OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, December 28, 1887, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1887-12-28/ed-1/seq-2/

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JFhe Advertiser^
BUM T l I i .#* - .--"--?.
j. c. (? .i nuxG'tox* vu iron.
Bttbaorlptlou Price-13 Montbri, Q1.Q0
PA VAM, li IN A l'A'A NOE.
littles for Advert? ?- ..
vortlHcun -i.s. p ir luuroj tau'.";,'.
lion, ?H.Wi ouch KuU?oqut?nl hi-.< .
Ll boni I reduction innde for '?" P< .* .
. r 0:11
T, A rw^x-v Doe.
Sw ; >?>:??-. \'otOB.
Thc moat r-. -ihii ? '. ?crver o?' inn .
lng events w ?io has watched tho
coura? ol' Hie [jrinuuien, could
scarcely lull h> note thc mph! iii*
ere:?- . i ' ih-.i IMI li' ?'? Votes.
Whil . : -
for in cv i: ? Con
noni i?. lt ci '
for : .?
tin ?
ern. n ir 'i-? U ' ?incid? >M>
. .I' :
hiit iii Hie bil' l!
uro i ine ii. .i
vol :-.rc in ft ]
?or mid
o r t ; ; e c
such ur>. '.. " may Ive ue|
ti non. But ii ce el h nu titi
? : .....'.:!:?'
roi- . Unit nun v
other . in.?-, th fn i '.
mci . ?.
chi'? '* the | cl?.ic j lhwilvled?
!.' ir . lie.? inst cim.
i . ?"ai <
poscii id foi .sf diing inc prluuii.v
cleo lb" i mb i
llicnt Cl i .. I 1" ?1":.'T-.' C'lubti lb
cert ni ' ' ' .
II may
cuto I . . ? ?
in oiecti? (il;. '.. ii c. i iii i'm. ii to .-'.vaji
plng law .-. it is ? . ..?..'.-. Wo hilve
Wilie.'.' ti i IC proceedings ul' Liu"
dem r? i V ? eini ';. w< ry etbs?iy,
and ar-- ivincul that Ibo traill ;
in s'otc; carried bil among law
makers, hus rici ? m been excelled.
As un i cst aM ta'.: a I he du?st?vb
of u (>onsf itiiliollal C'onventlon Bi
the Senate, wio.n Ibo hill was
first inti odiif: d, a fte I' discussion il
was rejeCB .!. but lu a few days ibis
action was revorsod. Ii i- possible
that members may Invvo changed
tholl' mind on loss Important meas
ure:-, ini1. lids luis boen Ihoroiighij
discussed in every (Jounty l?y lin
press mei on tho slump, mid ii
Boemcd altogether improbable
from tho action ?.;' tho Se?alo ai
first, that thu ? dud < ?" my Semiloi
wan undecided. Oil. r instance.1
might bo udduced to show ? ^1
when a livomber had a pot mcii-ain
he was in tho market for volo '.
Thc '.'.aie Act.*'
Tho Act of the Legislature rt
cont ly passe I, which TJJR AD VE II
TIMI;K published In full hint Wed
relative to thc pub!Jo school* fe
tho town of Laurens, h a matte,
wbicli m ii rd Soon bc c nsidered bj
tho frechol 1er .
This bili '. thc outgrowth o? .
deidre milong ?air people for ;
Grndbd School; This subject wa;
first agitait ll at a tim? Vt hen lh<
Pon?ale Cnllvg? Wild of doublfu
sueco; - , an I lt .. ns intended to gi v(
free . < lio- ly for primary pupil
similar to thc I. ipls now. in opera
Mon io ' Ir?onvllle, Sjrutanhnrgam
c her plnc<But from tho Bghli
before tis, thc total iiihbunl 0
money i<> bc ra i si i mi 1er this hil
will nol < : th '1 HMO. This, Wliih
mord than do libio the n moil itt 6
the present public school futid ea
pended Iii town, is by nd menu
sufficient .orana Or ad cd School
When a ?lice ? t made foi' tho col
ored ichoo), we hnvo barely i lioilgl
loft lo pay 'one Urst rale teacher.
One t< ficher could hy ho possibility
do tho work, und henee, w hen (lu
proper bill tors come lo consider tin
Operation bf tili? now law, they w i ?
bo confronted with dlfficulli .;.
Ai present wo h iv vd two school;
of Which any town might ho proud
The Lanivn.c, iii.? Ef'otiial? College
with i?O pupil , m ti ii y of whom iir<
from a dhitaiu c, is success fill in tin
highest dog i o, Idle the .Mab
Academy, under Prof. ICvnns, nlsti
flourishes, and gives tho best of sat
There can bc no doubt but that fl
Graded School, which would give
tho same results and ai tho same
time be free of tuition, would be a
great nd Villi tilgO to the town, ll
is our bollol", however, (hat a suffi
cient sum to guarantee (ho same
frf? lt I tS cannot be rai.-cil under tld.
hill, and hence, as the trilStoes have
the power, wc recommend thal
they go 'dow in creating ft SCllOoi
to nntagoiii/e existing institutions,
unkvs they nie miro that stich it
school will be as efficient,
This i.<< a imil tor which aifo^tH thc
property owners of the town and
tJu? ty ho'o community. Our afl
muns uro upon for a full discussion
nf Gio Question. ?
Ot!!' Hl?iOJ??ft?l du ^ i er,
I wimont :.?.*?.??." ' v ' en-1
don ?ve? I
on Mon ; % ' au-,
tim;'tlj v.- . ^ . . ? .ead
of ?ur '<?'?" ' ' ung
niau I n j .' . iActty
and judi? -- . . . \* ! Hut- i
torin i" votti . . . .. ':: Ids J
popularity; ' ' ( ; '. ' : ell ia*
comp ?at . ! x . ' '1 r '. Who
willdo di t.u ; " . : -ev or
. Ueii o HI ci ri . ll Inter
pst? Of the t.iv.:: un 1 COI '.: itv. i
\a ? ? . "? -.
Ti,-.? l'Vvnn.'i'di.?t hi ?1 : fresh
. . ' I
? i is, ai
i :
.. iii . i'.'l : . .
i ?in ! ii
ld: 1 ; " ? ? . . .
I MIC . . ? .
:? . . ?
! .
ld c i d his
i'l hi '
? v?'i '
With ii huriU'. ' ; ({'(lioihu!.'i'.jatn
life I IS
: V sU'duiUotl, hf ?'? np ?on.stitu?ii
? y. a i. ( I i s 11 : ?\ )\
' ' . ' ' ': '. . (d i on
Ifl'N .
1111 '< I i ! 11 l l 11 ,
. : ' . .
lillies for tjtiiot, IU'IAY vhful study,
Iii- lifo is ohanuofu 1 lu OAe'rythlnpf
eximid hi* ??nu":!- dud hi-, moth
This pa per In not ?? pr 1 Lunation
Of War e..;-iiil:lt Hip 1'.Vaiie.' li i. ?
j ts indilod hy ? pen which has often
11 spoken in honor of hU ofdeo and
,lwork. lt hus maintained ihal ir?
' existence i a? oin lout ly ju?.;, ti; .1 hy
? STi Rta?t?nl i 'neilin? . li h:;r
. sought to fdiow tittil for him thorc
. . :.n rin limpid und hnportnnl liol !,
. j and that lie buj lit to I o Ihe hi" I
j helper of llio p;i lor. ll lia- Kindly
' t inti led yt it h (M hers m eliioi iii: :
t J-h i A fidoeesifieft lind eoi?tiveudih# iii."
. jsnci-iih *By nothing tn ih!s tirii
, j CK* ir- it intended lo iv I rael or nm-!
, ? i fy th? .-o view
'i An i yoM it i-- safe i ? -ay thal
1 j there in not a stiUsfaetory under
dundina belwe :i Hie Evangelist
i and Hie public, There;!* a elin un
between then:, our iilderi riper
I churche ? tire di -1 o ?soil to ? tit tul itlool
.j.froid him, not m\V ?d' those wini
- have:liad ht? ?.*.: vic:-;; ard ntl idy
i J ti verso lo having h-itri again, und
! >tfar, think i
And why so '.' I'lie quasi! ?ti h
i pertinent:, H ri fl its (du \ : muy li
' useful. Il wo tan go Collie I: til un
1, bf ti,.- trouble ?ind lieu) it, it v. ?II ht
? lor the proud of i!m pu ld If and foi
. j tho good of tl" Kyntipreihdi
I II in worthy < f i ojieo (lint- Hu
J pr?jiidlee i? qiie.'tioij Oiin'.int bc
? uro Hld he.-tile tb hint, They ea
qbicK l.. prhl* hin) .tl the exp .'mle
Of til '.lilli
most i
??y I .
mi ni .1 i'll This pion i- ?jio
lou er ol' hj.s ngtli. i io. may :
oiVdiialve lb Hui lies! Christian
Idol ? of tho i immunity, gild ho
limy resort to ;..> at ion ii I d?vi?es
for ut truel ni K und ontortaliiiop* n
crowd, which no pastor bould uso
Wi I hon I soei i Heilig tho respoel ?>l
; a ; i
.. '
ii;0(?l Wliit'h he may hrlltii lo oxco] -
( ionill Cl il wi . ' .!' ?i opie, "'i'!:;' e -. -
Mic? .marti t'oiiMevvutJvt! find #ddly
liioiubevs1 of tiitf ciiureli. Thoso of?
(en soo id hi;-) st rained method anti
HiipcrQcldl u achilles dahgoroius
tendeneioM| rind ure slow to wei?
como him. lt sotiieiiriios hap])eu.'j
timi, for their caution^ they uro
branded us i'h ?ri. ^ . and hypo
Sumo have uii lori:il:< ii to find uti
oxplniuitioti for this prejudice
ngainst the l?viingelht In tho Jeni*
otisy of the preueherH ami lu tho
avitrico of tho churches. It enif not
be denied thut soiriii prencliors nro
Jealous nod some churc es itvur?
t?ioti ami thoso ure facts which tho
public will md be allowed t<> forge(
when tho l'.vangelii ls about, nut
the Intimation thin these thin?-<
operate to thc injury of Ihe Kvnn
gellsl is Tully offset by the earnest
(leslro ot* poftorfl t'> Bccuroofloctivo
outside help in tholf harvest lneet
in?.;s; and also hy tho HpOfftftllOOUfl
liberality with which OllUi'ches so
often corn pensa tc those who render
ivitch services. Mut adhiitting that
Hie pastors and churches aro out of
sympathy with thc? Evangelist, wo
limy, with re;u u.-k, How carno
it to bo so? Tlioy wero not born
with ihotfo prejudices. Js lhere not
accuse? Is tilt fnnit not in the
ISvan^olttstY May wo not find in
Iiis st vic of preaching.. Iii-- platform
munnora, his management, (ind Ids
oddities, an o.vp?nmition ot ti?,? pop
ular feeling against him? That
this is t > sonto ox tont trie. ' o readily
ndmitted hy many of our best evan
gelist ie workors. Tlioy openly la
mont >!mi loud ami foolish mon
hove broken into their ranks and
brought Ihetr brotherhood into rn?
prone!), lt seems to be lmpos:dbl
for tho nverugo man in (hat line i t
Work to riso n lio ve tho infirmities
Sti 1 deformities of tho prof? sslon.
?1 vnugolists do i ot ul ways like Oneil
>?:...-;.. hut for thu most part tb. y
tire much ?tli:;o. ia virtuos they
dlifer, but in fulfil they aro one. in
?. h.t.'' follows wo will name so nc <.;'
tho Weak points, of tho 'A.ie., i list,
if:; A N TA?ONl?i?iS Till-. I'll' new
ono thing, I;'- is e.ol ii?fi
clcntly f. speetful to tho local
church, lu lits ambition !.> pofiti
Inii'/.a his mooting, ami edtch the
multitude, ho is prone to overlook
thv- vuluo hud dignity of timi or
gan'.vntUon which Christ luid funned
ns the homo for bis children. Ile
(s studiously dUuib OS lo tho ^crip
?U i'll aspect.-: pf lite I -e.d ell-if. h,
ind us lo th-.- I iii po rta in e of lb ...
tcb.er mt;
i ; . ? Uti bu
? ti com mi I
. I .!:' i-? omit jtftein with ti di
ii i rt i
mission-, hud nr.- duties which '.. nj
ihn Ihn iholil of a UhUdh: ii i:'' .
c:: i ?.i leave tin -it out : . dish" : .
tu t-i . truth. That :b 1 \i\ li
i . templed to Com proud liibiseh'
id (his matter ls tioyoud all ifi ni il.
:? ? m fhn! Un
e who pi
Iry ?tu- ?
cliur'ch, X >r ? . I'.'.. .?.".;>..;-; >_;. !t
tho mail un i. r w hom tin y inn 0
b >n < on verted, lind lt v. lom l hey
lu..ix ti . their spiritual I'll her, i. ;
'.' r hiiig tb -ty n's t'? the didi 1
b?jdi.sui cud church m mu tie ' ..
is natural
[ld look u
I.* .
li i idly bo defile I lind it' thc l .c. 1
cl lircli i: tito di\ im? organi/iUi ni
: l'V'
. dyiiiloit; ol' mea, Uten our ovate
.;.< I fifing inoveinen'i ought I . > s pi;:
from Um chht'c'ifi hud ho > eon
dttcted ii? |v> lioiidr ami drongtleu
it. 'i'lt'c ii;:--.! not s< om ld '?' Un
I mai 1 though) With tho Kv1 ngelist
I lo strikes lb i* tho ma ni mut li mc 1
j lng. A public liullj a v. tiri fig ula i;
! a pl td fer in pf jin acht : , and a ile -
. I' peopl ' ct?.'. ? Ututo Ids (deal <>
glory. Thc oliffr.ch sinks ont 0
view, and JonVis i.otjdug bid ;
mc iim_'. A monster iteming ?t n
dr wldch tlu i'?vaUg??isl i Um cen
lye, ami when In i tlVCfl in- ..il. - lil
main thing away with him. Th
In lore ! suddenly collapses, iii d th
Inevlthbli? reaction ,;<-i Iii. I .vc
I he mo t devout Uhrl-dliin (iud i
hard lodrdp bael; to Um quiet wOi
fddp and w a k ol tm ir fi vi
churches. The pastor ls al n lo?
lo know with what pabulum he
to satisfy Hie pampered tastes <
lits people, Thc vast hordes ol coi
velds mo speodtly (Usp? rsedi mid
! i j hard lo track tiiem up. '?'I
j iii roting fade-; into a ni- .i.-.ry. ?01
j i-y slow degrees there steals in 1!
conviction that it was not * > gre!
j or ?'..?.'.I ii tlihig ns ii soc m ci I ai t;
tiiiic to be. Happily thc lit!
eliiirch, v. hieb fi tvs w<'li nigh fi
i gotten during (lie n?> our, sur vi vi
i ami modestly resumes Its ho
business nt thc old tumi.
A sii TH c. PAS roy AI.?o.
N. r ls tho Kyangt li 1 fuiiiods f
? ' rejig!hening a pastor. Not Iii
lie attempts io supplant hint,
! .?ni j. w cly an tit gold hitit ; ai
md indeed that n pastor 1 ig?d
; .. i -'i for any mua t.i i ut er Isis fin
t with ti view of holstering 1.!;. 1
j io Iii:? place, nut tim Kyafig ii
; luis; ways of his b\yhi Il e com i
: . . ry ol ?er nm
:? . . ; - : -. i to re?
. i nin tCi* tin ;n lip r ii iii w sly- i
lin . . ., - ;
ol' i ? . . , :
ly ns if hr- hud brought ..' mu . .'.
;>r rf bailly ..: religion lluin lin l e\
bt'tdi pul upon thal murk ct bc Tor
1 lc comes net lo help ?ho ?..1 i.
j bid I hid the pit !0r may help hil
own ?
j insists on ey ti uni ug tho tn cot in ." <
ncc. Ucl Mil
jest . over thc pastor'!1 cranium iii
j puiictnn - him wi'.h ijut slit ns il
j signed to force bini hilo e.',dor th
ids o-.; II peculiar i hcolop ?cul crete
i id s. He keeps Hie pastor busy fi i
i tho siit'o'rdiur(0 detuilsof thc mc
I ting, maines 11 drudge of him, lind
.1 not. alway.'; SM e. il,-.' COlfi tooti- in i
liing ??i - orders. Ile i- 1 it .i
? s u*. i, und (ho ph (bj i- the snlollli
? . ..
?1 i ,\ dor ls hoi a eoifim indine III
j I i e ls HO ovo I'shadowes! bud sh ru II
: cn (luv! his people Crt I) lui rd ly rcco
discerner of spirits, Msgr ti in!
hus, bul often of a enrichir; typo. 1
j fstscl mites tho eccentric classes. 1
speedily draws nrouhd him n gui
ol gushinfl, impulsive, end ador ii
(.copio. They throng (he ! 1 . i
benches,bungon Ids words, bun
al his Jests, cry over Ids slorh
|i!;iy responsivo lo ids moVomen
I ami (hon promptly bael, illdo win
i be loaves, Ho is the Idol of tl
. br. ken-down preacher, tho <<i
head, (ho crunk, ami Um locurul
back-slider. Tuc pastor of a hil'
city church, whorocontly had wi
him an KVllUgolistj found Iiis phi
of Worsilip sndtb'iily abandon; I !
bis o-.n peoplo, aiuijusi nssuddc
ly (b inged by un unsavory i;n
which had followed U10 preach
from pince to place, and which >'"
cl a way when he left, not to 1
i tam ngnln. ot conversions, tho
Were many reported, hill hodld n
open his Cn uren lo take him III.
un evangelist cannot command t
fOSp?Ct and co-opornt ion of tho In
elements of a church' be would
weil lp leave.
Tlie Evangelist is generally si
pasted of staking tos much on 1
?f?Wfcr.-.r.rv.: : : -.r JV-s.il?,iymn-mJiS^*-TZ^-^cx>l i Ttx^
i methods, n is duo to him to say ;
thnl ho i rcache : tho gospel. .lois
ioho commended for thu ly>no?*j
[which tn puts un lit? lllbl?, rtrtd it>?
'.Uv i limo it li 080 SVitll SVll'cil llO pl'U*
chtluif tl . Atoning Blood. Ifo
duos ti-.-'.- ' things so well Ina! he
luimos! deserves forgiveness for
; tli?se ::oempty, sous 11 lonni tinr
ini'ii * willi ]\ lie sometimes pulu
old as blwSs f >,i U crowd. But v. idle
hie preaches tito gospel* Ho presents
; in a ..! mgoruu?hi meelintjlenl ss ny,
Ko.sometimes reminds eneorthej
street ; ed i r, who hus n new nos- :
tr.um IV : toothache. 11 v holds tip |
the giv'iiel reni?.ly, und then (Mills
I on tho si n uer . ( > - mureil np mid .-.-.I ;
lt, li* Hu y rn i*ept, ho shaken hu mis ,
\yilh them; i; they hesitate, he re?
1 ?ognb ?-. ? hem s\ iib u sang, ?nd gives ;
th m nuother chunco. if they vet
i? r M dais OM i niuo par! hil
nd\ uneo < u Iheh* p tri, such n i !. <w-,
lng or ali ' i ; ;i ;', or holding up their :
into I hod '. ; ?
?riv - f. : I ?. us v. t ll. ll ?ii :u j pro
s' nnd
.ol xl-..' reeks on
list <..";.-:i ?mes; lo
.1 m I !
; ? ' i fi'i I";
. '. tv, n
.'.. Wix!l-l:nowh p'.ilsidr, who In re-j
! ! ! io
?hoi ? ' Ks '.
elud? -: (ind li:- sup din tcmpt'iliiiu
Ci .'d* ni v
.., . i , ?low -, i.n ; co iv. rt
.... : ... .
. Its every night, ?.lid
I iv. I mi ines on iduitdiiy.
Irtil for miuisu rs t > n
i .. lerutil pro-'.' tof i heir
is >t .'ondiMiineil ; bul
.asy fi r thom t-> Iii 'dine
iclious ;\< to in.ni dime
'hey gi i I heir eyes set in
hm. They over, ?dimiti?
>? lehi nu I rn Heil -. Tie y
ooiiversions '.\ ?iii gd un*
timi, and herald (he 11 ?fr
igiutls of : heir p >\s er.
'ii Burly ?di a rai loris! ic <o
. li (, 1 i< lie.-; UUfor
1 r< lis lilil? <d Hint r?- -; fid
?.. which is Ids reid
ii rend?is him nervous
ie.ni u - t'? lliti "?t amii
r vice ; i! teuips Idhi to
'. .'il r.iohj nnd prompt
io iii- i'itilur??i (hider (he
.t ii ions in coi
tiri MK.'IIT o... >'.M I..
\:\. I il . u li-. I ol'lli
cry .>.! li ely clever
Hie problem of Ids
i. Til. To Wei - lee
- t.. his m i hod . ?d'
o religious Sympal lue
lle vc*i 1 nos' u . i -i
Pd organ -, nu I lind
ide ready for tho col
?HUI hi;.' : 'i l portee.
f<... li:" le ieiil <>: ..t
illirer In glory,
uhf) ; ?id . ? ; - in evnngclictil wor
kers. . ' ought to ho iuiih d Hint
li) tn of o ti r p.i -?or.; li? ye drilled
iiit,i th . iv ii y s of I hese men, ?nd
ih:t(, (oe, willi resuBs much to he
The old rovlVid marilin
iul\ nm ' . "sV lin! lilts l>6'< n finid will;
. .
mei hod , ?nd S\ ho uro '.ni| ly lillie
ioUfl fi r tho goslin (o !.:: v.- au open*
. lng lu run mid l>o glori.md.
?< The Ba pi Isl nee l evnngolisls.
They need men wild hnvo I con
! (rained in tho school^, who lins"
I real sympathy.with pastoral svork,
who have Kindly fi ti cl cournj o m
tlcnominnl ional nun icdons, (\ ho
helluva in missions;, who believe
. (hui ri ligion is a lifo v 1 Ich lo
grow, u -i i y til- and Jci'K , hui li*
pullen! faith ami honest living, who
nullor tho Iceni church, who will
help pn tors, with aro nut ambitl< u?
for y. -real fame, who aro no
hankering nfter iiowspapQr notori
ety, svho trthd in thc Hedy Wplrll
?ind ito! In methods for producing
-onvcr don, who arc md clamorous
for Instan! nicolis results who ure
conten? with a moderato Income,
\ ii ? !-: li ?w lo study, svho are
gentle and courteous in mann ?rs,
who arc sound In raith; lind have
favor willi (lod and s\ iib nu n.
[Tho foregoing article frm > the
pen of thal extinguished Divine,
Dr. Hatch or, reproduced from* 'Vhf
Examiner hy Hio lhij>tisl Con, .'. r,
it? published in these columns by
request.----Ko. A,j
i??mtx is
A i lo H
Clock-s, (Jewelry, &c
il K X t?, K*. t?.
Sf oar 1887 and
meo ol n:i A< i rn' Ho;
. ?hly, vtpprin o I Doo. i
: I ; li, IH'J I, (;:?..'. . isuientof Person?
il pr morty fur Taxsilldn viii cola- !
nu nco on ' .lununry I <t. 168'A, ?uni ?
ouilniK nhill tho 20 th tiny of fob*
*?'! [j rs. nm I prbptjTto iniHl I?-,
vt ti rm ! for tnxntioii, un I till chan* i
. .. in I? nineo J nd ut ti ry iss"i I
uusd i.ototi io returns,
During -ii?' ii vt? li ino, l?iy o lile o
il Lau 'oil . \ '. ll. vii! IK* <",. il for j
?K1 roC'o'?'ion ot' returns, and for
;?> v I'.v--. i'':i . . of tho Tuxpav 'i's, |
; wi!, al n itt tend ut following phi?
ie . ?i? tho t lino spool (lott t ;> wit.
\ nu np,' ? ' !'<?..? n ?'.ip, Y oil II {j? t? ore,
i ii ii un ry Jud.
Voting's rownshlpy VY\ tl. Pur* I
mn's .innunr.V ?Jrd.
l)liil':i Town hip, \V, li. t?tod*
lard's, .! iumiry Uh.
Dial n To wu s h i-, l>. I>. 1 lar ri'?, ;
?ii l'A 'I .. ?ts'?i?p) ( lo?nlgioh :. .1 m
! lil it van1 Towuidlip, Tumbling
f<iillivnn'i l'own?dilpi Hr?wort?n, j
Wm 'rino Towii '.!:?. L. li, lion- ?
lo-.-..!."- Store, JnnunrA 11 th,
.A'nt .1 i Township, tloorgo
Monro's, ,1 u nun ry itt
\V ii torio > To\\ ' hip, WntorlO?,'
Jniiunry ? ill h.
Cross Hill Township, Cros- lilli j
.Innuiiry MHh. I
i'ru--- ilii: Township, Spring I
11 rovo, .lu o nary I. T ila.
1 ! lin tor' n TO ?vt. hip, Mill?n, .1 ?\n
il ii y 1( I lt,
i j ur.', ir's TowJifhipj Uoltlvlllo Jah
ttar.Y liilh.
I ! untoi V To \ in hip, .Innvinry
Jiu k . T \\ i. hip, Uoyuo?n, .Janu
ary ilO rd.
Jacks Townfihlpi Itosoborongh
Janii try ?lili.
nh i >\\ n '?''f.', iiship, Tylorsvilloi
.1 ?tnuury '.? dh.
All nm lo td t i \ :? . '?<.! wooli i'm
?i.' ..'I >0 ;. i . :iii- taxable
Polls, except tiloso wini aro I nen pa*
bio nf eirnlng mipport by beiiig
:ii;;i::i' -\. lr.ii;,.' other ca USO,
A rtcr i ?!?> i?Oth day nf b'ebni:i,\v,
\ ^ \ :> . i- cont. pi ...ilty will al
ii, di on ali projM ny not Iii tod for
* n \ itt ion.
M. li A N'CJIB'J <>N.
I 'ou n t v A ml i lor.
A f di poivons having cluinin
igninsl (ho (?statu ?d' William Mo
?nw nu, tlocoii U'tlj will pit m
md prov? tho . iiiio ni my office
?ii Od doy of January, 1888, al IO
i'( li ck, A. . .. (.:. tl ?cy viii he foi'.
.J. Y. JOH N St >N,
Sp?cial Muster.
Se ?YC! orrie, rr L
Itv permission of \. burnside,
|*r< b .i i il .. i will ?ettlc iii? KftiniP ot
kV. AV, i ut med, i?* lids? nilen ai
I. mren i '. II. lin the . nh dav ol lien ,
!*<..'. a? lllo'e^oek, A. M., Slid lit tllilNtiliM)
ii.-"' will lippi.*, i"! i li i ia I discharge.
All persona having . n'uanda against
aid est di are herel>y nOiilleil lo prcis nt
lin* Miine, indie foi ie., on or Indore HU?.I
I v, ur '? ?>. fori vor barred. A nd nil in
I l>i Inri required lo make payment by
. nhl lime,
I ll ItV ii PPT M AX',
A duii 'its! l alor
Notice to Guano Debtors.
All personM Indebted for (lihmos pur
(jhniicd from J. ti, Un ?han A Vu. iigoutu
ror lt. tiber ?1 KOU-'H ('O, will wiv< ,..i.i?
by makin.*'; pay men I Wi ii s at oucei
.?? iflN'.SON A PIC 11 HY,
Adi, n. . for (I; ? ?bor A Hon'n Co.
L A U H E N H cot' N 'i V,
Whereas, (.. \v'. tiUt ll, co ..? e.. bus
np pl h i !" in'- tor liCtti i .* ot' Adinlnifiirn?
lion on tba ?slalo of l.'rllla ray lor, de*
l-l ase.I.
TIlOHO are Ihci'cforC IO cite an.I inlmmi
\<\ ;>\\ and -iim dar iii - kindred nod
nrodltorn <>r said <ie. .. i, i.> n?. UWA np.
p. ar before ino al a Ppurt ol Probate, te
: Imldrni nt my oiflce fit f,uunmn H.,
on ihe ii'!' day <>i .lau., i.vvs, nt it?
i.Vi-" I;. \. Vi,, lo ?bow enu*c, If ?ny
they eau, why latiera should not hu
grant* i.
(liven tinder i ty hand and *t\.\ tina,
tho'29th day of . ov.. ist<7.
!.. \\. PTRN8?DK,
I'rooalo Judge.
ALL pt r.sons iiulebleil to Wm.
Mills'?BtntO und Mills & ltol.ort
Hon uro ro(|UC8tod to como forward
and pay up by tho l?th of January,
188(3. If liol by that time look out
for Hon.
Of jft.ugu?
Tri OHS O ?l tl'
Wo uro now receiving ear fall ?took of I'M
o\ ? r had, an J tliis is> sai lng very much, fu
both in Stylos au I Prices always *al
uti thu woods inaitu Into furn I lui'?, Consta
. >,;'?. Iiuii dion Mnhoguny, Autiquo Ash, ;
Wainui Snits, s.ii'i'. Marblo top.?l
L'runtc'?, $81 to $51) 00. Filio Bilk Parr
Wo uar ry from fi > t? 75p arl ?r nil * and
ft \> ?il pay you to <. uno to 1 noa us or \\Ht
i n nppllOfttfoti
<">>: : . und price, wa will bo glad to ld
S <L3 Bread St..
\A II JL b ? j JU v u> li, (
New Novelties! Po
CMirlntinns hu ersdelighted v.lth our gr?
ful and ot r.anicntnl nt l leles, tanuothiiig i
un I Sot elth s, Tnt bil Arthdos, Notions--, .>...
(dioupor untlly prnuontti, tliii I* your heat ?
frdui rich gifts to inexpensive ."omoinhrun
All visitors aro very wonomo Iud her tin
; olhis hilllinnt dirtplnv, consisting of A
( I om I s ot u\ ul v kind, elegant Pictures ?nd
sol cot i it of i Mn Isl mus Curtis, I 'or i !n> obtl
ol every di erl pl I? n. book nt our ?>inio
. ids. I*< ll 10 utlVlltlotl nu.J u cordial WOl
tiwnrdod with ev ?ry }'.! <>> worth Of go >ds ?i
u th'kol lotholtrsl prl/o tm elegant Hllk
yet and .biwol Casket. Value, ?15.00. li vi
?d.ouwill receive it kel for second pr I nc
luiii? I. Vnluo, ?7.00. Hoinetnucr tho pla
fl il 3 !
- I I nlers in Hough, nnd Iii
Doors, Mantels, Newel*
Wc ciu levi' done at nb ort noti<
?il Liney M uric. li sun tncfin
GEA i & Ai
A I.I. Kl NOS Ol r ; AI
!.ON, HUG A ft,
( . >i /'Ki:, s PK
Oar io.: lof Flour just K<
. Car- Lo a
t > i
w;th n rulicorp of itsslstnntfl tho
lilllll'OIlHVillo 1'VllUlh' ('..ll; gr; will
I roorgitni/o n*..t begin full cession
Soot, i dh. llooitiM comfortable.
Standard high, .--?'i ?. i:? 1 attention lo
j nil Ko nia lo no ooiplishitient*. Now '
j anil splendid Kid hos, iSon?seC'(v?> i
i ri,m. Uovornmont piirontiil. Young I
! lilllie*! u iii h ?* tho Inimodlntocaro of
Mrs. Modi Inn it nd Mrs. N, (* .lor- j
I duo. Ku) .i received i any limo ?
und churged until cud of r?unrler,.J
Hoard ir 12 por month In ndvnneo,
Tuition - . ?, 1 (ind \\ Ith e Innaloo I
emir o .? IO \i 'r < 'olloglilto year, pay
aide tie ilhly, We solicit and hopo
lo morl! public patronage. Kur
??nv Information address,
President, j
LA ru ION s.s. c, J ?ly 20,1887, ly.
3? & t e XL t ? .
Caveats, Trade Harks and Copjrigkts
. (blaine i. and nil other business in td*
r.s. I >..t? n r dllee iitlcndod lu for MOO
IC lt AT li ni; .
Out* eitler? ls opposite the I", s. Patent
OtlloCi und wo eau obtain Patents In \i>nu
lim?! (han Hi .*?? i eme'." from Washing*
Mend Mod I or l>riiwin</. Wu nd vis?*
RS (<. i u - n< ..i Idly free wt charge?, and
we make no charge unless we ontuiu
We ri fer lu ve to Hu* Postmaster, the
Supt. of Money I oder l>i v.. und Hi J otlt
elalaei tho I , M. Petonl Oflleo. For cir
eulur, advice, tonne ond references to
m-tuul clients In your own Mime or
County, w i ?tc to
W. lac. Martin
, asid Most Boliablo
1G ^OXXtll!
I*nftilt*??, Tuc lltlOSt n:ol chpest wa
r wu linvo lor your* IK on
A. IO HI R ?"?
IfuK on close margins* Wo dave
tinr ol MtdiOtfUny, Cherry, Atltt'pJO
lol id Anti, Olive i :. I Walnut.
ij c> t'.irlor Hails, I'hith Walnut
s.i.i?. ?< ?i .?> t') }M eh
from 100 'o 160 OliRVnlv i anita in Rtovik
,0 for C'lttdOtfUti nu : prj i0 Ii"? aoilt freo
..r.7',vo:i (hreafth
Thc Lostderfi*.
tifal Gifts!
.i .a i
..i dlsphty of > wi.'inn In curious. n?.?
io yrfil ftvory Itutt. P'ooey woolla
"if yon wi 'J I . in uko fow or many,
'bunco. Our Ot.ck (no?iide* everytldtiji
co?. 1'; Willful ody low on I!'K<>,"1
Y buy or nor. H will Un von good to
thums, lt 11:ti A'ritimr fi.'sWa, riunt*
termites, VUOJS, A.?. Alvo au viccunb
lr '.?.. l?u '-. Toys und Hook?
vs Mi .!.. com . lill ' i ? un t n + e our
. ?lil . to uer lieilal pf!;'; " will e-8
loiigbt durlnx Decoiilhoi* Will be ir' "on
('Illili nu.! Silver (.'omhtuKtlou 'loila*
irv pill'CiUlHl r Ol' gOO 'viol lie amount of
a largo Fronuh l>ol?, eietfaulljr co?
LV T ? K V ft '
\ ? l fi J kV Aw O -)
i)*:i. i ? : : N -1 > i : ?. i.. . noTKU
1 ll yii
: ....^Uii
M-dy Prepared Lumber,
gs of Every Kind
3, Sa-: eel and Turned
.-e mid in good style nay kind
biwiness cal! to neu us.
Laurella O. BL S. O
pf IpIC
i.K nf-or-, even A?>-. -
CA k. i> *. .
d of Bagging and Tie?,
sro r.rcro-GriH)3.
Tlie Si ile ol Sottt? Carolin?,.
Tull vi r Robt r( .>".. ns Administra*
lor of i llrtis I., i hop, deroaaed,
1*1: ?ni ulm t John I). Hhe*
h ii ii, I) l'en laut.-Copy Stimojona
. i , Complaint not BorveeL
.int, John 1). Inhea?
You aro hereby summoned aad
n ((iiired lo : lujwcr tho complaint
in (ld . iii ll rn, hlch ?- flied in tb?
oftlcu of Ibo < loris of Iho Court of
Common I'lcus Tor HiosifidCount'fV
and I<* serve n c >py of your answer
to (ho sahl complaint on the aub
serlborn ni ibo ofllco of RenJ. D.
Ctmlu?hitiii, at Laureas 0. IL,H. C.,
Within twenty days udor the eer
v n e hereof, exclusivo of tho day of
sm b Rcrvlcc) and ii you (?il to RU
SS . r 1 lie complaint within the tim?
n foros? ld, tho plaintiff in thia ac
tion will upply lo the Court for tb?
relief demanded in (be eompluiut.
Dated Nov. lat li, A. D. IH?7.
O.'W. Bli KI Jv, O, 0. Ci P. 4k U. ?.
8, M. PI LG HAM,
Plaintiff)! Attorneys.
To John D? Shonhntlf Defer.dnut
above nniiiod
Voil will pienso toko notice that
tho complaint in Ult} ubove ?tated
Cause was Hied In tho ofheo of tho
(dork oi the Court of Coinraen
Pleas for ! aurons County, Houth
Caiolliut,on the IDthduy Ol Xovciu?
ber, 1887;
8, M. Pl Ld HAM,
BLN.). I). I CM N(?H AM,
Tlnlntid's Attorney?.
DR W' H- &?ZJJJ,
?/r?ee ever Nut tonal Hank.
Ju.va-~Monday.aiid ucudaya

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