OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, October 12, 1897, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1897-10-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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The low price of cotton justifies farm
ors holding as long us they oat) do so.
Hut a comparison of prices will show
that our local buyors aro paying as
liberally and more so than any* of our
neighbors. Again, our merchants
have laid in tho best stocks over
brought to tho South and at tho low
est prices.
Dr. Iloail.
We join in the unanimous expression
of regret that this most accomplished
Kditornnd able divine wilt soon rotiro
from the editorship of tho Southern
l 'rosby icrian.
Card of Thanks
For tho many tokens of love for our
little departed and the largo measure
of sympathy bestowed upon us, we
desire to most heartily thank ou ?
friends and acquaintances.
W. A. Johnson and Wipe,
Small precautions often prevent great
mischiefs. De Win's Little Early Kiscra
are ver> small pills in size, but lire most
effective iu preventing the most serious
forms of liver and stomacli troubles. They
< ure constipation and headache and regu
late tho bowels. B. P. Posoy, wholesale
ami retail druggist.
I\>u SALE?A lot containing one nnd
one-quarter acres, near Farley Avenue,
and adjoining land of N. B. Dial. For
terms apply to Mrs. L. N. Boyd.
riiiHlnoBN Notices.
If you want to know something about
good values givo your wife a Sunny
South Stove and you will see a happy
wife. Freight paid.
S. M. & E. II. Wilkos A Co.
Have you soon tho warmest over
coat for $7.?') at
Davis, ltoper & Co.'s.
The biggest stock of Clothing In up
per South Carolina now to bo seen at
Davis, Roper a; Co.'s.
Shoes for the people at pricos to suit
the times. Come and sco.
Davis, Roper & Co.'s.
The best nobby young man's suit ou
oarth for the price $7.50.
Davis, Roper & Co.'s.
Want f.n?Tobacco salesmen, State
oxpcriouco, referonco, onclose stamp.
Manufacturer, Box, 134,Winston, N C.
A LlfC'timo Accident Policy.
The Southern Well Fixture Com
pany, of Spartanburg, insures your
wife and children against accidents.
They are now in Laurons for a short
time and their Well Fixtures make the
matter of drawing water a luxury. Be
eure and examine and make home
comfortable. It is a Southern inven
tion and homo manufactured, and han
dled by homo people of Spartanburg
and North Carolina. Tho cost is rea
."South Eastern Car Service Association
for South Carolina.
Columbia, S. 0., Oct. 1st, 1807.
"Notice Is hereby given that on and
after Octobor 18th, J8?7, Cars not un
loaded within forty-eight (48) hours
after arrival, and Cars which arc not
loaded within fo ty-oight (48) hours af
ter being placed iu position, shall be
subject to a churgo of One Dollar
($1.00) per day or fractiou thereof, for
tho detontiou of Cars and use of
tracks, Sundays and legal holidays ox
Atlantic Coast Line.
Charleston & Savannah Railway.
South Carolina Sc Georgia Railroad.
Charleston St \\ estern Carolina Hail
I lorida Central & Peninsular Rail
road .
Columbia, Newborry Sc Laurens
Kail road.
Ohio River A: Charleston Railway.
East Shore Terminal Company.
Carolina and Cumberland Gap Hail
Hlue Ridge Railroad.
Southern Railway.
j. C Haskkll,
To heal tho broKcn and diseased tis
sues, to soothe the irritated surfuces,
to instantly relieve tho irritated sur
faces, to instantly relievo and to per
manently euro is the mission of De
Witt's Witch Ha/.ol Salve. B. F. Posey,
wholesale and retail druggist.
This month?tho freezes don't injure
them at all. J. O. C. Floralng & Co.,
has tho pure sood.
Moments aro useless If trilled away;
and they aro dangerously wasted if
consumed by dolay in cases where Ono
Minute Cough Cure would bring Im
mediate reliof. B. F. Posey, wholesale
and retail druggist.
Wo havo completed our storo build
ings and have on hand a lino pair of
mules for sale. Wo have no need for
thom and will sell them cheap for cash.
Call on Dr. Todd.
Todd buo'j ?krs.
That valuablo tract of land known
88 tho homestead of the late Oapt.
James Htidg-ens, situated three
miles from Laurens, and one mile
from Maddens Depot and contain
ing Two Hundred nnd Seventy
Six acres, more or less. Tho dwell
ing house thereon Is largo und
comfortable, togothcr with neces
sary out buildings and a splendid
well of water.
This property can bo purchased
at privato sale, but if not sooner
disposed of, will bo sold at Laurens
Court House, on salesday in No
vembor next, at public outcry, to
tho highest bidder. Churches and
schools aro easy of access to this
place. Cm-nil needful Information
call upon either of the undersigned.
A. II. MaktIn.
John Moore.
Octobor 6th 1807.
, Executor's Sale of Valua *
ble Land.
By virtuo-of tho powor contained
in tho Will of W. N. Wharton, do
ceased, I will sell at public out-cry
to the highest bidder on Haleaday
in November, the same being tho
first day of tho month, at Laurens,
C. II., immediately afler tho pub
lic sales?'ho homestead of W. N.
Wharton, deceased, divided Into
two tracts. Plats of samo can bo
eoon at his late residence. Bounded
by lands of A. J. Smith, T. 8.
Tcague, M. F. Marlin and others.
Terms?One-half cash, balanco on
a credit of twelve months from
date of aale, credit portion to bo
secured by bond of the purchaser
nnd a mortgage of the premises
eold. If tho terms aro not complied
with, land will bo re-sold on tho
samo day at tho risk of the former
purchaser. Purchaser to pay for
paper r.
Choice Thoroughbred Berkshires,
^^^jcliqiblk to registry.
The Baptist's ]?eet.
On last Tuesday the l aurens baptist
Aesoeiutlon convened here In the Bap
tist Church. A large number of min
isters and lay delegates and visitors
from this and tho neighboring counties
wore present. Capt. C. W. Shell acted
as Moderator for tho body, Rev J. ?.
Parrott and Uro. B. L. Henderson as
Clerk;., and Mr. C II. Hoper us Troas
Prominent among the visitors from
outside tho county were Dr. T. F.
Hailey, Secretary State Hoard of Mis
sions, Rev. A. S. J. Thomas of tho
Baptist Courier, Row Dr l'ratt, of
Furman University, Col. M. L. Donald
son, of Greenville! Dr. Vass, of Connie
Maxwell Orphanage, Creonwood, and
Uev.C. A. Wright, of Newberry.
After the business B088ions were over
a sermon was generally preached by
some one of the ministers present. Rev.
d. F.Martin, Rev. J, It. Parrott and
Rev. C. A. Wright, of Newborry, ami
others being heard in particularly
Strong andetVeetive sermons.
The Association adjourned Thursday.
Its presence in I.aureus bringing bo
many strong representative men Into
tho community was a pleasure to tho
Citizens of every denomination and
its return in the future would bo
warmly welcomed.
The Court of Gonoral Sossions was
concluded at noon on Friday last.
More is the fruit of the weeks work:
George Turner, (white), assault and
buttery, $10: J. L Johnson, (white),
false proteases, not guilty; Tino Gray,
murder, recommendation to moroy,
tife imprisonment in Penitentiary :
.lohn Johnson, a young colored boy,
twenty years Old, the only child of his
mother, murder and sentenced to hang
on the 20th of November, in this case
a motion for a now trial was refused.
Hob Allen, manslaughter, live years in
Penitentiary1 Turner Meredith, three
yoars in Penitentiary; Mary Fair,
Maria Pool and Mary Pool, murder:
Mary Fair, guilty of murder, with re
commendation to mercy, lifotimo in
Penitentiary: the Pools not guilty:
Robort Hill, burglary and larceny, not
guilty as to burglary, guilty of pot it
larceny twenty days on chain gang.
Saturday was consumed in equity
cases Jury cases employed yesterday
and will probably consume to-day anil
to-morrow. The Court will probably
last until Friday night. Judge Aldrioh
conducted the business with ability
and dispatch.
Dr. Williams Wright.
The death of Dr. Williams Wright,
at the homo of his son Mr. J. N.
Wright of this city, on last Monday
afternoon was briefly mentioned in ein
last issue . Dr. Wright had reached
the ago of seventy-six, and had been
in failing health for several years, lie
was the son of Lieutenant-!iovcrnor
Thomas Wright an 1 lived, until his
ill health brought him to Laurens, at
Lisbon whero he was a large planter.
Ho married Miss Nichols, whom ho
survived several years. Ho was a
member and an elder of the Presbyte
rian Ohuroh. Hia life and character
won for him the respect and friendship
of a large circle. On last Tuesday his
body was taken to Lisbon, accompanied
by relatives and friends and buried in
the family burying ground.
0. 11. Simmons'8 Locals,
All grades of Ladies' Underve f h, from
the cheapest to the boat, at O. B. Sim
Big value?PJl._. and 16 cents Red
Flannels at O. B. Sinimons's.
Rig line of ladies' l?ie?s Shoes.
o. B. Simmons.
The Jackson Cotton.
Interest is just now attracted to new
varieties of cotton and if a prolific
species can be found which shall econ
omize the production of this staple, it
will be well for our farmers.
Mr. Sanford MahafToy has shown us
two stalks of a variety he has secured
by careful selection for several years.
They uro about seven feet high, with
short limbs, the bolls clustered and
c'ose around tho stalks which are very
healthy and vigorous. Wo advise be
fore sending far off for COStlv seed that
you see and consult-in Intelligent Ka
bon farmer. You may sco the speci
mens at The Advertiser's ofllco.
Certainly you don'I want to sutler with
dyspepsia, constipation, sick headache, sal
low skin and loss of nppetitO. You have
never tried DoWilt's Little Karly Risers
for these complaints or you would havo
been cured. They arc small pills hut great
regulators, lt. V. Posey, wholesale and re
tail druggist.
Ladies Claps from 08 cents up at
Seo our 11 ao of plush capes
from $2.70 at Jamieson's.
A nice yard wide outing; worth 8
centa for only 8 cents at Jamie
If you wish to buy a handsome
dress cheap, Jamioson's is tho
State of South Carolina, /
County of Laurens. S
I, T. S. Keaso, Solicitor of the 7th
Circuit, do certify that an examination
of Magistrate J. M. Gray's books, of I
Youngs Township, and tho Treasurer's
book, shows that there Is no shortage,
as will bo shown by tho statements on
fllo in tho Clerk of Court's ofllco.
Amount of tino.-i collected, $230.95
One case omitted, the State vs.
Honry Weed, 8.40
By amount paid Treasurer, $230.86
Thos. S. Sease,
Oct. 9th, 1897. Solicitor.
Davis, Roper *v Co.
Before buying your suit just step in
to the Clothing Room at
Davis, Uopor St Co's.
a shoo to fit you nnd at a price that
will suit the times will bo found at the
Rig Shoo Store of
Da/is, Hoper Sc Co.'s.
Wo always havo what wo advertise
and sell at p'decs we quote. Stop into
our Clothing and Shoo Store and sco
for yourself.
Davis, Roper Sc Co.'s.
Tho largest utock of boys and chil
drens suits over shown In Laurons at
tho lowest prices. No tariff on thoso
goods. At
Davis Roper Sc Co.'s.
If you wish to buy a good school
shoo cheap, go to Jamioson's.
All wool suit clotlicri for men for
only $1.75 at JamleftOD's.
A high cut shoo for men all solid
for 02 cents at Jumieson'a.
?'I was troubled with rheumatism
In my back which was so severe
that it was painful for mo to stoop
over. I began taking Hood's 8ar
saparilla and in a short time the
rheumatism disappeared. I am.
entirely freo from it end in good
health. II. Kugeno Fant, Hex 62,
Andorson, Houth Carolina.
Hood's Pills are purely vogeiabl
and do not
President Luces of, the ("otton Mill
wont co Now York hist Thursday.
Mrs. Mao Simktns, of Edgefield, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. w. Slmklns.
Mr. Alvin Curry Is olorklng at Mln
tor's Store.
Mr. Jo IT Connor, of Greenwood,
spent a fow days in town last week.
Ml', and Mrs. W. W. Hall spent Sun
day with relatives in the oity.
Senator TlUinan is recovering from
an attack o. jaundice.
Fx Senator lrbv hau recovered from
a malarial .sickness of ton days.
Malcolm Smith is clerking at the
Reo Hive in Cray's Emporium.
Mrs. J. A. Copeland and children
went to Bpartanburg to make a visit
last week.
Dr. E. 0. Doyle was called to Seneca
last. Wednesday by the sudden death of
his Father, Dr. O. M. Doyle.
Mr. E, S. McKinley and family have
removed to Augusta. Laurons rogrets
to lose tliom.
Mrs. C. D. Harksdalo has returned
from an extondod stay at Paris Moun
tain and Greenvlllo.
On the night of the 1th instant, Mr.
R. Dillard, of Jacks township lost his
barn by lire, with fodder and a valua
ble mule.
Colonel William Munroe, of Union,
and Mr. Ddloaoh, of Yo'kville, wore
prominent visiting attorneys at Court
last week.
Cheraw has a Fair Assoolatlon, with
Judge R. C. Watts as President. Their
Exposition comes off at an early day
with exhibitors from several Statos.
Senator Tillmun will deliver an ad
The round bale has made its appear
ance In Barhwoll. Col. Mike Brown
leads in this improvement. The cotton
Is delivered from the wagon and ginne l
and packed In ton minutes. And the
proceeds of the bale can he packed off
in still shorter order.
Drs. Uorlheok and Wyman, of Char
leston were in town last week as wit
neS8es In tho case of Hob Allen who
was tried for the murder of Sam Bar
ber. It will be recalled that Barber
died from his wounds in a Charleston
Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Johnson have
the sympathy of a largo circle of
friends in the loss of th.dr only child,
Ida, a bright little L'irl of about five
years of age, who died in Augusta.
wboi'O sho was visiting with her
mother, On l.'ist Wednesday- The
burial look place at tho cemetery hero
on Thursday afternoon in tho presence
of a number of friends of the bereaved
The fifth of October, last Tuesday,
found many of the ladies of tho city at
Simmon's store, which was decorated
most lavishly and beautifully for tho
Kail Opening, New and handsome
materials for every stylo of autumn
gown caught tho eye on entering while
at tho bnek of tho store tlio Millinery
Department, over which Mrs. Adams
and Miss Medlock preside, was simply
an enchanting maze to tho feminine
Ovo, Tlio hat . wore numberless on
Tuesday but a later visit found tho first
favorites rapidly disappearing while
new ones ?vero all the while being fash
ioned to take thoir place. Simmon's
store is right now one of the places
that you must inspect
The Cray Court Fair on Wodndos
day and Thursday drew very largely
from Laurons in spito of the counter
attraction of Court which of necessity
kept numbers of people at home. Those
who went came homo reporting this
Fair tl(o best effort Gray Court has
over made and doolahtng (he ^took
exhibition to bo bottor than that seen
at tho *tuto Pair. It is not difficult to
beliovo this when tho situation of
Gray Court and its splendid enterpris
ing population is recalled. From tho
county at largo tho attendance was
groat and the exhibits numerous and
to shovy that tho Fair is making a
reputation horses irom droei.vlllo, An
derson and the North wore on tho race
track. The Advertiser was ono of
the unfortunates who could not see tho
show and so cannot spoak of it at
Laurons at College.
In tho oleotion of Ciass Proside ts
for'08 at the South Carolina College,
Mr. J. W. Ferguson has boon ohoson
President of the Senior Olasi and M r.
J. S. Stoddard of tho Sophomoro. Thoso
bright young men are generally to be
found taking loading positions.
Death of Dr. Win. I). B attou.
The whole pooplo of tho State will
Bymnathizo with Con. John Hratton in
the loss of his patriotic son. Ho was
attaches to tho Navy as Surgeon and
oamo South to devote his sorvicoa to
tho yellow fever suffers and falling
through tho hold of tho vessel died
from his injuries.
Happily Married.
At the home of tho bride, on Sun
day morning, MlS3 Kasio Robertson
anil Mr. Edgar W. Martin wore, quietly
married, Kov. J. D. Pitts officiating.
Aftor tlio ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
Martin loft for tin; homo of the
Groom's Father in the Warrior Crook
section. The bride is tho attractive
daughter of Mr. J. M. Robertson and
Mr. Martin is ono of the most prosper
ous and enterprising young business
men of tho city. Good wishes and con
gratulations are showorod upon tho
couplo by numbr? ? of friends.
A Public rtiiisaneo.
Tho loose stock, cows and horsos
which aro turned out to wunder
through tho streets of the city aro a
serious rcllcction upon tho city's gov
ernment. Anothor public nuisance
which la toloratod and silently encour
aged Is tho tying out of cows wherever
thoro ia a patch of grass, evon If it
happens to bo growing it) tho vicinity
of the most frequented stroot of tlio
city. A party of ladies oamo noar
mooting with a sorious accident a few
ovonlng sinco by driving In tho
dusk within an inch of a rono
lying across tlio stroot to which
was faatonod a fow foot distant an ox
oltod cow. A dOXOn instances of an
noyances resulting from this uuisanco
can bo oltod. The police, and city off!
cials in a body and individually aro
responsible for this stale of affairs and
ought to give it Immediate attention,
ami attention which would offoot im
provoinont. Tho streets intersecting
the Graded School grounds aro locali
ties whore from two to half dozen cowa
and perhaps a borso or two may bo
found tethered or looso at any tlino.
No man or woman OBU QUloy life <>r ac
complish mnob in this world while suffer
ing from a torpid liver. DoWitt't Littlo
Karly Risers, tho pills tliat cloanso. that
organ, quickly. I?. F. I'oMi>y, whoiosalo
and rutall druggist.
Insure your property with J. O. t
Fleming A Co. They represent Fh
Insurance Companies that pay ail losai
"?- - ? ? - ?? ? ? ' ?
Presentment of Grand Jury.
To His Honor James Aldrich, Presid
ing Judge at October Term of Court
for year 1807.
The Grand Jury bog Leave to
submit the following tts their dual
presentment for this term of
1st. VVe havo passed upon all
bills handed tons by the Solicitor.
2nd. Wo have examined all of
the public buildings of tho county
and find them in good repair with
1 he except ion of the lloors of the
porches of the Court House, which
[oak badly into tho offices below,
and we recommend t hat t lie Super
visor have same repaired so they
will not loak if possible.
8rd. We further reoommond that
(lie Supervisor's and county Treas
urer's offices be enlarged by
extending same out under (he
North porch of (he Courthouse.
Ith. We have as a committee
noticed that certain repairs re
commended by tho (irand Jury til
February term of court havo not
been made. We now repeat die
rocoinoudation and urge that same
be at tended to at once.
5th. Tho committee appointed
by the (irand Jury at .July term of
court, with instructions to meet at
the CourthoilSO and employ an ex
pert to assist them in a thorough
examination of all the county
oiHc08, report said duty performed
and that thoy found all of tho
public records weiland correctly
kept and all of the bonds of the
county officers sufficient, which re
port is hereto attached as a part
of this present IllOUt.
0th. We recommend and ask
your Honor to approve tho claim
of J. W. Shell for twenty dollars,
as expert; also, per diem and mi lo
ngo for the committee as follows:
A. W. Sims, 1 days; W. M. Hun
ter, J days; B. A. Anderson, 1 day,
and H. Terry 1 day. Also to A.
W. Sims for 1 day and mileage for
coining to the Court IIouso on
summons from the Comptroller
7th. The (Irand Jury have had
complaint thai the following pub
lic roads are in bad condition and
in need of immediate attention of
the Supervisor and Commission
ers: llw road from Van Pat ton's
Shoals to Madden's Ford, the road
leading from the Greenville lim'
out by Gilbert's Shoals, the road
running by Goodgion's Factory,
Also, tho road leading from Wash
Sharp's to ISnoreo Mill's.
8th. In response to youi order
all the .Magistrates of the county
submitted their books for our in
vestigation and we have found
Magistrates W. M. McMillan,
.1. C. McMillan, George 1'.
Woods, Joe) Kllison and .1. W.
Donnon's criminal dockets cor
rectly kepi, so far as wo were able
to judge, and all moneys received
by thorn properly paid over to
county Troasuror, Magistrate
Cook went into office in Febuary,
1897, and his Docket shows ji
number ? >!" eases, but doesn't show
that any monoy >yhatovor has boon
collected by him as lines or costs,
anil nothing paid to county
Treasurer. Magistrate Hudgens'
criminal docket has no record of
any cases since1 October 17th 1805.
Therefore we were unablo to check
it up or tell anything about it .?
It seems to the Grand Jury that
such a state of affairs should have
the attention of the Solicitor. We
And thai Magistrate Moore has
paid to the county Treasurer lines
and costs of which he has no re
cord on his criminal docket:
Deo. :50th, 1800, William Cun
ningham, 10 cents.
April 5th, 1807, Will Madden.
April 5th, 1807, Bon Irby, 40
April nth LS97, Wyatt and Will
Logan, $2.00.
May 3rd, Martha Hill, $1.00.
Octobor Ith, Geo. Finley, 10
October Ith, Kita Davenport,
We find that Magistrate J. M.
Gray is short, in the year 1808?
five dollars not turned over to
county Treasurer, also, in 1894,
short, one hundred and six dollars,
also, in 1805, sixty-live dollars,
also, in 1897, thirteen dol'a,.- j-.nd
fifteen cents. He has no record
<>f any business in the year 1890,
except two cases in which both
were sent to Higher (Joint. We
find bis records badly kept and
found several onso.s for \vl|ich he
paid money to county Treasurer,
thai were not recorded on Iiis
9th. In conclusion we desire to.
thank your Honor and the other
officers of the Court for courtesies
extended to the Grand Jury dur
ing this term of Court.
Respectfully submit tod,
A. W. Sims,
To the Grand Jury of Laurens
County, September Term, 1897;
Wo, the committee, appointed
at tho July Term of Court, to ex
amine tho various county offices,
beg leave to make the following
report: We have examined all of
the county ollie.es with the assist
ance of an exportaL.d find said of.
lines neatly kept, and all bonds of
t he various officers sufficient, and
till books correctly kept.
J. W. Shell,
A. W. Sims W. M. Hunter, B,
A. Anders? n, rj. Terry.
Sept. 9, 1S97.
'I he six Graud Jurors that wero
drawn to hold over for another
year aro an follows: W. B. Owens,
Jno. 0. Wasson, J. C. Cox, W. W.
Yoargin, A, W. Sims, W. M. Hun
Johnson's Chill nnd Fe
ver Tonic is a ONF-DAY
Cure. It cures the most
^stubborn case of Pever la
Our Latch String
Is Out
We have opened a
New Drug Store
ou Todd's corner nnd arc
going to ask you to trade
with us. We cun t think
of anything in the drug
line that you or physician
arc likely to want that wo
haven't got. Wo have
paid particular attention
to fitting up what we think
is a model prescription de
partment. Everything is
handy, plenty of room,
and all tho latest appli
ances for doing the host
and promptest work in till
ing your prescription. We
put carefulness and oaro
fully solooted drugs into
it because t hese are neces
sities and you must have
Laurens Drug Co.
Executor's Sale.
By virtue of authority given me in
the last will and testament of Lewie
Yarborough, deceased, I will sell the
following described real estate at
Musgrove Mills on Knoree River In
Laurens county, on Wednesday, the
3rd day of November, 1807.
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock A. M.
Tract No. 17, containing 300 acres
more or less, situate in Union county,
known at) the Craig Place, bounded on
Knoree Kivor, and by lands of Mrs.
Sheldon and others.
Also, one tract, No. 18. containing
two acres, situate in Union county,
bounded by lands of LIuckaby and
Also, an undivided 1 interest in tract
No. 11), containing M l acr.CS, mo"e or
leso, bounded by lands of the estate of
Lewis Yarborough, W. M.Kelly and
Also, tract No. 20, containing two
acres, more or less, situate in union
county, and known as tho Hopkins
Shop place .
Also, tract No. 21, containing one
acre more or less, situate in Spartan
burg county, near Wood mil bridge,
across Knoree Itivor, and bounded by
public road and lands of-,
Also, tract No. (5, containing IS5J
acres, more or less, situate; in Spartan
burg and Union counties, bounded by
muds of Daniel Yarborough, W. T.
Bobo and othoiv, and by the public
road from Cross Anchor to SiUSfifrOVO
Also, tract No. 8, containing 171 and
i acres, more or less, lying in Spartan
burg county, by lands of K. WAtSOn,
Helen Hawkins' land, anil lands of the
estate Ol John Rhodes, and lot No. I I
of the estate of bowls Yarborough.
Also, tract No 14.containing 307 and
S acres, more or less, situate in the
counties of Spartanburg, Union and
Laurens, bounded by lots Nos. 8,13, 12
and 7 of tho estate of Lewis Yar
borough, deceased. This tract lies on
Knoree Biver and contains a fine
water power for either manufacturing
or milling purposes.
Also, tract No. 11, containing .'170
acres, moro or loss, situate in Union
COUnty, bounded by lands of It ay
Brothers, Mrs. Sheldon, Alma Tinsloy,
and lot No. 10 of the Lewis Yar
harough ostate.
Also, tract No. 12, containing 201
acres, moro or less, bounded by Knoree
River, Musgrove Mill road, Prat her
land and tho Mill tiact.
Also, tract No. Hi, containing (08 and
J acres, moro or loss, situate in Lau
rens county, bounded by lot No. Id of
Lewis Yarborough estate, Knoree
River, George Byrd, and lot No. 14 of
tho Yarborough estate.
Also, tract No. 16, con alniiitf 260
nnd 4 acres, moro or loss, in Laurens
cot nty, hounded by lot No. 10 of Lowls
Yarborough estate. Knoree Biver,
lands of It, Prathor; McK innoy und J.
H. Anderson.
Also, tract No. 10, containing 283
aorcS, more or less, situate in Laurens
county, bounded by GoOrgO Byrd,
Knoree Hiver, and lots Nos. 13 und I?
of the ostate of Lewis Yarborough, de
Those lands are situated on and irar
Knoree Rlvor, and contain n largo
(pinnfity of line river bott >m land.?
The upland are Hue farming lands,
being well suited to grain and cotton.
Plats of these different tr.uts will
bo exhibited or day of sale, and can
between now and day of sale lie seen
by calling on tho undersigned at hi?
residence near Cross A honor, in Spat
tanhurg county.
Terms of Salo?One-half cash, tho
halanco on a credit of twelve months,
with intorcst from dato of sulo, to he
secured by note of the pnrohasor and
mortgage of tho promises sold.
Purchasor must pay for papers nnd
can p:i\ all cash for 'j!jAif desired.
Possession to be gjflftho first day
of January, ihiw. ^^^L
Danii Jfl
Ii H E \V E H TON.
Cotton Poing King, und tlie
floooy stull' opening so fast it
requires nil of our time, conse
quently news is soarco.
Mr. A. J. Smith has bOOU trav
elling around this week in our SGO
tiou with ToritT's Perfect Washing
Miss Sallie Books 1?? rt our coin
nutnily this wook for Cross Hill,
where she will stay with her aunt,
Mrs. Ella Rasor and go t?? school
the remainder of the year.
Mr. I.. T. II. Ihiuiel has boon in
our community rocontly looking
after t be ('ducat ion of tho children.
Wo thank him and (be Board for
giving us a school district in tho
Brewer ton section. We appre
ciate favors and we will uol ho so
ungratofulas to lorgel thorn soon.
Wo would call the attention of
the Grand Jury that there is some
roads not fur from here that have
not been worked and are in a bad
condition. The road leading by
Poplar Springs church beginning
lit the Waterloo line dow n to .).
N. 0'(leH's,tlie ditch is in the mid
dle of the road. We hope the Su
pervisor will have the roads al
ready in use worked instead of
opening up new ones for tho bene
fit of a fow, and closing an impor
tant road to gratify a few who are
t raiisiont .
air. P. M. Buzhardt is now mak
ing a kiln of briok and will soon
be able to supply any ono with
brick and build them a ohimloy
low down. Frank is a benefactor
and we don't BOG how we could
got along without him in'our com
On Dir.
The mission of Hood's Barsa
partita is to cure disease, and
thousands of testimonials prove it
fulfills its misbiou veil.
Quinine and other fe
ver medicines dike from 6
to 10 days to cure fever.
Johnson's Chill and Fei er
Tonic cures in OA7J DAY.
All persons are hereby warned un
der the penalty of the law against
hunting, fishing, gambling or ether
wise trespassing on the lands of tin,'
.1. I). Watts.
.1. II. Kennedy,
T. A. Badgott,
w. ,i. Copeland,
T. I). Lake,
W. A. Watts.
State of South Carolina,
County OK Lao 1< KnS.
Court of Common Pleas.
Public notice is hereby given that
Mattio O. Clark anil the minor chil
dren of .1. Mason Clark, deceased, has
applied to me as Clerk of the Court of
Common Pleas for said County for a
Homestead in tho Heal and Personal
Kdtalp of said deceased .
John p. Bolt, <. c. c. l\
Oct. II, 1S!>7 - It.
Tho ' Bicyclist's Host Friend" is a fnmil
iar name for DeWltt's Witch Ha/.?i Halve,
always ready for emergencies. While a
spec/lie for piles, it alao instantly relieves
and cures cuts, bruises, salt rhmim, ocr.omu
and nil affections of the skin. It nevor
Running sores, Indolent ulcora and sim
ilar trouble*, even though of many year's
standing, may ba cured (>y using liowitt'a
Witch Hazel Salvo. it south.-.-, Btrength
ens and heals* it Is the great pile cure. 11.
l?\ Poseyi wholesale ami retail drugglsjt.
John F. Dolt, Oleik of Court C immun
Pleas, in Administrator ol Sal Ho P.
Riobardson, Doo'd, Pi Intlfl', against
KSmma Duncan Itlchardson and Win.
P, Rieliaids? n, I> (vndants,
Pursuant t<> n t'ecroa in Iho abov
stated action. I will soil at p ibllcou orj
at Laurens C. II., S. C, within tit- -
gal hours of i nlo, to the high et t biddor,
on Salesday in November. 1897,1) intj
tbo 1st day of the n ouili. the follow inj
r al estate : ?
All ti n- I >t of 'and situate in the oilj
of Lamvns, In said Count; and State,
on Han or strcot, containing Two-thirds
of nn acre, more or loss (plat may !>;?
seen at my otlice), bounded by Harper
street and lots of Mary Y. Garlingtou
and \Y. \V. .h;.iej, and known as the
llicliards >n lot.
Terms?One-halt of purchase monoy
to he paid ca.-h, the baluucc on no '!l
ono yoar,with inteiost from d ty ol sali-;
uredit portion to bo secured by bond ol
i uro baser and n o I a^- ol the premisi .
with leave to pureha-ei to pay Ui t ? n
tiro bid in cadi, farcbusor to pay lo*
papers. If terms of sale are not com
p ie I with property will l>e resold on
8 one or Borne subsequent Salcsd ty with
out further order of the (Jem t and at the
risk of tho former purchaser.
o. (.. I IIOMPSON,
Jndgo Probate Laurens County.
Oct. 7. 1807?51? 4t 1
?II ? .????I?I???Mil I I
County of Laurons?Court of
WiiRRKAS, J. R. Anderson bus
applied i" m>', to grant him Lot"
tors of Administration, on tho Ks?
fcato of and ottoots of\V. T, Smith,
Jr., deceased.
Those are therefore to oito and
admonish all und singular tho kin
dred and creditors of tho said
\V. T. Smith, Jr., docoasod, that
thoy be and appear before me, in
i ho Court of Probate, to I??? held
at Laurens Court House, S. 0., <?n
the L'otl day of Oetobor next,
after publication thereof, at 11
o'clock in iho forenoon, to show
cause, if any thoy have, why the
said Lot tors <>t' Adminioaulion
should not bo granted.
Qivon under my hand, ibis the
'.hh day of Oct.. Anno Dom
ini. l^'.?7.
o. G. THOMPSON, .i.i'.i.-o
(lot. 11, U '.iT-i'i
Notiro to Creditors.
The creditors "i (ho estate of
Sullic 1*. llichards >?> <l iceascd, are
hereby required In establish their
claims against a lid estate at a ro
ferenco In this Courl at 10 A. M.,
November Ith ist)-.
t). (1. TlIOM I'SON ,
J. I?. Ii. o.
October (Ith, 1807?4t-,
'I'l I ?
Desiros ovorybody in Laurons County to know that thoy are
now opening in ono of the handsome store rooms the ' I *.?* I?I Block
the largest and most oomploto stock of?
Carriages, Phsetons,
Buggies, Surreys,
Road-Wagons and Wagons,
ovor established in the city. Thoy will also carry a largo line of?
And Harness of Every Description.
In fact ovorything thai peri a ins to u first-class BUGGY RE
POSITORY. Thoy will bo pleased to have you give them a-Call.?
Thoy want you to remoinber that thoy are
and aro dotormined to never get LEETON PRICES, and to sell the
?MF" a. MutV is still representing Ihn Greenville Eortilizor Co.,
and can always bo found at tli" store of Todd a- llnlV.
LAURENS, S. (.'., Sept. 21, LS97?ID?ttm
Gonway Dial.
Waters Fergus an.
mm, "HB.. M?* mm. r S m>
Havo livod moro than 100 years in Laurons County, :>?>! wo
oursolvos, but our ancestors, bo aro to the manor horn and known t<>
most of you. Maving chosen Merchandise as :?. legitimuto business,
we desire t<? ?*n 11 the Public's attention (" the facl thai wo have upon
od up in the DIAL BLOCK, next to Bon-Delhi Hotel. a Brand Now
Stock of Latest Stylo
Our Goods woro all carefully selected, just from llio Mauufjic
lory and bought Strictly for <1a si I on delivery. Wo olVnr these Goods
to the Public, nol at cost or I/ESS, but as low as the -ant" article
can bo sold in this or any other retail market.
We solicit, sit loasi it call, examination and onmparis >n, before
Laurkns, 8. 0., Sopt. 21, ls'.?7.
14 II, I
Contains more Lithia Lhan any other natural Lithia
Spring in the United Stales. Why allow thai c
of Liver ov Kidney troubles to continue until it
it. too far advanced b> be cured, when you
can cure it. immediately by the use ol
Harris Lithia Water.
The following Physicians stand at the head ol the profes
sion in South Carolina and Georgia. Ltcad what they saj :
Mr. J. T. Harris ?
Dear Sir.?I have found the tisi of the walci from your
Lithia Spring in South Carolina so efiicacious in the case ol a
young lady patient of mine, who lias suiTcrcd for year-- with Dia
betes, with all its different attendants, that I want to add mj testi
monial to tin" many you already have. The paliei ' i luis
used the water freely at home for scarcely a month now, with
more beneficial result than from months spcnlal nl noted
lithia springs indifferent parts of the United St , best !< long
continued use of the same waters at home. Oihei ol my patients
and friends arc now using the same with best n nl 1 cordially
recommend it to all suffering from similar di . ? Ver\ tvspect
ftilly yours, Thomas S Pow i i.l, M . I).,
Pres. Southern Medical t. olh . . All. nla, Ga.
Chester, S. C.
Mr. J. T. Harris, Harris Sp ling.S. .
Dear Sir: For the past 8 months i have been using Harris
Li thin Water with the most excellent results, where I have 1>. en
able to get my patients to drink a sufficient quantity daily. The
carbonated has no equal in Gastric disturbances. Ii i an excel
lent table water. It is a pleasant laxative, and is a sure cine loi
flatulent dyspepsia.
S. M. Davega, M. I >.
arris JLitliia \t ntvvJiUi.

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