OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, February 23, 1887, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1887-02-23/ed-1/seq-4/

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Calhoun's stuf HO III I'oaltlou.
At 10 o'clock Tuesday morning ti bali
dozen workmen begun to turn tho wind
lass of tho huge derrick ou Marion
.sentare, and tho colossal bronze statue of
.Ioho C. Calhoun, which Avas to crown
UlC work ami realize tho dream of thirty
live yean, slowly rose from the ground.
The work was delayed until that hour iu
order to allow some of tho members of
the committee to bo present. Six stout
cables hud been passed around tho bot
tom of tho chair and made fast to tho
figure, whioh was Huts nicely balanced.
Tito lund was still well covered with
thick folds of canvass, tightly bound.
Guy repos leading in ditlcrcut direc
tions ?ero held each by a workman, thus
enabling them to regulate any circular
or lateral motion, and at the sumo time
to place the statue iu the position it was
to occupy on the pedestal.
lt did not take long to hoist it to tho
top of the pedestal, ami there it was
allowed to remain, lt was more sugges
tive than ever of the idea of an execu
tion, until tho mon at tho end of tho
gay ropes had been placed in the proper
positions. Then the boom of tho der
rick slowly moved around, swinging the
statue din elly over the pedestal where
it wus to rest. At ten minutes past ll
tho statue of fohn O. Calhoun rested on
its pedestal, thirty-li vt; years after thc
corner stoue ot* thc monument had been
The ligure faces- the SOtlth, the back
of thc choir being to thc north. Stand
ing on the ground one cnn hardly form
au accurate idea of its dimensions or
height, but those who who saw the work
men on tho BCallblding near it yesterday
could easily judge of its !: zo-thc men
looked like thc most diminutive of
There romain now only tho four his
torical ligures and the ornaments lo tho
panels to complote the monument. Mr.
Viett, tho contractor, who did the granite
work, ts to bo praised as well as con
gratulated for tho successful consumma
tion of his contract. lt is admitted to
be un admirable piece of work, and it is
somewhat strange that not a single stone
was spoiled in the cutting. The work
lias taken considerably moro time than
it was expected, but there were unavoid
able interruptions and moreover it hus
been splendidly done. When tho Cul
liouu monument is completed there will
be few handsomer works of art to
bo seen in tho United Slides.-News and
College K\n il i i mit in ll*.
Tho fellow ing is thc lesttlt of thc inter
mediate examinations in tho South Caro
lina College:
Students attaining lin average of 1)0-PH)
on till their studies ?ire published ns "distin
guished"; those attaining a grade of ?."i to
DU lire published as "proficient."
Seniors -Distinguished: T. I'. Hailey.
Jr.. Georgetown; C. II. barnwell, Rich
land; D. F. Houston. Darlington; A. C.
Moore, Spartnnburg; l. L. Withers, Fair
Held. Proficient: W. \\. Ball. Laurens;
H. M. Blnnding, ?Sumter; E. W. Breeden,
Marli...!,,; \\. \. Davis. Greenville; II. I*.
Green. Richland; .i. A. McCullough, Green
ville; J. II. .\h Lure. Chester; ll. .Mullins,
.Mariel:: C. b'. Spohcer, Sumter: P. A.
Willcox, Marion: w. Thompson, Rich
land; il. Wilson, Charleston.
.Juniors- Proficient: W. lt. Cathcart, J.
J. Karie, .!. ii. (ire. II, Richland; I). II.
Ilanckel, Charleston.
Sophomores-Proficient: J. M. Alford,
Marlboro; W. T. Aycock, .). M. Cooper,
Sumter: G. H. Dargan. W. A. Edwards,
Darlington; J. lt. Fairey, M. W. Glover,
S. Koini. Orangoburg; ti. W. Kirkpatrick,
Charleston; AV. 1>. Lnchicolto, George
town; A. F McKissick, Union; J. L. Wig
gins, Berkeley; F. F. simpson, Spartan
burg; B. McLaughlin, Richland.
Freshmen-Prollcli nt: IO, E, Aycock,
Sumter; L. W. Boyd, Laurens; W. i!.;t
1er, Jr., Greenville j W. J. Gooding, Jr.,
Ihm.?lion; A. Kiunrd, Edgcllcld; J. M.
.Mdhyde, .lr., Richland; T. Mullaby, Ooo
ncc; J. \V. Simpson, Richland; A. NV.
Thompson, Union.
Distinguished: J. IL Scarborough,'Sum
ter. Proficient: C. W. Bailey, George
town; T. S. Bratten, York; li. Brunsou,
Darlington: J. H. Donaldson,Georgetown;
E. M, Turkley, Kershaw.
Protlcipllt: .). P. Anderson, Abbeville;
F. C. Duke, Fairfield: W. C. Macklin.
Distinguished: W. A. Conant, Massa
chusetts. Proficient: il. L. Douglass,
Chester; L. C. Lipscomb, Abbeville; E. C.
McGregor, Richland.
Proficient; H. M, Ayer, Anderson; II.
P. Creen, Richland; ii. A. I ly mes, Har
lington; L. H. Melton, J. K. Symmcrs, K.
II. weston, Richland; J. A. Wittkowsky,
Proficient: A. A. Patterson, Barnwell,
Age ( minot Compete w itl> Votilli,
An interesting incident comes from Scot!
county, Indiana. Mr. McDermott, a wid
ower, fell in love with a beautiful young
girl, and courted her with a zeal which
only true nlTcclion knows. Mr. McDer
mott has the misfortune tO have a son, but
thc son very considerately did not object lo
tho fair young lady whom his father was
trying to make his* step-mother. In fact,
tho young mau called on thc young lady
and made lier feel that she would lie wel
come ns a member of tho family. This all
pleased thc lather, of ( ourse, and in a buist
of parental affection he told his son that ho
and the young lady were engaged. Then
thc son went over to congrat?late thc young
lady. He did it affectionately-SO very af
fectionately that he proposed and was ac
cepted. All elopement followed, und tho
fond father has now lt daughter-in-law and
the son hus no step mother. Age should
never compete with youth in contests where
Cupid awards the prizes.
\ Bad Affair.
A letter to the Richmond DttpaU gives
the particulars Of a distressing accident
which eec urrcd near Pleasant Valley, Rock
ingham cou Qty, Va., Wednesday night. A
few days before a .Mr. Frank married a
beautiful country ghi, and in their round
of visits, spending their honeymoon, they
stopped a' Mr. show alter s, near Pleasant
Valley. After tho household had retired,
the boys ol ihe neighborhood, according to
a long established custom, went (ho house
for the pulposo ot "helling" tho you np
married couple Mr. Frank and his wife,
being aroused by thc Bound of Innumera
ble bells, arose and entered into tho amuse
mont with their visitors, and Mr .. Frank
and a lady friend, I rt order to add lo tin
noise, ran lo a farm bell hanging nearby
and began ringing it most vigorously.
They pulled thc rope loo hard, however,
and the bell turning over was thrown from
Ita place and fell, striking Mrs. Frank In
thc forehead, fracturing her skull. Thc
scene of merriment was at once turned into
mourning and a number of physicians
summoned, and While Mrs. Frank's lile is
not despaired of, she is now lying in a most
critical condition.
? * * .? Rupture, pile tumors, fistula)
and .'di diseases Of the lower bowel (OXCOpt
cancer), radically cured. Send 10 cents in
flt&mps for book. Address, World's Dis
?ju ii.sa ry Medical Association, OOO Main
stn ci. Buffalo, N. V.
Lawyers draw conveyances, and yet they
me not beasts of burder*
Thc American Cardinals have artlvcd at
The New York strike is over now and
everything is working as usual.
The New York Senate has passed the hill
allowing wouteu to vote in municipal elec
The news of Prince Risuiurek's success
ts causing unwonted firmness on the Berlin
hen rsc
Tho Governor of Kansas lias approved
liie lull conferring municipal suffrage upon
Winnen. .*
The two houses of thc New Jersey Legis
lature met in joint session and balloted for
United Slates Senator, hut without success.
Thc President says tho new Railroad
(' itmnisslouors must bo men of activity,
who will Work hard for their salary.
Tho steamship Great Boston* was sold at
miction nt Liverpool yesterday for $11)0,.
Tito disabled Steamship Wisconsin, of
Hie (?uioii Line, arrived at New York at
1.20 P. M. yesterday.
The Lynchburg I irginian, enc of thc
oldest papera in the state, established In
1S08, has suspended.
Tho President luis vetoed thc hill appro
priating $10,000 for distribution of seeds
to tho drouth-str'eken counties of Texas.
Lulu Hearst, tho "mttguetic," hus mar
ried Paul Atkinson, tin man who traveled
round with lier and introduced her to thc
Secretary Manning yesterday called at
the White House, renewed his letter ol
resignation and that evening left Washing
ton for Alb my.
Thc President lias nominated Coptaii
AdolphusW. Grech/, of Arctic fame, io Ix
C'lii? ! Signal Olllccr, with the rank ot Urlg
adler Gent ?ral.
AU is (fidel among thc Boston strikers
A good many ears arc running. The pro
nrletors nay they will resort to nnythtu1
before laking thc strikers back.
Miss Edith Khvcith Tolmagc, duughtc
of thc Rev. T, DeWitt Talinnie, was weil
ded in the Brooklyn Tabernacle last nigh
to Allon Edloo Donuun, of Richmond, \'u
Lx-Aldcnnan Dully, who turned ii
former on his colleagues in the "combine
of Iiie boodle Hoard of Aldermen, has bee
surrendered by one of Isis bondsmen.
Four persons confined for theft cse.ipr
from tho jail in Harrisburg last night. The
ed the bcd in their cell before leaving lu
it was discovered before much damage w:
A deaf mule, answering tho descriptio
o'. Walter Bingham, lite sweetheart nen
derer, has within the hist lew days bei
sceu in Hu' vicinity of Leicester, Buneoml
county, M. C.
The wife of County Twosurcr Bell, ?
Collcton, was accidentally burned to deal
on Monda}', ihr clothing' took tire whil
she was sitting before thc ffrcphlCO.
L. Russel, on trial in the Griminal Cou
nt Memphis, Tenn., for die murder id .
Tom Dutton, committed in lite rotunda <
thc Peabody Hotel on December ?">, bi
been acquitted.
A telegram fruin SowtltiCO, Tenn., ?
Saturday, announces thc tlctllh the re id tl
iii. Rev. William Mercer (.been, for ll
past 40 years Bishop of lite Episcopal Di
11 ?u of Mississippi,
Tiie vote in full for the Mayor ol Phil
dolphin, Pa., is os follows: Pitier, Repu
Hean, UO,'l07; Kehn, Democrat, 03,20
i',.illili-, babor, 1,01? 1.
Senator Cuke Introduced an amcudmc
li tho River and th .rhor bill, making i
appropriation pf $500,000 for dredging i
channel across Galvest on bar.
Tho United States mint at Philade'.pli
has secured it counterfeit two dollar and
b ili gold piece of I8l>2, for which it h
b en in ipu st for yean for tho purpose
e impleltug Us cabinet.
The insurance men complain that t
heavy lois hy the recent lite in Augu
was dueto ino lucille] ency Of thc lire i
p ul mont. The chief says Ibo depart nu
is loo small.
Tho witnesses in thc "United Slides Cou
uow in session at Greenville, have pi
ti ned Judge Slmonlon lo sec them paid
li ' thom go horne, Tine appropriation
t xhausted.
A large tobacco factory at Pctershu
Vii., owned by Davis Dunlap, was i
stroyed by lire, together with stock. I
lures, mach inery, ?.Vc. LOSS $250,000, e
cu d by iu' uranee.
J. C. T.lroscr, who was Unod *.">'? In I
Atlanta police Court for violating the J)
!..(.ilion laws several weeks ago, appen
to tho City Court, and, being ?onviii
was fr n d $1,000,
Six ty British members of tho I louse
Com mons, at a conforeneo, adopted a r<
Ititi' >n to call Hie attention ol Pnrliam
UO\;t week to the alleged p icking of ill)
lu eases against Nationalists in Ireland.
Thc Arkansas river at Little Kock i
jibove, and its trib?tanos, arc all at Iii
tide and out of their banks in many pla.
bears arc entertained Of another he;
' Hood.
At Snearr's station, Ga., Tom y Willi)
shot und killed his stepson. Williams;
Ids wife were Quarreling, and her son
terfci'Cd, when Williams seized a shot;
and blew oh** Ike top of his stepson's lu
Thc snow storms in Spain during
past few days have been of unprccodcr
severity. Railway lines ir. Catalonia h
bi t n blocked with snow Tor three ?li
Tho cold is intense and causes the grea
Inconvenience throughout toe country.
A serious snow blockade in thc Si?
Nevada Mountains has total]*) Interruj
travel on ??o Central Pacific road for i
days, und heavy rains in Southern Cali
i ia have caused considerable delay on
Southern Pacific by washouts.
Thc whole country from Lyons', Mil
lo Muir presents a panorama of dcsolall
Many men hunts liavo been unable to \
tn? ir stoics sinco Thursday morning, i
severn! who attempted it were swept dc
by the current and narrowly escaped dei
I len jami a Collcndcr & Co., whole
hardware dealers of boston, Mass., h
failed and gone into insolvency. Ti
were ono of tito oldest hardware house
Bi -ton. Liabilities are $117,000; as
While tito bari: Wlmnon, from Tncoi
was crossing tire bars al the entrance to
Sm Francisco harbor yesterday nftornc
in low of tho tug belief, til?' butta aroi
which the hawwor was fastened on tho b
broke and struck the forecastle, kill
three seamen,
News Ima roached V irginia City, Ni
tlu.i du; snow shells at l>liut*>C anon h
co;lapsed. Conductor Hood, thc bri
man, road master and ono other person
uibsing. A snow plow and seven eng
have been dispatched to the .scene of
Tho rapid inciting of snow last week
i umida ted South Chicago, and transfori
most of I hut region Into a vast lake,
largo portion of the town la under wa
ann seems likely to remain so some ti
ThiTuis grout suffering among thc hil
i tun ts.
'i he Arrow steamship Company, of ?
Yoik, hus signed a contract for tho j
clu e of tho Alexandria Marine Raib
and Shipbuilding Company s yard, and
at once eonuncii? <: lhere the eonst.riictioi
a mammoth iron steamship, for wi
patenta have recently boen granted.
The drought commissioners appointee
Governor Ross, of Texas, to distribute
$100,000 appropriated by tho Loglslnl
find plenty of pcoplo In need of stock f
and seeds, which they are not nuthorl
to furnished, and hut fow who need fl
and weal, thu only supplies tiny cou did
Thc President has allowed tho Aol
preprinting $400,000 t year to provide urn -
and equipments ;.
without his sign?ture. The cont.
limit?t ion of 10 days within i ?iel bo j
should have acted eu Ida . > di
unlay, lt is believed lo hsYi bceni novei
sight, as ho was not known to object to any
Of Its provisions.
Tho hotly of Fred Blair, is years old, a
victim of ibo W hite Uiver disaster, wus
Identified and sent lo Warien, .Mass., with
Ids luther's body. This makes 21 Identi
fied, nud leuyes but live unideutltled. By
tho records of tho morgue, botlies bave
hu n there in all. and two deaths besides
malus ill bodies recovered.
The Investigation of tho alleged political
outrages in VVtlslllugtOU county, Texas,
was begun on Tuesday hy a sub-comunltcu
of the Senate Committee on Privileges and
Elections. The Investigating comm ll tee
consists of Senators Evatts (chairman),
Teller, Spooner, Pugh and Eustis. AM
were present. Several witUCSSOS were ex
The wholesale dry goods and boot find
>l.oe house of Bluck, Oppenheimer A Co.,
of Galveston, Tex., tiled for record a trans
fer td their entire stock, ?md also their
business promises, in payment ot obliga
tions to local creditors. These local debts
aggregate $225,78?, chiefly owing to banks
and local capitalists who endorsed for the
linn. The w hole assets ??re $204,820.
A special from Suspension Bridge, X. V.,
says that .lohn Stover, a resident of Sus
pension bridge, aged about 70 years, pro
cured a ticket front thc gute lender . the
entrance of tin- railway at Suspension
BridgO about 10 OClock, ?md. after peering
strangely over thc raliway, jumped int??
the rapids, lulling bin b el.'
A committee representing 700 employes
of the Pottsville iron ?md steel company,
w ho struck against tho employment ol non
union beaters, had an interview with Presi
dent Atkins, who assured them thal tho
employmonl ol non union men was without
his knowledge or approval, anil I hat they
should be promptly discharged. This sal
isllctl the strikers' and they returned to
A dispatch from l?oine says; .Miss Terry,
of South Carolina, w ho has luca received
into the Catholic Church hy Monsignor
SallUfl, will marry Count Mticcloll al the
Municipio, on February 20. Cardinal Gib
bons, illus engagements will permit, will
afterward perform the religious ceremony
io lue chapel of the American college. Thc
Cnrtliual con fl ruted Miss Terry's motlier.
A conllicl occurred yesterday between a
fotee of police, mi their way lo execute a
number of eviction orders, and part ol' tho
population of Dingle, a seaport town in
CotlUty Kerry. Ireland. The people barri
ended thc roads, in some cases building
stone W illis across I hem. The police Were
at ll rsl driven back, hut soon charged
through thc crowd, wounding several men
..ind Winnen.
Mts. Holes, u married woman, whik
about to enter the Salvation Anny barrack.?
in Sharon, Pa., two weeks ago, was jostled
by tl drunken w. >b and (brow :. luti i di > ?
culvert. At thal time no injury except :i
broken collar bone was observable, sin
was internally injured, however, and i
now in u dy ing condition, lier u mil.ml
w be arrested.
Mrs. Prances Co dh'tt, ?c. old lady of ;:
or 80 years of i ge, living In U Ni ?I I
ship, in Greenville county*, wai I alu 11,",
bunted on Monday v I Iii . ling li h r
lire alone ;,j lier ..
feebleness she wat n
and hel?te help cou!
completely envi li pt
from her injurie . Sh
S| arlan Good h ti, once n pion . . . ll
anda member.ol th? Legislature from thti
When thc verdict sentencing ix-Ccunt"
Treasurer Hollingsworth, . Vi
I .diana, tn the penitentiary l< r three j ear
w-is real in court on Suuirdaj . Hie icons* 1
broke down complete!} ai . cried Uko
Child. Since thou his mental and phystcii
condition has undergone a great ciiungi
lb? refuse- food in tiny form, anti all nigh
i.-.y s ptl Ills iron lied, tossing about nude
tortures of hotly anti ininti, his coi,lomon
ceasing only after lu Was attacked willi
violent fever, lt is feared lib mind wi
bc< onie impaired.
The correspondence between Mr. Mai
nbig and the Pros ?deni, in w Idell the form?
..enders Ids resignation of die Seeretaryshi
. ii thc Treasury, his 1)0011 millie ptl bl il
Mr. Manning pleads that the duties of th
olllco required w ork loo sevi re for bi
strength. In accepting thc resignation, tli
President refers lo tho cordial personal r<
lotions existing between Mr. Manning nu
himself, and to thc ability with which iii
Secretary has managed tho dlfahs of li
portfolio, and ii.ses April 1 astin- tlnj 1
v iiieh tin- resignation should go into euee
Mr. Manning's successor w ill bo appointe
before the adjournment.
Following is the lisf of tho total amoutu
of the items of the river und harbor bi
which have he-en inserted or increased li
tho Senate Committee on Approprintloi
affecting tho South: The approach io No
folk, Va., $100,000; thc wulerwny belwci
N.uberin- and Beaufort, N. c., $10,00)
Savannah $05,000; Apalachichicola, $10
OOO; Mobile, $115,000-, Appomattox rive
Virginia, $10,000; Naiisomond river, VI
ginia, $10,000; Cape Fear river, North Ca
olina, $140,04)0; Conlcnlta creek, ?orl
Carolina $75,000; Painlico and Tar rive
North Car? linn, $0,000; Mohcrrin rive
Norlli Carolina, $20,000; Manatee rive
Fl alda. $5,000; tho mouth of St. .lohn
river, Florida, $125,000; Arkansas rive
$125,000. Tho appropriation forCumbe
[and sound is reduced lo $75,000, Tl
total appropriation recommended bj* tl
committee ls $10,885,800, Ibo nd Incrcai
over the House hill being $2,027,050.
Prancn'M Wnr Minister,
Tiic Puris (!<iitl<>ix, an ablo hut ruthi
spiteful monarchical journal, thus express)
itself ubout thc present | wwi lion of tl
Kl oneil Minister of War, who bas assume
such prominence in politics within UK: la
few months: "If the Minister of Wnr. b
one of those sudden changes in Oplnio
which muy always bo expected under
parliamentary government, should got i
the Chamber ?1 vote of confidence wbl<
would nuder him master of (he situatioi
would ho dare to Undertake a coup d'tia*
Without calling into question the hraver
of tho gallant soldier who fought na u co
om i at Cbampigay, we much doubt un
such attempt, for tho -imple reason that fl]
Milli ter ol' War, if ho Woro to try si.eh
thing, would not he seconded by a (ringi
(/in ol' the IS anny corps ennuin nders.
' In these days of railways, telegraph
tele phones, ute,, a coup d'etat is nul oas
to carry out, especially when n man I?, Ilk
General (louhinger 1 v< 1 duce his punido :
the review on tho l illi of last .bib , sui
??..(.led hy the ( : i . 1 ?
whose doubts liavo bo
rious recent events. T
as ho is on all sides, Gone .. .;. . .1 .
only three courses to folio 1 1
to resign; to over? "ine Hie . Ul 1 " ...
Chamber by a great speech, or to ny
coup d etat.'
Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription i
liol extolled ns a . (.ure ?ill," but udiniiaui
fulfills a singleness of purposo, being a BIO?
potent specific in those clironic WOSKUOSSC
peculiar io women. Particulars in Di
Pierce's huge treatise on Disease PK ubi
lo Women, Din pages sent for 10 ci nts i
stamps, Addess World's Dispensary Med
foul Association, ???.i Main street, Buffalo
N, Y.
b's a mighty mean man who wrote "Pul
down the blind." He would pro* ably h
In favor of bealing tho cripples.
"I'm going to bo married," lie softly said;
oked np in swift surprise;
: from out her bright oyes lied,
; nc null1 grew ?ihn in her eyes.
're geing to ho married?" she echoed
,(i voiCO lind a Steady tone;
hopi- you'll bi' happy whoro'or you go."
A cough hld H little moan.
..I know (hat your bride will be good and
V ii m vcr could love nov oilier."
She steadily looked in his dark eyes blue;
"] lender poll joy, my brother."
" : m goiug t'> lie married-that is, I hope
To he. though i hardly know
Dear love shall I longer pine and mope?
1 tiemble ter tear of 'No,' "
The color that out of her fiiee had lied
dune hack with ;i deeper hue.
"Why, isn't it funny," she shyly said,
"That I'm lo be married. tooY"
'I'iine U the best preacher.
Hard to beut-A china egg.
Spell-1inund-Tho dictionary.
A professional nice-Doctors.
Always in use-Tho letter s.
'?'!?e weigh of all flesh-Sixteen ounces
to the pound.
There are about 700,000 kernels of wheat
to a bushel.
lt's quito natural thal a boy should blub
ber when he is whaled.
Tho riches which ahvnys take to them
selves wings -Ost ric'nes.
'the ancient Koiniin began Iiis dinnei
willi eggs and finished it with apples.
A health journal says that maible tor
tables arc unhealthy. They do loo? pale.
When summoned to do so, a man gow
to court for the sake of appearance.
'.Why ure you so distant?" said a tram]
to a beefsteak in the restaurant window.
"Marino bluo" is rightly termed a seas
on-able color.
A .Maryland justice decides Unit a hus
band is Hablo for his wife's slander.
Where lhere is a will there is a way ti
break it.
A bent pin can't pull very much, but
G reit I Scott! how it can push.
A hand in the bird is worth two in tin
bush-especially if it happens lo be a briai
Thc "power of the press" is best felt b*
him who gets his lingers caught in its inc
Sarah Bernhardt is live feet eleven inchei
tall, but her other dimensions aro not wortl
I mentioning.
To keep apples from rotting, eal then
up, is the gratuitous advice of one of eu
agricultural exchanges.
In a recent sermon Henry Ward Bccchc
said: 'I have no sympathy with eight hon
nun who have fourteen hour wives."
Tho man with a single English eycgliif
looks ; is if he had a pain in his eye, mid i
Slicll a condition presents an odd spectnch
What a small population this worl
would have if all the grumblers were oi
ol' il.
A new style of writing paper is calle
"'Dildo." Wc infer timi it is a kind ?
Couples court before they are merriot
id til must, also go to court before thi'
I . c divert cd.
. .. . speaking of an Individu)
? . for his assurance Enid he hil
ugh 1er two rows of teeth."
. rail falls alike upon tho just and tl
. is the unjust wno su ld tl
.. .md let the just feel tbo nun.
j . eminent historian traces base ba
j ' . . i * i tin' time when Itebcccn went dow
i . ? tie wi ii with a pitcher ?iud caught lina
, ; we ?re . olug io quarrel with Ruglan'
for Heaven's sake Iel us wait until M
.lohn i.. Sullivan's arm gels Wolli
A corresiiniidenl inquires: "Is it wroi
;. client a lawyer?" rossihlynot; but it
:i pretty hard joh to uudortako.
. . un exchange: "Women should nev
usc a lint-iron on their husbands to sihoo
out matrimonial ditllcultics."
What in a woman is called "?urioslt*
ii a m in is grandiloquently mtignl?cd in
tl.e "spirit of Inquiry."
According io thal wise man, Matthe
Arnold, "the poor are very much what ll
i ich made them.''
Now doth the coal dealer and plumb
iv ; 'ice, while thc ice niau can't "give
a w eigli."
I h aul at the theatre: She-They, Cut
do you perceive timi I lithp? Ho-Tin
li inly not; you don't lithp ?my more than
The father of his country is said llr.st
have learned the pleasure of traveling .
four wheels when lie took a hack ai t
cherry tree.
Why women kiss each other is
An undetermined question,
Unless thc darlings would by this
(live man a sweet suggestion.
When you see a good cow, buy III
\\ hen you have a good cow, keep Ju
When you own a bad cow, sell her.
Some people have 110 more sense limn
ask a man who is addressed by the title
"( loloncl" in what war he waa.
Win is a wrinkled face like n w<
ploughed Hold? Because it is furrow
\s .lh care, of course.
They ti cd to call it matrimony, but
crusty, disappointed old bachelor calls
"militer o' money." Well, it may be son
II was the newly Hedged bee that, ali
venturing out of the hive on a wet di
sang on its return, "There is no place li
Feminine amenities! "Now, which
i hese two photographs of you may I hu'
dean -,! . Thc beautiful one, or thc one
I know you?"
Kvi ry man who carries a pistol ought
iie obliged by law tn wear lt in a licit ut I
side, and have il labelled "emotional Inst
There is a niau in montreal who has be
struck by lightning three times, and he 1
made up his mind that he is tough enou
HOW to get married.
A scientific writer says the American
to-day is not the bilious man of llfty yci
ngo. No; thc bilious man nf fifty yoi
ago succumbed to the doctor ore thu.
A Lexington bridegroom is 88 and 1
bride is IK). Poor young things! Ih
little Ihey know what is before them in t
troubled sea of matrimony.
"HOW old would you luke me to l?r
i ked a bewigged and siipernnuated <
i ic te. "Several years older limn yo
.?\ mndatn," was tho remorseless aniwi
Pit? economical .-ide of a woman's chi
fi rth uiib radiance when H
:i?; : un 18-hlcll belt uroin
.. .i .i waistt
rt a p "o'widow linds a lond of woi
. ly ..i her door alto can co
chi li i., she has struck, a tender clio
some ii ire.
An ii' tress m a New York theatre wo
a string of cranberries around lier nee
and tho noxt morning tho papers spoke
her "magnlfllcenl coral necklace."
A. WUconsin clergyman has been foin
guilty hy n church council of "not nlwa
nandi lng tho truth with suilleient earcfi
. ess tn meet thc demands nf veracity."
"Can you tell mo .. >w you came to g
i his coat so light?" asked a man of I
tailor. "Certainly, sir; you wore tig
when I measured you."
"This is thc thin) time you have calli
mo a liar, sir! ' exclaimed an excited mai
"That so?" replied tho aggressor. "Only
tinco times? Thcu 1 fear I have not dis
charged my duty."
Despite thc rumors of war with England,
wc doubt il' thors is danger of any of our
Hinside resorts ticing shelled until tho clam
bake season opens.
"Is natural gas to '<e relied upon?" In
quires n contemporary. From whit WO
know ot Legislatures we should cmphtlti
cally say "no."
A hoy who will yell Uko a Tartar if a
drop of w ater gets on ins wristband N?
his neck is hoing washed, eau crawl Uno .
a sewer after ahull and think not lung ol it.
"Pa," s aid a little hoy, "a horse is we'd,
a good deal more, isn't it, after it's brokt .
"Yes, my son. Why do you nsk such a
question?" "Because 1 broke tho now rock
ing horse you gave me this morulug."
There Is no more excitement in hugging
a girl dressed in a toboggan suit than lucre
is iu hugging a hale ol' bay. - Pack, \\ ell,
some chaps, you know, can get up a little
excitement with n grass w idow.
I lu- ltoynl Areli .MIIHOIIH.
Tile Grand Council of Boyal and Si Iel
Masters met in annual assembly yesterday,
at lu o'clock, nt the Masonic Temple,
Charleston. .Most Illustrious Grand Mas
ter W. YV. Humphries, of Anderson, S. C.,
After lin; reading of the address of thc
Most illustrious (?rand Master, and Ihe pre
sentation of reports from the (hand Treas
urer and Grand Recorder and the several
committees to whom the several papers
were referred, thc following olllccrs were
elected to serve for thc cusuillg year:
C. T. Berg, of Columbia, Si. I. ti. Mas
A". II. YVhitc, of Beek Hill, Dep. (!.
\V. II. D. Gaillard, (d Pendleton, C. C.
of Works.
C. F. Jackson, of Columbia, G. Treas
Zimmerman Davis, of Charleston, 0.
Rev. J. M. Boyd, of ('hester, C. Chap
J. E. Brn/.eidc, of Anderson, (!. Marshal.
F.d. Sch?lt/., of Newberry, <!. Capt. of
W. T. Branch, of Abbeville, c. Con
ductor of C.
Alex. Lindstrom, of Charleston, 0. Stew
L F. Meyer, of Chark .-ton, C. Sentinel.
rile grand Olllccrs being duly installed,
the Grand Council was closed in due form.
< ii n -.r-. nil Hie V. ?rn.
"Casus Belli has been thc cause of more
wars than all the other foreigners in this
country put together." sod thc driver ot a
Blue Island avenue ear ns he hailed heavily
upon his brake. "Who brought on thc
Revolution? Casus Belli. Who started
the war of 1812? Saine cuss. Who \\ - r
that mude us tit thc South in lil'.' Casus
Belli. Who was it thal tried his daintiest
to git up a war with Mexico? Belli. I SCO
by the inornin' paper that the same beast
is ftggerln' on a war w ith Lavin: .!
over a mess of Ash. In the coun
try where 1 was reared a feller named
Bust wick used to go round stirrin1 up lights
between Ids neighbors. He lind hi
fun as long ns it lasted, but one dav late in
the fall an uncle ol' mine and thc hcndrii k
family squatted themselves In n brush houp
and w hen Ilostwick carno ulong Uley Ulled
him SO full of holes I hat he fell lo pieces
win n they pciked him lip. I'm for choklli'
thc gizzard out of this Belli, oven if lu docs
come from Roman und Italian st< i k. I Ie'
gi it no busitii -s In a free country, lie's
Wliss'n Satan. How old is he, anyhow '.
Nero Kulti. In l'aria.
This month II rei; liing ROI ?.ii sen sat i ni >
n series of negro balls. They are u aler
tho patronage of several ladies ol :
blood from Zanzibar and Kthiopla, I'
dark hued contingent ol Pultsitui soc!' $ ?
n numerous ono, ..nd < ont;.!: - many rum
lies of rank and w ealth. So yon mus! li
ltcvothntthc.se hails are truly nristoerui
gatherings. The supposition is that onl
persons of negro blood ?ire Invited. As :
matter of fact, however, nearly half ol tin
ure w hite. But all such have to . lain (tn ir
faces black lor the time being. These dis
guibcd revelers are persons of the hist stand'
lng ii, French soei. ty. Indeed, no less per
Bonagcs than Prince Waldcmnr und his
bride, Amelia d'Orlcnns, attended the lb
of the series. Their fa JCS were stained a
rich brown, so tint liny looked mt her li!;,
dark quadroons, Several cavaliers of the
Due de Morne) 's set attend al! tllCSi Rlllll :
lugs, with their hands ami laces dyed, nil I
wiih wool w ies over their natural hiiir.
Paris ( '"/./?( tpotuU wei.
-- ?*? . 4? -
A Tall .Mexican.
The tallest bartender in Nc-.v York is a
Mexican employed at Sheridan's popular
Honor store al thc coi ner of Sixtieth strcel
and Third avenue. This Mexican is seven
feet six inches tall, lind ns he is very Bli ll
der he seems fully ten feet high, lu mix
big drinks, he throws a cataract of mini
julep about eight feet from one glass into
another, lie lias traveled with Barnum,
Forcpnugh und other show miningera a- t
giant, and sai s that he is ns (nil as any
giant in the business. The height of ali
the giants, he says is greatly exaggerated,
no ono of them being eight feel high, 'l ue
number of giants hos greatly increased in
Un- past fifteen years, und, though they for
merty earned $?."> and ?j-loo a week, thc
competition has reduced their wages to $3,1
a week. They talk ol forming a trade
lni|>oriAiii Decision,
An important decision was tiled in the
Supreme Court this morning hy Judge
Simpson. It changes the jurisdiction ol'
Trial Justices in cuses of petit l in cay.
Heretofore Trial Justices and thc Court ol
General Sessions each claimed io h ive juri
diction to try casi .s of petit larceny. Tin
sentence for the offence in Trial Justices
courts was limited to 80 days in jailor i linc
of $ loo ; whereas, If tho prisoner was tried
in thc General Sessions Un the same offence,
he could IK- sentenced to thu penitentiary
for a tenn of y CU 1*8,
The point was raised in Ihe ( in nil C. in t
in th . cuse of the Stall' rn, Roi iori .link.II -,
Judge Aldrich ruling tint Trial Justices
have jurisdiction. Tue defendant appealed
and tiie Supreme ('.ant decided that only
the Court orTfoncrnl Sessions has tho righi
to try a case of petit larceny. The credit
of levcrbing - this dei ?sion of lue ClrCllll
Court ls (lUO to Mr. H. C. Patton, a rising
young lawyer, of tills city, who was salis
fled tim' tho defendant was unlawfully con
I vlctcd and without pay or reward carried
j his case to Un Supreme Court.
Grass and Clover Seods,
Seed Grain and Potatoes,
Garden and Flower Seods,
Vegetable & Flowering Plants,
Prices quoted on application.
Descriptive Catalogue mailed FRFK.
Correspondence Solicited.
Mention this paper. HK HMonO, VA
Tho blood of mau has ??uoh to do iu
shaping bis actions duriug hm pilgrimngo :
through this ti'oubiesomo world, rcgard
loi s of tho amount of present or oxpoet
ant inonoy in pocket or stored away in
bank, lt is a conooded fact that wo ap
pear us our blood makes us, uud tho
purer tho blood, t ho happier, healthier,
prettier ?ind wisor vc oro; boneo tho oft
repeated 'interrogatory, "how is your
With si cams of life-giving !
:'.! ur i ll.eh mir veins, bound
in t li rou . nu* hearts ?nd ploughing
thron .'? i II ph; slea! frames, our monds
become b itor, ar eonstilution stronger,
our intel li otuol fuoullh s more neut'- and
grander and mon, women and ohildron
happier, healthier mid mure lou ly,
Tho unprecedented demand, lue uh-,
paralleled curativo power1, und tho un
mistakable proof from those of unim
peachable character and integrity, point
with uti unerring linger lo I). Ii. JJ.
Botanic blood Halm-asfnr tho best, tho
cheapest, tho quickest anil tho grandest
mid most powerful blood remedy over
before kuoWU to mortal man, in th re
lief und positive cure ol Hi'l'Oi'ula, lillCU
matism, Skin diseases, all hunts ">t blood
poison, Kidney complaint.", old tllcei'S
and sores; oaucors, catarrh, etc.
.15. I!, li, is only about tinco years old j
-a baby in ago, a giant in power--but
no remedy in Amonen can or ever hos
made such u wonderful .showing in its
magical powers in curing nod entirely
eradicating the above complaints, ?o?d
gigantic sales in the face ef fren/.ied op
position and wotild-bo money* d mono] >
Lettors from all points wbero intro?
dueed aro pouring in upon us, speaking
in its loudest praise, Sonioauy they re?
Cl ive more benefit from ono bottle ol' 1!.
M. 15. than they have from t\v? uty, thirty
and fifty and even ono hundred bettles
of a boasted decoction of meit ard non
medicinal root? and branches ol o minion
forest trees. Vi e hold lia proof m black
and whit?', and we also holli thc fort.
All who desire full information about
tlie cause und cure ot illood Poisons,
Scrofula and Scrofulous Swellings, Vi
cers, Sores, Rheumatism, Kidney Com
plaints, Catarrh, etc., can secure by mail;
freo, n copy of our ."'2 pago Illustrated
i>ook of Wonders, lilied willi the most
wonderful and startling prout over before
known. Add ivs -,
BLOOD BALIN! CO., Atilinta, Cia.
Nul only hiif.ric.R tho tim'1 nf laiior
?nit louons tho p ea, bul it irreal y
diminishes tins ilnntrer lo life >-t holli
motlier nial ? - *. ? i ;, nail lc i voa tim
m ither Ina comilit?n moro lavotnWs
io speedy recovery, mi'i lom liable lo
Flooding, Convulsions, ano oilier
ni irmitiK ivuitii.iinii. Its eillcaoj in
ti.is respect emitios it ia i.e called
TUB MoTiiKR'H KKIKSI?, an*l t > MUK
.aono of tho lifc-snviiits remedies of
tin nliteicenili century.
Wo ?.ana ?i publish cortlflcttOH eon?
ci. H nt? HUH roniQiiy ivltltool wonna?
IIIK thoUoiienoy or ts< writers. Yet
wo liave mu.-ru..a on ino.
Ben i for o r h .->?;, " Po M itlicrs," malled frc?
llKJlt>riCt.Il IIROUI.ATOR 1*0., Al'..ll.t l, Oft.
tt > '' 'i 'i OtUrY T?UB
i]. ,.; r*Hv jiP-h i^S
VIL.. mJm Will purify tl.,- f?LOOO rfmlatn
Un ti..- Liver? ... . KIDNEYS .....I
Ki hr.?HI ll', HKAI.THnii.lVIO
?MR OK ..f YOUTH llj-i . i IM.WLI t
?yn^a of
^mjBiB*^ St r ll mi'l 'l.iii.l 1- iii i
'tuKMb. OIM find i ? now
_111 ""i i '1 * ':' ' " r
j-^ ff*?t ^ ig^~ ^"1 ""' ,)" '"
Ita AD B Eb ItV'l?u." li A K.KlCS IKON
TONIO n wife un.I .lr euro. Oimn elw.r. Iiml,
lli> roini.lnilnn. FltMllH 111 nt I ..nu I? M COW . . rf ?lt?
in? uni,- ini.1 io Ihn iiopufnrlt'ot tlitiorivli ni. n?
notos|ierlidotil -ttt>\ tho OIUOIVAI. AKD HI>T,
Cure OontUpallon.i.lver Compltlnt mid Biol %
I tond ac lt t>. Humplo H"1?? Mid Ure .tm ! . ?.
m al Ita on rce<u>t ot two orniu in post URO. f
8t. Louis, Mo .
in the South hus advantage* supe
r.ur to thine offered hen- in ovory depart
mciit--Colii-glnto, Art and Music. Onl)
experienced ami nccninpllslioil teachers.
I ho building is lighted .villi (pis, tva rm ed
With tho he-t wrought-iron umioces, has
hot and cold water baths, A ml tut-.;
appointments us a boarding School in
every respect -no school in th? South hat*
For board and Tuition in everything
in full Collegiate coiirso, Including
ancient and modern languages, por
session of 20 ivcoks.Sion
Ueductivn for two or moro from siuac
family or nclghborhoodi Pupils char tot!
only from ?late ot entrance
I*or Catalogue, with nm narihmlnrs, .. I
.In .vs RKV. \\ M.?.i:. ATKINS! IX,
Charlotta, N. C.
Manufacturer of
^"Printers Rollers cast on
th?1 shortest notice nt the mot
rensonalilo mt rs. fjse Marks'
Coin position,
183611 ?SWIFT'S S
r. HALF A 0
Invalid ..? J Surgical Instituto
Hlufto.' 1' ttl? : II IxeoWeticeU ami f'klll?
li I l-l:- ,.?..11- I Ul
Patients treated horoorul their homes. Many
trenton nt homo, through correspondence, aa
successfully na ii' hen in person. Coin? timi
s o na, < -? send lou cents in stumps for our
"Invalids' (/""do-tjook," which givra ?M purtic
Ullirs, A IdrOSS! Woitl.O's DlSI'KNSAttV MEDI
CAL A- lociATI? .. UU'I Multi St., Uutfiilo. N.Y.
F. nt." " run-down,!1 debilitated
school tencli'-'iv, milliners, seainstroRses, Itnuae
keopni i, nuil overworked women generally.
Dr. I'll rco'a ftivorlta Proscription is tho host
of nil reel irnth tinnies, (tin not a "Cuiro-aJl,
hm adntlraljly filialisa nluglcncsa of purpose,
Li lo? a inosl polenl Kpcclflo tor all tlioso
t'lireiilo Wi nknesai H and Diseases pqcullar to
women. Tho treatment Of ninny th oil san aa
ol Biieli cases,al Hie Invalids' Hotel and Burg
i, .? Instituto has afforded n largo experience
In adapting ii inodlos for their euro, ana
Br. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
iq tho v . r (hlf mst ev peri* nee. For
Internal ? >iu*i ?Hon, Inflammation
and nie. ' . . i< n NnoClIIC. It
len powerful noi il, i i well ns uterino, tonio
and nervino, mid Imparts vigor and strength
t., j io whola . i. lt euros wi a lu ions of
stomach, Indi lion, Munt lng, weak back,
norvou i pros!ral >n, cxli uustlou, debility and
pl, cpl n s. In either i v. Favorito 1'rescrlp
i?,.ii is Bold hy il * ? ia imdor out poattfva
?I , :>? ?ti C. Bl . V. lill !? inonu.1 I nitie.
PRICE I h rou stia.oo
Bond IO conta In shuni i for Dr. Plereo's largo
Tn U?HO on Discus ; . .' women (160 paget,
rmpor-covcri ? . Ad? I ii'es, W ?on.n's DISPRN
BAIlY Ml - ICM. Al -' > l Avio.N, Otk! Main Street,
Uufltdo, N. V. _
\ ? a sa LIVER
H ?Ke\\?^S PILLS.
Elli ions IIonilnc.no? . & ^??F*"
Dlzzlne-n-tOoimtlpa? li, ?f^.v
Hon? inularoMtloiii ?$f**-'y "S??s;
nnd lui lons Ai tuc u M? Jv yn?^
promptly ? .' Hr. ?av \\SMN*>
??loree's I. ! . a >- a . i ( 3 V ^tmMfW
Purgative i*?'H? i'- > / i ymf?/
cents a viol, by Druggists. "A ^
From th? World's Host Makers,
Easiest Terms of Payment
Eight Grand Makers, ?nd Over
Threo Hundred Stylos to
?Select From.
Clilclioring, Mason & Hamlin,
51 a tl n pd uk, lient and Arion?
Mason & Hamlin, Orchestral and
Bay State.
Pianos and Organs delivered, freight
paid, toni) po'.nt? South. Fifteen days'
trial, and Freight Faid Both Ways, ii
not satisfactory.
Order, and test tht Instruments In
your Own Homes.
Branch of LUHDEN & BATES'
Hi. W. THUMP, Malinger.
/ IQMfl-?
FOI? IM \M? wu
An illHlnut relief for colic of infanta.
( o r. s Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera
Infant.?i | or anv disoasofl 0? the stomach
Rni Lou,.is. Makes tho orittcaJ period
of toothing safo and easy. Is a safe and
ph lisant tonio. For'salo Lyall druggists,
and for wholcsalo hy HOWARD, WiLurr
.x < .o., Angosta, (?a.
Chpjpesl ^VVV^vp.BsiD^MABcati(iii.
THE Commercial College "?SE^"!^
lllffhr.l Honor ll I UoM Mf.lnl ,. r nil ,,thtr rollt?*?,
. , ,,, ".. >l-liloy.1 . . . I ll"..L.|.<rpln?.i..l
l.tii.viil ll".|"r., , .locution, mum HM4MM lnT?l.
V ' , ?? I I ?-'iori.iiii".i"r..<'our?s
Hu.? *5 ?'.'". ,n"":"'? ?nin.*r.l.*UMi?tt?. IMri.
linc CO., ATLANTA, OA.

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