OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, October 23, 1894, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1894-10-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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e eietuertiser
Subscription Pries- 1? Montba, Sl.oo.
Ratos fur Adyortlrdng.- Ordinary Ad
vertisements, per square, one inser
tion, 11.00; each subsequent Insertion,
Liberal reduction made for large Ad
_ Proprietor.
LAUREN8. 8. C, Oct.-23, 1804.
Noarly every one first and last has
had an uphill and downhill experionce.
Hill of Now York is no exception. He
was a/pet of tho Georgia popullstic
democracy and the Atlanteso had him
down there. The South Carolina so
eallod democracy woro for him at Chi
cago for the Presidency, when Cleve
land outclassed him. In tho Senate,
for a while he was an Ishmaelite; thon
at the finish he espoused Cleveland's
honesty, struck from tho shouldor in
his interest and became tho terror of
- the skulking, demoralized Senato. He
is now tho only hope of tho democracy
in all tho land. It bccamo nocessary
that ho should become tho candidato
for Governor of tho democracy of Now
York. As goes Now York ho goes
Connecticut, Now Jersey and Delawaro
and as go theso four so goos tho Pres
idency in 1890. Up goes ?Hill and all
goes woll. Tho South Carolina popu
lists havo changed tholr tuno, sing no
hosannas to Hill and look to tho Wost.
m *
John Gary Evans has tho esophagus
of tho agos. Ho swallowed with tho
aid of dispensary slops ovory Ism de
vised for tho last four years. Thous
ands of warehouses for wheat, corn,
cotton and tho liko, aro to bo orocted
at the cost of millions and certificate*
of deposit for this stuff aro to bo tho
basis of our money. No more gold, no
moro "dollars of tho daddlos." Rail
roads and telegraphs aro to bo pur
chased at tho cost of thousands of mil
lions and this democratic govornmont
of ours is to bocomo an ompiro with a
a million paid uniformed minions of
tho govornmont. Aro you a democrat?
And if so consider woll boforo you
cost your ballot for other than a demo
crat. Prom three to five hundrod of
fice holders In this Stato havo beon
iWidfid by Gov. Tllluian's administra
Tho constitution Is tho fundamental
law. It la tho chart of ovory man's
liborty, tho humblest, tho lordliest.
To it alone must ho appeal against the
law's oppression, tho tyrant and Iiis
sycophant or coat-tail swinger. Our
pres.-lit constitution is not all that it
should be; It is not perfect; it does not
entirely meet tho conditions that en
viron us. But this Is not tho time to
mend it; tho time is not auspicious: It
is too bitterly partisan. Dlspassionato
wisdom, all Interests of all tho peoplo
looking to a generation to come, at
least must bo regarded. A body rep
resenting tho sovereignty of tho State
o'.octcd at this juncture, must of neces
sity bo to a degree tainted with tho
bitterness engendered In t lie last four
* *
Gov. Tillman wont to Washington
last wok. His whiskey business car
riod him. When Pandora's box was
oponod, out flow "all tho Ills that llesh
Is heir to,"' except hope. This Dis
pensary business has brought a new
crop of woes to our Governor. Ho will
bo comparatively In a bomb proof,
however, when ho goos to tho U. S.
Senate at $5000 a year and perquisites,
and six years on these terms may stand
on' the hard conditions of the last four
at only $3500, Arsenal Hill, and freo
railroad passos.
It is a mistake to say that tho Club
Houso Constitution of South Carolina
was tho work of carpotbaggers, ne
groes and scalawags. It is a mero copy
with adaptations. There is not a con
stitution extant that is not tho growtli
of centuries, Sentimentality and com
mon sense are Incompatible. Vote
against tho constitutional convention.
A wiso loglslaturo is what is.wanted
and an Australian systom of voting.
? * *
South Carolina Domocracy is like
tho nigger's rabbit; it suits all shades
of opinion; It Is good for everybody
and ovory thing; "good for bake, good
for fry, good for stow, good for plo."
Tillman holds on to tho tail of Bror
Rabbit, but it is a short hold indeed.
Tho C'/ar of all tho Russias, tho most
absolute rulor In Europo, reported
dying, is personally of a kindly dispo
sition and bolovod by all who havo
been brought in contact with him.
Mark Twain and Dr. Talmago arc au
? #
Gorman has consontcd to deliver ono
address to his constituency. Ho will
find it as much as thoy can swallow. It
will take chock, but Gorman lives in a
monumontal State.
* *
Tho Dispensary Act will go on ap
peal to tho U. S. Supreme Court. So
it is now said. And thon It will bo
Tho Augusta Evoning News Is ono
Goorgla paper that understands tho
situation and who Is who and what is
what in this State.
* * *
Thad E. Horton, formorly of South
Carolina, has beon mado managing
editor of the Atlanta Journal?a flrst
olass editor of a first-class papor.
* *
It Is now said that Gov. Tillman fa
vors theelecion of Col. William Elliott
to Congress from the Charleston dis
triot. It ie hard to keep this World
from turning upside down anyway.
* * *
Cleveland supports democracy tn
New York and David B. Hill is its
prophet for tho time being.
* * *
South Carolina has been beaten in
The great meot betwoon Bob Pltz
slmmons and Jim Corbett; the Great
)ta Exposition;?Thon? ^
Tho shade* of night wore fulling- fast,
As through Columbia's streets therp\
passed, *'
A judge, who bore mid shoes and rice,
An edict with this strange device,
"Non Stare Decisfs."
"Oh i ay." h Iseonseloncesald," 'fas best
On former rulings laws to rest."
But that won't suit King-maker Ben!
Bo with a haltlngjbalky pen, ho wrote,
His brow was sad. "I'm in a fix.
McCullough vs. Brown with this don't
But another roof in his gallus ho took,
And down it wont on tho Supreme
Court book.
In times gone by, tho sack of wool
Was o'or the goal for>whlch ho'd pull.
Around tho "Antl" tombstones shono
And from his Hps oscapod this groan,
"Ono more to pass!" tho old man said,
"Rank discontent sounds overhoad.
With on6 more voto wo'll stem tho tido."
And faint tho cuckoo Popo roplied,
"Constitutional. *' X.
MotlGB Of ElBGtlOD
State & County Officers.
Statu of South Carolina,
County of Laurens.
AN ELECTION will he held nt tho
several pruoincts established fov law ill
Laurons county, on Tuesday, November
(!, 1891, for tho following otllcers, to wit:
Governor, Lioutenaut Oovornor, Secre
tary of Slate, Attornoy-Gonoral, Comp
troller General? Adjutant und inspoctor
Genorol, 8tnto Treasurer, Stato Supcrln
tbtidont of Education, thrco Railroad
Commlssloneis, throe Representatives,
one School Commissioner, ono Judge of 1
Probate, and ono Supervisor. Also to
voto lor or against the holding of a Con
stitutional Convention.
The polls will open at 7 o'clock a. m.
and closo at 4 o'clock p. m.
Tho law provides for tho payn.ont of
milonge nnd por diom of all managers
and clerks ot oleetlon.
At the close of tho election tho mana
aors shall immediately pronpod to pub
licly count tho ballot-'. Within thrco
days thoroai'tnr tho chairman of the
board of managers, or one of them, to
bo designated In writing by the board,
sba II deliver to John M. HudgetlS, Clerk
of Hoard Commissioners ot Flection, at
his ofllce, in the city of Liurons, the poll
list, tho boxes containing tho ballots,
auu a written statement of tho result oi
the election at his precinct.
, Tho following named persons have
beon appointed Managers of Election
for Stale ami County Olllcerp, etc., to
Laurens Precinct.
John W. Houry, .1. I. Coloman, Rob
ert Dayidson.
Clinton Precinct.
T, R. (i wings, Frank Copeland, Rhott
Mount vi lle Precinct.
R. T. Dunlap, M. B. Crisp, J. T.
Hopewell Precinct.
J. J. Young, R. G. Wallace, J. I,. Craw
Cross Hill Precinct.
II. 1). Nauce, J. W. Turner, R. S. Grif
Mount Pleasant Precinct.
J. W. Boyd,?W. I. Millor.L. A. Hondo/
Tip Top Precinct.
W. J. Andorson, Joel a. Smith, John
A. Puckett,
Daniels Store Precinct.
J. B. Holt; I). K. Baloutlne, Jamc3 E.
Brewerton Precinct.
G. P, Smith, W. L. Balentine, J. B.
Tumbling Shoals Precinct.
J. K. Hall, H. II Mahon, J. a. Aus.in.
Dials Church Precinct.
J. W. Yoargln, Judson White, Georgo
Shiloh Precinct.
H. S. Wallace, t. H Hondorson, W. II.
Hella ins.
Wooiiville Precinct.
Mossor Babb, Newton Bibb, Luke
Gray Court Precinct.
W. II. HarksJale, A. C. Watson, E. T.
Power Precinct.
L. K. Henry, T. a. Willis, L. W. Gilli
Younos Store Precinct.
J. S. Drumniond, Wm. ('linn m, W.
W. Wallace.
Parson Store Precinct.
J. V. Sloan, J. E. Gnrrett,t. P. Bryant.
Pleasant Mound Precinct.
M. U. Ferguson, I). 0. Rhodos, S. It
LANG9TON Church Precinct.
L. M. ?'ancion, M. a. Suinmorcl, J. W.
Reynosa Precinct.
J.Andy Jones, P. M. P.tt*, W. Q,
Ono of tho abovo named managers al
oach box will call upon tho Clerk of board
of commissioners of election at Laurons
on Saturday November 3i\ 1801. to ro
ceivo ballot boxes, poll list, and instruc
tions, and to bo qualified.
j. c. McMillan.
Commissioners Stato F.lcction.
John mTHUDOENS, Clerk of Board.
Laurons, S. C, Oct. 20. 1804.
County of Laurens,
Court of Common Pleas.
J. m. McGoo against K. H. Maddon.
Pursuant to a decroo of tho court in
tho abovo stated caso, I will soli at
Laurons, C. II., S. Q., on salesday in
Novombor, 1804, during the legal
hojftrs of sale at nubile outcry to the
highest bidder, all that tract or pareol
of land situato in tho county and stato
aforesaid, containing four ueros, more
or loss, on tho G. L. & S. R. R. at
Maddens Station, togethor with tho
buildings thorcon, viz: dwelling house,
storo room, wa? e houso, otc. Terms:
one-iiaifea-.h, balance on a credit of
twelve months from dato, credit por
tion to bo socurcd by a bond of the
purchaser with interest from day of
salo togethor with a mortgage of tho
promises sold; purchaser to havo op
tion of paying all of the purchase
money in cash. If terms of salo are
not complied with, tho land will l>o re
sold on tho same day at tho risk of tho
fOrnier purchaser without further or
der of tho court. Purchaser to pay
for papers.
Pet. 0, Q4.-4t c. c. CP.
Liquor Cure Co.
"Tho Columbian Liquor and Opium
Cure Company of Laurons, S. 0.," is
now roady to treat patients for the
euro of the Liquor, Opium and Tobacco
habits. Tho Cure guaranteed- For
terms see tho President or Soerotary.
L. W. Kim kins.
W. H. GiLKKRSON^oe'v and Troas.
Sept. 24. 181)1 4t.
A PecdHiar Case
Periodic Attacks of Neuralgia In
the Byes. j
"0.1. Hood & Co., LoweU, Mass.)
" I write to say that I have been a sufferer lot
four years with ueuralgta in the oyes. The pain*
wcro very scvero at night, causing mo to suffer
winter and summer alike. Sometimes a month
would lapso botweon spells, then I would bt
Troubled Every Wook, I
especially II I was up at night I am a man of
regular habits, 43 years of age, and employed
for the pr.st soven years by Heath, Springs & Ca,
will known merchants and bankers of tills plaoi
food's^ Cures
and CamdOU. 1 bought a supply of Hood's 8a*.
saparlUa, used four bottles and believe Tarn
cured." Vv*. J. LOKQi Lancaster, SoitUi Carolina,
Hoott's PIMs cure Constipation by restor?
la:; llto peristaltic action Of tho alimentary canal
means so much more than
you imagine?serious and^
fatal diseases result fromM
trifling ailments neglected. 1
Don't play with Nature's 1
If you arc feeling
out of sorts, weak
and Rcncrally cx
11t ousted, nervous,.
j hava no appetite
land can't work, .
I begin at once ink
liiiK t lie most rclla- .
Iblo strengthening
j Medicine, vhich Is ,
i Brown's Iron Bit
createst gilt
lets. A few hot
tics cure?benefit
comes from the
very first dose?it
Wtt'i sttiin your J
teeth, and it's"
pleasant to take. /
It Cures
Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver
Neuralgin, Troubles,
Constipation, Und Blood
Malaria, Nervous ailments 4
Women's cr:r. >!nints.
f'.ct nnlv I lie gcnuillC
lines on tho v. rupix r. ,
it tins crossed red
it hers Hie sub.
BlitUteS. On receipt of two 2c. stamps we V
will tend Ret of 'lo.i Rc.-iiiiiful World's 4
Fuir Views and book?fiec. f
state op south carolina.
County op Laukens.
Court of Common Picas.
J. & H. Mann & Co., Plaintiffs, vs. J.
T. Poole and others, Defendants.
Pursuant to the decree of the court
in tho above stated action, I will sell
at public outcry at Laurens Court
House, s. C, within the legal hours of
sale on saleday in November, 180J
(being the 5th day of the month) all
that tract of land situate in .lack's
Township in said county and state, i
known as the Philson tract containing
one hundred and eighty-eight (1SH)
acres, more or less, and bounded by
lands of t. .J. Duckctt and J A. Jones
and by Knoree River.
Terms: one-half of the purchase
money to be paid easli and the re
mainder at twelve months from the
day of sale with Interest?the purcha
ser to give his bond and a mortgage of
the premises to securo tho credit por
tion; with loavo to tho purchaser to
pay all cash. Purchaser to pay for
papers. If the purchaser fulls to com
ply with his bid, the premises to be
resold at Iiis risk on tho same or some
subsequent salesday.
Oct. 0, '04-4t Receiver of J.t. Poole.
County ok Lauhkns.
Court of Common Pleas.
The Georgia Chemical Works, against
William Leaman and J. H. Lea
By virtue of an order of sale mado
in above stated caso, 1 will sell on 3alo
day in Nov. 185)1, at Laurens Court
House, S. C, during the legal hours of
sale, at public outcry to the highest
bidder, all that tract or parcel of land,
situate, lying and being in tho County
of Laurens, Stato of* South Carolina,
lying on the waters of Mudltck Creek
and bounded on tho North by lands of
Mrs. Agnoss Leuinan, on tho South by
M. T. Simpson, .lohn H. Wasson and
others, containing Seventy Acres, nioro
or loss.
Also Tract No. 1 of tho survey
mado by R. A. Austin 2.'kl day of June,
185)4, bounded by lands of W. M. Miller,
W. II. Bryson and tract No. 2 contain
ing Korty-oight Acres more or less.
Also Tract No. 2 bounded by lands of
Win, Miller, Tracts No. 1 and 2 and Mrs.
Nancy Cook, containing Twenty-seven
Acres more or loss.
Also Tract No. II bounded by lands
of Mrs. C. C. Strong, Mrs. Eugenia
Leaman, W. M. Miller and Tract No.
2 containing Forty-thrco Acres, more
or less,
Torms: One-half eash: the balance
payable at twelve months from day of
sale with intorost from that day. to bo
soeurcd by bond of tho purchaser and
his mortgage of tho promises sold.
The purchaser has tho tho privilogo of
paying all eash. Purchaser to pay for
papers, if teims are not complied
with, premises to bo resold on same or
some subsequent salosday at risk of
formor purchaser.
Oot. 5, 185)4 -4t. O.O.O. P.
Next sossion begins September 17th.
Kxponpes for those outside the district:
Tuition four weeks, Primary, $1.00
" " " Intermediate, 1.50
" " " High School, 2.00
Board " " 0.00
l'u pi la may board with Superinten
dent or in private families.
No Dl Ii or Show jfco 1>? JIIow) TJils Year, j* <*?
America's Largest, Best and Loading Exhibitions, Presonting
Big 3?-Ring Circus The Matchless Menagerie,
Wild Trained Animal Show, The Magnificent Hippodro
Word's Fair Midway,'' Wild East and Wild West.
<gjr Tho Autocrat of Apioricftn Amusomont Enterprises,
fW Endorsed by tho Clergy,
Applauded by tho Critics.
Laurens, Tuesday, October 30th.
Great Oimis Companies
?OMFLiBrrEs oircuses
Giant Male Gorilla, Only Living American-Born Monkeys,
Gaza, The Electrical Wonder, Highly Educated
Elephants, Only Live Rooster Orches
tra, Den of Baby Lions Born
July 4, 1894, at Glen Falls, N. Y.
This Horseback Riding Lion, The only Riding Lion in tub
World To-Day.
Reproduction of Paris Hippodrome, With its Coliseum Spoils,
Olympian Games, Sword Combats, Boxing and Wrestling Bouts.
21 Horses Hidden and Driven*by Ono Man, Roman Chariot Races, Two and
Four-Horse, Tandem, Standing and Hurdle Races, Elephant and
Camel Races, Pony and Monkoy Races.
Too big to catalogue. The New Additions for this alone making the most
complete Zoological Gathering ever attempted. Wondrously easy to seo but
hard to Count. Ample time to examine to all Visitors. Increase in everything
Except tho Price of Admission. Absolutely Waterproof Pavilions. Seating
Capacity 12,000.
The Only Brand New Show on the Face of tho Earth, Truthfully Advertised,
Honestly Conducted, Tho Finest Show in the World, Worth coming miles to see.
The Grandest, Richest, Handsomest Triumphal
Sinter Parade
Every day at 10 o'clock A. M., presenting a myriad of great features, Elahorato
Golden Chariots, Gorgeous Floats, Open Donspf Performing Animals, Postilions,
Horses, Elephants in Grand and Costly Trappings; a Sunburst of Glory, ? Bands
of Music of Different Nationalities, A Cow Boy Hand, An Indian Band, The
Hungarian Band, Fife and Drum Corps, Grand Military Band.
Admission FiO Cents. Children Cnder 112 Years Half Price.
Doors open at 1 and ii:;W P. M. Performance commences one hour later.
Avoid the crowds at the Th'ket Wagon by purchasing your Tickets in ad
vance at S. M. & E. H. WlLKES & Co.
Immediately after tho parade don't fail to see tho Free Exhibition on the lot
before the opening of the big doors. Remember day and date. Excursion
Trains on all Railroads at Reduced Faro on day of Performance.
If a Good Start is Worth
Anything in the race we will Certa;nly
Those who saw the great exhibition at our OPENING pro
nounced ours the
G-rstmcLest ?
ever shown in this market. Every department is complete with
the latest productions at such low prices that you would hardly
credit our statement were we to quote figures. Many lines are
25 to 50 per cent lower than ever before. Our
DTess Goods tock
is much larger than we have ever carried. Prices ranging from
5 cents per yard to the finest Imported Novelties. Our
Oloette: IDejpsbr'tm.erLt
is twice as large as usual, and prices will astonish you. Our
is crowded with the most exquisite Imported and Domestic produc
is simply immense,embracing everthing you can ask for. Ladies
shoes.50 cents to $4.00 ; Men's shoes 75 cents to $5.00 ; Children's
shoes 25 cents to $2.50.
are all yon could ask for in style,variety and prices. Rcmcmbc: the
Tariff IS oil* now and Ibis fact with the great depression - among
Manufacturers mean very cheap goods to the bustlers for bargains.
If you will hustle to our place like we have hustled to got read}'
for yon we will make you happy.
J)) )' (I'jtorfsi S/wc and Clothing Department.
Of Settlement ami Application
for Piual Discharge.
Take notice that on the 7th day
of Nov., 1894, * W'N render a
final account of my acts and do
ings as Administrator of the estate
oi J. W. Goodgion, dee'd, in the
office of Judge erf" Probate for Lau
rens county at 10 o'clock A. M.,
and on the same day will apply for
a final discharge from my trust as
such Administrator.
All persons having demands
against said estate will please pre
sent them on or before that day,
proven and authenticated, or be for
ever barred.
QCt. 9, '94-4t Administrator.
Wards oil' malaria. Is a pleasant
and invigorating medicine Par
ticularly clToctivo in tho euro of
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, etc.
A valuable liver regulator. Cor
rects all disorders of the kidneys.
Wonderfully benefioial in female
complaints. Taken along with
quinine, is an effectual cure for
Chills. A great appetizer when
taken before moals. After meals
aids digestion.
In largo 25 cents, 50 cents and
$1 bottles.
Sold wholcsalo by
Tub-Murray Drug Co.,
Columbia, S. C.
Sept. 21, 1804?ly.
Are very essential when a
person is ill and adulterat
ed medicines cannot possi
bly have the curative
powers like wholesome
medicines but
keeps nothing but the best and
purest Drugs and Medicines
and people wanting anything
in my line will do well to call.
I also carry a large stock of
Teilet Articles, Staticncry, acca,
Cigars, Colognes, Teilet and
Laundry Soap and a hundred
and one other things kept in
a first-class Drug Store. I keen
of reliable houses constantly on
hand and sell them at reasonable
prices. Yours for mutual benefit,
A Grand lidu<atti
Successor of the
slioulil own this
Dictionary. It nn
Hwomnll qiiosUoitii
COnccmlllK the his
tory, spoiling, pro
nunciation, and
meaning oi wonts.
A Library in
Itself. It also
gives tho often ite
Blrori Information
concerning eminent persons; facts concern
ing tho countries, cities, towns, and nat
ural features of the globe; particulars con
cerning noted fictitious persons and places;
translation of foreign quotations, ft is In
valuable in tho home, cilice, Study, and
schoolroom, i
Tho Quo Great Standard A uthority.
lien. 1?. J. Brewer, JnsUeo or r. s. supreme
Court, writes 1 "Tho hiicrimtionai blctlonnry u
tiio . t!..n of dictionaries. ? commend a lo
all as llie 0110 Brent Standard aiillioriiy."
G. A C. Mcrrintn Co.
Springfield, Mats.
IS^Do not bar cheap photo*
Krnnlilo levrfnl
Of Send for f reo pamphlet.
Cash or Installments.
New Machines traded for old
ones. A well equipped
Bicycle Repair
Gonzales & Withers,
Columbia, S. C.
The undersigned would repeetfully
inform the people of f.aurens County
and surrounding country that he has
aeeoptcd the agency for tho sale of all
kinds of Machinery such as Kngincs,
Hollers, Cms, FoodorS, Condensers,
Powersand Hand Presses. Thratfhers,
Cano Mills, Saw Mills. H?lting, and in
fact any and all kinds, of Maohinory
and fixluros needed, and is prepared i<>
till all orders at short notice at lowest
prlcos, taking tho quality of tho Ma
ohinory into consideration. You will
find it to your interest to soo mo before
tffaj" Ginn repairing a specialty.
? j. j. pluss.
Laureus, S. f^, July 30, 18?4?tf
Tea Pots,
Sugar Dishes,
Cream Pitchers,
Milk Pitchers,
Butter Dishes,
Yellow Bowl
Covered, scalop,
mum -.vi
Do you know that you can
jbuy the articles named in this
list cheaper at
Dinner and Tea
Berry Bowls and
??? n UWS
??? i bb?tat* ?* i i
than any other place. If you
don't know it come and let us
convince you of the fact.
Plates, Cups and
o b long a n d
long dishes,
Agate and Iron
Parlor, Cooking
and Heating
,C _
_ <y
TJ _
If you want a good Stove for a
little money buy the
"Sunny South:'
S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & CO.
g0f~ Minter's New Building.
Harris Lithia Water.
Analysis and Testimonials of Most Prominent Physicians of the
Country Proves its Superiority over all Others.
After a long ami varied experience in the use r f Mineral Water from
many sources, both foreign and domestic, I am fully persuaded that the
Harris Lithia Water possesses cilicacy in the treatment of nillictions of
the Kidney and Bladder unequalled by any other Water of which I have
made trial.
This opinion is based upon observation of ils effects upon my patients
for the past three years, during which time 1 have prescribed it Irecly
and almost uniformly with benefit in the medical maladies above men
When failure to relieve has occurred, I have imputed it to insuffi
cient use of the Water, for my experience teaches me that from one to
two quarts daily should be taken from two to four weeks, to secure its
full remedial eflects. A. N. TALLEY, M. D.
Columbia, S. C.
Asiivii.j.k, N. C, April 24th, 1S93.
An extended clinical use of the Harris Lithia Water prompts me to
the statement that I regard it as one of the best, if not the best, Lithia
Water known to the profession. In the condition of Phosphatic Urine,
its-action is marvelous. Its use in the Rheumatic and Gouty Diathesis
nfiord me more comfort than either the Buffalo or Londondery Waters.
Very truly yours, JOHN IIEY WILLIAMS, M. D.
New Oki.eans, La., Sept. ist, 1894.
Messrs Harris Lithia Water Co:?Gentlemen?I received through
the courtesy of one of your representatives a case of the valuable Wa
ters of your Springs. Allow me to say that I have derived benefit from
this valuable water, highly charged with Lithia, and regard them with
tavor in the treatment of Gout and Rheumatism.
Professor of Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence, Titiane University
of Louisiana.
Sept. 24, 189.1-2111
Land Advertising ^guncy
Real Estate Exchange.
A Jiiircnu of Information
and ISxckantfo
Central Ofllco, Columbia, S. C. ,
c I). STANLEY, Managen.
Heal Ks tale Register ami Descriptive
Circulars Krce.
(Sond two cents to covci' postage)
1 )AKTI KS wishing to buy. soil, lease
I or exchange, lands should scud
thoir nddro88 at once to this Agency
and secure Register and Descriptive
circulars, giving valuable information
of improved and unimproved farm
lauds and real estate, of kinds for sale,
also tho address of parties wishing to
buy. Inquirers should state whether
thoy wish to buy, sell or exchange, and ;
whether for 0080, lands or marketable }
securities. Branch offices to bo ostab* I
lished in every County in tho South.
S. I). Garlington roprosonting Lau
rens County Ilurcau, Laurons, S. C.
July 30, 1894?ly
County of LaurENS.
In Court ok Probate,
VVlIF.reas, \v. M. MurfY has up*
j)licd to irc for Letters of Ad*
ministration on the ostato of M. II.
MurlT. deceased.
These aro therefore to cite ana ad*
inonish all and singular the kindred
and creditors of said deceased, to be
1 and appear liefen? nie at a Court
of Prouato to bo holden at my
1 oflloo at I,aureus, S. i',., on the
-..'Tili .lay of Oct. 1804, at 10 o'clock
' A. M.) to show cause, if any they
can. why letters should not be
O'von under mv hand and seal this
the 12th day of Oct. 1804.
Jno. M. Clardy,
Oct. I.">, 1804 2t. J. V. r,. c.
statk op south carolina.
County of Laurens.
I u t he I 'rebate Court.
Mary L\ Veut'gln, as Administratrix
of R, II. Voargin and individually
against Ueatrice Yeargin, et al.
All persons having claims against
tho ostato of R. n. Voargin, docoasod,
are roqillrod to establish them in this
COUl't in tho above stat ed notion on or f.
before the I.'>th of Novcinbor DOXt Of !
they will bo barrod. ' 1
Oct. I?, !?Mt 1 j. j\ I

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