OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, February 01, 1888, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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1 %e Advertiser.
p-'- 1.- ?-g?
B Kvorybody^is talking aljout tho weath
j Did you MOO tho luna eclipse on Sntur
.Tho building for tito now foundry is
^>r<\m, M * in." Ikioly.
E Tin? Roudoiln ls ?i favorito resort for
jRroiMuicrcuii mon to spend Sunday,
I "Miss Suslo" failed to put In an ap
?nearanco this week. Causo unknown.
I Tho baptists, ol* thia pince ox poe I io
?erect a vory Hue Church ni MU curly day.
I A now luidlo across tho Oroonvlllo
?Railroad, nonr tho Methodist Church, is
being built.
Mr. Joseph .lorry bas paid for Tun An
.VKitTisuu further in advance than any
.juan ibis year.
t School Connuissiotior bullock has pur?
phased Mr. Franks' resldonce in llrook
.lyn and will Improve il.
Tin-?dr in thick with rumors of leap
year entertainments, ?iud young men
Biro donning their '?est look:, to attract
the fair projectors,
[ Mr. \V, M. Boyd, who bas for sonn?
7 months hean Section Mnstor on the a..
Hi, ?fe. S. section nour town, has boen re
moved to tho Spnrtauburg sect lon, where
Kio ba ? taken bis family.
?Jj Lisbon Farmer's Club NV ?il meet et
"Prospect on Saturday, february Uh.
"Matters of Importance, including tho
?appropriations ofthorocont f Jenoral As
?BOin bl y Will bo discussed.
A large number of oppllentlons for
IpoilRloilS under tim recent Act of the
Legislature have hoon Hied in tins conn
?ty. Most of them, however, u ni rall to
'"pass must er" for want of tho n.isa
; ry atlhhivils require by tho Act.
Mr. T. M. Workman received a trac
j thin engine last w -eek, ami dring il al Ibo
depot, drove it home as a thing of Ufo,
I without horse ,. Should these animals
join tho Knights ol' Labor and declare a
strike, Mr. Workman will still bo inde
Counterfoil Dickies are becoming so
numerous In this community as to sug
gest tho idon that tho factory is not far
away. Tho coin appears ns bright as a
pin, and is a clover imitation, lt is well
to koop a look out, and If possible dis
cover the counterfeiter,
Thero ls a decided disposition on tho
part Of a fow of our more enterprising
I mord?anla to pave the sidewalks before
their respect! ve places of business. This
Isonooftho most comtnondablo move
ments we have seen in long while.
Lot tho matter swoop like a tidal wave,
nt least around the sipinro.
Hov. H. O. Friorson will deliver a lec
ture on friday evening, L\ lunary loth,
in the Presbyterian Church, for the bcil
eXt of tho repair fund. His subject will
bo "Tho llivguonols." Much pleasure
and instruction may be derived from
listening t<? this thrilling story of HU der
ing and < nduranee in behalf of religious
? freedom. Admission, 25 els,
A ssl;; ii ne II : .
dur readers will regret lo leni n of tho
fall tiru of one of our proniluoul mer
chants, on Monday, ?loth ult., W. II.
Qllkorson unido au assignment for tho
beie lit of Ins ci editors. The assignment
(Unbraces his stock of goods, house and
lot, household and kitchen furniture,
and is made lo C. 1,. Kike, lo be disposed
of in the interest of creditors. Assets,
$1.1,7:!I. Liabilities, i:>,rt7s.
A New l-bitorprlso.
Mr A. V. Fichclborgor is tho ownorof
an extensive quarry of granite, wddeli
has roooiUly been thoroughly examined
by ex perts and pronounced ofil superi
or order for building purposos. Tho
quarries aro ncocsfiahlo to tho railroad
and aro within a inflo of tho depot. The
supply is practicably Inoxaustnhjo, and
Mr Rhdiolborgor is now pei footing plans
to work up the granite Industry at Lau
rens. Ho has submitted a proposition
to tho olly connell, which will bo care
fullv considered and probably ncooptod,
hy which much permanent good may bi'
do *o to our si roots.
New Term.
Tho second Torin of tho scholastic
year, 87-88, at tho Romalo Colfogo, will
begin on February lath. Quite a num
ber of mos students will he enrolled al
that time, and i! is of great importance
that they should matriculate beforo the
opt ningof tho new tenn,In order to ho
properly elassiUed and UOglll work with
tivoli- class. This institution is steadily
going forward,unit with a full corps of
able instructor*, high standard and
full Mellool, it IS In the ll'ghOSl sense suc
cessful. Our people have rallied to the
Col I eire, mid now it is bearing fruit. Let
nothing impede the progress ol so good
a work.
Th? H how.
Tho lioso i Isborno Company concludod
a throo-nlghte1 ongagentont with a Sat
urday matinee nt Watts* II..ii Inst woek.
it ls a pleasure for Tur. AOVHUTISBH to
add ila testimonial to tho worth of this
Dramatic Company. Largo houses wit
nessed each performance, and it is uni
versally acknowledged timi Miss Os
borne ls a decided artist. Her support
too is excellent, ami altogether it must
bo fftld that we have never lind a moro
satisfactory porformanoe In Laurens.
Tho Manager will not readily overlook
our town in making Ids engagements
noxt sen-ion, ns ho was both surprised
and delighted with tho orowdod bouses,
I! vnienlal.
Prom, th.? A . H. IVesbs terian ol DtlO
Weat, wo clip tho following nuilee Of a
vory Interestingoeremony in willoh one
of our townsmen look part.
"Wodnanibiy overling, January 25,at
7,:}0 o'clock, Miss Carrie L. Todd, of lilla
plaoo, was man led to Mr J. O, C. Flotil
la;; ol Laurons, in tho A. I?. I*, church,
bv tho Kev. w. L. Pressly, I?. 1). Tho
bride Isa member of one of our oldest
and best fahlllte* handsome, intelli
gent nnd possessed of nil those shining
graces which cmstltuto true woman
hood. The groom ls a gentleman o?
high eharaetor and considerable wealth.
Thua th? bond (hat hinds (his loving
ooupio Rhinos with pi ou.?s-,t happiness.
Our best wishes ure wafted nod will nc
eord with those of Innumerable friends.
The happy ooupio tnnke thtdr departure
on tho soothhond trsb) for Florida thia
Mrs. Scott,"of Augusta, is on )a visit to
rotativos at this placo.
Mrs. Julia McGowan, of Spartanburg,
?3 Visiting friends and relatives hero.
Mr Clark, of Now York, visited his
brother-in-law, C. l>. hnrksdale, I?sq.,
last week.
Miss Mary Williams, tho accomplished
principal of Fountain Fun High School,
?pent Sunday iu the city.
Weare pleased to see Mr. I >. l?\ Urnd
ley so far recovered from his roount ill
ness as io he able to como out on tho
st roots oneo more.
Moro Improvomontn A Memorial Hall at
tho Orphauago-Oood Work of tho Coun
cil - Aa Ovcrdoso of Morphine-boath of
Colored Domocrats.
In notlcoing tao Improvements, both
progression:, and prospoctlvo, l unin
tentionally omitted to state that, Messrs
J. W. Copeland and M. S. Hailey, will at
an carly day, idler and amend, their re
spect ?vc s!. ore noms. Mr Copeland will
put an iron front on llroad street and
un oxtonsionln tho roar. Mr Balloy's
Intontlon is to make his block two story,
President Jacobs ol the Orphanage, is
now laving down the material for a
new building, to bo known as Memorial
I lall. Clinton bas no graded school, but
lo i odticatlonal advantages, are second
lo n<> ?own in the state. A largely In
creased oat rouage, tor tho next yoar,
shows that hoi* oirortif aro beginning to
be appreciated by the public . There are
now, not only on the rolls, but in actual
attendance, on the di neron t educational
institutions of Clinton, not less than two
hundred anti fifty, white pupils. The
di lie rent hoarding depart men ts, nro woll
organized , and aro already- rapidly till
ing np.
Our town council have purchased aoar
load of terra-eotlatilo. ar.d are at work
on a thorough system of sanitary drai
nnuo,Whieb will prove ol immense ben
efit lo our town, ami is a poi'llianon t lin?
provoment of in edi value.
Ike Davis, a Woll known colored Dom
Ooral, living With Mr J. M. Hollings
worth, in J neks Township, was lound
dead in his bed, on the20 inst. Ike was
a confirmed Morphine eater, and it ls
supposed that he might nave died from
an overdose ol thal < 11 11^. An inquest
was hold, and no othor mets were clod
ted, and the jury fornida verdict that he
die/1 from cause to thom unknown An
derson A Irwinn, another true blUo color
ed Democrat, living in the same section,
tl inti a few divs ago. Somebody will
miss those two voles |n the primary.
norold friend, ami Post Master W. li.
tloll, is able to bo out again, after anoth
or protracted sickness.
Mrs .j. it. Hampton, of your town ls
in Clinton, giving lev-ions to a largo
olass ol' hullos,in fancy needle work.
Miss f.iz/.tO Smith, and 15 Ul lita Mille,
are teaching school in the country. The
former at Hurrlean church, and ibo
tailor nour < ?old villi',
Our little town is on thc- rise, and
nothing keeps it down now so
much ns the pricey. :it w hich tho
real estate ia held, Homo oven refus
ing to sell nt any price.
The factory that wa? expected to
have boen commenced at M utntuiu
Shoals seems to lay-we cannot
hear anything definid? about it. No
doubt a factor^ will bo built there,
but tho prospects ol' it being; com
monccd in tiie near future is somo
what (lim, and indefinite. As soon
as the factory at Mountain Shoals
was tal ked (d', land that is worth
from nothing-np to five dollars per
acre to farm on, jumped up from
the above prices to Thirty-five,
fifty, One hundred, and some even
to Two ll und red Dollars por nero
According to locution.
Visions ?d' fabulous prices fur
town lots flouted through tin? peo
ples imaginations-hui :
Dreams are hut interludes of
thought, which fancy makes,
When monarch reason sleeps this
mimic wakes.
A ml various phantasies and form
in dreams we sec,
Which neither ure, nor e'er can
v?> havo Improved, altored,
or . mendcil, the nhovo from
Cowper, but it certainly suits
thu land boom in this com
munity, for the depression after a
while will go us far below ns the
ox b il erat ion lins gone above a monti
lovel, ??nd there lt will be about
right, and this littlo burg start on
a solid basis towards pomnilCIlt
Mr. J. NV, Lan ford, wife and child
returned on tho 10th, from Carrol
Ion Gu., whether they had gone to
SOO rotativos and friend-?. "Itfd"
is a much traveled man now. Gul
livers travels were nothing beside
bis. Ho says If tho world is ns big
every direction us il towards Car
roll Co (Ja., why then it certainly
mtisl bo ft "whopper," Those mos
quitoes In? saw down about Millen
ho says they by about tho h?Uflfl as
large as n gander, and carry a brick
bat lintier their wing-, to whet their
bill on. Hut. be will tell you all
about it when l?eseos you if you
can gel him to overcome bis retiel
cn?o. lie ls a very modest niau you
Tl I* TOP,
The bad weather ooo! 1 uno?, and VOry
littlo out-door work is being done.
Miss Allie (ii'liili)) a young lady of
Cross Hill ls visiting at Mr I*. II, Todd.
MUM Clifton Anderson and Thomas
Smifh, bade thoh friends larowell a fovr
days ugo, ami hoarded tho train for the
binti of Howers.
Mia 1' Il Todd, Who hav been quito
ill is wo aro glad to learn Improving.
Mr. NV. ll Wharton, has moved luto
his now house.
A young son of Mr J, H. Anderson
While carlOSSly hapdjnqj a pistol a few
days nun, shot himself though wo hopo
Opt seriously.
Married January tho 8th, at tho resb
d?nc>e of tho officiating minister Rev J.
II. Davinport, Mi James JJagwell to
I MISH Marv Qoiri|llg.
Wo ?MO having MOMIO very cold wonth
or al pro:.ont.
People aro not dono picking eottOU
yet, wo don't know w hat pooplo uro go
ing Weat for \v non (hoy moko moro t han
thny can ge'hor in Old South Carolina.
Borne uegross have gone off, others ?av
they orb going. Several whites have left
recently for Tex aa. Well I reckon I
wont go soon.
Wo understand that Rev Mr Leitch in
carrying on a protracted mooting at Mt.
Pleasant, guess we'll hear thom some
Married at tho residence of tho bride
on Sunday tho IGth, Mr. David Coopor
to Miss I,?thin Neely. Ho may such go
on until i.ot ono of us will ho left to
[For th? Advertiser]
How Tom Was Tried Without
A Court.
When Loo surrendered in April lstis,
and tho foundations of tho Southern
Confederacy wore giving way all over the
.South, many things occur rod in tho pri
vate lives of individuals, which can nev
er ho forgotten, There were occur ron
ces of which tho historian wllltakono
noticobocnuso thoy were entirely perso
nal or thu parties were lOOObSOUl'OOr tho
events too tragic to receive c red an co if
transferred to the printed page. Tho
following story is strictly authentic amt
can ho voriliod ill all respects as the
most of the aetois are still alive, and
eau vouch for ovcry ( ssontial lout uro of
of it although it is now a quarter of a
century slncO the fact ,.occurred.
A gentleman who thou lived In thc
lower pan of this ntitto had owned a
young negro man who.iouanio was Tom.
When Lincoln's Emancipation Procla
mation Wn9 issued oloourso Tom receiv
ed his freedom along with all the rests
of his An lean Urethren and was was
tut nedtoo-oj upon Cn; world lo seek his
fortune in any direction his taste
or hisIncllnintion might prompt. Ho
ing extremely indolent in his disposi
tion ho dotormlncd to enjoy nt h ast for
a time the luxury ol' absolute idleness,
lt was not long howw r ho fore the em
ployer ufnll idle pooplo found sumo
thing for his idle hands to do. A gen
tlomaii kept bachelor's hall about a milo
from whoroTom's lormor master lived
and as i-; frOlplOlltly tho ease with bach
elors ho was often ahsont from home.
Ho always however look tho precaution
10 lock up Iiis house, and see t hat OVery
thing WOS secure bcl'OrO leaving home.
Thisgonttoinan'N na.ne was Ponder
grass and ia still living in the lowor
part of this slato HO far as tho writer
knows. During ono of thoso occasions
wheo Mr Pondorgrnss was absent from
home 'Pom concoivod tho Idea of milk
ing a raid upon ids le.use and appropri
ating such articles iii ho might lind io
his own use. Ho according ly wen! one
night and burglarised tho house and
brought away a line double barrel shot
gun,wovcrnl ?inicies ol' clothing and
siudi otb,ir things ns suited Illa laney.
When Mr l'ondorgrass returned and j
discovered his losses ho applied to a
neighbor for t be loan of a large (loree
dog hi his possession that had been
trained lo follow tho track of runaways
and rogues. This powerful canine soon
took the track of poor Tom and followed
11 to tho catlin occupied hy his mother,
wno was thou discharging tho o lb co of
cook for Tom's former master. Mr. I'
finding tho door shut and fastonod de
manded admission which after som" de
lay was opened and them stood Toni
trembling and confused with bis guilt,
undeniably fastonod upon bim. Ile w as
ordered to produce t ie stolen goods
Which be promptly did without making
an;, attempt at concealment or denial.
Mri'then brought him and the atol?n
articles to tho house of Toni's former
alastor, and ox plained tba whole tran
saction to bim and asked bim v hal IK*
should do. The reply was the caso is in
your own bauds, Toni's former master
is no longer responsible for bim, and
you must disposo of tho matter in the
way you think best. Well thou,said Mr
P, I will take Tom out lo tho woods and
allOOl him. At that time, t be sn in mer of
1865, tho country was in n stat?? of prac
tica! an.ir.chy. Tho Confederate auth ?r
?ties had benn overthrown and tho Ked
eral i !o vern men l had not had t Imo tool'?
gani/." military authority ovor thc conn
try. There were uoeoiirtN martial or
civil tribunals whero olloudors eould na
tried and everything was in confusion,
livery ono fob that ho could do whatev
er was right in lllfl sight of his own eyes.
I 'udor I hese circumstance*) Mr P consi
dered that ns iii,i pr humor's guilt was pa
tent and he w as the injured party 1 bat bc
was entitled to OXOn i ?0 all the functions
ol J IlllgO aild jil ry, to lake the ease iii bis
own hands and sett lo it to .suit himself.
Meantime Tom > mother, who was in
the kitchen in the backyard, heard w bat
had happened and of the important
seonOS that WOro taking place f.t tb
front door of Ibo former master house,
e on" rou nd to bear w hat was going on.
Hy thia timo tho entire white family was
gathen il on the fronl piazza ami all deep
ly Int?roatcd in what seemed to bo tho
probm i nar los of Tom's execution. Toni's
mother whoso naipe waa Oraeo, waua
short stout e<> I h| no H Ali lean woman of
quiet demeanor, and tho mother of 12
I'hlldron withoutpypf having had a rog
ular husband, Whon.*dio beard w hat
Mr I' proposed to do with her son, the
crime he had committed and all Hie -dr
oiunstancaa ot tin? ease, sin.' seemed for a
?few moments entirely overcome with
gil I, and stood looking at Mr 1', and
then at ber guilty sop, while tears chas
ed each ot her dow n nor donny cheeks.
At length recovering herself sha turned
to Tom nod began to upbraid bini for his
conduct not In tho violent language of
vituperation and abuse, but luwordsol
tendci ness and maternal love that seem
ed to flow from a heart bm ing W ith an
guish. Hbo reminded bin. >woflcn sin
bad admonished him and warned him
against lying and stealing and that he
had disregarded ali her ?ounsnis an i
had brought thlH heavy -orr av oh him
self and ber. ' Now, said she, y OU have
hrokon Into that man'a house, atol?n bis
property and by so doing havo put your
lifo In his hands. Mooan now kill you
and nothing will \\o H dd about lt There
ls no law In tho Inn?! to try you, und he
cnn shoot you and that would bo the last
of you. Your lifo hangs ,m his morey
alone. And If ho should take you to ibo
woods ind kill you whore would your
soul go? . What would boeorne of you
I Thomas? It Will break my heart. 1 can't
?land it. WithItlOSQ words sho hun? hot
head nod nave way to convulsivo grief.
Indeed she had touehoct the honrtsofail
and toara began to flow Irom tho oyesof
all the spectators. 8ho had gained her
caso and saved hcrsonslifo. Mr. 1'could
iH>t resist t lie oloOjUOIlt appeal and at onee
recoded from hts purpose toahoot Tom
and sa|d| "well Tom, if you will promise
me that you will quit stealing, and go to
work I win givo you a good whipping
and lot you off." Tom of conreo promise?!
and after receiving a aovoro thrashing
wa? discharged.
A "Batch"' Defends His Fellows by Call
lug the Muso to Answer "Miss Suso."
Uut Miss Susan ls Silent.
Of Jokes that aro noithor rich, raoy nor
That plnngo one into tho depths of dis
That from innermost to outermost cause
ono to ho ill,
ArO tho jokes that How from a feminine
Porhaps you romembor a lasslo has writ
That tho ladlosof Laurena are all to he
By those to whom leap year tia? given n
And has written, the SUCCOSS of her omi
to on banco,
sin- leis catalogued some of our dandiest
With language that savors of popper
mint candios,
And ovon in this issue your altontlor
she snatches
With a still longer hit of tho likelier
To the manly hearts now lu Ignoratio
I give warning of tho harvest they soot
may ho reaping;
And I know it my duty to them to ex
That womanly wlokodnoss, forent una
of woos.
l describe those girls If nil horror th
lu gonoral and most comprehensiv
We have plow ly of stylos In both blond
and bru net ( e,
And some with complexions like a ric
Tho cheeks of H few gleam like pinkos
of roses,
In colors that often extend to lltei
noses ;
Thoy havo eyes which havo beauties H
deeply enthroned,
They attract ont like oystors and tinko
And sometimes a poor fellow foolish!
That tenderness lurks in those eye
bright glaucos;
lint wakes over in sn Ittoss merely I
That their glorious orbs only serve a*
We havo many girls h ue, fri lr, llckloail
Whoso only rcduvming point is tho
waltz ;
Who will dance you down to the UtlltO
Of tho dwelling house of tho very devi
We have gills in variety, of ?di sizes ar
from those who arc simple lo thouo wi
think themselves sagos;
And some possess intellects brighter I
Than tho blazing and brilliant uioruli
Undertaking to ?lindow the King
Hy boldly standing In Ins way.
Their hair is of every color and hue
And gradually glides Into colors ipi I
Thoy have hands thal an? whiter tin
snow on tin' mountains,
Whoso touch is refreshing like spri
from tl.e fountains;
Thoy havo lips that are dewy w ith il
VOrtl tho sweetest,
Which you only can tanto of nt tim
that aro modest.
When tho lr pleasure they take in uti
light rambles.
0\ or gullies, through Heids, and thron
thickets of brambles;
Then, then thoy are soft, and melli
and blushing,
fmmodiately tally is spouting and gui
And Ibero at tho SOUIld of her voie
soft note
Yotl are willing and anxious mid lum.
to (lout
Far away into realms of ethereal bli SI
Whioh make paradise of a Lnuronsgli
Yos, our girls aro nearly all loving n
They havo boen our delight from li
out of mimi ;
As a luxury ol' lifo they aro indispon
Although their poetry may not ho
And long may they live mid grow ru
in ([rucos,
With beauty increasing in (hoir mat
loss faces ;
lint hoys this thought in your hoi
you must carry,
That each is too dour to tho other h
to marry. .
g.HB I- 1 " ' .. ' ' I '
Female* Colleg
With a full corps of assistants
Lnuronsvlllo Female College i
reorganize and begin full HCSH
Hopi. loth, itooms comfortn
Standard high. Special attentio
nil Female accomplishment*, >
and splendid rhinos, Non-soi
rinn. Government parental. Yoi
Indica under the imm?diat o ean
Mrs. MeCnslnn und Mrs. il. C .
dun. Pupils received nt nny t
and charged until end of quat
Hoard .$12 por month \\\ advil
Tuition *20, *m and with ?law
com so * K> uer Colleghite your, j
ah|C monthly. Wo solicit mid 1
to merit public patronngo.
any information addues?,
LAUREN?, ?, C., Jiiiy 20, JB87
.. _ ? .- - -
Absolutely Pur??.
This Powder nover varie?. A marvel j
of purity btrenui h and wholosontenoH >.
Moto economical than tho ordinary
kinda, and eannot ho sold in competi
tion with iii-- inultiludo of low lost,
short wolglp alum or phosphnlo pow
der? Sold only In CANS. HOYAI, IIAK
INO Powder Co., KM) Wall Street. N.Y
State o?' South Carolina,
C o ll ii t y of Ii :i ll v ons,
IN I? HO OAT M .OL?: i.
Margaret Tlualoy, Mary A. Ramage, ,
William Taylor, Satnuol Taylor. < >i hoi?
la Sloan. Ito rrv Taylor, I aullo Taylor,
Kwell Taylor, Kl fen I'owor, Km nm
Taylor. Kobo it Taylor, Kltlv Tribhlo,
J. K. Tribble, A. <>. Tnhblo,' K.J. Tay- !
lor, lt. ll.Taylor, Hugh Taylor, n. ?. I
Taylor, Mar.-ard Marlin,.fauo llhlko
loy, J. I?. Sloan, A. lb blakeley, I), li.
Blakeley, Matuo blakeley and Mor
tem e Blnkoloy, Petitioners, nic?in.st
O. W. Sholl, as Administrator Kata!o
Jumos Taylor, doe? used. S. Iv. Taylor,
hoirs al. law, names and numbor un
known, ol'Oharlos Taylor, docoasod,
Jan:- M ? I a i ii or her hoi rs al law, names
und number nu Uno.vu, s. J, Work
man, L\ il. VVorknu n, Sherard Work
man, Klliorl Workman, Kh/.ubrth
Cunningham, Martha Harris, Mnrira
rot A, Workman, heir a! law ?u* Juno
Uood win, deconsed, names and num
bor unknown, hoirs al btw ol' VV. W,
Sloan, names and nuuther unknown,
heir? al law ol'.Jumos Taylor, liarnos
and numbor unknown, Kll/.abolh
Spears or ber hoirs al law, unities and
numbor un know u, Ui fendants. Sum
mons for Huller, Complaint not Served.
To tho Doti miauls tibov ni nie
You aro hereby summoned and rc
quired lo uuswei ibo politl?n lu thi*
uetloi), ol' which a copy ? r. Ilk 1 in the
oflleo ol thc Jud',o o?' Probato for Lau- .
rons County, on tho If?th Jan., If 8, and I
to servo a copy of your answer to tho
said politl?n on thu inihsoribora ai
tlioir oiiiiM? ut bau io m ?'. II., s. ?'.,
within twenty ?lays nfl r tho Borvleo
horoof, exclusivo ol tho .! iy nf snob ?er*
Vieo; ar.d if you fall to atiswi .. tho peti
tion within the tic.o aforesaid, thu
Plain tills in this aol lou will apply to tho
Court for tho reih i domaud d in tho
oompl ??ni.
A. W. HtlllMt ! on, J. c. i. e. i. ".
Dated January Pith, A. L>. I .
II ASK Kid. ?fe Ul A I..
PlainliilV Attorneys.
TO tba absent DofondantH, hoirs al law
of Charles Taylor, decease I, names
ami numbof unknown, Jami Mlhun
or Ins heirs itt law, names and number
unknown, hoirs ni law of .limo (loud
wln, decease I, name and nunibernn
known, heirs at law ol \V. W, sloan,
na in OH and n imbor unknown, hoirs at
law of J amos Tu vior, names and num
bor unknown, Kiiy.uheth Sppars or hor
heirs at I uv, names and immhor un
Tako notieo that tho summons and
petition tn tho nhove sliitod causo was
ii ltd in tho oflleo nf Jud o ?. Probate
for Laurena County, on tho l?th dav
Of Jan., A. D. IKSS.
PlainlillVi' Attornoys.
Wo will oiTor for ile d public
outcry ut Laurens 0. lt., 8. C., on
Salo Day in February n.M. bcinu.
tho Olh day of tho mont)), tho va li -
able plantation described KS fol
lows, tO Wit :
All that thiel Ol' lan ', HltUilted ill I
the County of Lauren , in Ibo State
of South Carolina, known n?i Hie
"Gnrllngton tract," ortho John ll.
Campbell place, near ('ros* lilli,
containing Four Hundred and Bix
ty-ilvo Acres, more or less, and
bounded by lands of ikivld White
ford, and other- mid tHaludn Uiver. ?
Terms of sale-Oiie-htilf of the
purchase money to b;i paid cadi,:
and I he balance on a cf edi I Of OIIC '
year, willi I ntl'rest from the day of
salo, secured hy lim bond of tho
purchaser and a morlfjllge Of tho
property. Tho purchaser to poy
for paper.-.
I n Liq.
Jan. i?(?, 1888 lit j
Caveats, Iradi' Marks and Copyrights
Obtained, and all oilu r husllioss in thc
C.S. Pat Oil I I UVtre at tended lo for MOD- 1
KHATK l i: KS.
Our oilier* in opposlto tho t*. R, Psionl
Ollleo. and ive eau obtain Cutouts in loss
time than those rene lo from Washing
Semi Modeler Drawing. Wo adv INO
a* to patent ability tu e ol'charge; and
wo iiiako no ehnrgo unless svo obtain |
Wp rofl M- here lo the Post III lift t Ol', Ihol
Supt. of Money Order Div., nnd tbo ofll
?.?als Of the I' . S. l'aient * lillee. 1'of eh . ,
Ottlar, advice, lorms and refcronces to'
netual obonis in your own Slnto ort
t 'ounty, wi itu to
c. A. SNOW. I
Loans oil approved Parut \ ands
negotiated, Reasonable time and
easy terms. Apply to
Attorney ut 'Law.
Liamma, H. 0., Jan. 17, 1888--Om
N OT ? C !
ALL persons holding claims
against tho Kstnto of Elton Cheek,
deo'd, will nrosout and estai))Isii
them befOfO me on the 8th day of
Februtirv next, or bo forever barred.
Judge of I'robato.
Jan. 17, 1888-81
1ST. S- I? .A. IR, IR, XS,
LAUHF.NH, S. 0, -
glfN>fftco over ?toro of W. L. noyd.
'lill ?III ll'111 I I > I11MIIIWI ll''IWI11 Will-HI MIIH - fW
ft I li i fl
gfl Iii
HAVING opened out tv full Uno of STAPLE AND FANCY GRO
CERIES in tho town of Laurens, wo respectfully invito tho buying
public tn call nnd seo us. vVo proposo to can y everything in tho way
of plantation supplies, stu !i it
Com, Bacon, Flour, Meal, Molasses, Sugar,
Coffeo, Lard, Rico, Grits, Plows, Plow
Stock , Plow Boils, Single Tree?,
Harness, Traces,
nnd ovorythlng usunlly carried i? :? ilrst-class Oroeery Storo, nil ol'
which wo proposo to soli al very cl ?so prie
Wtfwouldcall special-attention to ont- lin" of Laundry and Toilet
Soups. Having hon.viii in I arv* quantities, wo ean offer *peelal Induce
ments to dealers ns well a-; cousuniot's. Our lino of Toilet Soaps I*
completo, prices ranging from 2-5 cent ; a ea:;- down io three cakes for
0 cent-:.
We still have ti lot of g< milne .1 ! Rust Proof Homo Oats, which wt
will oller at 0*5 couts until tho 101 i ol' February, barties wishing those
Oats will do w?ll to get them al once.
IC^T* John M. Clnrdy, would lie pleased lo have his friends
and acquaintances lo call anti seo him.
r \) Vi h VJ h O IL U VJ ?V .
ti A 13 R S
Jan 17 ly
na Wave
Ci o
ls Floating tot' e Br ezo,but it w ll bo a colder
day In Au ' ust w ion
if^i .:?'?) IWW1!?'IE?8?!* F JS^(Wilki
C. P* ROBER I ?)1 IN
Unc3.orso'.lcl on Oca/plo a.nc3.
jjTanoy C !.. o o eries !
TO tho cltlxeUH of Lauri it
goods,consisting ?f I'lou , Meal, ?
Cofleo, Hice, and evorythln f iisua!
has ju d arrive ! I't'esh fr un I ho .
specialty. AU task ? . to ??ive in .
bc soi-!.
Politest attention will bo vo .
autoed as repi'e "?it" i, at
. i announce, thal ilty st dc tc op
?j Bacon, ofblas't ' ., Qi'\t >, Sugar,
kdpt iii a ilrst'-oiiv? i tlrocory House,
; ?ie tier ;. Cigars' x'n'nd Tobacco ix
lrial. Th ! }..>.> ls av?? tl iro|an 1 mufti
..-tom ir . and cvdt'V article irUhT
Powlefs BLook, - ? Laureat, il 0?
Jan. 17, i- fl--Uni.
TftAYNHATfl 3: E 1AL.
AS wo contemplate making ?onie changea iii oar business, wo will
contin?e to of) >r our stock (,i
Dry Goods, Notions, r.. Gc )ds, Gloves, Ho
siery, Embroideries, Cloaks, iii w's, Cloth
ing, Bonley, r I Skirls, Cofe:s, Cuffs, Ties,
Scarfs, Cambrics, Combs, Hats,
Boots an 1 Shoos,
find various other av?lelos at and below cost. Como now and get bar
TR AYN!! Ai?. & DIAL.
1 rM * r
NO"ilTH O .A. IR, O L ?NA
In The Bendena. Bar
A. M. R3TN&fcOo.,

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