 1
lusy to ^
--- ri.-' rta3BHMP?HBawpwi5Bms
veins. Those uro generally sn (helen t I
for ?>m- pu rpo-.' in digging ? woll, bul
if wo wore to go lowor wo would Hud
that these veins got bigger and bigger,
til! they amount lobranches, creeks and
rivers, some of theUi larger, tu> doubt,
than any of our ri vors upon tho lace ol
itu- carib, ?uni they un- never stagnant,
they arc novo'1 still, they sro always
circubiting, always moving. Now . it' by
the means ol'any misplacement ol' tho
surrounding tart h. ono of these streams ?
should bo obstrnetotl In Its oonrse, there
would bc an Immense pressai t; behind
tho point of obstruction, uni this pres
sure w'ouhl become greater sud gi'eater
lill tho pent up water found a way lo es
cape and continue Its onward IloW. A nd
ii' somebody >h<><il<l happen to dig n well
Jual behind this point ol'obstruction,
and should strike thc pent up stream,
the water would be forced up through
tho yent, and would continue le Mow
out at thc surface until another way ol'
egress should l><- found et a lower lovel,
Now, this, 1 think, is H sunlcionl ox?
planatlon to account for thc phenomena
ol'those spouting wells that have lately
been referred lo in tl i Ile re n I places in (ho
newspapers. Thc quaking nf Ibo earth
was of ocurso sulllelont to account for
many obstructions in th?' courses of
these subterranean streams, and (he
balance ol'tho explanation will nu) aridly
follow. And it makes no ih Ile renee I
whi ther .SVti >!'.?? shall sanction ii of nu,
.Sr?i,a-, ls more frequently wrong than
right, hoi common sonso ls a whale.
'Hiivo nie ono spark of nat ure's lire.
.Tis ali the learning l deslro.*'
A nil now in conclusion.
'lhere WHS nure |U) old ll Cg TO who
curried a Watch, aitd although it was?
dummy lie was vor,\ proud of it, <ui
I ono occasion a gonllOninh ask d him the .
I tinto of day, abd he replied very pomp
j ously; "Sixty-free minnies pas! half ar- ?
i t< r one, why you no keep a walch your- \
Miss Oliva Kniglil w as tin guest of
M rs, F.. A. Power Instl w et k.
Mr. .IMIII. S Mooro of Florida, who is
here on a vi-h lo relatives anti friends,
has hern t|iiite sir].., bul Is nov* much
Several of mir young mon attended
tho circus nt Greenville, on last Thurs
day, andsaw tho HI.KPIIAST,
Mr. (?uss '? ?wings, who has 'n en dork
ing for Mr. John !>. Sheahan of your
tow o. i- now at his brother's, Mr. A. S.
t >w ings, quito il!.
Miss IX.?e. daughter of Mr. Peden,
has lu en v?,-!< for st ?er.il wick.-. Wo
hope soon to i.enr of lu r reco\ cry.
t^uii 1 II '.imolion w as eren loi I at t bb
Power steam mill on Tues lay lust, t w -
lug lo t In- lack ol' w'nt er, I he hoi 1er carno
near exploding.
Our people ure quito jubilant over Hui
news received IVoni President Raoul
concerning i''0lo< .ting of a station al
this point
Mrs. K, N. Powers WO hear Istliinking
of putting up a Blore house Opposito Hie
Old -hop.'
Messrs J. I?. Power and \V, ll, Stud- j
dani atti mle,I die Railroad meeting at i
Laurens lust Thurs lay.
Me-srs Clifton Ciinninghani and Ad
Ky rd of Maddens were lure |HS| week.
Mitts Sallie Powor paid a .short visll to
Fountain Inn this week.
The entertainment en hythe liar
immy school, wart quilo au enjoyable af
fair, ami roiloetod ihueh credit on Ibo
tcaehor an well <i pupils.
Tho Union mooting of tho 2nd section
of t he Reedy River Ass? iatlon will t"
nt Friendship on t ho noxl llfljt sunday.
t)ur Po^l Mistress received a hot ie?
from the I'ost Master General,thal lifter ;
the 17th of this month Po mail wouid
ho taken on tho Groonylllo.A Laurens
M r. R. < '. Loved who ha M Inen in TO \ - ,
as since lasi winter, rom rm I I ' his ni I
home in this county 8 few days ftgb
Ho gives a glowing RoCOUIll Of tllO "Lone
Star State."
Mr. G cor go M. McDaniel and M.ss
Mollie lloyd were united "I tllO holy
baud of matrimony this morning, Oct.
ll, by Rov. John A. Cooper. Wolli
George, may you holli llyO lortg and
Since WO Inga ii writing, wo have Inard
Of thfl death ol J. S. t outs Ko had
boon sick but a short time, and bis
doath ie greatly deplored i>y his many
relativen and fi it inls, ail of whian hnVO
our sympathy In this iholrsoro ufilletlon,
We loam timi Mr. W. T. Cul hort SO ll
is going lo t ?nell scitooi ?t Mulbory
church, in Abbeville County next year.
We sro sorry to lose him from our
midst, but congratulate the oo'.nmnnlty
oftb.it pince on securing his services, |
for be ls a good tea? hi e ami a good j
neighbor. j
V + h A
tl O
vvrite CSL?I
Thcro ure twenty-eight couverts lo
?JO baptised t.. ?i tv un at Hie Popln .
Springs liapttat Church I ty tin Rev. A.
C. Sheppard, Pastor ?tl thal church.
Colton crups aie turning otu worse
than people thought a Wei' ?S ugo? uv
do pot linn!; Ihncrop ':i this soot lou \> ill
lu- o\ er forty live pt r ? i nt.
Wo had a linc fall tor gathering und
most ol tho people inn < hoop busy gath?
erlng hav and ragwei I-. u. lileli will l>. I
lound valuable {orage netti Spring.
A wai. li was fen lid in (he publie road !
last ."Sum?av, tho owner eau got it by
calling ? II Mr. NV. r.. t ,,| v. a subscriber I
to i n i. A i)vi:it i isultt
CROSS lill .
Tho weat Iii : is Hear abd mild, In.lian
hiinuicr ls upon us, .eriie inelitiiehOly
ays have come, the stuhlest ol' t lie yt ar.
f sighing w inds ami {'ailing leaves, of
iioadott H brow li and serb;"
The be tilth i'll the connu unit v ls good
.Ml the nuttier'of .Interest how' In the
'ow io hip ls t lie Kalin nub
Tho Township ls very closely divided
II the u nest toil bf subscription by (ii \ -
. lon to Hie < \ ,v A. K. jt. rind holli
iii rt ii .- iii" . un\\ ph nd loy their ease he
il", (ho County ('oinmissioners. Aide
. .iirixl has li, .II eui ploy i I and fro I ll
he muss of I st I immy which has Peen
nt in ami tho ninon nt which ls to collie,
i seems very dear thal (here will tm
. tr_' litigation nfl he ina tier anti law vers
Mr. H. A. Still!van ls iiow al ills obi
post al Tum!.lim; sin, 's, ant) w iii lin
glad to sor\ i his e! i iV| mis ami eiisb .li
Mr. s. |>. (?I un hus on. ol' the finest
apple orel ard s in (he Coil lily,
The Sebo ! at Kuluin will be laugh) by
Mr. Jones for the ensuing \ear.
lt. NV. Willis, \vl t h.lib1 young assist ant
John Riddle, malo * (be best mollasses
this side ol* New t irleanS.
A certain community'up ttns way i*,
wanting a missionary and it black amil h.
Kain is needed inidly. Kui lillie oats
sowed as yet. Karly Harley patches
look w. n."
There will bea gretit in any changes tn
homes next vear.
vi- ?-> . ?J- v^y J._a
All persons huving claims against
t!if- County of Lnitrons will prosenl
(hom lo (he Cork of Counly Com
missioners nf Lei-ron- County, ?'.
M. M 11.id-:it, oil or by (lie -t tiny
of ' triode,, i KG, to ho Hied nil t he
books otherwise >::id t I iiiii- will
not bo paid eui of Hie Taxi - col
lected for the presen! yeiir.
J. W. LlTTLF., ChVni it. e. r,
C. M. M I ll.MK. Ch ile.
Get L'Oth 1 ..'. _
blindly d<) I add my (esilniohv as lo
t !,.. value ol' Pelham's C. t .. ,v A.Hoed lie.
(Quinine had been used in niy family lo
no purpose i your Chill ( "lire wr.sbrought
ni ami ibo r?siiri acom?delo recovery!
The i test preparttllon on i he milt kel.
J. K, Qtiall lebnuiu,
I'rosi orlty,
S < .
For Sale Hv J. K. Wilkes and K.
I", p'o.ev .v Uro., laiurons. flrily il Sulli
van, H?rrOh'ss Sullivan A M limn, Ml,
Gallagher! .1. ll. Snnlh ><.. Cold ville;
< iiihcrison A Smith, NVnterloo.
To tin" citizens < ? f Lu tiren ? and
surrounding count ry :
I have re-opened my ?hop for tho
repair of Watches, ( 'leeka am! Jew
elry. Thanking my friends for pat
ronage in tho past, I res poet fully
solidi u continuance of tho samo.
LA Cit KN 8, s. C.
( >AT
.jo,ono RUKIICIH South Carolina
Heil RUHt-ProOf (>.il> :.t T.'.ets. :>t
State nt Soutfi (krolina,
( or.vvi Oh* /..i UHESfi,
IN pitoiiA'i'i: COUItT.
\\ horons, I. I?. I'utnuin has applied to
me fvr fallers of A dud nlslrat inn on tho
Fatale of Fllr.abcth Putionn, doooaaed.
These ?.re I hep-lore lo elie uni lldtllOll
tah all and singular .he kindred and
creditors ol' said doeensod te bo nnd ap
pear bofore me, in the Court of ('rebate,
to be holden at bourona < '. H.. on tim
14th day of Octobor, 1880, to idiot* causo,
if any t in y eau, w hy said I .el lei'H should
uni i?e granted.
All persons having dawns against sahl
i slal,' will present the s tine l y on that
tia vor l>e forever barred.
fjlvon under my and ami soal, tilla28th
dav of September, (866,
Prd'ein- Judge
?? T O
L C.
.A elbert is?rn.erit
We mean Business! Just look ni our LVices:
Parlor Suits, Haircloth, Wainui Frames
Parlor Suits, Mohair Plush, Walnut Frame,
tlc-droom Suli - IO piece.*.
P.. :<n ti tul Imitation Ash, Mahogany and Walnu, 10 pieces,
Nice Wainui Hal Racks, with Cl lass,
Fine \Vlinu1 Frame ( 'at pel Lounges,
Fine Imitation Walnut Frame Kop Lounges,
Fine Walnut Marble Top Suits, 10 pieces,
Pine Solid Ash Snit-, with toilet,
(loud Wardrobes $10,00; Rennt i ?'ul Chromos,
The Handsomest Oil Paintings, 2lxM, (Juill Frames.
We have evrylhlng you cnn think of in ?air linc. M ATT Ul
speciality al thc following prices:
shuck with cotton two sides,
All cotton (common), 40 pou in
A ll cotton Lr.I . 50 pounds,
Straw with e ? ton one side, 50
Straw with c< lion two sities, '-\ 50
Shuck with < ellon one sitie, I 00
I >. >alei - will <1'< well lo wrlteus for our Wholesale Price List, i><
Fu rn il tire and Mattresses. We have Just issued n new illustrate?
logue, which w m t.c forwarded to any address on application.
$37 50
I (I 11(1
25 00
7 50
7 50
1 50
:5s 50
50 50
2 nu
sr.s n
, $5 on
- "? 50
s nu
th in
I cata
"A I'f.ir Bschange is Ho EoWjery"
Coi>Hs OlH% ?01110; Alt ?
e. . TO Tili: . J
d\^8-.rrirrio-iatri Dry-Gcocls ?Dstab
lisrirriont or
MVIl IN 1 MA &
Who oin r you itol only full value for your money, bul unprecedented
llargtiin* from (heir immense ?tock which is complete in every depart
ment. \\ ?. have |us(receiv .! ;; handsome lin? of Ladies Rn is doods
consisting .<. Triced .. R?delos, Silks, Woostcds etc., Willi .ill the liceos?
. arv trimmings, which wc offer at
^stonisfiioglg Bow Prices.
We Invite your special attcntiyn lo our line of Ladles Cloak-; and
.Iersies,*which arc;.!! of ibo latest styles and .it the lowesl prices.
Wis al II liave a line ol'
Slothing an? Gents BarnisBiDg Hoois
(itir stock of dioos ls complete Inevery r<s peet, and all wc ask ls ?i
trial, to i onvlnce you that we can save you a great deal of money in
tl??< linc, special attention i- called (o our
M. A. PACK A KU & Co's $2.00 SHOKS.
Minter & Jamieson's ?& S.E50 Shoe
We also offer you a hand made -hoe lor 4* 1.00, worth $5.50.
Our $2.50 Ladle) Handmade Shoe i- unequalled In style and dura
bility. All the abovi -hoc. are warranted lo give satisfaction.
(live o- a call anil be convinced (hal our goods are all wc claim
fo r them
Minti r A Jamieson's Furniture Palace ls lite place w nc re you can buy
(he ho> t Furniture CHEA PEST.
Just think of it: All W ain;:! suit, 10 pieces, one-fourth marble, for
Only $20.50; worth in marl.ci $.'15.00.
Neut set Fu rmi i ure ld pioe< - for only *I5 no
M esr*. I>. A. I >a s is, T. ll Nt m, L. A .McCo d, .1. If, O'Dell and F.. Il
Wilkes nie wRb us and v. " be pleased to soe their friends and
Very Handsome Wainui Marble top suit, ten piece-, for only $15.00.
Mohair Plush Parlor Suit, Walnut frame, for only (12.50.
Rock? rs, with Carpet seal and backt for only $1.75,
N?eh( *et Chair- for only $2.75.
"W" ? "W ill not "io o unclersol d.
Complete Stock NfatressoH lied Springs. Also Cai'pei? and Rugs Cheap
for Cash'
WM deliver Furniture on Ibo c. i,. A S. fl. lt. between Oreen wood and
Spartanburg Tree of charge,
Leaders OF LOW Prices.
I have tried thia game In days gone byo and al present will try it in
-A. NEW ?H?FA?^TXJfiL??J.
1 h ave tlii- Week for New York to solOOt a Fall ami Winter Stock
Moral---- These goods will be bought since tho
! depression, and will be bought 25 per cent !
cheaper than anybody else bas boug t them
At the Knijioiium of Fashion.
- - - .vTT- ni-'n-jFroM
"The boy stood on tho Burning Deck!1*
So (hoy say; hut \\ lio cares, sn long HS
I [uve a choice Uno of H. y < ;.Is, No, loos, M?IU.ucry und Shoes
:it >>, |ri?H which t lu
The mighty "Shako" was felt in Nev*- York,
Then v\?- made our pinchase*, u ni hero wc ore (o-day "cu lin;-; bread
upon (lu- water and (hulong hil ff? tl i il? dow n lite ? ?vcr ill advance of all
competitors, nt our now - oro. We ure young men and are determin
ed to build up u Irado, if fair dealings,-hones! goods at lowest prices,
can a? omplMi ( b's rcsu'l.
\Yc have nu Second-hand or Shelf-worn doods, but everything New!
In Millinery Goods -we are
Trayhham A Dial's Hod block.Laurene, S. C.
Choice Groceries Arriving Daiy!,
Rembember We will NOT bo UNDERSOLD.
1 beg leave to inform my friends II id customers that 1 have on
hand a full line of GHOCKHIIOS, which I will sell at
Rock Bottom Prices.
My goods have been bought close, will sell on the shortest possi
ble profit-. All cash purchasers will do well to call for my prices
lie foro buying olscwhero,
1 :i pounds Best Granulated Sugar for.$1.00
15 pounds Starch for.$1.00
83 liars of Soap for.ft 1.00
20 plugs of Tobacco for.iii.00
50 pounds of Flour for.$1 00
125 Wes of Matches foi ONE Dollar.
On account of tho extremo lateness of (ho Vail, and tho unpir
nlled demands that have been made upon us for ndvaneos, we ire in
Although iiM our papers maturo on Oclobor l. t., wi- are cousclous
of the fact that you connol meei (hen In full bj that date, but a little
Urlp (rum every Friend and Customer will enable BS to weet our oL?^tioiss
Which mature on Oct. 1st., and Hms protect our cedit, and keep us
In a condition to act the part of a friend in nood to those who may
want assistance in the roture.
Believing thu you u ill properly appreciate our condition and do
what you can without fui thor delny.
Yours trulv
AI Orny-Cotirl
PS ,ln.i rodolvcd, largo lor of Ityo, Bnrloy, Ont., Itu^slmc .?Tie.
Will not I??' at Laurens, lint the next biggest thing will be,
Hint is- .A. full and complete rin<=* of
Family and Fanoy a-rooea%i?o>
Fruiits, Confeotione, Vet.ib La,Tolt3B,
.'ml everything timi is nneded in tin- Kitchen and usually kept
in aFiral Class Style, which will la: gold ul a very small profit
for CASH.
Liberal juices paid for Hides and country produce.
Look loi the sign of the Big Eagle,
J? R. Cooper & Co.

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