OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 09, 1887, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1887-11-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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Vhe Advertiser.
Jacks Township luis novor hoon ropro
K-II(<'I| in tin* stat?? Penitentiary.
Wo ?Ml attention iv nu nrticlo on ll rat
I?*:-:??, on the subject of our ?Hirtin il law.
Died* on Sunday, rfovombor Otb, Jim.
ftummore), nt bis rcsldcnco four milos
from litis placo.
Novoral o'our oitl/.oiii took ia tho "K?I
)a wonk" ami say that ChnrloHton was
novar snob a city before.
Tho ludios of Waterloo will glvo a Hot
Supper ?m Thursday night, 17th inst., for
benoAt or Baptist Church,
A vory pleasant Ulmo roadlng for bo
liovolont purposes was given last week
at tho residence of Mr. A. W. Anderson.
Mr. Lewis Vurliorough, lim owner of
Musgrove Mills in this County, died lust
week. Ile was ?W years of Hg?, and a
very successful farmer.
( ?reenvido is to huvo Mt i 11 anothor cot
ton factory. Thia tim i it is a Huh) fol
low, with a capital offiWJO. lt will be
a plaid Mill.
Mr. \V. A. Jamieson leis purchased I bal j
tine property oil Main Si reid known as}
tho H Un tor place, and will doubtless Im?
pr ive it at once.
lu tho absence of thu odltor next week
THU Aovitn risita will li . in the hands of
Joseph T. Johnson, than whom a more
grucoful and polished writer is hard lo
Kev. Joe J. Jones, of Cni'torsville, ? hi.,
a brother of Revivalist Mani .Jones, ls oil ?
u visit lo relatives nt th is place, lie be
gan a series of meetings in tho Methodist
Church On Sunday night.
Tho town eon nell ul Anderson have
passed an ordinance to prohibit tho pil
ing of wood on th i H'piaro, and w ? of
fer this to our city fatbors as a substi
tute for tim "eabbtigoand apple net.*'
Thc tax hook* are now upon and
inueh annoyance may ho avoided by
?.allin;; early. Delny saves nothing in
this m.Itter, mir will it profit a man to
dolav cabing at tim now.sp ipor ollloo.
There will be an entertainment in
Mush- ard Bloculloit given In thc Pemnlo
Collego Chaped on Kriday o vening, Nov.
isth. The exercises will Imgin promptly
nt 7b? o'clock. All nre cordially invited
t IllO man in I ?nu IV U.H County, who evi
dently luis more money than brains, of
forod a neighbor a silver dollar on condi
tion that the said neighbor would ref usn
tO take TlIK A I) VI! IISI.H KU from the Post
(Mibe. Moral: Nov. is the time to silb
neribe, for there's millions in it.
(?vcr in Alabama they say epics are
jrp' ned down from tho clouds Inn Kingle
Hight, and that's so. We may further re
mark that this wonderful st mn-cloud
from which cities drop is bended this
way, nud when lt passes over tho lovely
hills of Laurens, when .1 beholds I hu
mighty How of waters tillar.'.od in Ibu
channel of Little Uiver when it touches
ile- atmosphere of this pince, which
never fails to inspire a desire to "^ot
t !i re." and \\ Idell gives men the "get up
?'ll I uets," theil oar j;;-(ml and hustling
edy will conic.
Marriott, on sunday, November Otb,
Mr, Addison llrttmlott and Mi-s Alice
Married, nu Thai -day last, al tho roui- i
deuce of Mr. Samuel Philnon, his diiugb- j
1er, Agnes, and Mr. Kerns,
Married, on Thur ?dny, nt the residence
of Mrs. beynon, nour Cross Hill, Mr. .Li
lian Yoting and Mi-* Mattie I nlier, Lev.
lt. I*. Smith oflbdstlllg.
A laicnl Scare.
The negroes liv UM in the region of the
Italians in Dds County have, for thc past
few weeks, been lu mortal dread I?;.' the
uooturmil visit ? of s i II . animal which
fans ont all tho dogs lu the community.
This iinliu.il I? supposed by sollie to be a
fox, while others think it is a wild cat
which escaped from a poly of Turks
who came through ibis section a short
ti lite Si nco. ll serves tho excellent pur
poa? of kooping the colored population
bons ai during tho night, and probably
protects tile poultry busbies ?.
Tho P. .v. W. Carolina.
A larg ? and I it Mu MI Mal meeting of tl"
stockholders oflho Pori It ?yaland W es
tern Carolina radio ul ei>n von od on
Tuesday las' in Au inst i. (?on.-ral Iv. I*.
Alexander, President Ol tho company,
was present Dr J. A. Darks.late, of
Laurens, waa elocted chairman nf the
mooting Tho annual roport of the
President was read, a hieb shows the
road In a ho.iUh.ly condition with brigh
ter prospects aho id. Should tiny ol th?
projects now on foot to rois the motin?
tains bo successful, tho line? controlled
by Dd road will mont thom nt ? very
available point and glVO ll ?lin et line
lo the th roo prominont South atlante!
portn. While nt present tli0 Carolina
systom ls not self sustaining Prosldonl
Alexander cneoiirage l by tho fact that
In ail probability lt Will ha no distant
day when t le s., re els will bo ? part o?
snell a Imo, and than bo splendnd prop?
Miss Jennie McCall ia visiting at Mr.
Miss steele, of fireonville, is visiting
Mrs. A. W. Anderson.
Mrs. T. J. Moore, of Sparenburg, was
?visltliighi town I ist week.
Airs. Mary P. Tmbl has returned from
a visit to Atlanta and Nashville.
V Hov B. 0. Prierson and D A. Todd,
"*( attnndoil Synod at D.irliugmn last Woelt.
T>r. and Mrs. T. H. Todd visited rela
tiv < s und friends in Charlotto last woek.
Oapi, Fielding baa moved bia resilience
to the hons?, fbrirforly occupied by Mr.
Mr. Sum fi Hlaek.of Augusta, f?*rraor
VVof thia place, ls b ick on bia obi stamp
ing groa nd visitingfrlonds and relatives.
<?oo. y, V*?nng, Esq., and family ar??
halting In tows. Mr. young has boon
dftirtug with a tamal trouble, but wo
? nropleasad to b arn is Icaprovlng.
A moating or Die J. in rea? Ceonti/ Bl
*?lo Snob, ty la nn'tad t?? meet in tho
Motlmdlst oburoli on Thoradsy o vening
bub inst, at 7 oMoek for tho pu- post) of
' .'Hug lleb I'.CS lo Die Si de Ibbie
d tb?!
What Lani Wa? sol? -The Price and Pur
<>n Mon lay last, Sale Day lu Novem
ber, the irreal and unusual amount of real
catatoadvertised brought a large crowd
to town. As a general thing It is CO mild .
Prod that land sold low, but good prop
erty, unencumbered, brought fairly good
prices. The following tracts were offorod
by tho
The ii. M. Punning homestead in two
tract*. No. 1.ntalntllg 21A aeres, sohl
rr?r?.ma>, and No. 2, lad, $030.09. Mr. It,
ll. Flouting purchaser of both,
iv, nc ros of tho 1'utmun land sohl to s.
M. Garrott for $ li.voa.
In the case of Smith vs. Anderson four
tracts were bought by b. W. Floyd, as
follows: '?Vt acres, $1,01)0.00; 208 acres,
faOO.or); 235 acres, $500.00; 235 aeres, $1 -
Tim S ni: u i ir
sold io aeres, heavily encumbered, for
In the case of Wood vs. Kpps, .TJ acres,
?109.00, t<> A. F. Lops.
Wallace vs. Adams, 172 acros for $770.00,
to Mr. I-'. <;. Kuller.
Nix vs. Babb, 40 aero?, $100.0J, to b. lt
Craig vs. Workman, Isj acres, $589.00,
to .1. .1. IMUS*.
burns vs. ? livings, one tract,KT) acres, to
U.c. bums, $1,080.00. 10 ueros, $00.50, to
W. A. burns.
Smith vs. Wharton, 155 acres, $700.00,
Mrs. I), C. Smith.
llnbert ; ,n vs. Taylor, 150 acres, Ceo.
A ndcrson, for $700.0 ),
Rhodes vs. Hurnsilc, 77 aoroi, .1. K.
Ithodes, for $110.00.
Witte vs. Pearce, 145 aoros, $1,150.00, J.
T. Marris. 150 acres. $500.00, by Plallltitt'.
Lewis Martin, HU aeres, $0.10.00, by
Phd nt lits, Itobortson, Taylor A Williams.
1 billgolla Homestead, 80 aeres, $U20 .(>;?,
by lt. ll. Iludgons.
07 acres, adjoining above, for $125.00, by
I 'Li i ul ill; also, OOH acres, $1)25,09, to W . A.
Nick h.s.
bowns It irksdale's land, by Robert
son, Taylor A Co., for $850.00, 112 acres.
McCoy vs. Royd, 2!?.") acres, to 1?. II.
Todd, for $170.00.
Higgins vs Martin, 00 acres, $50.00, by
W. H. Martin.
Wilkerson vs. Wood, acres, $705,00,
by W. kt. Gilkcraon.
Anderson vs. Hunter, 700 acres, $.3,500,
by Miss Augie Mcclintock.
.Sullivan vs. Holt, 3o acres, (i. W. Sulli
van, $50.00.
Sullivan vs. Watkins, 271 acres, J. IV
Watkins, $1,010.00.
Mc Phorien ve. Hunter, 3:1 aeress, .Mrs.
N. T. MePhorsoii, $590.00.
Davenport vs. Iludgoue, !>7 acres, li.
\V. Davenport, $085.00; 100 acres, Cl. W
Shell, $1,075.00; 77 acres, W. L. <"rny,
$330. Ot?.
1'liriunrM' Mmtla;;.
At I o'clock on Saturday last the Lau
rens Townsliip Farmers' Club met In the
Court House. Tho following gentlemen
wem present : Dr. w. Wright, Chairman,
.1. D. Sullivan, Secretary; li. W. Shell, .1;
L. M. Irby, L. IO. Irby, T. H. Crews, W.
L. Cunningham, Math. Cunningham,
Janes Moll, .laines Wham, H. A. Whar
ton, lt. IL Young.
Ol) motion ol* Col. Irby thc mooting re
solved itself into a comm itt oo ol* the
who'", and proceeded to Hclect nine dele
?tales to the County Convention, as fol
lows: C. W. Sholl, J. L. M. Irby, .lames
bell, Dr. Wright, L. ti. Irby, J. 1?. M.
Shaw, .lanes Wham, lohn Moire, W. L.
Didogatos who could not attend were
Instructed to appoint alternates.
Goats, Uhoop and Swine.
Tho following report was unintention
ally omitted in our list of pro 111 I ll Ul s last
Premiums awarded in th" ti tat, Sheep
and Swine Dep.ul mont :
2 br eid-tail Rwos BlllO Ribbon Col.
J. Wadi. Watts.
2 Angora O ?ats lillie llibboil Col. .1.
Wash. Watts.
I pen Rssox PlgA Ubi . Ribbon Capt.
t;. W. Sholl.
1 Thorongh-brod Rs*ox Boar Hine
ltd.bon J. D. M. Shaw.
ItissoxOtlt BinoHiblion dl.D.Stow
I llorkshiro Hoar-Bluo IIIbbon L. 10.
I Pointer Dog -Hine Ribbon C. W,
1 I'oland China Sow and Pigs Hluo
Ribbon W. W. Jones.
I lol Pigs, :? wooks old-Rori Ribbon
Dickson Abhorual hy.
i llorkolbu Pig 21 proiuhitu G. W.
a. T. c. YOl'NO,
R. c. WATTS,
( 'oinniltloo.
Tbc C. lt. H. O. Heading Course.
Tho active bustling Monson lian now
BUceoiuled tho long sultry days ol the
Hlllllllior timi) Our farm u s are v>M lie i
lug ill the fruits ol' tltolr toll. Merchants
aro busy with their atoros of Merchan
dise and wares, professional moil are
lending themselves again to their tasks,
teachers and pupils aro crowding thc
MllOOhrootltS, while the faithful ilay-la
borei, and tim untiring tiousokoopor
,.Hu in their rotltino ol' work. All
si cm sllmulated with new goal and ?le
toruibintlen, willie eager plans arc laid
for material interest4.
Hut Hm mind and heart must not bc
neglected. What are wo doing to make
our Community bor?torf No moro cnoer
ingaiid hal pl III companions, can be pro
vided than good booka. Tbero ls no.
butter wnv to UL up and Inspire those
ana nd us, than by oneoiiragin? a love
fOf reading tho host lltoruturo of our
Tho Chautnutfiia Literary and guion*
title Circlo is a eourso of reading, adap
ted lo tb? noods of our pe?iplo gouerally,
ami especially of those who think tboy
have little or no time for rending- Somo
of tho wisest ami boat men lu thalami
aro planning sud di -edin* this work. It
ls omp'i ?He div tho people's <<ri ego -
an oponed do?n* of knowledge for all.
More than twonty-?vo thousand malo
and fomalo roudert* were enrolle*! last
year. The tod ire annual oxponso InclU
din? cost of books, et.? J? at? nit $7.0-)
Wo can supply circular* giving tur
thor information.
V. I*. FI KM
Owner * of tin roaf* ehsald soo ??"?
|,leiofr??of palntat W? L. B?>y?P?
Tho hulk's of th?*. Baptist church
of (his piuco will give JV hot ?upper
on tho 17th of this month, for tho
benefit of the Baptist church. All
aro invited ts nt temi us arrange
monts have boon mudo to make it
one of tho most enjoyable of the
Mr Gin ronco Cunningham of
Charleston, who has been attend
ing to bud ness hero for some timo
hus returned homo.
Miss Hosa Seymour, ono of our
charming young Indies is visiting
relatives nt Greenwood 8. C.
Miss Rossie Hook, who has boen
?pouding some timo with friends
hero hus returned te Greenwood.
Mr Claud Floyd, one of our pop
ular young men is attending thoo.
C. College.
Mr Wash Floyd, of Newberry, la
Visiting Mr D. C. .Smith of this
Miss Bnsslo Henderson, one of
our most charming young ladies is
visiting relatives at Madden Sta
The patrons of tho school nt this
place have employed tho Hov lt W
Seymour, to instruct tho young
minds of this place, WO think this a
good selection ns we know Mr Sey
mour, to bo one competent in every
respect to discharge tho duties, im
posed upon him, and witli tho co
op?ration of the community. We
bespeak for him u brilliant succ?s?-.
Wc have noticed for some years
at this place that the most of tho
patrons pay moro attention to the
whims of their children than to the
helping of their instructor, and
under tho same administration of
things they may never expect to
hove u school ut this pince that will
compare with our sister towns.
Now ns we have u good mun, let us
all strive to make this ono Of tito
bo?! schools that wo. have had, and
bulled up one that will bo a credit
to our town.
Miss Lou Anderson, of Tip To;*,
who UA \ been visiting relatives for
some time luis returned home.
Wo noticed some time since Hint
the Clinton correspondent seems to
be posted on the ways and belief Of
tee good people of this town. Now
we dont want to (liscorngo our
young correspondent on tin; ll rsl
attempt nt his knowledge of what
they thought of Mr Leitch und
Marshall, but wc will simply say to
bim that all the good us well us
the bud of this to'.? n turned ont to
bear him, and with the exception
of OHO or two lu this town they
spoke in the highest terms nfli'iin
?uni if ho wore toc?me to this placo
to-morrow I dont know of n place
in die county that he would mool
with u warmer reception. Now
my advice to our Clinton friend ls
that if ho will keep up with the
.Dots*' from that place, we think
that he will have ns much as lu
can attend to, mid when We from
lilts section want any help we cer
tainly will get lt from a different
We certainly have one of thc
most lenient mid loveable connells
that ever presided over a set of
people, they ure so nccomodating
that they have never us yet collec
ted tin* tuxes ?lue, and ns for tisses
monts, why that ls a thing they
hover benni of, when they know
that it is their duly to appoint a
board of assessors, whose, duty it is
to m ike an nssosmont of nil prop
erty within th.* incorp?rate limits
tho town, and tho ?derk of council
has certain ?lutins which have Hov
er been preformed. Now this
< lork ls paid n certain Hillary to
proform certain duties, und ono of
tho tax-payers of tho town. Wo
would liku for tho business tobe
conducted in n proper way or v Iso
apply to th?' Legislature t?> roponl
the charter und do away with our
city proclivities.
Wo run our gun-bout pas! Iho
battery oft Ito unomy on tho morn
ing of tho Ird inst. Wo f?'lt sonic
uneasiness nt first and dropped -.ni
chol- for a few moments before get
ing lu cannon sit?t of their works,
but on ? lose Inspection with tin
nid of our glass found triumphant
ly wining over their works, the
familiar battle Hug of Mcgrudor
(jim) und looking furl ber to the
North, s..?v to our delight und great
satisfaction the ling of Beauregtiurd
flouting over castle Pinkney (tho
Rntorrprlso building.) So re haul
cd in anchor und sped on ns irium
pliantly as did Capt John
and his host of old who passed thc
lines and triumphantly entered thc
eily of tho enemy, ni though on our
ret ui ii felt lt exp?die-ut and wise to
pass through tho iiarbur in the
Afior some days of rain, weare
again basking in tho rays of au In
di tn slimmer sun.
We regret to announce tho death
of Mrs Harrison Copeland, which
OCCUned Itt tho residence of her
husband some weeks ugo.
Wo were in Laurens n fow flays
since, and were forceably struck
with Hie business enterprises and
general aspect of things about tho
city on the lillis, wu feel const rain
ed to christen Laurens, the Pitts
burg of the South.
Well we nro . dto busy Just now,
and must make our story short
hoping to lie moro at Laurens.
Farmers Club of limiter Town-.
At a mooting of the above Club,
on Suturday last, Nov. nth, the fol
lowing delegates to thu County
Convention were elected; H. J.
Copeland. J. 8. Blnlock, Jun. II.
limiter, W. il. Farrow,,!. L. Craw
ford, J. W. C. Hell, M. J. Young, W.
H. Workman, J. B. lloyd.
Delegates have power to appoint
alternates lu case they fail to at?
Edito)' Laurvns Advertiser:
A certain ono signing himself
"Jim" in tlio issue Ol November, of
the Clinton Enterprise, pusses the
most Awful Judgement on our cor
respondents itt Clinton provoked
by Ids remarks in the Al>VKltTl3l3tt
on tho visit of Mr Leitch *o Clin
ton. As a calm observer, I um
prepared to say that Mr Leitch
certainly did do good in ?ur town,
in waking up christians anti adding
ot Inn's to tho churches. Hut his
iir.st few sermons were cort ttl nly
nothing promising in tho way ol'
pure gospel. Indeed, up to Sab
bath night they were such that
more than ono minister in for mod
mo of theil1 disapproval of his moth
ods, while some of tho "staid and
steady" citizens did stay away tl tir
ing Rio week, which provoked
from Mr. Leitch in lils Thursday
night's sermon, u remark against
them us being "established." Mr.
Marshall, tho coadjutor of Mr
Leitch, informed mo that In ovary
town they entered, for thy ti rs t
few sermons, tho citizens were
ready to drive thom from tho place,
on account of what your corres
pondent cites-his too plain and
rough expression. So, all that can
be charged to your correspondent
is that ho was a little too previous,
mailing, ns I suppose be did, bis
correspondence s^at imlay night
when public opinion was certainly
not in favor of Mr Lol tell ns n
spiritual lender. Our Monthly, Just
out says, "His I Mr Leitch'rtJ open
ing .services, in which ha used ti
good deal of joke und retort, did
nut allay that [preconceived] prej
udl< e."
Tho above named "Jim" contin
uos in bis raillery against your cor
respondent concerning mail foci li
tios, and making bis correspon
dence oppoar ill ti decidedly per
sonal light. It has been my under
standing heretofore that n corres
pondent wrote for tito good of bis
community, but "Jim" gives usn
new idea. Are tho {rood effort ol
correspondents to bo thrown in
their teeth because of one obllOX-I
lons paragraph? Business men of
('linton cnn merely appreciate tlie|
suggestion of your correspondent.
If "Jim's" example is to be follow
ed, the purifiers nf our land, the
newspapers will lind their county
eorrcsp'-mdene falling ??IV.
Then "Jim" goes on in his vitu
peration, pulling nit" lils Jeoat In Hie
CHUKO of "Iiis" poper. Now, .hm,
the Kditorof Enterprise hu vc shown
themselves t<- be abundantly able
lt) "Kick" when bitten, without au
outsider slicking in his quill, but
tho world might think this of you
because of your efforts; that be
cause you cannot undersell and
drive the unwelcome next-door cor
respondent out of town or ono ol
your crony friends advised, you
can attain the same end by chica
nery nuil vituperation. Ofcour.se,
I havo too high an opinion of you
to accuse you of such a little mean,
underhanded, cowardly thing, but
the world might.
Bul tho most wonderful part of
"Jim's" ? rt lele, is the marvellous
self-complacency with which ho
tells of his kneeling for prayer
with the richest mun in town.
Docs money bring down Cod's
blessing? Would you have tobi it
if you and Hob Griffin had knell
together? .1 utlge not, that ye ho
not Judged.
.Mind, ".lim" t* TC'S lots of hyp
ocrisy outside of tho pharisees; lint
no one WMIM necuso f/OU of hypo
crisy. If you get any good out of
praying under Mr. Leitch, show it
to the world and your next door
neighbor by charitable works and
not by abusive gasv Remember,
Jim, n gos bag is good for nothing,
but it ?mes ereato u very unsavory
smell around.
The above article hus been writ
ten that all parties may be repre
sented fairly and that Hie public
may not ho two ready to give their
kick ton dog, because he is down.
J l S l it r..
Absolutely Pure.
This Potvdor never vwlros.A marvel
of purity Nrtcnath un i wholesomeness.
Moir economical than thc ordinary
kinds, anil cannot be snit! in competi
tion vi it the multitude of lou test
short wolgllt ilium or phosphate pow
?1er? (Solid only In CANS. ROY Al. OAK
INO Powder Co., ino Wall Street. N.Y
Under Mortgage.
J W Copeland A Co., vs. Hallio E Pratha
ami Lucy A I'rntba.
fly virtue of authority glvon mo in the
mortgage,, wo, J W Copeland A Co nior
tgnKees will HOII to tho highest bbhlor
nt Laurens, I ' ll Nf, on Hales Day In
December next tho follow lau lands ?los
lo ?ho morlgagj aa following to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land lying
aud being lu the oouoi . ?nd state aforo
said, containing eighty hye acres more
or less, bounded by lands of Lo wi.s Yar
br nigh, ilcorgn Byrd, A, lt Hyrd and
ot iou s, and known an tho Kontiert>
plie*, bought of bowls Yarbrough:
TKHMS cash, fur h:?sor to pay f
Notioes of
State of South Carolina,
C o it II ty ?> f I .ii II r c u s ,
AV Parte Nancy Kntro- I Politl?n Tor
kin, Petitioner, ? Homestead.
Nolie? |H horohy tri von Hint tin? above
named petitioner has ttppMed to Hie Mas
ter to Iiiivo a homestead appraised and
sci od" to lier in tho real and personal es
late whereof her late husband, James
li. Kiitrckin, died .seized an I possessed.
C. I>. li AU ICSI) AldC.
I. A O lt 13 N S C O IT N i' Y ,
Rx ?Ht rte Mahala H. Mltcll-I Petition for
ell, Petiiioner. | lloinestutid.
Notice ?s horoby alvon that the uhovo
named Potllionur lias lippi iud to the
.Master to have >i homestead appraised
anil set oil' to her in thu real and per
sonal nslaic wh-M-cof her late husband.
William Mack Mitchell, died sei/.' d and
C. I). I) ARKS I) ALK,
Nov.8, ISS7- -U
Probate JUc^s Siles.
L A I' lt F. N S C I) I N T V ,
IN "UOIIATK cornr.
Pursuant to judgm-nts for sale In
tho following stated cases, I will
sell, al publie outcry, ut Laurens 0.
H., on Sab; Day in December next,
? being Monday, the /dh d-y of the
month, the properly described in
1 ono h ease, upon the terms specilled,
to wit :
In the case of Silas S. Knight, as
A Iminlstrutor with will annexed
of Sarah F.. Evans, against Corrie
Uva ns el al.
Ali that tract of land, contain
ing Six-two Acres, more uv loss,
ami hon nd od by lands ot .lohn Gar
rett, Lewis Abercrombie and oth
ers, and I.) ing on tho waters of
North Ita'sUII Creek, in said Coun
IVruis-f'-i o. The purchaser to
puy for papers.
Ill tho caso ot Silas Knight vs.
Hobo ri K night cl ni.
All that tract of land,containing
Two Hundred and Fifteen Acres,
more or less, and bounded by lands
Of Seaborn Parks, NV. S. Knight,
lards belonging to the estate of
Wm. Mills and others.
Terms-One-half cash, und the
balance on a credit of twelve
months, with interest from the tiny
of sale, secured by the bond of the
purchaser and a mortgage of tin?
premises, with leave to the purcha
ser to pay his entire bbl in cash.
And If too purchaser fails to com
ply with the terms of sale, tho said
land tobo resold on the following
Sale Day nt the risk of the former
purchaser. The purchaser to pay
for pupers.
Judge of Probate
Clothing Emporium.
I .un now prepared to meet your de
mands Cor I-'.di ami Winter C'lotliDg, 1
! IniVO tile heal selected stoe'.t of clothing
for men, youths mid boys, thai you can
lind iii thc city. Tin- (iii ls a 'a correct
in Ht vie, make and fullish, and alto per
fect ?ti lit and will hold their shape as
I long ns tho garment lasis. This stock
, consist of Sack and Cutaway Subs in
Cash!mero, Cheviots and Sili< mixture,
also Diagonals Worsted, Whip-curd.
Thc loading novelty ls tho Strlpo-Chovl
nts in Sack amt Cutaways
Di OHM Slits of Klogiitil material and
cut in thc most raslonablc ami perfect
lilting stylos, iii w hip-cord and cork
screw s ot ? in ported gooda.
Full Dress suits w ith Dyke coats mid
vest. A full line of I hese goods ul way H
r>a hand, and I glllir inter a perfect Illili
ev. rv instance
A iui! linv of ( ?cuts furnishing Hood?
of ovary description, under wour, tito vos
11 alf-hose, ( "ol lars and <'II li's etc. A beau
tiful linc ?f Neck Wear of ul I colors and
; st vh-s.
In the Hat Stock von will lind all Ihn
lending style?. Tho DUN LA P *?lk and
: Still' hats also I lie boston Self conform
lug ."MUT Hilt, these makes I am solo
Agi nt for, and can univ ho timi ai tim
Km pori II m. heshian these oilier mak
es ol'hats in a great varlet v of st vies,
Silk. Ciiasiuioro, Still and soft hats in all
grades and prices, rios lathe lamest
stock ol hats I have over had, t he pleas
ure of show ing to niv patrons.
Hoys clothing stock is vory attractive
at th'irtiiuc, the assortment is beautiful,
knee pants snits trom I to l<>yours, and
lon^x i ant nits from 1*2 In IS years. Qual
ities are good, and prices arc hov.
t ?cuts l inc Shoes in all the landina
styles mid makes, among thom you will
lind the Celebrated Itaiini.Uel Shoe in
Coii'_rress, base ami Hutton, you will see
Ilia Don glass Shoe for men lit (.'1.00 and
Hoys at f'2.00, every pair guaranteed.
When VOII Visit the oltV I woulo Uri
pleased to have you to call inspect Hus
H?ncense stock. This is tho only place
tv he re you eau see Hie correct styles.
Columbia S. C M. L. RIN A Itt).
My new fall siock is now ready for
your inspection, where von will Hud tin
correct stylos, and clans ol'goods ns von
will Ibid at the Kill por III Ul of Fashion,
you will lind tills stock complete In
every respect, and for lit and make
these garments cannot be excelled ns
they aro nianufilOtUfOd expressly for
You will find a complete hue of cents
furnishing, and Hats of all stylos and
annulica, also a handsome line of Shoos,
in nil thc latest styles.
I am much pleased with my success
for the past veiir with (his store, and for
the coull.lenee of the clliXOllH <>f Spartan
burg and the up-country in my endea
vors to pince boi'ore thuin a strictly llrsl
class clothing house and al pr leca th HI
cannot bo excelled by anyone. You will
Ibid no mixed Stock herc .1 have phu
td.Mr Krvln Twiitvhi ollargo oft hil
house, w hera be will ba pleased to nae
nil lu - friends, and wPI laka pleasure lu
showing the new stock.
Respectfully, M, L. KIN ARO,
Mpnrtanburu S. C.
J. T. JOHNSON. w. n. RI0HK1
OVKICK Fleming's Corner, Northwes
side of Publia Hipiare.
LAU HUN'S, C. H., - - - 8. C
LAU it KS* r. H., ?. 0.
,?" (?nico ovor National Hank.
*W\ H. Martin
Il A ll D W A R E.
Iron, If orson turi M ii lu Shoe.';, Noils,
Axes, [Mows, steels, Hollowware,
Huck Thome Fence Wire, Pocket
?liol Table Cutlery, (inns, Pistols,
Woorien wa re, Hopes, Corel a are, Up
per, Sole mid Harness Leather, Bug
gy und Wagon 11 arness, Wngon
and Ruggy Materials, Window
Glass, Paints and Oils, Rubber
Roofing etc
Agricultural Implements. Spe
cial attention is culled to Penning
ton Cultivator for putting in grain.
All of which wid bc sold ns low as
tb;> lo . cst for cash.
Tile friends of Mr Wright will
lind bim ut lib*old stan, and ever
ready to wait on them. Do md fail
to call and examine before pur
chasing elsewhere.
? m
Female* College.
With a full corps ol'assistants tho
Lnurotisville Female College will
reorganize und begin full session
Supt. lilth. Rooms comfortable,
Standard high. Special attention to
nil Female accomplishment:*. New
and splendid Pianos. Non-secta
rian. Government parental. Young
ladies under thc immediate cure of
Mrs. McCasinn and Mrs. N. c Jor
dan. Pupils received -t any time
and charged until ciel ol' quarter.
Board $12 per month in advance.
Tuition $20, $30, ami with classical
cours.; -tin per Collegiate year, pay
able monthly. We solicit and hope
to merit public patronage. For
any information address,
LAURENS,S. C., July 20, r>s7, ly.
~"T II E N E W
I beg to inform tin- public tbnt I am
p 'pared o nerve them as Tonson in I Ar
( . in in nowonurlors, under the Kob
o: s riot.'
-AM. K I N l>8 Ol' STA fl
(ar Loa 1 of Flour just Kt
.t ar-Loa
All of w hich we sell at UOTTO
G-eo. 33- .A
Laurens - -
A Houehold Wc
Prom the \
the Sed\
our mammoth Establishment ?
Goods fi mu (lie Best Manufactu
Foreign Goods.
Tho m issos which crowd <>nr ste
gains, a id go away delighted, ls tn
We have to-day tho 111 isl complet
in Ladies' Kino Goods and Gents' C
We will display lo tho purehasii
worthy <>i their attontion.
NV o lia V0 doubled our sales this s
und purpose tining tho sams for tin
We are In tho Dry Goods and Clol
rather bo at tho head <>t our establls
in the State.
5,000 yards Dress Good*, in dinon
41 pieces Cropo effects In Dross (io
2," pieces half wool Dress Goods 3:
21 pieces 80-Inch Flannels, nt 2 ?c.
40 pieces lo-lncll Tricots, xl ll
li) plores .vi-lnoh Flannels, on
'M pieces fti-tnoll Tricots, nil t
27 pieces Black Silk, from an i mpv
$1.25 ?1.40, ll.W).
Now, If you Intend buying a Rim
line. If yOll live out of Gie city sci
8 pieces Black Moire Silk, at |1.
Gi pieces Black anti Colored Vol
-131 etolc
To this tock we will give spot in
plete. Wo will display Monday ll
Lubln's .".ll wool, 4M indies wide,
In tills Department our stock ls
Hose, regular made 12$o. worth 25
A special sale Monday 2)c. No,
See our line at 40c, and ?u,
74 do/.on Ladles' Host?, solid
ut 25t\, 2?0. Tboy would be cheap
Wo propose tining business and 1
<9* Ik Mfel?
Clocks, Jewelry, &c.
I, A U II VJ X S, 8. C.
J X-I J .A. ?vT Kl S
Wo would respectful ly unnounco
That we now have in store, A thou
sand undone things, And ure daily
receiving more. Our round stacks
of goods, in part we will mention,
Hut won't use ono space to bring
hull to your attention. Sidnee it
t'? say, we have Hour, meal and
moat, A nd sugar and coffee which
ca ii Hot i>e bent. Our elegant can
ned goods will just make you smile
As you stand and behold them
I laid pib? Upon pile. Of tobu^co*
and cigars we have quite enough,
And elgarottatoo for all to take a
pull". Our new' und full Mite of plain
and fancy candy, Is, to say the least,
aperfect "Jim Handy." Now you'll
give us your attention we sincerely
hope, l or we wish tn say a word re
garding our soap. We tiffy oom*
! pstion and if equaled er beat, lu
quallity or price, (10 lbs. of soap, is
our treat, .lust call and get prices
you'll be paul tor your pains, And
for buying your goods from ,1. Hutt*
ni: RT JAM KS.
Laurens, Sept. Lb .R7
?K noons, seen AS
:\?, OF Aid. KINDS.
d of Bagging and Ties.
M FI a nu:s.
^nde r son,
-s o
?rd in the Land
fountains to
s lilied with tko li od FJoglUlt
rers in the World-America i and
ire daily, eagerly purchasing hur
lly gratifying.
e establishment in South Carolina,
lotbiug ami Furnishing Goods.
lg public $100,000 Stock, which is
euroli for tiio meath of Soptcrnbor,
> mon t h ol' ( Ictolser.
4.INS tel
bing lUisinos* to stay. Wo would
ll me nt than of any other business
mt styles, at be,
oils at I Oct., half wool.
! inches wido, at l ae. worth 18c. ned
o week only, nt 50c. per yard,
be new shades, Site.
irter's forced sale, 40c, 77c., 02c, $1,
ck Silk this season, oxnmine this
nd for samples.
. Goods
1 attention ?nd our lines are com
> pieces Hinek Cashmeres,
worth $1.00, nt GOc, 00c, 09c.
vory attractive, 800 dosen Misses
6 to No. 8*, worth mer? money.
colors, white feet, regular mnde
nt 3 pul rs for $1.00.
ivill make thc price to do lt.

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