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The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 26, 1897, Image 2

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^t?e GMuertteer
??buorlptlon Prlos?ia Months, 91M
Rates for Advertising.?Ordinary Ad
ver tlHomnntH, per square, one inser
ttou,?1.00; eaob subsequent insertion,
50 seats. . . .
Liberal reduction made for larsce Ad
tertlsoment.. w.w.BALIi,
LAURENS, S. C, Jan. 20, 1897.
The General Assembly Is just now
getting its harnobs on and beginning
to move In the matter of legislation.
Installations, holidays, olectlons and
Saturday half holidays very much Im
pede Statesmen in their Important
funotlons. The following ore pending
subjects before tho legislative body:
concealod weapons; tho sinking fund;
new counties; terrapins and fish; phos
phates; the State colleges; "Cubu
libre"; insurance; telegraphs and ex
press; roads, common highways. In
this connection, the boys in several
counties, under an apprehension that
at sixteen they were roquirod to work
the highways, wont forward and did
tho work or paid tho commutation.?
They now want this money roturned
and others to bo paid for their work.
This is right, but tho counties should
do tho reimbursing. Josh Ashley, of
Anderson, thought tho boys should have
the monoy back into their pockets. In
a debate In tho Senate upon tho pro
position to elect township commission
ers by the people, Mr. Henderson a
distinguished Senator from Aikcn said:
"He believed In homo rule;" (so does
tho writer, but he has to scramblo for
It.) The President and Clerk of tho
Senato arc to have new gowns not to
cost ovor $150.00. This is very rea
sonable and tho gown Is a graceful ac
coutrement and covering a gentloman
from head to heels puts a hunchback
on a dead level with an Apollo. Then,
it is an old Roman fashion, classic, I
and forms an object lesson for the
youth who aro indulging Sartor I
Resartus. Mr. Ragsdalo, Falrficld's
Senator, wants the constitution
amended so as to givo tho election of
Supreme Court and Circuit Judges to
the poople. This would bo a radical
change, but It Is in tho lino of trust
ing tho poople, and our people aro as
compotent to select Judges as they
are to choose legislators. Ragsdalo is
on lhe right road. But wo aro not
nailed down to this opinion.
From tho News and Courier of Fri
day, proceedings in the House:
"When Mr. Anderson's bill to repeal
the law requiring a liconso of emigrant
agents at certain times came up thore
was unexpected opposition to It. Mr.
Goodwin, of Laurens, made a vigorous
protest against the bill on tho grounds
that the farming interests needed pro
tection. Ho urged that the agents of
ten took away laborers when under
contract and when they wore most
needed on tho farm, and then ho
wanted to protect tho negroes against
the false representations of the agents.
He knew of a farm being depleted at
tho height of the season."
In tho debate on the proposition to
exempt "graduates" of tho South
Carolina Medical Collogo from exam
ination bofore tho State Board, Dr.
Smith, of tho Medical eommiteo said:
"Dr. Smith, of Laurens, said that no
reflection was Intended, and loving
his alma mater as ho did ho would not
oaro for8ueh a back handed reflection
on tho Stato Colloge. Ho had letters
to show that all the graduates of this
State Collogo In Charleston have not
Eassed tho examination of the Stale
oard. Ho did not want It to appear
that tho Colloge graduates wero afraid
of tho examination."
Circuit Judges Ernest Gary and D.
A. Townsond were re-elected without
opposition to servo four years.
The following were nomlnatod to bo
Penetentlary Directors: J. T. Cunning
ham, of Chester: J. H. Wharton, of
Laurons; J. II. Blackwell, of Williams
burg; John D. Cornwoll, of York: John
G. Gulgnard, of Lexington and J. M.
Wbltmlro, of Greenville.
The threo first named wero dec'ared
elected upon tho first ballot. Colonel
Wharton, of Laurens, Is admirably
fitted for tho placo.
Tho debate In tho Senate on Cuba
reminds of J a lino In Hocd's great "I
remember;" "it was a childish igno
rance." If there is a school boy in the
land who don't know that tho question
of Forolgn relations belongs to the
Executive Department of the Govern
ment, to diplomacy, and the best diplo
macy, then wo should olthcr stop or
doublo our public school appropria
tions. Cleveland and Olncy, through
Bayard and other foreign ministers,
may guo8s tho effect of our Interfer
ence, on tho great European Powers ?
Mayflold and other stalwart Senators
might handle a machete gracefully,
and we adviso them that "Threo
Frionds" and "Dauntless" aro anchor
within twenty-four hours of our groat
oapltol and $4 00 Per Diem. A Mr
Harvey's Bill against mad dogs passed
tho House. Tho Bill is in strict lino
with "Harvey's meditations." A Lau
rens friend of ours, On a visit to Green
ville oncourtoring tho popular bever
age of that city bought a rat tie snako
from a North Carolinian at ono dollar.
With tho morning camo sober reflec
tions and our Laurens friond sought out
tbo Tar Heelor and gave him a dollar
to take tho roptile back. This sort of
Interstate intercourso should bo Inter- I
dieted. All In all wo obsorvo a dls|>osl
tion towards healthy legislation in both
bo.lb a and there is cvory cncour.tging
symptom for our taxpayors.
? ?
Only forty-throa more days of Cleve
land.?The Carolina News.
"Ebber you mind, bubber, Ebber you
mind!" Tho frying pan Is in dangerous
proximity to tho fire.
The attention of Executors, Admin
istrators, Guardians and others aotlng
in a fiduciary capacity is called to the
fact that the tlmo for making annual
returns will oxplro on 28th day of Peb
isry^J.. ^ THOMPSON,
L. 0.
W. H. ?llerbe.
W. H. Ellerbe, as a result o( the
election la November last, on yester
day one week ago, was duly inaugurated
Governor of South Carolina. Ho be
longs to a raoe of wealthy landlord
planters of Marion oounty in the east
ern part of the State, and is a young
man, not forty. He received a liberal
education at YVofTord College in this
State. These are bis antecedents. In
1800 he joined heart and soul into what,
is now known as the Reform movement
and shares with Tillman and other
leaders tbo responsibility and tho
glory of what has boon wrought aud
achieved in tho Stato in the last six
yoars. He was eleotcd in 1800 as a re
former und served In tho responsible of
fice of State Comptroller for four years.
In 1804 ho aspired to bo Governor,
but it is understood was stood aside by
Senator Tillman and other leaders and
made to occupy a waiting stool, thut
Governor Evans' fortunes might bo
pushed. In 18?? tho crywas general for
Ederbo to Do Governor and the con
servative or anti-Tillman element pre
senting no candidate, he wont in with
the cordial endorsement of tho entlro
white eloment in the Stato. Thus
Governor Ellorbo commences his ad
ministration undor most auspicious
conditions and tho boat promise of
hearty co-oporation on tho part of tbo
whole people. This fortune is duo to
thoso facts: he has nover exhibited or
displayed in his public lifo or public
utterances bitterness or savagenoss of
spirit: his bearing in a period of in
tense partisanship has boon equable
and moderate; ho ha? ?hown no symp
toms of radicalism and radical revolu
tion; thero seemed to I e In his char
actor well founded justillcatlon for tho
belief that ho had respect for tho past
of tho Stato and that ho might bo ox
pocted to build upon, and improve that
past, adhere to well established land
marks, recovering aT that waa good;
and standing by the good name of tho
Stato. Confidence in his character
and attributes, relying upon education,
training, and surroundings, all parties
j were willing to trust him, and none to
challenge his fitness. His inaugural
address Inspires confidence that
these hopes will bo reallzod. Tho
readers will bo forced to the conclu
sion that the speaker lovoshis State
and is a full-bloodod Carolinian. At
first ho was doubtful of tho dispensary
experiment, but has como to believe
that It is tho best solution of tho dlttl
cult liquor problem and calls upon the
peoplo of tho Stato to give it a fair
trial. In doing so he does not indulge
in tho vulgarity of denouncing every
man who happens to disrc;ree with hint,
as favoring tho "whiskey Intorest,"
and other hard and hideous names.?
His temperate and gentlemanlike ex
pressions will "silenco envious
tongues" and mnko friends for the dis
pensary among thoso who bollevo tho
system undemocratic, unstatesman?ke
and corrupting. He sustains with
great earnestness and forco our public
school system as necessary to the crea
tlon of a prosperous and civilized peo
plo. Higher education should bo
maintained, and a liberal support ac
corded to our State Colleges for men
and women. He is a graduate of a de
n?nominatlonal College, but being a
sound democrat he knows that State
and church should be kept as far apart
as the East is from the West, that
thoro should be no jeolousy between
tho State and other Institutions, secta
rian or not sectarian, ehuroh or anti
church Upon this subject and among
other noble expressions we quote:
Can the freo school fit for the high
est duties of statesmanship? Assuredly
not For the solution of great and of
tentimes perplexing problems, involv
ing the peace and prosperity of all the
peop'e, the Stato stands in constant
need of men of tho highest scholarship,
of the profonndest knowledge of law,
men whose mental grasp is large
enough to sweep the whole horizon,
men able to rise above local or oven
State interests, and to act for the com
mon good of tho people of all tho
States. * * *
Colleges founded by tho churches
and by private boneficenco have per
formed and aro still performing a
great and patriotic service, but no
State should surrendor to private
philanthropy or denominational zeal its
sacred, inalienable right and solemn
duty of placing within reach of all her
children the bread of knowledge.
We havo said enough to indicato our
entire confidence in the patriotism of
tho Governor just instulled. Wo trust
he will succeed in bringing our peoplo
all to dwell together In harmony and
work together for tho common good
Wo will sustain him in this laudable,
ambition, reserving to ourselves th
right to critioiso when he is wrong and
to scold and laugh at him when in his
public administration there is lack o
It Stands To Reason
that ?0,000,o 10 bottles of a
medicine could not be sold
unless it was good, honest, and
did what was claimed for it.
Here are the facts about
In 30 years ao,ooo,ooo bottles
have been sold to cure lilood
Diseases, and it must be a
CURE. All the sickness in
this world is caused by bad
blood; Weakness, Loss of ap
petite. Dyspepsia, Headaches,
Constipation, Liver and Kidney
troubles, Scrofula, Pimples, ;tc.
Attack the foundation of dis
ease, cleanse the blood, bring it
back to the splendid work inten
ded for it by nature. There
may be other ways, but the best
is by using the tried and true
Dr. Clark Johnson's
50c. per bottle; ell druggists.
Is what gives Hood's Harsaparilla its gre*t
popularity, its constantly Increasing
Bales, and enables it to accomplish its
wonderful and unequalled cures. The
combination, proportion and process
used iu preparing Hood's Sarsapirllla
are unknown to other medicines, and
make Hood's Barsaparilla
Peculiar to Itself
It cures a wide l.Migo of disease* because
of its power as a blood pur'fler. It acts
directly and positively upon the blood,
and the olood reaches every nook and
corner of tho .Viman system. Thus all
tho nerves, muscles, bones and tissues
comeun Je*'*ho bfcueflco.it iufluerce of
The One True Blood .Vnrlner. $1; six for $5.
.. nlll euro J4*er Ills; easy to
ilOOCl S PHIS Uike.ep.sytooiieratc. 2?c.
Notice! Assessor.
Tho Auditor's Oflice will bo open
from tbo 1st <lay of January to the
20th day Of February, 1807, to re
celvo returns of Personal propprty
for taxation in Lnurcns County.
For llio convenience of taxpay
ers the Auditor will attend tho fol
lowing named places to receive re
turns for said year, to wit:
Jacks Township, Dr. F. M.
Sotzler's, January 11, from 10 a m
to 2 p m,
J.tcks Township, Renno, Jan
uary 12, from 10 a m to 2 p m.
Hunter Township, Clinton, Jan
uary 13, from 10 a m to 2 p m.
Hunter Township, Milton, Jan
uary 11, from 10 a m to 2 p m.
Cross Hill Township, Spring
Grove, January It, from 10 a m to
2 p m.
Cross Hill Township, < rosa Hill,
January 16, from 10 a ru to 2 p m.
Waterloo Township, Waterloo,
January IS, from 10 a in to 2 p in.
Waterloo Township, IQkom, Jan
uary 10, from 10 a in to 2 p m.
Waterloo Township, Mt Galla
gher, January 20, from 10 a m to 2
p m,
Sullivan Township, Brewerton,|
January 21, from 10 a m to 2 p no,
Sullivan Township, Princeton,
January 22, from 9 a in to 12 m.
Sullivan Township, Tumbling
Shoals, January 22, from 1 p m to
4 p DJ,
Dial Township, Luther C. Owens,
January 23, from 9 a m to 12 m.
Dial Township, 1). D. Harris, Jan
uary 25, from in a in to 2 p m.
Dial Township, V. A. White, Jan
nary 20, from 10 a in to 2 p m.
Young';* Township, Parson's
Storr, January 27, from 10 a m to 2
p m.
Young's Township, Young's
Store, January 28, from 10 a in to
2 p in.
Young's* Township, Pleasant
Mound, January 29, from 9am to
12 no.
Young's Township, Lanford Sta
tion, January 20, from 2 to -1 p m.
Bcuffletowu Township, Tylers
villo, January 30, from 10 a in lo 2
p. m.
Heal Property Is not returned
this year.
It will save much lime to tax
payers, also greatly facilitate the
work of the Assessor, if every per
son before leaving home will make
out a complete list of every item of
personal properilyiti the following
order: Horses, Cattle, mules, sheep
and goat-5, hog.4, watches, organs
and pianos, buggies, wagons and
carriages, dogs, merchandise, ma
chinery and engines, moneys, notes
and accounts above Indebtedness,
and all other property including
It is always requirod that tho
Auditor get tho first given namo of
the taxpayer in full.
Under tho head of place of resi
dence ou tax returns give tho
All mule citizens between the
ages of twenty-one and sixly years,
on the 1st day of January, except
those who are incapable of earning
a support from being mained or
from other causes aro deemed
taxable polls (confederate veterans
Aixi every taxpayer is required
to give the number of their school
After the 20th day of February
next fifty per cent, penalty will bo
attached for failures to mako re
In every community there aro
persons who cannot read or that do
not lake a newspaper. Those more
fortunate may do such persons a
great favor by felling them of the
time to make returns or by return
ing for them.
Tbo assessing and collecting
taxes is all done in the same year,
and we have to aggregate tho num
ber and value of all horses, mules,
cattle and other pieces of personal
properly, as well as the acrea of
land, lots and buildings and their
value, that there is in this Counly,
and have tho same on Ale in
Comptroller General's efilco bj the
30th of June of each year and
Irom that time to tho first day of
October tho Auditor and Treasu
rer's duplicate bavo to be com
pleted and an abstract of the work
in the Comptroller's office by that
time, which will show at a glance
(hat the Auditor has no timo to
take returns or anything; olso
much between tho 1st day of
March and tho 1st day of October
but tsork on tho books and (he
blanks. We hope therefore that all
tsxpayi rs will make their rutuns
in time.
Audi lor.
Dee. 1, 1890?tf.
Attorney at Law.
Laukkns, - - South CAROLINA,
ti--t! Special attention given to the in
vostlgatlon of titles and collodion of
Cure sick headache, bad bm-sk h ? n
taste ii. tlic .uili. eoat*:il E9 ? J I ???
tongue, kss In the stomach, I I ^fc
?dittre*a and inrtin*?tif>n. r>o ? ? ? ? ^b*
not walte?, hut have tonic ?.ffeet. 24 cent*.
Tho ?n># Uli? t? take wltn Uood't BariaparllU.
Soven men busy waiting on the Customer*. The greatest opportunity over offered you to buy
Goods CHEAP. Our entire Stock of
?d Ma mm rw mm
in this Sale-Get Prices at once. See the lino of 75 ets and $1.00 Pants; Boys' Suits all golnj
Boxes broken up but good shoos all the same at tho biggest Bargains over offorod. Now is your
time. Just take time to come and seo for yourself. You oan afford to buy and keep them until
you need them.
Whole Stock must go at once. Spot Cash.
No Goods Charged to anyone.
LAU RENS, S. C., Jan. 21, 1897.
of all kinds go to
State of South Carolina,
County op Lauiucns.
Court ol Probate.
Summons/or Relief .?Complaint not
Charles S. Franklin and W. H. Dcndy,
as Administrators of tho personal
estate of Willis J. Dcndy, Petitioners
against Francis Dendy, Georgo Dcn
dy, Ida Andorson, Earnest Dendy,
Fed Dendy and Bubbor Dondy, Do
To tho DofondnnlH Francis Dondy, Oeo.
Dondy, Ida Andorsou, Karnost Dondy,
Fed Dondy and Bubbor I). ndy.
You aro horohy Kummouod and requir
ed to answer tho Petition in this action
which is thia day tiled In tho oilico of
.lud go of Probate for tho said County
and to servo a copy o( your answer to the
Haid Petition on tho subscribers at
their ofllco nt Laurens Court House,
South Carolina, within twenty days af
ter thoservice horeot,oxebiHlvoorihoday
of such service; and If you fall to answor
tho Petition within tho timo nloresaid,
tho Plaintiff in this action will apply to
the Court for tho rollof domundod in tho
Ducembor IRth, A. D.. 180?.
Plaintl|V's Attornoys.
To Farnost Dondy, non-rosidoul, Defend
Please tako notico that tho Petition
in this action w?h filed in tho oftlcn of the
Judge of Probat? for Laurens County,
State of South Carolina, on tbe 18th
day of Doc. 1806.
Plaintiffs' Attorneys.
Attest:?O. G.THOMPSON, j.p. l. c.
Laurens, S. C, Deo. 21, I806.--ot
All persons having accounts*
with us will call and settle same<
\t our oflice over J. R. Minter &J
Son's store.
Yours truly,
L. E, BURNS & CO.,
? Laurens, S. C.i
4/%< ?%%^%^e-'%^'%^%^%^%, irt
For the next Thirty Days
we will sell at cut prices:
Overoats, Blankets. Shawls,
jLaprobes, Wool Jeans and some
Job lots of Shoes.
(Old Price 991.?O)
For an Oak Suit Furniture with Large German Bevel1
Glass, Hand Carved (not Band sawed carving)
3 ?ays Of?ly
, M. & E. H. Wilkes & CO.
Frieght Paid.
House Furnishers,
Laurens, S. C, Jan. 25th, 1897.
All Liquors
bottled under the
"Red, White and Blue"
label are distilled and guaranteed by us. We have been
selling to the South for FORTY YEARS and we know
what you want. Ask your Dispensary for "Red, White
and Blue" label liquor and insist on getting U,
FREIBERG & WORKUM, Distillers,
MEN, who hold the purse strings, often deprive women of articles
of inestimable value. The wife pleads with her husband for
a Piano or an Organ, which is tenfold more essential than the
cigar and other luxuries in which he indulges. The (laughter
asks lather, or guardian, to buy an Instrument to enable her to
cultivate that beautiful talent, music. Doe., any sane man not
relizc this a reasonable right to plead and ask for? Reibet a minute!
Think of the means expended for instruction, and the many tedious
hours employed ill practice by wife and daughter, ami of their glowing
anticipations subsequently to bo realized.
Now, father, husband, or guardian, arc you going to blast all
these bright anticipations by denying them of this merited right?dimply
the gilt of a Piano or an Organ?
Give your wives ami daughters their merited rights in the home,
which is "Woman's Kingdom," then she will cease to clamor for politi
cal suffrage. Don't plead inability when such liberal terms and prices
arc available.
My prices are right, terms easy, and quality of Instruments un
If you desire prices ami catalogues, please write me a letter or
postal card, and same will have prompt attention.
I challenge any house in America to do bettor for you, as 1 tepre
csnt the Manufacturers, have no Jobbers to pay, ami can save you
Agent's commission. Old Pianos and Organs taken at fair value in
txchange for new ones.
M. A. MALONE, Columbia, S, C.

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